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angular-gettext-cli_compiled_js_output.js « scripts « ngax « webroot « Server « Duplicati - github.com/duplicati/duplicati.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
blob: dc48997f179e5d866e46de8a5e8b576ad375b9e4 (plain)
angular.module('backupApp').run(['gettextCatalog', function (gettextCatalog) {
/* jshint -W100 */
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('bn', {"- pick an option -":"-একটি বিকল্প নির্বাচন করুন-","...loading...":"...চালু হচ্ছে...","AWS Access ID":"AWS এর প্রবেশ আইডি","About":"সম্পর্কে","About {{appname}}":"{{appname}} সম্পর্কে","Access denied":"প্রবেশাধিকার বাতিল","Activate":"সচল","Activate failed:":"সচল হয়নি:","Add a new backup":"একটি নতুন ব্যাকআপ যোগ করুন","Add a path directly":"সরাসরি একটি গন্তব্য যোগ করুন","Add advanced option":"উন্নত বিকল্প যোগ করুন","Add backup":"ব্যাকআপ যোগ করুন","Add filter":"ফিল্টার যোগ করুন","Add path":"গন্তব্য যোগ করুন","Advanced Options":"উন্নত বিকল্পগুলি","Advanced options":"উন্নত বিকল্পগুলি","Advanced:":"উন্নত:","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"দূরবর্তী অ্যাক্সেসের অনুমতি দিন (পুনর্সূচনা প্রয়োজন)","Allowed days":"অনুমোদিত দিন","An existing file was found at the new location":"একটি বিদ্যমান ফাইল নতুন স্থানে রয়েছে","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"একটি বিদ্যমান ফাইল নতুন স্থানে আছে\nআপনি কি নিশ্চিত যে আপনি একটি বিদ্যমান ফাইলে ডাটাবেস যুক্ত করতে চান?","Anonymous usage reports":"অজ্ঞাত ব্যবহারের রিপোর্ট","Automatically run backups.":"স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে ব্যাকআপ চালান","Back":"পিছনে","Backup location":"ব্যাকআপ স্থান","Backup retention":"ব্যাকআপ ধারণসংখ্যা","Backup:":"ব্যাকআপ:","Beta":"বিটা","Browse":"ব্রাউজ করুন","Browser default":"ব্রাউজার ডিফল্ট","Cancel":"বাতিল","Changelog":"পরিবর্তণের তালিকা","Checking ...":"চেক করা হচ্ছে ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"শুরু করার জন্য একটি স্টোরেজের ধরন নির্বাচন করুন","Compact now":"এখনি কম্প্যাক্ট করুন"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('ca', {"- pick an option -":"- trieu una opció -","...loading...":"S'està carregant...","API Key":"Clau API","AWS Access ID":"ID d'accés d'AWS","AWS Access Key":"Clau d'accés d'AWS","AWS IAM Policy":"Política IAM d'AWS","About":"Quant a","About {{appname}}":"Quant al {{appname}}","Access Key":"Clau d'accés","Access denied":"S'ha denegat l'accés","Access to user interface":"Accés a la interfície d'usuari","Account name":"Nom del compte","Activate":"Activa","Activate failed:":"Ha fallat l'activació:","Add a new backup":"Afegeix una nova còpia de seguretat","Add a path directly":"Afegeix una ruta directament","Add advanced option":"Afegeix una opció avançada","Add backup":"Afegeix una còpia de seguretat","Add filter":"Afegeix un filtre","Add path":"Afegeix una ruta","Added":"Afegits","Adjust bucket name?":"Voleu modificar el nom del contenidor?","Adjust path name?":"Voleu modificar la ruta?","Advanced Options":"Opcions avançades","Advanced options":"Opcions avançades","Advanced:":"Avançat:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Totes les màquines de l'Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Totes les bases de dades SQL de Microsoft","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Tots els informes d'ús s'envien anònimament i no contenen cap informació personal. Contenen informació sobre el maquinari i el sistema operatiu, el tipus de capa d'accés de dades, la durada de la còpia de seguretat, la mida general de les dades d'origen i dades similars. No contenen rutes, noms de fitxers, noms d'usuari, contrasenyes o dades sensibles similars.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Permet l'accés remot (cal reiniciar el programa)","Allowed days":"Dies permesos","An existing file was found at the new location":"S'ha trobat un fitxer existent a la nova ubicació","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"S'ha trobat un fitxer existent a la nova ubicació.\nSegur que voleu que la base de dades apunti a un fitxer existent?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"S'ha trobat una base de dades local existent per a l'emmagatzematge.\nSi reaprofiteu la base de dades, permetreu que les instàncies de la línia d'ordres i del servidor funcionin amb el mateix emmagatzematge remot.\n\n Voleu fer servir la base de dades existent?","Anonymous usage reports":"Informes d'ús anònims","Applications":"Aplicacions","As Command-line":"Com a línia d'ordres","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Contrasenya per a l'autenticació","Authentication username":"Nom d'usuari per a l'autenticació","Autogenerated passphrase":"Contrasenya generada automàticament","Automatically run backups.":"Executa les còpies de seguretat automàticament.","B2 Application Key":"Clau d'aplicació de B2","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"ID del compte de B2 Cloud Storage","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"Clau d'aplicació de B2 Cloud Storage","Back":"Enrere","Backend modules:":"Mòduls de rerefons:","Backup complete!":"S'ha completat la còpia de seguretat!","Backup destination":"Destinació de la còpia de seguretat","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"La còpia de seguretat està xifrada però no hi ha cap contrasenya disponible.\n                    Escriviu una contrasenya a sota per restaurar els fitxers\n                    o, en cas de fer servir xifratge GPG, deixeu el camp en blanc perquè el GPG obtingui la contrasenya\n                    des del clauer del sistema.","Backup location":"Ubicació de la còpia de seguretat","Backup retention":"Preservació de la còpia de seguretat","Backup:":"Còpia de seguretat:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"L'accés està trencat","Browse":"Navega","Browser default":"Valor per defecte del navegador","Bucket Name":"Nom del contenidor","Bucket create location":"Ubicació de creació del contenidor","Bucket create region":"Regió de creació del contenidor","Bucket name":"Nom del contenidor","Bucket storage class":"Classe d'emmagatzematge del contenidor","Busy ...":"Espereu un moment...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Si permeteu l'accés remot, el servidor escolta les peticions de qualsevol ordinador de la xarxa. Si activeu aquesta opció, assegureu-vos que sempre feu servir l'ordinador en una xarxa protegida amb un tallafoc.","Cache Files":"Fitxers de memòria cau","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Cancel·la","Cannot move to existing file":"No s'ha pogut canviar al fitxer existent","Changelog":"Registre de canvis","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Registre de canvis del {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Ha fallat la comprovació:","Check for updates now":"Comprova ara si hi ha actualitzacions","Checking ...":"S'està comprovant...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Trieu un tipus d'emmagatzematge per començar","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Feu clic a l'enllaç d'AuthID per crear una AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Feu clic per definir les opcions de velocitat","Compact Phase":"Fase de compactació","Compact now":"Compacta ara","Compacting remote data ...":"S'estan compactant les dades remotes...","Compression modules:":"Mòduls de compressió:","Computer":"Ordinador","Configuration file:":"Fitxer de configuració:","Configuration:":"Configuració:","Configure a new backup":"Configura una nova còpia de seguretat","Confirm delete":"Confirma l'eliminació","Confirm password":"Confirmeu la contrasenya","Confirmation required":"Es requereix una confirmació","Connect":"Connecta","Connect now":"Connecta ara","Connecting to task ....":"S'està connectant a la tasca...","Connecting...":"S'està connectant...","Connection lost":"S'ha perdut la connexió","Connection worked!":"Ha funcionat la connexió!","Container name":"Nom del contenidor","Container region":"Regió del contenidor","Continue":"Continua","Continue without encryption":"Continua sense xifratge","Copied!":"S'ha copiat!","Copy":"Copia","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Copia l'URL de destinació al porta-retalls","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Ha fallat la còpia. Copieu l'URL manualment","Core options":"Opcions principals","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"S'està comptant (s'han trobat {{files}} fitxers, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Només fallades","Create folder?":"Voleu crear una carpeta?","Created new limited user":"S'ha creat un nou usuari limitat","Creating user...":"S'està creant l'usuari...","Current action:":"Acció actual:","Current file:":"Fitxer actual:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"La versió actual és {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Extrem d'S3 personalitzat","Custom authentication url":"URL d'autenticació personalitzat","Custom backup retention":"Preservació de còpies de seguretat personalitzada","Custom location ({{server}})":"Ubicació personalitzada ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Regió de creació de contenidors personalitzada","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Valor de regió personalitzat ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"URL del servidor personalitzat ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Classe d'emmagatzematge personalitzada ({{class}})","Days":"Dies","Default":"Per defecte","Default ({{channelname}})":"Per defecte ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"Exclusions per defecte","Default options":"Opcions per defecte","Delete":"Elimina","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Fase d'eliminació (versions antigues de la còpia de seguretat)","Delete backup":"Elimina la còpia de seguretat","Delete backups that are older than":"Elimina les còpies de seguretat anteriors a","Delete local database":"Elimina la base de dades local","Delete remote files":"Elimina els fitxers remots","Delete the local database":"Elimina la base de dades local","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Voleu eliminar {{filecount}} fitxers ({{filesize}}) de l'emmagatzematge remot?","Deleted":"Eliminats","Deleted Versions":"Versions eliminades","Deleted files":"Fitxers eliminats","Description (optional)":"Descripció (opcional)","Description:":"Descripció:","Desktop":"Escriptori","Destination":"Destinació","Destination path":"Ruta de destinació","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Us hem ajudat a protegir els vostres fitxers? En cas que sí, penseu a ajudar el Duplicati amb una donació. Us suggerim que doneu {{smallamount}} si en feu un ús privat i {{largeamount}} per a un ús comercial.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Restaura directament des dels fitxers de còpia de seguretat","Disabled":"Desactivat","Dismiss":"Ignora","Dismiss all":"Ignora-ho tot","Display and color theme":"Visualització i tema de color","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Segur que voleu eliminar la còpia de seguretat «{{name}}»?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Segur que voleu eliminar la base de dades local de «{{name}}»?","Domain Name":"Nom del domini","Donate":"Feu una donació","Donation messages":"Missatges de donació","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Els missatges de donació estan amagats, feu clic per mostrar-los","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Els missatges de donació són visibles, feu clic per amagar-los","Done":"Fet","Download":"Baixa","Downloaded files":"Fitxers baixats","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Opció duplicada {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Lloc web del Duplicati","Duplicati forum":"Fòrum del Duplicati","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"El Duplicati s'executarà quan arrenqui, però es mantindrà pausat durant el període especificat. El Duplicati ocuparà els recursos del sistema mínims i no s'executaran còpies de seguretat.","Duration":"Durada","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Cada còpia de seguretat té una base de dades local associada que emmagatzema informació sobre la còpia de seguretat remota a l'ordinador local.\n            Quan elimineu una còpia de seguretat, també podeu eliminar la base de dades local sense que això afecti la possibilitat de restaurar els fitxers remots.\n            Si feu servir la base de dades local per a còpies de seguretat des de la línia d'ordres, hauríeu de mantenir la base de dades.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Cada còpia de seguretat té una base de dades local associada que emmagatzema informació sobre la còpia de seguretat remota a l'ordinador local.\\nAixò fa que es puguin fer diverses operacions més ràpidament i redueix la quantitat de dades que cal baixar durant cada operació.","Edit as list":"Edita com a llista","Edit as text":"Edita com a text","Encrypt file":"Xifra el fitxer","Encryption":"Xifratge","Encryption changed":"S'ha canviat el xifratge","Encryption modules:":"Mòduls de xifratge:","End":"Final","Enter URL":"Introduïu l'URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Introduïu un pla de preservació manualment. Les expressions són D/W/Y per a dies/setmanes/anys i U per a il·limitat. La sintaxi és: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. Aquest exemple preserva una còpia de seguretat per a cadascun dels pròxims 7 dies, per a cadascuna de les pròximes 4 setmanes, i per a cadascun dels pròxims 36 mesos. Això també es pot escriure així: 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Introduïu la clau d'accés","Enter account name":"Introduïu el compte d'usuari","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Introduïu la contrasenya de la còpia de seguretat, si en té","Enter configuration details":"Introduïu els detalls de configuració","Enter container name":"Introduïu el nom del contenidor","Enter encryption passphrase":"Introduïu la contrasenya de xifratge","Enter expression here":"Introduïu l'expressió aquí","Enter folder path name":"Introduïu la ruta de la carpeta","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Introduïu una opció per línia en el format de la línia d'ordres; per exemple: {0}","Enter the destination path":"Introduïu la ruta de destinació","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Introduïu l'adreça electrònica del grup de l'Office 365","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Introduïu la ruta de destinació completa, incloent-hi el nom del servidor, però sense el prefix «https»","Error":"Error","Error!":"S'ha produït un error!","Errors and crashes":"Errors i fallades","Examined":"Examinats","Exclude":"Exclusions","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Exclou carpetes amb un nom que contingui","Exclude expression":"Exclou una expressió","Exclude file":"Exclou un fitxer","Exclude file extension":"Exclou una extensió de fitxer","Exclude files whose names contain":"Exclou fitxers amb un nom que contingui","Exclude filter group":"Exclou un grup de filtres","Exclude folder":"Exclou una carpeta","Exclude regular expression":"Exclou una expressió regular","Existing file found":"S'ha trobat un fitxer existent","Experimental":"Experimental","Export":"Exporta","Export backup configuration":"Exporta la configuració de la còpia de seguretat","Export configuration":"Exporta la configuració","Export passwords":"Exporta les contrasenyes","External link":"Enllaç extern","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (alternatiu)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"No s'ha pogut crear la base de dades temporal: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"No s'ha pogut connectar:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"No s'ha pogut connectar: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"No s'ha pogut eliminar:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"No s'ha pogut recollir la informació de les rutes: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"No s'ha pogut trobar la còpia de seguretat:","Failed to import:":"No s'ha pogut importar:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"No s'han pogut llegir els valors per defecte de la còpia de seguretat:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"No s'han pogut restaurar els fitxers: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"No s'ha pogut desar:","File":"Fitxer","Files larger than:":"Fitxers més grans que:","Filters":"Filtres","Finished!":"S'ha acabat!","First run setup":"Configuració inicial","Folder":"Carpeta","Folder path":"Ruta de la carpeta","Fri":"Divendres","GByte":"GBytes","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"ID del projecte de GCS","General":"General","General backup settings":"Paràmetres generals de la còpia de seguretat","General options":"Opcions generals","Generate":"Genera","Generate IAM access policy":"Genera una política d'accés IAM","Group email":"Adreça electrònica del grup","Hidden files":"Fitxers ocults","Hide":"Amaga","Hide hidden folders":"Amaga les carpetes ocultes","Home":"Inici","Hostnames":"Noms","Hours":"Hores","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Què voleu fer amb els fitxers existents?","Hyper-V Machine":"Màquina de l'Hyper-V","Hyper-V Machine:":"Màquina de l'Hyper-V:","Hyper-V Machines":"Màquines de l'Hyper-V","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Si s'ha sobrepassat una data, la tasca s'executarà tan aviat com sigui possible.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Si es troba com a mínim una còpia de seguretat més recent, s'eliminaran totes les còpies de seguretat anteriors a aquesta data.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Si la còpia de seguretat i l'emmagatzematge remot no estan sincronitzats, el Duplicati us demanarà que inicieu una reparació per sincronitzar la base de dades.\\nSi falla la reparació, podeu eliminar la base de dades local i tornar a generar-la.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Si no introduïu una ruta, s'emmagatzemaran tots els fitxers a la carpeta d'inici de sessió.\nSegur que voleu fer això?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Si no introduïu una clau API, heu d'indicar el nom d'inquilí","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Si voleu fer servir la còpia de seguretat més endavant, podeu exportar la configuració abans d'eliminar-la","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Si el vostre ordinador es troba en un entorn multiusuari (és a dir, si a l'ordinador hi ha més d'un compte), heu de definir una contrasenya per evitar que altres usuaris accedeixin a dades del vostre compte.\nVoleu definir una contrasenya ara?","Import":"Importa","Import Destination URL":"Importa un URL de destinació","Import backup configuration":"Importa una configuració de còpia de seguretat","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"S'ha completat la importació, però no s'han trobat certificats","Import failed":"Ha fallat la importació","Import from a file":"Importa des d'un fitxer","Import metadata":"Importa les metadades","Include a file?":"Voleu incloure un fitxer?","Include expression":"Inclou una expressió","Include regular expression":"Inclou una expressió regular","Incorrect answer, try again":"La resposta és incorrecta, torneu-ho a provar","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Compilacions individuals només per a desenvolupadors. No ho feu servir amb dades importants.","Information":"Informació","Install":"Instal·la","Install failed:":"Ha fallat la instal·lació:","Invalid characters in path":"La ruta conté caràcters no vàlids","Invalid retention time":"El període de preservació no és vàlid","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"És possible connectar-se a alguns servidors FTP sense contrasenya.\nSegur que el vostre servidor FTP suporta l'accés sense contrasenya?","KByte":"KBytes","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Preserva un nombre específic de còpies de seguretat","Keep all backups":"Preserva totes les còpies de seguretat","Keystone API version":"Versió de l'API de Keystone","Language in user interface":"Idioma de la interfície d'usuari","Last month":"El mes passat","Last successful backup:":"Última còpia de seguretat completada:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Última restauració completada: {{time}} (durada: {{duration || '0 segons'}})","Latest":"Versió més recent","Libraries":"Biblioteques","Live":"En viu","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Importeu una configuració des d'una tasca exportada o des d'un proveïdor d'emmagatzematge","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Importeu una destinació des d'una tasca exportada o des d'un proveïdor d'emmagatzematge","Load older data":"Carrega dades més antigues","Loading ...":"S'està carregant...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"S'està carregant l'ús de l'emmagatzematge remot...","Local Repository":"Dipòsit local","Local database for":"Base de dades local de","Local database path:":"Ruta de la base de dades local:","Local repository":"Dipòsit local","Local storage":"Emmagatzematge local","Location":"Ubicació","Location where buckets are created":"Ubicació on es creen els contenidors","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Dades de registre de <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Dades de registre del servidor","Log out":"Surt","MByte":"MBytes","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"Manteniment","Manually type path":"Escriviu la ruta manualment","Max download speed":"Velocitat màxima de baixada","Max upload speed":"Velocitat màxima de càrrega","Menu":"Menú","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Base de dades SQL de Microsoft:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Bases de dades SQL de Microsoft","Minimum redundancy":"Redundància mínima","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"La redundància mínima és de 1.0","Minutes":"Minuts","Missing name":"No s'ha definit un nom","Missing passphrase":"No s'ha definit una contrasenya","Missing sources":"No s'ha definit un origen","Modified":"Modificats","Mon":"Dilluns","Months":"Mesos","Move existing database":"Mou una base de dades existent","Move failed:":"No s'ha pogut moure:","My Documents":"Documents","My Music":"Música","My Photos":"Fotografies","My Pictures":"Imatges","Name":"Nom","Never":"Mai","New update found: {{message}}":"Hi ha una nova actualització: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"El nou nom d'usuari és {{user}}.\nS'han actualitzat les credencials per fer servir el nou usuari limitat","Next":"Següent","Next scheduled run:":"Pròxima execució programada:","Next scheduled task:":"Pròxima tasca programada:","Next task:":"Pròxima tasca:","Next time":"La pròxima vegada","No":"No","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"No s'ha especificat cap certificat anteriorment, comproveu amb l'administrador del servidor que la clau és correcta: {{key}} \n\nVoleu aprovar aquesta clau d'amfitrió?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"No s'ha trobat cap editor per a l'emmagatzematge del tipus «{{backend}}»","No encryption":"Sense xifratge","No items selected":"No s'ha seleccionat cap element","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"No hi ha elements per restaurar, seleccioneu-ne un o més","No passphrase entered":"No s'ha introduït cap contrasenya","No scheduled tasks":"No hi ha tasques planificades","No, my machine has only a single account":"No, al meu ordinador només hi ha un compte d'usuari","Non-matching passphrase":"La contrasenya no coincideix","None / disabled":"Cap / desactivat","Not using encryption":"El xifratge està desactivat","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"No s'eliminarà res. La mida de la còpia de seguretat augmentarà després de cada canvi.","OK":"D'acord","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Una vegada hi ha més còpies de seguretat que el nombre especificat, s'eliminen les còpies de seguretat més antigues.","OpenStack AuthURI":"AuthURI de l'OpenStack","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Opened":"Oberts","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"Les claus API de l'OpenStack no són compatibles amb l'API v3 de Keystone.","Operating System":"Sistema operatiu","Operation":"Operació","Operation failed:":"Ha fallat l'operació:","Operations:":"Operacions:","Optional authentication password":"Contrasenya per a l'autenticació (opcional)","Optional authentication username":"Nom d'usuari per a l'autenticació (opcional)","Options":"Opcions","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Les opcions afegides aquí s'apliquen a totes les còpies de seguretat, però es poden redefinir a cada còpia de seguretat","Original location":"Ubicació original","Others":"Altres","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Al llarg del temps, les còpies de seguretat s'eliminaran automàticament. Es conservarà una còpia de seguretat per a cadascun dels darrers 7 dies, les darreres 4 setmanes i els darrers 12 mesos. Sempre hi haurà com a mínim una còpia de seguretat restant.","Overwrite":"Sobreescriu-los","Passphrase":"Contrasenya","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Contrasenya (si el fitxer està xifrat)","Passphrase changed":"S'ha canviat la contrasenya","Passphrases are not matching":"Les contrasenyes no coincideixen","Passphrases do not match":"Les contrasenyes no coincideixen","Password":"Contrasenya","Path":"Ruta","Path not found":"No s'ha trobat la ruta","Path on server":"Ruta al servidor","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Ruta o subcarpeta al contenidor","Pause":"Pausa","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pausa després de l'arrencada o la hibernació","Pause options":"Opcions de pausa","Permissions":"Permisos","Pick location":"Trieu una ubicació","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Indiqueu on són els vostres fitxers de còpia de seguretat i feu una restauració des d'allà","Port":"Port","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Impedeix l'inici de sessió automàtic de la safata del sistema","Previous":"Enrere","Progress:":"Progrés:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"La ProjectID és opcional si el contenidor existeix","Proprietary":"De propietat","Purge Phase":"Fase de purga","Purging files complete!":"S'ha completat la purga de fitxers!","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Recrea (elimina i repara)","Recreate Database Phase":"Fase de recreació de la base de dades","Relative paths not allowed":"No es permet l'ús de rutes relatives","Reload":"Actualitza","Remote":"Remot","Remote Path":"Ruta remota","Remote Repository":"Dipòsit remot","Remote path":"Ruta remota","Remote repository":"Dipòsit remot","Remote volume size":"Mida dels volums remots","Remove":"Elimina","Remove option":"Elimina l'opció","Removed files":"Fitxers eliminats","Repair":"Repara","Repair Phase":"Fase de reparació","Repeat Passphrase":"Repetiu la contrasenya","Reporting:":"S'està informant:","Reset":"Reinicialitza","Restore":"Restaura","Restore complete!":"S'ha completat la restauració!","Restore files":"Restaura fitxers","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Restaura fitxers des de {{backupname}}","Restore from":"Restaura des de","Restore from backup configuration":"Restaura des d'una configuració de còpia de seguretat","Restore from configuration ...":"Restaura des d'una configuració...","Restore options":"Opcions de restauració","Restore read/write permissions":"Restaura els permisos de lectura/escriptura","Resume":"Reprèn","Rewritten File Lists":"Llistes de fitxers reescrits","Run again every":"Torna a executar cada","Run now":"Executa ara","Running ....":"S'està executant...","Running commandline entry":"S'està executant una entrada de la línia d'ordres","Running task:":"Tasca en execució:","S3 Compatible":"Compatible amb S3","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"La mateixa que la versió base d'instal·lació: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Dissabte","Save":"Desa","Save and repair":"Desa i repara","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Desa les versions diferents amb una marca horària al nom del fitxer","Save immediately":"Desa immediatament","Schedule":"Planificació","Search":"Cerca","Search for files":"Cerca fitxers","Seconds":"Segons","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Trieu un nivell de registre i vegeu els nous missatges al moment:","Select files":"Seleccioneu els fitxers","Server":"Servidor","Server and port":"Servidor i port","Server hostname or IP":"Nom del servidor o IP","Server is currently paused,":"El servidor està pausat actualment,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"El servidor està pausat actualment, voleu reprendre la tasca ara?","Server password":"Contrasenya del servidor","Server paused":"S'ha pausat el servidor","Server state properties":"Propietats de l'estat del servidor","Settings":"Configuració","Show":"Mostra","Show advanced editor":"Mostra l'editor avançat","Show hidden folders":"Mostra les carpetes ocultes","Show log":"Mostra el registre","Show treeview":"Mostra la vista en arbre","Sia server password":"Contrasenya del servidor de Sia","Smart backup retention":"Preservació de còpies de seguretat intel·ligent","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Alguns proveïdors de l'OpenStack permeten fer servir una clau API en comptes d'una contrasenya i un nom d'inquilí","Source Data":"Dades d'origen","Source data":"Dades d'origen","Source folders":"Carpetes d'origen","Source:":"Origen:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Compilacions específiques només per a desenvolupadors. No ho feu servir amb dades importants.","Standard protocols":"Protocols estàndard","Start":"Inici","Stop after the current file":"Atura després del fitxer actual","Stop now":"Atura ara","Stop running backup":"Atura la còpia de seguretat en execució","Stop running task":"Atura la tasca en execució","Stopping task:":"S'està aturant la tasca:","Storage Type":"Tipus d'emmagatzematge","Storage class":"Classe d'emmagatzematge","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Classe d'emmagatzematge per crear un contenidor","Stored":"Emmagatzemat","Strong":"Forta","Success":"Èxit","Sun":"Diumenge","Symbolic link":"Enllaç simbòlic","System Files":"Fitxers del sistema","System default ({{levelname}})":"Valor per defecte del sistema ({{levelname}})","System files":"Fitxers del sistema","System info":"Informació del sistema","System properties":"Propietats del sistema","TByte":"TBytes","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Ruta de destinació (per exemple, /backup)","Task is running":"La tasca s'està executant","Temporary Files":"Fitxers temporals","Temporary files":"Fitxers temporals","Tenant Name":"Nom de l'inquilí","Test Phase":"Fase de comprovació","Test connection":"Comprova la connexió","Testing ...":"S'està comprovant...","Testing connection ...":"S'està comprovant la connexió...","Testing permissions...":"S'estan comprovant els permisos...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"El camp «{{fieldname}}» conté un caràcter no vàlid: {{character}} (valor: {{value}}, índex: {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"No s'ha trobat la còpia de seguretat; l'heu eliminat?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"La còpia de seguretat era temporal i ja no existeix, per la qual cosa s'han perdut les dades del registre","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"El nom del contenidor ha d'estar en minúscules; voleu convertir-lo automàticament?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"El nom del contenidor ha de començar amb el vostre nom d'usuari; voleu afegir-lo automàticament?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"És recomanable que deseu la configuració en un lloc segur. Segur que voleu desar un fitxer sense xifrar amb les vostres contrasenyes?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"S'ha perdut la connexió amb el servidor. Es tornarà a intentar en {{time}}...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Tema fosc (per Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Tema per defecte, blau sobre blanc (per Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"La carpeta {{folder}} no existeix.\nVoleu crear-la ara?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"La clau de l'amfitrió ha canviat, comproveu amb l'administrador del servidor que això és correcte, o podríeu ser víctima d'un atac d'intermediari.\n\nVoleu substituir la clau d'amfitrió actual («{{prev}}») amb la clau d'amfitrió «{{key}}»?","The passwords do not match":"Les contrasenyes no coincideixen","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Sembla que la ruta no existeix, voleu afegir-la igualment?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"La ruta no acaba amb un caràcter «{{dirsep}}», la qual cosa vol dir que heu triat un fitxer, no una carpeta.\n\nVoleu incloure el fitxer especificat?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"La ruta ha de ser absoluta, és a dir, ha de començar amb una barra «/»","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"La ruta ha de començar per «{{prefix1}}» o «{{prefix2}}»; si no, no podreu veure els fitxers des de la interfície web de hubiC.\n\nVoleu afegir el prefix a la ruta automàticament?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"El paràmetre de regió només s'aplica quan es crea un contenidor","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"El paràmetre de regió només es fa servir quan es crea un contenidor","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"No s'ha pogut validar el certificat del servidor.\nVoleu aprovar el certificat SSL amb la suma «{{hash}}»?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"La classe d'emmagatzematge afecta la disponibilitat i el preu dels fitxers emmagatzemats","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"La carpeta de destinació conté fitxers encriptats; introduïu-ne la contrasenya","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"L'usuari té massa permisos. Voleu crear un nou usuari limitat, amb permisos només per a la ruta seleccionada?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Aquesta còpia de seguretat s'ha creat en un altre sistema operatiu. Si restaureu fitxers sense especificar una carpeta de destinació, pot ser que es restaurin fitxers en llocs inesperats. Segur que voleu continuar sense seleccionar una carpeta de destinació?","This month":"Aquest mes","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Aquesta opció no està relacionada amb la mida màxima de la còpia de seguretat ni dels fitxers, ni afecta el percentatge de desduplicació. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">Consulteu aquesta pàgina abans de canviar la mida dels volums remots.</external-link>","This week":"Aquesta setmana","Throttle settings":"Opcions de velocitat","Thu":"Dijous","Time":"Hora","To File":"A un fitxer","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Per confirmar que voleu eliminar tots els fitxers remots de «{{name}}, escriviu la paraula que veieu a continuació","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Per fer una exportació sense contrasenya, desactiveu la casella «Xifra el fitxer»","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"Per evitar diversos atacs basats en el DNS, el Duplicati limita els noms de servidor permesos als d'aquesta llista. Sempre es permet l'accés directe a localhost o per IP. Podeu indicar diversos noms de servidor separant-los amb un punt i coma. Si cap dels noms d'ordinador permesos és un asterisc (*), es permeten tots els noms d'ordinador i es desactiva aquesta característica. Si el camp és buit, només es permet l'accés a localhost o per adreça IP.","Today":"Avui","Trust host certificate?":"Voleu confiar en el certificat de l'amfitrió?","Trust server certificate?":"Voleu confiar en el certificat del servidor?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Proveu les noves característiques que estem preparant. És la versió més estable disponible actualment. Proveu la funció de restauració abans de fer-ho servir en entorns de producció.","Tue":"Dimarts","Type passphrase here.":"Escriviu la contrasenya aquí.","Type to highlight files":"Escriviu per ressaltar fitxers","Unknown backup size and versions":"No s'han pogut determinar la mida de la còpia de seguretat i les versions","Until resumed":"Fins que es reprengui","Update channel":"Canal d'actualitzacions","Update failed:":"Ha fallat l'actualització:","Updating with existing database":"S'està actualitzant amb una base de dades existent","Uploaded files":"Fitxers carregats","Usage statistics":"Estadístiques d'ús","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Estadístiques d'ús, avisos, errors i fallades","Use SSL":"Fes servir SSL","Use existing database?":"Voleu fer servir la base de dades existent?","Use weak passphrase":"Fes servir una contrasenya dèbil","Useless":"Inútil","User data":"Dades d'usuari","User domain name":"Nom de domini de l'usuari","User has too many permissions":"L'usuari té massa permisos","User interface settings":"Paràmetres de la interfície d'usuari","Username":"Nom d'usuari","Verifications":"Verificacions","Verify files":"Verifica els fitxers","Verifying ...":"S'està verificant...","Verifying answer":"S'està verificant la resposta","Version ID":"ID de la versió","Very strong":"Molt forta","Very weak":"Molt dèbil","Visit us on":"Visiteu-nos a","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"AVÍS: La biblioteca de la línia d'ordres està fent servir la base de dades remota","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"AVÍS: Això impedirà que restaureu les dades més endavant.","Waiting for task to begin":"S'està esperant que la tasca comenci","Waiting for task to start ....":"S'està esperant que la tasca comenci...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Avisos, errors i fallades","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Acceptem donacions mitjançant diversos serveis, com ara OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource i diverses criptomonedes.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"És recomanable que xifreu totes les còpies de seguretat emmagatzemades fora del vostre ordinador","Weak":"Dèbil","Weak passphrase":"Contrasenya dèbil","Wed":"Dimecres","Weeks":"Setmanes","Where do you want to restore from?":"Des d'on voleu fer la restauració?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"On voleu restaurar els fitxers?","Years":"Anys","Yes":"Sí","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Sí, he desat la contrasenya en un lloc segur","Yes, I understand the risk":"Sí, entenc els riscos","Yes, I'm brave!":"Sí, no tinc por!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Sí, destrossa'm la còpia de seguretat!","Yesterday":"Ahir","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Sembla que esteu executant el Mono sense haver carregat cap certificat SSL.\nVoleu importar la llista de certificats de confiança de Mozilla?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Esteu canviant la ruta d'una base de dades existent.\nSegur que voleu fer això?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Actualment esteu executant el {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Heu canviat el mode de xifratge. Pot ser que això trenqui alguna cosa. És recomanable que creeu una nova còpia de seguretat en comptes de fer això","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Heu canviat la contrasenya, i això no està implementat. És recomanable que creeu una nova còpia de seguretat en comptes de fer això.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Heu decidit no xifrar la còpia de seguretat. És recomanable que xifreu totes les dades emmagatzemades en un servidor remot.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Heu decidit fer la restauració en una nova ubicació, però no n'heu indicat cap","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Heu generat una contrasenya forta. Assegureu-vos que heu copiat la contrasenya en un lloc segur, perquè no podreu recuperar les dades si la perdeu.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Heu de triar com a mínim una carpeta d'origen","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Heu d'introduir un nom de domini per fer servir l'API v3","You must enter a name for the backup":"Heu d'introduir un nom per a la còpia de seguretat","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Heu d'introduir una contrasenya o desactivar el xifratge","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Heu d'introduir una contrasenya per fer servir l'API v3","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Heu d'introduir un nombre positiu de còpies de seguretat que voleu preservar","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Heu d'introduir un nom d'inquilí (projecte) per fer servir l'API v3","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Heu d'introduir un nom d'inquilí si no proporcioneu una clau API","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Heu d'introduir una durada vàlida de preservació de les còpies de seguretat","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Heu d'introduir una expressió de pla de preservació vàlida","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Heu d'introduir una contrasenya o una clau API","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Heu d'introduir una contrasenya o una clau API, no totes dues","You must fill in the password":"Heu d'introduir la contrasenya","You must fill in the server name or address":"Heu d'introduir el nom o l'adreça del servidor","You must fill in the username":"Heu d'introduir el nom d'usuari","You must fill in {{field}}":"Heu d'introduir el camp «{{field}}»","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Heu de triar o introduir l'AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Heu de triar o introduir el servidor","You must specify a path":"Heu d'especificar una ruta","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"Heu d'introduir el camp «{{field}}»{{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"S'han restaurat els fitxers i carpetes correctament.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"La contrasenya és fàcil d'endevinar. Penseu a canviar la contrasenya.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"contenidor/carpeta/subcarpeta","byte":"bytes","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"personalitzat","resume now":"reprèn ara","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"excepte si especifiqueu explícitament el paràmetre --group-id","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"El {{appname}} ha estat desenvolupat principalment per <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> i <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. Podeu baixar-vos el {{appname}} des de <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. El {{appname}} està publicat sota la <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"Queden {{files}} fitxers ({{size}}) {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} versió","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} versions"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} hora","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} hores","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} minuts","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (ha tardat {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('cs', {"- pick an option -":"- vyberte jednu z možností -","...loading...":"…načítání…","API Key":"Klíč k aplikačnímu programovému rozhraní (API)","AWS Access ID":"Přístupový identifikátor ke službe AWS","AWS Access Key":"Přístupový klíč ke službě AWS","AWS IAM Policy":"Zásady IAM služby AWS","About":"O aplikaci","About {{appname}}":"O aplikaci {{appname}}","Access Key":"Přístupový klíč","Access denied":"Přístup odepřen","Access to user interface":"Přístup k uživatelskému rozhraní","Account name":"Název účtu","Activate":"Aktivovat","Activate failed:":"Aktivace se nezdařila:","Add a new backup":"Přidat novou zálohu","Add a path directly":"Přidat popis umístění přímo","Add advanced option":"Přidat pokročilou volbu","Add backup":"Přidat zálohu","Add filter":"Přidat filtr","Add path":"Přidat popis umístění","Added":"Přidáno","Adjust bucket name?":"Přizpůsobit název „nádoby“ (bucket)?","Adjust path name?":"Přizpůsobit popis umístění?","Advanced Options":"Pokročilé volby","Advanced options":"Pokročilé volby","Advanced:":"Pokročilé:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Všechny Hyper-V stroje","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Všechny Microsoft SQL databáze","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Veškerá hlášení o využívání jsou posílána anonymně a neobsahují žádné osobní údaje. Obsahují informace o hardware a operačním systému, typu podpůrné vrstvy (backend), trvání zálohy, celkové velikosti zdrojových dat a podobně.\nNeobsahují popisy umístění, názvy souborů, uživatelská jména, hesla nebo podobné citlivé údaje.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Umožnit přístup na dálku (vyžaduje restart)","Allowed days":"Dny, ve které je přístup umožněn","An existing file was found at the new location":"V novém umístění byl nalezen už existující soubor","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"V novém umístění byl nalezen už existující soubor\nOpravdu chcete nasměrovat databázi do existujícího souboru?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Byla nalezena existující místní databáze pro ukládání.\nOpětovné využití databáze umožní, aby instance pro příkazový řádek a server fungovaly na stejném vzdáleném úložišti.\n\nChcete použít existující databázi?","Anonymous usage reports":"Anonymní hlášení o použití","Applications":"Aplikace","As Command-line":"Jako příkazový řádek","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Ověřovací heslo","Authentication username":"Ověřovací uživatelské jméno","Autogenerated passphrase":"Automaticky vytvořená heslová fráze","Automatically run backups.":"Spouštět zálohy automaticky.","B2 Application Key":"Aplikační klíč ke službě B2","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"Identifikátor účtu u cloudového úložiště B2","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"Aplikační klíč ke cloudovému úložišti B2","Back":"Zpět","Backend modules:":"Moduly podpůrných vrstev (backend):","Backup complete!":"Záloha dokončena!","Backup destination":"Cíl zálohy","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"Záloha je šifrovaná, ale není k dispozici žádná heslová fráze.\n                    Pro obnovu souborů níže zadejte heslovou frázi,\n                    nebo, v případě GPG šifrování, ponechte nevyplněné a nechte gpg získat heslovou frázi\n                    vyvoláním systémové klíčenky.","Backup location":"Umístění zálohy","Backup retention":"Doba uchovávání záloh","Backup:":"Záloha:","Beta":"Vývojová testovací (beta)","Broken access":"Nefunkční přístup","Browse":"Procházet","Browser default":"Výchozí nastavení webového prohlížeče","Bucket Name":"Název „nádoby“ (bucket)","Bucket create location":"Umístění ve kterém „nádobu“ (bucket) vytvořit","Bucket create region":"Oblast světa ve které „nádobu“ (bucket) vytvořit","Bucket name":"Název „nádoby“ (bucket)","Bucket storage class":"Třída úložiště nesoucí „nádobu“ (bucket)","Building list of files to restore …":"Vytváření seznamu souborů k obnovení…","Building partial temporary database …":"Vytváření částečné dočasné databáze…","Busy ...":"Zaneprázdněno…","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Umožněním přístupu na dálku, server očekává požadavky z libovolného stroje na síti. Pokud tuto volbu zapnete, počítač používejte pouze na síti, zabezpečené bránou firewall.","Cache Files":"Soubory mezipaměti","Canary":"Kanárek","Cancel":"Storno","Cannot move to existing file":"Nelze přesunout do existujícího souboru","Changelog":"Seznam změn","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Seznam změn v  {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Zjištění se nezdařilo:","Check for updates now":"Zjistit dostupnost případných aktualizací nyní","Checking ...":"Zjišťování…","Checking for updates …":"Zjišťování dostupnosti případných aktualizací…","Chose a storage type to get started":"Pro začátek vyberte typ úložiště","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"AuthID vytvoříte kliknutím na odkaz AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Kliknutím nastavte předvolby přiškrcování","Commandline …":"Příkazový řádek…","Compact Phase":"Fáze zkompaktňování","Compact now":"Zkompaktnit nyní","Compacting remote data ...":"Zkompaktňování dat na protějšku…","Compacting remote data …":"Zkompaktňování dat na protějšku…","Complete log":"Úplný záznam událostí","Completing backup …":"Dokončování zálohy…","Completing previous backup …":"Dokončování předchozí zálohy…","Compression modules:":"Komprimační moduly:","Computer":"Počítač","Configuration file:":"Soubor s nastaveními:","Configuration:":"Nastavení:","Configure a new backup":"Nastavit novou zálohu","Confirm delete":"Potvrzení smazání","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Potvrzení zadání šifrovací heslové fráze","Confirm passphrase":"Zopakování zadání heslové fráze","Confirm password":"Potvrďte zopakováním zadání hesla","Confirmation required":"Vyžadováno potvrzení","Connect":"Připojit","Connect now":"Připojit nyní","Connecting to server …":"Připojování k serveru…","Connecting to task ....":"Připojování k úloze…","Connecting...":"Připojování…","Connection lost":"Spojení ztraceno","Connection worked!":"Spojení funguje!","Container name":"Název kontejneru","Container region":"Region umístění kontejneru","Continue":"Pokračovat","Continue without encryption":"Pokračovat bez šifrování","Copied!":"Zkopírováno!","Copy":"Kopírovat","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Zkopírovat URL adresu cíle do schránky","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Kopie se nezdařila. Zkopírujte URL adresu ručně","Core options":"Core volby","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Počítání ({{files}} souborů nalezeno, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Pouze pády","Create bug report …":"Vytvořit hlášení chyby…","Create folder?":"Vytvořit složku?","Created new limited user":"Vytvořit nový uživatelský účet s omezenými oprávněními","Creating bug report …":"Vytvořit hlášení chyby…","Creating new user with limited access …":"Vytváření nového uživatele s omezeným přístupem…","Creating temporary backup …":"Vytváření dočasné zálohy…","Creating user...":"Vytváření uživatelského účtu…","Current action:":"Stávající akce:","Current file:":"Stávající soubor:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Stávající verze je {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Vlastní S3 koncový bod","Custom authentication url":"Vlastní ověřovací URL adresa","Custom backup retention":"Uživatelem určená doba uchovávání záloh","Custom location ({{server}})":"Vlastní umístění ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Vlastní region pro vytváření „nádob“ (bucket)","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Hodnota pro vlastní region ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Vlastní URL adresa serveru ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Vlastní třída úložiště ({{class}})","Database …":"Databáze…","Days":"Dnů","Default":"Výchozí","Default ({{channelname}})":"Výchozí ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"Ve výchozím stavu vynecháno","Default options":"Výchozí volby","Delete":"Smazat","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Fáze mazání (staré verze zálohy)","Delete backup":"Smazat zálohu","Delete backups that are older than":"Smazat zálohy starší než","Delete local database":"Smazat místní databázi","Delete remote files":"Smazat soubory na protějšku","Delete the local database":"Smazat místní databázi","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Smazat {{filecount}} souborů ({{filesize}}) ze vzdáleného úložiště?","Delete …":"Smazat…","Deleted":"Smazáno","Deleted Versions":"Smazané verze","Deleted files":"Smazané soubory","Deleting remote files …":"Mazání souborů na protějšku…","Deleting unwanted files …":"Mazání nepotřebných souborů…","Description (optional)":"Popis (volitelné)","Description:":"Popis:","Desktop":"Osobní počítač","Destination":"Cíl","Destination path":"Cílové umístění","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Pomohli jsme vám zachránit vaše soubory? Pokud ano, zvažte prosím podpoření Duplicati darem. Doporučujeme {{smallamount}} pro soukromé a {{largeamount}} pro komerční použití.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Přímé obnovování ze záložních souborů…","Disabled":"Vypnuto","Dismiss":"Zavřít","Dismiss all":"Zavřít vše","Display and color theme":"Motiv vzhledu zobrazení a barev","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Opravdu chcete smazat zálohu: „{{name}}“?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Opravdu chcete smazat místní databázi pro: {{name}}","Domain Name":"Doménový název","Donate":"Darovat","Donation messages":"Darovací zprávy","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Darovací zprávy jsou skryté, kliknutím je zobrazíte","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Darovací zprávy jsou zobrazené, kliknutím je skryjete","Done":"Hotovo","Download":"Stáhnout","Downloaded files":"Stažené soubory","Downloading files …":"Stahování souborů…","Downloading update…":"Stahování aktualizace…","Downloading …":"Stahování…","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Volba duplikace {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Webové stránky projektu Duplicati","Duplicati forum":"Diskuzní fórum o Duplicati","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati se zahájí při spuštění, ale po dobu průběhu zůstane v pozastaveném stavu. Bude zabírat co nejméně systémových prostředků a nebudou spouštěny žádné zálohy.","Duration":"Doba trvání","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Ke každé záloze je přiřazena místní databáze, která uchovává informace o vzdálené záloze na místním stroji.\n            Při mazání zálohy je také možné smazat lokální databázi aniž by tím byla postižena schopnost obnovovat vzdálené soubory.\n            Pokud používáte místní databáze pro zálohy z příkazového řádku, měli byste databázi ponechat.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Ke každé záloze je přiřazena místní databáze, která uchovává informace o vzdálené záloze na místním stroji.\\nTo zrychluje provádění mnoha operací a snižuje množství dat které je při každé operaci třeba stahovat.","Edit as list":"Upravit jako seznam","Edit as text":"Upravit jako text","Edit …":"Upravit…","Encrypt file":"Zašifrovat soubor","Encryption":"Šifrování","Encryption changed":"Šifrování změněno","Encryption modules:":"Šifrovací moduly:","End":"Konec","Enter URL":"Zadejte URL adresu","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Zadejte strategii uchovávání záloh ručně. Výplň je D/W/Y pro dny/týdny/roky a U pro neomezené. Forma zápisu je: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. V tomto příkladu je ponechána jedna záloha z každého dne po dobu příštích 7 dnů, jedna z každého týdne po dobu příštích 4 týdnů a jedna z každého měsíce po dobu příštích 36 měsíců. Je možné zapsat také jako 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Zadejte přístupový klíč","Enter account name":"Zadejte název účtu","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Zadejte záložní heslovou frázi, pokud existuje","Enter configuration details":"Zadejte podrobnosti nastavení","Enter container name":"Zadejte název kontejneru","Enter encryption passphrase":"Zadejte šifrovací heslovou frázi","Enter expression here":"Sem zadejte výraz","Enter folder path name":"Zadejte popis umístění složky","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Každou z voleb zadejte zvlášť na samostatný řádek, např. {0}","Enter the destination path":"Zadejte popis cílového umístění ","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Zadejte e-mailovou adresu skupiny v Office 365","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Zadejte úplný popis cílového umístění, včetně názvu serveru, ale bez https na začátku","Error":"Chyba","Error!":"Chyba!","Errors and crashes":"Chyby a pády","Examined":"Prozkoumáno","Exclude":"Vynechat","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Vynechat složky jejichž názvy obsahují","Exclude expression":"Výraz pro vynechané","Exclude file":"Vynechat soubor","Exclude file extension":"Vynechat soubory s příponami","Exclude files whose names contain":"Vynechat soubory jejichž názvy obsahují","Exclude filter group":"Skupina filtru vynechání","Exclude folder":"Vynechat složku","Exclude regular expression":"Regulární výraz pro vynechávané","Existing file found":"Nalezen existující soubor","Experimental":"Experimentální","Export":"Exportovat","Export backup configuration":"Exportovat zálohu nastavení","Export configuration":"Exportovat nastavení","Export passwords":"Exportovat hesla","Export …":"Export…","Exporting …":"Exportování…","External link":"Vnější odkaz","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (alternativní)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Nepodařilo se vytvořit dočasnou databázi: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Nepodařilo se připojit:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Nepodařilo se připojit: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Nepodařilo se smazat:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Nepodařilo se stáhnout informaci o popisu umístění: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Zálohu se nepodařilo nalézt:","Failed to import:":"Nepodařilo se importovat:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Nepodařilo se načíst výchozí parametry zálohy:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Nepodařilo se obnovit soubory: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Nepodařilo se uložit:","File":"Soubor","Files larger than:":"Soubory větší než:","Filters":"Filtry","Finished!":"Dokončeno!","First run setup":"Úvodní nastavení při prvním spuštění","Folder":"Složka","Folder path":"Popis umístění složky","Fri":"Pá","GByte":"GB","GByte/s":"GB/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS identifikátor projektu","General":"Obecné","General backup settings":"Obecná nastavení zálohy","General options":"Obecné volby","Generate":"Vytvořit","Generate IAM access policy":"Vytvořit IAM zásady přístupu","Getting file versions …":"Získávání verzí souboru…","Group email":"E-mail skupiny","Hidden files":"Skryté soubory","Hide":"Skrýt","Hide hidden folders":"Skrýt skryté složky","Home":"Domovská složka","Hostnames":"Názvy strojů","Hours":"Hodin","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Jak chcete zacházet s existujícími soubory?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V stroj","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V stroj:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V stroje","ID:":"Identifikátor:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Pokud chybělo datum, úloha bude spuštěna co možná nejdříve.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Pokud je nalezena alespoň jedna novější záloha, všechny zálohy starší než tento datum budou smazány.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Pokud záloha a vzdálené úložiště ztratí synchronizaci, Duplicati bude potřebovat abyste provedli operaci opravy a databáze se synchronizovala.\\nPokud oprava nebude úspěšná, je možné smazat místní databázi a nechat ji znovu vytvořit.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Pokud nezadáte popis umístění, všechny soubory budou uloženy v přihlašovací složce.\nJe to to, co chcete?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Pokud nezadáte klíč k API, je vyžadováno jméno nájemníka (tenant)","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Pokud zálohu chcete použít později, můžete exportovat nastavení než jí smažete","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Pokud je stroj používán vícero uživateli (tj. je na něm více než jeden uživatelský účet), je třeba nastavit heslo, které ostatním uživatelům brání v přístupu k datům ve vašem účtu.\nNastavit heslo nyní?","Import":"Import","Import Destination URL":"Importovat URL adresu cíle","Import backup configuration":"Importovat nastavení zálohy","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Import dokončen, ale nebyly po něm nalezeny žádné certifikáty","Import failed":"Import se nezdařil","Import from a file":"Importovat ze souboru","Import metadata":"Importovat metadata","Importing …":"Importování…","Include a file?":"Zahrnout soubor?","Include expression":"Výraz pro zahrnutí","Include regular expression":"Regulární výraz pro zahrnutí","Incorrect answer, try again":"Nesprávná odpověď, zkuste to znovu","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Jednotlivá sestavení určená pouze pro vývojáře. Nepoužívejte pro důležitá data.","Information":"Informace","Install":"Nainstalovat","Install failed:":"Instalace se nezdařila:","Invalid characters in path":"Neplatné znaky v popisu umístění","Invalid retention time":"Neplatná doba ponechání","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"K některým FTP serverům je možné se připojit i bez hesla.