2017-07-04 - ========== * Added support for enabling zip64 * Rewrote the Synology package to use nginx proxy features instead of CGI * Added code signature to Synology package 2017-06-29 - ========== * Added support for attaching the console to the service on Windows, thanks @mnaiman * Fixed a crash when starting the trayicon with a password set, thanks @mnaiman 2017-06-28 - ========== * Fixed an issue with password managers setting the password on configuration export * Updated SQLite to (3.19.3) on Windows * Fixed an issue that prevented the TrayIcon "Quit" menu item from working * Now using %LOCALAPPDATA% for storing local files on Windows, unless %APPDATA% already has data * Updated AWS S3 libraries * Switched to new Authenticode signing key 2017-06-21 - ========== * Fixed the main menu "floating" up on small screens * Fixed some issues with stopping a backup * Fixed the help dialog for HubiC suggesting the default/ prefix * Changed some texts in the UI * Added live throttle control options * Added option for TrayIcon to connect to the server without the password, if it can read the local database * Added systed service file for RPM installs 2017-06-15 - ========== * Removed the warning text on the settings page * Added internal system for better database upgrades, thanks @Danstahr * Included Jottacloud backend in the build output, thanks @Danstahr * Fixed an arugment-out-of-range error in the "compare" method, thanks @Danstahr * Added support for reading and writing filters in external scripts, thanks @IGTHORN * Added an environment variable to override the default file-system case-sensitivity * Improved recreate database speeds, thanks @zed9h 2017-06-09 - ========== * Updated the Azure libraries * Cleaned the deployed builds from XML files * Fixed an out-of-bounds error, thanks @okoetter * Updated localizations * Fixed a bug where the SSL certificate was reported to the client 2017-06-02 - ========== * Compile all executables without `Prefer32Bit` * Fixed not showing the commandline arguments if the input is incorrect 2017-06-01 - ========== * Rebuild, gpg was removed from the build maching causing to be a partially unsigned build 2017-06-01 - ========== * Caching is now enabled for static content in the WebUI, thanks @mknjc * Fixed an issue with `--deleted-files`, thanks @downpoured * Added permissions testing for the "Test connection" on aFTP, thanks @vnau * Changed some `GET` calls to `POST` for the login sequence * Fixed not being able to change the usagereporter level * Added support for setting a theme * Added the "dark" theme, thanks Michal * Updated SharpCompress to the latest version 2017-05-30 - ========== This experimental release contains all the changes from canary v2.0.1.60, including: * Performance updates, faster backups, less memory * Fixed an issue with zip files larger than 4GiB * Improved import/export functions If you are using VSS snapshots on Windows, make sure you install VC++ 2015 redist: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 2017-05-23 - ========== * Re-enabled the GTK trayicon that was missing in the previous two versions 2017-05-22 - ========== * Fixed an issue with NewtonSoft.Json not loading for some backends * Note that Windows VSS now requires VC++ Redist 2015 installed 2017-05-19 - ========== * Fixed an issue with the FTP backend in * Improved the query used to get the timestamp if `--check-filetime-only` is enabled 2017-05-17 - ========== * Fixed an issue with not being performed correctly with AmzCD * Fixed the Windows verifyscript, thanks @mnaiman * Updated fonts to work better with Russian language display, thanks @vnau * Removed Tlsv1 option from server, thanks @mnaiman * Updated NewtonSoft.Json, MailKit, MimeKit and AlphaVSS * Fixed the way AllowWriteBuffering is used, which should fix delete errors on AmzCD * Fixed an error in searching for files with regular expressions 2017-04-21 - ========== * Fixed an issue with duplicate strings in S3 providers * Fixed an issue where a file being expanded during backup could cause the file to not be backed up. * Changed HTTP requests to not buffer the output to fix out-of-memory errors * Added a Python script to do restores completely without using Duplicati, thanks @downpoured ! * Improved Amazon Cloud Drive by not waiting while performing batched requests 2017-04-06 - ========== * Updated SharpCompress to support creating zip files larger than 4 GiB * Added a commandline-like interface to the WebUI * Updated the backendtool to support full paths * Updated the list of S3 regions and servers * Change the UI to have a fixed top-bar with status and progress * Fixed a crash that occurs if the web-browser does not send `Accept-Language` * Fixed an issue with filtering the output of the LIST command 2017-03-26 - ========== * Fixed an unwanted empty folder creation, thanks @albertony * Fixed logic issues with volumesize minimum bounds, thanks @albertony * Fixed importing config files with AllowedDays set * Improved database performance on backups, thanks @danstahr 2017-03-13 - ========== * This update contains the same fixes as canary 2017-03-13 - ========== * Added fail-over to read zip files with invalid central directory * Improved the login page for compatibility with password managers, thanks @johenning * Improved the URL parser for better commandline import * Improved the URL parsing when importing a saved configuration * Added exit/status codes to the verification command * Added IBM Bluemix COS to list of S3 providers, thanks @greyhoundforty * Improved startup time for commandline, thanks @frelis * Improved non-hosted mode for TrayIcon, thanks @mnaiman * Added a Jottacloud backend, thanks @albertony 2017-03-03 - ========== * Updated the bundled version of SQLite for Windows to * Added deep archive verification when invoking verify * Changed the pagination method for GoogleDrive 2017-02-28 - ========== * Added error message if `--prefix` contains hyphens * Fixed an issue with editing the allowed days on the schedule page * Changed "import" so it just loads the configuration into the editor, allowing the user to edit it before saving * Added function to restore that loads setup from a configuration file * Updated SharpCompress and S3 libraries * Improved crash messages for Windows TrayIcon 2017-02-23 - ========== * This build is the same as the canary 2017-02-23 - ========== * Updated translations, thanks @agrajaghh * Improved verification script, thanks @mnaiman * Support for SSL certificates in server when running with Mono, thanks @mnaiman * Improved progress bar updates when processing large files, thanks @asselin 2017-02-14 - ========== * Updated some localizations * Updated the user interface * Fixed an issue where the Force Stop action did not work immediately 2017-02-03 - ========== * Fixed icon sizes * Removed the fake control.cgi entry * Added experimental support for setting the SQLite tempdir * Added an optimization that makes bug reports faster to create * Added a new HTTP reporter module, thanks @vatara 2017-02-03 - ========== * This experimental release contains the fixes in the latest canary and some updated translations, and a fix that makes creating a bug-report faster 2017-01-24 - ========== * Added SSL test tools for Mono debugging * Fixed an issue with not reporting the correct error message when listing files * Updated logs UI to show the backup name * Added extra menu items to the start page * Fixed a number of typos * Added a more thorough consistency check * Added an extra result level "fatal" to reporting * Fixed reporting warning status if there were warnings during the backup 2017-01-19 - ========== * Improved queries that are used to recreate the database * Fixed duplicate logging entries when a log file was used 2017-01-16 - ========== * Added a debugging feature to assist with #1699, #2048, #2140, #2178 * Fixed a problem with listing changes from the commandline 2017-01-12 - ========== * Added extra functionality to the `--allow-full-removal` option * Various updates to send-mail * Reworked logging support to allow modules to funnel logs back into the current operation * Reverted an optimization that cause backup scanning to be really slow 2017-01-08 - ========== * Fixed some typos, thanks @sfahrenholz * Added webp to compressed file extension list, thanks @dessant * Changed aftp backend to use CWD, thanks @seaeagle1 * Added "purge" command to purge files from the database * Added "list-broken-files" and "purge-broken-files" to aid in recovering from remote data loss * Added additional trace log messages to debug some consistency issues * Fixed support for operations across different operating systems 2016-12-27 - ========== * Fixed a problem with login no longer working * Updated the login page to use blue colors 2016-12-27 - ========== * Added a check for administrator privileges to avoid HyperV error messages 2016-12-24 - ========== * Fixed a case where excluded gave a warning * Removed the "No LSB Modules" messages on Linux * Fixed a problem with lon UNC paths on Windows, thanks @quincunx * Removed the Greeno theme as it was not maintained * Removed some unused options for setting in-memory buffers * Added debug output if we hit issue #1400 2016-12-05 - ========== * Fixed an issue with spurious errors in the UI mentioning Hyper-V * Fixed an issue where requesting deletion of remote files