2015-08-24 ========== * Fixes to improve the use of the OAuth handler * Added a REST API * Changed access mode when reading files to not prevent concurrent write access * Added a recovery tool as a slower, but more robust restore method * Fixed an issue with recreating a partial database that would record missing file sizes in the database. * Fixed an issue where a recreated database would miss some files and repair for an extensive period of time. * Fixed an issue where repair would fail if the files were decrypted 2015-07-02 ========== * Added handling for WebDAV timeouts * Updated list of compressed file extensions * Improved speed of searching without a local database * Improved speed of restore without a local database * Improved Web UI * Fixed issues with loading SQLite on newer versions of Mono * Added status code to email and XMPP messages * Fixed an issue with non-ascii filenames * Fixed an issue with crashes caused by incomplete remote file data * Added Google Drive backend and removed Google Docs backend * Added BITS transfer of large files to OneDrive * Added Google Cloud Storage backend * Added an OpenStack backend * Added HubiC backend 2015-03-07 ========== * Fixed an issue with file-length not being set correctly when restoring into an existing file * Fixed an issue where metadata was attempted applied before the file was created * Fixed an issue where repair failed * Now suppressing error messages about extended attributes not being supported on Linux * Fixed reading metadata for long paths on Windows * Fixed an issue where the Zip compression did not honor the compressed extensions exclusion list * Updated 7z to support the --7z-compression-level option * Fixed some issues where options and filters were displayed incorrectly in IE and Firefox * Fixed an issue where filters were not exported to the commandline * Added paging to OneDrive file-lists so large OneDrive folders can now be listed * Fixed an issue with constant reloading due to a missing XSRF token 2015-02-26 ========== * Added XSRF protection 2015-02-15 ========== * Fixed an issue with many warnings * Fixed an issue where new backups were incorrectly saved * Added automatic log purging 2015-02-04 ========== * Change the scanning method to look at the current timestamp instead of the last scantime * Added a delay for deleting partial remote files to work around a strange Apache bug * Removed .pdf from the list of compressed extensions * Various fixes for storing/restoring metadata * Fixed the errorlevel/exit code for restore with warnings * Exposed the --no-local-blocks option to release builds * Added a --full-block-verification option to help trace the cause of incorrect blocks * Added a new consistency check for missing BlocklistHash entries * Added a new repair method for recovering from missing BlocklistHash entries * Fixed an issue when multiple source folders resolves to the same path * Added control files to synthetic filelist uploads 2015-01-19 ========== * Fixed an issue with multiple file prefixes * Change the UI to simplify restoring permissions * Updated AWSSDK and added the dinCloud provider * Fixed an issue where interrupted upload requires a repair 2015-01-05 ========== * Added option to avoid verifying restored files * Various fixes to prevent broken databases and remote files during interrupted backups * Improved the use of uploaded files after an interrupted backup * Fixed the throttle-upload and throttle-download options * Improved robustness for uses with no remote backend verification * Improved recreate database for setups with no dindex files * Added automatic generation of missing dindex files * Reduced attempts to delete non-existing files * Added a checkbox to control restore of permissions in the GUI 2014-12-01 ========== * Improved metadata collection to include more timestamps and permissions * Implemented metadata restore * Fixed an issue with interrupted backups attempting to delete a non-existing file * Fixed a unique constraint violation on repair * Improved the filter rules to prevent including empty folders * Fixed an issue where a restore would create empty folders 2014-11-11 ========== * Fixed another broken SQL * Reduced memory allocations 2014-11-06 ========== * Fixed a broken SQL 2014-10-31 ========== * Fixed the display of restore times so it no longer shows todays backups as last week * Updated the login page with something fancier, thanks to @sfahrenholz! * Improved handling of files and folders with no date information * Fixed a few bugs related to storing metadata * Added some auto-healing routines to the repair command * Added some better error messages with correction suggestions * Improved the speed of backups and restores by a factor of 30 * Default is now no in-memory lookups with same speed and lower memory footprint 2014-10-14 ========== * Improved symlink handling * Fixed a warning with --send-mail-level * Improved support for portable installs * Fixed the issue with failed backups due to file:// * Fixed a problem with recreating the local database * Adjusted display to use fixed header and footer 2014-08-26 ========== * Added an updater tool to allow manual update control for the commandline interface * Disabled automatic update for the commandline * Fixed a bunch of typos * Fixed an issue with temporary files being deleted * Improved the tracking of remote files * Improved speed of listing the backup fileset times in the UI * Added a commandline method for listing what backups depends on a particular remote file * Fixed problem with clearing options on server startup * Fixed an issue where the S3 dialog did not generate valid URLs * Improved filter performance * Fixed an issue where the S3 server list occasionally did not drop down * Simplified filter logic * Implemented direct restore * Fixed generating invalid commandline commands on Windows * Improved the repair and verify routines for certain errors * Fixed handling file:// prefixed paths * Added progress indicator for restore and verify 2014-08-16 ========== * Fixed the copyright statement on all assemblies, this should fix some cases where Antivirus would flag it * Fixed a problem with login when using a password to protect the service * Fixed handling extended/accented character in source and target input * Fixed an issue on older Mono installs where System.Numerics.BigInteger.Parse is missing from the framework (updated to Json.Net 6.0r4 .Net3.5 version) * Better display of advanced options and filters * Improved the way times are displayed in the restore dialog * Added saving the commandline option for server listen interface * Added a dialog for setting application-wide options * Improved the index handler to allow for new UI versions in subfolders * Added tooltips to many common options * Added options to specify retention without needing to use the advanced options 2014-08-12 ========== * Fixed a crash on Windows after running a backup * Improved logging in the live-log area * Improved execution time when counting modified files 2014-08-11 ========== * Fixed a stuck progress issue on Windows 2014-08-10 ========== * Now stores app crash exceptions in a file * Added support for local stored update packages * Added Jabber (XMPP) notification support * Implemented method to delete the local db * Fixed problem where restore always used newest version 2014-08-07 ========== * Azure Blob Storage support, thanks Don Lockhart! * Changed the lock dir name, so 2.0 can co-exist with 1.3.x * Added a live log monitor * Added import/export jobs to file and commandline * Implemented a notification system * Added desktop notifications (not working on OSX) * Changed so the customized folder is read from the base install dir instead of the update dir * Implemented the method for using the bug report creation feature * Added automatic removal of leftover temporary files * Added acknowledgements to the about dialog 2014-07-25 ========== * Filters can now use Windows style environment variables, e.g. %APPDATA% * AlphaVSS was updated to avoid crash * Fixed layout issues with Firefox and others. * Fixed an issue with UrlEncode and UrlDecode in HttpServer * Added a service.exe which runs the server.exe * Fixed some issues with OneDrive * Fixed that the cancel button changes text * Added ssl-certificate options to the URI dialog 2014-07-19 ========== * Changed status from "Experimental" to "preview" * Added filters in source dialog * Changed location of duplicati-server.sqlite to ~/.config/Duplicati/Duplicati-server.sqlite resp. %APPDATA%\Duplicati\Duplicati-server.sqlite * Fixed some issues with auto-update (wrong webroot, tracking ID, recurring popups, ...) * Recompiled http server dll * Added connector for OneDrive * Connected with OneDrive auth-token service * Redesigned the target dropdown a bit * Advanced options can be deleted again * Problem with looooong paths fixed 2014-07-09 ========== * Added automatic updater * Added timestamps to logfiles * Fixed additional / in connection URI * Reworked progress bar * Reworked "General" dialog * Reworked tray icon for OSX * Added support for "remote login". Start server or tray icon with --webservice-password=