\nOpravdu to tento FTP server umožňuje?","KByte":"KB","KByte/s":"KB/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Ponechat konkrétní počet záloh","Keep all backups":"Ponechat všechny zálohy","Keystone API version":"Verze aplikačního program. rozhraní stavebního bloku","Language in user interface":"Jazyk textů v uživatelském rozhraní","Last month":"Minulý měsíc","Last successful backup:":"Minulá úspěšná záloha:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Minulé úspěšné obnovení: {{time}} (trvalo {{duration || '0 sekund'}})","Latest":"Poslední","Libraries":"Knihovny","Listing remote files for purge …":"Vypisování souborů na protějšku, které trvale vymazat…","Listing remote files …":"Vypisování souborů na protějšku…","Live":"Aktuální","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Načíst nastavení z exportované úlohy nebo z poskytovatele úložiště","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Načíst cíl z exportované úlohy nebo poskytovatele úložiště","Load older data":"Načíst starší data","Loading ...":"Načítání…","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Načítání údajů o využití vzdáleného úložiště…","Loading …":"Načítání…","Local Repository":"Místní repozitář","Local database for":"Místní databáze pro","Local database path:":"Popis umístění místní databáze:","Local repository":"Místní repozitář","Local storage":"Místní úložiště","Location":"Umístění","Location where buckets are created":"Umístění ve kterém jsou „nádoby“ (bucket) vytvářeny","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Zaznamenávat (log) údaje pro <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Zaznamenávat data ze serveru","Log out":"Odhlásit se","MByte":"MB","MByte/s":"MB/s","Maintenance":"Údržba","Manually type path":"Zadejte popis umístění ručně","Max download speed":"Nejvyšší rychlost stahování","Max upload speed":"Nejvyšší rychlost odesílání","Menu":"Nabídka","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Databáze Microsoft SQL:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Databáze Microsoft SQL","Minimum redundancy":"Minimální redundance","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Minimální redundance je 1.0","Minutes":"Minut","Missing name":"Chybějící název","Missing passphrase":"Chybějící heslová fráze","Missing sources":"Chybějící zdroje","Modified":"Změněno","Mon":"Po","Months":"Měsíců","Move existing database":"Přesunout existující databázi","Move failed:":"Přesun se nezdařil:","My Documents":"Moje dokumenty","My Music":"Hudba","My Photos":"Fotografie","My Pictures":"Obrázky","Name":"Název","Never":"Nikdy","New update found: {{message}}":"Nalezena nová aktualizace: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Nové uživatelské jméno je {{user}}.\nAktualizované přihlašovací údaje které použít pro uživatele s omezenými přístupovými právy","Next":"Další","Next scheduled run:":"Příští naplánované spuštění:","Next scheduled task:":"Příští naplánovaná úloha:","Next task:":"Příští úloha:","Next time":"Příště","No":"Ne","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Předtím nebyl určen žádný certifikát, ověřte se správcem serveru že klíč je správný: {{key}}\n\nSchvalujete tento klíč stroje?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Nebyl nalezen žádný editor pro typ úložiště „{{backend}}“","No encryption":"Nešifrovat","No items selected":"Nejsou vybrané žádné položky","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Žádné položky pro obnovení – vyberte alespoň jednu","No passphrase entered":"Není zadaná žádná heslová fráze","No scheduled tasks":"Žádné naplánované úlohy","No, my machine has only a single account":"Ne, na mém stroji je pouze jediný uživatelský účet","Non-matching passphrase":"Zadání heslové fráze se neshodují","None / disabled":"Žádné / vypnuté","Not using encryption":"Nepoužívá šifrování","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Nic nebude smazáno. Velikost zálohy naroste při každé změně.","OK":"OK","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Jakmile je zde více záloh než zadané číslo, nejstarší zálohy budou smazané.","OpenStack AuthURI":"AuthURI pro OpenStack","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"Objektové úložiště OpenStack (Swift)","Opened":"Otevřeno","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"Klíč pro Openstack API není podporován ve verzi 3 API stavebního bloku.","Operating System":"Operační systém","Operation":"Operace","Operation failed:":"Operace se nezdařila:","Operations:":"Operace:","Optional authentication password":"Volitelné ověřovací heslo","Optional authentication username":"Volitelné uživatelské jméno pro ověření","Options":"Předvolby","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Zde přidané volby jsou použity na všechny zálohy, ale je možné je přepsat v nastavení jednotlivých záloh","Original location":"Původní umístění","Others":"Ostatní","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Po čase jsou zálohy automaticky odmazávány. Bude udržována jedna záloha z každého dne za minulých 7 dnů, jedna z každého týdne za minulé 4 týdny a jedna z každého měsíce za minulých 12 měsíců. A vždy zde bude přinejmenším jedna ponechaná záloha.","Overwrite":"Přepsat","Passphrase":"Heslová fráze","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Heslová fráze (v případě, že je použito šifrování)","Passphrase changed":"Heslová fráze změněna","Passphrases are not matching":"Zadání heslové fráze se neshodují","Passphrases do not match":"Zadání heslové fráze se neshodují","Password":"Heslo","Patching files with local blocks …":"Opravování souborů pomocí místních bloků…","Path":"Popis umístění","Path not found":"Umístění nenalezeno","Path on server":"Popis umístění na serveru","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Umístění nebo podsložka v „nádobě“ (bucket)","Pause":"Pozastavit","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pozastavit po spuštění nebo hibernaci","Pause options":"Předvolby pozastavení","Permissions":"Přístupová práva","Pick location":"Vyberte umístění","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Nasměrujte na soubory se zálohou a obnovte odsud","Port":"Port","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Zabránit automatickému přihlašování ikony v oznamovací oblasti","Previous":"Předchozí","Progress:":"Postup:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"Pokud „nádoba“ (bucket) existuje, je identifikátor projektu (ProjectID) nepovinný","Proprietary":"Proprietární","Purge Phase":"Fáze trvalého mazání","Purging files complete!":"Trvalé smazání souborů dokončeno!","Purging files …":"Trvalé vymazávání souborů…","Rebuilding local database …":"Znovuvytváření místní databáze…","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Vytvořit znovu (smazat a opravit)","Recreate Database Phase":"Fáze znovuvytváření databáze","Recreating database …":"Znovuvytváření databáze…","Registering temporary backup …":"Registrace dočasné zálohy…","Relative paths not allowed":"Vztažené (relativní) popisy umístění není možné použít","Reload":"Načíst znovu","Remote":"Vzdálené","Remote Path":"Vzdálené umístění","Remote Repository":"Vzdálený repozitář","Remote path":"Vzdálené umístění","Remote repository":"Vzdálený repozitář","Remote volume size":"Velikost vzdáleného svazku","Remove":"Odebrat","Remove option":"Odebrat volbu","Removed files":"Odebrané soubory","Repair":"Opravit","Repair Phase":"Fáze oprav","Repairing database …":"Oprava databáze…","Repeat Passphrase":"Zopakování heslové fráze","Reporting:":"Hlášení:","Reset":"Resetovat","Restore":"Obnovit","Restore complete!":"Obnovení dokončeno!","Restore files":"Obnovit soubory","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Obnovit soubory z {{backupname}}","Restore files …":"Obnovit soubory…","Restore from":"Obnovit z","Restore from backup configuration":"Obnovit nastavení ze zálohy","Restore from configuration ...":"Obnovit z nastavení…","Restore options":"Volby obnovení","Restore read/write permissions":"Obnovit práva pro čtení/zápis","Restored Files":"Obnovené soubory","Restored Folders":"Obnovené složky","Restored Symlinks":"Obnovené symbolické odkazy","Restoring files …":"Obnovování souborů…","Resume":"Pokračovat","Rewritten File Lists":"Seznamy přepsaných souborů","Run again every":"Spustit znovu každou","Run now":"Spustit nyní","Running ....":"Spuštěné…","Running commandline entry":"Spuštěná položka příkazového řádku","Running task:":"Spuštěná úloha:","Running …":"Spuštěné…","S3 Compatible":"Kompatibilní s S3","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Stejné jako základní nainstalovaná verze: {{channelname}}","Sat":"So","Save":"Uložit","Save and repair":"Uložit a opravit","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Uložit různé verze odlišené časovou značkou v názvu souboru","Save immediately":"Okamžitě uložit","Scanning existing files …":"Skenování existujících souborů…","Scanning for local blocks …":"Skenování místních bloků…","Schedule":"Plán","Search":"Hledat","Search for files":"Hledat soubory","Seconds":"Sekund","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Vyberte úroveň podrobnosti zaznamenávaných událostí a sledujte zprávy:","Select files":"Vybrat soubory","Server":"Server","Server and port":"Server a port","Server hostname or IP":"Název nebo IP adresa serveru","Server is currently paused,":"Server je nyní pozastavený,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Server je nyní pozastavený, chcete ho nyní znovu spustit?","Server password":"Heslo serveru","Server paused":"Server pozastaven","Server state properties":"Vlastnosti stavu serveru","Settings":"Nastavení","Show":"Zobrazit","Show advanced editor":"Zobrazit pokročilý editor","Show hidden folders":"Zobrazit skryté složky","Show log":"Zobrazit záznam událostí (log)","Show log …":"Zobrazit záznam událostí (log)…","Show treeview":"Zobrazit stromový pohled","Sia server password":"Heslo Sia serveru","Smart backup retention":"Chytrá doba uchovávání záloh","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Někteří poskytovatelé OpenStack umožňují použití klíče k API namísto hesla a jména nájemníka (tenant)","Source Data":"Zdrojová data","Source Files":"Zdrojové soubory","Source data":"Zdrojová data","Source folders":"Zdrojové složky","Source:":"Zdroj:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Konkrétní sestavení určená pouze pro vývojáře. Nepoužívejte pro důležitá data.","Standard protocols":"Standardní protokoly","Start":"Začátek","Starting backup …":"Spouštění zálohy…","Starting restore …":"Spouštění obnovení…","Starting the restore process …":"Spouštění procesu obnovení…","Stop after current file":"Zastavit po stávajícím souboru","Stop after the current file":"Zastavit po stávajícím souboru","Stop now":"Zastavit nyní","Stop running backup":"Zastavit probíhající zálohu","Stop running task":"Zastavit probíhající úlohu","Stopping after the current file:":"Zastavování pro stávajícím souboru:","Stopping task:":"Zastavování úlohy:","Storage Type":"Typ úložiště","Storage class":"Třída úložiště","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Třída úložiště pro vytváření „nádoby“ (bucket)","Stored":"Uloženo","Strong":"Silné","Success":"Úspěch","Sun":"Ne","Symbolic link":"Symbolický odkaz","System Files":"Systémové soubory","System default ({{levelname}})":"Systémové výchozí ({{levelname}})","System files":"Systémové soubory","System info":"Informace o systému","System properties":"Vlastnosti systému","TByte":"TB","TByte/s":"TB/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Popis umístění cíle, tj. /zaloha","Task is running":"Úloha je spuštěná","Temporary Files":"Dočasné soubory","Temporary files":"Dočasné soubory","Tenant Name":"Jméno nájemníka (tenant)","Test Phase":"Fáze zkoušení","Test connection":"Vyzkoušet spojení","Testing ...":"Testování…","Testing connection ...":"Zkouška spojení…","Testing permissions …":"Zkoušení přístupových práv…","Testing permissions...":"Zkouška přístupových práv…","Testing …":"Testování…","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"Kolonka „{{fieldname}}“ obsahuje neplatný znak: {{character}} (hodnota: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"Záloha chybí, byla smazána?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"Záloha byla dočasná a už neexistuje, takže data záznamu událostí jsou ztracena","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Název nádoby by měl být malými písmeny, převést automaticky?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Název „nádoby“ (bucket) by měl začínat vaším uživatelským jménem – předřadit automaticky?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"Nastavení by měla být uchovávána bezpečně. Opravdu chcete uložit nešifrovaný soubor obsahující vaše hesla?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"Spojení se serverem ztraceno, opětovný pokus za {{time}}…","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Tmavé téma vzhledu (od Michala)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Výchozí téma vzhledu modrá na bílé (od Alexe)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"Složka {{folder}} neesxistuje.\nVytvořit nyní?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"Klíč stroje se změnil, zkontrolujte se správcem serveru zda je správný, protože byste mohli být obětí útoku typu člověk uprostřed (man-in-the-midle).\n\nChcete NAHRADIT STÁVAJÍCÍ klíč stroje \"{{prev}}\" NAHLÁŠENÝM klíčem stroje: {{key}}?","The passwords do not match":"Zadání hesla se neshodují","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Popisované umístění zdá se neexistuje, přejete si ho přidat i tak?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Dané umístění nekončí na znak „{{dirsep}}“, což znamená, že jste zahrnuli soubor, ne složku.\n\nChcete zahrnout daný soubor?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Je třeba, aby se jednalo o úplný popis umístění, tj. aby začínal dopředným lomítkem „/“","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Popis umístění by měl začínat na „{{prefix1}}“ nebo „{{prefix2}}“, jinak soubory neuvidíte ve webovém rozhraní HubiC.\n\nChcete přidat předponu k popisu umístění automaticky?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Parametr region je použit pouze při vytváření nové „nádoby“ (bucket)","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Parametr region je použit pouze při vytváření „nádoby“ (bucket)","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Certifikát serveru se nepodařilo ověřit.\nChcete schválit SSL certifikát s otiskem: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"Třída úložiště ovlivňuje dostupnost a cenu za uložení souboru","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Cílová složka obsahuje zašifrované soubory, zadejte heslovou frázi","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"Uživatel má příliš vysoká přístupová práva. Chcete vytvořit nového uživatele s právy omezenými pouze na vybraný popis umístění?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Tato záloha byla vytvořena na jiném operačním systému. Obnovení souborů bez zadání cílové složky může způsobit, že soubory budou obnoveny do neočekávaných míst. Opravdu chcete pokračovat bez zvolení cílové složky?","This month":"Tento měsíc","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Tato volba nesouvisí s maximální velikostí zálohy či souboru, ani nepostihuje rychlosti deduplikace. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">Před případnou změnou velikosti svazku na protějšku si prostudujte tuto stránku.</external-link>","This week":"Tento týden","Throttle settings":"Nastavení přiškrcování","Thu":"Čt","Time":"Čas","To File":"Do soubour","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Svůj úmysl smazat všechny vzdálené soubory pro  „{{name}}“ potvrďte opsáním níže uvedeného slova ","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Pro exportování bez heslové fráze odškrtněte „Šifrovat soubor“","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"Z důvodu prevence různým útokům prostřednictvím DNS, Duplicati omezuje názvy strojů, kterým je umožněn přístup na ty, vypsané zde. Přímý přístup na IP adresu a localhost je umožněn vždy. Je možné zadat vícero názvů strojů, oddělovaných středníkem. Pokud je některý z názvů povolených strojů hvězdička (*), je přístup umožněn ze všech strojů a tato funkce je vypnuta. Pokud kolonka není vyplněna, je umožněn přístup pouze na IP adresu a localhost.","Today":"Út","Trust host certificate?":"Důvěřovat certifikátu stroje?","Trust server certificate?":"Důvěřovat certifikátu serveru?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Vyzkoušejte nové funkce na kterých pracujeme. Nyní nejstabilnější dostupná verze. Pořádně si vyzkoušejte obnovu dat než toto použijete v produkčních prostředích.","Tue":"Út","Type passphrase here.":"Sem zadejte heslovou frázi.","Type to highlight files":"Soubory zvýrazňujte psaním","Unknown backup size and versions":"Neznámá velikost a verze databáze","Until resumed":"Dokud není pokračováno","Update channel":"Aktualizační kanál","Update failed:":"Aktualizace se nezdařila:","Updating with existing database":"Aktualizace se stávající databází","Uploaded files":"Nahrané soubory","Uploading verification file …":"Nahrávání ověřovacího souboru…","Usage statistics":"Statistiky využití","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Statistiky využití, varování, chyby a pády","Use SSL":"Použít SSL","Use existing database?":"Použít existující databázi?","Use weak passphrase":"Použít slabou heslovou frázi","Useless":"Nepoužitelné","User data":"Uživatelská data","User domain name":"Název domény uživatele","User has too many permissions":"Uživatel má příliš mnoho oprávnění","User interface settings":"Nastavení uživatelského rozhraní","Username":"Uživatelské jméno","Vacuuming database …":"Úklid v databázi…","Validating …":"Ověřování…","Verifications":"Ověřování","Verify files":"Ověřit soubory","Verifying ...":"Ověřování…","Verifying answer":"Ověřování odpovědi","Verifying backend data …":"Ověřování dat podpůrné vrstvy (backend)…","Verifying restored files …":"Ověřování obnovených souborů…","Verifying …":"Ověřování…","Version ID":"Identif. verze","Very strong":"Velmi silné","Very weak":"Velmi slabé","Visit us on":"Navštivte nás na","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"VAROVÁNÍ: bylo zjištěno, že vzdálená databáze je používána knihovnou pro příkazový řádek","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"VAROVÁNÍ: toto zabrání v budoucnu obnovovat data!","Waiting for task to begin":"Čekání na zahájení úlohy","Waiting for task to start ....":"Čekání na zahájení úlohy…","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Varování, chyby a pády","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Přijímáme dary prostřednictvím různých služeb, jako například OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource a různé kryptoměny.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Doporučujeme šifrovat všechny zálohy, které jsou ukládány mimo váš stroj","Weak":"Slabé","Weak passphrase":"Slabá heslová fráze","Wed":"St","Weeks":"Týdny","Where do you want to restore from?":"Odkud chcete obnovit?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Kam chcete soubory obnovit?","Years":"Let","Yes":"Ano","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Ano, heslovou frázi mám bezpečně uloženou","Yes, I understand the risk":"Ano, rozumím riziku","Yes, I'm brave!":"Ano, mám odvahu!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Ano, chci rozbít své zálohy!","Yesterday":"Včera","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Zdá se, že provozujete Mono bez načtených SSL certifikátů.\nChcete importovat seznam důvěryhodných certifikátů z Mozilla?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Měníte umístění databáze pryč z existující databáze.\nOpravdu je to to, co chcete?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Nyní provozujete {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Změnili jste režim šifrování. To může něco rozbít. Doporučujeme namísto toho vytvořit novou zálohu","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Změnili jste heslovou frázi, což není podporováno. Doporučujeme namísto toho vytvořit novou zálohu.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Zvolili jste že záloha nebude šifrována. Šifrování je doporučeno pro veškerá data ukládaná na vzdálený server.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Zvolili jste obnovu do nového umístění, ale nezadali jste ho","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Vytvořili jste odolnou heslovou frázi. Tu si dobře uschovejte, protože v případě její ztráty data nebude možné obnovit.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Je třeba zvolit alespoň jednu zdrojovou složku","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Aby bylo možné použít verzi 3 aplikačního programového rozhraní, je třeba zadat doménový název","You must enter a name for the backup":"Je třeba zadat název zálohy","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Buď je třeba zadat heslovou frázi nebo šifrování vypnout","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Aby bylo možné použít verzi 3 aplikačního programového rozhraní, je třeba zadat heslo","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Je třeba zadat kladný počet záloh které uchovávat","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Aby bylo možné použít verzi 3 aplikačního programového rozhraní, je třeba zadat název projektu (tenant)","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Pokud nezadáte klíč k API, je třeba zadat jméno nájemníka (tenant)","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Je třeba zadat platnou dobu po kterou ponechávat zálohy","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Je třeba zadat platný řetězec zásady doby uchovávání záloh","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Je třeba zadat buď klíč k API nebo heslo","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Je třeba zadat buď heslo, nebo klíč k API – ne obojí naráz","You must fill in the password":"Je třeba vyplnit heslo","You must fill in the server name or address":"Je třeba vyplnit název nebo adresu serveru","You must fill in the username":"Je třeba vyplnit uživatelské jméno","You must fill in {{field}}":"Je třeba vyplnit kolonku {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Je třeba vybrat nebo vyplnit AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Je třeba vybrat nebo vyplnit server","You must specify a path":"Je třeba zadat popis umístění","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"Měli byste vyplnit {{field}}{{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Soubory a složky byly úspěšně obnoveny.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Vaše heslová fráze je snadno uhodnutelná. Zvažte volbu jiné.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"nadoba/slozka/podslozka","byte":"B","byte/s":"B/s","custom":"vlastní","public usage statistics":"veřejné statistiky využívání","resume now":"pokračovat nyní","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"pokud výslovně neuvedete --group-id","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} bylo vyvynuto hlavně <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> a <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} je možné si stáhnout z <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} je šířeno pod licencí <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} souborů ({{size}}) zbývá {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} verze","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} verze","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} verzí","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} verzí"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} hodin","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} hodin","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} minut","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (trvalo {{duration}})","…loading…":"…načítání…"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('da', {"- pick an option -":"- vælg indstilling -","...loading...":"...indlæser...","API Key":"API Key","AWS Access ID":"AWS Access ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Access Key","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Policy","About":"Om","About {{appname}}":"Om {{appname}}","Access Key":"Access Key","Access denied":"Adgang nægtet","Access to user interface":"Adgang til brugerflade","Account name":"Kontonavn","Activate":"Aktivér","Activate failed:":"Aktivering fejlede:","Add a new backup":"Tilføj en ny backup","Add a path directly":"Tilføj en sti","Add advanced option":"Tilføj en avanceret indstilling","Add backup":"Tilføj backup","Add filter":"Tilføj filter","Add path":"Tilføj sti","Added":"Tilføjet","Adjust bucket name?":"Tilpas bucket navnet?","Adjust path name?":"Juster stien?","Advanced Options":"Avancerede indstillinger","Advanced options":"Avancerede indstillinger","Advanced:":"Avanceret:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Alle Hyper-V maskiner","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Alle Microsoft SQL databaser","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Alle brugsrapporter bliver sendt anonymt og indeholder ikke personlige oplysninger. De indeholder oplysninger om hardware, operativsystem, destinationstype, backup varighed, backup størrelse og lignende information. De indeholder ikke stier, filnavne, brugernavne, adgangskoder eller lignende følsom information.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Tillad fjernadgang (kræver genstart)","Allowed days":"Tilladte dage","An existing file was found at the new location":"En eksisterende fil blev fundet på den nye placering","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"En eksisterende fil blev funder på den nye placering.\nEr du sikker på at du vil have databasen til at pege på en eksisterende fil?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"En eksisterende lokal database for destinationen er fundet.\nHvis du genbruger databasen, kan du bruge både kommandolinie og serveren til at arbejde på samme destination.\n\nVil du bruge den eksisterende database?","Anonymous usage reports":"Anonyme brugsstatistiker","Applications":"Applikationer","As Command-line":"Som kommandolinie","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Adgangskode til godkendelse","Authentication username":"Brugernavn til godkendelse","Autogenerated passphrase":"Autogenereret adgangssætning","Automatically run backups.":"Kør backups automatisk","B2 Application Key":"B2 Application Key","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Account ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cloud Storage Application Key","Back":"Tilbage","Backend modules:":"Destinationsmoduler:","Backup complete!":"Backup fuldført!","Backup destination":"Backup destination","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"Backup er krypteret, men ingen adgangssætning er tilgængelig.\nIndtast en adgangssætning til gendannelse af dine filer nedenfor,\neller efterlad blank i tilfælde af GPG-kryptering for at lade gpg \nhente adgangssætningen via dit systems nøglering.","Backup location":"Backup placering","Backup retention":"Backup fastholdelse","Backup:":"Backup:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Adgang defekt","Browse":"Gennemse","Browser default":"Browser standard","Bucket Name":"Bucket navn","Bucket create location":"Bucket placering ved oprettelse","Bucket create region":"Bucket region ved oprettelse","Bucket name":"Bucket navn","Bucket storage class":"Bucket storage class","Busy ...":"Optaget ...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Ved at tillade fjernadgang vil serveren lytte efter forespørgsler fra en hver maskine på dit netværk. Hvis du slår denne indstilling til, så vær sikker på at computeren er på et sikkert netværk beskyttet af en firewall.","Cache Files":"Cache Filer","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Annuller","Cannot move to existing file":"Kan ikke flytte til eksisterende fil","Changelog":"Ændringslog","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Ændringslog for {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Kontrol fejlede:","Check for updates now":"Tjek for opdateringer nu","Checking ...":"Kontrollerer ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Valgte en destinationstype at komme i gang","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Click på AuthID linket for at oprettet et AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Klik for at sætte hastigheds begrænsning","Compact Phase":"Komprimeringsfase","Compact now":"Komprimer nu","Compacting remote data ...":"Komprimerer data på destinationen ...","Compression modules:":"Kompressions moduler:","Computer":"Computer","Configuration file:":"Konfigurationsfil:","Configuration:":"Konfiguration:","Configure a new backup":"Indstil en ny backup","Confirm delete":"Bekræft sletning","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Bekræft krypteringskoden","Confirm password":"Bekræft adgangskode","Confirmation required":"Bekræftelse kræves","Connect":"Forbind","Connect now":"Forbind nu","Connecting to task ....":"Forbinder til opgave ...","Connecting...":"Forbinder ...","Connection lost":"Forbindelse mistet","Connection worked!":"Forbindelsen virkede!","Container name":"Container navn","Container region":"Container region","Continue":"Fortsæt","Continue without encryption":"Fortsæt uden kryptering","Copied!":"Kopieret!","Copy":"Kopier","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Kopier URL-destinationsadressen til udklipsholder","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Kopiering mislykkedes. Kopier venligst URL-adressen manuelt","Core options":"Grund indstillinger","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Tæller ({{files}} filer fundet, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Kun nedbrud","Create folder?":"Opret mappe?","Created new limited user":"Opret en ny begrænset bruger","Creating user...":"Opretter bruger ...","Current action:":"Nuværende handling:","Current file:":"Nuværende fil:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Nuværende version er {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Brugerdefineret S3 endpoint","Custom authentication url":"Brugerdefineret godkendelses url","Custom backup retention":"Brugerdefineret backup fastholdelse","Custom location ({{server}})":"Brugerdefineret placering ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Brugerdefineret region for at oprette buckets","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Brugerdefineret regions værdi ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Brugerdefineret server url ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Brugerdefineret storage class ({{klasse}})","Days":"Dage","Default":"Standard","Default ({{channelname}})":"Standard ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"Standard ekskluderinger","Default options":"Standardindstillinger","Delete":"Slet","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Slettefase (Gamle backup-versioner)","Delete backup":"Slet backup","Delete backups that are older than":"Slet sikkerhedskopier, der er ældre end","Delete local database":"Slet lokal database","Delete remote files":"Slette filer fra destinationen","Delete the local database":"Slet den lokale database","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Slet {{filecount}} filer ({{filesize}}) fra destinationen?","Deleted":"Slettet","Deleted Versions":"Slettede versioner","Deleted files":"Slettede filer","Description (optional)":"Beskrivelse (valgfrit)","Description:":"Beskrivelse:","Desktop":"Skrivebord","Destination":"Destination","Destination path":"Destinations sti","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Hjalp vi med at redde dine filer? Du kan overveje at støtte Duplicati med en donation. Vi foreslår {{smallamount}} ved privat brug og {{largeamount}} ved kommerciel brug.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Direkte gendannelse fra backup filer ...","Disabled":"Deaktiveret","Dismiss":"Afvis","Dismiss all":"Afvis alle","Display and color theme":"Visning og farvevalg","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Vil du virkelig slette backupen: \"{{name}}\"?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Vil du virkelig slette den lokale database for: {{navn}}","Domain Name":"Domæne Navn","Donate":"Donér","Donation messages":"Donations beskeder","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Donations beskeder er skjult, klik for at vise","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Donation beskeder er synlige, klik for at skjule","Done":"Færdig","Download":"Download","Downloaded files":"Downloadede filer","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Dublet af indstilling {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati hjemmeside","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati forum","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati kører når startet, men forbliver i pause-tilstand. Duplicati optager minimale systemressourcer og ingen backups vil køre.","Duration":"Varighed","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Hver backup har en lokal database tilknyttet, som gemmer information om data på fjerndestinationen lokalt på maskinen.\nNår du sletter en backup kan du også slette den lokale database uden at dette påvirker muligheden for at gendanne filer.\nHvis du bruger den lokale database til at køre backup via kommandolinien skal du beholde databasen.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Hver backup har en lokal database forbundet, som gemmer oplysninger om destinationens filer på den lokale maskine. \\nDette gør det hurtigere at udføre mange operationer, og reducerer mængden af data, der skal hentes for hver operation.","Edit as list":"Rediger som liste","Edit as text":"Rediger som tekst","Encrypt file":"Krypter fil","Encryption":"Kryptering","Encryption changed":"Kryptering ændret","Encryption modules:":"Krypterings moduler:","End":"Afsluttet","Enter URL":"Indtast URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Indtast manuelt en fastholdelsesstrategi. Variablerne er D/W/Y for henholdsvis dage/uger/år or U for ubegrænset. Syntaksen er: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. Dette eksempel fastholder én backup for hver af de næste 7 dage, én for hver af de næste 4 uger og én for hver af de næste 36 måneder. Det samme kan også opnås ved at skrive 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Indtast adgangsnøgle","Enter account name":"Indtast kontonavn","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Indtast adgangssætning til backup, hvis defineret","Enter configuration details":"Indtast konfigurationsdetaljer","Enter container name":"Indtast container navn","Enter encryption passphrase":"Indtast adgangssætning til kryptering","Enter expression here":"Indtast udtryk her","Enter folder path name":"indtast mappe navn","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Indtast én indstilling per linie i kommandolinieformat, f.eks. {0}","Enter the destination path":"Indtast destinations stien","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Angiv email addressen til Office 365 gruppen","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Angiv den fulde destinations sti, inklusiv server navn, men uden https","Error":"Fejl","Error!":"Fejl!","Errors and crashes":"Fejl og nedbrud","Examined":"Undersøgt","Exclude":"Eksludér","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Ekskluder mapper hvor navnet indeholder","Exclude expression":"Excluder udtryk","Exclude file":"Excluder fil","Exclude file extension":"Ekskluder filendelse","Exclude files whose names contain":"Ekskluder filer hvor navnet indeholder","Exclude filter group":"Ekskluderings filter gruppe","Exclude folder":"Ekskluder mappe","Exclude regular expression":"Ekskluder regulært udtryk","Existing file found":"Eksisterende fil fundet","Experimental":"Eksperimental","Export":"Eksporter","Export backup configuration":"Eksporter backup konfiguration","Export configuration":"Eksporter konfiguration","Export passwords":"Eksportér adgangskoder","External link":"Eksternt link","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (alternativ)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Kunne ikke bygge midlertidig database: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Kunne ikke forbinde:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Kunne ikke forbinde: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Kunne ikke slette:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Kunne ikke hente sti-information: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Kunne ikke finde backup:","Failed to import:":"Kunne ikke importere:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Kunne ikke læse backup standardværdier:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Kunne ikke gendanne filer: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Kunne ikke gemme:","File":"Fil","Files larger than:":"Filer større end:","Filters":"Filtre","Finished!":"Færdig!","First run setup":"Førstegangsopsætning","Folder":"Mappe","Folder path":"Mappe sti","Fri":"Fre","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS Projekt ID","General":"Generelt","General backup settings":"Generelle backup indstillinger","General options":"Generelle indstillinger","Generate":"Generér","Generate IAM access policy":"Generér IAM access policy","Group email":"Gruppe email","Hidden files":"Skjulte filer","Hide":"Skjul","Hide hidden folders":"Skjul skjulte filer","Home":"Hjem","Hostnames":"Hostnavne","Hours":"Timer","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Hvordan vil du håndtere eksisterende filer?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V maskine","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V maskine:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V maskiner","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Hvis der ikke blev kørt på det angivne tidspunkt, vil jobbet køre så hurtigt som muligt.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Hvis der findes mindst en nyere sikkerhedskopi, slettes alle backups, der er ældre end denne dato.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Hvis backup og data på destinationen ikke er synkroniseret, vil Duplicati kræve at du kører en reparation for at synkronisere databasen.\\nHvis reparationen ikke lykkes kan du slette den lokale database og gendanne den.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Hvis du ikke indtaster en sti, vil alle filer blive gemt i login mappen.\nEr du sikke på at det er det du vil gøre?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Hvis du ikke indtaster en API key, skal du angive tenant navnet","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Hvis du vil bruge din backup senere, kan du eksportere konfigurationen før du sletter den","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Hvis flere personer bruger denne computer (f.eks. via forskellige brugerkonti) bør du indstille en adgangskode for at forhindre andre i at tilgå dine data.\nVil du indstille en adgangskode nu?","Import":"Importér","Import Destination URL":"Importer destinations URL","Import backup configuration":"Importer backup konfiguration","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Importen blev færdig, men der blev ikke funder certifikater efter importen","Import failed":"Importen fejlede","Import from a file":"Importer fra en fil","Import metadata":"Importer metadata","Include a file?":"Inkluder en fil?","Include expression":"Inkluder udtryk","Include regular expression":"Inkluder regulært udtryk","Incorrect answer, try again":"Forkert svar, prøv igen","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Individuelle versioner kun for udviklere. Bør ikke bruges med vigtig data.","Information":"Information","Install":"Installer","Install failed:":"Installationen fejlede:","Invalid characters in path":"Ugyldige tegn i stien","Invalid retention time":"Ugyldig bevaringstid","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Det er muligt at oprette forbindelse til visse FTP servere uden adgangskode.\nEr du sikker på din FTP-server understøtter login uden adgangskode?","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Gem et bestemt antal backups","Keep all backups":"Gem alle backups","Keystone API version":"Keystone API version","Language in user interface":"Sprog i brugergrænsefladen","Last month":"Sidste måned","Last successful backup:":"Sidst gennemførte backup:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Sidste gennemførte gendannelse: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})","Latest":"Nyeste","Libraries":"Biblioteker","Live":"Live","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Indlæs konfiguration fra en eksporteret fil eller en pladsudbyder","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Indlæs destination fra en eksporteret fil eller en pladsudbyder","Load older data":"Indlæs ældre data","Loading ...":"Indlæser ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Indlæser forbrug fra fjerndestinationen ...","Local Repository":"Lokal fortegnelse","Local database for":"Lokal database for","Local database path:":"Lokal database sti:","Local repository":"Lokal fortegnelse","Local storage":"Local opbevaring","Location":"Placering","Location where buckets are created":"Placering hvor buckets bliver oprettet","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Logdata for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Logdata fra serveren","Log out":"Log ud","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"Vedligehold","Manually type path":"Indtast en sti manuelt","Max download speed":"Max downloadhastighed","Max upload speed":"Maks uploadhastighed","Menu":"Menu","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL Database:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL Databaser","Minimum redundancy":"Mindste tilladte redundans","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Mindste redundans er 1.0","Minutes":"Minutter","Missing name":"Navn mangler","Missing passphrase":"Adgangssætning mangler","Missing sources":"Kilder mangler","Modified":"Ændret","Mon":"Man","Months":"Måneder","Move existing database":"Flyt eksisterende database","Move failed:":"Flytning fejlede:","My Documents":"Mine dokumenter","My Music":"Min musik","My Photos":"Mine foto","My Pictures":"Mine billeder","Name":"Navn","Never":"Aldrig","New update found: {{message}}":"Ny opdatering fundet: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Nyt bruger navn er {{user}}.\nLoginoplysninger er opdateret til den nye begrænsede bruger","Next":"Næste","Next scheduled run:":"Næste planlagte kørsel:","Next scheduled task:":"Næste planlagte opgave:","Next task:":"Næste opgave:","Next time":"Næste tidspunkt","No":"Nej","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Intet certifikat har været anvendt før, kontroller venligst at nøglen er korrekt hos serveradministratoren: {{key}} \n\nVil du godkende den angivne nøgle?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Ingen editor blev fundet for &quot;{{backend}}&quot; destinationen","No encryption":"Ingen kryptering","No items selected":"Ingen emner valgt","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Ingen emner er valgt til gendannelse, vælg venligst en eller flere emner","No passphrase entered":"Ingen adgangssætning angivet","No scheduled tasks":"Ingen planlagte opgaver","No, my machine has only a single account":"Nej, min computer har kun en brugerkonto","Non-matching passphrase":"Uoverenstemmelse mellem adgangssætninger","None / disabled":"Ingen / deaktiveret","Not using encryption":"Uden kryptering","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Intet vil blive slettet. Backup størrelsen vokser med hver ændring.","OK":"OK","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Når der er flere backups end det angivne antal, slettes de ældste sikkerhedskopier.","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Opened":"Åbnet","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"Openstack API nøgler er ikke understøttet i v3 keystone API.","Operating System":"Operativ System","Operation":"Operation","Operation failed:":"Operation fejlede:","Operations:":"Operationer:","Optional authentication password":"Valgfri adgangskode til godkendelse","Optional authentication username":"Valgfrit brugernavn til godkendelse","Options":"Indstillinger","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Indstilliger tilføjet here bliver anvendt på alle backups, men kan blive overskrevet individuelt på hver backup","Original location":"Oprindelig placering","Others":"Andre","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Over tid vil backups blive slettet automatisk. Der vil forblive en backup for hver af de sidste 7 dage, hver af de sidste 4 uger, hver af de sidste 12 måneder. Der vil altid være mindst en tilbageværende backup.","Overwrite":"Overskriv","Passphrase":"Adgangssætning","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Adgangssætning (hvis krypteret)","Passphrase changed":"Adgangssætning ændret","Passphrases are not matching":"Adgangssætninger er ikke ens","Passphrases do not match":"Adgangssætninger er ikke identiske","Password":"Adgangskode","Path":"Sti","Path not found":"Stien blev ikke fundet","Path on server":"Sti på server","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Sti eller undermappe i bucket","Pause":"Pause","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pause efter start eller dvale","Pause options":"Pause indstillinger","Permissions":"Tilladelser","Pick location":"Vælg placering","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Udpeg dine backup-filer og gendan fra dem","Port":"Port","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Forhindre automatisk login-in fra system ikonet","Previous":"Forrige","Progress:":"Fremgang:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ProjectID er valgfrit hvis bucket eksisterer","Proprietary":"Proprietære","Purge Phase":"Rensningsfase","Purging files complete!":"Rensning af filer gennemført!","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Gendan (slet og reparer)","Recreate Database Phase":"Database gendannelsesfase ...","Relative paths not allowed":"Relative stier er ikke tilladt","Reload":"Genindlæs","Remote":"Destination","Remote Path":"Destinations sti","Remote Repository":"Ekstern fortegnelse","Remote path":"Destinations sti","Remote repository":"Ekstern fortegnelse","Remote volume size":"Volume størrelse","Remove":"Fjern","Remove option":"Fjern indstilling","Removed files":"Fjernede filer","Repair":"Reparer","Repair Phase":"Reparationsfase","Repeat Passphrase":"Gentag adgangssætning","Reporting:":"Rapporterer:","Reset":"Nulstil","Restore":"Gendan","Restore complete!":"Gendannelse fuldført!","Restore files":"Gendan filer","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Gendan filer fra {{backupname}}","Restore from":"Gendan fra","Restore from backup configuration":"Gendan fra konfiguration i backup","Restore from configuration ...":"Gendan fra konfiguration ...","Restore options":"Indstillinger til gendannelse","Restore read/write permissions":"Gendan læse/skrive tilladelser","Resume":"Genoptag","Rewritten File Lists":"Genskrevne fil-lister","Run again every":"Kør igen hver","Run now":"Kør nu","Running ....":"Kører ...","Running commandline entry":"Kører kommandolinie opgave","Running task:":"Kørende opgave:","S3 Compatible":"S3 kompatibel","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Samme som grundinstallationsversionen: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Lør","Save":"Gem","Save and repair":"Gem og reparer","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Gem forskellige versioner med tidstempel i filnavnet","Save immediately":"Gem med det samme","Schedule":"Planlagt","Search":"Søg","Search for files":"Søg efter filer","Seconds":"Sekunder","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Vælg et log niveau og se beskeder som de kommer:","Select files":"Vælg filer","Server":"Server","Server and port":"Server og port","Server hostname or IP":"Server navn eller IP","Server is currently paused,":"Serveren er sat på pause.","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Serveren er sat på pause, vil du genoptage med det samme?","Server password":"Server adgangskode","Server paused":"Server på pause","Server state properties":"Egenskaber for serveren","Settings":"Indstillinger","Show":"Vis","Show advanced editor":"Vis avanceret redigering","Show hidden folders":"Vis skjulte mapper","Show log":"Vis log","Show treeview":"Vis træstruktur","Sia server password":"Sia server adgangskode","Smart backup retention":"Smart backupfastholdelse","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Visse OpenStack udbydere tillader en API nøgle istedet for en adgangskode og et tenant navn","Source Data":"Kilde data","Source data":"Kilde data","Source folders":"Kilde mapper","Source:":"Kilde:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Specifikke versioner kun til udviklere. Bør ikke bruges med vigtig data.","Standard protocols":"Standard protokoller","Start":"Start","Stop after the current file":"Stop efter den nuværende fil","Stop now":"Stop nu","Stop running backup":"Stop den kørende backup","Stop running task":"Stop den kørende opgave","Stopping task:":"Stopper opgave:","Storage Type":"Opbevaringstype","Storage class":"Opbevaringsklasse","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Opbevaringsklasse når der oprettes en bucket","Stored":"Gemt","Strong":"Stærk","Success":"Succes","Sun":"Søn","Symbolic link":"Symbolsk kæde","System Files":"System Filer","System default ({{levelname}})":"System standard ({{levelname}})","System files":"System filer","System info":"System info","System properties":"System egenskaber","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Destinationsstien, f.eks. /backup","Task is running":"Opgave kører","Temporary Files":"Midlertidige Filer","Temporary files":"Midlertidige filer","Tenant Name":"Tenant navn","Test Phase":"Testfase","Test connection":"Test forbindelse","Testing ...":"Tester ...","Testing connection ...":"Tester forbindelse ...","Testing permissions...":"Tester tilladelser...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"'{{fieldname}}' feltet indeholder ugyldige karakterer: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"Backup mangler, er den blevet slettet?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"Backup var midlertidig og eksisterer ikke længere, log data er dermed tabt","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Bucket navnet bør være med små bogstaver, konverter automatisk?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Bucket navnet bør starte med dit brugernavn, vil du sætte det foran automatisk?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"Opsætningen bør holdes hemmelig. Er du sikker på at du vil gemme en ikke-krypteret fil der indeholder dine adgangskoder?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"Forbindelsen til serveren er mistet, forsøger igen om {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Mørke farver (af Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Standard blå på hvid (af Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"Mappen {{folder}} eksisterer ikke.\nOpret den nu?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"Nøglen fra værten er ændret, kontroller venligst med server administratoren om dette er korrekt, ellers kan du være offer for et MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE angreb.\n\nVil du ERSTATTE din NUVÆRENDE værtsnøgle \"{{prev}}\" med den RAPPORTEREDE værtsnøgle: {{key}}?","The passwords do not match":"Adgangskoderne er ikke ens","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Stien ser ikke ud til at findes, vil du tilføje den alligevel?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Stien slutter ikke med '{{dirsep}}' tegnet, hvilket betyder at du inkluderer en file og ikke en mappe.\n\nVil du inkludere den valgte fil?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Stien skal være en absolut sti, altså skal den starte med '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Stien bør starte med \"{{præfiks1}}\" eller \"{{præfiks2}}\", ellers vil du ikke kunne se andre filer i HubiC web konsollen\n\nVil du tilføje præfikset til stien automatisk?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Regionsparameteren anvendes kun når der oprettes en ny bucket","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Regionsparameteren bruges kun når der oprettes en ny bucket","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Server certifikatet kunne ikke valideres.\nVil du godkende SSL certifikatet med dette hash: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"Opbevaringsklasen påvirker tilgængeligheden og prisen for en opbevaret fil","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Destinationsmappen indeholder krypterede filer, angiv venligst adgangssætningen","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"Brugeren har for mange tilladelser. Vil du oprette en ny begrænset bruger der kun har adgang til den valgte sti?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Denne backup blev oprettet på et andet operativsystem. Når der gendannes filer uden at angive en destination, kan disse blive oprettet på uventede placeringer. Er du sikker på at du vil fortsætte uden at vælge en destinationsmappe?","This month":"Denne måned","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Denne indstilling påvirker ikke den maksimale backup eller fil størrelse, den påvirker heller ikke deduplikationsrate. Se denne side før du ændre volume størrelsen.","This week":"Denne uge","Throttle settings":"Indstillinger for hastighedsbegrænsning","Thu":"Tor","Time":"Tid","To File":"Til fil","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"For at bekræfte at du vil slette all fjernfiler til \"{{name}}\", indtast venligst det ord ud ser herunder","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"For at eksportere uden en adgangsætning, fjern mærket ud for \"Krypter filen\"","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"For at forhindre forskellige DNS baserede angreb svarer Duplicati kun på hostnavne der er angivet her. Direkte adgang over IP eller localhost er altid tilladt. Flere hostnavne kan angives med en semikolonseparator. Hvis nogen af de tilladte hostnavne er en stjerne (*), vil alle hostnavne være tilladt og denne indstilling slået fra. Hvis feltet er tomt vil kun IP addresse og localhost adgangvære tilladt.","Today":"I dag","Trust host certificate?":"Stol på værtscertifikatet?","Trust server certificate?":"Stol på server certifikatet?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Prøv nye funktioner vi arbejder på. Den mest stabile version tilgængelig på nuværende tidspunkt. Test gendannelse af data før du bruger dette i produktions miljøer.","Tue":"Tir","Type passphrase here.":"Indtast adgangssætning her.","Type to highlight files":"Skriv for at markere filer","Unknown backup size and versions":"Ukendt backup størrelse og versionsantal","Until resumed":"Indtil genoptaget","Update channel":"Opdateringskanal","Update failed:":"Opdatering fejlede:","Updating with existing database":"Opdaterer med eksisterende database","Uploaded files":"Uploadede filer","Usage statistics":"Brugsstatistik","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Brugsstatistik, advarsler, fejl og nedbrud","Use SSL":"Brug SSL","Use existing database?":"Brug eksisterende database?","Use weak passphrase":"Brug svag adgangssætning","Useless":"Ubrugelig","User data":"Brugerdata","User domain name":"Bruger domæne navn","User has too many permissions":"Brugeren har for mange tilladelser","User interface settings":"Indstillinger til brugergrænseflade","Username":"Brugernavn","Verifications":"Verificeringer","Verify files":"Verificer filer","Verifying ...":"Verificerer ...","Verifying answer":"Verificerer svar","Version ID":"Versions-id","Very strong":"Meget stærk","Very weak":"Meget svag","Visit us on":"Besøg os på","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"ADVARSEL: Databasen benyttes af kommandolinie programmet","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"ADVARSEL: Dette vil forhindre dig i at gendanne data i fremtiden.","Waiting for task to begin":"Venter på at opgaven starter","Waiting for task to start ....":"Venter på at opgaven starter ...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Advarsler, fejl og nedbrud","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Vi accepterer donationer via forskellige tjenester, såsom OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource og forskellige krypto-valutaer.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Vi anbefaler at du krypterer alle backups der er gemt uden for dit system","Weak":"Svag","Weak passphrase":"Svag adgangssætning","Wed":"Ons","Weeks":"Uger","Where do you want to restore from?":"Hvor vil du gerne gendanne fra?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Hvor vil du gendanne filerne til?","Years":"År","Yes":"Ja","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Ja, jeg har opbevaret adgangssætningen sikkert","Yes, I understand the risk":"Ja, jeg forstår risikoen","Yes, I'm brave!":"Ja, jeg er modig!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Ja, ødelæg venligst min backup!","Yesterday":"I går","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Det ser ud til at du kører Mono uden nogen SSL certifikater.\nVil du importere listen af certifikater som Mozilla bruger?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Du er ved at ændre database stien væk fra en eksisterende database.\nEr du sikker på at det er det du vil?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Du kører med {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Du har skiftet krypteringsmetode. Dette kan ødelægge ting. Du opfordres til at oprette en ny backup i stedet.","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Du har skiftet adgangssætningen, hvilket ikke understøttes. Du opfordres til at oprette en ny backup i stedet.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Du har valgt at undlade at kryptere din backup. Kryptering anbefales for alt data der gemmes på en fjerndestination.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Du har valgt at gendanne til en ny placering, men ikke angivet en","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Du har genereret en stærk adgangssætning. Sørg for, at du har en sikker kopi, da data ikke kan gendannes, hvis du mister adgangssætningen.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Du skal vælge mindst en kilde mappe","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Du er nødt til at angive et domæne navn for at bruge v3 API'en","You must enter a name for the backup":"Du skal angive et navn for denne backup","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Du skal indtaste en adgangssætning eller fravælge kryptering","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Du skal angive en adgangskode for at bruge v3 API'en","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Du skal indtaste et positivt antal backups der skal bevares","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Du er nødt til at angive et tenant (projekt) navn for at bruge v3 API'en","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Du skal angive et tenant navn hvis du ikke angiver en API nøgle","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Du skal angive en gyldig periode som backups gemmes i","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Du skal indtaste en brugbar fastholdelses strategi","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Du skal angive enten en adgangskode eller en API nøgle","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Du skal angive enten en adgangskode eller en API nøgle, ikke begge","You must fill in the password":"Du skal angive en adgangskode","You must fill in the server name or address":"Du skal angive server navnet eller adressen","You must fill in the username":"Du skal angive et brugernavn","You must fill in {{field}}":"Du skal udfylde {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Du skal vælge eller udfylde AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Du skal vælge eller indtaste server navnet","You must specify a path":"Du skal angive en sti","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"Du bør angive {{field}}{{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Dine filer og mapper blev gendannet korrekt.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Din kodesætning er let at gætte. Overvej at skifte den.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"buvket/mappe/undermappe","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"tilpasset","resume now":"genoptag nu","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"Medmindre du eksplicit angiver --group-id","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} er primært udviklet af <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> og <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} kan downloades fra <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} er licenseret med <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} filer ({{size}}) tilbage {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} version","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} versioner"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} Timer","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} Timer","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} Minutter","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (varighed: {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('de', {"- pick an option -":"- Option auswählen -","...loading...":"...laden...","API Key":"API-Schlüssel","AWS Access ID":"AWS Access ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Access Key","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Policy","About":"Über","About {{appname}}":"Über {{appname}}","Access Key":"Zugriffsschlüssel","Access denied":"Zugriff verweigert","Access to user interface":"Zugriff auf die Benutzeroberfläche","Account name":"Kontoname","Activate":"Aktivieren","Activate failed:":"Aktivierung fehlgeschlagen:","Add a new backup":"Neues Backup hinzufügen","Add a path directly":"Pfad direkt eingeben","Add advanced option":"Option für Profis hinzufügen","Add backup":"Sicherung hinzufügen","Add filter":"Filter hinzufügen","Add path":"Pfad hinzufügen","Added":"Hinzugefügt","Adjust bucket name?":"Bucket-Name anpassen?","Adjust path name?":"Pfad anpassen?","Advanced Options":"Optionen für Profis","Advanced options":"Optionen für Profis","Advanced:":"Für Profis:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Alle Hyper-V Maschinen","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Alle Microsoft SQL-Datenbanken","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Alle Nutzungsberichte werden anonym verschickt und enthalten keine personenbezogenen oder personenbeziehbare Daten. Sie enthalten Daten über Hardware, Betriebssystem, das verwendete Backend, die Sicherungsdauer, die Gesamtgröße der Sicherungen und ähnliche Daten. Sie enthalten NICHT Pfade, Dateinamen, Benutzernamen, Passwörter oder andere sensible Informationen.