did not work * Improved the status results reported in the log files * Fixed some issues with the usage reporter * Fixed an issue with the SSH fingerprint not being accepted in URL encoded format 2016-11-27 - ========== * Updated Linux certificate warnings to mention cert-sync instead of Mozroots * Added option to run the Duplicati server as a Linux service, thanks @a1ezzz * Updated LVM snapshot size parameters, thanks @kakoskin1 * Fixed schedule time being skewed towards UTC, thanks @tianqiaoxiangzhe * Improved notification area layout, thanks @tudacs * Fixed a case where it would be impossible to edit the weekdays in the schedule, thanks @tudacs * Added support for choosing time values in seconds range from the UI * Fixed issues with the scheduler not re-scheduling entries until after a restart * Fixed a case where sizes chosen from the advanced options editor would be invalid 2016-11-12 - ========== * Fixed an issue with deleting a backup * Fixed an issue with creating a backup without encryption * Fixed storing symlink metadata to not follow symlinks unless specified * Updated AlphaFS, AWS (S3), SSH, Azure, Mega and mailkit libraries * Fixed an issue with XFS-LVM snapshots, thanks @kakoskin1 * Updated languages, added Chinese * Added a GUI for MSSQL databases, thanks @mnaiman * Fixed an issue with metadata being reported as being too large if the blocksize is 1mb or or more * Fixed escaping exported commandline for Windows * Fixes to the UI, thanks @agrajaghh 2016-11-03 - ========== * Fixed autoupdater choosing old update if the base version was replaced * Improved the UI for adding a backup, thanks @agrajaghh * Added MSSQL to potential backup targets, thanks @mnaiman 2016-11-03 - ========== * Experimental release; includes all canary changes * Updated translations * Rebuilt UnixSupport to fix OSX metadata issues 2016-10-27 - ========== * Better support for LVM snapshots, thanks @a1ezzz * Fixed additional Debian dependencies, thanks @a1ezzz * Additional translation files, Spanish and French * Improved HyperV support from CLI and UI, thanks @mnaiman and @agrajaghh * Fixed a bug with log-spam from Windows Service, thanks @mnaiman * Fixed issue with backup metadata and user that do not exist locally, thanks @gerco * Improved screen reading support * Fixed OSX icon on dark statusbar * Fixed crashes on Linux related to icon format * Updated GTK support and switched to SVG icons 2016-10-19 ========== * Some additions to the translation system * Fixed setting current working dir, thanks @mnaiman * Fixed an issue where deleting a backup would not work * Updated the throttle computation algorithm * Suppressing the "No LSB modules found" error message on Ubuntu * Added support for metadata larger than 100kb * NOTE: The large metadata support changes the remote file format for all newly written files * Added support for HyperV on CLI and in the UI, thanks @mnaiman and @agrajaghh * Fixed an issue with the Debian package requiring AlphaVSS.Common.dll when performing LVM snapshots * Fixed an issue with Amazon Cloud Drive, thanks @AndersGron * Fixed an incorrect warning when using the commandline and GPG 2016-10-14 ========== * Work on the translation system, thanks @agrajaghh * Added tray-icon context menu icons, thanks @agrajaghh * Added support for "caffeinate" on OSX to prevent sleep during backups * Work on Hyper-V support, thanks @mnaiman * Fixed an issue with Windows service running from the wrong start folder * Changed dependencies in packages to require Mono 3.0 * Added a new delete dialog to assist in deleting the local database and optionally the remote data * UI tweaks * Added validation when saving/importing backups * Fixed some issues with choosing the home folder on Windows 2016-09-29 ========== * Updated help file for commandline * Fixed a problem with showing progress / crashing UI * Support for localization * Added messages in the log when finishing an operation * Added log message after starting the webserver * Support for the --asynchronous-upload-folder setting * Added a dialog in the UI when clicking Run and the server is paused * Improved formating of the logged result message * Updated bundled GPG for Windows 2016-09-26 ========== * Fixed some issues in commandline help (thanks @agrajaghh) * Added support for backing up HyperV machines (thanks @GNicho) * Fixed showing backend statistics when --no-remote-verification is specified * Fixed global options not being applied 2016-09-21 ========== * Change default TrayIcon on OSX to work on 32bit Mono * Added localization support calls to all strings in the UI 2016-09-16 ========== * Fixed a restore issue from a partially reconstructed database * Implemented