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Fernzugriff erlauben (Neustart notwendig)","Allowed days":"Erlaubte Tage","An existing file was found at the new location":"An dem angegebenen Ort wurde eine bereits vorhandene Datenbank gefunden.","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Eine vorhandene Datenbank wurde gefunden.\nSoll diese Datenbank von nun an verwendet werden?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Eine lokale Datenbank für den Onlinespeicher wurde gefunden.\nMit dieser Datenbank können GUI und Kommandozeile auf dem gleichen Onlinespeicher arbeiten.\n\nSoll die lokale Datenbank genutzt werden?","Anonymous usage reports":"Anonyme Nutzungsberichte","Applications":"Anwendungen","As Command-line":"als Befehl für Kommandozeile","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Passwort für Anmeldung","Authentication username":"Benutzername für Anmeldung","Autogenerated passphrase":"Automatisch generierte Passphrase","Automatically run backups.":"Sicherungen automatisch ausführen.","B2 Application ID":"B2-Anwendungs-ID","B2 Application Key":"B2 Application Key","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Account ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Application ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cloud Storage Application Key","Back":"Zurück","Backend modules:":"Backend-Module:","Backup complete!":"Sicherung abgeschlossen!","Backup destination":"Sicherungsziel","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"Die Sicherung ist verschlüsselt, jedoch ist keine Passphrase verfügbar.\nGib unten die für die Wiederherstellung deiner Dateien zu verwendende Passphrase ein.\nIm Fall einer GPG-Verschlüsselung musst du das Feld leer lassen, damit GPG die Passphrase aus dem Schlüsselbund deines Systems abrufen kann.","Backup location":"Sicherungsort","Backup retention":"Sicherungsaufbewahrung","Backup:":"Sicherung:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Defekter Zugriff","Browse":"Durchsuchen","Browser default":"Standard Browser","Bucket Name":"Bucket-Name","Bucket create location":"Bucket-Speicherort","Bucket create region":"Bucket Bereich erstellen","Bucket name":"Bucket-Name","Bucket storage class":"Bucket Speicherklasse","Building list of files to restore …":"Erstellen einer Liste von wiederherzustellenden Dateien...","Building partial temporary database …":"Temporäre Datenbank wird erstellt...","Busy ...":"Beschäftigt...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Bei erlaubtem Fernzugriff wird der Server auf Anfragen von jedem Computer deines Netzwerks antworten. Stelle bei Aktivierung dieser Option bitte sicher, dass du den Computer immer in einem sicheren, firewallgeschützten Netzwerk verwendest.","By default, the tray icon will open the user interface with a token that unlocks the user interface. This ensures that you can access the user interface from the tray icon, while requiring others to enter a password. If you prefer having to type in the password, even when accessing the user interface from the tray icon, enable this option.":"Standardmäßig öffnet das Taskleistensymbol den Zugriff auf die Benutzeroberfläche. Dies stellt sicher, dass Du über das Taskleistensymbol auf die Benutzeroberfläche zugreifen kannst. Wenn Du das Passwort auch beim Zugriff auf die Benutzeroberfläche über das Taskleistensymbol eingeben möchten, aktiviere diese Option.","Cache Files":"Dateien cachen","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Cannot move to existing file":"Verschieben auf bereits existierende Datei nicht möglich","Changelog":"Änderungsprotokoll","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Änderungsprotokoll für {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Prüfung fehlgeschlagen:","Check for updates now":"Aktualisierung suchen","Checking ...":"Überprüfen...","Checking for updates …":"Aktualisierungen werden gesucht …","Chose a storage type to get started":"Wähle einen Speichertypen zum Starten","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Auf AuthID klicken um eine AuthID zu erstellen","Click to set throttle options":"Zum Einstellen der Drosselungsoptionen anklicken","Commandline …":"Kommandozeile …","Compact Phase":"Komprimierungsphase","Compact now":"Sicherung komprimieren","Compacting remote data ...":"Remotedaten verkleinern...","Compacting remote data …":"Remotedaten verkleinern...","Complete log":"Vollständiges Protokoll","Completing backup …":"Sicherung wird abgeschlossen …","Completing previous backup …":"Vorherige Sicherung wird abgeschlossen …","Compression modules:":"Kompression:","Computer":"Computer","Configuration file:":"Konfigurationsdatei:","Configuration:":"Konfiguration:","Configure a new backup":"Neues Sicherung konfigurieren","Confirm delete":"Löschen bestätigen","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Verschlüsselungspassphrase bestätigen","Confirm passphrase":"Passphrase bestätigen","Confirm password":"Passwort bestätigen","Confirmation required":"Bestätigung erfolderlich","Connect":"Verbinden","Connect now":"Jetzt verbinden","Connecting to server …":"Verbindung zum Server wird hergestellt …","Connecting to task ....":"Verbinde mit Aufgabe...","Connecting...":"Verbinden...","Connection lost":"Verbindung verloren","Connection worked!":"Verbindung erfolgreich!","Container name":"Container-Name","Container region":"Container-Region","Continue":"Fortfahren","Continue without encryption":"Ohne Verschlüsselung fortfahren","Copied!":"Kopiert!","Copy":"Kopie","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Ziel-URL in Zwischenablage kopieren","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Kopie fehlgeschlagen. Bitte kopiere die URL manuell","Core options":"Allgemeine Optionen","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Dateien ermitteln ({{files}} files found, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Nur Abstürze","Create bug report …":"Fehlerbericht erstellen...","Create folder?":"Ordner erstellen?","Created new limited user":"Nutzer mit eingeschränkten Rechten anlegen","Creating bug report …":"Fehlerbericht wird erstellt... ","Creating new user with limited access …":"Neuer Benutzer mit eingeschränktem Zugriff wird erstellt …","Creating target folders …":"Zielverzeichnisse erstellen... ","Creating temporary backup …":"Temporäre Sicherung wird erstellt …","Creating user...":"Nutzer anlegen...","Current action:":"Aktuelle Aktion:","Current file:":"Aktuelle Datei:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Aktuelle Version: {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Benutzerdefinierter S3 endpoint","Custom authentication url":"Benutzerdefinierte URL für Authentifizierung","Custom backup retention":"Benutzerdefinierte Sicherungsaufbewahrung","Custom location ({{server}})":"Benutzerdefinierter Standort ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Benutzerdefinierte Region, um Buckets zu erstellen","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Benutzerdefinierter Wert für Region ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Benutzerdefinierte Server-URL ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Benutzerdefinierte Speicher-Klasse ({{class}})","Database …":"Datenbank …","Days":"Tage","Default":"Standard","Default ({{channelname}})":"Standard ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"Standardmäßig ausgeschlossen","Default options":"Standard-Optionen","Delete":"Löschen","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Phase Löschen (alte Sicherungsversionen)","Delete backup":"Sicherung löschen","Delete backups that are older than":"Sicherungen löschen, die älter sind als","Delete local database":"Lokale Datenbank löschen","Delete remote files":"Remote-Dateien löschen","Delete the local database":"Die lokale Datenbank löschen","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"{{filecount}} Dateien ({{filesize}}) vom Remote-Speicher löschen?","Delete …":"Löschen …","Deleted":"Gelöscht","Deleted Versions":"Gelöschte Versionen","Deleted files":"Gelöschte Dateien","Deleting remote files …":"Remote-Dateien löschen... ","Deleting unwanted files …":"Unnötige Daten löschen... ","Description (optional)":"Beschreibung (optional)","Description:":"Beschreibung:","Desktop":"Desktop","Destination":"Ziel","Destination path":"Ziel-Pfad","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Konnten wir Deine Daten retten? Falls ja, würden wir uns über eine angemessene Spende sehr freuen. Wir empfehlen {{smallamount}} bei privater Nutzung und {{largeamount}} bei geschäftlicher Nutzung.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Direkte Wiederherstellung von Sicherungsdateien …","Disabled":"Deaktiviert","Dismiss":"Verwerfen","Dismiss all":"Alles ausblenden","Display and color theme":"Darstellung und Farbthema","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Möchtest du die Sicherung wirklich löschen: \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Möchtest du die lokale Datenbank wirklich löschen für: {{name}}","Domain Name":"Domänenname","Donate":"Spenden","Donation messages":"Spenden-Links","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Spenden-Links sind versteckt. Zum Anzeigen anklicken","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Spendenlinks werden angezeigt (jetzt ausblenden)","Done":"Fertig","Download":"Herunterladen","Downloaded files":"Heruntergeladene Dateien","Downloading files …":"Dateien werden heruntergeladen …","Downloading update…":"Aktualisierung wird heruntergeladen …","Downloading …":"Am Herunterladen …","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"doppelte Option {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati Website","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati Forum","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati wird beim Start ausgeführt, verbleibt für die Dauer im pausierenden Zustand. Dabei belegt Duplicati minimale Systemressourcen und Backups werden nicht ausgeführt.","Duration":"Dauer","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Jedes Backup hat eine lokale Datenbank.\nBeim Löschen des Backups kann die lokale Datenbank, ohne die Wiederherstellung der Remote-Dateien zu beeinträchtigen.\nWenn Sie die lokale Datenbank für Backups von der Befehlszeile aus verwenden, sollten Sie die Datenbank behalten.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Jede Sicherung hat eine lokale Datenbank. Diese Datenbank beschleunigt viele Aktionen und führt dazu, dass weniger Daten heruntergeladen werden müssen.","Edit as list":"Als Liste bearbeiten","Edit as text":"Als Text bearbeiten","Edit …":"Bearbeiten …","Encrypt file":"Datei verschlüsseln","Encryption":"Verschlüsselung","Encryption changed":"Verschlüsselung geändert","Encryption modules:":"Verschlüsselungen:","End":"Ende","Enter URL":"URL eingeben","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Gib manuell die Aufbewahrungregeln an. Platzhalter sind D/W/Y für Tag/Woche/Jahr und U für unbegrenzt.  Die Syntax lautet 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. Dieses Beispiel behält eine Sicherung für jeden der nächsten 7 Tage, jede der nächsten 4 Wochen und jeden der nächsten 36 Monate. Die Schreibweise 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M ist ebenso gültig.","Enter access key":"Zugriffsschlüssel angeben","Enter account name":"Account-Name angeben","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Sicherungspassphrase eingeben, falls vorhanden","Enter configuration details":"Konfigurationsdetails eingeben","Enter container name":"Container-Name angeben","Enter encryption passphrase":"Verschlüsselungpassphrase eingeben","Enter expression here":"Ausdruck hier eingeben","Enter folder path name":"Ordnerpfad eingeben","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Gib eine Option pro Zeile an im Kommandozeilen-Format, z.B. {0}","Enter the destination path":"Ziel-Pfad angeben","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Eingabe der E-Mail Adresse der Office 365 Gruppe","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Eingabe des vollständigen Pfades, inklusive des Servernamens, aber ohne https","Error":"Fehler","Error!":"Fehler!","Errors and crashes":"Fehler und Abstürze","Examined":"Geprüft","Exclude":"Ausschließen","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Ordner ausschließen dessen Namen beinhaltet","Exclude expression":"Filter (ausschließen)","Exclude file":"Datei ausschließen","Exclude file extension":"Dateiendung ausschließen","Exclude files whose names contain":"Dateien ausschließen dessen Namen beinhaltet","Exclude filter group":"Filtergruppe ausschließen","Exclude folder":"Ordner ausschließen","Exclude regular expression":"Regulären Ausdruck (ausschließen)","Existing file found":"Vorhandene Datenbank gefunden","Experimental":"Experimental","Export":"Exportieren","Export backup configuration":"Sicherungskonfiguration exportieren","Export configuration":"Konfiguration exportieren","Export passwords":"Passwort exportieren","Export …":"Exportieren …","Exporting …":"Am Exportieren …","External link":"Externer Link","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Alternativ)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Erstellen der temporären Datenbank fehlgeschlagen: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Verbindung fehlgeschlagen:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Verbindung fehlgeschlagen: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Löschen fehlgeschlagen:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Konnte Pfadangaben nicht abrufen: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Sicherung konnte nicht gefunden werden:","Failed to import:":"Import fehlgeschlagen:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Sicherungsstandardeinstellungen konnten nicht gelesen werden:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Wiederherstellung der Dateien fehlgeschlagen: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Fehler beim Speichern:","Fetching path information …":"Abrufen von Pfadinformationen...","File":"Datei","Files larger than:":"Dateien größer als:","Filters":"Filter","Finished!":"Fertiggestellt!","First run setup":"Zuerst Setup starten","Folder":"Ordner","Folder path":"Ordnerpfad","Fri":"Fr","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS Project ID","General":"Allgemein","General backup settings":"Allgemeine Sicherungseinstellungen","General options":"Allgemeine Einstellungen","Generate":"Erzeugen","Generate IAM access policy":"IAM-Zugriffsrichtlinie generieren","Getting file versions …":"Dateiversionen werden abgerufen …","Group email":"Gruppen-E-Mail","Hidden files":"Versteckte Dateien","Hide":"Ausblenden","Hide hidden folders":"versteckte Ordner ausblenden","Home":"Home","Hostnames":"Hostnamen","Hours":"Stunden","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Wie sollen bestehende Dateien behandelt werden?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V-Maschine","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V-Maschine:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V-Maschinen","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Wurde ein Zeitpunkt verpasst, startet die Sicherung so bald wie möglich.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Falls mindestens eine neuere Sicherung gefunden wird, werden alle Sicherungen älter als dieses Datum gelöscht.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Wenn lokale Daten und die Sicherung nicht mehr synchron sind, muss die lokale Datenbank repariert werden.\\nSollte die Reparatur nicht erfolgreich sein, so kann die lokale Datenbank gelöscht und neu erstellt werden.","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Wenn die Sicherungsdatei nicht automatisch heruntergeladen wurde,<a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\"> mit der rechten Maustaste klicken und \"Speichern unter...\" auswählen</a>","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Wenn die Sicherungsdatei nicht automatisch heruntergeladen wurde, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">mit der rechten Maustaste klicken und \"Speichern unter...\" auswählen</a>","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Ohne Pfad werden alle Dateien im Anmelde-Verzeichnis gespeichert.\nMöchtest du das?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Wenn kein API Schlüssel angegeben wurde, ist der Tenant-Name erforderlich.","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Wenn Du die Sicherung später verwenden möchtest, kann die Konfiguration vor dem Löschen exportiert werden","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Wenn sich Ihr Gerät in einer Mehrbenutzerumgebung befindet (d. h. die Maschine hat mehr als ein Benutzerkonto), müssen Sie ein Kennwort festlegen, um zu verhindern, dass andere Benutzer auf Daten Ihres Kontos zugreifen.\nMöchten Sie jetzt ein Passwort setzen?","Import":"Importieren","Import Destination URL":"Ziel-URL importieren","Import backup configuration":"Sicherungskonfiguration importieren","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Import abgeschlossen, aber es wurde kein Zertifikat nach dem Import gefunden","Import failed":"Import fehlgeschlagen","Import from a file":"Von einer Datei importieren","Import metadata":"Importiere Metadata","Importing …":"Am Importieren …","Include a file?":"Datei einfügen?","Include expression":"Filter (einschließen)","Include regular expression":"Regulären Ausdruck (einschließen)","Incorrect answer, try again":"Fehlerhafte Antwort, versuche es erneut","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Individuelle Builds nur für Entwickler. Nicht für die Verwendung mit wichtigen Daten.","Information":"Information","Install":"Installieren","Install failed:":"Installation fehlgeschlagen:","Invalid characters in path":"Unzulässige Zeichen im Pfad","Invalid retention time":"Ungültige Aufbewahrungszeit","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Manche FTP-Server erlauben ein Verbinden ohne Passwort.\nBist Du sicher, dass Dein FTP-Server dazu gehört?","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Eine bestimmte Anzahl von Sicherungen behalten","Keep all backups":"Alle Sicherungen behalten","Keystone API version":"Keystone API Version","Language in user interface":"Sprache der Benutzeroberfläche","Last month":"Letzter Monat","Last successful backup:":"Letzte erfolgreiche Sicherung:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Letzte erfolgreiche Wiederherstellung: {{time}} (dauerte {{duration || '0 Sekunden'}})","Latest":"Neuste","Libraries":"Bibliotheken","Listing backup dates …":"Sicherungsdaten werden aufgelistet …","Listing remote files for purge …":"Auflisten von Remote-Dateien fürs Löschen...","Listing remote files …":"Auflisten von Remote-Dateien...","Live":"Live","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Konfiguration aus einem exportierten Job oder Speicheranbieter laden","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Ziel aus einem exportierten Job oder Speicheranbieter laden","Load older data":"ältere Einträge laden","Loading ...":"Laden...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Remote-Speicherplatznutzung abfragen...","Loading …":"Laden...","Local Repository":"Lokales Repository","Local database for":"Lokale Datenbank für","Local database path:":"Lokale Datenbank:","Local repository":"Lokales Repository","Local storage":"Lokaler Speicher","Location":"Ort","Location where buckets are created":"Speicherort, wo die Buckets erstellt werden","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Protokolldaten für <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Protokolldaten vom Server","Log out":"Abmelden","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"Wartung","Manually type path":"Pfad eingeben","Max download speed":"Max. Downloadgeschwindigkeit","Max upload speed":"Max. Uploadgeschwindigkeit","Menu":"Menü","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL Datenbank:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL Datenbanken","Minimum redundancy":"Minimale Redundanz","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Die minimale Redundanz ist 1,0","Minutes":"Minuten","Missing name":"Name fehlt","Missing passphrase":"Passphrase fehlt","Missing sources":"Quelle fehlt","Modified":"Geändert","Mon":"Mo","Months":"Monate","Move existing database":"Datenbank verschieben","Move failed:":"Verschieben fehlgeschlagen:","My Documents":"Dokumente","My Music":"Musik","My Photos":"Meine Fotos","My Pictures":"Bilder","Name":"Name","Never":"Nie","New update found: {{message}}":"Neues Update verfügbar: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Neuer Benutzername ist {{user}}.\nZugangsdaten für eingeschränken Benutzer verwendet","Next":"Weiter","Next scheduled run:":"Nächste geplante Ausführung:","Next scheduled task:":"Nächste geplante Aufgabe:","Next task:":"Nächste Aufgabe:","Next time":"Nächstes Mal","No":"Nein","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Es wurde kein Zertifikat angegeben, mit dem der Serveradministrator prüft, ob der Schlüssel korrekt ist: {{key}}\n\nMöchtest Du den gemeldeten Host-Schlüssel freigeben?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Kein Editor für den &quot;{{backend}}&quot; Speichertyp gefunden","No encryption":"Keine Verschlüsselung","No items selected":"Nichts ausgewählt","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Es wurden keine Daten für die Wiederherstellung ausgewählt. Wähle eine Datei oder einen Ordner aus.","No passphrase entered":"Keine Passphrase eingegeben","No scheduled tasks":"Keine geplanten Aufgaben","No, my machine has only a single account":"Nein, meine Maschine hat nur ein einziges Konto","Non-matching passphrase":"Nicht übereinstimmende Passphrase","None / disabled":"Keine / deaktiviert","Not using encryption":"Verschlüsselung nicht verwenden","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Es wird nichts gelöscht. Die Sicherungsgröße erhöht sich mit jeder Änderung.","OK":"OK","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Sobald mehr Sicherungen als angegeben vorhanden sind, werden die ältesten Sicherungen gelöscht.","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Opened":"Geöffnet","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"Openstack API Key ist nicht Unterstützt in der v3 Keystone API.","Operating System":"Betriebssystem","Operation":"Operation","Operation failed:":"Operation fehlgeschlagen:","Operations:":"Operationen:","Optional authentication password":"Passwort für Anmeldung (optional)","Optional authentication username":"Benutzername für Anmeldung (optional)","Options":"Optionen","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Optionen, die hier gesetzt werden, werden auf alle Backups angewandt, können aber in jedem einzelnen Backup überschrieben werden","Original location":"Ursprünglicher Speicherort","Others":"Weitere","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Mit der Zeit werden die Sicherungen automatisch gelöscht. Es bleibt eine Sicherung für jeden der letzten 7 Tage, jede der letzten 4 Wochen und jeden der letzten 12 Monate erhalten. Es bleibt immer mindestens eine Sicherung erhalten.","Overwrite":"Überschreiben","Passphrase":"Passphrase","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Passphrase (falls verschlüsselt)","Passphrase changed":"Passphrase gändert","Passphrases are not matching":"Passphrasen stimmen nicht überein","Passphrases do not match":"Passphrasen stimmen nicht überein","Password":"Passwort","Patching files with local blocks …":"Dateien mit vorhandenen Daten aufbauen...","Path":"Pfad","Path not found":"Pfad nicht gefunden","Path on server":"Pfad auf Server","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Pfad oder Unterverzeichnis im Bucket","Pause":"Pause","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pause nach dem Start oder Aufwachen","Pause options":"Anhalten Optionen","Permissions":"Berechtigungen","Pick location":"Speicherort auswählen","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Sicherungsdateien auswählen und wiederherstellen","Port":"Port","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Verhindert das automatische Anmelden per Taskleistensymbol","Previous":"Zurück","Progress:":"Fortschritt:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"Die Projekt-ID ist optional, wenn der Bucket existiert","Proprietary":"Proprietär","Purge Phase":"Aufräumphase","Purging files complete!":"Löschen von Dateien abgeschlossen!","Purging files …":"Dateien bereinigen...","Rebuilding local database …":"Lokale Datenbank wird neu aufgebaut …","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Wiederherstellen (löschen und reparieren)","Recreate Database Phase":"Datenbank-Wiederherstellungsphase","Recreating database …":"Datenbank wird neu erstellt …","Registering temporary backup …":"Temporäre Sicherung wird registriert …","Relative paths not allowed":"Relative Pfade sind nicht möglich","Reload":"Neu laden","Remote":"Remote","Remote Path":"Entfernter Pfad","Remote Repository":"Entferntes Repository","Remote path":"Entfernter Pfad","Remote repository":"Entferntes Repository","Remote volume size":"Remote-Volume-Größe","Remove":"Entfernen","Remove option":"Option entfernen","Removed files":"Entfernte Dateien","Repair":"Reparieren","Repair Phase":"Reparatur Phase","Repairing database …":"Datenbank wird repariert …","Repeat Passphrase":"Passphrase wiederholen","Reporting:":"Bericht:","Reset":"Zurücksetzen","Restore":"Wiederherstellen","Restore complete!":"Wiederherstellung komplett!","Restore files":"Dateien wiederherstellen","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Dateien von {{backupname}} wiederherstellen","Restore files …":"Dateien wiederherstellen …","Restore from":"Wiederherstellen von","Restore from backup configuration":"Aus Sicherungskonfiguration wiederherstellen","Restore from configuration ...":"Aus Konfiguration wiederherstellen...","Restore options":"Wiederherstellungsoptionen","Restore read/write permissions":"Schreib- und Leserechte wiederherstellen","Restored Files":"Dateien wiederhergestellt","Restored Folders":"Ordner wiederhergestellt","Restored Symlinks":"Symbolische Verknüpfungen wiederhergestellt","Restoring files …":"Dateien werden wiederhergestellt …","Resume":"Fortsetzen","Rewritten File Lists":"Neu geschrieben Dateiliste","Run again every":"Wiederholen alle","Run now":"Jetzt sichern","Running ....":"Läuft ....","Running commandline entry":"Führe Kommandozeilenbefehl aus","Running task:":"Laufende Aufgabe:","Running …":"Läuft...","S3 Compatible":"S3 Kompatibel","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Wie die zuerst installierte Version: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Sa","Save":"Speichern","Save and repair":"Speichern und reparieren","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Mehrere Versionen mit Zeitstempel im Dateinamen speichern","Save immediately":"Sofort speichern","Scanning existing files …":"Vorhandene Dateien werden gescannt …","Scanning for local blocks …":"Scannen nach lokalen Blöcken...","Schedule":"Zeitplan","Search":"Suche","Search for files":"Dateien suchen","Seconds":"Sekunden","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Wählen Sie eine Protokollierungsstufe aus und sehen Sie sich die Meldungen an:","Select files":"Wähle Dateien","Server":"Server","Server and port":"Server und Port","Server hostname or IP":"Server-Hostname oder IP","Server is currently paused,":"Server ist pausiert,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Server ist zurzeit pausiert, Server starten?","Server password":"Server-Paßwort","Server paused":"Server pausiert","Server state properties":"Server Zustandseigenschaften","Settings":"Einstellungen","Show":"Anzeigen","Show advanced editor":"Erweiterten Editor anzeigen","Show hidden folders":"Versteckte Ordner anzeigen","Show log":"Protokolldatei anzeigen","Show log …":"Protokoll anzeigen...","Show treeview":"Baumansicht anzeigen","Sia server password":"Sia Server-Paßwort","Smart backup retention":"Intelligente Sicherungsaufbewahrung","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Einige OpenStack Anbieter erlauben einen API Schlüssel anstelle eines Passwortes und Tenant Namen","Source Data":"Quell-Daten","Source Files":"Quelldateien","Source data":"Quell-Daten","Source folders":"Quell-Verzeichnisse","Source:":"Quelle:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Spezifische Builds nur für Entwickler. Nicht für die Verwendung mit wichtigen Daten.","Standard protocols":"Standardprotokolle","Start":"Beginn","Starting backup …":"Sicherung wird gestartet …","Starting restore …":"Wiederherstellung wird gestartet …","Starting the restore process …":"Starten des Wiederherstellungsprozesses...","Stop after current file":"Stopp nach aktueller Datei","Stop after the current file":"Beende nach aktueller Datei","Stop now":"Beenden","Stop running backup":"Laufende Sicherung anhalten","Stop running task":"Beende laufenden Vorgang","Stopping after the current file:":"Anhalten nach der aktuellen Datei:","Stopping task:":"Beende Vorgang","Storage Type":"Speichertyp","Storage class":"Speicherklasse","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Speicherklasse zum Erstellen eines Bucket","Stored":"Gespeichert","Strong":"Stark","Success":"Erfolgreich","Sun":"So","Symbolic link":"Symbolischer Link","System Files":"Systemdateien","System default ({{levelname}})":"System-Standard ({{levelname}})","System files":"Systemdateien","System info":"System-Informationen","System properties":"System-Eigenschaften","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Zielpfad, z. B. /backup","Task is running":"Aufgabe wird ausgeführt","Temporary Files":"Temporäre Dateien","Temporary files":"Temporäre Dateien","Tenant Name":"Tenant-Name","Test Phase":"Test Phase","Test connection":"Verbindung prüfen","Testing ...":"Testen...","Testing connection ...":"Teste Verbindung...","Testing permissions …":"Berechtigungen werden überprüft …","Testing permissions...":"Rechte werden geprüft...","Testing …":"Prüfung...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"Das Feld '{{fieldname}}' beinhaltet ein ungültiges Zeichen: {{character}} (Wert: {{value}}, Position: {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"Die Sicherung fehlt, wurde sie gelöscht?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"Die Sicherung war temporär und existiert nicht mehr, die Protokolldaten sind daher verloren","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Der Bucket sollte klein geschrieben sein. Jetzt klein schreiben?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Der Bucket-Name sollte mit Deinem Benutzernamen beginnen. Benutzername hinzufügen?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"Die Konfiguration sollte sicher aufbewahrt werden. Sicher, dass eine unverschlüsselte Datei mit Ihren Passwörtern gespeichert werden soll?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"Die Verbindung zum Server wurde verloren. Versuch erneut in {{time}}...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Dunkles Thema (von Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Blau-auf-Weiß Thema (von Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"Der Ordner {{folder}} existiert nicht.\nOrdner erstellen?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"Der Host-Schlüssel wurde geändert, bitte prüfe mit dem Server Administrator ob dieser korrekt ist, ansonsten könntest Du ein Opfer eines MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE-Angriffs sein.\n\nMöchtest du den AKTUELLEN Host-Schüssel \"{{prev}}\" mit dem GEMELDETEN Host-Schüssel {{key}} ERSETZEN?","The passwords do not match":"Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Der Pfad scheint nicht zu existieren. Möchtest Du ihn trotzdem hinzufügen?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Ohne das abschließende '{{dirsep}}' fügst du eine Datei hinzu und kein Verzeichnis.\n\nMöchtest du diese Datei hinzufügen?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Der Pfad muss ein absoluter Pfad sein. Das heißt, er muss mit '/' beginnen","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Der Pfad sollte mit \"{{prefix1}}\" oder \"{{prefix2}}\" beginnen. Ansonsten wirst du die Dateien nicht auf der HubiC-Webseite sehen können.\n\nSoll das Präfix automatisch hinzugefügt werden?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Der Bereich Parameter wird nur angewendet, wenn ein neuer Bucket erzeugt wird","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Der Bereich Parameter wird nur angewendet, wenn ein Bucket erzeugt wird","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Das Server Zertifikat könnte nicht validiert werden.\nMöchtest du das SSL-Zertifikat mit dem folgenden Hash freigeben: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"Die Speicherklasse wirkt sich auf die Verfügbarkeit und den Preis einer gespeicherten Datei aus","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Der Zielordner enthält verschlüsselte Dateien, bitte stelle die Passphrase bereit","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"Der Nutzer hat zu viele Rechte. Möchtest Du einen Nutzer mit eingeschränkten Berechtigungen für den gewählten Pfad erstellen?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Dieses Backup wurde mit einem anderen Betriebssystem erstellt. Die Wiederherstellung von Dateien ohne Angabe eines Zielverzeichnisses, kann dazu führen das diese an ungewünschten Stellen wiederhergestellt werden. Bist du dir sicher fortzufahren ohne ein Zielverzeichnis zu wählen?","This month":"Dieser Monat","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Diese Option bezieht sich nicht auf die maximale Backupanzahl oder Dateigröße, noch hat es ein Effekt auf die Deduplizierungrate. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">Weitere Informationen zum ändern der Remote-Volume-Größe sind auf der Seite zu finden.</external-link>","This week":"Diese Woche","Throttle settings":"Drosselungseinstellungen","Thu":"Do","Time":"Zeit","To File":"als Datei","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Zum Bestätigen für das Löschen der Remote-Dateien für \"{{name}}\", bitte das unten angegebene Wort eingeben","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Deaktiviere »Datei verschlüsseln«, um ohne eine Passphrase zu exportieren","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"Um verschiedene DNS-basierte Angriffe zu verhindern, beschränkt Duplicati die erlaubten Hostnamen auf die hier aufgeführten. Direkter IP-Zugriff und localhost ist immer erlaubt. Mehrere Hostnamen können mit einem Semikolon-Trennzeichen versehen werden. Wenn einer der zulässigen Hostnamen ein Sternchen (*) ist, sind alle Hostnamen zulässig und diese Funktion ist deaktiviert. Is das Feld leer, sind nur IP-Adresse und lokaler Host-Zugriff zulässig.","Today":"Heute","Trust host certificate?":"Host Zertifikat vertrauen?","Trust server certificate?":"Server Zertifikat vertrauen?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Probieren neuen Funktionen aus, an denen wir gerade arbeiten. Derzeit die stabilste verfügbare Version. Vor der Verwendung im produktiven Umfeld, teste bitte die Wiederherstellung der Daten.","Tue":"Di","Type passphrase here.":"Hier Passphrase eingeben.","Type to highlight files":"Tippen, um Dateien zu markieren","Unknown backup size and versions":"Unbekannte Backupgröße und -versionen","Until resumed":"Bis zur Wiederaufnahme","Update channel":"Update-Kanal","Update failed:":"Update fehlgeschlagen:","Updating with existing database":"Datenbank wird aktualisiert","Uploaded files":"Hochgeladene Dateien","Uploading verification file …":"Verifikationsdatei wird hochgeladen …","Usage reports help us improve the user experience and evaluate impact of new features. We use them to generate <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'public usage statistics' | translate}}</external-link>":"Nutzungsberichte helfen uns bei der Weiterentwicklung. Wir generieren daraus <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'öffentliche Nutzungsstatistiken' | translate}}</external-link>","Usage statistics":"Nutzungsstatistiken","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Nutzungsberichte, Warnungen, Fehler und Abstürze","Use SSL":"SSL benutzen","Use existing database?":"Bestehende Datenbank nutzen?","Use weak passphrase":"Schwache Passphrase verwenden","Useless":"Nutzlos","User data":"Benutzer Daten","User domain name":"Benutzer Domänenname ","User has too many permissions":"Nutzer hat zu viele Rechte","User interface settings":"Einstellungen der Benutzeroberfläche","Username":"Benutzername","Vacuuming database …":"Datenbank wird bereinigt …","Validating …":"Validieren...","Verifications":"Überprüfungen","Verify files":"Dateien prüfen","Verifying ...":"Prüfen...","Verifying answer":"Antwort verifizieren","Verifying backend data …":"Verifizierung von Backend-Daten...","Verifying files …":"Dateien überprüfen... ","Verifying remote data …":"Remotedaten prüfen ...","Verifying restored files …":"Wiederhergestellte Dateien werden überprüft …","Verifying …":"Am Überprüfen …","Version ID":"Version ID","Very strong":"Sehr stark","Very weak":"Sehr schwach","Visit us on":"Besuche uns auf","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"WARNUNG: Die Remote-Datenbank wird bereits von der Kommandozeilen Bibliothek verwendet","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"WARNUNG: Dadurch kannst Du die Daten in Zukunft nicht wiederherstellen.","Waiting for task to begin":"Warte darauf, loslegen zu können","Waiting for task to start ....":"Warte auf Aufgabenstart","Waiting for upload to finish …":"Warten auf den Upload zum Beenden... ","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Warnungen, Fehler und Abstürze","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Wir nehmen Spenden über OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource und verschiedene Krypto-Währungen.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Wir empfehlen, alle außerhalb deines Systems aufbewahrte Sicherungen zu verschlüsseln","Weak":"Schwach","Weak passphrase":"Schwache Passphrase","Wed":"Mi","Weeks":"Wochen","Where do you want to restore from?":"Von wo wollen Sie wiederherstellen?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Wohin sollen die Dateien wiederhergestellt werden?","Years":"Jahre","Yes":"Ja","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Ja, ich habe die Passphrase sicher gespeichert","Yes, I understand the risk":"Ja, ich habe die Risiken verstanden","Yes, I'm brave!":"Ja, ich bin mutig!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Ja, bitte zerstöre meine Sicherung!","Yesterday":"Gestern","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Mono scheint ohne geladenen SSL-Zertifikate zu laufen.\nMöchtest du die Liste von vertrauenswürdigen Zertifikate von Mozilla importieren?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Du änderst gerade den Pfad zur lokalen Datenbank.\nWeißt Du, was Du da tust?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Aktuell wird {{appname}} {{version}} verwendet","You can stop the backup after any file uploads currently in progress have finished.":"Nachdem alle derzeit laufenden Datei-Uploads abgeschlossen sind, kann das Backup gestoppt werden.","You can stop the task immediately, or allow the process to continue its current file and then stop.":"Die Aufgabe kann sofort angehalten werden, oder nachdem der Prozess die aktuelle Datei abgeschlossen hat.","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Du hast die Verschlüsselung geändert. Dadurch kann die bestehende Sicherung unbenutzbar sein. Erstelle lieber eine neue Sicherung.","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Du hast die Passphrase geändert, was nicht unterstützt wird. Du solltest stattdessen eine neue Sicherung erstellen.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Du hast gewählt, die Sicherung nicht zu verschlüsseln. Die Verschlüsselung wird für alle auf einem Remoteserver gespeicherten Daten empfohlen.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Wiederherstellen an einen neuen Ort wurde gewählt, aber kein Ort angegeben","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Du hast eine starke Passphrase erstellt. Stelle sicher, dass du diese an einem sicheren Ort verwarst, da die Daten bei Verlust der Passphrase nicht wiederhergestellt werden können.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Du musst schon ein Quellverzeichnis wählen","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Eingabe vom Domänennamens für die Verwendungder v3-API","You must enter a name for the backup":"Du musst einen Namen für die Sicherung eingeben","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Du musst eine Passphrase eingeben oder die Verschlüsselung deaktivieren","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Gib ein Passwort für die Verwendungder v3-API an","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Du musst eine positive Nummer der zu behaltenden Sicherungen eingeben","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Gib einen Kundennamen (bzw. Projektnamen) für die Verwendungder v3-API","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Gib einen Kundennamen an, wenn Du keinen API-Key hast.","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Du musst einen gültigen Zeitraum der zu behaltenden Sicherungen eingeben","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Sie müssen gültige Aufbeahrungsregeln angeben","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Gib einen API-Key oder ein Passwort ein.","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Gib einen API-Key oder ein Passwort an. Aber nicht beides!","You must fill in the password":"Du musst ein Passwort eintragen!","You must fill in the server name or address":"Du musst einen Servernamen oder eine Adresse eintragen!","You must fill in the username":"Du musst einen Benutzernamen eintragen!","You must fill in {{field}}":"{{field}} muss ausgefüllt sein","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Du musst die AuthURI auswählen oder eintragen","You must select or fill in the server":"Du musst den Server auswählen oder eintragen","You must specify a path":"Du musst einen Pfad angeben","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"{{field}}{{reason}} muss ausgefüllt sein","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Dateien und Ordner erfolgreich wiederhergestellt.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Deine Passphrase ist leicht zu erraten. Nimm lieber etwas Komplizierteres.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"Bucket/Ordner/Unterordner","byte":"Byte","byte/s":"Byte/s","custom":"benutzerdefiniert","public usage statistics":"Öffentliche Nutzungsstatistiken","resume now":"Jetzt starten","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"es sei denn, Du gibts explizit --group-id an","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} wurde hauptsächlich von <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> und <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a> entwickelt. {{appname}} kann unter folgender Adresse heruntergeladen werden: <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} ist unter <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a> lizenziert.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} Dateien ({{size}}) zu erledigen {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versionen"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} Stunde","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} Stunden","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} Minuten","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (dauerte {{duration}})","…loading…":"...laden... "});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('en_GB', {"- pick an option -":"- pick an option -","...loading...":"...loading...","API Key":"API Key","AWS Access ID":"AWS Access ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Access Key","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Policy","About":"About","About {{appname}}":"About {{appname}}","Access Key":"Access Key","Access denied":"Access denied","Access to user interface":"Access to user interface","Account name":"Account name","Activate failed:":"Activate failed:","Add a new backup":"Add a new backup","Local repository":"Local repository","Path":"Path","Remote path":"Remote path","Remote repository":"Remote repository"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('es', {"- pick an option -":"- escoja una opción -","...loading...":"...cargando...","API Key":"Clave API","AWS Access ID":"AWS Acceso ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Clave de aceso","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Política","About":"Acerca de","About {{appname}}":"Acerca de {{appname}}","Access Key":"Clave de acceso","Access denied":"Acceso denegado","Access to user interface":"Acceso a la interfaz de usuario","Account name":"Nombre de la cuenta","Activate":"Activar","Activate failed:":"Activar fallido:","Add a new backup":"Añadir nueva copia de seguridad","Add a path directly":"Agregar el path directamente","Add advanced option":"Añadir opción avanzada","Add backup":"Añadir copia de seguridad","Add filter":"Añadir filtro","Add path":"Añadir ruta","Added":"Agregado","Adjust bucket name?":"¿Ajustar el nombre del deposito?","Adjust path name?":"¿Ajustar el nombre de la ruta?","Advanced Options":"Opciones Avanzadas","Advanced options":"Opciones avanzadas","Advanced:":"Avanzado:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Todas las máquinas de Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Las bases de datos de Microsoft SQL","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Todos los informes de uso son enviados anónimamente y no contienen ninguna información personal. Contiene información sobre hardware y sistema operativo, el tipo de respaldo, duración de copia de seguridad, tamaño de fuente de datos y similares. No contiene rutas, nombres de archivos, nombres de usuarios, contraseñas o información sensible similar.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Permitir el acceso remoto (requiere reiniciar)","Allowed days":"Días permitidos","An existing file was found at the new location":"Se encontró un archivo existente en la nueva ubicación","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Se encontró un archivo existente en la nueva ubicación\n¿Está seguro que desea que la base de datos apunte a un archivo existente?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Se ha encontrado una base de datos local existente para el almacenamiento.\nVolver a utilizar la base de datos permitirá a las instancias de línea de comandos y al servidor trabajar con el mismo almacenamiento remoto.\n\n¿Desea utilizar la base de datos existente?","Anonymous usage reports":"Informes de uso anónimos","Applications":"Aplicaciones","As Command-line":"Como Línea de comandos","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Contraseña de autenticación","Authentication username":"Nombre de usuario de autenticación","Autogenerated passphrase":"Autogenerar frase de seguridad","Automatically run backups.":"Ejecutar automáticamente las copias de seguridad.","B2 Application ID":"ID de la aplicación B2","B2 Application Key":"B2 clave de aplicación","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 Cuenta Cloud Storage ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application ID":"ID de la aplicación de almacenamiento en la nube B2","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Clave de aplicación de Cloud Storage","Back":"Volver","Backend modules:":"Módulos de respaldo:","Backup complete!":"Respaldo completo!","Backup destination":"Destino de la copia de seguridad","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"La copia está encriptada, pero no se dispone de la frase de cifrado.\nIngrese una frase de cifrado a continuación para poder restaurar sus archivos o,\nen caso de cifrado GPG, deje en blanco para permitir que gpg recupere la frase de cifrado\ninvocando la cadena de claves de su sistema.","Backup location":"Ubicación de la copia de seguridad","Backup retention":"Conservación de copia de respaldo","Backup:":"Copia de seguridad:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Acceso roto","Browse":"Navega","Browser default":"Navegador por defecto","Bucket Name":"Nombre del depósito","Bucket create location":"Crear la ubicación del depósito","Bucket create region":"Crear región en depósito","Bucket name":"Nombre del depósito","Bucket storage class":"Categoría de almacenamiento del depósito","Building list of files to restore …":"Creando una lista de archivos para restaurar ...","Building partial temporary database …":"Construyendo una base de datos parcial temporal ...","Busy ...":"Ocupado ...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Permitiendo el acceso remoto, el servidor atenderá requerimientos desde\ncualquier equipo de su red. Si Ud. habilita esta opción, asegurese siempre de usar\nla computadora dentro de una red protegida por un firewall.","Cache Files":"Archivos caché","Canary":"Experimental e inestable (Canary)","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cannot move to existing file":"No se puede mover al archivo existente","Changelog":"Registro de cambios","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Registro de cambios para  {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Error en chequeo:","Check for updates now":"Comprobar actualizaciones ahora","Checking ...":"Comprobando ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Elija un tipo de almacenamiento para empezar","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Haga clic en el enlace de AuthID para crear una AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Acceda para opciones de aceleración","Compact Phase":"Fase de compactación","Compact now":"Compactar ahora","Compacting remote data ...":"Compactando datos remotos ...","Compression modules:":"Módulos de compresión:","Computer":"Ordenador","Configuration file:":"Archivo de configuración:","Configuration:":"Configuración:","Configure a new backup":"Configurar nueva copia de seguridad","Confirm delete":"Confirmar borrado","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Confirmar frase de seguridad cifrada","Confirm password":"Confirme contraseña","Confirmation required":"Confirmación necesaria","Connect":"Conectar","Connect now":"Conectar ahora","Connecting to task ....":"Conectando con la taréa ...","Connecting...":"Conectando...","Connection lost":"Conexión perdida","Connection worked!":"¡La conexión funcionó!","Container name":"Nombre del contenedor","Container region":"Contenedor de región","Continue":"Continuar","Continue without encryption":"Continuar sin cifrado","Copied!":"¡Copiado!","Copy":"Copia","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Copiar la URL de destino al portapapeles","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Copía fallida. Por favor, copia manualmente la dirección URL","Core options":"Opciones de base","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Contando ({{files}} archivos encontrados, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Sólo bloqueos","Create folder?":"¿Crear carpeta?","Created new limited user":"Creó un nuevo usuario limitado","Creating user...":"Creando usuario...","Current action:":"Proceso actual:","Current file:":"Archivo actual:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"La versión actual es {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Personalizada S3 endpoint","Custom authentication url":"Url de autenticación personalizada","Custom backup retention":"Conservación de copia de respaldo personalizada","Custom location ({{server}})":"Ubicación personalizada ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Región personalizada para la creación de depósitos","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Personalizar el valor de la región ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Url del servidor personalizada ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Categoría de almacenamiento personalizado ({{class}})","Days":"Días","Default":"Por defecto","Default ({{channelname}})":"({{channelname}}) por defecto","Default excludes":"Exclusiones por defecto","Default options":"Opciones por defecto","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Elimine Fase (Versiones Antiguas del Respaldo)","Delete backup":"Eliminar copia de seguridad","Delete backups that are older than":"Eliminar copias de seguridad que tengan mas de","Delete local database":"Eliminar base de datos local","Delete remote files":"Eliminar archivos remotos","Delete the local database":"Eliminar la base de datos local","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"¿Eliminar {{filecount}} archivos con ({{filesize}}) del almacenamiento remoto?","Deleted":"Eliminado","Deleted Versions":"Versiones eliminadas","Deleted files":"Archivos eliminados","Description (optional)":"Descripción (opcional)","Description:":"Descripción:","Desktop":"Escritorio","Destination":"Destino","Destination path":"Path de destino","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"¿Le hemos ayudado a guardar sus archivos? Si es así, por favor considere apoyar a Duplicati con una donación. Le sugerimos {{smallamount}} para uso privado y {{largeamount}} para uso comercial.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Restaurar directamente desde ficheros de copia de seguridad...","Disabled":"Desactivar","Dismiss":"Descartar","Dismiss all":"Ignorar todo","Display and color theme":"Apariencia y esquema de colores","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"¿Realmente desea eliminar la copia de seguridad: \"{{name}}\"?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Realmente desea eliminar la base de datos local: {{name}}","Domain Name":"Nombre de Dominio","Donate":"Donar","Donation messages":"Mensajes de donación","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"El mensaje de donación está oculto, haga clic para mostrar","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"El mensaje de donación está visible, haga clic para ocultar","Done":"Hecho","Download":"Descargar","Downloaded files":"Ficheros descargados","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Opciones de duplicado {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Sitio Web Duplicati","Duplicati forum":"Foro de Duplicati","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati se ejecutará cuando inicie, pero permanecerá en stand-by mientras se ejecute.\nDuplicati ocupará minimos recursos del sistema y ningúna tarea de respaldo se ejectutará.","Duration":"Duración","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Cada copia tiene una base de datos local asociada que almacena información sobre la copia de seguridad remota en la máquina local.\nAl eliminar una copia de seguridad, también puede borrar la base de datos local sin afectar a la habilidad de restaurar los archivos remotos.\nSi está utilizando la base de datos local para copias de seguridad desde la línea de comandos, debe mantener la base de datos.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Cada copia de seguridad tiene una base de datos local asociado a él, esta almacena información acerca de la copia de seguridad remota en el equipo local.\\nEsto hace más rápido realizar muchas operaciones y reduce la cantidad de datos que necesita descargarse para cada operación.","Edit as list":"Editar lista","Edit as text":"Editar como texto","Encrypt file":"Cifrar archivo","Encryption":"Cifrado","Encryption changed":"Cambios de cifrado","Encryption modules:":"Módulos de cifrado:","End":"Fin","Enter URL":"Introduzca URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Ingrese una estrategia de retención en forma manual. Los campos son D/W/Y para dias/semanas/años y U para \"ilimitado\". La sintaxis es: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. Este ejemplo mantiene una copia para cada uno de los 7 dias, una para cada una de las 4 semanas y una por cada uno de los próximos 36 meses. Esto también puede escribirse como 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Introduzca la clave de acceso","Enter account name":"Introduce el nombre de la cuenta","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Introduzca la frase de seguridad, si la hay","Enter configuration details":"Introduzca los detalles de configuración","Enter container name":"Introduce el nombre de contenedor","Enter encryption passphrase":"Introduzca la frase de seguridad","Enter expression here":"Introduzca aquí la expresión","Enter folder path name":"Introduzca nombre de ruta de la carpeta","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Introduzca una opción por línea, en formato de línea de comandos, por ejemplo: {0}","Enter the destination path":"Introduzca la ruta de destino","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Ingrese la dirección de mail del grupo de Office 365","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Ingrese el camino completo del destino, inclyendo el nombre del servidor, pero omitiendo \"https\"","Error":"Error","Error!":"¡Error!","Errors and crashes":"Errores y bloqueos","Examined":"Examinado","Exclude":"Excluir","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Excluir directorios cuyos nombres contienen","Exclude expression":"Excluir expresión","Exclude file":"Excluir archivos","Exclude file extension":"Excluir extensión de archivo","Exclude files whose names contain":"Excluir archivos cuyos nombres contengan","Exclude filter group":"Excluir grupo de filtros","Exclude folder":"Excluir la carpeta","Exclude regular expression":"Excluir la expresión regular","Existing file found":"Archivo existente encontrado","Experimental":"Experimental","Export":"Exportar","Export backup configuration":"Exportar configuración de copia de seguridad","Export configuration":"Exportar configuración","Export passwords":"Exportar contraseñas","External link":"Enlace externo","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Alternativa)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Error al crear base de datos temporal: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Fallo al conectar:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"No se pudo conectar: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Error al eliminar:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Error al recuperar información de la ruta: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Error para encontrar respaldo:","Failed to import:":"Fallo al importar:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Error al leer los valores predeterminados de copia de seguridad:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Fallo al restaurar archivos: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Error al guardar:","File":"Archivo","Files larger than:":"Archivos que superen:","Filters":"Filtros","Finished!":"¡Terminado!","First run setup":"Configuración de primera ejecución","Folder":"Carpeta","Folder path":"Ruta de la carpeta","Fri":"Vie","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS Proyecto ID","General":"General","General backup settings":"Configuración general de la copia de seguridad","General options":"Opciones generales","Generate":"Generar","Generate IAM access policy":"Generar política de acceso IAM","Group email":"Correo del grupo","Hidden files":"Archivos ocultos","Hide":"Ocultar","Hide hidden folders":"Ocultar carpetas ocultas","Home":"Inicio","Hours":"Horas","How do you want to handle existing files?":"¿Cómo desea manejar los archivos existentes?","Hyper-V Machine":"Máquina Hyper-V","Hyper-V Machine:":"Máquina Hyper-V:","Hyper-V Machines":"Máquinas Hyper-V","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Si la fecha se paso, se ejecutará el trabajo tan pronto como sea posible.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Si al menos una copia mas nueva es encontrada, todas las copias anteriores\na ese día s eliminarán.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Si la copia de seguridad y el almacenamiento remoto están fuera de sincronización, Duplicati requerirá que realice una operación de reparación para sincronizar la base de datos. \\nSi la reparación fracasa, puede eliminar la base de datos local y volver a generarla.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Si no introduce una ruta, todos los archivos se almacenarán en la carpeta de inicio de sesión.\n¿Está seguro que es lo que quiere?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Si no introduce una clave API, requerirá el nombre de cliente","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Si desea utilizar la copia de seguridad más adelante, puede exportar la configuración antes de eliminarla","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Si su máquina está tiene un entonrno multiusuario\n( por ej: su máquina tiene una o mas cuentas), Ud necesita\nconfigurar una  contraseña para impedir que otros usuarios\naccedan a los datos de su cuenta.\nQuiere configurar una contraseña ahora ?","Import":"Importar","Import Destination URL":"Importar Destino URL","Import backup configuration":"Importar configuración de copias de seguridad","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Importación completada, pero no se han encontrado certificados despues de la importación","Import failed":"Importación fallida","Import from a file":"Importar desde un archivo","Import metadata":"Importar metadatos","Include a file?":"¿Incluir un archivo?","Include expression":"Incluir una expresión","Include regular expression":"Incluir una expresión regular","Incorrect answer, try again":"Respuesta incorrecta, intente de nuevo","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Compilaciones individuales solo para desarrolladores. No usar con datos importantes.","Information":"Información","Install":"Instalar","Install failed:":"Error de instalación:","Invalid characters in path":"Caracteres no válidos en la ruta","Invalid retention time":"Tiempo de retención no válido","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Es posible conectar a un FTP sin contraseña.\n¿Está seguro que su servidor FTP admite los inicios de sesión sin contraseña?","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Mantener un número específico de copias de seguridad","Keep all backups":"Mantener todas las copias de seguridad","Keystone API version":"Versión de la API de Keystone","Language in user interface":"Idioma de interfaz de usuario","Last month":"Mes pasado","Last successful backup:":"Última copia de seguridad exitosa","Latest":"Más reciente","Libraries":"Librerías","Live":"En vivo","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Cargar una configuración desde un trabajo exportado o un proveedor de almacenamiento","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Cargar un destino desde un trabajo exportado o un proveedor de almacenamiento","Load older data":"Cargar datos anteriores","Loading ...":"Cargando ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Cargando el uso del almacenamiento remoto ...","Local Repository":"Repositorio Local","Local database for":"Base de datos local para","Local database path:":"Ruta de la base de datos local:","Local repository":"Repositorio local","Local storage":"Almacenamiento local","Location":"Localización","Location where buckets are created":"La ubicación donde se crean los depósitos","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Registrar datos para <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Registrar datos desde el servidor","Log out":"Desconectar","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"Mantenimiento","Manually type path":"Escribir manualmente la ruta","Max download speed":"Velocidad máxima de descarga","Max upload speed":"Velocidad máxima de carga","Menu":"Menú","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Base de datos Microsoft SQL:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Bases de datos Microsoft SQL:","Minimum redundancy":"Redundancia mínima","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Redundancia mínima es 1.0","Minutes":"Minutos","Missing name":"Falta el nombre","Missing passphrase":"Falta la frase de seguridad","Missing sources":"Faltan las fuentes","Modified":"Modificado","Mon":"Lun","Months":"Meses","Move existing database":"Mover base de datos existente","Move failed:":"Fallos al mover:","My Documents":"Mis Documentos","My Music":"Mi Música","My Photos":"Mis Fotos","My Pictures":"Mis Imágenes","Name":"Nombre","Never":"Nunca","New update found: {{message}}":"Nueva actualización encontrada: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"El nuevo nombre de usuario es {{user}}.\nCredenciales actualizadas para el nuevo usuario restringido","Next":"Siguiente","Next scheduled run:":"Siguiente ejecución programada:","Next scheduled task:":"Siguiente tarea programada:","Next task:":"Siguiente tarea:","Next time":"La próxima vez","No":"No","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"No se especificó previamente un certificado, por favor verifica con el administrador del servidor que la llave es correcta: {{key}}\n\n¿Desea aprobar la llave del host reportada?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Ningún editor para el &quot;{{backend}}&quot; tipo de almacenamiento","No encryption":"Sin cifrado","No items selected":"No hay artículos seleccionados","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"No hay artículos para restaurar, seleccione uno o más elementos","No passphrase entered":"No se introdujo clave de seguridad","No scheduled tasks":"No hay tareas programadas","No, my machine has only a single account":"No, mi equipo tiene sólo una cuenta","Non-matching passphrase":"No coincide la frase de seguridad","None / disabled":"Ninguno / desactivado","Not using encryption":"Sin usar cifrado","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Nada será borrado. El tamaño de la copia de seguridad aumentará con cada cambio.","OK":"OK","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Una vez que haya más copias de seguridad que el número especificado, se eliminarán las copias de seguridad más antiguas.","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"La clave de API de Openstack no está soportada con la API de keystone v3.","Operating System":"Sistema operativo","Operation":"Operación","Operation failed:":"Operación fallida:","Operations:":"Operaciones:","Optional authentication password":"Contraseña de autentificación opcional","Optional authentication username":"Nombre de usuario para autentificación opcional","Options":"Opciones","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Las opciones agregadas aquí aplican a todos los respaldos, pero pueden ser modificadas individualmente en ellos","Original location":"Localización original","Others":"Otros","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Con el tiempo, las copias de seguridad se eliminarán automáticamente. Seguirá habiendo una copia de seguridad para cada uno de los últimos 7 días, cada una de las últimas 4 semanas, cada uno de los últimos 12 meses. Siempre permanecerá, al menos, una copia de seguridad.","Overwrite":"Sobrescribir","Passphrase":"Frase de seguridad","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Frase de seguridad (con cifrado)","Passphrase changed":"Frase de seguridad cambiada","Passphrases are not matching":"Las frases de seguridad no coinciden","Passphrases do not match":"Las frases de seguridad no coinciden","Password":"Contraseña","Path":"Ruta","Path not found":"Ruta no encontrada","Path on server":"Ruta del servidor","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Ruta o subcarpeta en el depósito","Pause":"Pausa","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pausar después del arranque o de hibernación","Pause options":"Opciones de pausa","Permissions":"Permisos","Pick location":"Elegir ubicación","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Indique sus ficheros de copia de seguridad y restáurelos desde allí","Port":"Puerto","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Impedir el inicio de sesión automático con el icono de la bandeja","Previous":"Anterior","Progress:":"Progreso","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ProjectID es opcional si el depósito existe","Proprietary":"Propietario","Purge Phase":"Fase de purgado","Purging files complete!":"¡Purgado de ficheros finalizado!","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Recrear (borrar y reparar)","Recreate Database Phase":"Fase de recreación de base de datos","Relative paths not allowed":"No se permiten rutas relativas","Reload":"Recargar","Remote":"Remoto","Remote Path":"Ruta Remota","Remote Repository":"Repositorio Remoto","Remote path":"Ruta remota","Remote repository":"Repositorio remoto","Remote volume size":"Tamaño de volumen remoto","Remove":"Quitar","Remove option":"Quitar opción","Removed files":"Ficheros borrados","Repair":"Reparar","Repair Phase":"Fase de reparación","Repeat Passphrase":"Repita la frase de seguridad","Reporting:":"Reportando:","Reset":"Resetear","Restore":"Restaurar","Restore complete!":"¡Restauración finalizada!","Restore files":"Restaurar archivos","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Restaurar ficheros desde {{backupname}}","Restore from":"Restaurar desde","Restore from backup configuration":"Restaurar desde una configuración de copia de seguridad","Restore from configuration ...":"Restaurar desde una configuración...","Restore options":"Opciones de restauración","Restore read/write permissions":"Restaurar permisos de lectura/escritura","Resume":"Resumir","Rewritten File Lists":"Listas de ficheros reescritos","Run again every":"Volver a ejecutar cada","Run now":"Ejecutar ahora","Running ....":"Ejecutando ...","Running commandline entry":"Ejecutando entrada de linea de comandos","Running task:":"Ejecutando tarea:","S3 Compatible":"S3 Compatible","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Igual que la versión base instalada: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Sab","Save":"Guardar","Save and repair":"Guardar y reparar","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Guardar diferentes versiones con fecha y hora en el nombre de archivo","Save immediately":"Guardar inmediatamente","Schedule":"Horario","Search":"Buscar","Search for files":"Buscar archivos","Seconds":"Segundos","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Seleccione un nivel de registro y vea los mensajes a medida que ocurren:","Select files":"Seleccionar ficheros","Server":"Servidor","Server and port":"Servidor y puerto","Server hostname or IP":"Nombre del servidor o IP","Server is currently paused,":"El servidor se encuentra en pausa,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"El servidor se encuentra en pausa, ¿quiere reanudar ahora?","Server password":"Contraseña del servidor","Server paused":"Servidor pausado","Server state properties":"Propiedades del estado del servidor","Settings":"Configuraciones","Show":"Mostrar","Show advanced editor":"Mostrar el editor avanzado","Show hidden folders":"Mostrar carpetas ocultas","Show log":"Mostrar registro","Show treeview":"Mostrar vista de árbol","Sia server password":"Contraseña del servidor Sia","Smart backup retention":"Retención de copias inteligente","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Algunos proveedores de OpenStack permiten una clave API en lugar de un nombre del cliente y contraseña","Source Data":"Datos de Origen","Source data":"Datos de origen","Source folders":"Carpetas de origen","Source:":"Origen:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Compilaciones específicas solo para desarrolladores. No usar con datos importantes.","Standard protocols":"Protocolos estándar","Start":"Comenzar","Stop after the current file":"Detener después del archivo actual","Stop now":"Detener ahora","Stop running backup":"Detener respaldo en curso","Stop running task":"Detener tarea en ejecución","Stopping task:":"Deteniendo tarea:","Storage Type":"Tipo de Almacenamiento","Storage class":"Categoría de almacenamiento","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Categoría de almacenamiento para la creación de un depósito","Stored":"Almacenados","Strong":"Fuerte","Success":"Éxito","Sun":"Dom","Symbolic link":"Enlace simbólico","System Files":"Archivos del sistema","System default ({{levelname}})":"Sistema por defecto ({{levelname}})","System files":"Archivos de sistema","System info":"Información del sistema","System properties":"Propiedades del sistema","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Ruta de destino, por ejemplo /backup","Task is running":"La tarea está ejecutandose","Temporary Files":"Archivos temporales","Temporary files":"Archivos temporales","Tenant Name":"Nombre del Cliente","Test Phase":"Fase de pruebas","Test connection":"Conexión de prueba","Testing ...":"Probando …","Testing connection ...":"Probando la conexión ...","Testing permissions...":"Probando permisos…","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"Falta la copia de seguridad, ¿se ha eliminado?","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"El nombre del depósito debe ser todo en minúsculas, ¿convertir automáticamente?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"El nombre del depósito debe empezar con su nombre de usuario, ¿anteponer automáticamente?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"La conexión al servidor se perdió, intentar otra vez en {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Tema oscuro (por Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Tema por defecto azul sobre blanco (por Alex)","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"La clave de host fue cambiada, compruebe con el administrador del servidor si esto es correcto, de lo contrario usted podría ser víctima de un ataque MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE.\n\n¿Desea REMPALAZAR su ACTUAL clave de host \"{{prev}}\" con la clave del host REGISTRADA: {{key}}?","The passwords do not match":"Las contraseñas no coinciden","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"La ruta parece que no existe, ¿desea agregar de todos modos?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"La ruta no termina con un carácter '{{dirsep}}', que significa que incluye un archivo, no una carpeta.\n\n¿Desea incluir el archivo especificado?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"La ruta debe ser una ruta absoluta, es decir, debe comenzar con una barra '/'","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"El parámetro de la región sólo se aplica al crear un nuevo depósito","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"El parámetro de la región sólo se utiliza al crear un depósito","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"El certificado del servidor no puede ser validado.\n¿Quieres aprobar el certificado SSL con el hash: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"La categoría de almacenamiento afecta la disponibilidad y precio de un archivo almacenado","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"La carpeta de destino contiene archivos encriptados, por favor suministra la frase de seguridad","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"El usuario tiene demasiados permisos. ¿Quieres crear un usuario nuevo, con sólo permisos para la ruta seleccionada?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Esta copia de seguridad fue creada en otro sistema operativo. Restaurar estos ficheros sin indicar una carpeta de destino puede provocar que sean restaurados en ubicaciones imprevistas ¿Está seguro de que quiere continuar sin elegir una carpeta de destino?","This month":"Este mes","This week":"Esta semana","Thu":"Jue","To File":"A archivo","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Para confirmar que desea eliminar todos los archivos remotos \"{{name}}\", por favor ingrese la palabra que ves abajo","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Para exportar sin una frase de seguridad, desactive la casilla \"Cifrar el archivo\"","Today":"Hoy","Trust host certificate?":"¿Confiar en el certificado del host?","Trust server certificate?":"¿Confiar en el certificado del servidor?","Tue":"Mar","Type passphrase here.":"Escriba la frase de seguridad aquí.","Type to highlight files":"Tipo para seleccionar archivos","Unknown backup size and versions":"Tamaño y versiones de la copia de seguridad desconocidas","Until resumed":"Hasta reanudar","Update channel":"Canal de actualización","Update failed:":"Error de actualización:","Updating with existing database":"Actualizando la base de datos existente","Uploaded files":"Archivos subidos","Usage statistics":"Estadísticas de uso","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Estadísticas de uso, advertencias, errores y bloqueos","Use SSL":"Usar SSL","Use existing database?":"¿Usar base de datos existente?","Use weak passphrase":"Uso de frase de seguridad débil","Useless":"Inútil","User data":"Datos de usuario","User has too many permissions":"El usuario tiene demasiados permisos","User interface settings":"Preferencias de la interfaz de usuario","Username":"Nombre de usuario","Verifications":"Verificaciones","Verify files":"Verificar archivos","Verifying ...":"Verificando ...","Verifying answer":"Verificando respuesta","Version ID":"ID de versión","Very strong":"Muy fuerte","Very weak":"Muy débil","Visit us on":"Visítenos en","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"ADVERTENCIA: La base de datos remota se encuentre en uso por la biblioteca de la línea de comandos","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"ADVERTENCIA: Esto le impedirá restaurar los datos en el futuro.","Waiting for task to begin":"Esperando que se inicie la tarea","Waiting for task to start ....":"Esperando que comience la tarea ....","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Advertencias, errores y bloqueos","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Aceptamos donaciones a través de diferentes servicios, como OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource y varias criptomonedas.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Recomendamos cifrar todas las copias de seguridad almacenadas fuera de su sistema","Weak":"Débil","Weak passphrase":"Frase de seguridad débil","Wed":"Mié","Weeks":"Semanas","Where do you want to restore from?":"¿Desde dónde quiere restaurar?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"¿Dónde desea restaurar los archivos?","Years":"Años","Yes":"Sí","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Sí, he guardado la frase de seguridad de forma segura","Yes, I understand the risk":"Sí, entiendo el riesgo","Yes, I'm brave!":"Sí, ¡soy valiente!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Sí, por favor, ¡rompe mi copia de seguridad!","Yesterday":"Ayer","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Parece estar ejecutando Mono sin certificados SSL cargados.\n¿Desea importar la lista de certificados de confianza de Mozilla?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Está cambiando la ruta de la base de datos de una base de datos existente.\n¿Realmente es lo que quieres?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Actualmente está ejecutando {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Ha cambiado el modo de encriptación. Esto puede quebrar cosas. Le animamos a crear una nueva copia de seguridad en su lugar","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Ha cambiado la frase de seguridad, la cual no es compatible. Le animamos a crear una nueva copia de seguridad en su lugar.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Ha optado por no cifrar la copia de seguridad. El cifrado se recomienda para todos los datos almacenados en un servidor remoto.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Ha elegido restaurar a una nueva ubicación, pero no la ha indicado","You must choose at least one source folder":"Debe seleccionar al menos una carpeta de origen","You must enter a name for the backup":"Debe introducir un nombre para la copia de seguridad","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Debe ingresar una frase de seguridad o deshabilitar el cifrado","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Debe especificar un número positivo de copias de seguridad a guardar","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Debe introducir un nombre de cliente si no proporciona una clave API","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Debe introducir una duración válida para el tiempo de retención de las copias de seguridad","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Debe introducir una contraseña o una clave API","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Debe introducir una contraseña o una clave API, no ambos","You must fill in the password":"Debe rellenar la contraseña","You must fill in the server name or address":"Debe introducir el nombre del servidor o la dirección","You must fill in the username":"Debe rellenar el nombre de usuario","You must fill in {{field}}":"Debe rellenar el {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Debe seleccionar o rellenar la AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Debe seleccionar o rellenar en el servidor","You must specify a path":"Debe especificar una ruta de acceso","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Los archivos y carpetas han sido restaurados con éxito.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Tu frase de seguridad es fácil de adivinar. Considere cambiarla.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"depósito/carpeta/subcarpeta","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"Personalizar","resume now":"reanudar ahora","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} fue desarrollado principalmente por <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> y <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. Puede descargarse {{appname}} desde <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\"> {{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} está licenciado bajo <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\"> {{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} ficheros ({{size}}) para finalizar {{speed_txt}} ","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versión","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versiones"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} Hora","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} Minutos","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (llevó {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('fi', {"- pick an option -":"- Valitse jokin vaihtoehto -","...loading...":"...ladataan...","API Key":"API-avain","AWS Access ID":"Tunniste \"Access Key ID\" palveluun AWS","AWS Access Key":"Tunniste \"Access Key ID\" palveluun AWS","AWS IAM Policy":"Palvelun AWS IAM-asetukset","About":"Tietoja","About {{appname}}":"Tietoja sovelluksesta {{appname}}","Access Key":"Pääsyavain","Access denied":"Pääsy evätty","Access to user interface":"Käyttöoikeus käyttöliittymään","Account name":"Käyttäjätunnus","Activate":"Aktivoi","Activate failed:":"Aktivointi epäonnistui","Add a new backup":"Lisää uusi varmuuskopio","Add advanced option":"Anna harvoin tarvittava valitsin","Add backup":"Lisää varmuuskopio","Add filter":"Lisää suodatin","Add path":"Lisää polku","Adjust bucket name?":"Muuta ämpärin nimeä?","Adjust path name?":"Muuta polkua?","Advanced Options":"Harvoin tarvittavat valitsimet","Advanced options":"Harvoin tarvittavat valitsimet","Advanced:":"Harvoin tarvittavat asetukset","All Hyper-V Machines":"Kaikki Hyper-V-virtuaalikoneet","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Kaikki Microsoft SQL -tietokannat","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Kaikki käyttöraportit lähetetään anonyymisti. Ne eivät sisällä mitään henkilökohtaisia tietoja. Raportit sisältävät tietoja laitteistosta ja käyttöjärjestelmästä, käytetystä etäpalvelusta, varmuuskopion kestosta, varmuuskopioitavan datan määrästä yms.Raportit eivät sisällä polkuja, tiedostonimiä, käyttäjätunnuksia, salasanoja tai vastaavia tietoja.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Salli etäyhteydet (Vaatii Duplicatin uudeleenkäynnistämisen)","Allowed days":"Sallitut päivät","An existing file was found at the new location":"Olemassaoleva tiedosto löydettiin uudesta paikasta","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Annettu tietokanta on jo olemassa.\nOletko varma, että haluat käyttää olemassaolevaa tietokantaa?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Löydettiin olemassaoleva paikallinen tietokanta tälle varmuuskopiolle.\nSaman tietokannan käyttäminen mahdollistaa kometorivi-ohjelman ja palvelimen käyttämisen saman varmuuskopion kanssa.\n\nHaluatko käyttää samaa tietokantaa?","Anonymous usage reports":"Anonyymit käyttöraportit","Applications":"Sovellukset","As Command-line":"Komentona","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Kirjautumissalasana","Authentication username":"Käyttäjätunnus","Autogenerated passphrase":"Automaattisesti luoto salauslause","Automatically run backups.":"Tee varmuuskopiot automaattisesti","B2 Application Key":"B2 Application Key","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"Tunnus B2 Cloud Storage Account ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cloud Storage Application Key","Back":"Palaa","Backend modules:":"Etäpalvelinmoduulit:","Backup destination":"Sijainti, johon varmuuskopio tehdään","Backup location":"Varmuuskopion sijainti","Backup:":"Varmuuskopio:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Pääsy epäonnistui","Browse":"Selaa","Browser default":"Selaimen oletusasetus","Bucket Name":"Ämpärin nimi","Bucket create location":"Luo ämpäri sijaintiin","Bucket create region":"Luo ämpäri alueelle","Bucket name":"Ämpärin nimi","Bucket storage class":"Ämpärin tallennusluokka","Busy ...":"Työskentelen ...","Cache Files":"Välimuistitiedostot","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Peruuta","Cannot move to existing file":"Ei voida korvata olemassaolevaa tiedostoa","Changelog":"Muutokset","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Muutokset versiossa {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Päivitysten haku epäonnistui:","Check for updates now":"Hae päivityksiä nyt","Checking ...":"Haetaan ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Valitseensin tallennustyyppi","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Klikkaa AuthID-linkkiä luodaksesi AuthID-tunnisteen","Compact now":"Tiivistä nyt","Compacting remote data ...":"Tiivistän varmuuskopiota etäpalvelimella ...","Compression modules:":"Pakkausmoduulit","Computer":"Tietokone","Configuration file:":"Asetustiedosto","Configuration:":"Asetukset:","Configure a new backup":"Määrittele uusi varmuuskopio","Confirm delete":"Vahvista poistaminen","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Vahvista salauslause","Confirmation required":"Tarvitsen vahvistuksen","Connect":"Yhdistä","Connect now":"Yhdistä nyt","Connecting...":"Yhdistän ...","Connection lost":"Yhteys katkesi","Connection worked!":"Yhteys toimi!","Container name":"Kontin nimi","Container region":"Kontin alue","Continue":"Jatka","Continue without encryption":"Jatka salaamatta","Copied!":"Kopioitu!","Copy":"Kopioi","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Kopio etäpalvelimen osoite leikepöydälle","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Kopionti epäonnistui. Kopio osoite käsin","Core options":"Ydinasetukset","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Lasketaan tiedostoja. (Löydetty {{files}} tiedostoa, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Vain kaatumiset","Create folder?":"Luo kansio?","Created new limited user":"Luotiin uusi rajoitettu käyttäjä","Creating user...":"Luon käyttäjää ...","Current file:":"Nykyinen tiedosto:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Nykyinen versio on {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Vaihtoehtoinen S3 päätepiste","Custom authentication url":"Vaihtoehtoinen autentikointiosoite","Custom location ({{server}})":"Vaihtoehtoinen sijainti ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Vaihtoehtoinen alue ämpärin luomista varten","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Vaihtoehtoinen alue ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Vaihtoehtoisen palvelimen osoite ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Vaihtoehtoinen tallennusluokka ({{class}})","Days":"Päivää","Default":"Oletus","Default ({{channelname}})":"Oletus ({{channelname}})","Default options":"Oletusasetukset","Delete":"Poista","Delete backup":"Poista varmuuskopio","Delete backups that are older than":"Poista varmuuskopiot, jotka ovat vanhempia kuin","Delete local database":"Poista paikallinen tietokanta","Delete remote files":"Poista tiedostot etäpalvelimelta","Delete the local database":"Poista paikallinen tietokanta","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Poistetaanko {{filecount}} tiedostoa ({{filesize}}) etäpalvelimelta","Desktop":"Työpöytä","Destination":"Kohde","Destination path":"Kohdepolku","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Autoimmeko me pelastamaan tiedostosi? Jos autoimme, harkitse Duplicatin tukemista pienellä lahjoituksella. Suossitamme {{smallamount}} kotikäytössä ja {{largeamount}} yrityskäytössä.","Disabled":"Positetteu käytöstä","Dismiss":"Ohita","Display and color theme":"Näyttö ja väriteema","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa varmuuskopion  \"{{name}}\"?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Haluatko varmasti poistaa varmuuskopion {{name}} paikallisen tietokannan?","Domain Name":"Verkkotunnus","Donate":"Lahjoita","Donation messages":"Lahjoituskehoitukset","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Lahjoituskehoitukset on poistettu käytöstä. Klikkaa ottaaksesi ne käyttöön.","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Lahjoituskehoitukset ovat käytössä. Klikkaa poistaaksesi ne käytöstä.","Done":"Valmis","Download":"Lataa","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Sama valitsin {{opt}} annettiin kahdesti","Duplicati Website":"Duplicatin verkkosivu","Duplicati forum":"Duplicatin keskustelualue","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Jokaisella varmuuskopiolla on oma paikallinen tietokanta, joka sisältää tiedot etäpalvelimella olevista varmuuskopioista.\\nTämä nopeuttaa monia toimenpiteitä ja vähentää etäpalvelimelta ladattavan datan määrää.","Edit as list":"Muokkaa listana","Edit as text":"Muokkaa tekstinä","Encrypt file":"Salaa tiedosto","Encryption":"Salaus","Encryption changed":"Salausasetukset ovat muuttuneet","Encryption modules:":"Saluasmoduulit:","Enter URL":"Anna URL","Enter access key":"Anna pääsyavain","Enter account name":"Anna käyttäjätunnus","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Anna varmuuskopion salauslause, jos käytät salausta.","Enter container name":"Anna kontin nimi","Enter encryption passphrase":"Anna salauslause","Enter expression here":"Anna ilmaisu","Enter folder path name":"Anna kansion polku","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Syötä valitsimet yksi kullekin riville. Esim: {0}","Enter the destination path":"Anna kohdekansion polku","Error":"Virhe","Error!":"Virhe!","Errors and crashes":"Virheet ja kaatumiset","Exclude":"Ohita","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Ohita kansiot, joiden nimessä on","Exclude expression":"Ohita ilmaisu","Exclude file":"Ohita tiedosto","Exclude file extension":"Ohita tämän tyyppiset tiedostot","Exclude files whose names contain":"Ohita tiedostot, joiden nimessä on","Exclude folder":"Ohita kansio","Exclude regular expression":"Ohita säännöllistä ilmaisua vastaavat kohteet","Existing file found":"Löydettiin olemassaoleva tiedosto","Experimental":"Experimental","Export":"Vie","Export backup configuration":"Vie varmuuskopion asetukset","Export configuration":"Vie asetukset","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (vaihtoehtoinen)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Tilapäisen tietokannan luominen epäonnistui. Virhe: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Yhteyden muodostaminen epäonnistui:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Yhteyden muodostaminen epäonnistui: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Poistaminen epäonnistui:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Polkutietojen noutaminen epäonnistui: {{message}}","Failed to import:":"Tuominen epäonnistui:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Varmuuskopion oletusasetusten lukeminen epäonnistui:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Tiedostojen palauttaminen epäonnistui: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Tallennus epäonnistui:","File":"Tiedosto","Files larger than:":"Tiedostot, joiden koko on suurempi kuin:","Filters":"Suodattimet","Finished!":"Valmis!","Folder":"Kansio","Folder path":"Kansion polku","Fri":"Pe","GByte":"GT","GByte/s":"GT/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS Projektin ID","General":"Yleinen","General backup settings":"Yleiset varmuuskopioasetukset","General options":"Yleiset asetukset","Generate":"Luo","Generate IAM access policy":"Luo Amazon IAM access policy","Group email":"Ryhmäsähköpostiosoite","Hidden files":"Piilotetut tiedostot","Hide":"Piilota","Hide hidden folders":"Älä näytä piilotettuja kansioita","Home":"Etusivu","Hours":"tuntia","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Mitä tehdään olemassa oleville tiedostoille?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V-virtuaalikone","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V-virtuaalikone:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V-virtuaalikoneet","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Jos ajastettu varmuuskopio jää tekemättä, se tehdään niin pian kuin mahdollista.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Jos etäpalvelimella oleva varmuuskopio ja paikallinen tietokanta eivät ole synkronoituja, Duplicati vaatii tietokannan korjauksen.\\nJos korjaus ei onnistu voit poistaa luoda uudelleen paikallisen tietokannan.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Jos et anna polkua, kaikki tiedostot tallennetaan kirjautumiskansioon.\nOletko varma, että haluat tätä?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Jos et anna tunnistetta API key, on tunniste \"tenant name\" pakollinen","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Jos haluat luoda varmuuskopion myöhemmin uudelleen, voit viedä tiedostoon ennen poistamista.","Import":"Tuo","Import Destination URL":"Tuo etäpalvelimen osoite","Import backup configuration":"Tuo varmuuskopion asetukset","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Tuominen valmistui, mutta yhtään sertifikaattia ei löytynyt sen jälkeen","Import failed":"Tuominen epäonnistui","Import from a file":"Tuo tiedostosta","Import metadata":"Tuo metatieto","Include a file?":"Sisällytä tiedosto?","Include expression":"Sisällytä ilmaisua vastaavat kohteet","Include regular expression":"Sisällytä säännöllistä ilmaisua vastaavat kohteet","Incorrect answer, try again":"Virheellinen vastaus. Yritä uudelleen.","Information":"Informaatio","Install":"Asenna","Install failed:":"Asennus epäonnistui:","Invalid characters in path":"Virheellisiä merkkejä polussa","Invalid retention time":"Epäkelpo säilytysaika","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"JOtkut FTP-palvelimet sallivat yhteyden muodostamisen ilman salasanaa.\nOleko varma, että käyttämäsi FTP-palvelin sallii anonyymit kirjautumiset?","KByte":"KB","KByte/s":"KB/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Säilytä määritelty määrä varmuuskopioita","Keep all backups":"Säilytä kaikki varmuuskopiot","Language in user interface":"Käytettävä kieli","Last month":"Viime kuussa","Last successful backup:":"Viimeisin onnistunut varmuuskopio:","Latest":"Viimesin","Libraries":"Kirjastot","Live":"Live","Load older data":"Lataa vanhoja tietoja","Loading ...":"Lataan ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Haetaan tietoja etäpalvelimen tilankäytöstä ...","Local database for":"Paikallinen tietoknata varmuuskopiolle","Local database path:":"Paikallisen tietokannan sijainti:","Local storage":"Paikallinen tilankäyttö","Location":"Sijainti","Location where buckets are created":"Alue, jolle ämpärit luodaan","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Varmuuskopion <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b> lokitiedot","Log data from the server":"Palvelimen lokitiedot","Log out":"Kirjaudu ulos","MByte":"MB","MByte/s":"MB/s","Maintenance":"Ylläpito","Manually type path":"Anna polku","Menu":"Valikko","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL-tietokanta:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL -tietokannat","Minutes":"Minuuttia","Missing name":"Et antanut nimeä","Missing passphrase":"Salasana puuttuuEt antanut salasanaa","Missing sources":"Et valinnut varmuuskopioitavia tietostoja","Mon":"ma","Months":"Kuukautta","Move existing database":"Siirrä olemassa oleva tietokanta","Move failed:":"Siirto epäonnistui:","My Documents":"Tiedostot","My Music":"Musiikki","My Photos":"Kuvat","My Pictures":"Kuvat","Name":"Nimi","Never":"Ei koskaan","New update found: {{message}}":"Uusi päivitys on ladattavissa: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Uusi käyttäjätunnus on {{user}}.\nPäivitä tunnukset käyttääksesi uutta rajoitettua käyttäjää.","Next":"Seuraava","Next scheduled run:":"Seuraava varmuuskopio tehdään:","Next scheduled task:":"Seuraava ajoitettu tehtävä:","Next task:":"Seuraava tehtävä:","Next time":"Seuraavalla kerralla","No":"Ei","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Sertifikaattia ei ole määritelty aikaisemmin. Varmista palvelimen ylläpitäjältä, että avain onn oikea: {{key}}\n\nHaluatko hyväksyä tämän avaimen?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Etäpalvelimelle &quot;{{backend}}&quot; ei löytynyt editoria.","No encryption":"Ei salausta","No items selected":"Et valinnut yhtään kohdetta","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Et valinnut yhtään tiedostoa palautettavaksi. Valitse yksi tai useampi tiedosto.","No passphrase entered":"Et antanut salasanaa","No scheduled tasks":"Ei ajastettuja tehtäviä","No, my machine has only a single account":"Ei, tietokoneellani on vain yksi käyttäjätili","Non-matching passphrase":"Salasanat eivät ole samat","None / disabled":"Ei mitään/poistettu käytöstä","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Mitään ei poisteta. Varmuuskopion koko kasvaa jokaisella muutoksella.","OK":"OK","OpenStack AuthURI":"Openstack autentikointiosoite","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Operating System":"Käyttöjärjestelmä","Operation failed:":"Toimenpide epäonnistui","Operations:":"Toimenpiteet:","Optional authentication password":"Salasana (ei välttämätön)","Optional authentication username":"Käyttäjätunnus (ei välttämätön)","Options":"Valitsimet","Original location":"Alkuperäinen sijainti","Others":"Muut","Overwrite":"Korvaa","Passphrase":"Salauslause","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Salauslause (jos varmuuskopio on salattu)","Passphrase changed":"Salauslause vaihdettiin","Passphrases are not matching":"Salauslauseet eivät täsmää","Password":"Salasana","Path":"Polku","Path not found":"Polkua ei löydy","Path on server":"Polku etäpalvelimella","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Ämpärin polku tai alikansio","Pause":"Tauko","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Tauko käynnistyksen tai lepotilasta heräämisen jälkeen","Permissions":"Oikeudet","Pick location":"Valitse sijainti","Port":"Portti","Previous":"Edellinen","Progress:":"Edistyminen: ","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"Tunniste ProjectID on valinnainen, jos ämpäri on jo olemassa","Proprietary":"Suljettu","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Luo uudelleen (poista ja korjaa)","Relative paths not allowed":"Suhteelliset polut eivät ole sallittuja","Reload":"Lataa uudelleen","Remote":"Etäpalvelimella","Remote path":"Kohteen polku","Remove":"Poista","Remove option":"Poisto-asetukset","Repair":"Korjaa","Repeat Passphrase":"Toista salauslause","Reporting:":"Raportoin:","Reset":"Palauta edelliset asetukset","Restore":"Palauta","Restore files":"Palauta tiedostoja","Restore from":"Palauta etäpalvelimelta","Restore options":"Palautusasetukset","Restore read/write permissions":"Palauta luku- ja kirjoitusoikeudet","Resume":"Jatka","Run again every":"Suorita uudelleen joka","Run now":"Suorita nyt","Running ....":"Ajetaan ...","Running commandline entry":"Ajetaan komentorivin komentoa","Running task:":"Suoritettava tehtävä:","S3 Compatible":"S3-yhteensopiva","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Sama kuin asennettu versio: {{channelname}}","Sat":"La","Save":"Tallenna","Save and repair":"Tallenna ja korjaa","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Tallenna eri versiot aikaleima tiedoston nimessä","Save immediately":"Tallenna heti","Schedule":"Aikataulu","Search":"Etsi","Search for files":"Etsi tiedostoja","Seconds":"Sekuntia","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Valitse lokitiedot ja näe ne heti, kun ne ilmoitetaan lokiin:","Select files":"Valitse tiedostot","Server":"Palvelin","Server and port":"Palvelin ja portti:","Server hostname or IP":"Palvelimen nimi ja IP-osoite","Server is currently paused,":"Palvelin on pysäytetty,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Palvelin on pysäytetty, haluatko aktivoida sen nyt?","Server password":"Palvelimen salasana","Server paused":"Palvelin on pysäytetty","Server state properties":"Palvelimen tila","Settings":"Asetukset","Show":"Näytä","Show advanced editor":"Näytä asetusten muokkain","Show hidden folders":"Näytä piilotetut tiedostot","Show log":"Näytä loki","Show treeview":"Näytä puunäkymä","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Jotkin OpenStack-palveluntarjoajat sallivat API-avaimen käytön salasanan ja käyttäjätunnuksen sijaan","Source Data":"Lähdetiedostot","Source data":"Lähdetiedostot","Source folders":"Lähekansiot","Source:":"Varmuuskopioitavat tiedostot:","Standard protocols":"Standardinmukaiset protokollat","Stop after the current file":"Keskeytä nykyisen tiedoston jälkeen","Stop now":"Keskeytä nyt","Stop running backup":"Keskeytä käynnissä oleva varmuuskopiointi","Storage Type":"Tallennustyyppi","Storage class":"Tallennusluokka","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Tallennusluokka ämpärin luomista varten","Stored":"Tallennettu","Strong":"Vahva","Success":"Onnistui","Sun":"Su","Symbolic link":"Symbolinen linkki","System Files":"Järjestelmätiedostot","System default ({{levelname}})":"Järjestelmän oletus ({{levelname}})","System files":"Järjestelmätiedostot","System info":"Järjestelmän tiedot","System properties":"Järjestelmän ominaisuudet","TByte":"TB","TByte/s":"TB/s","Task is running":"Tehtävää suoritetaan","Temporary Files":"Väliaikaiset tiedostot","Temporary files":"Tilapäistiedostot","Tenant Name":"Vuokralaisen nimi","Test connection":"Kokeile yhteysasetuksia","Testing ...":"Yhdistän ...","Testing connection ...":"Testaan yhteyttä ...","Testing permissions...":"Testaan oikeuksia ...","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Bucketin nimen pitää olla kirjoitettu pienillä kirjaimilla. Muuta automaattisesti?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Bucketin nimen pitäisi alkaa käyttäjätunnuksellasi. Haluatko liittää tunnuksesi nimen alkuun automaattisesti?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"Yhteys palvelimeen katkesi, yritetään uudelleen {{time}} kuluttua ...","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Polku ei vaikuta olevan olemassa, haluatko lisätä sen silti?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Polku ei pääty '{{dirsep}}' -merkkiin, eli olet lisäämässä tiedoston etkä kansiota. Haluatko lisätä määritellyn tiedoston?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Polun pitää olla absoluuttinen, eli sen tulee alkaa vinoviivalla \"/\"","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Alue -parametria käytetään vain bucketia luodessa.","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Alue -parametria käytetään vain bucketia luodessa.","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Palvelimen varmennetta ei pystytty todentamaan. Haluatko hyväksyä SSL-varmenteen, jonka tiiviste on {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"Tietovaraston tyyppi vaikuttaa talennetun tiedoston saatavuuteen ja hintaan.","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Kohdekansio sisältää salattuja tiedostoja. Anna salasana","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"Käyttäjällä on liikaa oikeuksia. Haluatko luoda uuden rajoitetun käyttäjän, jolla on käyttöoikeus vain valittuun polkuun?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Tämä varmuuskopio on luotu toisessa käyttöjärjestelmässä. Tiedostojen palauttaminen ilman kohdekansion määrittelyä voi johtaa tiedostojen palauttamiseen odottamattomiin paikkoihin. Haluatko varmasti jatkaa määrittelemättä kohdekansiota?","This month":"Tässä kuussa","This week":"Tällä viikolla","Thu":"To","To File":"Tiedostoon","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Viedäksesi ilmaan salasanaa poista rasti \"Salaa tiedosto\" -valinnasta","Today":"Tänään","Trust host certificate?":"Luota palvelimen varmenteeseen?","Trust server certificate?":"Luota palvelimen varmenteeseen?","Tue":"ti","Type to highlight files":"Kirjoita korostaaksesi tiedostoja","Until resumed":"Toistaiseksi","Update channel":"Päivityskanava","Update failed:":"Päivitys epäonnistui:","Usage statistics":"Käyttötilastot","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Käyttötilastot, varoitukset, virheet ja kaatumiset","Use SSL":"Käytä SSL:ää","Use existing database?":"Käytä olemassaolevaa tietokantaa?","Use weak passphrase":"Käytä heikkoa salasanaa","Useless":"Hyödytön","User data":"Käyttäjätiedot","User has too many permissions":"Käyttäjällä on liikaa oikeuksia","Username":"Käyttäjätunnus","Verify files":"Tarkista tiedostot","Verifying ...":"Tarkistetaan ...","Verifying answer":"Tarkistetaan vastausta","Very strong":"Hyvin vahva","Very weak":"Hyvin heikko","Visit us on":"Tutustu meihin","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"VAROITUS: etätietokanta on komentorivikirjaston käytössä.","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"VAROITUS: Tämä estää tietojen palauttamisen tulevaisuudessa","Waiting for task to begin":"Odotetaan tehtävän alkamista","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Varoitukset, virheet ja kaatumiset","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Vastaanotamme lahjoituksia erilaisten palveluiden kautta kuten OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource ja erilaiset kryptovaluutat.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Suosittelemme salausta varmuuskopioihin, jotka säilötään oman tietokoneesi ulkopuolelle.","Weak":"Heikko","Weak passphrase":"Heikko salasana","Wed":"ke","Weeks":"Viikkoa","Where do you want to restore from?":"Mistä haluat palauttaa?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Mihin tiedostot palautetaan?","Years":"Vuotta","Yes":"Kyllä","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Kyllä, olen tallentanut salasanan turvallisesti","Yes, I'm brave!":"Kyllä, olen rohkea!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Kyllä, riko varmuuskopioni!","Yesterday":"Eilen","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Käytät Mono:a ilman SSL-varmenteita. Haluatko tuoda luotetut varmenteet Mozillasta?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Käytössä oleva versio: {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Vaihdoit salausmenetelmää, ja se saattaa rikkoa asioita. Harkitse kokonaan uuden varmuuskopion luomista sen sijaan.","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Vaihdoit salasanaa, mutta tätä toiminnallisuutta ei tueta. Luo sen sijaan kokonaan uusi varmuuskopio.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Valitsit salaamattoman varmuuskopioinnin. Salaaminen on suositeltua kaikella datalle, joka säilötään etäpalvelimelle.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Valitsit palautuksen uuteen sijaintiin, mutta et antanut sijaintia.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Vähintään yksi lähdekansio pitää valita","You must enter a name for the backup":"Varmuuskopiolle pitää antaa nimi","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Anna salasana tai poista salaus käytöstä","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Syötä säilytettävien varmuuskopioiden määrä (positiivinen kokonaisluku)","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Syötä sallittu varmuuskopioiden säilytysaika","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Syötä salasana tai API-avain","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Syötä joko salasana tai API-avain, ei molempia","You must fill in the password":"Täytä salasana","You must fill in the server name or address":"Täytä palvelimen nimi tai osoite","You must fill in the username":"Täytä käyttäjätunnus","You must fill in {{field}}":"Täytä kenttä {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Valitse tai syötä AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Valitse tai syötä palvelin","You must specify a path":"Määritä polku","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Tiedostot ja kansiot palautettiin onnistuneesti.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Salasanasi on helppo arvata. Harkitse salasanan vaihtamista.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"bucket/kansio/alikansio","byte":"tavu","byte/s":"tavua/s","custom":"mukautettu","resume now":"jatka nyt","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}}n on pääasiallisesti kehittänyt  <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}}n voi ladata osoitteesta <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} on lisensoitu <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a> -lisenssillä.","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} versio","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} versiota"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} tuntia","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} minuuttia","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (kesto: {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('fr_CA', {"- pick an option -":"- choisissez une option -","...loading...":"... chargement...","API Key":"Clé API","AWS Access ID":"Clé d'accès AWS","AWS Access Key":"Clé d'accès secrète AWS","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Stratégies","About":"À propos","About {{appname}}":"À propos de {{appname}}","Access Key":"Clé d'accès","Access denied":"Accès refusé","Access to user interface":"Accès à l'interface utilisateur","Account name":"Nom du compte","Activate":"Activer","Activate failed:":"Echec d'activation:","Add a new backup":"Ajouter une nouvelle sauvegarde","Add a path directly":"Ajouter un répertoire directement","Add advanced option":"Ajouter une option avancée","Add backup":"Ajouter une sauvegarde","Add filter":"Ajouter un filtre","Add path":"Ajouter un chemin","Added":"Ajouté","Adjust bucket name?":"Modifier le nom du bucket","Adjust path name?":"Modifier le nom du chemin ?","Advanced Options":"Options avancées","Advanced options":"options avancées","Advanced:":"Avancé :","All Hyper-V Machines":"Toutes les machines Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Toutes les bases de données Microsoft SQL","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Tous les rapports d'utilisation sont envoyés de manière anonyme et ne contiennent aucune information personnelle. Ils contiennent des informations sur le matériel et le système d'exploitation, sur le type d'infrastructure, la durée de la sauvegarde, la taille générale des fichiers sources et d'autres données similaires. Ils ne contiennent pas de chemin d'accès, noms de fichiers, noms d'utilisateurs, mots de passe ou des informations sensibles de ce type.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Autoriser l'accès à distance (nécessite un redémarrage)","Allowed days":"Jours autorisés","An existing file was found at the new location":"Un fichier existant a été trouvé au nouvel endroit","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Un fichier existant a été trouvé au nouvel endroit.\nÊtes-vous sûr de vouloir pointer la base de données vers un fichier existant ?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Une base de données locale pour le stockage a été trouvée.\nRéutiliser la base de données va permettre la ligne de commande et les instances serveurs de travailler sur le même stockage à distance.\n\nVoulez-vous utiliser la base de donnée existante ?","Anonymous usage reports":"Rapports d'utilisation anonyme","Applications":"Applications","As Command-line":"Comme ligne de commande","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Mot de passe d'identification","Authentication username":"Nom d'utilisateur d'identification","Autogenerated passphrase":"Phrase secrète auto-générée","Automatically run backups.":"Lancer des sauvegardes automatiques.","B2 Application Key":"Clé application B2","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"Identifiant du compte B2 Cloud Storage","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"Clé d'application B2 Cloud Storage","Back":"Retour","Backend modules:":"Modules en arrière-plan :","Backup complete!":"Sauvegarde Complète","Backup destination":"Destination de la sauvegarde","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"La sauvegarde est cryptée mais aucune phrase secrète n’est disponible.\n                    Saisisez une phrase secrète ci-dessous à utiliser pour restaurer vos fichiers,\n                    invoquer le trousseau de votre système.","Backup location":"Emplacement de la sauvegarde","Backup retention":"Rétention de la sauvegarde","Backup:":"Sauvegarde :","Beta":"Béta","Broken access":"Accès rompu","Browse":"Parcourir","Browser default":"Paramètre par défaut du navigateur","Bucket Name":"Nom du bucket","Bucket create location":"Emplacement de la création du bucket","Bucket create region":"Région de création du bucket","Bucket name":"Nom du bucket","Bucket storage class":"Classe de stockage du bucket","Busy ...":"Occupé ...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"En autorisant l'accès à distance, le serveur écoute les requêtes de n'importe quel ordinateur de votre réseau. Si vous activez cette option, assurez-vous de toujours utiliser l'ordinateur sur un réseau protégé par un pare-feu.","Cache Files":"Fichiers de cache","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Annuler","Cannot move to existing file":"Impossible de déplacer vers un fichier existant","Changelog":"Journal des modifications","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Journal des modifications pour {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Vérification échouée :","Check for updates now":"Vérifier les mise à jour maintenant","Checking ...":"Vérification ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Sélectionnez un type de stockage pour commencer","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Cliquez sur le lien AuthID pour créer un AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Cliquez pour définir les options d'accélération","Compact Phase":"Étape de compactage","Compact now":"Compacter maintenant","Compacting remote data ...":"Compactage des données distantes ...","Compression modules:":"Modules de compression :","Computer":"Ordinateur","Configuration file:":"Fichier de configuration :","Configuration:":"Configuration :","Configure a new backup":"Configurer une nouvelle sauvegarde","Confirm delete":"Confirmer suppression","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Confirmez la phrase secrète de chiffrement","Confirm password":"Confirmer le mot de passe","Confirmation required":"Confirmation nécessaire","Connect":"Connecter","Connect now":"Connecter maintenant","Connecting to task ....":"Connexion à la tâche ...","Connecting...":"Connexion ...","Connection lost":"Connexion perdue","Connection worked!":"Connection fonctionnelle !","Container name":"Nom du conteneur","Container region":"Région du conteneur","Continue":"Continuer","Continue without encryption":"Continuer sans chiffrement","Copied!":"Copié!","Copy":"Copie","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Copier l'URL de destination dans le presse-papier","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Copie échouée. Veuillez copier manuellement l'URL","Core options":"Options du noyau","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Comptage ({{files}} fichiers trouvés, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Uniquement les plantages","Create folder?":"Créer un dossier?","Created new limited user":"Nouvel utilisateur limité créé","Creating user...":"Création d'un utilisateur ...","Current action:":"Action en cours :","Current file:":"Fichier actuel :","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"La version actuelle est {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"S3 endpoint personnalisé","Custom authentication url":"URL d'authentification personnalisée","Custom backup retention":"Rétention de sauvegarde personnalisée","Custom location ({{server}})":"Emplacement personnalisé ({{server)}}","Custom region for creating buckets":"Région personnalisée pour la créations de buckets","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Valeur personnalisée de région ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"URL serveur personnalisée ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Classe de stockage personnalisée ({{class}})","Days":"Jours","Default":"Défaut","Default ({{channelname}})":"({{channelname}}) par défaut","Default excludes":"Les exclusions par défaut","Default options":"Options par défaut","Delete":"Supprimer","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Étape de suppression (ancienne version de sauvegarde)","Delete backup":"Supprimer la sauvegarde","Delete backups that are older than":"Supprimer les sauvegardes plus anciennes que","Delete local database":"Supprimer base de données locale","Delete remote files":"Supprimer les fichiers distants","Delete the local database":"Supprimer la base de données locale","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Supprimer {{filecount}} fichiers ({{filesize}}) du stockage distant ?","Deleted":"Supprimer","Deleted Versions":"Versions supprimés","Deleted files":"Fichiers supprimés","Description (optional)":"Description (facultatif)","Description:":"Description","Desktop":"Bureau","Destination":"Destination","Destination path":"Chemin de destination","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Avons-nous aidé à récupérer vos fichiers? Si oui, songez à supporter Duplicati avec une donation. Nous vous suggérons {{smallamount}} pour un usage privé et {{largeamount}} pour un usage commercial.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Restauration directe depuis les fichiers de sauvegarde","Disabled":"Désactivé","Dismiss":"Rejeter","Dismiss all":"Rejeter la totalité","Display and color theme":"Affichage et couleur","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer la sauvegarde : \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer la base de données locale pour : {{name}} ?","Domain Name":"Nom de domaine","Donate":"Faire un don","Donation messages":"Messages de donation","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Les messages de donation sont cachés, cliquez ici pour les afficher","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Les messages de donation sont affichés, cliquez ici pour les cacher","Done":"Terminé","Download":"Téléchargement","Downloaded files":"Fichiers téléchargés","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Option de duplication {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Site internet de Duplicati","Duplicati forum":"Forum de Duplicati","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati s'exécutera une fois démarré, mais restera en état de pause pendant la durée. Duplicati occupera un minimum de ressources système et aucune sauvegarde ne sera exécutée.","Duration":"Durée","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Chaque sauvegarde a une base de données locale associée à elle, elle stocke des informations localement à propos de la sauvegarde distante.\nQuand vous supprimez une sauvegarde, vous pouvez aussi supprimer la base de données locale sans affecter votre capacité à restaurer vos fichiers distants.\nSi vous utilisez la base de données locale pour vos sauvegardes à partir de la ligne de commande, vous devez conserver la base de données.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Chaque sauvegarde a une base de données locale associée à elle, elle enregistre localement les informations à propos de la sauvegarde distante. \\nCela rend la réalisation de beaucoup d'opérations plus rapide et réduit la quantité de données qui doit être téléchargé pour chaque opération.","Edit as list":"Éditer en tant que liste","Edit as text":"Éditer en tant que texte","Encrypt file":"Chiffrement du fichier","Encryption":"Chiffrement","Encryption changed":"Chiffrement changé","Encryption modules:":"Modules de Chiffrement :","End":"Terminé","Enter URL":"Entrer l'URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Entrez une stratégie de rétention manuellement. Les espaces réservés sont D / W / Y pour les jours / semaines / années et U pour illimité. La syntaxe est : 7D:1D, 4W:1W, 36M:1M. Cet exemple conserve une sauvegarde pour chacun des 7 prochains jours, une pour chacune des 4 prochaines semaines et une pour chacun des 36 prochains mois. Cela peut également être écrit comme 1W:1D, 1M:1W, 3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Entrez la clé d'accès","Enter account name":"Entrez le nom du compte","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Entrez la phrase secrète de sauvegarde, si présente","Enter configuration details":"Entrer les détails de configuration","Enter container name":"Entrez le nom du conteneur","Enter encryption passphrase":"Entrez la phrase secrète de chiffrement","Enter expression here":"Entrez l'expression ici","Enter folder path name":"Entrez le nom du chemin du répertoire","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Entrez une option par ligne dans le format ligne de commande, ex : {0}","Enter the destination path":"Entrez le chemin de destination","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Entrez l'adresse e-mail du groupe Office 365","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Entrez le chemin de destination complet, y compris le nom du serveur, mais sans https","Error":"Erreur","Error!":"Erreur!","Errors and crashes":"Erreurs et plantages","Examined":"Examiné","Exclude":"Exclure","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Exclure répertoires dont le nom contient","Exclude expression":"Exclure expression","Exclude file":"Exclure fichier","Exclude file extension":"Exclure extension de fichier","Exclude files whose names contain":"Exclure fichiers dont le nom contient","Exclude filter group":"Exclure le groupe de filtres","Exclude folder":"Exclure dossier","Exclude regular expression":"Exclure expression régulière","Existing file found":"Fichier existant trouvé","Experimental":"Expérimental","Export":"Exporter","Export backup configuration":"Exporter la configuration de sauvegarde","Export configuration":"Exporter la configuration","Export passwords":"Exporter les mots de passe","External link":"Lien externe","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Alternatif)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Échec de la construction de la base de données temporaire : {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Échec de la connexion :","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Échec de la connexion : {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Échec de la suppression :","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Échec de la récupération des information du chemin : {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Impossible de trouver la sauvegarde","Failed to import:":"Échec de l'import :","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Échec de la lecture des paramètres par défaut de la sauvegarde :","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Échec de la restauration des fichiers : {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Échec d'enregistrement :","File":"Fichier","Files larger than:":"Fichiers plus gros que :","Filters":"Filtres","Finished!":"Terminé!","First run setup":"Première mise en route","Folder":"Dossier","Folder path":"Chemin du dossier","Fri":"Ven.","GByte":"Goctet","GByte/s":"GOtects/s","GCS Project ID":"ID du projet GCS","General":"Général","General backup settings":"Paramètres généraux de sauvegarde","General options":"Options générales","Generate":"Générer","Generate IAM access policy":"Générer la statégie d'accès IAM","Group email":"Courriel de groupe","Hidden files":"Fichiers cachés","Hide":"Cacher","Hide hidden folders":"Masquer les dossiers cachés","Home":"Poste de travail","Hostnames":"Les noms d'hôtes","Hours":"Heures","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Comment voulez-vous traiter les fichiers existants?","Hyper-V Machine":"Machine Hyper-V","Hyper-V Machine:":"Machine Hyper-V :","Hyper-V Machines":"Machines Hyper-V","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Si une date a été manquée, le travail démarrera dès que possible.