Auhtenticode signing for all executables and libraries * Implemented Authenticode signing for Windows MSI files * Implmented Codesign for OSX pkg and dmg files * Updated Mono check for existing certificates, to avoid showing mozroots message * Added support for installing Duplicati.WindowsService.exe as a service from the commandline 2016-09-12 ========== * Fixed a problem with restoring from the UI, thanks @4m1g0 2016-09-09 ========== * Fixes to the Dropbox backend * Fixed restore of files/folders with semicolon and plus characters from the UI * Added visual feedback when clicking the restore button * Added assembly redirects to solve issues with loading SharpAESCrypt and Mega backend * Changed the label for dblocksize in the UI 2016-09-01 ========== * Fixed VSS based backups not working after * Prevent including temporary files in verification file, thanks @mnaiman * Added host-key verification for SSH connections, thanks @mnaiman 2016-08-27 ========== * Fixed issue with files not being listed on Windows (AlphaFS and AlphaVSS issue) * Updated B2 API URL * Added compact command to WebUI 2016-08-10 ========== * OneDrive for Business now uploads files in chunks to prevent timeout, thanks @ReneHezer * Prevent using both --keep-version and --keep-time to avoid confusion * Fixed a number of usability issues with the WebUI * Fixed encoding of special characters for Amazon Cloud Drive, thanks @Xelio * Fixed an issue with the recovery tool not respecting the restore folder target, thanks @mnaiman * Fixed issues when including the "home" folder on Windows * Fixed expanding environment variables and special folder names for filters * Changed displaying the dates in the WebUI with the browser locale * Added option to re-compress and re-encrypt from the recovery tool, thanks @mnaiman * Updated AWS S3 library to latests version * Added option to create an un-priviledged S3 user via IAM, if the current user has permissions * Fixed an issue with the scheduler that cause high CPU usage for invalid schedules * Fixed an issue with the WebUI forgetting SSL settings in some cases * Upgraded support for sending email to use a new library with proper SSL support, thanks @mnaiman * Fixed spurious failures in SSH connections, caused by leaking open connections, thanks @mnaiman * Fixed a Mono dependency in the Debian package that has been renamed * Added a DropBox backend, thanks @wvc * Added option to serve the WebUI with an SSL certificate, thanks @mnaiman * Improments to the recovery tool, thanks @mnaiman * Fixed an issue where deleting a backup and creating a new could cause data to be pre-set from the delete backup on the new, thanks @4m1g0 * Fixed an issue with LVM not working on newer versions of Ubuntu * Fixed an issue where Mono could not be located by the OSX app bundle * Fixes to WebUI layout, thansk @Vaporizer8 2016-05-14 ========== * Fixes for UI on Safari, thanks @alexfran * Speed and space improvement for backups, thanks @footstark * Added a Synology package 2016-05-04 ========== * Updated Renci.SSH to latest build * Added duration to the UI (thanks @trampi) * Fixed a bug in recreate database with specially crafted index files 2016-04-27 ========== * Improved support for OEM customization * Updated tray icons on OSX * Added support for choosing SSL protocols * Added suppresion of reparsepoint errors * Improved restoring folder symlinks 2016-04-21 ========== * Added a new TrayIcon runner for OSX, so it now works on 64bit mono * Fixed some error messages * Updated App icon on Windows * Added a Windows service * Fixed an issue with IE caching data in the UI * Fixed an issue with restoring from multi-drive backups in Windows * Fixed an issue with spaces in the path on B2 backend * Changed how the autoupdater attempts to find a folder for storing updates * Updated NGAX, thanks AlexFRAN 2016-04-10 ========== * Added a new FTP backend, thanks @mylemans * Fixed an issue with AWS crashing in initializer * Updated list of compressed extensions 2016-04-08 ========== * Fixed a problem with symlink policy not being honored for folders * Fixed disposing database commands and connections, which should fix all "database is locked" errors on Windows * Updates to handling scenarios where the user is not logged in, thanks @mylemans * Added an OSX TrayIcon for 64-bit, based on rumps 2016-03-31 ========== * Fixed some issues with non-standard block sizes * Fixed a number of issues with recreating the database from remote data, thanks @footstark * Fixed an issue where filelists with no files would cause an error message * Added an import link to the NGAX theme * Fixed loading and saving additional properties from NGAX theme * Improved login