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Si au moins une sauvegarde plus récente est trouvée, toutes les sauvegardes antérieures à cette date sont supprimées.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Si la sauvegarde et le stockage distant ne sont plus synchronisés, Duplicati demandera d'effectuer une opération de réparation pour synchroniser la base de données. \\n Si la réparation ne réussit pas, vous pouvez supprimer la base de données locale et la régénérer.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Si vous n'entrez pas de chemin, tous les fichiers seront stockés dans le dossier de connexion.\nÊtes-vous sûr que c'est ce que vous voulez ?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Si vous n'entrez pas de clé API, le nom de l'entité est requis","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Si vous voulez utiliser la sauvegarde plus tard, vous pouvez exporter la configuration avant de la supprimer","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Si votre machine est dans un environnement multi-utilisateur (votre machine a plus d'un compte), vous avez besoin de définir un mot de passe pour éviter que les autres utilisateurs puissent accéder à vos données sur votre compte.\nVoulez-vous définir un mot de passe maintenant ?","Import":"Importer","Import Destination URL":"Importer l'URL de destination","Import backup configuration":"Importer la configuration de sauvegarde","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Import terminé, mais aucun certificat n'a été trouvé après l'import","Import failed":"Échec de l'import","Import from a file":"Importer depuis un fichier","Import metadata":"Importer des métadonnées","Include a file?":"Inclure un fichier ?","Include expression":"Inclure expression","Include regular expression":"Inclure expression régulière","Incorrect answer, try again":"Réponse incorrecte, essayez encore","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Builds individuelles pour les développeurs uniquement. Ne pas utiliser avec des données importantes.","Information":"Information","Install":"Installer","Install failed:":"Échec d'installation :","Invalid characters in path":"Caractères invalides dans le chemin","Invalid retention time":"Temps de rétention invalide","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Il est possible de se connecter à certains FTP sans mot de passe.\nÊtes-vous sûr que votre serveur FTP prend en charge l'identification sans mot de passe ?","KByte":"KOctet","KByte/s":"KOctet/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Conserver un nombre spécifique de sauvegardes","Keep all backups":"Conserver toutes les sauvegardes","Keystone API version":"Version de l'API Keystone","Language in user interface":"Langue dans l'interface utilisateur","Last month":"Mois dernier","Last successful backup:":"Dernière sauvegarde réussie :","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Dernière restauration réussie : {{time}} (a pris {{duration || '0 secondes'}})","Latest":"Dernière","Libraries":"Librairies","Live":"Direct","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Charger une configuration depuis un export ou un opérateur de stockage","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Charger la destination depuis un export ou un opérateur de stockage","Load older data":"Charger des données plus anciennes","Loading ...":"Chargement ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Chargement de l'utilisation du stockage distant ...","Local Repository":"Stockage local","Local database for":"Base de données locale pour","Local database path:":"Chemin de la base de données locale :","Local repository":"Stockage local","Local storage":"Stockage local","Location":"Emplacement","Location where buckets are created":"Emplacement ou les buckets sont créés","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Historique pour <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Données d'historique du serveur","Log out":"Déconnexion","MByte":"MOctet","MByte/s":"MOctet/s","Maintenance":"Maintenance","Manually type path":"Entrée manuelle du chemin","Max download speed":"Vitesse maximum de téléchargement","Max upload speed":"Vitesse maximum de téléversement","Menu":"Menu","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Base de données Microsoft SQL :","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Bases de données Microsoft SQL","Minimum redundancy":"Redondance minimale","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"La redondance minimale est de 1,0","Minutes":"Minutes","Missing name":"Nom manquant","Missing passphrase":"Phrase secrète manquante","Missing sources":"Sources manquantes","Modified":"Modifié","Mon":"Lun.","Months":"Mois","Move existing database":"Déplacer la base de données existante","Move failed:":"Échec de déplacement :","My Documents":"Mes documents","My Music":"Ma musique","My Photos":"Mes photos","My Pictures":"Mes photos","Name":"Nom","Never":"Jamais","New update found: {{message}}":"Nouvelle mise à jour trouvée : {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Le nouveau nom d'utilisateur est {{user}}.\nMise à jour des accès pour le nouvel utilisateur limité","Next":"Suivant","Next scheduled run:":"Prochaine exécution programmée :","Next scheduled task:":"Prochaine tâche planifiée :","Next task:":"Prochaine tâche :","Next time":"Prochaine fois","No":"Non","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Aucun certificat n'a été spécifié auparavant, veuillez vérifier que la clé est correcte auprès de votre administrateur système : {{key}}\n\nVoulez-vous approuver la clé de l'hôte mentionné ?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Aucun éditeur trouvé pour le &quot;{{backend}}&quot; type de stockage","No encryption":"Pas de chiffrement","No items selected":"Aucun élément sélectionné","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Aucun élément à restaurer, merci de sélectionner un ou plusieurs éléments","No passphrase entered":"Aucune phrase secrète entrée","No scheduled tasks":"Pas de tâche planifié","No, my machine has only a single account":"Non, ma machine n'a qu'un seul compte","Non-matching passphrase":"La phrase secrète ne correspond pas","None / disabled":"Aucun / Désactivé","Not using encryption":"N'utilise pas le chiffrement","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Rien ne sera supprimé. La taille de la sauvegarde augmentera à chaque modification.","OK":"Ok","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Une fois qu'il y a plus de sauvegardes que le nombre spécifié, les sauvegardes les plus anciennes sont supprimées.","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Opened":"Ouvert","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"Les clés API Openstack ne sont pas prises en charge dans l'API v3 keystone.","Operating System":"Système d'exploitation","Operation":"Opération","Operation failed:":"Échec de l'opération :","Operations:":"Opérations :","Optional authentication password":"Mot de passe d'identification optionel","Optional authentication username":"Nom d'utilisateur d'identification optionel","Options":"Options","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Les options ajoutées ici sont appliquées pour toutes les sauvegardes, mais elles peuvent être outrepassées pour chaque sauvegarde","Original location":"Emplacement d'origine","Others":"Autres","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Au fil du temps, les sauvegardes seront automatiquement supprimées. Il restera une sauvegarde pour chacun des 7 derniers jours, chacune des 4 dernières semaines, chacun des 12 derniers mois. Il y aura toujours au moins une sauvegarde restante.","Overwrite":"Écraser","Passphrase":"Phrase secrète","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Phrase secrète (si chiffré)","Passphrase changed":"Phrase secrète changée","Passphrases are not matching":"Les phrases secrètes ne correspondent pas","Passphrases do not match":"Le mot de passe ne correspond pas","Password":"Mot de passe","Path":"Chemin","Path not found":"Chemin non trouvé","Path on server":"Chemin sur le serveur","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Chemin ou sous-dossier dans le bucket","Pause":"Pause","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pause après le démarrage ou l'hibernation","Pause options":"Options de pause","Permissions":"Permissions","Pick location":"Choisir l'emplacement","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Donner votre fichier de sauvegarde et restaurer depuis celui-ci ","Port":"Port","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Empêcher la connexion automatique de l'icône de la barre de tâches","Previous":"Précédent","Progress:":"Statut:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"Le ProjectID est optionel si le bucket existe","Proprietary":"Propriétaire","Purge Phase":"Étape de purge","Purging files complete!":"Purge des fichiers complétée!","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Récrée (suppression et réparation)","Recreate Database Phase":"Étape de recréation de la base de données","Relative paths not allowed":"Les chemins relatifs ne sont pas autorisés","Reload":"Recharger","Remote":"Distant","Remote Path":"Chemin d'accès distant","Remote Repository":"Stockage distant","Remote path":"Chemin d'accès distant","Remote repository":"Stockage distant","Remote volume size":"Taille du volume distant","Remove":"Retirer","Remove option":"Option de retrait","Removed files":"Fichiers supprimés","Repair":"Réparer","Repair Phase":"Étape de réparation","Repeat Passphrase":"Répeter la phrase secrète","Reporting:":"Communication de données :","Reset":"Réinitialiser","Restore":"Restaurer","Restore complete!":"La restauration a été complétée!","Restore files":"Restaurer les fichiers","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Restaurer les fichiers depuis {{backupname}}","Restore from":"Restaurer depuis","Restore from backup configuration":"Restaurer depuis une sauvegarde de configuration","Restore from configuration ...":"Restaurer depuis une configuration","Restore options":"Options de restauration","Restore read/write permissions":"Autorisations de lecture/écriture de restauration","Resume":"Reprendre","Rewritten File Lists":"Réécriture des listes de fichiers","Run again every":"Relancer tous les","Run now":"Démarrer maintenant","Running ....":"En cour ...","Running commandline entry":"Execution d'une ligne de commnde","Running task:":"Tâche en cours :","S3 Compatible":"Compatible S3","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Identique à la version de base installée : {{channelname}}","Sat":"Sam.","Save":"Enregistrer","Save and repair":"Enregistrer et réparer","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Enregistrer des versions différentes avec l'horodatage dans le nom du fichier","Save immediately":"Sauver immédiatement ","Schedule":"Planifier","Search":"Recherche","Search for files":"Recherche de fichiers","Seconds":"Secondes","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Sélectionner un niveau d'historique et voyez les messages quand ils apparaissent :","Select files":"Sélectionner les fichiers","Server":"Serveur","Server and port":"Serveur et port","Server hostname or IP":"Nom d'hôte du serveur ou IP","Server is currently paused,":"Le serveur est actuellement en pause,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Le serveur est actuellement en pause, voulez-vous reprendre maintenant ?","Server password":"Mot de passe du serveur","Server paused":"Serveur en pause","Server state properties":"Propriétés du statut serveur","Settings":"Paramètres","Show":"Montrer","Show advanced editor":"Montrer l'éditeur avancé","Show hidden folders":"Montrer les dossiers cachés","Show log":"Montrer l'historique","Show treeview":"Afficher l'arborescence","Sia server password":"Mot de passe du serveur Sia","Smart backup retention":"Rétention de sauvegarde intelligente","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Certains fournisseurs OpenStack autorisent une clé API à la place d'un mot de passe et d'un nom d'entité","Source Data":"Données source","Source data":"Données source","Source folders":"Dossiers source","Source:":"Source :","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Builds spécifiques pour les développeurs uniquement. Ne pas utiliser avec des données importantes.","Standard protocols":"Protocoles standards","Start":"Démarrer","Stop after the current file":"Arrêter après le fichier en cour","Stop now":"Arrêter maintenant","Stop running backup":"Arrêter la sauvegarde en cour","Stop running task":"Stopper la tâche en cour","Stopping task:":"Arrêt de la tâche","Storage Type":"Type de stockage","Storage class":"Classe de stockage","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Classe de stockage pour la création d'un bucket","Stored":"Stocké","Strong":"Fort","Success":"Succès","Sun":"Dim.","Symbolic link":"Lien symbolique","System Files":"Fichiers système","System default ({{levelname}})":"Paramètre par défaut du système ({{levelname}})","System files":"Fichiers système","System info":"Info système","System properties":"Propriétés système","TByte":"TOctet","TByte/s":"TOctet/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Chemin cible, c'est-à-dire /sauvegarde","Task is running":"La tâche est en cours","Temporary Files":"Fichiers temporaires","Temporary files":"Fichiers temporaires","Tenant Name":"Nom d'entité","Test Phase":"Étape de test","Test connection":"Tester la connexion","Testing ...":"Test ...","Testing connection ...":"Essai de connexion ...","Testing permissions...":"Test des permissions ...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"Le champ '{{fieldname}}' contient un caractère non valide : {{character}} (valeur : {{value}}, index : {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"La sauvegarde est n'existe pas, a-t-elle été supprimée?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"La sauvegarde était temporaire et n'existe plus, les données du journal sont perdues.","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Le nom du bucket devrait être entièrement en minuscule, convertir automatiquement ?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Le nom du bucket devrait commencer par votre nom d'utilisateur, l'ajouter automatiquement ?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"La configuration doit être gardée en sécurité. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir enregistrer un fichier non crypté contenant vos mots de passe?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"La connexion au serveur a été perdue, nouvelle tentative dans {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Le thème sombre (de Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Thème par défaut bleu sur fond blanc (by Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"Le dossier {{dossier}} n'existe pas.\nCréez-le maintenant ?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"La clé de l'hôte a changé, veuillez vérifier avec l'administrateur du serveur si cela est correcte, car il pourrait s'agir d'une attaque de type \"intermédiaire\".\n\nVoulez-vous REMPLACER votre clé d'hôte COURANTE \"{{prev}}\" par la clé MENTIONNÉE : {{key}} ?","The passwords do not match":"Le mot de passe ne correspond pas","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Le chemin ne semble pas exister, voulez-vous l'ajouter quand même ?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Le répertoire ne se termine pas par un caractère '{{dirsep}}', ce qui signifie que vous sélectionnez un fichier et non un dossier.\n\nVoulez-vous inclure le fichier spécifié ?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Le chemin doit être un chemin absolu, c.-à-d. Il doit commencer par un slash avant '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Le chemin d'accès doit commencer par \"{{prefix1}}\" ou \"{{prefix2}}\", sinon vous ne pourrez pas voir les fichiers dans l'interface web d'HubiC.\n\nVoulez-vous automatiquement ajouter le préfixe au chemin ?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Le paramètre régional n'est appliqué qu'à la création d'un nouveau bucket","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Le paramètre régional n'est utilisé qu'à la création d'un bucket","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Le certificat du serveur n'a pas pu être validé.\nVoulez-vous approuver le certificat SSL avec la somme de contrôle : {{hash}} ?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"La classe de stockage affecte la disponibilité et le prix d'un fichier stocké","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Le fichier cible contient des fichiers chiffrés, merci de fournir la phrase secrète","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"L'utilisateur à trop d'autorisations. Voulez-vous créer un nouvel utilisateur limité avec uniquement les autorisations pour les chemins sélectionnés ?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Cette sauvegarde a été créée sur un autre système d’exploitation. Restaurer les fichiers sans préciser un dossier de destination peut créer des fichiers à des endroits inattendus. Êtes-vous surs de vouloir poursuivre sans choisir de dossier de destination ?","This month":"Ce mois","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Cette option ne concerne pas la taille maximale de la sauvegarde ou du fichier, ni les taux de déduplication. <external-link link = \"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\"> Consultez cette page avant de modifier la taille du volume distant. </ external-link>","This week":"Cette semaine","Throttle settings":"Options d'accélération","Thu":"Jeu.","Time":"temps","To File":"Vers fichier","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Pour confirmer que vous souhaitez supprimer tous les fichiers distants pour \"{{name}}\", veuillez entrer le mot situé ci-dessous","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Pour exporter sans phrase secrète, décochez la case \"Chiffrer fichier\"","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"Pour éviter diverses attaques basées sur le DNS, Duplicati limite les noms d'hôtes autorisés à ceux répertoriés ici. L'accès IP direct et localhost est toujours autorisé. Plusieurs noms d'hôte peuvent être fournis avec un séparateur de points-virgules. Si l'un des noms d'hôtes autorisés est un astérisque (*), tous les noms d'hôte sont autorisés et cette fonctionnalité est désactivée. Si le champ est vide, seule l'adresse IP et l'accès localhost sont autorisés.","Today":"Aujourd'hui","Trust host certificate?":"Faire confiance au certificat de l'hôte ?","Trust server certificate?":"Faire confiance au certificat du serveur ?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Essayez les nouvelles fonctionnalités sur lesquelles nous travaillons. Actuellement la version la plus stable disponible. Testez la restauration des données avant de l'utiliser dans des environnements de production.","Tue":"Mar.","Type passphrase here.":"Tapez mot de passe ici.","Type to highlight files":"Tapez pour mettre en surbrillance les fichiers","Unknown backup size and versions":"Taille et version de sauvegarde inconnue","Until resumed":"Jusqu'à la reprise","Update channel":"Canal de mise à jour","Update failed:":"Échec de mise à jour","Updating with existing database":"Mettre à jour avec une base de données existante","Uploaded files":"Fichiers téléchargés","Usage statistics":"Statistiques d'utilisation","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Statistiques d'utilisation, avertissements, erreurs et accidents","Use SSL":"Utiliser SSL","Use existing database?":"Utiliser une base de données existante ?","Use weak passphrase":"Utiliser une phrase secrète faible","Useless":"Inutile","User data":"Données utilisateur","User domain name":"Nom de domaine de l'utilisateur","User has too many permissions":"L'utilisateur à trop d'autorisations","User interface settings":"Réglages interface utilisateur","Username":"Nom d'utilisateur","Verifications":"Vérifications","Verify files":"Vérifier les fichiers","Verifying ...":"Vérification ...","Verifying answer":"Vérification de la réponse","Version ID":"ID de version","Very strong":"Très fort","Very weak":"Très faible","Visit us on":"Rendez nous visite sur","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"ATTENTION : La base de données locale est rapportée comme étant utilisée par la librairie de ligne de commande","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"ATTENTION : Cela va vous empêcher de restaurer vos données dans le futur.","Waiting for task to begin":"En attente du début de la tâche","Waiting for task to start ....":"En attente du début de la tâche","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Avertissements, erreurs et accidents","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Nous acceptons les dons via différents services, tels que OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource et diverses devises crypto.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Nous vous recommandons de chiffrer toutes les sauvegardes stockées en dehors de votre système","Weak":"Faible","Weak passphrase":"Phrase secrète faible","Wed":"Mer.","Weeks":"Semaines","Where do you want to restore from?":"Ou voulez-vous restaurer vos fichiers ?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Ou voulez-vous restaurer vos fichiers ?","Years":"Années","Yes":"Oui","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Oui, j'ai conservé ma phrase secrète en sécurité","Yes, I understand the risk":"Oui, je comprends le risque","Yes, I'm brave!":"Oui, je suis courageux !","Yes, please break my backup!":"Oui, s'il vous plait cassez ma sauvegarde","Yesterday":"Hier","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Mono semble fonctionner sans certificat SSL chargé.\nVoulez-vous importer la liste de certificats de confiance depuis Mozilla ?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Vous êtes en train de changer le chemin de la base de données depuis une base de donnée existante.\nÊtes-vous sûr que c'est ce que vous voulez ?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Vous êtes actuellement en train d'utiliser {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Vous avez changé la méthode de chiffrement. Ceci peut endommager certaines choses. Nous vous encourageons à créer une nouvelle sauvegarde à la place.","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Vous avez changé la phrase secrète, ce qui n'est pas pris en charge. Nous vous encourageons à créer une nouvelle sauvegarde à la place.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Vous avez choisi de ne pas chiffrer votre sauvegarde. Le chiffrement est recommandé pour toutes les données stockées sur un serveur distant.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Vous avez demandé à restaurer vers un nouveau dossier, mais sans indiquer son chemin","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Vous avez généré une mot de passe fort. Assurez-vous que vous avez effectué une copie sécurisée de ce mot de passe, car les données ne pourront pas être récupérées si vous le perdez.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Vous devez choisir au moins un dossier source","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Vous devez entrer un nom de domaine pour utiliser l'API v3","You must enter a name for the backup":"Vous devez entrer un nom pour votre sauvegarde","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Vous devez entrer une phrase secrète ou désactiver le chiffrement","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Vous devez entrer un mot de passe pour utiliser l'API v3","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Vous devez entrer un nombre positif de sauvegarde à conserver","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Vous devez entrer un nom de tenant (nom de projet) pour utiliser l'API v3","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Vous devez entrer un nom d'entité si vous ne fournissez pas une clé API","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Vous devez entrer une valeur correcte pour la durée de conservation de vos sauvegardes","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Vous devez entrer une chaîne de politique de rétention valide","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Vous devez entrer soit un mot de passe, soit une clé API","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Vous devez entrer soit un mot de passe, soit une clé API, mais pas les deux","You must fill in the password":"Vous devez renseigner le mot de passe","You must fill in the server name or address":"Vous devez renseigner le nom du serveur ou l'adresse","You must fill in the username":"Vous devez renseigner le nom d'utilisateur","You must fill in {{field}}":"Vous devez renseigner le champ : {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Vous devez sélectionner ou renseigner l'AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Vous devez sélectionner ou renseigner le serveur","You must specify a path":"Vous devez spécifier un chemin.","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"Vous devez remplir {{field}} {{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Vos fichiers et dossiers ont été restaurés avec succès.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Votre phrase secrète est facile à deviner. Songez à la changer.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"bucket/dossier/sous-dossier","byte":"octet","byte/s":"octet/s","custom":"personnalisé ","resume now":"reprendre maintenant","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"sauf si vous spécifiez explicitement --group-id","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} a été principalement développée par <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> et <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} peut être téléchargée depuis <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} est sous licence <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} fichiers {{size}}) à transferer {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versions"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} Heure","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} Heures","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} Minutes","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (durée {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('fr', {"- pick an option -":"- choisir une option -","...loading...":"...chargement...","API Key":"Clé API","AWS Access ID":"AWS Access ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Access Key","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Policy","About":"À propos","About {{appname}}":"À propos de {{appname}}","Access Key":"Clé d'accès","Access denied":"Accès refusé","Access to user interface":"Accès à l'interface utilisateur","Account name":"Nom du compte","Activate":"Activer","Activate failed:":"Echec d'activation:","Add a new backup":"Ajouter une nouvelle sauvegarde","Add a path directly":"Ajouter un répertoire directement","Add advanced option":"Ajouter une option avancée","Add backup":"Ajouter une sauvegarde","Add filter":"Ajouter un filtre","Add path":"Ajouter un chemin","Added":"Ajouté","Adjust bucket name?":"Modifier le nom du bucket ?","Adjust path name?":"Modifier le nom du chemin ?","Advanced Options":"Options avancées","Advanced options":"Options avancées","Advanced:":"Avancé :","All Hyper-V Machines":"Toutes les machines Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Toutes les bases de données Microsoft SQL","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Tous les rapports d'utilisation sont envoyés de manière anonyme et ne contiennent aucune information personnelle. Ils contiennent des informations sur le matériel et le système d'exploitation, sur le type d'infrastructure, la durée de la sauvegarde, la taille générale des fichiers sources et d'autres données similaires. Ils ne contiennent pas de chemin d'accès, noms de fichiers, noms d'utilisateurs, mots de passe ou des informations sensibles de ce type.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Autoriser l'accès à distance (nécessite un redémarrage)","Allowed days":"Jours autorisés","An existing file was found at the new location":"Un fichier existant a été trouvé au nouvel emplacement","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Un fichier existant a été trouvé au nouvel emplacement.\nÊtes-vous sûr de vouloir faire pointer la base de données vers un fichier existant ?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Une base de données locale pour le stockage a été trouvée.\nRéutiliser la base de données va permettre la ligne de commande et les instances serveur de travailler sur le même stockage à distance.\n\nVoulez-vous utiliser la base de donnée existante ?","Anonymous usage reports":"Rapports d'utilisation anonyme","Applications":"Applications","As Command-line":"Comme ligne de commande","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Mot de passe d'identification","Authentication username":"Nom d'utilisateur d'identification","Autogenerated passphrase":"Phrase secrète auto-générée","Automatically run backups.":"Lancer des sauvegardes automatiques.","B2 Application ID":"B2 Application ID","B2 Application Key":"B2 Application Key","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Account ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Application ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cloud Storage Application Key","Back":"Précédent","Backend modules:":"Modules back-end :","Backup complete!":"Sauvegarde terminée !","Backup destination":"Destination de sauvegarde","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"La sauvegarde est chiffrée mais aucune phrase secrète n'est disponible.\n                     Tapez une phrase secrète ci-dessous à utiliser pour restaurer vos fichiers,\n                     ou, en cas de cryptage GPG, laissez vide pour permettre à gpg de récupérer le mot de passe complexe pour\n                     invoquer le trousseau de votre système.","Backup location":"Emplacement de la sauvegarde","Backup retention":"Rétention de la sauvegarde","Backup:":"Sauvegarde :","Beta":"Béta","Broken access":"Accès rompu","Browse":"Parcourir","Browser default":"Paramètre par défaut du navigateur","Bucket Name":"Nom du bucket","Bucket create location":"Emplacement de la création du bucket","Bucket create region":"Région de création du bucket","Bucket name":"Nom du bucket","Bucket storage class":"Classe de stockage du bucket","Building list of files to restore …":"Création d'une liste de fichiers à restaurer...","Building partial temporary database …":"Création d'une base de données temporaire partielle...","Busy ...":"Occupé ...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"En autorisant l'accès à distance, le serveur écoute les requêtes de n'importe quel ordinateur de votre réseau. Si vous activez cette option, assurez-vous de toujours utiliser l'ordinateur sur un réseau protégé par un pare-feu paramétré de manière ad-hoc.","By default, the tray icon will open the user interface with a token that unlocks the user interface. This ensures that you can access the user interface from the tray icon, while requiring others to enter a password. If you prefer having to type in the password, even when accessing the user interface from the tray icon, enable this option.":"Par défaut, l'icône de la barre d'état système ouvre l'interface utilisateur avec un jeton de sécurité. Ceci vous permet d'accéder à l'interface utilisateur à partir de l'icône de la barre d'état système, tout en demandant aux autres utilisateurs d'entrer un mot de passe. Si vous préférez saisir le mot de passe même lorsque vous accédez à l'interface utilisateur à partir de l'icône de la barre des tâches, activez cette option.","Cache Files":"Mettre les fichiers en cache","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Annuler","Cannot move to existing file":"Impossible de déplacer vers un fichier existant","Changelog":"Journal des modifications","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Journal des modifications pour {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Vérification échouée :","Check for updates now":"Vérifier les mise à jour maintenant","Checking ...":"Vérification...","Checking for updates …":"Recherche de mises à jour...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Sélectionnez un type de stockage pour commencer","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Cliquez sur le lien AuthID pour créer un AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Cliquez pour définir les options d'accélération","Commandline …":"Ligne de commande...","Compact Phase":"Étape de compression","Compact now":"Compacter maintenant","Compacting remote data ...":"Compression des données distantes...","Compacting remote data …":"Compression des données distantes...","Complete log":"Journal complet","Completing backup …":"Achèvement de la sauvegarde...","Completing previous backup …":"Achèvement de la sauvegarde précédente...","Compression modules:":"Modules de compression :","Computer":"Ordinateur","Configuration file:":"Fichier de configuration :","Configuration:":"Configuration :","Configure a new backup":"Configurer une nouvelle sauvegarde","Confirm delete":"Confirmer suppression","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Confirmez la phrase secrète de chiffrement","Confirm passphrase":"Confirmer la phrase secrète","Confirm password":"Confirmer le mot de passe","Confirmation required":"Confirmation nécessaire","Connect":"Connecter","Connect now":"Connecter maintenant","Connecting to server …":"Connexion au serveur...","Connecting to task ....":"Connexion à la tâche...","Connecting...":"Connexion...","Connection lost":"Connexion perdue","Connection worked!":"Connection fonctionnelle !","Container name":"Nom du conteneur","Container region":"Région du conteneur","Continue":"Continuer","Continue without encryption":"Continuer sans chiffrement","Copied!":"Copié !","Copy":"Copie","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Copier l'URL de destination dans le presse-papier","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Copie échouée. Veuillez copier manuellement l'URL","Core options":"Options du noyau","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Comptage ({{files}} fichiers trouvés, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Uniquement les accidents","Create bug report …":"Créer un rapport d'erreur...","Create folder?":"Créer un dossier ?","Created new limited user":"Nouvel utilisateur limité créé","Creating bug report …":"Création du rapport d'erreur...","Creating new user with limited access …":"Création d'un nouvel utilisateur avec un accès limité...","Creating target folders …":"Création des dossiers de destination...","Creating temporary backup …":"Création d'une sauvegarde temporaire...","Creating user...":"Création de l'utilisateur...","Current action:":"Action en cours :","Current file:":"Fichier actuel :","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"La version actuelle est {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"S3 endpoint personnalisé","Custom authentication url":"URL d'authentification personnalisée","Custom backup retention":"Rétention de sauvegarde personnalisée","Custom location ({{server}})":"Emplacement personnalisé ({{server)}}","Custom region for creating buckets":"Région personnalisée pour la créations de buckets","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Valeur personnalisée de région ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"URL serveur personnalisée ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Classe de stockage personnalisée ({{class}})","Database …":"Base de données...","Days":"Jours","Default":"Défaut","Default ({{channelname}})":"({{channelname}}) par défaut","Default excludes":"Exclusions par défaut","Default options":"Options par défaut","Delete":"Supprimer","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Étape de suppression (anciennes versions de sauvegarde)","Delete backup":"Supprimer la sauvegarde","Delete backups that are older than":"Supprimer les sauvegardes plus anciennes que","Delete local database":"Supprimer la base de données locale","Delete remote files":"Supprimer les fichiers distants","Delete the local database":"Supprimer la base de données locale","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Supprimer {{filecount}} fichiers ({{filesize}}) du stockage distant ?","Delete …":"Supprimer...","Deleted":"Supprimé","Deleted Versions":"Versions supprimées","Deleted files":"Fichiers supprimés","Deleting remote files …":"Suppression des fichiers distants...","Deleting unwanted files …":"Suppression des fichiers non désirés...","Description (optional)":"Description (facultative)","Description:":"Description : ","Desktop":"Bureau","Destination":"Destination","Destination path":"Chemin de destination","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Nous vous avons aidé à sauvegarder vos fichiers ? Dans ce cas, songez à soutenir Duplicati avec une donation. Nous vous suggérons {{smallamount}} pour un usage privé et {{largeamount}} pour un usage commercial.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Restauration directe depuis les fichiers de sauvegarde...","Disabled":"Désactivé","Dismiss":"Rejeter","Dismiss all":"Rejeter la totalité","Display and color theme":"Thème d'affichage et de couleur","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer la sauvegarde : \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer la base de données locale pour : {{name}} ?","Domain Name":"Nom de domaine","Donate":"Faire un don","Donation messages":"Messages de donation","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Les messages de donation sont masqués, cliquez ici pour les afficher","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Les messages de donation sont affichés, cliquez ici pour les masquer","Done":"Fait","Download":"Téléchargement","Downloaded files":"Fichiers téléchargés","Downloading files …":"Téléchargement des fichiers...","Downloading update…":"Téléchargement de la mise à jour...","Downloading …":"Téléchargement...","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Option de duplication {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Site internet de Duplicati","Duplicati forum":"Forum de Duplicati","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati s'exécutera une fois démarré, mais restera en pause pendant toute la durée. Duplicati occupera un minimum de ressources système et aucune sauvegarde ne sera exécutée.","Duration":"Durée","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Chaque sauvegarde a une base de données locale associée. Elle stocke des informations à propos de la sauvegarde distante.\nQuand vous supprimez une sauvegarde, vous pouvez aussi supprimer la base de données locale sans affecter votre capacité à restaurer vos fichiers distants.\nSi vous utilisez la base de données locale pour vos sauvegardes à partir de la ligne de commande, vous devez conserver la base de données.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Chaque sauvegarde a une base de données locale associée. Elle enregistre localement les informations à propos de la sauvegarde distante. \\nCela accélère la réalisation de nombreuses opérations et réduit la quantité de données qui doit être téléchargée pour chaque opération.","Edit as list":"Éditer en tant que liste","Edit as text":"Éditer en tant que texte","Edit …":"Édition...","Encrypt file":"Chiffrement de fichier","Encryption":"Chiffrement","Encryption changed":"Chiffrement modifié","Encryption modules:":"Modules de chiffrement :","End":"Fin","Enter URL":"Saisir l'URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Saisir une stratégie de rétention manuellement. Les espaces réservés sont D / W / Y pour les jours / semaines / années et U pour illimité. La syntaxe est : 7D:1D, 4W:1W, 36M:1M. Cet exemple conserve une sauvegarde pour chacun des sept prochains jours, une pour chacune des quatre prochaines semaines et une pour chacun des 36 prochains mois. Cela peut également être écrit comme 1W:1D, 1M:1W, 3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Saisir clé d'accès","Enter account name":"Saisir le nom du compte","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Saisir la phrase secrète de sauvegarde, si existante","Enter configuration details":"Saisir les détails de configuration","Enter container name":"Saisir le nom du conteneur","Enter encryption passphrase":"Saisir la phrase secrète de chiffrement","Enter expression here":"Saisir l'expression ici","Enter folder path name":"Saisir le chemin du répertoire","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Saisir une option par ligne dans le format ligne de commande, ex : {0}","Enter the destination path":"Saisir le chemin de destination","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Saisir l'adresse email du groupe Office 365","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Saisir le chemin de destination complet, y compris le nom du serveur mais sans https","Error":"Erreur","Error!":"Erreur !","Errors and crashes":"Erreurs et plantages","Examined":"Examiné","Exclude":"Exclure","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Exclure les répertoires dont le nom contient","Exclude expression":"Exclure l'expression","Exclude file":"Exclure le fichier","Exclude file extension":"Exclure l'extension de fichier","Exclude files whose names contain":"Exclure les fichiers dont les noms contiennent","Exclude filter group":"Exclure le groupe de filtres","Exclude folder":"Exclure le dossier","Exclude regular expression":"Exclure l'expression régulière","Existing file found":"Fichier existant trouvé","Experimental":"Expérimental","Export":"Exporter","Export backup configuration":"Exporter la configuration de sauvegarde","Export configuration":"Exporter la configuration","Export passwords":"Exporter les mots de passe","Export …":"Exporter...","Exporting …":"Export...","External link":"Lien externe","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Alternatif)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Échec de la construction de la base de données temporaire : {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Échec de la connexion :","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Échec de la connexion : {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Échec de la suppression :","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Échec de la récupération des information du chemin : {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Impossible de trouver la sauvegarde : ","Failed to import:":"Échec de l'import :","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Échec de la lecture des paramètres par défaut de la sauvegarde :","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Échec de la restauration des fichiers : {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Échec d'enregistrement :","Fetching path information …":"Récupération d'informations sur le chemin...","File":"Fichier","Files larger than:":"Fichiers plus gros que :","Filters":"Filtres","Finished!":"Terminé !","First run setup":"Première mise en route","Folder":"Dossier","Folder path":"Chemin du dossier","Fri":"Ven.","GByte":"Go","GByte/s":"Go/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS Project ID","General":"Général","General backup settings":"Paramètres généraux de sauvegarde","General options":"Options générales","Generate":"Générer","Generate IAM access policy":"Générer une politique d'accès IAM","Getting file versions …":"Récupération des versions de fichier...","Group email":"Courriel de groupe","Hidden files":"Fichiers cachés","Hide":"Masquer","Hide hidden folders":"Masquer les dossiers cachés","Home":"Poste de travail","Hostnames":"Noms d'hôtes","Hours":"Heures","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Comment voulez-vous traiter les fichiers existants ?","Hyper-V Machine":"Machine Hyper-V","Hyper-V Machine:":"Machine Hyper-V :","Hyper-V Machines":"Machines Hyper-V","ID:":"ID :","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Si une date a été manquée, la tâche démarrera dès que possible.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Si au moins une sauvegarde plus récente est trouvée, toutes les sauvegardes antérieures à cette date sont supprimées.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Si la sauvegarde et le stockage distant ne sont plus synchronisés, Duplicati demandera d'effectuer une opération de réparation pour synchroniser la base de données.\\nSi la réparation échoue, vous pouvez supprimer la base de données locale et la régénérer.","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Si le fichier de sauvegarde n'a pas été téléchargée automatiquement, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">cliquer sur le bouton droit et choisir &quot;Enregistrer sous...&quot;</a>","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Si le fichier de sauvegarde n'a pas été téléchargée automatiquement, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">cliquer sur le bouton droit et choisir &quot;Enregistrer sous...&quot;</a>","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Si vous n'entrez pas de chemin, tous les fichiers seront stockés dans le dossier de connexion.\nÊtes-vous sûr que c'est ce que vous voulez ?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Si vous n'entrez pas de clé API, le nom de l'entité est requis","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Si vous voulez utiliser la sauvegarde plus tard, vous pouvez exporter la configuration avant de la supprimer","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Si votre machine est dans un environnement multi-utilisateur (votre machine a plus d'un compte), vous avez besoin de définir un mot de passe pour éviter que les autres utilisateurs puissent accéder à vos données sur votre compte.\nVoulez-vous définir un mot de passe maintenant ?","Import":"Importer","Import Destination URL":"Importer l'URL de destination","Import backup configuration":"Importer la configuration de sauvegarde","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Import terminé, mais aucun certificat n'a été trouvé après l'import","Import failed":"Échec de l'import","Import from a file":"Importer depuis un fichier","Import metadata":"Importer des métadonnées","Importing …":"Importation...","Include a file?":"Inclure un fichier ?","Include expression":"Inclure expression","Include regular expression":"Inclure expression régulière","Incorrect answer, try again":"Réponse incorrecte, essayez encore","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Versions individuelles pour les développeurs uniquement. Ne pas utiliser avec des données importantes.","Information":"Information","Install":"Installer","Install failed:":"Échec d'installation :","Invalid characters in path":"Caractères invalides dans le chemin","Invalid retention time":"Temps de rétention invalide","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Il est possible de se connecter à certains FTP sans mot de passe.\nÊtes-vous sûr que votre serveur FTP prend en charge l'identification sans mot de passe ?","KByte":"Ko","KByte/s":"Ko/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Conserver un nombre spécifique de sauvegardes","Keep all backups":"Conserver toutes les sauvegardes","Keystone API version":"Version de l'API Keystone","Language in user interface":"Langue de l'interface utilisateur","Last month":"Mois dernier","Last successful backup:":"Dernière sauvegarde réussie :","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Dernière restauration réussie : {{time}} (a pris {{duration || '0 secondes'}})","Latest":"Dernière","Libraries":"Bibliothèques","Listing backup dates …":"Énumération des dates de sauvegarde...","Listing remote files for purge …":"Énumération des fichiers distants à purger...","Listing remote files …":"Énumération des fichiers distants...","Live":"Direct","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Charger une configuration depuis un export ou un opérateur de stockage","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Charger la destination depuis un export ou un opérateur de stockage","Load older data":"Charger des données plus anciennes","Loading ...":"Chargement...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Chargement de l'utilisation du stockage distant...","Loading …":"Chargement...","Local Repository":"Stockage local","Local database for":"Base de données locale pour","Local database path:":"Chemin de la base de données locale :","Local repository":"Stockage local","Local storage":"Stockage local","Location":"Emplacement","Location where buckets are created":"Emplacement ou les buckets sont créés","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Historique pour <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Données d'historique du serveur","Log out":"Déconnexion","MByte":"Mo","MByte/s":"Mo/s","Maintenance":"Maintenance","Manually type path":"Entrée manuelle du chemin","Max download speed":"Vitesse maximum de téléchargement","Max upload speed":"Vitesse maximum de téléversement","Menu":"Menu","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Base de données Microsoft SQL :","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Bases de données Microsoft SQL","Minimum redundancy":"Redondance minimale","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"La redondance minimale est de 1,0","Minutes":"Minutes","Missing name":"Nom manquant","Missing passphrase":"Phrase secrète manquante","Missing sources":"Sources manquantes","Modified":"Modifié","Mon":"Lun.","Months":"Mois","Move existing database":"Déplacer la base de données existante","Move failed:":"Échec de déplacement :","My Documents":"Mes documents","My Music":"Ma musique","My Photos":"Mes photos","My Pictures":"Mes photos","Name":"Nom","Never":"Jamais","New update found: {{message}}":"Nouvelle mise à jour trouvée : {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Le nouveau nom d'utilisateur est {{user}}.\nMise à jour des accès pour le nouvel utilisateur limité","Next":"Suivant","Next scheduled run:":"Prochaine exécution programmée :","Next scheduled task:":"Prochaine tâche planifiée :","Next task:":"Prochaine tâche :","Next time":"Prochaine fois","No":"Non","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Aucun certificat n'a été spécifié auparavant, veuillez vérifier que la clé est correcte auprès de votre administrateur système : {{key}}\n\nVoulez-vous approuver la clé de l'hôte mentionné ?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Aucun éditeur trouvé pour le &quot;{{backend}}&quot; type de stockage","No encryption":"Pas de chiffrement","No items selected":"Aucun élément sélectionné","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Aucun élément à restaurer, merci de sélectionner un ou plusieurs éléments","No passphrase entered":"Aucune phrase secrète entrée","No scheduled tasks":"Aucune tâche planifiée","No, my machine has only a single account":"Non, ma machine n'a qu'un seul compte","Non-matching passphrase":"La phrase secrète ne correspond pas","None / disabled":"Aucun / Désactivé","Not using encryption":"Ne pas utiliser le chiffrement","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Rien ne sera supprimé. La taille de la sauvegarde augmentera à chaque modification.","OK":"Ok","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Une fois qu'il y a plus de sauvegardes que le nombre spécifié, les sauvegardes les plus anciennes sont supprimées.","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Opened":"Ouvert","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"Les clés API Openstack ne sont pas prises en charge dans l'API v3 keystone.","Operating System":"Système d'exploitation","Operation":"Opération","Operation failed:":"Échec de l'opération :","Operations:":"Opérations :","Optional authentication password":"Mot de passe d'identification optionel","Optional authentication username":"Nom d'utilisateur d'identification optionel","Options":"Options","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Les options ajoutées ici sont appliquées pour toutes les sauvegardes, mais elles peuvent être outrepassées pour chaque sauvegarde","Original location":"Emplacement d'origine","Others":"Autres","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Au fil du temps, les sauvegardes seront automatiquement supprimées. Il restera une sauvegarde pour chacun des 7 derniers jours, chacune des 4 dernières semaines, chacun des 12 derniers mois. Il y aura toujours au moins une sauvegarde restante.","Overwrite":"Écraser","Passphrase":"Phrase secrète","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Phrase secrète (si chiffré)","Passphrase changed":"Phrase secrète changée","Passphrases are not matching":"Les phrases secrètes ne correspondent pas","Passphrases do not match":"La phrase secrète ne correspond pas","Password":"Mot de passe","Patching files with local blocks …":"Correction des fichiers avec les blocs locaux...","Path":"Chemin","Path not found":"Chemin non trouvé","Path on server":"Chemin sur le serveur","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Chemin ou sous-dossier dans le bucket","Pause":"Pause","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pause après le démarrage ou l'hibernation","Pause options":"Options de pause","Permissions":"Permissions","Pick location":"Choisir emplacement","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Indiquer l'emplacement des fichiers de sauvegarde ","Port":"Port","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Empêcher la connexion automatique de l'icône de la barre de tâches","Previous":"Précédent","Progress:":"Statut :","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"Le ProjectID est optionel si le bucket existe","Proprietary":"Propriétaire","Purge Phase":"Étape de purge","Purging files complete!":"Nettoyage des fichiers terminé !","Purging files …":"Nettoyage des fichiers…","Rebuilding local database …":"Reconstruction de la base de données locale...","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Régénération (supprimer et réparer)","Recreate Database Phase":"Etape de la régénération de la bases de données","Recreating database …":"Régénération de la base de données...","Registering temporary backup …":"Enregistrement d'une sauvegarde temporaire...","Relative paths not allowed":"Les chemins relatifs ne sont pas autorisés","Reload":"Recharger","Remote":"Distant","Remote Path":"Chemin d'accès distant","Remote Repository":"Stockage distant","Remote path":"Chemin d'accès distant","Remote repository":"Stockage distant","Remote volume size":"Taille du volume distant","Remove":"Supprimer","Remove option":"Option de suppression","Removed files":"Fichiers supprimés","Repair":"Réparer","Repair Phase":"Étape de réparation","Repairing database …":"Réparation de la base de données...","Repeat Passphrase":"Répéter la phrase secrète","Reporting:":"Communication de données :","Reset":"Réinitialiser","Restore":"Restaurer","Restore complete!":"Restauration terminée !","Restore files":"Restaurer les fichiers","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Restaurer les fichiers depuis {{backupname}}","Restore files …":"Restaurer les fichiers...","Restore from":"Restaurer depuis","Restore from backup configuration":"Restaurer depuis la sauvegarde de la configuration","Restore from configuration ...":"Restaurer depuis la configuration...","Restore options":"Options de restauration","Restore read/write permissions":"Restauration des droits de lecture/écriture","Restored Files":"Fichiers restaurés","Restored Folders":"Dossiers restaurés","Restored Symlinks":"Liens symboliques restaurés","Restoring files …":"Restauration des fichiers...","Resume":"Reprendre","Rewritten File Lists":"Listes de fichiers réécrits","Run again every":"Relancer tous les","Run now":"Démarrer maintenant","Running ....":"En cours...","Running commandline entry":"Exécution d'une ligne de commande","Running task:":"Tâche en cours :","Running …":"En cours...","S3 Compatible":"Compatible S3","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Identique à la version de base installée : {{channelname}}","Sat":"Sam.","Save":"Enregistrer","Save and repair":"Enregistrer et réparer","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Enregistrer des versions différentes avec l'horodatage dans le nom du fichier","Save immediately":"Enregistrer immédiatement ","Scanning existing files …":"Analyse des fichiers existants...","Scanning for local blocks …":"Analyse des blocs locaux...","Schedule":"Planifier","Search":"Rechercher","Search for files":"Rechercher les fichiers","Seconds":"Secondes","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Sélectionner un niveau d'historique et voyez les messages quand ils apparaissent :","Select files":"Sélectionner les fichiers","Server":"Serveur","Server and port":"Serveur et port","Server hostname or IP":"Nom d'hôte du serveur ou IP","Server is currently paused,":"Le serveur est actuellement en pause,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Le serveur est actuellement en pause, voulez-vous reprendre maintenant ?","Server password":"Mot de passe du serveur","Server paused":"Serveur en pause","Server state properties":"Propriétés du statut serveur","Settings":"Paramètres","Show":"Afficher","Show advanced editor":"Afficher l'éditeur avancé","Show hidden folders":"Afficher les dossiers cachés","Show log":"Afficher l'historique","Show log …":"Afficher le journal...","Show treeview":"Afficher l'arborescence","Sia server password":"Mot de passe du serveur Sia","Smart backup retention":"Rétention de sauvegarde intelligente","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Certains fournisseurs OpenStack autorisent une clé API à la place d'un mot de passe et d'un nom d'entité","Source Data":"Données source","Source Files":"Fichiers sources","Source data":"Données source","Source folders":"Dossiers source","Source:":"Source :","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Versions spécifiques pour les développeurs uniquement. Ne pas utiliser avec des données importantes.","Standard protocols":"Protocoles standards","Start":"Démarrer","Starting backup …":"Démarrage de la sauvegarde...","Starting restore …":"Démarrage de la restauration...","Starting the restore process …":"Démarrage du processus de restauration...","Stop after current file":"Arrêter après le fichier en cours","Stop after the current file":"Arrêter après le fichier en cours","Stop now":"Arrêter maintenant","Stop running backup":"Arrêter la sauvegarde en cours","Stop running task":"Arrêter la tâche en cours","Stopping after the current file:":"Arrêt après le fichier en cours:","Stopping task:":"Arrêt de la tâche:","Storage Type":"Type de stockage","Storage class":"Classe de stockage","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Classe de stockage pour la création d'un bucket","Stored":"Stocké","Strong":"Fort","Success":"Succès","Sun":"Dim.","Symbolic link":"Lien symbolique","System Files":"Fichiers système","System default ({{levelname}})":"Paramètre par défaut du système ({{levelname}})","System files":"Fichiers système","System info":"Info système","System properties":"Propriétés système","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Chemin cible, c'est-à-dire /sauvegarde","Task is running":"La tâche est en cours","Temporary Files":"Fichiers temporaires","Temporary files":"Fichiers temporaires","Tenant Name":"Nom d'entité","Test Phase":"Étape de test","Test connection":"Tester la connexion","Testing ...":"Test...","Testing connection ...":"Test de connexion...","Testing permissions …":"Test des permissions...","Testing permissions...":"Test des permissions...","Testing …":"Test...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"Le champ '{{fieldname}}' contient un caractère non valide : {{character}} (valeur : {{value}}, index : {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"La sauvegarde est introuvable, a-t-elle été supprimée?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"La sauvegarde était temporaire et n'existe plus, alors les données du journal sont perdues.","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Le nom du bucket devrait être entièrement en minuscule, convertir automatiquement ?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Le nom du bucket devrait commencer par votre nom d'utilisateur, l'ajouter automatiquement ?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"La configuration doit être conservée en sécurité. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir enregistrer un fichier non chiffré contenant vos mots de passe ?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"La connexion au serveur a été perdue, nouvelle tentative dans {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Le thème sombre (de Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Thème par défaut bleu sur fond blanc (by Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"Le dossier {{dossier}} n'existe pas.\nVoulez-vous le créer maintenant ?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"La clé de l'hôte a changé. Veuillez vérifier avec l'administrateur du serveur si cela est correcte, car il pourrait s'agir d'une attaque de type \"intermédiaire\".\n\nVoulez-vous remplacer votre clé d'hôte actuelle \"{{prev}}\" par la clé indiquée : {{key}} ?","The passwords do not match":"Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Le chemin ne semble pas exister, voulez-vous l'ajouter quand même ?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Le chemin ne se termine pas par un caractère '{{dirsep}}', ce qui signifie que vous sélectionnez un fichier et non un dossier.\n\nVoulez-vous inclure le fichier spécifié ?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Le chemin doit être absolu, c.-à-d. qu'il doit commencer par une barre oblique '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Le chemin d'accès doit commencer par \"{{prefix1}}\" ou \"{{prefix2}}\", sinon vous ne pourrez pas voir les fichiers dans l'interface web d'HubiC.\n\nVoulez-vous ajouter automatiquement le préfixe au chemin ?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Le paramètre régional n'est appliqué qu'à la création d'un nouveau bucket","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Le paramètre régional n'est utilisé qu'à la création d'un bucket","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Le certificat du serveur n'a pas pu être validé.\nVoulez-vous approuver le certificat SSL avec la somme de contrôle : {{hash}} ?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"La classe de stockage affecte la disponibilité et le prix d'un fichier stocké","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Le fichier cible contient des fichiers chiffrés. Indiquer la phrase secrète","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"L'utilisateur a des droits d'accès trop élevés. Voulez-vous créer un nouvel utilisateur limité avec des droits d'accès uniquement pour les chemins sélectionnés ?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Cette sauvegarde a été créée sur un autre système d’exploitation. Restaurer les fichiers sans préciser un dossier de destination peut créer des fichiers à des endroits inattendus. Êtes-vous surs de vouloir poursuivre sans choisir un dossier de destination ?","This month":"Ce mois","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Cette option ne concerne pas la taille maximale de la sauvegarde ou du fichier, ni les taux de déduplication. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">Consulter cette page avant de modifier la taille du volume distant.</external-link>","This week":"Cette semaine","Throttle settings":"Options de contrôle du débit","Thu":"Jeu.","Time":"Heure","To File":"Vers un fichier","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Pour confirmer la suppression de tous les fichiers distants pour \"{{name}}\", entrer le mot affiché ci-dessous","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Pour exporter sans phrase secrète, décochez la case \"Chiffrer fichier\"","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"Pour éviter diverses attaques basées sur le DNS, Duplicati limite les noms d'hôtes autorisés à ceux répertoriés ici. L'accès IP direct et localhost est toujours autorisé. Plusieurs noms d'hôte peuvent être fournis séparés par un points-virgule. Si l'un des noms d'hôte autorisés est un astérisque (*), tous les noms d'hôte sont autorisés et cette fonctionnalité est désactivée. Si le champ est vide, seule l'adresse IP et l'accès localhost sont autorisés.","Today":"Aujourd'hui","Trust host certificate?":"Faire confiance au certificat de l'hôte ?","Trust server certificate?":"Faire confiance au certificat du serveur ?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Essayer les nouvelles fonctionnalités en développement. Actuellement la version la plus stable disponible. Tester la restauration des données avant de l'utiliser dans des environnements de production.","Tue":"Mar.","Type passphrase here.":"Tapez la phrase secrète ici.","Type to highlight files":"Tapez pour mettre en surbrillance les fichiers","Unknown backup size and versions":"Taille et versions des sauvegardes inconnues","Until resumed":"Jusqu'à la reprise","Update channel":"Canal de mise à jour","Update failed:":"Échec de mise à jour","Updating with existing database":"Mettre à jour avec une base de données existante","Uploaded files":"Fichiers téléversés","Uploading verification file …":"Envoi du fichier de vérification...","Usage reports help us improve the user experience and evaluate impact of new features. We use them to generate <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'public usage statistics' | translate}}</external-link>":"Les rapports d'utilisation nous aident à améliorer l'expérience utilisateur et à évaluer l'impact des nouvelles fonctionnalités. Nous les utilisons pour générer les <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">statistiques publiques d'utilisation","Usage statistics":"Statistiques d'utilisation","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Statistiques d'utilisation, avertissements, erreurs et accidents","Use SSL":"Utiliser SSL","Use existing database?":"Utiliser une base de données existante ?","Use weak passphrase":"Utiliser une phrase secrète faible","Useless":"Inutile","User data":"Données utilisateur","User domain name":"Nom de domaine de l'utilisateur","User has too many permissions":"L'utilisateur à trop d'autorisations","User interface settings":"Réglages interface utilisateur","Username":"Nom d'utilisateur","Vacuuming database …":"Nettoyage de la base de données...","Validating …":"Validation...","Verifications":"Vérifications","Verify files":"Vérifier fichier","Verifying ...":"Vérification ...","Verifying answer":"Vérification de la réponse","Verifying backend data …":"Vérification des données du backend...","Verifying files …":"Vérification des fichiers...","Verifying remote data …":"Vérification des données distantes...","Verifying restored files …":"Vérification des fichiers restaurés...","Verifying …":"Vérification...","Version ID":"ID de version","Very strong":"Très fort","Very weak":"Très faible","Visit us on":"Rendez nous visite sur","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"ATTENTION : La base de données locale est rapportée comme étant utilisée par la librairie de ligne de commande","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"ATTENTION : Cela va vous empêcher de restaurer vos données dans le futur.","Waiting for task to begin":"En attente du début de la tâche","Waiting for task to start ....":"En attente du début de la tâche...","Waiting for upload to finish …":"Attente de la fin du téléversement...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Avertissements, erreurs et accidents","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Nous acceptons les dons via différents services, tels que OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource et diverses devises crypto.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Nous vous recommandons de chiffrer toutes les sauvegardes stockées en dehors de votre système","Weak":"Faible","Weak passphrase":"Phrase secrète faible","Wed":"Mer.","Weeks":"Semaines","Where do you want to restore from?":"Ou voulez-vous restaurer vos fichiers ?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Ou voulez-vous restaurer vos fichiers ?","Years":"Années","Yes":"Oui","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Oui, j'ai conservé ma phrase secrète en sécurité","Yes, I understand the risk":"Oui, je comprends le risque","Yes, I'm brave!":"Oui, je suis courageux !","Yes, please break my backup!":"Oui, s'il vous plait cassez ma sauvegarde","Yesterday":"Hier","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Mono semble fonctionner sans certificat SSL chargé.\nVoulez-vous importer la liste de certificats de confiance depuis Mozilla ?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Vous êtes en train de changer le chemin de la base de données depuis une base de donnée existante.\nÊtes-vous sûr que c'est ce que vous voulez ?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Vous êtes actuellement en train d'utiliser {{appname}} {{version}}","You can stop the backup after any file uploads currently in progress have finished.":"Vous pouvez arrêter la sauvegarde une fois que l'envoi de fichiers en cours est terminé.","You can stop the task immediately, or allow the process to continue its current file and then stop.":"Vous pouvez arrêter la tâche immédiatement, ou permettre au processus de terminer le fichier en cours, puis l'arrêter.","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Vous avez changé la méthode de chiffrement. Ceci peut endommager certaines choses. Nous vous encourageons à créer une nouvelle sauvegarde à la place.","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Vous avez changé la phrase secrète, ce qui n'est pas pris en charge. Nous vous encourageons à créer une nouvelle sauvegarde à la place.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Vous avez choisi de ne pas chiffrer votre sauvegarde. Le chiffrement est recommandé pour toutes les données stockées sur un serveur distant.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Vous avez demandé à restaurer vers un nouveau dossier, mais sans indiquer son chemin","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Vous avez généré une phrase secrète forte. Assurez-vous que vous avez effectué une copie sécurisée de cette phrase secrète, car les données ne pourront pas être récupérées si vous la perdez.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Vous devez choisir au moins un dossier source","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Vous devez entrer un nom de domaine pour utiliser l'API v3","You must enter a name for the backup":"Vous devez entrer un nom pour votre sauvegarde","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Vous devez saisir une phrase secrète ou désactiver le chiffrement","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Vous devez saisir un mot de passe pour utiliser l'API v3","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Vous devez entrer un nombre positif de sauvegarde à conserver","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Vous devez entrer un nom de tenant (nom de projet) pour utiliser l'API v3","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Vous devez entrer un nom d'entité si vous ne fournissez pas une clé API","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Vous devez entrer une valeur correcte pour la durée de conservation de vos sauvegardes","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Vous devez entrer une chaîne de politique de rétention valide","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Vous devez saisir un mot de passe ou une clé API","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Vous devez saisir un mot de passe ou une clé API, mais pas les deux","You must fill in the password":"Vous devez renseigner le mot de passe","You must fill in the server name or address":"Vous devez renseigner le nom du serveur ou l'adresse","You must fill in the username":"Vous devez renseigner le nom d'utilisateur","You must fill in {{field}}":"Vous devez renseigner le champ : {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Vous devez sélectionner ou renseigner l'AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Vous devez sélectionner ou renseigner le serveur","You must specify a path":"Vous devez spécifier un chemin.","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"Vous devez remplir {{field}} {{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Vos fichiers et dossiers ont été restaurés avec succès.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Votre phrase secrète est facile à deviner. Songez à la changer.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"bucket/dossier/sous-dossier","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"personnalisé ","public usage statistics":"statistiques publiques d'utilisation","resume now":"reprendre maintenant","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"sauf si vous spécifiez explicitement --group-id","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} a été principalement développée par <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> et <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} peut être téléchargée depuis <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} est sous licence <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} fichiers {{size}}) à transférer {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versions"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} Heure","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} Heures","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} Minutes","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (durée {{duration}})","…loading…":"...chargement..."});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('hu', {"- pick an option -":"- válasszon -","...loading...":"...töltés...","API Key":"API kulcs","AWS Access ID":"AWS Access ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Access Key","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Policy","About":"Névjegy","About {{appname}}":"{{appname}} néjegye","Access Key":"Hozzáférési kulcs","Access denied":"Hozzáférés megtagadva","Access to user interface":"Hozzáférés a felhasználói felülethez","Account name":"Fiók név","Activate":"Aktiválás","Activate failed:":"Aktiválás sikertelen:","Add a new backup":"Új mentés hozzáadás","Add a path directly":"Útvonal hozzáadás közvetlenül","Add advanced option":"Haladó beállítás hozzáadása","Add backup":"Mentés hozzáadás","Add filter":"Szűrő hozzáadás","Add path":"Útvonal hozzáadás","Added":"Hozzáadva","Advanced Options":"Haladó beállítások","Advanced options":"Haladó beállítások","Advanced:":"Haladó:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Minden Hyper-V gép","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Minde Microsoft SQL adatbázik","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Az összes felhasználási jelentést névtelenül küldjük el, és nem tartalmaznak személyes információt. Információkat tartalmaz a hardverről és az operációs rendszerről, a háttér típusáról, a biztonsági mentés időtartamáról, a forrásadatok teljes méretéről és hasonló adatokról. Nem tartalmaz útvonalakat, fájlneveket, felhasználóneveket, jelszavakat vagy hasonló érzékeny információkat.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Távoli hozzáférés engedélyezése (újraindítást igényel)","Allowed days":"Engedélyezett napok","An existing file was found at the new location":"Egy létező fájt találtam az új helyen","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Egy létező fájt találtam az új helyen\nBiztos vagy benne hogy az adatbázis a létező fájlra mutasson?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"A tároláshoz létező helyi adatbázis található. Az adatbázis újbóli használata lehetővé teszi, hogy a parancssori és a kiszolgálópéldányok ugyanabban a távoli tárolóban működjenek. \n\nSzeretné használni a meglévő adatbázist?","Anonymous usage reports":"Névtelen használati jelentések","Applications":"Alkalmazások","As Command-line":"Parancssorként","Authentication password":"Hitelesítési jelszó","Authentication username":"Hitelesítési felhasználónév","Autogenerated passphrase":"Automatikusan generált jelszó","Automatically run backups.":"Biztonsági mentések automatikus futtatása.","Back":"Vissza","Backend modules:":"Háttér modulok:","Backup complete!":"Mentés kész!","Backup destination":"Mentés cél","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"A biztonsági mentés titkosítva van, de jelszó nem érhető el. Írja be az alábbi jelmondatot a fájlok helyreállításához, vagy GPG titkosítás esetén hagyja üresen, hogy hagyja, hogy a gpg a rendszer kulcstartójának meghívásával visszaszerezze a jelmondatot.","Backup location":"Mentés helye","Backup retention":"Mentés késleltetés","Backup:":"Mentés:","Beta":"Béta","Broken access":"Törött hozzáférés","Browse":"Tallóz","Browser default":"Böngésző alapértelmezett","Bucket Name":"Bucket név","Bucket create location":"Bucket létrehozásának helye","Bucket create region":"Bucket létrehozásának régiója","Bucket name":"Bucket neve","Building list of files to restore …":"Fájl lista összeállítás a visszaállításhoz...","Building partial temporary database …":"Részleges ideiglenes adatbázist készítése","Busy ...":"Elfoglalt ...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"A távoli elérés engedélyezésével a szerver minden kérésre hallgat a hálózaton. Csak akkor engedélyezd ezt az opciót, ha biztos vagy benne, hogy biztonságos, tűzfallal védett hálózaton van a számítógép.","By default, the tray icon will open the user interface with a token that unlocks the user interface. This ensures that you can access the user interface from the tray icon, while requiring others to enter a password. If you prefer having to type in the password, even when accessing the user interface from the tray icon, enable this option.":"Alapértelmezés szerint a tálca ikon megnyitja a felhasználói felületet egy tokennel, amely feloldja a felhasználói felületet. Ez biztosítja, hogy a tálcán található ikonnal hozzáférjen a felhasználói felülethez, miközben másoknak is meg kell adniuk a jelszót. Ha inkább be kell írnia a jelszót, akkor is engedélyezze ezt a beállítást, ha a felhasználói felületre a tálcaikonból fér hozzá.","Cache Files":"Gyorsítótás Fájlok","Cancel":"Mégsem","Cannot move to existing file":"Nem lehet létező fájlra átnevezni","Changelog":"Váztozások","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"{{appname}} {{version}} változásnapló","Check failed:":"Ellenőrzés sikertelen:","Check for updates now":"Frissítés ellenőrzése most","Checking ...":"Ellenőrzés...","Checking for updates …":"Frissítések ellenőrzése ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"A kezdéshez válassz tárhely típust","Click to set throttle options":"Kattints a sebességkorlátozás beállításához","Commandline …":"Parancssor...","Compact Phase":"Tömörített állapot","Compact now":"Tömörítés most","Compacting remote data ...":"Távoli adatok tömörítése...","Compacting remote data …":"Távoli adatok tömörítése...","Complete log":"Teljes napló","Completing backup …":"Mentés befejezése...","Completing previous backup …":"Előző mentés befejezése...","Compression modules:":"Tömörítő modulok:","Computer":"Számítógép","Configuration file:":"Konfigurációs fájl:","Configuration:":"Konfiguráció:","Configure a new backup":"Új mentés beállítás","Confirm delete":"Törlés megerősítése","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Titkosítási jelszó megerősítése","Confirm passphrase":"Jelmondat megerősítés","Confirm password":"Jelszó megerősítés","Confirmation required":"Megerősítés szükséges","Connect":"Csatlakozás","Connect now":"Csatlakozás most","Connecting to server …":"Csatlakozás a kiszolgálóhoz...","Connecting to task ....":"Csatlakozás a feladathoz...","Connecting...":"Csatlakozás...","Connection lost":"Csatlakozás megszakadt","Connection worked!":"Csatlakozás működik!","Container name":"Tároló neve","Container region":"Tároló régió","Continue":"Folytatás","Continue without encryption":"Folytatás titkosítás nélkül","Copied!":"Másolva!","Copy":"Másolás","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Cél URL másolása a Vágólapra","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Másolás sikertelen. Próbáld meg kézzel másolni az URL-t","Core options":"Mag beállítások","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Számolás ({{files}} megtalált fájl, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Csak összeomlások","Create bug report …":"Hibajelentés készítés...","Create folder?":"Mappa készítés?","Created new limited user":"Új korlátozott felhasználó létrehozva","Creating bug report …":"Hibajelentés készítés...","Creating new user with limited access …":"Új felhasználó létrehozása korlátozott hozzáféréssel...","Creating target folders …":"Cél mappák létrehozása...","Creating temporary backup …":"Ideiglenes mentés létrehozása...","Creating user...":"Felhasználó létrehozása...","Current action:":"Aktuális művelet:","Current file:":"Aktuális fájl:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Aktuális verzió: {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Egyéni S3 végpont","Custom authentication url":"Egyéni hitelesítési URL","Custom backup retention":"Egyéni mentés késleltetés","Custom location ({{server}})":"Egyéni hely ({{server}})","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Egyéni régió érték ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Egyéni kiszolgáló URL ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Egyéni tároló osztály ({{class}})","Database …":"Adatbázis...","Days":"Nap","Default":"Alapértelmezett","Default ({{channelname}})":"Alapértelmezett ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"Alapértelmezett kihagyások","Default options":"Alapértelmezett beállítások","Delete":"Törlés","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Törlési fázis (régi mentés verziók)","Delete backup":"Mentés törlése","Delete backups that are older than":"Ennél régebbi mentések törlése","Delete local database":"Helyi adatbázis törlése","Delete remote files":"Távoli fájlok törlése","Delete the local database":"A helyi adatbázis törlése","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"{{filecount}} fájl ({{filesize}}) törlése a távoli tárhelyről?","Delete …":"Törlés...","Deleted":"Törölve","Deleted Versions":"Törölt verziók","Deleted files":"Törölt fájlok","Deleting remote files …":"Távoli fájlok törlése","Deleting unwanted files …":"Felesleges fájlok törlése...","Description (optional)":"Leírás (nem kötelező)","Description:":"Leírás:","Desktop":"Asztal","Destination":"Cél","Destination path":"Cél útvonal","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Segítettünk a fájlok mentésében? Ha igen, kérjük, fontolja meg a Duplicati támogatását egy adomány útján. Javasoljuk a {{smallamount}} magán felhasználásra és {{largeamount}} felhasználását kereskedelmi használatra.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Közvetlen visszaállítás a mentési fájlokból...","Disabled":"Letiltva","Dismiss":"Elvet","Dismiss all":"Elvet mindent","Display and color theme":"Megjelenés és szín téma","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Biztos, hogy törölni akarod ezt a mentést: \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Biztos, hogy törölni akarod ezt a helyi adatbázist: {{name}}","Domain Name":"Domain név","Donate":"Támogatás","Donation messages":"Támogatási üzenetek","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Támogatási üzenetek elrejtve, kattints a megjelenítéshez","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Támogatási üzenetek megjelenítve, kattints az elrejtéshez","Done":"Kész","Download":"Letöltés","Downloaded files":"Letöltött fájlok","Downloading files …":"Fájlok letöltése...","Downloading update…":"Frissítés letöltése...","Downloading …":"Letöltés...","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Dupla beállítás: {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati webodal","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati fórum","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"A másolat elindul, amikor elindul, de szüneteltetett állapotban marad mindaddig. A Duplicatiák minimális rendszer erőforrásokat foglalnak el, és biztonsági másolatot nem indítanak.","Duration":"Időtartam","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Minden biztonsági mentéshez egy helyi adatbázis tartozik, amely a távoli biztonsági mentésről információkat tárol a helyi számítógépen. Biztonsági másolat törlésekor törölheti a helyi adatbázist anélkül, hogy befolyásolná a távoli fájlok visszaállításának képességét. Ha a helyi adatbázist a parancssorból készített biztonsági másolatokra használja, meg kell őriznie az adatbázist.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Minden biztonsági másolathoz társítva van egy helyi adatbázis, amely a távoli biztonsági mentésről információkat tárol a helyi számítógépen. \\ NEz sok művelet végrehajtását gyorsabbá teszi, és csökkenti az egyes műveletekhez letölthető adatok mennyiségét.","Edit as list":"Szerkesztés listaként","Edit as text":"Szerkesztés szövegként","Edit …":"Szerkesztés...","Encrypt file":"Fájl titkosítás","Encryption":"Titkosítás","Encryption changed":"Titkosítás megváltozott","Encryption modules:":"Titkosító modulok:","End":"Vége","Enter URL":"URL megadás","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Adjon meg egy megtartási stratégiát kézzel. A helyőrzők napok / hetek / évek feletti órás / év / év, korlátlan U A szintaxis: 7D: 1D, 4W: 1W, 36M: 1M. Ez a példa egy biztonsági másolatot készít a következő 7 nap mindegyikére, egyet a következő 4 hétre és egy a következő 36 hónapra. Ez is 1W: 1D, 1M: 1W, 3Y: 1M formátumban írható.","Enter access key":"Hozzáférési kulcs megadása","Enter account name":"Fióknév megadása","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Mentés jelszó megadása, ha van","Enter configuration details":"Beállítások részletes megadása","Enter container name":"Konténer név megadása","Enter encryption passphrase":"Titkosítási jelszó megadása","Enter expression here":"Kifejezés megadása itt","Enter folder path name":"Mappa útvonalának megadása","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Soronként egy opció megadása parancssor formátumban, pl. {0}","Enter the destination path":"Cél útvonal megadása","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Az Office 365 csoport e-mail címének megadása","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"A teljes cél útvonal megadása, beleértve a kiszolgáló nevét, de https nélkül","Error":"Hiba","Error!":"Hiba!","Errors and crashes":"Hibák és összeomlások","Examined":"Vizsgálva","Exclude":"Kizár","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Könyvtárak kizárása, amelyek neve tartalmazza","Exclude expression":"Kifejezés kizárása","Exclude file":"A fájl kizárása","Exclude file extension":"Fájlkiterjesztés kizárása","Exclude files whose names contain":"Fájlok kizárása, amelyek nevei tartalmazzák","Exclude filter group":"Szűrőcsoport kizárása","Exclude folder":"Mappa kizárása","Exclude regular expression":"Reguláris kifejezés kizárása","Existing file found":"Meglévő fájl található","Experimental":"Kísérleti","Export":"Export","Export backup configuration":"Biztonsági mentés konfiguráció exportálása","Export configuration":"Konfiguráció exportálása","Export passwords":"Jelszó exportálása","Export …":"Exportálás…","Exporting …":"Exportálás ...","External link":"Külső hivatkozás","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (alternatív)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Nem sikerült létrehozni az ideiglenes adatbázist: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Nem sikerült csatlakozni:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Nem sikerült csatlakozni: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"A törlés nem sikerült:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Nem sikerült letölteni az elérési út adatait: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Nem sikerült megtalálni a biztonsági másolatot:","Failed to import:":"Az importálás nem sikerült:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"A biztonsági másolat alapértelmezett értékeinek olvasása nem sikerült:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"A fájlok helyreállítása nem sikerült: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Nem sikerült elmenteni:","Fetching path information …":"Útvonal-információ lekérése ...","File":"Fájl","Files larger than:":"Fájlok nagyobb mint:","Filters":"Szürők","Finished!":"Kész!","First run setup":"Első futtatáskori beállítás","Folder":"Mappa","Folder path":"Mappa útvonal","Fri":"Pén","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","General":"Általános","General backup settings":"Általános mentési beállítások","General options":"Általános beállítások","Generate":"Generál","Getting file versions …":"Fájl verziók lekérdezése...","Group email":"Csoport e-mail","Hidden files":"Rejtett fájlok","Hide":"Elrejt","Hide hidden folders":"Rejtett mappák elrejtése","Home":"Kezdőlap","Hostnames":"Gazdagép nevek","Hours":"Óra","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Hogyan szeretnéd kezelni a létező fájlokat?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V gép","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V gép:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V gépek","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Ha egy dátum kimaradt, a lehető leghamarabb elindul.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Ha legalább egy újabb biztonsági másolatot talál, az összes ezen időpontnál régebbi biztonsági másolatot törli.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Ha a biztonsági mentés és a távoli tárolás nincs szinkronban, a Duplicatinak javítási műveletet kell elvégeznie az adatbázis szinkronizálása érdekében. \\nHa a javítás sikertelen, törölheti a helyi adatbázist és újra generálhatja.","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Ha a biztonsági mentési fájlt nem töltötte le automatikusan, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">kattintson a jobb gombbal, és válassza a &quot;Mentés másként ...&quot; lehetőséget.</a>","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Ha a biztonsági mentési fájlt nem töltötte le automatikusan, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">kattintson a jobb gombbal, és válassza a &quot;Mentés másként ...&quot; lehetőséget.</a>","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Ha nem ad meg útvonalat, az összes fájlt a bejelentkezési mappában tárolja. Biztos benne, hogy ezt akarod?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Ha nem ad meg API-kulcsot, akkor kötelező a bérlő neve","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Ha később használni szeretné a biztonsági mentést, törlés előtt exportálhatja a konfigurációt","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Ha a számítógép több felhasználói környezetben van (azaz a készüléknek egynél több fiókja van), be kell állítania egy jelszót, hogy megakadályozzon más felhasználókat a fiókja adatainak elérésében. Beállítod most a jelszót?","Import":"Import","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Az import befejeződött, de az importálás után nem található igazolás","Import failed":"Importálás sikertelen","Import from a file":"Importálás egy fájlból","Import metadata":"Metaadatok importálása","Importing …":"Importálás...","Incorrect answer, try again":"Érvénytelen válasz, próbáld újra","Information":"Információ","Install":"Telepítés","Install failed:":"Telepítés sikertelen:","Invalid characters in path":"Érvénytelen karakterek az útvonalban","Invalid retention time":"Érvénytelen késleltetési idő","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Meghatározott számú mentés megtartása","Keep all backups":"Minden mentés megtartása","Language in user interface":"Felhasználói felület nyelve","Last month":"Előző hónap","Last successful backup:":"Utolsó sikeres mentés:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Utolsó sikeres visszaállítás: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})","Latest":"Legújabb","Libraries":"Könyvtárak","Listing backup dates …":"Mentési dátumok felsorolása…","Listing remote files for purge …":"Távoli fájlok felsorolása a tisztításhoz…","Listing remote files …":"Távoli fájlok felsorolása...","Live":"Élő","Load older data":"Régebbi adatok betöltése","Loading ...":"Betöltés...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Távoli tárhely használat betöltése...","Loading …":"Betöltés...","Local Repository":"Helyi tároló","Local database for":"Helyi adatbázis ehhez","Local database path:":"Helyi adatbázis útvonal:","Local repository":"Helyi tároló","Local storage":"Helyi tárhely","Location":"Hely","Log out":"Kijelentkezés","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"Karbantartás","Manually type path":"Útvonal kézi megadása","Max download speed":"Maximális letöltési sebesség","Max upload speed":"Maximális feltöltési sebesség","Menu":"Menü","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL adatbázis:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL adatbázisok","Minimum redundancy":"Minimális redundancia","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"A minimális redundancia 1.0","Minutes":"Perc","Missing name":"Hiányzó név","Missing passphrase":"Hiányzó jelszó","Missing sources":"Hiányzó források","Modified":"Módosított","Mon":"Hé","Months":"Hónap","Move existing database":"Létező adatbázis áthelyezése","Move failed:":"Áthelyezés sikertelen:","My Documents":"Dokumentumok","My Music":"Zenék","My Photos":"Fényképek","My Pictures":"Képek","Name":"Név","Never":"Soha","New update found: {{message}}":"Új frissítést találtam: {{message}}","Next":"Következő","Next scheduled run:":"Következő időzített futtatás:","Next scheduled task:":"Következő időzített feladat:","Next task:":"Következő feladat:","Next time":"Következő dátum","No":"Nem","No encryption":"Nincs titkosítás","No items selected":"Nincsenek kijelölt elemek","No passphrase entered":"Nincs megadva jelszó","No scheduled tasks":"Nincs ütemezett feladat","No, my machine has only a single account":"Nem, a gépemen csak egy fiók van","Non-matching passphrase":"Nem egyező jelszavak","None / disabled":"Semmi / letiltva","Not using encryption":"Nem használ titkosítást","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Semmi sem lesz törölve. A mentés minden változáskor növekedni fog.","OK":"OK","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"A mentések megadott számának elérését követően, a régebbi mentések törlésre kerülnek.","Opened":"Megnyitva","Operating System":"Operációs rendszer","Operation":"Művelet","Operation failed:":"Művelet sikertelen:","Operations:":"Tevékenységek:","Optional authentication password":"Opcionális hitelesítési jelszó","Options":"Beállítások","Original location":"Eredeti hely","Others":"Egyebek","Overwrite":"Felülírás","Passphrase":"Jelmondat","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Jelszó (ha titkosított)","Passphrase changed":"A jelmondat megváltozott","Passphrases are not matching":"A jelszavak nem egyeznek meg","Passphrases do not match":"A jelszavak nem egyeznek","Password":"Jelszó","Path":"Útvonal","Path not found":"Az útvonal nem található","Path on server":"Útvonal a kiszolgálón","Pause":"Szünet","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Szünet indítás vagy hibernálás után","Pause options":"Szünet beállítások","Permissions":"Engedélyek","Pick location":"Hely választása","Port":"Port","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Tálca ikon automatikus bejelentkezés megakadályozása","Previous":"Előző","Progress:":"Folyamat:","Proprietary":"Tulajdonosi","Purge Phase":"Tisztítási fázis","Purging files complete!":"Fájlok tisztítása befejezve!","Purging files …":"Fájlok tisztítása...","Rebuilding local database …":"Helyi adatbázis újraépítése...","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Újraépítés (törlés és javítás)","Recreate Database Phase":"Adatbázis újraépítési fázis","Recreating database …":"Adatbázis újraépítése...","Registering temporary backup …":"Ideiglenes mentés regisztrálása...","Relative paths not allowed":"Relatív útvonalak nem engedélyezettek","Reload":"Újratöltés","Remote":"Távoli","Remote Path":"Távoli útvonal","Remote Repository":"Távoli tároló","Remote path":"Távoli útvonal","Remote repository":"Távoli tároló","Remote volume size":"Távoli kötet méret","Remove":"Eltávolít","Remove option":"Opció eltávolítás","Removed files":"Eltávolított fájlok","Repair":"Javítás","Repair Phase":"Javítási fázis","Repairing database …":"Adatbázis javítás...","Repeat Passphrase":"Jelmondat ismét","Reporting:":"Jelentés:","Reset":"Visszaállítás","Restore":"Visszaállítás","Restore complete!":"Visszaállítás sikeres!","Restore files":"Fájlok visszaállítása","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Fájlok visszaállítása innen: {{backupname}}","Restore files …":"Fájlok visszaállítása...","Restore from":"Visszaállítás innen","Restore from backup configuration":"Visszaállítás mentési konfigurációból","Restore from configuration ...":"Visszaállítás konfigurációból...","Restore options":"Visszaállítási beállítások","Restore read/write permissions":"Irási/olvasási engedélyek visszaállítása","Restored Files":"Visszaállított fájlok","Restored Folders":"Visszaállított mappák","Restored Symlinks":"Visszaállított szimbolikus linkek","Restoring files …":"Fájlok visszaállítása...","Resume":"Folytatás","Rewritten File Lists":"Újraírt fájl listák","Run again every":"Futtassa újra minden","Run now":"Futtatás most","Running ....":"Fut...","Running commandline entry":"Parancssori bejegyzés futtatása","Running task:":"Futó feladat:","Running …":"Fut...","S3 Compatible":"S3 kompatibilis","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Ugyanaz, mint az alap telepítési verzió: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Szo","Save":"Mentés","Save and repair":"Mentés és javítás","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Eltérő verziók mentése időbélyeggel a fájlnévben","Save immediately":"Mentés azonnal","Scanning existing files …":"Létező fájlok szkennelése...","Scanning for local blocks …":"Helyi blokkok szkennelése...","Schedule":"Időzítés","Search":"Keresés","Search for files":"Fájlok keresése","Seconds":"Másodperc","Select files":"Fájlok kiválasztása","Server":"Kiszolgáló","Server and port":"Kiszolgáló és port","Server hostname or IP":"Kiszolgáló gazdanév vagy IP","Server is currently paused,":"A kiszolgáló jelenleg szünetel.","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"A kiszolgáló jelenleg szünetel, szeretnéd folytatni?","Server password":"Szerver jelszó","Server paused":"Kiszolgáló szünetel","Server state properties":"Kiszolgáló állapot tulajdonságok","Settings":"Beállítások","Show":"Mutat","Show advanced editor":"Speciális szerkesztő megjelenítése","Show hidden folders":"Rejtett mappák megjelenítése","Show log":"Mutasd a naplót","Show log …":"Mutasd a naplót ...","Show treeview":"Fa nézet megjelenítése","Sia server password":"Sia szerver jelszó","Smart backup retention":"Intelligens mentés késleltetés","Source Data":"Forrás adat","Source Files":"Forrás fájlok","Source data":"Forrás adat","Source folders":"Forrás mappák","Source:":"Forrás:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Fejlesztőknek szánt kiadások. Fontos mentésére nem használható.","Standard protocols":"Szabványos protokollok","Start":"Start","Starting backup …":"Mentés indítása...","Starting restore …":"Visszaállítás indítása...","Starting the restore process …":"Visszaállítási folyamat indítása...","Stop after current file":"Leállítás az aktuális fájl után","Stop after the current file":"Leállítás az aktuális fájl után","Stop now":"Leállítás most","Stop running backup":"Mentés futtatásának leállítása","Stop running task":"Feladat futtatásának leállítása","Stopping after the current file:":"Leállítás az aktuális fájl után:","Stopping task:":"Feladat leállítása:","Storage Type":"Tárhely típus","Storage class":"Tároló osztály","Stored":"Tárolva","Strong":"Erős","Success":"Siker","Sun":"V","Symbolic link":"Szimbolikus link","System Files":"Rendszer fájlok","System default ({{levelname}})":"Rendszer alapértelmezés ({{levelname}})","System files":"Rendszer fájlok","System info":"Rendszer információ","System properties":"Rendszer tulajdonságok","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByete/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Cél útvona, pl: /mentes","Task is running":"A feladat fut","Temporary Files":"Ideiglenes fájlok","Temporary files":"Ideiglenes fájlok","Tenant Name":"Bérlő neve","Test Phase":"Teszt fázis","Test connection":"Kapcsolat tesztelése","Testing ...":"Tesztelés...","Testing connection ...":"Kapcsolat tesztelése...","Testing permissions …":"Engedélyek tesztelése...","Testing permissions...":"Engedélyek tesztelése...","Testing …":"Tesztelés...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Sötét téma (by Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Alapértelmezett kék-fehér téma (Alextől)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"A mappa nem létezik: {{folder}} .\nLétrehozzam?","The passwords do not match":"A jelszavak nem egyeznek meg","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Úgy tűnik, hogy a megadott útvonal nem létezik, mégis hozzá akarod adni?","This month":"Ez a hónap","This week":"Ez a hét","Throttle settings":"Sebességkorlátozás beállítások","Thu":"Cs","Time":"Idő","To File":"Fájlba","Today":"Ma","Tue":"K","Type passphrase here.":"Írd ide a jelmondatot","Until resumed":"Folytatásig","Update channel":"Frissítési csatorna","Update failed:":"Frissítés sikertelen:","Updating with existing database":"Frissítés létező adatbázissal","Uploaded files":"Fájlok feltöltése","Uploading verification file …":"Ellenőrző fájl feltöltése...","Usage statistics":"Használati statisztikák","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Használati statisztikák, figyelmeztetések, hibák és összeomlások","Use existing database?":"Létező adatbázis használata?","Use weak passphrase":"Használja a gyenge jelmondatot","Useless":"Hasztalan","User data":"Felhasználói adat","User domain name":"Felhasználói domain név","User has too many permissions":"A felhasználónak túl sok engedélye van","User interface settings":"Felhasználói felület beállítások","Username":"Felhasználónév","Validating …":"Érvényesítés...","Verifications":"Ellenőrzések","Verify files":"Fájlok ellenőrzése","Verifying ...":"Ellenőrzés...","Verifying answer":"Válasz ellenőrzése","Verifying backend data …":"Háttér adat ellenőrzése...","Verifying files …":"Fájlok ellenőrzése...","Verifying remote data …":"Távoli adatok ellenőrzése...","Verifying restored files …":"Visszaállított fájlok ellenőrzése...","Verifying …":"Ellenőrzés...","Version ID":"Verzió ID","Very strong":"Nagyon erős","Very weak":"Nagyon gyenge","Visit us on":"Látogass meg minket itt","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"FIGYELEM: úgy tűnik, hogy a távoli adatbázist egy parancssori könyvtár használja","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"FIGYELEM: Ez megakadályozza, hogy a jövőben helyreállítsd az adatokat.","Waiting for task to begin":"Várakozás a feladat elkezdésére","Waiting for task to start ....":"Várakozás a feladat elindulására...","Waiting for upload to finish …":"Várakozás a feltöltés befejezésére...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Figyelmeztetések, hibák és összeomlások","Weak":"Hét","Weak passphrase":"Gyenge jelmondat","Wed":"Sze","Weeks":"Hét","Where do you want to restore from?":"Honnan szeretnél visszaállítani?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Hova szeretnéd visszaállítani a fájlokat?","Years":"Év","Yes":"Igen","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Igen, biztonságosan tárolom a jelmondatot","Yes, I understand the risk":"Igen, megértettem a kockázatot","Yes, I'm brave!":"Igen, bátor vagyok","Yes, please break my backup!":"Igen, kérlek tedd tönkre a mentésemet!","Yesterday":"Tegnap","You must fill in the password":"Ki kell töltened a jelszót","You must fill in the server name or address":"Ki kell töltened a szerver nevét vagy a címét","You must fill in the username":"Ki kell töltened a felhasználónevet","You must fill in {{field}}":"Ez ki kell töltened: {{field}}","You must specify a path":"Meg kell adnod egy útvonalat","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"Ezt ki kellene töltened: {{field}}{{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"A fájljaid és mappáid sikeresen vissza lettek állítva.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"A jelszavadat könnyű kitalálni. Érdemes lenne megváltoztatni.","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"egyéni","public usage statistics":"nyilvános használati statisztikák","resume now":"folytatás most","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} fájl ({{size}}) van még hátra {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} verzió","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} verzió"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} óra","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} óra","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} perc","…loading…":"...betöltés..."});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('it', {"- pick an option -":"- seleziona un'opzione -","...loading...":"...  caricamento in corso ...","API Key":"Chiave API","AWS Access ID":"ID di accesso AWS","AWS Access Key":"Chiave di accesso AWS","AWS IAM Policy":"Norme AWS IAM","About":"Informazioni","About {{appname}}":"Informazioni {{appname}}","Access Key":"Chiave di accesso","Access denied":"Accesso negato","Access to user interface":"Accesso all'interfaccia utente","Account name":"Nome account","Activate":"Attiva","Activate failed:":"Attivazione fallita:","Add a new backup":"Aggiungi un nuovo backup","Add a path directly":"Aggiungi direttamente un percorso","Add advanced option":"Aggiungi opzione","Add backup":"Aggiungi backup","Add filter":"Aggiungi filtro","Add path":"Aggiungi percorso","Added":"Aggiunto","Adjust bucket name?":"Sistemare il nome bucket?","Adjust path name?":"Sistemare il nome del percorso?","Advanced Options":"Opzioni Avanzate","Advanced options":"Opzioni avanzate","Advanced:":"Avanzate:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Tutte le Macchine Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Tutti i database Microsoft SQL","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Tutti i rapporti sono inviati in modo anonimo e non contengono informazioni personali. Contengono informazioni sull'hardware, sul sistema operativo, il tipo di backend, la durata del backup, la dimensione complessiva dei dati sorgente ed dati simili. Non contengono i percorsi, nomi dei file, nomi utente, password o altre informazioni sensibili.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Consenti accesso remoto (richiede il riavvio)","Allowed days":"Giorni consentiti","An existing file was found at the new location":"Un file esistente è stato trovato nella nuova posizione","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Un file esistente è stato trovato nella nuova posizione.\nSei sicuro di volere che il database punti ad un file esistente?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Un database locale esistente per l'archiviazione è stato trovato.\nIl riutilizzo del database consentirà alle istanze da riga di comando e dal server di lavorare sullo stesso archivio remoto.\n\nVuoi usare il database esistente?","Anonymous usage reports":"Rapporti d'uso anonimi","Applications":"Applicazioni","As Command-line":"Come riga di comando","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Password di autenticazione","Authentication username":"Nome utente di autenticazione","Autogenerated passphrase":"Genera automaticamente passphrase","Automatically run backups.":"Esegui automaticamente i backup.","B2 Application ID":"ID applicazione B2","B2 Application Key":"Chiave Applicazione B2","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"ID Account Cloud B2 Storage","B2 Cloud Storage Application ID":"ID applicazione di archiviazione cloud B2","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"Chiave applicazione Archiviazione Cloud B2","Back":"Indietro","Backend modules:":"Moduli backend:","Backup complete!":"Backup completo!","Backup destination":"Destinazione backup","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"Il backup è crittografato ma non è disponibile la passphrase.\n                    Digita una passphrase qui sotto da utilizzare per ripristinare i tuoi file,\n                    o, in caso di crittografia GPG, lascia vuoto per consentire a gpg di recuperare la passphrase\n                    richiamando il portachiavi del sistema.","Backup location":"Posizione Backup","Backup retention":"Conservazione backup","Backup:":"Dimensione backup:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Accesso non riuscito","Browse":"Browse","Browser default":"Browser predefinito","Bucket Name":"Nome Bucket","Bucket create location":"Crea posizione bucket","Bucket create region":"Crea area bucket","Bucket name":"Nome bucket","Bucket storage class":"Classe bucket","Building list of files to restore …":"Creazione di un elenco di file da ripristinare ...","Building partial temporary database …":"Creazione di un database temporaneo parziale ...","Busy ...":"Occupato...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Consentendo l'accesso remoto, il server ascolta le richieste da qualsiasi computer sulla rete. Se abiliti questa opzione, assicurati di utilizzare sempre il computer su una rete sicura protetta da un firewall.","By default, the tray icon will open the user interface with a token that unlocks the user interface. This ensures that you can access the user interface from the tray icon, while requiring others to enter a password. If you prefer having to type in the password, even when accessing the user interface from the tray icon, enable this option.":"Per impostazione predefinita, l'icona nella barra delle applicazioni aprirà l'interfaccia utente con un token che sblocca l'interfaccia utente. Ciò garantisce che sia possibile accedere all'interfaccia utente dall'icona nella barra delle applicazioni, mentre si richiede agli altri di inserire una password. Se si preferisce digitare la password, anche quando si accede all'interfaccia utente dall'icona nella barra delle applicazioni, abilitare questa opzione.","Cache Files":"File Cache","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Annulla","Cannot move to existing file":"Non puoi spostare in un file esistente","Changelog":"Changelog","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Changelog di {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Controllo fallito:","Check for updates now":"Controlla aggiornamenti ora","Checking ...":"Controllo...","Checking for updates …":"Verifica aggiornamenti …","Chose a storage type to get started":"Scegliere un tipo di archiviazione per iniziare","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Clicca sul link AuthID per creare un nuovo AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Clicca per impostare le opzioni di limitazione","Commandline …":"Riga di comando …","Compact Phase":"Fase Compattazione","Compact now":"Comprimi","Compacting remote data ...":"Comprimendo dati remoti...","Compacting remote data …":"Compattazione dei dati remoti ...","Complete log":"Registro completo","Completing backup …":"Completamento del backup ...","Completing previous backup …":"Completamento del backup precedente ...","Compression modules:":"Moduli di compressione:","Computer":"Computer","Configuration file:":"File di configurazione:","Configuration:":"Configurazione: ","Configure a new backup":"Configura un nuovo backup","Confirm delete":"Conferma cancellazione","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Conferma passphrase crittografia","Confirm passphrase":"Conferma frase d'accesso","Confirm password":"Conferma password","Confirmation required":"Conferma richiesta","Connect":"Connetti","Connect now":"Connetti ora","Connecting to server …":"Connessione al server …","Connecting to task ....":"Connessione all'attività...","Connecting...":"Connessione...","Connection lost":"Connessione persa","Connection worked!":"Connessione funzionante!","Container name":"Nome contenitore","Container region":"Area contenitore","Continue":"Continua","Continue without encryption":"Continua senza crittografia","Copied!":"Copiato!","Copy":"Copia","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Copia URL Destinazione negli Appunti","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Copia non riuscita. Per favore copia manualmente l'URL","Core options":"Opzioni base","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Conteggio ({{files}} file trovati, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Solo arresti anomali","Create bug report …":"Crea segnalazione bug ...","Create folder?":"Creare cartella?","Created new limited user":"Creato nuovo utente limitato","Creating bug report …":"Creazione segnalazione bug ...","Creating new user with limited access …":"Creazione di un nuovo utente con accesso limitato ...","Creating target folders …":"Creazione di cartelle di destinazione ...","Creating temporary backup …":"Creazione backup temporaneo ...","Creating user...":"Creazione utente...","Current action:":"Azione corrente:","Current file:":"File corrente:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"La versione attuale è {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"End point S3 personalizzato","Custom authentication url":"URL di autenticazione personalizzato","Custom backup retention":"Conservazione backup personalizzato","Custom location ({{server}})":"Posizione personalizzata ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Area personalizzata per la creazione bucket","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Valore area personalizzata ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"URL del server personalizzato ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Classe di archiviazione personalizzata ({{class}})","Database …":"Banca dati …","Days":"Giorni","Default":"Predefinito","Default ({{channelname}})":"Predefinito ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"Esclusioni predefinite","Default options":"Opzioni predefinite","Delete":"Cancella","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Fase Cancellazione (Vecchie versioni di backup)","Delete backup":"Cancella backup","Delete backups that are older than":"Elimina i backup più vecchi di","Delete local database":"Cancella database locale","Delete remote files":"Cancella file remoti","Delete the local database":"Cancella il database locale","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Cancella {{filecount}} file ({{filesize}}) dall'archivio remoto?","Delete …":"Elimina …","Deleted":"Cancellato","Deleted Versions":"Versioni Cancellate","Deleted files":"File cancellati","Deleting remote files …":"Eliminazione di file remoti ...","Deleting unwanted files …":"Eliminazione di file indesiderati ...","Description (optional)":"Descrizione (facoltativa)","Description:":"Descrizione:","Desktop":"Desktop","Destination":"Destinazione","Destination path":"Percorso destinazione","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Ti abbiamo aiutato a salvare i tuoi file? Se è così, per favore considera di supportare Duplicati con una donazione. Suggeriamo {{smallamount}} per uso privato e {{largeamount}} per uso commerciale.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Ripristino diretto da file di backup...","Disabled":"Disattivato","Dismiss":"Annulla","Dismiss all":"Ignora tutto","Display and color theme":"Tema interfaccia","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Vuoi veramente cancellare il backup: \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Vuoi veramente cancellare il database locale per: {{name}} ?","Domain Name":"Nome Dominio","Donate":"Donazione","Donation messages":"Messaggi donazione","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"I messaggi di donazione sono nascosti, clicca per mostrarli","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"I messaggi di donazione sono visibili, clicca per nasconderli","Done":"Fatto","Download":"Scarica","Downloaded files":"File scaricati","Downloading files …":"Download di file ...","Downloading update…":"Download aggiornamento in corso ...","Downloading …":"Download in corso ...","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Opzione duplicata {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Sito web di Duplicati","Duplicati forum":"Forum Duplicati","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati sarà eseguito all'avvio, ma rimarrà in pausa per la durata. Duplicati occuperà risorse di sistema minime e non saranno eseguiti backup.","Duration":"Durata","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Ogni backup dispone di un database locale associato, che archivia le informazioni del backup remoto sul computer locale.\nQuando si cancella un backup, è anche possibile cancellare il database locale senza influire sulla possibilità di ripristinare i file remoti.\nSe si utilizza il database locale per i backup dalla riga di comando, è necessario mantenere il database.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Ogni backup dispone di un database locale associato, che archivia le informazioni del backup remoto sul computer locale.\nIn questo modo è più veloce eseguire molte operazioni e riduce la quantità di dati che devono essere scaricati per ogni operazione.","Edit as list":"Modifica come elenco","Edit as text":"Modifica come testo","Edit …":"Modifica …","Encrypt file":"Cripta file","Encryption":"Crittografia","Encryption changed":"Crittografia cambiata","Encryption modules:":"Moduli crittografia:","End":"Fine","Enter URL":"Inserisci URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Inserisci una strategia di conservazione manualmente. I segnaposto sono D/W/Y per giorni/settimane/anni e U per illimitato. La sintassi è: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. Questo esempio mantiene un backup per ciascuno dei prossimi 7 giorni, uno per ciascuna delle prossime 4 settimane e uno per ciascuno dei 36 mesi successivi. Questo può anche essere scritto come 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Inserisci chiave di accesso","Enter account name":"Inserisci nome account","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Inserisci la passphrase del backup, se presente","Enter configuration details":"Inserisci dettagli configurazione","Enter container name":"Inserire nome contenitore","Enter encryption passphrase":"Inserisci passphrase crittografia","Enter expression here":"Inserisci qui espressione","Enter folder path name":"Inserire il nome del percorso della cartella","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Inserire un'opzione per riga in formato riga di comando, ad es. {0}","Enter the destination path":"Inserisci percorso destinazione","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Inserisci l'indirizzo email del gruppo di Office 365","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Inserisci il percorso di destinazione completo, incluso il nome del server, ma senza https","Error":"Errore","Error!":"Errore!","Errors and crashes":"Errori e arresti anomali","Examined":"Esaminato","Exclude":"Escludi","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Escludi cartelle il cui nome contiene","Exclude expression":"Escludi espressione","Exclude file":"Escludi file","Exclude file extension":"Escludi estensione del file","Exclude files whose names contain":"Escludi file il cui nome contiene","Exclude filter group":"Escludi gruppo filtri","Exclude folder":"Escludi cartella","Exclude regular expression":"Escludi espressione regolare","Existing file found":"Trovato file esistente","Experimental":"Sperimentale","Export":"Esporta","Export backup configuration":"Esporta configurazione backup","Export configuration":"Esporta configurazione","Export passwords":"Esporta le password","Export …":"Esporta …","Exporting …":"Esportazione in corso ...","External link":"Link esterno","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Alternativo)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Fallita creazione del database temporaneo: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Connessione fallita:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Connessione fallita: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Cancellazione fallita: ","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Recupero informazioni sul percorso fallito: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Impossibile trovare il backup:","Failed to import:":"Importazione fallita:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Lettura impostazioni predefinite backup fallita:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Ripristino dei file fallito: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Salvataggio fallito:","Fetching path information …":"Recupero delle informazioni sul percorso ...","File":"File","Files larger than:":"File più grandi di:","Filters":"Filtri","Finished!":"Finito!","First run setup":"Impostazione prima esecuzione","Folder":"Cartella","Folder path":"Percorso cartella","Fri":"Ven","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"ID Progetto GCS","General":"Generale","General backup settings":"Impostazioni generali backup","General options":"Opzioni generali","Generate":"Genera","Generate IAM access policy":"Genera criteri di accesso IAM","Getting file versions …":"Ottenere versioni di file ...","Group email":"Email gruppo","Hidden files":"File nascosti","Hide":"Nascondi","Hide hidden folders":"Nascondi cartelle nascoste","Home":"Home","Hostnames":"Nomi host","Hours":"Ore","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Come vuoi gestire i file esistenti?","Hyper-V Machine":"Sitema Hyper-V","Hyper-V Machine:":"Sistema Hyper-V:","Hyper-V Machines":"Sistemi Hyper-V","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Se una pianificazione non è eseguita, il backup sarà effettuato il prima possibile.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Se si trova almeno un backup più recente, tutti i backup precedenti a questa data sono eliminati.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Se il backup e l'archivio remoto non sono sincronizzati, Duplicati sarà necessario eseguire un'operazione di ripristino per sincronizzare il database.\nSe la riparazione non è riuscita, è possibile cancellare il database locale e rigenerarlo.","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Se il file di backup non è stato scaricato automaticamente, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">tasto destro e sciegli &quota;Salva come …&quota;</a>","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Se il file di backup non è stato scaricato automaticamente, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">tasto destro e sciegli &quota;Salva come …&quota;</a>","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Se non inserisci un percorso, tutti i file saranno salvati nella cartella di accesso.\nSei sicuro che questo è quello che vuoi?