redirect logic in NGAX theme, thanks @mylemans * Improved layout for the NGAX theme, thanks @AlexFran * Improved image quality for the TrayIcon on OSX and Windows, thanks @FootStark and @agrajaghh 2016-03-26 ========== * Fixed a problem with recreating database from backup data * Added a OneDrive for business backend * Fixed tray icons on all platforms * Fixed an issue with running on .Net 4.0 2016-03-20 ========== * New icons, thanks to @agrajaghh * Multithreading is now enabled by default 2016-03-18 ========== * Improved rebuild of the local database 2016-03-16 ========== * Improvements to database size, thanks to @FootStark * Reduced storage for large backup sets, thanks to @FootStark * Update version of SharpAESCrypt with utilization of hardware support for encryption/decryption if available 2016-03-14 ========== * Added options to run AES encryption with two threads, and decryption with up to four * Fixed some minor issues with the UI introduced in the previous build 2016-03-13 ========== * Updated icons for Windows and Linux * Improvements to selecting update channels * Showing drive labels on Windows * Fixed selecting expire intervals with the Ngax theme * Minor display fixes * Fixes to Amazon Cloud Drive backend 2016-03-12 ========== * Added feature to select update channel in the UI * Added feature to select usage reporter level in the UI 2016-03-11 ========== * Added support for additional configuration parameters for S3 * Added download piping for optional parallel hash checking, thanks to Stefan Lück * Drastic improvements for restore speeds, especially on large dataset, thanks to Stefan Lück 2016-02-15 ========== * Added expansion of environment variables in filters * Numerous fixes for Windows * Added error message for attempting to restore encrypted backup without a passphrase * Added two substantial performance fixes for restoring, thanks to @FootStark and @kunom. 2016-01-27 ========== - Added option for more thorough verification during remote volume test - Added support for backing up the filesystem root ( i.e. / ), thanks @mach-o - Added fixes to ensure that a failed rebuild of a database cannot be used - Added an update to SharpCompress to fix a special case where some bytes could be lost on extraction - Updated the NGAX UI with the latest fixes from Alexander 2016-01-12 ========== * Fixed the autoupdate popup * Added feature to suppress donation messages * Fixed an issue with PARSEDRESULT being empty in emails * Fixed an issue with paths that contains spaces not being listed for restore * Added support for modifying filters through scripts and the parameters file * Added check for duplicate files from the backend and updated Google Drive to not report multiple versions of the same file * Fixed an unhelpful error message when authid was not supplied * Added workaround for Mono 2.11 where get_DefinedTypes is missing 2015-12-17 ========== * Bugfix for Backblaze backend * Added faster fail for OAuth backends with wrong credentials 2015-12-14 ========== * Fixed a few issues with the new theme * Added a system info page in the new theme 2015-12-08 ========== * New favicon * Numerous fixes to the ngax theme * Method for editing path to local database 2015-12-07 ========== * Added signed GPG signatures to each build * Fixed an issue with notifications * Numerous fixes and additions to the ngax UI * Added Amazon Cloud Drive backend * Added Backblaze Cloud Storage backend * Added Mega.co.nz backend * Added Box.com backend 2015-11-30 ========== * Added a check after repairing to test if more damages are done than fixed * Implemented correct escaping of environment variables when used in regular expressions * Improved the Greeno WebUI when picking file paths * Added the new Angular code and the UI by Alexander * Added a theme switcher 2015-11-18 ========== * Improved CLI output when there are no results * Fixed a filtering issue with case-sensitive systems * Improved restore by guessing the encryption and compression modules based on their filenames * Improved robustness by checking if a file really exists when the server returns 404 * Fixed an issue where a deleted file would be repeatedly attempted verified * Improvements to various CLI inputs * Added a fix for a bug where pausing the server would keep it paused * Bugfixes for the REST API * Added some indexes to speed up the restore process * Fixed a bug where backing up a folder and a subfolder would lead to all files being excluded * Fixed an issue with compacting that would cause the database to require a repair if the compacting was interrupted * Added mentions of the mozroots utility on Linux in various places * Added the storage-class option to S3