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Se non inserisci una Chiave API, è richiesto il nome dell'inquilino","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Se desideri utilizzare il backup in un secondo momento, è possibile esportare la configurazione prima di cancellarla","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Se la tua macchina è in un ambiente multi-utente (cioè la macchina ha più di un account), è necessario impostare una password per impedire ad altri utenti di accedere ai dati del tuo account. \nVuoi impostare una password ora?","Import":"Importa","Import Destination URL":"Importa URL Destinazione","Import backup configuration":"Importa configurazione backup","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Importazione completata, ma non sono stati trovati certificati dopo l'importazione","Import failed":"Importazione fallita","Import from a file":"Importa da un file","Import metadata":"Importa metadati","Importing …":"Importazione ...","Include a file?":"Includi un file?","Include expression":"Includi espressione","Include regular expression":"Includi espressione regolare","Incorrect answer, try again":"Risposta errata, riprova","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Build individuali per soli sviluppatori. Non utilizzare con dati importanti.","Information":"Informazioni","Install":"Installa","Install failed:":"Installazione fallita:","Invalid characters in path":"Caratteri non validi nel percorso","Invalid retention time":"Tempo ritenzione non valido","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"È possibile connettersi ad alcuni FTP senza una password.\nSei sicuro che il tuo server FTP supporta gli accessi senza password?","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Mantieni un numero specifico di backup","Keep all backups":"Mantieni tutti i backup","Keystone API version":"Versione API Keystone","Language in user interface":"Lingua interfaccia utente","Last month":"Lo scorso mese","Last successful backup:":"Ultimo backup riuscito:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Ultimo ripristino riuscito: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})","Latest":"Più recente","Libraries":"Librerie","Listing backup dates …":"Elenco date di backup ...","Listing remote files for purge …":"Elenco dei file remoti per l'eliminazione ...","Listing remote files …":"Elenco dei file remoti ...","Live":"In tempo reale","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Carica una configurazione da un lavoro esportato o da un provider di archiviazione","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Carica una destinazione da un lavoro esportato o da un provider di archiviazione","Load older data":"Carica dati precedenti","Loading ...":"Caricamento...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Caricamento dell'archivio remoto utilizzato ...","Loading …":"Caricamento in corso …","Local Repository":"Repository locale","Local database for":"Database locale per ","Local database path:":"Percorso database locale:","Local repository":"Repository locale","Local storage":"Archivio locale","Location":"Posizione","Location where buckets are created":"Posizione in cui sono creati i bucket","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Dati di log per <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Dati di log dal server","Log out":"Log out","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"Manutenzione","Manually type path":"Digita manualmente il percorso","Max download speed":"Velocità massima per scaricare","Max upload speed":"Velocità massima per caricare","Menu":"Menu","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL Database:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL Database","Minimum redundancy":"Ridondanza minima","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Ridondanza minima è 1.0","Minutes":"Minuti","Missing name":"Nome mancante","Missing passphrase":"Passphrase mancante","Missing sources":"Sorgente mancante","Modified":"Modificato","Mon":"Lun","Months":"Mesi","Move existing database":"Sposta database esistente","Move failed:":"Spostamento fallito:","My Documents":"Documenti","My Music":"Musica","My Photos":"Foto","My Pictures":"Immagini","Name":"Nome","Never":"Mai","New update found: {{message}}":"Nuovo aggiornamento trovato: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Il nuovo nome utente è {{user}}.\nCredenziali aggiornate per utilizzare il nuovo utente limitato","Next":"Avanti","Next scheduled run:":"Prossima esecuzione: ","Next scheduled task:":"Prossima attività pianificata:","Next task:":"Prossima attività:","Next time":"Prossima volta","No":"No","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Nessun certificato è stato specificato in precedenza, per favore verifica con l'amministratore del server che la chiave è corretta: {{key}}\n\nVuoi approvare la chiave host riportata?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Nessun editor trovato per il &quot;{{backend}}&quot; tipo archivio","No encryption":"Nessuna crittografia","No items selected":"Nessun elemento selezionato","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Nessun elemento da ripristinare, seleziona uno o più elementi","No passphrase entered":"Nessuna passphrase inserita","No scheduled tasks":"Nessuna attività pianificata","No, my machine has only a single account":"No, la mia macchina ha solo un singolo account","Non-matching passphrase":"Passphrase non corrispondente","None / disabled":"Nessuno / disattivato","Not using encryption":"Non usare la crittografia","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Niente sarà eliminato. La dimensione del backup crescerà con ogni cambiamento.","OK":"OK","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Una volta che ci sono più backup del numero specificato, i backup più vecchi sono cancellati.","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Opened":"Aperto","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"La chiave API Openstack non è supportata nell'API keystone v3.","Operating System":"Sistema Operativo","Operation":"Operazione","Operation failed:":"Operazione fallita:","Operations:":"Operazioni:","Optional authentication password":"Password opzionale per l'autenticazione","Optional authentication username":"Nome utente opzionale per l'autenticazione","Options":"Opzioni","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Le opzioni aggiunte qui sono applicate a tutti i backup, ma possono essere sovrascritte per ogni backup","Original location":"Percorso originale","Others":"Altri","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Nel corso del tempo i backup saranno eliminati automaticamente. Rimarrà un backup per ciascuno degli ultimi 7 giorni, ognuna delle ultime 4 settimane, ciascuno degli ultimi 12 mesi. Ci sarà sempre almeno un backup rimanente.","Overwrite":"Sovrascrivi","Passphrase":"Passphrase","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Passphrase (se criptato)","Passphrase changed":"Passphrase modificata","Passphrases are not matching":"Passphrase non corrispondenti","Passphrases do not match":"Le passphrase non corrispondono","Password":"Password","Patching files with local blocks …":"Patch di file con blocchi locali ...","Path":"Percorso","Path not found":"Percorso non trovato","Path on server":"Percorso sul server","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Percorso o sottocartella bucket","Pause":"Pausa","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pausa dopo avvio o ibernazione","Pause options":"Opzioni pausa","Permissions":"Autorizzazioni","Pick location":"Scegli posizione","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Puntare ai file di backup e ripristinare da lì","Port":"Porta","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Previeni il log-in automatico dell'icona nella barra delle applicazioni","Previous":"Precedente","Progress:":"Avanzamento:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ID Progetto è opzionale se esiste un bucket","Proprietary":"Proprietario","Purge Phase":"Fase eliminazione","Purging files complete!":"Eliminazione dei file completata!","Purging files …":"Eliminazione dei file ...","Rebuilding local database …":"Ricostruzione del database locale ...","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Ricrea (cancella e ripara)","Recreate Database Phase":"Fase ricreazione database","Recreating database …":"Ricreazione del database ...","Registering temporary backup …":"Registrazione backup temporaneo ...","Relative paths not allowed":"Percorsi relativi non consentiti","Reload":"Ricarica","Remote":"Remoto","Remote Path":"Percorso remoto","Remote Repository":"Repository remoto","Remote path":"Percorso remoto","Remote repository":"Repository remoto","Remote volume size":"Dimensione volume remoto","Remove":"Rimuovi","Remove option":"Rimuovi opzione","Removed files":"File rimossi","Repair":"Ripara","Repair Phase":"Fase riparazione","Repairing database …":"Ripristino del database ...","Repeat Passphrase":"Ripeti Passphrase","Reporting:":"Segnalazione:","Reset":"Reset","Restore":"Ripristina","Restore complete!":"Ripristino completato!","Restore files":"Ripristina file","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Ripristina file da {{backupname}}","Restore files …":"Ripristina file ...","Restore from":"Ripristina da","Restore from backup configuration":"Ripristino dalla configurazione backup","Restore from configuration ...":"Ripristino da file di configurazione...","Restore options":"Opzioni ripristino","Restore read/write permissions":"Ripristina autorizzazioni lettura/scrittura","Restored Files":"File ripristinati","Restored Folders":"Cartelle ripristinate","Restored Symlinks":"Symlink ripristinati","Restoring files …":"Ripristino di file ...","Resume":"Riprendi","Rewritten File Lists":"Elenchi file riscritti","Run again every":"Esegui ogni","Run now":"Esegui ora","Running ....":"Esecuzione...","Running commandline entry":"Riga di comando in esecuzione","Running task:":"Attività in esecuzione:","Running …":"In esecuzione …","S3 Compatible":"Compatibile S3","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Come la versione di base installata: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Sab","Save":"Salva","Save and repair":"Salva e ripara","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Salva versioni diverse con timestamp nel nome del file","Save immediately":"Salva immediatamente","Scanning existing files …":"Scansione di file esistenti ...","Scanning for local blocks …":"Scansione per blocchi locali ...","Schedule":"Pianificazione","Search":"Cerca","Search for files":"Cerca per file","Seconds":"Secondi","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Selezionare un livello di log e visiona i messaggi che avvengono:","Select files":"Seleziona file","Server":"Server","Server and port":"Server e porta","Server hostname or IP":"Nome host o IP del server","Server is currently paused,":"Server è attualmente in pausa,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Server attualmente in pausa, vuoi riprendere ora?","Server password":"Password del server","Server paused":"Server in pausa","Server state properties":"Proprietà stato del server","Settings":"Impostazioni","Show":"Mostra","Show advanced editor":"Mostra editor avanzato","Show hidden folders":"Mostra cartelle nascoste","Show log":"Mostra log","Show log …":"Mostra registro …","Show treeview":"Visualizza ad albero","Sia server password":"Password del server Sia","Smart backup retention":"Conservazione intelligente backup","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Alcuni provider OpenStack consentono una chiave API anziché una password e un nome inquilino","Source Data":"Dati Sorgente","Source Files":"Sorgente File","Source data":"Dati sorgente","Source folders":"Cartella sorgente","Source:":"Dimensione sorgente:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Build specifiche per soli sviluppatori. Non utilizzare con dati importanti.","Standard protocols":"Protocolli standard","Start":"Avvio","Starting backup …":"Avvio backup ...","Starting restore …":"Avvio ripristino ...","Starting the restore process …":"Avvio del processo di ripristino ...","Stop after current file":"Stop dopo il file corrente","Stop after the current file":"Ferma dopo il file corrente","Stop now":"Ferma adesso","Stop running backup":"Ferma esecuzione backup","Stop running task":"Ferma esecuzione attività","Stopping after the current file:":"Arresto dopo il file corrente:","Stopping task:":"Ferma attività:","Storage Type":"Tipo archivio","Storage class":"Classe archivio","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Classe di archiviazione per la creazione di un bucket","Stored":"Archiviati","Strong":"Forte","Success":"Successo","Sun":"Dom","Symbolic link":"Link simbolico","System Files":"File di Sistema","System default ({{levelname}})":"Sistema predefinito ({{levelname}})","System files":"File di sistema","System info":"Informazioni di sistema","System properties":"Proprietà di sistema","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Percorso di destinazione, cioè /backup","Task is running":"Attività in esecuzione","Temporary Files":"File Temporanei","Temporary files":"File temporanei","Tenant Name":"Nome Inquilino","Test Phase":"Fase test","Test connection":"Prova connessione","Testing ...":"Test in corso...","Testing connection ...":"Prova connessione...","Testing permissions …":"Test delle autorizzazioni ...","Testing permissions...":"Prova autorizzazioni...","Testing …":"Test in corso...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"Il campo '{{fieldname}}' contiene un carattere non valido: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"Il backup è mancante, è stato cancellato?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"Il backup era temporaneo e non esiste più, quindi i dati del registro sono persi","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Il nome del bucket dovrebbe essere tutto minuscolo, convertirlo automaticamente?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Il nome del bucket dovrebbe iniziare con il tuo nome utente, anteporlo automaticamente?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"La configurazione dovrebbe essere mantenuta al sicuro. Sei sicuro di voler salvare un file non criptato contenente le tue password?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"Connessione al server persa, nuovo tentativo tra {{time}}...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Tema scuro (da Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Predefinito - Tema blu su bianco (da Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"La cartella {{folder}} non esiste. \nCreala adesso?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"La chiave host è cambiata, per favore consulta l'amministratore del server se questa è corretta, altrimenti potresti essere la vittima di un attacco UOMO-NEL-MEZZO.\n\nVuoi SOSTITUIRE la chiave host CORRENTE \"{{prev}}\" con la chiave host SEGNALATA: {{key}}?","The passwords do not match":"Le password non corrispondono","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Il percorso sembra non esistere, vuoi aggiungerlo comunque?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Il percorso non termina con un carattere '{{dirsep}}', il che significa che si include un file, non una cartella.\n\nVuoi includere il file specificato?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Il percorso deve essere un percorso assoluto, cioè deve iniziare con una barra '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Il percorso deve iniziare con \"{{prefix1}}\" o \"{{prefix2}}\", altrimenti non sarà possibile visualizzare i file nell'interfaccia Web di HubiC.\n\nVuoi aggiungere automaticamente il prefisso al percorso?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Il parametro area è applicato solo quando si crea un nuovo bucket","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Il parametro area è utilizzato solo quando si crea un bucket","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Il certificato del server non può essere convalidato.\n\nVuoi approvare il certificato SSL con l'hash: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"La classe di archiviazione influisce sulla disponibilità e sul prezzo per un file archiviato","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"La cartella di destinazione contiene file criptati, per favore fornisci la passphrase","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"L'utente dispone di troppe autorizzazioni. Vuoi creare un nuovo utente limitato, con solo autorizzazioni per il percorso selezionato?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Questo backup è stato creato su un altro sistema operativo. Il ripristino dei file senza specificare una cartella di destinazione può causare il ripristino di file in luoghi imprevisti. Sei sicuro di voler continuare senza scegliere una cartella di destinazione?","This month":"Questo mese","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Questa opzione non è riferita al numero massimo dei tuoi backup o alle dimensioni del file, né influisce sulla valutazione della deduplicazione. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">Guarda questa pagina prima di modificare le dimensioni del volume remoto.</external-link>","This week":"Questa settimana","Throttle settings":"Impostazioni limitazione","Thu":"Mar","Time":"Tempo","To File":"Al File","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Per confermare che vuoi cancellare tutti i file remoti che contengono \"{{name}}\", digita la parla che vedi di seguito","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Per esportare senza una passphrase, deselezionare la casella \"Cripta file\"","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"Per prevenire vari attacchi basati su DNS, Duplicati limita gli hostname consentiti a quelli qui elencati. L'accesso IP e localhost diretti sono sempre consentiti. Più nomi host possono essere forniti con un separatore di punto e virgola. Se uno qualsiasi dei nomi host consentiti è un asterisco (*), tutti i nomi host sono consentiti e questa funzione è disabilitata. Se il campo è vuoto, sono consentiti solo gli accessi dall'indirizzo IP e localhost.","Today":"Oggi","Trust host certificate?":"Certificato host affidabile?","Trust server certificate?":"Certificato server affidabile?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Prova le nuove funzionalità su cui stiamo lavorando. Attualmente la versione più stabile disponibile. Prova il Ripristino dati prima di utilizzarla negli ambienti di produzione.","Tue":"Gio","Type passphrase here.":"Scrivi la passphrase qui.","Type to highlight files":"Digitare per evidenziare i file","Unknown backup size and versions":"Dimensione e versione backup sconosciute","Until resumed":"Finché non riprende","Update channel":"Canale di aggiornamento","Update failed:":"Aggiornamento fallito:","Updating with existing database":"Aggiornamento con database esistente","Uploaded files":"File caricati","Uploading verification file …":"Caricamento file di verifica ...","Usage reports help us improve the user experience and evaluate impact of new features. We use them to generate <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'public usage statistics' | translate}}</external-link>":"I report sull'utilizzo ci aiutano a migliorare l'esperienza dell'utente e a valutare l'impatto delle nuove funzionalità. Li usiamo per generare <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{\"statistiche sull'uso pubblico\" | tradurre}}</external-link>","Usage statistics":"Statistiche di utilizzo","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Statistiche di utilizzo, avvisi, errori e arresti anomali","Use SSL":"Usa SSL","Use existing database?":"Usare database esistente?","Use weak passphrase":"Usa passphrase debole","Useless":"Inutile","User data":"Dati utente","User domain name":"Nome dominio utente","User has too many permissions":"L'utente ha troppe autorizzazioni","User interface settings":"Impostazioni interfaccia utente","Username":"Nome utente","Vacuuming database …":"Prelevamento database ...","Validating …":"Convalida in corso ...","Verifications":"Verifiche","Verify files":"Verifica file","Verifying ...":"Verifica...","Verifying answer":"Verifica risposta","Verifying backend data …":"Verifica dei dati di backend ...","Verifying files …":"Verifica dei file ...","Verifying remote data …":"Verifica dei dati remoti ...","Verifying restored files …":"Verifica dei file ripristinati ...","Verifying …":"Verifica in corso ...","Version ID":"Versione ID","Very strong":"Molto forte","Very weak":"Molto debole","Visit us on":"Seguici su","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"ATTENZIONE: Il database remoto si trova in uso dalla libreria riga di comando","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"ATTENZIONE: Questo ti impedirà di ripristinare i dati in futuro.","Waiting for task to begin":"In attesa dell'attività per iniziare","Waiting for task to start ....":"In attesa dell'attività per iniziare...","Waiting for upload to finish …":"In attesa del completamento del caricamento ...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Avvisi, errori e arresti anomali","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Accettiamo donazioni tramite diversi servizi, come OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource e varie criptovalute.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Ti consigliamo di criptare tutti i backup archiviati al di fuori del tuo sistema","Weak":"Debole","Weak passphrase":"Passphrase debole","Wed":"Mer","Weeks":"Settimane","Where do you want to restore from?":"Da dove vuoi ripristinare?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Dove vuoi ripristinare i files?","Years":"Anni","Yes":"Si","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Si, ho archiviato la passphrase in modo sicuro","Yes, I understand the risk":"Sì, capisco il rischio","Yes, I'm brave!":"Sì, sono coraggioso!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Sì, per favore rompi il mio backup!","Yesterday":"Ieri","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Sembra che tu sia in esecuzione Mono senza certificati SSL caricati.\nVuoi importare l'elenco dei certificati attendibili da Mozilla?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Stai cambiando il percorso di un database esistente.\nSei sicuro che questo è ciò che vuoi?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Attualmente stai eseguendo {{appname}} {{version}}","You can stop the backup after any file uploads currently in progress have finished.":"È possibile interrompere il backup al termine di eventuali caricamenti di file attualmente in corso.","You can stop the task immediately, or allow the process to continue its current file and then stop.":"È possibile interrompere l'operazione immediatamente, o consentire il processo di continuare il suo file corrente e poi fermarsi.","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Hai modificato l'algoritmo di crittografia. Questa azione potrebbe corrompere i dati. Ti consigliamo di creare un nuovo backup.","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Hai modificato la passphrase ma questo non è supportato. Ti consigliamo di creare un nuovo backup.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Hai scelto di non criptare il backup. È consigliabile criptare tutti i dati custoditi su server remoti.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Si è scelto di ripristinare in una nuova posizione, ma non ne è stata inserita una","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Hai generato una passphrase forte. Assicurati di aver fatto una copia sicura della passphrase, poiché i dati non possono essere recuperati se perdi la passphrase.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Devi scegliere almeno una cartella sorgente","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Devi inserire un nome di dominio per utilizzare l'API v3","You must enter a name for the backup":"Devi inserire un nome un nome per il backup","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Devi inserire una passphrase o disattivare la crittografia","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Devi inserire una password per utilizzare l'API v3","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Devi inserire un numero positivo di backup da mantenere","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Devi inserire un nome tenant (aka progetto) per utilizzare l'API v3","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Devi inserire il nome di un inquilino se non fornisci una Chiave API","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Devi inserire un periodo di tempo valido in cui mantenere i backup","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Devi immettere una stringa di criteri di conservazione valida","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Devi inserire una password o una Chiave API","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Devi inserire una password o una Chiave API, non entrambe","You must fill in the password":"Devi compilare in password","You must fill in the server name or address":"Devi compilare in nome del server o indirizzo","You must fill in the username":"Devi compilare in nome utente","You must fill in {{field}}":"Devi compilare in {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Devi selezionare o compilare in AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Devi selezionare o compilare in server","You must specify a path":"Devi specificare un percorso","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"Devi compilare {{field}}{{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"I tuoi file e cartelle sono stati ripristinati correttamente.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"La tua passphrase è facile da indovinare. Considera l'idea di cambiarla.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"bucket/cartella/sottocartella","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"Personalizzato","public usage statistics":"statistiche sull'uso pubblico","resume now":"riprendi ora","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"a meno che tu non stia specificando esplicitamente --group-id","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} è stato sviluppato principalmente da <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> e <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} può essere scaricato da <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} è sotto la licenza <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"Caricamento di {{files}} file ({{size}}) {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versione","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versioni"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} Ore","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} Ore","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} Minuti","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (durata {{duration}})","…loading…":"…Caricamento in corso…"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('ja_JP', {"- pick an option -":"- オプションを選んでください -","...loading...":"...読み込み中...","API Key":"API Key","AWS Access ID":"AWS Access ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Access Key","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Policy","About":"概要","About {{appname}}":"{{appname}} について","Access Key":"Access Key","Account name":"アカウント名","Activate":"有効化する","Activate failed:":"有効化に失敗しました:","Add a new backup":"新しいバックアップを作成","Add backup":"バックアップを追加する","Add filter":"フィルターを追加する","Add path":"パスを追加する","Advanced Options":"拡張設定","Advanced options":"拡張設定","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"リモートアクセスを許可 (要再起動)","Automatically run backups.":"バックアップを自動化する","B2 Application Key":"B2 Application Key","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Account ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cloud Storage Application Key","Back":"戻る","Backup complete!":"バックアップ完了!","Backup destination":"バックアップ先","Backup:":"バックアップ:","Beta":"Beta","Browse":"参照","Browser default":"ブラウザ設定","Bucket Name":"バケット名","Bucket create location":"バケット作成場所","Bucket create region":"バケット作成リージョン","Bucket name":"バケット名","Bucket storage class":"バケットストレージクラス","Cache Files":"キャッシュファイル","Canary":"実験的","Cancel":"キャンセル","Cannot move to existing file":"既にファイルがあるため移動できません","Changelog":"更新履歴","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"更新履歴 {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"確認失敗:","Check for updates now":"今すぐアップデートを確認する","Checking ...":"確認しています ...","Compression modules:":"圧縮モジュール","Computer":"コンピュータ","Configuration file:":"設定ファイル:","Configuration:":"設定:","Configure a new backup":"新しいバックアップ設定","Confirm password":"パスワード確認","Confirmation required":"確認が必要","Connect":"接続","Connect now":"今すぐ接続","Connecting...":"接続中 ...","Connection lost":"切断しました","Connection worked!":"接続完了!","Container name":"コンテナ名","Container region":"コンテナリージョン","Continue":"続ける","Continue without encryption":"暗号化なしで続ける","Copied!":"コピーしました!","Copy":"コピー","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"コピー先URLをクリップボードにコピーする","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"コピー失敗。URLを手動でコピーしてください","Create folder?":"フォルダを作成しますか?","Creating user...":"ユーザーを作成中 ...","Current file:":"現在のファイル:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"現在のバージョンは {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"カスタム S3 エンドポイント","Custom authentication url":"カスタム認証URL","Days":"日","Default":"初期設定","Delete":"削除","Delete backup":"バックアップを削除","Delete backups that are older than":"古いものからバックアップを削除","Delete local database":"ローカルデータベースを削除","Delete remote files":"リモートファイルを削除","Delete the local database":"ローカルデータベースを削除","Deleted":"削除しました","Deleted Versions":"削除されたバージョン","Deleted files":"削除されたファイル","Description (optional)":"概要 (任意)","Description:":"概要:","Desktop":"デスクトップ","Destination":"バックアップ先","Disabled":"無効","Dismiss":"非表示","Dismiss all":"すべて非表示","Display and color theme":"テーマカラー","Domain Name":"ドメイン名","Donate":"寄付","Donation messages":"寄付メッセージ","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"寄付メッセージが非表示です。クリックで表示","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"寄付メッセージが表示されています。クリックで非表示","Done":"完了","Download":"ダウンロード","Downloaded files":"ダウンロード済みファイル","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati ウェブサイト","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati フォーラム","Edit as text":"テキストで編集","Encrypt file":"暗号化ファイル","Encryption":"暗号化方式","Encryption changed":"暗号化方式が変更されました","Encryption modules:":"暗号化モジュール","End":"終了","Enter URL":"URLを入力","Enter access key":"アクセスキーを入力","Enter account name":"アカウント名を入力","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"パスフレーズがある場合は入力してください","Enter container name":"コンテナ名を入力","Enter encryption passphrase":"パスフレーズを入力","Enter expression here":"ここに式を入力してください","Enter folder path name":"フォルダパスを入力","Error":"エラー","Error!":"エラー!","Errors and crashes":"エラーとクラッシュ","Exclude":"除外","Exclude directories whose names contain":"次の文字を含むディレクトリを除外","Exclude expression":"次の文字を含むファイル・ディレクトリを除外","Exclude file":"除外するファイル名","Exclude file extension":"除外する拡張子","Exclude files whose names contain":"次の文字を含むファイルを除外","Exclude filter group":"グループで除外する","Exclude folder":"除外するディレクトリ名","Exclude regular expression":"正規表現で除外する","Existing file found":"既存のファイルが見つかりました","Experimental":"実験的","Export":"エクスポート","Export backup configuration":"バックアップ設定をエクスポート","Export configuration":"設定をエクスポート","Export passwords":"パスワードをエクスポート","External link":"外部リンク","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (代替)","Failed to connect:":"接続に失敗:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"接続に失敗: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"削除に失敗:","Failed to import:":"インポートに失敗:","Failed to save:":"保存に失敗しました:","File":"ファイル","Files larger than:":"閾値より大きなファイル:","Filters":"フィルター","Finished!":"完了!","First run setup":"初回実行セットアップ","Folder":"フォルダ","Folder path":"フォルダパス","Fri":"金曜日","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS プロジェクト ID","General":"一般","General backup settings":"バックアップ設定","General options":"設定","Generate":"生成","Hidden files":"隠しファイル","Hide":"隠す","Hide hidden folders":"隠しフォルダ","Home":"Home","Hostnames":"ホスト名","Hours":"時間","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V マシン","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V マシン:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V マシン","ID:":"ID:","Import":"インポート","Import Destination URL":"コピー先URLをインポート","Import backup configuration":"バックアップ設定をインポート","Import failed":"インポート失敗","Import from a file":"ファイルからインポート","Import metadata":"メタデータをインポート","Include a file?":"含むファイル","Include expression":"次の文字列を含む","Include regular expression":"次の正規表現を含む","Information":"情報","Install":"インストール","Install failed:":"インストール失敗:","Invalid characters in path":"無効な文字がパスに含まれています","Invalid retention time":"無効な保持期間","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"パスワードなしで FTP 接続できる必要があります。\nこの FTP サーバーはパスワード無しのログインをサポートしていますか?","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"指定した数のバックアップを残す","Keep all backups":"全てのバックアップを残す","Keystone API version":"Keystone API version","Language in user interface":"言語設定","Last month":"先月","Last successful backup:":"最後に成功したバックアップ:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"最後に成功した復元:{{time}}({{duration || '0秒'}} 間)","Latest":"最新","Libraries":"ライブラリ","Loading ...":"読み込み中 ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"リモートストレージの使用量を読み込み中 ...","Local storage":"ローカルストレージ","Location":"場所","Log out":"ログアウト","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"メンテナンス","Max download speed":"最大ダウンロード速度","Max upload speed":"最大アップロード速度","Menu":"メニュー","Minutes":"分","Missing name":"名前がありません","Missing passphrase":"パスフレーズがありません","Modified":"更新","Mon":"月曜日","My Documents":"マイドキュメント","My Music":"マイミュージック","My Photos":"マイピフォト","My Pictures":"マイピクチャ","Name":"名前","Next":"次へ","Next scheduled run:":"次の実行予定","No encryption":"暗号化なし","No items selected":"アイテムが選択されていません","No passphrase entered":"パスフレーズが入力されていません","Not using encryption":"暗号化していません","Passphrase":"パスフレーズ","Password":"パスワード","Path":"パス","Path not found":"パスが見つかりません","Path on server":"サーバー上のパス","Pause":"一時停止","Pause options":"一時停止設定","Port":"ポート","Progress:":"進行度:","Reload":"更新","Remote":"リモート","Remote Path":"リモートパス","Remote Repository":"リモートリポジトリ","Remote path":"リモートパス","Remote repository":"リモートリポジトリ","Remove":"削除","Remove option":"削除設定","Removed files":"削除されたファイル","Sat":"土曜日","Sun":"日曜日","Thu":"木曜日","Today":"今日","Tue":"火曜日","Wed":"水曜日","Yesterday":"昨日"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('ko', {"- pick an option -":"- 옵션을 선택하십시오 -","...loading...":"...로딩...","API Key":"API 키","About":"정보","About {{appname}}":"{{appname}} 정보","Access Key":"접근 키","Access denied":"접근 불가","Access to user interface":"액세스 설정","Account name":"계정 이름","Activate":"활성화","Activate failed:":"활성화 실패","Add a new backup":"새 백업 추가","Add a path directly":"경로 직접 추가","Add advanced option":"고급 옵션 추가","Add backup":"백업 추가","Add filter":"필터 추가","Add path":"경로 추가","Added":"추가됨","Adjust bucket name?":"버켓 이름을 적용 하시겠습니까?","Adjust path name?":"경로 이름을 적용 하시겠습니까?","Advanced Options":"고급 옵션","Advanced options":"고급 옵션","Advanced:":"고급:","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"모든 사용 보고서는 익명으로 전송되며 개인 정보를 포함하지 않습니다. 여기에는 하드웨어 및 운영 체제, 백엔드 유형, 백업 기간, 원본 데이터의 전체 크기 및 이와 유사한 데이터에 대한 정보가 포함되어 있습니다. 경로, 파일 이름, 사용자 이름, 암호 또는 이와 유사한 중요한 정보는 포함되어 있지 않습니다.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"원격 액세스 허용 (다시 시작 필요)","Allowed days":"허용된 요일","Anonymous usage reports":"익명 사용 보고서","AuthID":"AuthID","Automatically run backups.":"자동으로 백업 실행","Back":"이전","Backup destination":"백업 대상","Backup location":"백업 위치","Backup retention":"백업 보존","Backup:":"백업:","Beta":"Beta","Browse":"찾아보기","Bucket Name":"Bucket 이름","Bucket name":"Bucket 이름","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"원격 액세스를 허용하면 서버는 네트워크의 모든 컴퓨터에서 접속할 수 있습니다. 이 옵션을 사용하도록 설정하려면 방화벽으로 보호된 네트워크에서 컴퓨터를 사용하고 있는지 확인하십시오.","By default, the tray icon will open the user interface with a token that unlocks the user interface. This ensures that you can access the user interface from the tray icon, while requiring others to enter a password. If you prefer having to type in the password, even when accessing the user interface from the tray icon, enable this option.":"기본적으로 트레이 아이콘은 토큰으로 잠금을 해제합니다. 이렇게 하면 다른 사용자가 암호를 입력하도록 요구하면서 트레이 아이콘에서는 사용자 인터페이스에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 트레이 아이콘에서 사용자 인터페이스에 액세스하는 때도 암호를 입력해야 하는 경우 이 옵션을 사용하도록 설정하십시오.","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"취소","Cannot move to existing file":"기존 파일로 이동할 수 없습니다","Changelog":"변경로그","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"{{appname}} {{version}}에 대한 변경로그","Check failed:":"확인 실패:","Check for updates now":"업데이트 확인","Checking ...":"확인 중 ...","Checking for updates …":"업데이트 확인 중 …","Chose a storage type to get started":"시작할 저장소 유형을 선택하세요","Click to set throttle options":"속도 제한 옵션을 설정하려면 클릭","Commandline …":"명령줄 …","Compact now":"최적화 실행","Compacting remote data ...":"원격 데이터 압축 중 ...","Computer":"내 PC","Configuration:":"구성:","Configure a new backup":"새 백업 구성","Confirm encryption passphrase":"암호화 암호 확인","Confirm password":"암호 확인","Connect":"연결","Connect now":"지금 연결하기","Connecting to server …":"서버에 연결하는 중 …","Connecting to task ....":"작업에 연결하는 중 ....","Connecting...":"연결하는 중 ...","Connection lost":"연결이 끊어짐","Connection worked!":"연결되었습니다!","Continue":"계속","Copied!":"복사됨!","Copy":"복사","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"대상 URL을 클립보드에 복사","Core options":"핵심 옵션","Crashes only":"충돌만","Create bug report …":"버그 리포트 생성 …","Create folder?":"폴더를 생성하시겠습니까?","Creating bug report …":"버그 리포트 생성 중 …","Current action:":"현재 작업:","Current file:":"현재 파일:","Custom backup retention":"사용자 지정 백업 보존","Database …":"데이터베이스 …","Days":"일","Default":"기본값","Default ({{channelname}})":"기본값 ({{channelname}})","Default options":"기본 옵션","Delete":"삭제","Delete backup":"백업 삭제","Delete backups that are older than":"이전 백업 삭제","Delete local database":"로컬 데이터베이스 삭제","Delete the local database":"로컬 데이터베이스 삭제","Delete …":"삭제 …","Deleted":"삭제됨","Deleted Versions":"삭제된 버전들","Deleted files":"삭제된 파일들","Deleting unwanted files …":"원치 않는 파일 삭제 중 …","Description (optional)":"설명 (선택 사항)","Desktop":"바탕 화면","Destination":"대상","Destination path":"대상 경로","Direct restore from backup files ...":"백업 파일에서 직접 복원 ...","Disabled":"비활성화","Dismiss":"닫기","Dismiss all":"모두 닫기","Display and color theme":"인터페이스 테마","Domain Name":"도메인 이름","Donation messages":"기부 메시지","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"기부 메시지가 숨겨져 있습니다. 표시하려면 클릭하십시오.","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"기부 메시지가 표시되어 있습니다. 숨기려면 클릭하십시오.","Done":"완료","Download":"다운로드","Downloading files …":"파일 다운로드 중 …","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati Website","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati 포럼","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati는 시작할 때 실행되지만 지정된 시간 동안 일시 중지된 상태로 유지됩니다. Duplicati는 최소한의 시스템 리소스를 차지하며 백업이 실행되지 않습니다.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"각 백업에는 연결된 로컬 데이터베이스가 있으며, 이 데이터베이스는 로컬 컴퓨터에 원격 백업에 대한 정보를 저장합니다.\\n이렇게 하면 많은 작업을 더 빠르게 수행할 수 있으며 각 작업에 대해 내려받아야 하는 데이터의 양이 줄어듭니다.","Edit as list":"목록으로 편집","Edit as text":"텍스트로 편집","Edit …":"편집 …","Encryption":"암호화","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"보존 전략을 직접 입력합니다. 자리 표시자는 일/주/년이 각각 D/W/Y이고 U는 무제한입니다. 예) 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. 이 예제는 다음 7일 각각에 대해 하나의 백업을 유지하며, 다음 4주마다 하나씩, 다음 36개월마다 하나씩 백업합니다. 이것은 또한 1W:1D, 1M:1W,3Y:1M으로 표현할 수 있습니다.","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"백업 암호가 있는 경우 입력합니다.","Enter configuration details":"구성 세부 정보 입력","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"명령줄 형식으로 줄당 하나의 옵션을 입력합니다. (예: {0})","Enter the destination path":"대상 경로 입력","Error":"오류","Error!":"오류!","Errors and crashes":"오류 및 충돌","Exclude":"제외","Experimental":"Experimental","Export":"내보내기","Export …":"내보내기 …","Exporting …":"내보내는 중 …","Fetching path information …":"경로 정보를 가져오는 중 …","Files larger than:":"큰 파일","Filters":"필터","Folder path":"폴더 경로","Fri":"금요일","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","General":"일반","General backup settings":"일반 백업 설정","General options":"일반 옵션","Generate":"생성","Getting file versions …":"파일 버전을 구하는 중 ...","Hidden files":"숨김 파일","Hide":"숨기기","Hide hidden folders":"숨김 폴더 숨기기","Home":"홈","Hours":"시","How do you want to handle existing files?":"기존 파일을 어떻게 처리하시겠습니까?","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"날짜를 놓친 경우 작업이 가능한 한 빨리 실행됩니다.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"새 백업이 발견되면 이 날짜보다 오래된 모든 백업이 삭제됩니다.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"백업 및 원격 저장소가 동기화되지 않았으면 Duplicati는 데이터베이스를 동기화하기 위해 수리 작업을 수행해야 합니다.\\n수리할 수 없는 경우 로컬 데이터베이스를 삭제하고 다시 생성할 수 있습니다.","Import Destination URL":"대상 URL 가져오기","Import backup configuration":"백업 구성 가져오기","Import failed":"가져오기 실패","Import from a file":"파일에서 가져오기","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"개발자 전용 개별 빌드입니다. 중요한 데이터와 함께 사용하지 마십시오.","Install":"설치","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"특정 수의 백업 유지","Keep all backups":"모든 백업 유지","Language in user interface":"인터페이스 언어","Last month":"지난 달","Last successful backup:":"마지막으로 성공한 백업:","Latest":"최근","Libraries":"라이브러리","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"내보낸 작업 또는 저장소 공급자에서 구성 로드","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"내보낸 작업 또는 저장소 공급자에서 대상 로드","Load older data":"이전 데이터 로드","Loading ...":"로드 중 ...","Loading …":"로딩 …","Local database for":"로컬 데이터베이스:","Local database path:":"로컬 데이터베이스 경로:","Local repository":"로컬 리포지토리","Local storage":"로컬 저장소","Location":"위치","Log data from the server":"서버에서 가져온 로그 데이터","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"유지 관리","Manually type path":"수동 경로 입력","Max download speed":"최대 다운로드 속도","Max upload speed":"최대 업로드 속도","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL Database:","Minutes":"분","Mon":"월요일","Months":"분","Move existing database":"기존 데이터베이스 이동","My Documents":"문서","My Music":"음악","My Pictures":"사진","Name":"이름","New update found: {{message}}":"새 업데이트 발견: {{message}}","Next":"다음","Next scheduled run:":"다음 백업 일정:","Next scheduled task:":"다음 예약 작업:","Next time":"시작","No":"아니오","No encryption":"암호화 없음","No items selected":"선택된 항목 없음","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"복원할 항목이 없습니다. 하나 이상의 항목을 선택하십시오.","None / disabled":"비활성화","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"아무 것도 삭제되지 않습니다. 백업 크기는 변경될 때마다 커집니다.","OK":"확인","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"지정된 수보다 많은 백업이 있으면 가장 오래된 백업이 삭제됩니다.","Operations:":"작업:","Options":"옵션","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"여기에 추가된 옵션은 모든 백업에 적용되지만, 개별 백업에서 재정의할 수 있습니다.","Original location":"원래 위치","Others":"기타","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"시간이 지남에 따라 백업이 자동으로 삭제됩니다. 지난 7일, 지난 4주, 지난 12개월 각각에 대해 하나의 백업이 유지됩니다. 항상 하나 이상의 남은 백업이 있습니다.","Overwrite":"덮어쓰기","Passphrase":"암호","Password":"암호","Path on server":"서버의 경로","Pause":"일시 중지","Pause after startup or hibernation":"부팅 또는 최대 절전 모드 후 일시 중지","Pause options":"일시 중지 옵션","Permissions":"권한","Pick location":"위치 선택","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"백업 파일을 선택하고 복원","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"트레이 아이콘 자동 로그인 방지","Previous":"이전","Progress:":"진행률:","Proprietary":"독점","Recreate (delete and repair)":"재생성 (삭제 및 수리)","Remote":"원격","Remote path":"원격 경로","Remote repository":"원격 저장소","Remote volume size":"원격 볼륨 크기","Remove":"제거","Remove option":"설정 제거","Removed files":"파일들 제거","Repair":"수리","Repeat Passphrase":"암호 재입력","Reporting:":"리포트:","Reset":"초기화","Restore":"복원","Restore complete!":"저장이 완료되었습니다!","Restore files":"파일 복원","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"{{backupname}}에서 파일 복원","Restore files …":"파일 복원 …","Restore from":"버전 선택","Restore from configuration ...":"구성 파일로부터 복원","Restore options":"복원 옵션","Restore read/write permissions":"읽기/쓰기 권한 복원","Restoring files …":"파일 복원 중 …","Run again every":"실행 주기","Run now":"백업 실행","Running ....":"실행 중 ...","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"기본 설치 버전과 동일: {{channelname}}","Sat":"토요일","Save":"저장","Save and repair":"저장 및 수리","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"파일명에 타임스탬프 추가","Schedule":"일정","Search":"검색","Search for files":"파일 검색","Seconds":"초","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"로그 레벨을 선택하고 발생하는 메시지를 확인하십시오:","Select files":"파일 선택","Server state properties":"서버 상태 속성","Settings":"설정","Show":"표시","Show advanced editor":"고급 편집기 표시","Show hidden folders":"숨김 폴더 표시","Show log":"로그 표시","Show log …":"로그 표시 …","Smart backup retention":"스마트 백업 보존","Source Data":"원본 데이터","Source data":"원본 데이터","Source folders":"원본 폴더","Source:":"대상:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"개발자 전용 특정 빌드입니다. 중요한 데이터와 함께 사용하지 마십시오.","Standard protocols":"표준 프로토콜","Starting backup …":"백업 시작 중 …","Stop after current file":"현재 파일까지 진행 후 중지","Stop after the current file":"현재 파일까지 진행 후 중지","Stop now":"지금 중지","Stop running backup":"백업 실행 중지","Stopping after the current file:":"현재 파일까지 진행 후 중지 중:","Storage Type":"저장소 유형","Strong":"강한","Success":"성공","Sun":"일요일","System files":"시스템 파일","System info":"시스템 정보","System properties":"시스템 속성","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Temporary Files":"임시 파일","Temporary files":"임시 파일","Test connection":"연결 테스트","Testing ...":"테스트 중 ...","Testing connection ...":"연결 테스트 중 ...","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"서버에 대한 연결이 끊어져 {{time}} 후 다시 시도합니다...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"어두운 테마 (by Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"파란색의 밝은 테마 (by Alex)","The passwords do not match":"암호가 일치하지 않음","This month":"이번 달","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"이 옵션은 최대 백업 또는 파일 크기와 관련이 없으며 중복 제거 속도에도 영향을 주지 않습니다. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">원격 볼륨 크기를 변경하기 전에 이 페이지를 참조하십시오.</external-link>","This week":"이번 주","Throttle settings":"속도 제한 설정","Thu":"목요일","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"현재 작업 중인 새로운 기능을 사용해 보십시오. 현재 가장 안정적인 버전을 사용할 수 있습니다. 프로덕션 환경에서 이 데이터를 사용하기 전에 데이터를 복원합니다.","Tue":"화요일","Type to highlight files":"파일을 강조 표시하려면 입력","Until resumed":"재개될 때까지","Update channel":"업데이트 채널","Usage reports help us improve the user experience and evaluate impact of new features. We use them to generate <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'public usage statistics' | translate}}</external-link>":"사용 보고서는 사용자 환경을 개선하고 새로운 기능의 영향을 평가하는 데 도움이 됩니다. <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'공개 사용 통계' | translate}}</external-link>를 만드는 데 사용합니다.","Usage statistics":"사용 통계","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"사용 통계, 경고, 오류 및 충돌","Useless":"쓸모없는","User data":"사용자 데이터","User interface settings":"인터페이스 설정","Username":"사용자 이름","Verify files":"무결성 확인","Verifying ...":"확인 중 ...","Verifying backend data …":"백엔드 데이터 확인 중 …","Verifying files …":"파일 검증 중 …","Verifying remote data …":"원격 데이터 확인 중 …","Very strong":"매우 강한","Very weak":"매우 약한","Visit us on":"Visit us on","Waiting for upload to finish …":"업로드가 완료되기를 기다리는 중 …","Warnings, errors and crashes":"경고, 오류 및 충돌","Weak":"약한","Wed":"수요일","Weeks":"주","Where do you want to restore from?":"어디에서 복원하시겠습니까?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"파일을 어디에 복원하시겠습니까?","Years":"년","Yes":"예","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"네, 비밀번호 문구를 안전하게 저장했습니다","Yes, I understand the risk":"네, 위험을 이해했습니다.","Yes, I'm brave!":"네,저는 용감합니다!","Yesterday":"어제","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"현재 사용 중: {{appname}} {{version}}","You can stop the backup after any file uploads currently in progress have finished.":"현재 진행 중인 파일 업로드가 완료된 후 백업을 중지할 수 있습니다.","You must enter a name for the backup":"백업 이름을 입력해야 합니다","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"유효한 폐기 정책 문자열을 입력해야합니다","You must fill in the password":"비밀번호를 채워야합니다","You must fill in the server name or address":"서버 이름 또는 주소를 채워야합니다.","You must fill in the username":"사용자 이름을 채워야합니다.","You must specify a path":"경로를 지정해야 합니다.","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"사용자 지정","public usage statistics":"공개 사용 통계","resume now":"다시 시작합니다","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} 파일 ({{size}}), 속도: {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":"{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} 버전","{{number}} Hour":"{{number}}시간 동안","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}}시간 동안","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}}분 동안","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} ({{duration}} 소요)","…loading…":"…로딩…"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('lt', {"- pick an option -":"- pasirinkite parametrą -","...loading...":"...įkeliama...","API Key":"API raktas","AWS Access ID":"AWS prieigos ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS prieigos raktas","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM politika","About":"Apie","About {{appname}}":"Apie {{appname}}","Access Key":"Prieigos raktas","Access denied":"Prieiga uždrausta","Access to user interface":"Pasiekti vartotojo sąsają","Account name":"Paskyros vardas","Activate":"Aktyvuoti","Activate failed:":"Aktyvavimas nepavyko:","Add a new backup":"Pridėti naują kopiją","Add a path directly":"Pridėti kelią tiesiiogiai","Add advanced option":"Pridėti papildomą parametrą","Add backup":"Pridėti kopiją","Add filter":"Pridėti filtrą","Add path":"Pridėti kelią","Adjust bucket name?":"Keisti saugyklos pavadinimą?","Adjust path name?":"Keisti kelią?","Advanced Options":"Išplėstiniai parametrai","Advanced options":"Išplėstiniai parametrai","Advanced:":"Papildomai:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Visos Hyper-V mašinos","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Visos Microsoft SQL duombazės","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Visos naudojimo ataskaitos siunčiamos anonimiškai ir jose nėra jokios asmeninės informacijos. Juose pateikiama informacija apie techninę įrangą ir operacinę sistemą, saugyklos tipą, kopijos kūrimo laiką, visų kopijuojamų failų dydį ir pan. Juose nėra kelių, failų pavadinimų, naudotojų, slaptažodžių ir panašios privačios informacijos.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Leisti nuotolinę prieigą (reikia paleisti iš naujo)","Allowed days":"Leidžiamos dienos","An existing file was found at the new location":"Naujoje vietoje rasti jau esantys failai","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Naujoje vietoje rasti jau esantys failai.\nAr tikrai norite duomenų bazę rašyti vietoj esamų failų?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Buvo rasta esama vietinė duomenų saugykla.\nNaudojant tą pačią duombazę, komandinės eilutės ir serverio procesai galės veikti toje pačioje nuotolinėje saugykloje.\n\n Ar norite naudoti esamą duomenų bazę?","Anonymous usage reports":"Anoniminės naudojimo ataskaitos","Applications":"Programos","As Command-line":"Kaip komandinę eilutę","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Autorizacijos slaptažodis","Authentication username":"Autorizacijos naudotojas","Autogenerated passphrase":"Automatiškai sugeneruota slapta frazė","Automatically run backups.":"Atsargines kopijas kurti automatiškai.","B2 Application Key":"B2 programos raktas","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 debesų saugyklos paskyros ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 debesų saugyklos programos raktas","Back":"Atgal","Backend modules:":"Kopijų saugyklos moduliai:","Backup destination":"Kopijų paskirties vieta","Backup location":"Kopijų saugojimo vieta","Backup retention":"Atsarginės kopijos saugojimo laikas","Backup:":"Kopija:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Sugadinta prieiga","Browse":"Naršyti","Browser default":"Naršyklės numatyta reišmė","Bucket Name":"Saugyklos pavadinimas","Bucket create location":"Sukurti saugyklos vietą","Bucket create region":"Sukurti saugyklos regijoną","Bucket name":"Saugyklos pavadinimas","Bucket storage class":"Saugyklos klasė","Busy ...":"Užimtas...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Leidus nuotolinę prieigą, serveris atsakys į visas užklausas tinke. Jei įjungsite - įsitikinkite, kad kompiuteris yra už geros ugniasienės.","Cache Files":"Talpyklos failai","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Atšaukti","Cannot move to existing file":"Negalima perkelti į esamo failo vietą","Changelog":"Pakeitimų žurnalas","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Programos {{appname}} {{version}} pakeitimų žurnalas","Check failed:":"Patikrinimas nepavyko:","Check for updates now":"Ieškoti atnaujinimų dabar","Checking ...":"Tikrinama...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Norėdami pradėti pasirinkite saugyklos tipą","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Norėdami sukurti AuthID paspauskite AuthID nuorodą","Click to set throttle options":"Spustelėkite, kad nustatyti akceleratoriaus parametrus","Compact now":"Suspausti dabar","Compacting remote data ...":"Suspausti nutolusius duomenis...","Compression modules:":"Kompresijos moduliai:","Computer":"Kompiteris","Configuration file:":"Konfigūracijos failas:","Configuration:":"Konfigūracija:","Configure a new backup":"Derinti naują kopiją","Confirm delete":"Patvirtinkite tryminą","Confirmation required":"Reikalingas patvirtinimas","Connect":"Prisijungti","Connect now":"Prisijungti dabar","Connecting to task ....":"Jungiamasi prie užduoties...","Connecting...":"Jungiamasi...","Connection lost":"Prisijungimas nutrūko","Connection worked!":"Prisijungti pavyko!","Container name":"Konteinerio pavadinimas","Container region":"Konteinerio regionas","Continue":"Tęsti","Continue without encryption":"Tęsti be šifravimo","Copied!":"Nukopijuota!","Copy":"Kopija","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Kopijuoti paskirties URL į iškarpinę","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Kopijavimas nepavyko. Nukopijuokite URL rankiniu būdu","Core options":"Pagrindiniai parametrai","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Skaičiuojama, rasta failų: ({{files}}, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Tik lūžimai","Create folder?":"Sukurti aplanką?","Created new limited user":"Sukurtas naujas ribotas vartotojas","Creating user...":"Kuriamas vartotojas","Current action:":"Dabartinis veiksmas:","Current file:":"Dabartinis failas:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Dabartinė versija: {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Nestandartinė S3 saugykla","Custom authentication url":"Nestandartinis autorizacijos URL","Custom backup retention":"Derintas kopijų saugojimo laikas","Custom location ({{server}})":"Nestandartinė vieta ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Nestandartinis regionas kuriamoms saugykloms","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Nestandartinio regiono reikšmė ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Nestandartinis serverio url ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Nestandartinė saugyklos klasė ({{class}})","Days":"Dienos","Default":"Numatyta","Default ({{channelname}})":"Numatytas ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"Numatytos išimtys","Default options":"Numatyti parametrai","Delete":"Ištrinti","Delete backup":"Ištrinti kopiją","Delete backups that are older than":"Ištrinti kopijas, kurios senesnės nei","Delete local database":"Ištrinti lokalią duombazę","Delete remote files":"Ištrinti nutolusius failus","Delete the local database":"Ištrinti lokalią duombazę","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Trinti failus {{filecount}}, ({{filesize}}) iš nutolusios saugyklos?","Desktop":"Darbastalis","Destination":"Paskirtis","Destination path":"Kelias iki paskirties","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Ar mes padėjome išgelbėti duomenis? Jei taip paremkite programos kūrimą. Siūloma parama privatiems naudotojams {{smallamount}} ir {{largeamount}} komerciniams naudotojams.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Atkurti tiesiogiai iš kopijos failų...","Disabled":"Išjungta","Dismiss":"Neberodyti","Dismiss all":"Neberodyti visko","Display and color theme":"Vaizdo ir spalvų tema","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti kopiją: \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Ar tikrai norite ištrinti lokalią duomenų bazę: {{name}}","Domain Name":"Domeno vardas","Donate":"Paremti","Donation messages":"Paramos pranešimai","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Paramos pranešimai paslėpti: spustelėkite, kad rodyti","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Paramos pranešimai matomi: spustelėkite, kad paslėpti","Done":"Baigta","Download":"Atsisiųsti","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Pasikartojantis parametras {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati svetainė","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati forumas","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Kiekviena atsarginė kopija turi su ja susietą duomenų bazę, kurioje saugoma informacija apie nuotolinę saugykla vietiniame kompiuteryje.\nTrindami kopiją galite ištrinti ir lokalią duombazę, atkurti duomenis iš nutolusių failų vis tiek galėsite.\nJei lokalią duombazę naudojate kopijoms per komandinę eilutę, tada duombazę turėtumėt palikti.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Kiekviena atsarginė kopija turi su ja susietą duomenų bazę, kurioje saugoma informacija apie nutolusią kopiją vietinėje sistemoje.\\nJos dėka visos operacijos atliekamos greičiau ir kiekvienai operacijai sumažinamas atsisiunčiamų duomenų kiekis.","Edit as list":"Taisyti kaip sąrašą","Edit as text":"Taisyti kaip tekstą","Encrypt file":"Šifruoti failą","Encryption":"Šifravimas","Encryption changed":"Šifravimas pakeistas","Encryption modules:":"Šifravimo moduliai","Enter URL":"Įveskite URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Aprašykite saugojimo strategiją. Sutrumpinimai D/W/Y reiškai dienos/savaitės/metai, U reiškia saugoti visada. Pavyzdys: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. Šis pavyzdys reiškia, kad bus saugoma po vieną kopiją 7 dienas, po vieną kopiją kas 4 savaites ir viena ne senesnė nei 36 mėn. Galima aprašyti ir taip: 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Įveskite prieigos raktą","Enter account name":"Įveskite naudotojo vardą","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Jei naudojama šifravimo slapta frazė, įveskite ją","Enter configuration details":"Įveskite konfigūracijos detales","Enter container name":"Įveskite saugyklos pavadinimą","Enter encryption passphrase":"Įveskite šifravimo slaptą frazę","Enter expression here":"Įveskite čia išraišką","Enter folder path name":"Įveskite aplanko kelio pavadinimą","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Įveskite vieną parametrą eilutėje komandinės eilutės formatu, pvz.: {0}","Enter the destination path":"Įveskite paskirties kelią","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Įveskite Office 365 grupės el. pašto adresą","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Įverskite pilną kelią iki paskirties, įskaitant serverio vardą, tik be https","Error":"Klaida","Error!":"Klaida!","Errors and crashes":"Klaidos ir lūžimai","Exclude":"Išimtys","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Neįtraukti aplankų, kurių pavadinime yra","Exclude expression":"Neįtraukti išraiškos","Exclude file":"Neįtraukti failo","Exclude file extension":"Neįtraukti failų plėtinio","Exclude files whose names contain":"Neįtraukti failų, kurių pavadinime yra","Exclude folder":"Neįtraukti aplanko","Exclude regular expression":"Neįtraukti standartinės išraiškos","Existing file found":"Rastas esamas failas","Experimental":"Eksperimentinis","Export":"Eksportas","Export backup configuration":"Eksportuoti atsarginės kopijos konfigūraciją","Export configuration":"Eksportuoti konfigūraciją","External link":"Išorinė nuoroda","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Alternatyva)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Nepavyko sukurti laikinos duomenų bazės: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Nepavyko prisijungti:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Nepavyko prisijungti: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Nepavyko ištrinti:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Nepavyko gauti aplanko informacijos: {{message}}","Failed to import:":"Importas nepavyko:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Nepavyko nuskaityti kopijos numatytus parametrus:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Failų atkūrimas nepavyko:  {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Išsaugoti nepavyko:","File":"Failas","Files larger than:":"Failai didesni nei:","Filters":"Filtrai","Finished!":"Baigta!","First run setup":"Pirmojo paleidimo sąranka","Folder":"Aplankas","Folder path":"Aplanko kelias","Fri":"Pn","GByte":"GB","GByte/s":"GB/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS projekto ID","General":"Pagrindiniai","General backup settings":"Pagrindiniai kopijos nustatymai","General options":"Pagrindiniai parametrai","Generate":"Generuoti","Generate IAM access policy":"Generuoti IAM prieigos politiką","Group email":"Grupės el. paštas","Hidden files":"Paslėpti failai","Hide":"Paslepti","Hide hidden folders":"Nerodyti paslėptų aplankų","Home":"Pradžia","Hostnames":"Serverio vardas","Hours":"Valandos","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Kaip elgtis su esamais failais?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V mašina","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V mašina:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V mašinos","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Jai kopijos laikas praleistas, užduotis bus vykdoma pirmai progai pasitaikius.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Rasta bent viena naujesnė kopija, visos kopijos senesnės nei ši data bus ištrintos.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Jei kopija ir nuotolinė saugykla nesusinchronizuota, Duplicati reikalaus, kad būtu įvykdytas taisymas, kad susinchronizuoti duomenų bazę.\\nJei taisymas nepavyks, reikės ištrinti lokalią duombazę ir ją generuoti iš naujo.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Jei nenurodysite kelio, visi failai bus išsaugoti pagrindiniame aplanke.\nAr tikrai to norite?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Jei nurodysite API raktą, būtina nurodyti savininką","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Jei norėsite šia kopija pasinaudoti vėliau, prieš trindami galite eksportuoti konfigūraciją","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Jei jūsų įrenginys yra daugelio naudotojų aplinkoje (t.y. Įrenginyje yra daugiau nei viena paskyra), turite nustatyti slaptažodį, kad kiti naudotojai negalėtų pasiekti jūsų paskyroje esančių duomenų.\nAr norite dabar nustatyti slaptažodį dabar?","Import":"Importas","Import Destination URL":"Importo paskirties URL","Import backup configuration":"Importuoti kopijos konfigūraciją","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Importas atliktas, bet nebuvo rastas joks sertifikatas","Import failed":"Importas nepavyko","Import from a file":"Importas iš failo","Import metadata":"Importuoti meta duomenis","Include a file?":"Įtraukti failą?","Include expression":"Įtraukti išraišką","Include regular expression":"Įtraukti standartinę išraišką","Incorrect answer, try again":"Atsakymas neteisingas, bandykite dar kartą","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Individualios versijos skirtos programuotojams. Netinkamos naudoti su svarbiais duomenimis.","Information":"Informacija","Install":"Diegti","Install failed:":"Diegimas nepavyko:","Invalid characters in path":"Kelio pavadinime yra netinkamų simbolių","Invalid retention time":"Netinkamas saugojimo laikas","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Prie kai kurių FTP serverių galima prisijungti be slaptažodžio.\nAr jūs įsitikinę, kad FTP serveris leidžia prisijungimus be slaptažodžio?","KByte":"KB","KByte/s":"KB/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Saugoti nurodyta kiekį kopijų","Keep all backups":"Saugoti visas kopijas","Keystone API version":"Keystone API versija","Language in user interface":"Kalba vartotojo interfeise","Last month":"Praeitas mėnuo","Last successful backup:":"Paskutinė sėkminga kopija:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Paskutinis sėkmingas atkūrimas: {{time}} (užtruko {{duration || '0 sek.'}})","Latest":"Naujausias","Libraries":"Bibliotekos","Live":"Gyvai","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Įkelti konfigūraciją iš eksportuotos užduoties arba saugojimo paslaugų tiekėjo","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Įkelti paskirtį iš eksportuotos užduoties arba saugojimo paslaugų tiekėjo","Load older data":"Įkelti senesnius duomenis","Loading ...":"Įkeliama...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Gaunama nutolusios saugyklos panaudojimo informacija...","Local Repository":"Vietinė saugykla","Local database for":"Lokali duombazė dėl","Local database path:":"Lokalios duomenų bazės kelias:","Local repository":"Vietinė saugykla","Local storage":"Lokali saugykla","Location":"Vieta","Location where buckets are created":"Vieta, kur sukuriamos saugyklos","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"<b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>žurnalo duomenys","Log data from the server":"Žurnalo duomenys iš serverio","Log out":"Atsijungti","MByte":"MB","MByte/s":"MB/s","Maintenance":"Priežiūra","Manually type path":"Rankiniu būdu įveskite kelią","Max download speed":"Maksimalus atsisiuntimo greitis","Max upload speed":"Maksimalus įkėlimo greitis","Menu":"Meniu","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL duomenų bazė:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL duomenų bazės","Minimum redundancy":"Minimalus perteklinių kopijų kiekis","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Minimalus perteklinių kopijų skaičius yra 1.0","Minutes":"Minutės","Missing name":"Trūksta pavadinimo","Missing passphrase":"Trūksta slaptos frazės","Missing sources":"Trūksta šaltinių","Mon":"Pr","Months":"Mėnesiai","Move existing database":"Perkelti esamą duomenų bazę","Move failed:":"Perkelti nepavyko:","My Documents":"Mano dokumentai","My Music":"Mano muzika","My Photos":"Mano nuotraukos","My Pictures":"Mano paveikslėliai","Name":"Vardas","Never":"Niekada","New update found: {{message}}":"Rastas atnaujinimas: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Naujas vartotojo vardas {{user}}.\nNaujo riboto vartotojo prisijungimo duomenys atnaujinti","Next":"Kitas","Next scheduled run:":"Kitas planuojamas paleidimas:","Next scheduled task:":"Kita planuojama užduotis:","Next task:":"Kita užduotis","Next time":"Kitą kartą","No":"Ne","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Anksčiau nebuvo nurodytas sertifikatas, su serverio administratoriumi patikrinkite kad raktas teisingas: {{key}} \n\nAr patvirtinate pateiktą mazgo raktą?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Saugyklos tipui &quot;{{backend}}&quot; nerastas redaktorius","No encryption":"Be šifravimo","No items selected":"Nieko nepasirinkta","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Nėra ko atkurti, pasirinkite vieną ar kelis elementus","No passphrase entered":"Neįvesta slapta frazė","No scheduled tasks":"Nėra planinių užduočių","No, my machine has only a single account":"Ne, mano kompiuteryje yra tik vienas naudotojas","Non-matching passphrase":"Netinkama slapta frazė","None / disabled":"Nieko / išjungta","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Niekas nebus trinama. Kopijos dydis didės su kiekvienu pasikeitimu.","OK":"OK","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Kai bus sukurta daugiau kopijų nei nurodyta - seniausia kopija bus ištrinta.","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack objekto saugykla / Swift","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"Openstack API raktas nepalaikomas v3 keystone API.","Operating System":"Operacinė sistema","Operation failed:":"Operacija nepavyko:","Operations:":"Operacijos","Optional authentication password":"Neprivalomas autorizavimo slaptažodis","Optional authentication username":"Neprivalomas autorizavimo vartotojas","Options":"Parametrai","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Čia nurodyti parametrai taikomi visoms atsarginėms kopijoms, bet gali būti pakeisti kiekvienoje kopijoje individualiai","Original location":"Originali vieta","Others":"Kiti","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Senos kopijos bus šalinamos automatiškai. Bus saugoma po vieną kopiją 7 dienas, po vieną kas 4 savaites ir po vieną kas 12 mėnesių. Visada bus bent viena likusi kopija.","Overwrite":"Perrašyti","Passphrase":"Slapta frazė","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Slapta frazė (jei šifruota)","Passphrase changed":"Slapta frazė pakeista","Passphrases are not matching":"Slaptos frazės nesutampa","Password":"Slaptažodis","Path":"Kelias","Path not found":"Kelias nerastas","Path on server":"Kelias iki serverio","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Kelias arba pakatalogis saugykloje","Pause":"Pauzė","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pauzė po paleidimo ar ramybės būsenos","Pause options":"Pauzės parametrai","Permissions":"Leidimai","Pick location":"Pasirinkite vietą","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Pasirinkite atsarginės kopijos failus ir atkurkite iš jos","Port":"Portas","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Neleisti automatinio prisijungimo per dėklo piktogramą","Previous":"Ankstesnis","Progress:":"Progresas:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ProjectID yra neprivalomas, jei egzistuoja saugykla","Proprietary":"Patentuota","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Perkurti (ištrinti ir taisyti)","Relative paths not allowed":"Santykiniai keliai neleidžiami","Reload":"Užkrauti iš naujo","Remote":"Nuotolinis","Remote Path":"Kelias iki nutolusio serverio","Remote Repository":"Nutolusi saugykla","Remote path":"Kelias iki nutolusio serverio","Remote repository":"Nutolusi saugykla","Remote volume size":"Nutolusio tomo dydis","Remove":"Pašalinti","Remove option":"Pašalinti parinktį","Repair":"Remontuoti","Repeat Passphrase":"Pakartokite slaptą frazę","Reporting:":"Ataskaitų teikimas:","Reset":"Atstatyti","Restore":"Atkurti","Restore files":"Atkurti failus","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Atkurti failus iš {{backupname}}","Restore from":"Atkurti iš","Restore from backup configuration":"Atkurti iš atsarginės kopijos konfigūracijos","Restore from configuration ...":"Atkurti iš konfigūracijos ...","Restore options":"Atkurimo parinktis","Restore read/write permissions":"Atkurti skaitymo/rašymo leidimus","Resume":"Tęsti","Run again every":"Vykdyti dar kartą kas","Run now":"Vykdyti dabar","Running ....":"Vykdoma ....","Running commandline entry":"Vykdoma komandų eilutės komanda","Running task:":"Vykdoma užduotis:","S3 Compatible":"Suderinamas su S3","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Ta pati, kaip pagrindinė diegimo versija: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Šešt","Save":"Įrašyti","Save and repair":"Įrašyti ir taisyti","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Išsaugokite kitą versiją su laiko žymoma failo pavadinime","Save immediately":"Įrašyti nedelsiant","Schedule":"Tvarkaraštis","Search":"Paieška","Search for files":"Failų paieška","Seconds":"Sekundės","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Pasirinkite žurnalo lygį ir peržiūrėkite pranešimus, kaip jie įvyksta:","Select files":"Pasirinkite failus","Server":"Serveris","Server and port":"Serveris ir portas","Server hostname or IP":"Serverio pavadinimas ir IP","Server is currently paused,":"Serveris šiuo metu pristabdytas","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Serveris šiuo metu pristabdytas, ar norite pratęsti jo darbą?","Server password":"Serverio slaptažodis","Server paused":"Serveris pristabdytas","Server state properties":"Serverio būsenos parametrai","Settings":"Nustatymai","Show":"Rodyti","Show advanced editor":"Rodyti patobulintą redaktorių","Show hidden folders":"Rodyti paslėptus aplankus","Show log":"Rodyti žurnalą","Show treeview":"Rodyti medžio vaizdą","Sia server password":"Sia serverio slaptažodis","Smart backup retention":"Išmanus kopijų saugojimas","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Kai kurie OpenStack tiekėjai vietoj slaptažodžio pateikia API raktą ir nuomininko vardą","Source Data":"Šaltinio duomenys","Source data":"Šaltinio duomenys","Source folders":"Šaltinio aplankai","Source:":"Šaltinis:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Specifinės versijos skirtos tik programuotojams. Netinkamos naudoti su svarbiais duomenimis.","Standard protocols":"Standartiniai protokolai","Stop after the current file":"Stabdyti po dabartinio failo","Stop now":"Stabdyti dabar","Stop running backup":"Stabdyti vykdomą atsarginę kopiją","Stop running task":"Stabdyti vykdomą užduotį","Stopping task:":"Stabdoma užduotis:","Storage Type":"Saugyklos tipas","Storage class":"Saugyklos klasė","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Saugyklos klasė saugyklos kūrimui","Stored":"Išsaugota","Strong":"Stiprus","Success":"Sėkmė","Sun":"Sekm","Symbolic link":"Simbolinė nuoroda","System Files":"Sisteminiai failai","System default ({{levelname}})":"Sistemos numatytasis ({{levelname}})","System files":"Sisteminiai failai","System info":"Sistemos informacija","System properties":"Sistemos ypatybės","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/sek","Target path, ie /backup":"Kelias iki tikslo, pvz.: /backup","Task is running":"Užduotis vykdoma","Temporary Files":"Laikini failai","Temporary files":"Laikini failai","Tenant Name":"Nuomininko vardas","Test connection":"Patikrinti prisijungimą","Testing ...":"Tikrinama ...","Testing connection ...":"Tikrinamas prisijungimas ...","Testing permissions...":"Tikrinamos prieigos teisės ...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"'{{fieldname}}' yra netinkamas simbolis: {{character}} (reikšmė: {{value}}, pozicija: {{pos}})","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Saugyklos pavadinimas turi būti iš mažųjų raidžių, konvertuoti automatiškai?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Saugyklos pavadinimas turi prasidėti naudotojo vardu, pridėti automatiškai?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"Dingo ryšys su serveriu, bandysime prisijungti po {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Tamsi tema (nuo Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Numatyta mėlyna ant balto tema (nuo Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"Aplankas {{folder}} neegzistuoja.\nSukurti jį dabar?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"Serverio raktas pasikeitė, su administratoriumi patikrinkite ar jis geras, priešingu atveju jūsų duomenys gali būti perimti.\n\nAr norite PAKEISTI jūsų DABARTINĮ serverio raktą \"{{prev}}\" PATEIKTU serverio raktu: {{key}}?","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Panašu, kad toks kelias neegzistuoja, vis tiek jį pridėti?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Kelias pasibaigia ne '{{dirsep}}' simboliu, tai reiškia, kad pridėjote failą, ne aplanką.\n\nAr norite pridėti nurodytą failą?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Kelias turi būti absoliutus, tai yra turi prasidėti simboliu '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Kelias turi prasidėti nuo \"{{prefix1}}\" arba \"{{prefix2}}\", priešingu atveju failų nematysite the HubiC web aplinkoje.\n\nAr norite, kad priešdėlis būtu pridėtas automatiškai?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Regiono parametras taikomas tik naujai saugyklai","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Regiono parametras panaudojamas tik kuriant saugyklą","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Serverio sertifikatas negali būti patikrintas.\nAr patvirtinate SSL sertifikatą su maiša:  {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"Saugyklos klasė turi įtakos failo pasiekiamumui ir kainai","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Paskirties duomenys užšifruoti, pateikite slaptą frazę","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"Naudotojas turi per daug teisių. Ar norite sukurti naują naudotoją, su prieiga tik prie pasirinkto kelio?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Ši kopija buvo sukurta kitoje operacinėje sistemoje. Atkuriant failus nenurodžius paskirties vietos - jie gali atsirasti netikėtose vietose. Ar tęsti be paskirties kelio?","This month":"Šį mėnesį","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Ši nuostata nesusijusi su maksimaliu kopijos ar failo dydžiu, taip pat neturi įtakos dedublikavimo efektyvumui. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">Perskaitykite prieš keisdami nutolusio tomo dydį.</external-link>","This week":"Šią savaitę","Throttle settings":"Greičio nustatymai","Thu":"Ket","To File":"Į failą","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Kad patvirtintumėte visų \"{{name}}\" nutolusių failų trynimą, įveskite žodį, kurį matote žemiau","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Kad eksportuoti be slaptos frazės, palikite nepažymėtą varnelę \"Šifruoti failą\"","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"Kad apsisaugoti nuo įvairių DNS atakų, Duplicati riboje galimų serverių vardus pagal nurodytą sąrašą. IP adresai ir localhost visada leidžiami. Keli serverių vardai leidžiami atskiriant kabliataškiu. Jei leidžiamas serverio vardas yra su žvaigždute (*), leidžiami visi serverių vardai ir ši savybė išjungta. Jei laukas tuščias - leidžiami tik IP adresai ir localhost.","Today":"Šiandien","Trust host certificate?":"Pasitikite saito sertifikatu?","Trust server certificate?":"Pasitikite serverio sertifikatu?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Išbandykite naujas galimybes, prie kurių šiuo metu dirbame. Šiuo metu stabiliausia versija pasiekiama. Išbadykite duomenų atkūrimą prie naudodami su svarbiais duomenimis.","Tue":"An","Type to highlight files":"Rašykite, kad paryškinti failus","Unknown backup size and versions":"Nežinomas kopijos dydis ir versijos","Until resumed":"Kol bus pratęsta","Update channel":"Atnaujinimų kanalas","Update failed:":"Atnaujinimas nepavyko:","Updating with existing database":"Atnaujinama su egzistuojančia duomenų baze","Usage statistics":"Naudojimo statistika","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Naudojimo statistika, įspėjimai, klaidos ir lūžimai","Use SSL":"Naudoti SSL","Use existing database?":"Naudoti turimą duomenų bazę?","Use weak passphrase":"Naudoti silpną slaptą frazę","Useless":"Nenaudinga","User data":"Naudotojo duomenys","User domain name":"Naudotojo domeno vardas","User has too many permissions":"Naudotojas turi per daug teisių","User interface settings":"Naudotojo aplinkos nustatymai","Username":"Naudotojo vardas","Verify files":"Tikrinti failus","Verifying ...":"Tikrinama ...","Verifying answer":"Tikrinamas atsakymas","Very strong":"Labai stiprus","Very weak":"Labai silpnas","Visit us on":"Aplankykite mus","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"DĖMESIO: Nutolusi duomenų bazė šiuo metu naudojama komandinės eilutės bibliotekos","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"DĖMESIO: Tai neleis ateityje atkurti duomenis.","Waiting for task to begin":"Laukiama kol prasidės užduotis","Waiting for task to start ....":"Laukiama kol prasidės užduotis ...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Įspėjimai, klaidos ir lūžimai","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Mes priimame paramą per įvairias tarnybas, tokias kaip OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource ir įvairiomis krypto valiutomis.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Rekomenduojame šifruoti visas kopijas, kurios saugomos už jūsų sistemos ribų","Weak":"Silpna","Weak passphrase":"Silpna slapta frazė","Wed":"Tre","Weeks":"Savaitės","Where do you want to restore from?":"Iš kur norite atkurti?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Kur norite atkurti failus?","Years":"Metai","Yes":"Taip","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Taip, aš saugiai išsaugojau slaptą frazę","Yes, I'm brave!":"Taip, aš drąsus!","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{Item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$ count}} versija","{{Item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$ count}} versijos","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} versijų","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} versijų"]});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('lv', {"- pick an option -":"- izvēlieties iestatījumu -","...loading...":"...notiek ielāde...","API Key":"API atslēga","AWS Access ID":"AWS Piekļuves ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Piekļuves atslēga","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Politika","About":"Par","About {{appname}}":"Par {{appname}}","Access Key":"Piekļuves atslēga","Access denied":"Piekļuve liegta","Access to user interface":"Piekļuve lietotāja saskarnei","Account name":"Konta nosaukums","Activate":"Aktivizēt","Activate failed:":"Aktivizācija neizdevās:","Add a new backup":"Pievienot  jaunu dublējumkopiju","Add a path directly":"Pievienot tiešo ceļu","Add advanced option":"Pievienot pielāgotu iestatījumu","Add backup":"Pievienot dublējumkopiju","Add filter":"Pievienot filtru","Add path":"Pievienot ceļu","Added":"Pievienots","Adjust bucket name?":"Precizēt spaiņa iestatījumu?","Adjust path name?":"Precizēt ceļa nosaukumu?","Advanced Options":"Pielāgotas Opcijas","Advanced options":"Pielāgotas opcijas","Advanced:":"Pielāgots:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Visas Hyper-V Mašīnas","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Visas Microsoft SQL Datubāzes","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Atļaut attālinātu piekļuvi (nepieciešams restartēt programmu)","Allowed days":"Atļautās dienas","An existing file was found at the new location":"Tika atrasts jau esošs fails jaunajā atrašanās vietā","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Tika atrasts jau esošs fails jaunajā atrašanās vietā\nVai esat pārliecināts, ka vēlaties datubāzi novirzīt uz jau esošo failu?","Anonymous usage reports":"Anonīmas lietošanas atskaites","Applications":"Lietotnes","As Command-line":"Kā Komand-rinda","Authentication password":"Autentifikācijas parole","Authentication username":"Autentifikācijas lietotājvārds","Autogenerated passphrase":"Automātiski izveidota piekļuves frāze","Automatically run backups.":"Automātiski palaist dublējumkopijas.","Back":"Atpakaļ","Backend modules:":"Backend moduļi:","Backup complete!":"Dublējumkopijas veidošana pabeigta!","Backup destination":"Dublējumkopijas mērķa atrašanās vieta","Backup location":"Dublējumkopijas atrašanās vieta","Backup retention":"Dublējumkopiju saglabāšanas ilgums","Backup:":"Dublējumkopija:","Beta":"Beta versija","Browse":"Pārlūkot","Browser default":"Pārlūka noklusējums","Bucket Name":"Spaiņa Nosaukums","Bucket name":"Spaiņa nosaukums","Bucket storage class":"Spaiņa uzglabāšanas klase","Busy ...":"Aizņemts ...","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Atcelt","Changelog":"Izmaiņu žurnāls","Check failed:":"Pārbaude neizdevās:","Check for updates now":"Pārbaudīt atjauninājumus tagad","Checking ...":"Pārbauda ...","Click to set throttle options":"Uzklikšķiniet, lai uzstādītu ierobežojumus","Compact now":"Saspiest tagad","Compression modules:":"Saspiešanas moduļi:","Computer":"Dators","Configuration file:":"Konfigurācijas fails:","Configuration:":"Konfigurācija:","Configure a new backup":"Konfigurēt jaunu dublējumkopiju","Confirm delete":"Apstiprināt dzēšanu","Confirm password":"Apstiprināt paroli","Confirmation required":"Nepieciešams apstiprinājums","Connect":"Pieslēgties","Connect now":"Pieslēgties tagad","Connecting to server …":"Pieslēdzas serverim...","Connecting to task ....":"Pieslēdzas uzdevumam","Connecting...":"Pieslēdzas ...","Connection lost":"Savienojums ir zudis","Connection worked!":"Savienojums strādā!","Continue":"Turpināt","Continue without encryption":"Turpināt bez šifrēšanas","Copied!":"Nokopēts!","Core options":"Pamata opcijas","Crashes only":"Tikai avārijas","Create folder?":"Izveidot mapi?","Creating user...":"Izveido lietotāju...","Custom region for creating buckets":"Specifiskais reģions spaiņu izveidei","Days":"Dienas","Default":"Noklusējums","Default options":"Noklusējuma iestatījumi","Delete":"Izdzēst","Delete backup":"Izdzēst dublējumkopiju","Delete local database":"Izdzēst lokālo datubāzi","Delete remote files":"Dzēst attālinātos failus","Delete the local database":"Izdzēst lokālo datubāzi","Desktop":"Darbavirsma","Destination":"Mērķis","Disabled":"Atspējots","Dismiss":"Atmest","Display and color theme":"Displeja un krāsu motīvs","Donate":"Ziedot","Donation messages":"Ziedojumu paziņojumi","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Ziedojumu ziņas ir slēptas, uzklikšķiniet lai parādītu tās","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Ziedojumu ziņas ir redzamas, uzklikšķiniet lai paslēptu tās","Done":"Pabeigts","Download":"Lejupielādēt","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati tīmekļa vietne","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati forums","Edit as list":"Rediģēt kā sarakstu","Edit as text":"Rediģēt kā tekstu","Encrypt file":"Šifrēt failu","Encryption":"Šifrēšana","Encryption changed":"Šifrēšana mainīta","Encryption modules:":"Šīfrēšanas moduļi:","Enter URL":"Ievadiet URL","Enter access key":"Ievadiet piekļuves atslēgu","Enter account name":"Ievadiet konta nosaukumu","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Ievadiet dublējumkopijas pieejas frāzi, ja tāda eksistē","Enter configuration details":"Ievadiet konfigurācijas detaļas","Enter encryption passphrase":"Ievadiet pieejas frāzi šifrēšanai","Enter the destination path":"Ievadiet mērķa atrašanās vietu","Error":"Kļūda","Error!":"Kļūda!","Errors and crashes":"Kļūdas un avārijas","Experimental":"Eksperimentāls","Export":"Eksportēt","Export configuration":"Eksportēt konfigurāciju","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Alternatīvs)","Failed to connect:":"Neizdevās izveidot savienojumu:","Failed to import:":"Neizdevās importēt:","File":"Fails","Files larger than:":"Faili lielāki par:","Filters":"Filtrs","Finished!":"Pabeigts!","Folder":"Mape","General":"Vispārīgi","General backup settings":"Vispārīgie dublējumkopiju iestatījumi","General options":"Vispārīgie iestatījumi","Generate":"Izveidot","Hidden files":"Paslēptie faili","Hide":"Paslēpt","Hide hidden folders":"Paslēpt paslēptās mapes","Home":"Mājas","Hours":"Stundas","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Kā jūs vēlaties rīkoties ar jau esošajiem failiem?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V Mašīna","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V Mašīna:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V Mašīnas","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Ja tika nokavēts datums, uzdevums tiks palaists cik ātri vien iespējams.","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Ja jūsu mašīna ir vairāku lietotāju vidē (piemēram, māšīnai ir vairāk, kā viens konts), jums nepieciešams uzstādīt paroli, lai izslēgtu iespēju citiem lietotājiem piekļūt jūsu kontam.\nVai vēlaties uzstādīt paroli tagad?","Import":"Importēt","Import from a file":"Pievienot no faila","Incorrect answer, try again":"Nepareiza atbilde, mēģiniet vēlreiz","Information":"Informācija","Install":"Uzstādīt","Install failed:":"Uzstādīšana neizdevās","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Ir iespējams pievienoties pie kāda FTP servera bez paroles.\nVai esat pārliecināts, ka jūsu FTP serveris atbalsta bez-paroles pieslēgšanos?","Language in user interface":"Lietotāja saskarnes valoda:","Last month":"Pagājušais mēnesis","Latest":"Pēdējais","Libraries":"Bibliotēkas","Load older data":"Ielādēt vecākus datus","Loading ...":"Notiek ielāde ...","Local database path:":"Ceļš uz lokālo datubāzi:","Local storage":"Lokālā krātuve","Location":"Atrašanās vieta","Log out":"Izrakstīties","Maintenance":"Apkope","Max download speed":"Maksimālais lejupielādes ātrums","Max upload speed":"Maksimālais augšupielādes ātrums","Menu":"Izvēlne","Minutes":"Minūtes","Missing passphrase":"Trūkst pieejas frāze","Modified":"Modificēts","Mon":"Pirm","Months":"Mēneši","Move existing database":"Pārvietot esošo datubāzi","Move failed:":"Pārvietošana neizdevās:","My Documents":"Mani dokumenti","My Music":"Mana mūzika","My Photos":"Mani fotoattēli","My Pictures":"Mani attēli","Never":"Nekad","Next":"Nākamais","Next scheduled run:":"Nākamā plānotā norise","Next scheduled task:":"Nākamais plānotais uzdevums:","Next task:":"Nākamais uzdevums:","Next time":"Nākamreiz","No":"Nē","No encryption":"Nav šifrešanas","No items selected":"Nav izvēlētu vienību","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Nav vienību ko atjaunot, lūdzu izvēlieties vienu vai vairākas vienības","No passphrase entered":"Pieejas frāze nav ievadīta","No scheduled tasks":"Nav ieplānotu uzdevumu","No, my machine has only a single account":"Nē, manai ierīcei ir tikai viens konts","Non-matching passphrase":"Nesakrītoša pieejas frāze","None / disabled":"Nav / Atspējots","OK":"Labi","Operations:":"Darbības:","Optional authentication password":"Neobligāta autentifikācijas parole","Options":"Iestatījumi","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Šeit pievienotās opcijas tiek piemērotas visām dublējumkopijām, taču tās var ignorēt katrā atsevišķā dublējumkopijā","Original location":"Sākotnējā atrašanās vieta","Others":"Citi","Overwrite":"Pārrakstīt","Passphrase":"Pieejas frāze","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Pieejas frāze (ja šifrēts)","Passphrase changed":"Pieejas frāze nomainīta","Passphrases are not matching":"Pieejas frāzes nesakrīt","Password":"Parole","Path not found":"Ceļš nav atrasts","Path on server":"Ceļs uz servera","Pause":"Pauzēt","Pause options":"Pauzēt opcijas","Permissions":"Atļaujas","Port":"Ports","Reload":"Pārlādēt","Remote":"Attālināts","Remove":"Noņemt","Remove option":"Noņemt iestatījumu","Repair":"Salabot","Repeat Passphrase":"Atkārtot pieejas frāzi","Reset":"Attiestatīt","Restore":"Atgūt","Restore files":"Atgūt failus","Restore options":"Atjaunot opcijas","Restore read/write permissions":"Atjaunot lasīšanas/rakstīšanas atļaujas","Resume":"Turpināt","Run again every":"Palaist atkal katru","Run now":"Palaist tagad","Sat":"Sest","Save":"Saglabāt","Save and repair":"Saglabāt un salabot","Save immediately":"Saglabāt uzreiz","Search":"Meklēt","Search for files":"Meklēt failus","Seconds":"sekundes","Select files":"Izvēlēties failus","Server":"Serveris","Server and port":"Serveris un ports","Server hostname or IP":"Resursdatora nosaukums vai IP adrese","Server password":"Servera parole","Settings":"Iestatījumi","Show":"Parādīt","Show hidden folders":"Parādīt paslēptās mapes","Show log":"Parādīt žurnālu","Sia server password":"Sia servera parole","Source Data":"Avota Dati","Source data":"Avota dati","Source folders":"Avota mapes","Source:":"Avots:","Stop now":"Pātraukt tagad","Stop running task":"Pārtraukt uzdevuma izpildi","Stopping task:":"Aptur uzdevumu:","Storage Type":"Krātuves Tips","Strong":"Spēcīgs","Sun":"Svēt","Symbolic link":"Simboliskā saite","System files":"Sistēmas faili","System info":"Sistēmas informācija","System properties":"Sistēmas īpašības","Task is running":"Uzdevums ir palaists","Temporary files":"Pagaidu faili","Test connection":"Pārbaudīt savienojumu","Testing ...":"Notiek pārbaude...","Testing connection ...":"Pārbauda savienojumu...","Testing permissions...":"Pārbauda atļaujas...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Tumšais motīvs (veidoja Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Noklusējuma zils uz balta motīvs (veidoja Alex)","This month":"Šis mēnesis","This week":"Šī diena","Thu":"Cetr","Today":"Šodien","Tue":"Otr","Update channel":"Atjauninājumu kanāls","Update failed:":"Atjaunināšana neizdevās:","Usage statistics":"Izmantošanas statistika","Use SSL":"Izmantot SSL","Use weak passphrase":"Lietot vāju pieejas frāzi","Useless":"Bezjēdzīgs","User data":"Lietotāja dati","User interface settings":"Lietotāja saskarnes iestatījumi","Username":"Lietotājvārds","Verify files":"Pārbaudīt failus","Verifying ...":"Notiek pārbaude ...","Very strong":"Ļoti stiprs","Very weak":"Ļoti vājš","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"UZMANĪBU: Attālināto datu bāzi izmanto komandrindas bibliotēka","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Brīdinājumi, kļūdas un avārijas","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Mēs iesakām jums šifrēt visas dublējumkopijas, kuras tiek uzglabātas ārpus jūsu sistēmas","Weak":"Vājš","Weak passphrase":"Vāja pieejas frāze","Wed":"Treš","Weeks":"Nedēļas","Years":"Gadi","Yes":"Jā","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Jā, esmu noglabājais pieejas frāzi droši","Yes, I'm brave!":"Jā, esmu drosmīgs!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Jā, lūdzu salauziet manu dublējumkopiju!","Yesterday":"Vakardiena","You must enter a name for the backup":"Nepieciešams ievadīt dublējumkopijas nosaukumu","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Jums nepieciešams ievadīt pieejas frāzi vai atspējot šifrēšanu","You must fill in the password":"Nepieciešams ievadīt paroli!","You must specify a path":"Jums jānorāda ceļš","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Jūsu pieejas frāzi ir vienkārsi uzminēt. Apdomājiet pieejas frāzes nomaiņu.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"spainis/mape/apakšmape","byte":"baits","byte/s":"baiti/sekundē","resume now":"turpināt tagad","{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} Stunda","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} Minūtes"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('nl_NL', {"- pick an option -":" - kies een optie -","...loading...":"...laden...","API Key":"API sleutel","AWS Access ID":"AWS Toegangs ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Toegangssleutel","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Beleid","About":"Over","About {{appname}}":"Over {{appname}}","Access Key":"Toegangssleutel","Access denied":"Toegang geweigerd","Access to user interface":"Toegang tot gebruikersomgeving","Account name":"Accountnaam","Activate":"Activeren","Activate failed:":"Activeren mislukt","Add a new backup":"Nieuwe back-up toevoegen","Add a path directly":"Voeg een pad rechtstreeks toe","Add advanced option":"Voeg geavanceerde optie toe","Add backup":"Back-up toevoegen","Add filter":"Voeg filter toe","Add path":"Voeg pad toe","Added":"Toegevoegd","Adjust bucket name?":"Bucket naam aanpassen?","Adjust path name?":"Padnaam aanpassen?","Advanced Options":"Geavanceerde Opties","Advanced options":"Geavanceerde opties","Advanced:":"Geavanceerd:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Alle Hyper-V Machines","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Alle Microsoft SQL Databases","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Alle gebruiksrapporten worden anoniem verstuurd en bevatten geen enkele persoonlijke informatie. Ze bevatten informatie over hardware en besturingssysteem, het type backend, back-up tijdsduur, totale grootte van brongegevens en soortgelijke gegevens. Ze bevatten geen paden, bestandsnamen, gebruikersnamen, wachtwoorden of soortgelijke gevoelige informatie.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Remote toegang toestaan (herstart vereist)","Allowed days":"Alleen op deze dagen","An existing file was found at the new location":"Een bestaand bestand was gevonden op de nieuwe locatie","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Een bestaand bestand was gevonden op de nieuwe locatie. Weet u zeker dat de database moet verwijzen naar een bestaand bestand?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Een bestaande lokale database voor de opslag is gevonden.\nHergebruik van de database zal toestaan dat de opdrachtregel- en server instances werken op dezelfde remote opslag.\n\nWilt u de bestaande database gebruiken?","Anonymous usage reports":"Anonieme gebruiksrapporten","Applications":"Toepassingen","As Command-line":"Als Opdrachtregel","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Authenticatie wachtwoord","Authentication username":"Authenticatie gebruikersnaam","Autogenerated passphrase":"Automatisch gegenereerde wachtwoordzin","Automatically run backups.":"Automatisch back-ups uitvoeren","B2 Application ID":"B2 Applicatie ID","B2 Application Key":"B2 Applicatiesleutel","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Account ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Applicatie ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cloud Storage Applicatiesleutel","Back":"Vorige","Backend modules:":"Backend modules:","Backup complete!":"Back-up compleet!","Backup destination":"Back-updoel","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"Back-up is versleuteld maar er is geen wachtwoordzin beschikbaar.\nTyp hieronder een wachtwoordzin om te gebruiken voor het herstellen van uw bestanden, of, in het geval van GPG-codering, laat dit leeg om de gpg-code de wachtwoordzin op te laten halen door een beroep te doen op de keychain van uw systeem.","Backup location":"Back-up locatie","Backup retention":"Back-up retentie","Backup:":"Back-up:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Verbroken toegang","Browse":"Bladeren","Browser default":"Browser standaard","Bucket Name":"Bucket Naam","Bucket create location":"Bucket aanmaaklocatie","Bucket create region":"Bucket aanmaakregio","Bucket name":"Bucketnaam","Bucket storage class":"Bucket opslagklasse","Building list of files to restore …":"Opbouwen lijst te herstellen bestanden ...","Building partial temporary database …":"Opbouwen gedeeltelijke tijdelijke database ...","Busy ...":"Bezig ...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Door remote toegang toe te staan, luistert de server naar aanvragen van een willekeurige machine op het netwerk. Verzeker u ervan dat de computer wordt gebruikt op een netwerk dat wordt beschermd door een veilig ingestelde firewall als u deze optie wilt inschakelen.","By default, the tray icon will open the user interface with a token that unlocks the user interface. This ensures that you can access the user interface from the tray icon, while requiring others to enter a password. If you prefer having to type in the password, even when accessing the user interface from the tray icon, enable this option.":"Standaard opent het systeemvak-pictogram de gebruikersomgeving met een token dat de gebruikersomgeving ontgrendelt. Dit zorgt ervoor dat u toegang heeft tot de gebruikersomgeving vanaf het systeemvak-pictogram, zonder dat u anderen hoeft te vragen het wachtwoord in te voeren. Schakel deze optie in als u er de voorkeur aan geeft zelf het wachtwoord in te voeren, zelfs wanneer de gebruikersomgeving wordt geopend vanuit het systeemvak-pictogram.","Cache Files":"Cache bestanden","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Annuleren","Cannot move to existing file":"Kan niet verplaatsen naar bestaand bestand","Changelog":"Aanpassingen-log","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Aanpassingen-log voor {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Controle mislukt:","Check for updates now":"Controleer nu op updates","Checking ...":"Controleren ...","Checking for updates …":"Controleren op updates ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Kies een opslagtype om aan de slag te gaan","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Klik op de AuthID link om een AuthID aan te maken","Click to set throttle options":"Klik om bandbreedte-opties in te stellen","Commandline …":"Opdrachtregel ...","Compact Phase":"Opruimen Subtaak","Compact now":"Nu opruimen","Compacting remote data ...":"Opruimen van remote gegevens ...","Compacting remote data …":"Opschonen remote gegevens ...","Complete log":"Compleet log","Completing backup …":"Afronden back-up ...","Completing previous backup …":"Afronden vorige back-up ...","Compression modules:":"Compressiemodules:","Computer":"Computer","Configuration file:":"Configuratiebestand","Configuration:":"Configuratie:","Configure a new backup":"Een nieuwe back-up instellen","Confirm delete":"Bevestig verwijderen","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Bevestig wachtwoordzin voor versleuteling","Confirm passphrase":"Bevestig wachtwoordzin","Confirm password":"Bevestig wachtwoord","Confirmation required":"Bevestiging vereist","Connect":"Verbind","Connect now":"Verbind nu","Connecting to server …":"Verbinden met server ...","Connecting to task ....":"Verbinding maken met taak ...","Connecting...":"Verbinden...","Connection lost":"Verbinding verbroken","Connection worked!":"Verbinding werkt!","Container name":"Containernaam","Container region":"Container-regio","Continue":"Volgende","Continue without encryption":"Ga verder zonder versleuteling","Copied!":"Gekopieerd!","Copy":"Kopie","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Kopieer doel URL naar Klembord","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Kopiëren mislukt. Kopieer de URL handmatig","Core options":"Kern-opties","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Tellen ({{files}} bestanden gevonden, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Alleen crashes","Create bug report …":"Bug rapport maken ...","Create folder?":"Map aanmaken?","Created new limited user":"Nieuwe beperkte gebruiker aangemaakt","Creating bug report …":"Bug rapport maken ...","Creating new user with limited access …":"Nieuwe gebruiker met beperkte toegang aanmaken ...","Creating target folders …":"Doelmappen aanmaken ...","Creating temporary backup …":"Tijdelijke back-up aanmaken ...","Creating user...":"Gebruiker aanmaken ...","Current action:":"Huidige actie:","Current file:":"Huidig bestand:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Huidige versie is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Aangepaste S3 endpoint","Custom authentication url":"Aangepaste authenticatie url","Custom backup retention":"Aangepaste back-up retentie","Custom location ({{server}})":"Aangepaste locatie ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Aangepaste regio voor het aanmaken van buckets","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Aangepaste regio waarde ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Aangepaste server url ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Aangepaste opslagklasse ({{class}})","Database …":"Database ...","Days":"Dagen","Default":"Standaard","Default ({{channelname}})":"Standaard ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"Standaard uitsluitingen","Default options":"Standaard opties","Delete":"Verwijderen","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Verwijderen Subtaak (Oude Back-upversies)","Delete backup":"Verwijder back-up","Delete backups that are older than":"Verwijder back-ups die ouder zijn dan","Delete local database":"Verwijder lokale database","Delete remote files":"Verwijder remote bestanden","Delete the local database":"Verwijder de lokale database","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"{{filecount}} bestanden ({{filesize}}) van de remote opslag verwijderen?","Delete …":"Verwijderen ...","Deleted":"Verwijderd","Deleted Versions":"Verwijderde versies","Deleted files":"Verwijderde bestanden","Deleting remote files …":"Remote bestanden verwijderen ...","Deleting unwanted files …":"Ongewenste bestanden verwijderen ...","Description (optional)":"Omschrijving (optioneel)","Description:":"Omschrijving:","Desktop":"Desktop","Destination":"Doel","Destination path":"Doelpad","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Hebben we geholpen uw bestanden veilig te stellen? Overweeg in dat geval Duplicati te ondersteunen met een donatie. We raden {{smallamount}} aan voor persoonlijk gebruik en {{largeamount}} voor bedrijfsmatig gebruik.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Rechtstreeks herstellen vanuit back-up bestanden ...","Disabled":"Uitgeschakeld","Dismiss":"Afwijzen","Dismiss all":"Alles afwijzen","Display and color theme":"Weergave en kleurenschema","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Wilt u de back-up \"{{name}}\" echt verwijderen?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Wilt u de lokale database voor: {{name}} echt verwijderen?","Domain Name":"Domeinnaam","Donate":"Doneren","Donation messages":"Doneer-berichten","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Doneer-berichten zijn verborgen, klik om ze weer te geven","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Doneer-berichten zijn zichtbaar, klik om ze te verbergen","Done":"Klaar","Download":"Download","Downloaded files":"Gedownloade bestanden","Downloading files …":"Bestanden downloaden ...","Downloading update…":"Update downloaden ...","Downloading …":"Downloaden ...","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Dubbele optie {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati Website","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati forum","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati zal bij het starten worden uitgevoerd, maar zolang als opgegeven gepauzeerd blijven. Duplicati zal een minimale hoeveelheid systeembronnen gebruiken en er zullen geen back-ups gestart worden.","Duration":"Tijdsduur","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Iedere back-up heeft een lokale database waarmee het geassocieerd is, die informatie opslaat over de remote back-up op de lokale machine.\nBij het verwijderen van een back-up kan eveneens de lokale database verwijderd worden, zonder dat dit invloed heeft op de mogelijkheid van het terugzetten van de remote bestanden.\nAls de lokale database gebruikt wordt voor back-ups vanaf de opdrachtregel, moet de database behouden blijven.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Iedere back-up heeft een lokale database waarmee het geassocieerd is, die informatie opslaat over de remote back-up op de lokale machine.\nDit maakt het sneller bij het uitvoeren van veel bewerkingen, en reduceert de hoeveelheid gegevens die gedownload moeten worden voor iedere bewerking.","Edit as list":"Bewerk als lijst","Edit as text":"Bewerk als tekst","Edit …":"Bewerken ...","Encrypt file":"Versleutel bestand","Encryption":"Versleuteling","Encryption changed":"Versleuteling aangepast","Encryption modules:":"Versleutelingsmodules:","End":"Einde","Enter URL":"Geef URL in","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Geef handmatig een retentie-strategie op. Tijdelijke aanduidingen zijn D/W/Y voor dagen/weken/jaren en U voor onbeperkt. De syntaxis is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. Dit voorbeeld bewaart één back-up voor elk van de volgende 7 dagen, één voor elk van de volgende 4 weken, en één voor elk van de volgende 36 maanden. Dit kan eveneens worden geschreven als 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Geef toegangscode in","Enter account name":"Geef accountnaam in","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Geef eventueel back-up wachtwoordzin in","Enter configuration details":"Voer configuratie-details in","Enter container name":"Geef containernaam in","Enter encryption passphrase":"Geef een wachtwoordzin in voor versleuteling","Enter expression here":"Geef uitdrukking hier in","Enter folder path name":"Geef padnaam van de map in","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Geef één optie per regel in opdracht-prompt indeling, bijvoorbeeld {0}","Enter the destination path":"Geef het doelpad in","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Geef het e-mailadres van de Office 365 groep","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Geef het volledige doelpad, inclusief de servernaam, maar zonder https","Error":"Fout","Error!":"Fout!","Errors and crashes":"Fouten en crashes","Examined":"Onderzocht","Exclude":"Uitsluiten","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Sluit mappen uit waarvan de naam bevat:","Exclude expression":"Sluit uitdrukking uit","Exclude file":"Sluit bestand uit","Exclude file extension":"Sluit bestandsextensie uit","Exclude files whose names contain":"Sluit bestanden uit waarvan de naam bevat:","Exclude filter group":"Sluit filtergroep uit","Exclude folder":"Sluit map uit","Exclude regular expression":"Sluit reguliere expressie uit","Existing file found":"Bestaand bestand gevonden","Experimental":"Experimenteel","Export":"Exporteer","Export backup configuration":"Exporteer back-upconfiguratie","Export configuration":"Exporteer configuratie","Export passwords":"Exporteer wachtwoorden","Export …":"Exporteren ...","Exporting …":"Exporteren ...","External link":"Externe link","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Alternatief)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Opbouwen tijdelijke database mislukt: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Verbinden mislukt:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Verbinden mislukt: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Verwijderen mislukt:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Ophalen pad-informatie mislukt: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Back-up kon niet worden gevonden:","Failed to import:":"Importeren mislukt:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Standaard instellingen voor back-up inlezen mislukt:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Herstellen bestanden mislukt: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Opslaan mislukt:","Fetching path information …":"Ophalen pad-informatie ...","File":"Bestand","Files larger than:":"Bestanden groter dan:","Filters":"Filters","Finished!":"Klaar!","First run setup":"Instellen voor eerste gebruik","Folder":"Map","Folder path":"Map-pad","Fri":"Vrijdag","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS Project ID","General":"Algemeen","General backup settings":"Algemene back-upinstellingen","General options":"Algemene opties","Generate":"Genereer","Generate IAM access policy":"Genereer IAM toegangsbeleid","Getting file versions …":"Bestandsversies ophalen ...","Group email":"Groep e-mail","Hidden files":"Verborgen bestanden","Hide":"Verberg","Hide hidden folders":"Verberg verborgen bestanden","Home":"Start","Hostnames":"hostnamen","Hours":"Uur","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Hoe wilt u omgaan met bestaande bestanden?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V Machine","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V Machine:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V Machines","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Als een geplande taak werd overgeslagen, zal de taak zo snel mogelijk na het geplande tijdstip starten.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Als tenminste één nieuwere back-up is gevonden, zullen alle back-ups die ouder zijn dan deze datum worden verwijderd.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Als de back-up en de remote opslag niet gesynchroniseerd zijn, zal Duplicati vereisen dat u een repareer-bewerking uitvoert om de database te synchroniseren.\nAls het repareren niet succesvol was, kunt u de lokale database verwijderen en opnieuw samenstellen.","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Als het back-upbestand niet automatisch is gedownload, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">klik met rechts en kies &quot;Opslaan als ...&quot;</a>","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Als het back-upbestand niet automatisch is gedownload, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">klik met rechts en kies &quot;Opslaan als ...&quot;</a>","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Als u geen pad ingeeft, zullen alle bestanden opgeslagen worden in de login map.\nWeet u zeker dat dit is wat u wilt?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Als u geen API sleutel ingeeft, is een tenant naam vereist","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Als u de back-up later wilt gebruiken, kunt u de configuratie exporteren alvorens hem te verwijderen","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Als uw machine zich in een multi-user omgeving bevindt (bijvoorbeeld als op de machine met meer dan één account kan worden aangemeld), moet een wachtwoord worden ingesteld om te voorkomen dat andere gebruikers togang kunnen krijgen tot gegevens behorend bij uw account.\nWilt u nu een wachtwoord instellen?","Import":"Importeer","Import Destination URL":"Importeer Doel URL","Import backup configuration":"Importeer back-upconfiguratie","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Importeren voltooid, maar na het importeren zijn geen certificaten gevonden","Import failed":"Importeren mislukt","Import from a file":"Importeer vanuit een bestand","Import metadata":"Importeer metadata","Importing …":"Importeren ...","Include a file?":"Een bestand opnemen?","Include expression":"Uitdrukking opnemen","Include regular expression":"Reguliere expressie opnemen","Incorrect answer, try again":"Incorrect antwoord, probeer opnieuw","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Individuele builds alleen voor ontwikkelaars. Niet voor gebruik met belangrijke gegevens.","Information":"Informatie","Install":"Installeren","Install failed:":"Installeren mislukt","Invalid characters in path":"Ongeldige tekens in pad","Invalid retention time":"Ongeldige retentietijd","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Het is mogelijk te verbinden met sommige FTP servers zonder een wachtwoord.\nWeet u zeker dat uw FTP server aanmelden zonder wachtwoord ondersteunt?","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Behoud een specifiek aantal back-ups","Keep all backups":"Behoud alle back-ups","Keystone API version":"Keystone API versie","Language in user interface":"Taal in gebruikersomgeving","Last month":"Vorige maand","Last successful backup:":"Laatste succesvolle back-up:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Laatste succesvolle hersteloperatie: {{time}} (duurde {{duration || '0 seconden'}})","Latest":"Laatste","Libraries":"Bibliotheken","Listing backup dates …":"Back-updatums weergeven ...","Listing remote files for purge …":"Remote bestanden tonen voor wissen ...","Listing remote files …":"Remote bestanden weergeven ...","Live":"Live","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Laad een configuratie vanuit een geëxporteerde taak of een opslagprovider","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Laad doel vanuit een geëxporteerde taak of een opslagprovider","Load older data":"Laad oudere gegevens","Loading ...":"Laden ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Laden van remote opslaggebruik ...","Loading …":"Laden ...","Local Repository":"Lokale Opslagplaats","Local database for":"Lokale database voor","Local database path:":"Lokaal database-pad:","Local repository":"Lokale opslagplaats","Local storage":"Lokale opslag","Location":"Locatie","Location where buckets are created":"Locatie waar buckets gemaakt worden","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Log gegevens voor <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Log gegevens van de server","Log out":"Uitloggen","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"Onderhoud","Manually type path":"Voer pad handmatig in","Max download speed":"Max downloadsnelheid","Max upload speed":"Max Uploadsnelheid","Menu":"Menu","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL Database","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL Databases","Minimum redundancy":"Minimale redundantie","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Minimale redundantie is 1.0","Minutes":"Minuten","Missing name":"Ontbrekende naam","Missing passphrase":"Ontbrekende wachtwoordzin","Missing sources":"Ontbrekende bronnen","Modified":"Gewijzigd","Mon":"Maandag","Months":"Maanden","Move existing database":"Verplaats bestaande database","Move failed:":"Verplaatsen mislukt:","My Documents":"Mijn Documenten","My Music":"Mijn Muziek","My Photos":"Mijn Foto's","My Pictures":"Mijn Afbeeldingen","Name":"Naam","Never":"Nooit","New update found: {{message}}":"Nieuwe update gevonden: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Nieuwe gebruikersnaam is {{user}}.\nGebruikersreferenties bijgewerkt om de nieuwe beperkte gebruiker te gebruiken","Next":"Volgende","Next scheduled run:":"Volgende geplande uitvoering:","Next scheduled task:":"Volgende geplande taak:","Next task:":"Volgende taak:","Next time":"Volgende keer","No":"Nee","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Er is eerder geen certificaat opgegeven, controleer svp met de serverbeheerder of de sleutel correct is: {{key}}\n\nWilt u de gerapporteerde host-sleutel goedkeuren?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Geen bewerkingsprogramma gevonden voor het &quot;{{backend}}&quot; opslagtype","No encryption":"Geen versleuteling","No items selected":"Geen items geselecteerd","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Geen items om te herstellen, selecteer één of meer items","No passphrase entered":"Geen wachtwoordzin ingegeven","No scheduled tasks":"Geen geplande taken","No, my machine has only a single account":"Nee, mijn machine heeft slechts een enkele account","Non-matching passphrase":"Niet-bijbehorende wachtwoordzin","None / disabled":"Geen / uitgeschakeld","Not using encryption":"Zonder versleuteling","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Er zal niets verwijderd worden. De back-upgrootte zal toenemen met iedere verandering.","OK":"OK","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Zodra er meer back-ups zijn dan het opgegeven aantal, zullen de oudste back-ups worden verwijderd.","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Opened":"Geopend","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"Openstack API Sleutels worden niet ondersteund in v3 keystone API.","Operating System":"Besturingssysteem","Operation":"Bewerking","Operation failed:":"Bewerking mislukt:","Operations:":"Bewerkingen:","Optional authentication password":"Optioneel authenticatie wachtwoord","Optional authentication username":"Optionele authenticatie gebruikersnaam","Options":"Opties","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Opties die hier worden toegevoegd, worden toegepast op alle back-ups, maar kunnen worden overschreven in iedere afzonderlijke back-up","Original location":"Originele locatie","Others":"Anderen","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Na verloop van tijd zullen back-ups automatisch verwijderd worden. Er zal één back-up overblijven voor elk van de laatste 7 dagen, voor elk van de laatste 4 weken, en voor elk van de laatste 12 maanden. Er zal altijd tenminste één back-up overblijven.","Overwrite":"Overschrijven","Passphrase":"Wachtwoordzin","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Wachtwoordzin (indien versleuteld)","Passphrase changed":"Wachtwoordzin veranderd","Passphrases are not matching":"Wachtwoordzinnen komen niet overeen","Passphrases do not match":"Wachtwoordzinnen komen niet overeen","Password":"Wachtwoord","Patching files with local blocks …":"Bestanden bijwerken met lokale blokken ...","Path":"Pad","Path not found":"Pad niet gevonden","Path on server":"Pad op server","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Pad of submap in de bucket","Pause":"Pauze","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pauzeer na opstarten of slaapmodus","Pause options":"Pauzeer-opties","Permissions":"Permissies","Pick location":"Kies locatie","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Verwijs naar de back-up bestanden en herstel  daar vandaan","Port":"Poort","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Voorkom automatisch inloggen door systeemvak-pictogram","Previous":"Vorige","Progress:":"Voortgang:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ProjectID is optioneel als de bucket bestaat","Proprietary":"Fabrikantgebonden","Purge Phase":"Uitwissen Subtaak","Purging files complete!":"Wissen van bestanden compleet!","Purging files …":"Bestanden wissen ...","Rebuilding local database …":"Opnieuw opbouwen van lokale database ...","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Opnieuw aanmaken (verwijderen en repareren)","Recreate Database Phase":"Opnieuw aanmaken Database Subtaak","Recreating database …":"Opnieuw aanmaken van de database ...","Registering temporary backup …":"Registreren tijdelijke back-up ...","Relative paths not allowed":"Relatieve paden zijn  niet toegestaan","Reload":"Andere code","Remote":"Remote","Remote Path":"Remote Pad","Remote Repository":"Remote Opslagplaats","Remote path":"Remote pad","Remote repository":"Remote opslagplaats","Remote volume size":"Remote volume grootte","Remove":"Verwijderen","Remove option":"Verwijder optie","Removed files":"Verwijderde bestanden","Repair":"Repareren","Repair Phase":"Repareren Subtaak","Repairing database …":"Database repareren ...","Repeat Passphrase":"Herhaal wachtwoordzin","Reporting:":"Rapportage:","Reset":"Reset","Restore":"Herstellen","Restore complete!":"Herstellen compleet!","Restore files":"Herstel bestanden","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Herstel bestanden vanuit {{backupname}}","Restore files …":"Bestanden herstellen ...","Restore from":"Herstellen vanaf","Restore from backup configuration":"Herstel vanuit back-up configuratie","Restore from configuration ...":"Herstel vanuit configuratie...","Restore options":"Herstelopties","Restore read/write permissions":"Herstel lees/schrijfpermissies","Restored Files":"Herstelde Bestanden","Restored Folders":"Herstelde Mappen","Restored Symlinks":"Herstelde Symbolische Links","Restoring files …":"Bestanden worden hersteld ...","Resume":"Hervat","Rewritten File Lists":"Herschreven bestandslijsten","Run again every":"Voer opnieuw uit iedere","Run now":"Nu uitvoeren","Running ....":"Uitvoeren ...","Running commandline entry":"Opdrachtregelinvoer in uitvoering","Running task:":"Taak in uitvoering:","Running …":"In uitvoering ...","S3 Compatible":"S3 Compatible","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Zelfde als de basis installatie versie: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Zaterdag","Save":"Opslaan","Save and repair":"Opslaan en repareren","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Sla verschillende versies op met tijdstempel in de bestandsnaam","Save immediately":"Onmiddellijk opslaan","Scanning existing files …":"Scannen bestaande bestanden ...","Scanning for local blocks …":"Scannen op lokale blokken ...","Schedule":"Planning","Search":"Zoek","Search for files":"Zoek bestanden","Seconds":"Seconden","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Selecteer een logniveau en bekijk meldingen zodra ze zich voordoen:","Select files":"Selecteer bestanden","Server":"Server","Server and port":"Server en poort","Server hostname or IP":"Server hostnaam of IP","Server is currently paused,":"Server is momenteel gepauzeerd,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Server is momenteel gepauzeerd, wilt u nu hervatten?","Server password":"Server wachtwoord","Server paused":"Server gepauzeerd","Server state properties":"Server status eigenschappen","Settings":"Instellingen","Show":"Tonen","Show advanced editor":"Toon geavanceerde editor","Show hidden folders":"Toon verborgen mappen","Show log":"Log weergeven","Show log …":"Log weergeven ...","Show treeview":"Toon boomstructuur","Sia server password":"Sia server wachtwoord","Smart backup retention":"Slimme back-up retentie","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Sommige OpenStack providers staan een API key toe in plaats van een wachtwoord en tenant naam","Source Data":"Bron","Source Files":"Bronbestanden","Source data":"Brongegevens","Source folders":"Bronmappen","Source:":"Bron:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Specifieke builds alleen voor ontwikkelaars. Niet voor gebruik met belangrijke gegevens.","Standard protocols":"Standaard protocollen","Start":"Start","Starting backup …":"Back-up wordt gestart ...","Starting restore …":"Herstellen wordt gestart ...","Starting the restore process …":"Starten van het herstelproces ...","Stop after current file":"Stop na het huidige bestand","Stop after the current file":"Stop na het huidige bestand","Stop now":"Nu stoppen","Stop running backup":"Stop de back-up in uitvoering","Stop running task":"Stop de taak in uitvoering","Stopping after the current file:":"Stoppen na het huidige bestand:","Stopping task:":"Taak wordt gestopt:","Storage Type":"Opslagtype","Storage class":"Opslagklasse","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Opslagklasse voor het aanmaken van een bucket","Stored":"Opgeslagen","Strong":"Sterk","Success":"Succes","Sun":"Zondag","Symbolic link":"Symbolische link","System Files":"Systeembestanden","System default ({{levelname}})":"Systeem standaard ({{levelname}})","System files":"Systeembestanden","System info":"Systeeminformatie","System properties":"Systeemeigenschappen","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Doelpad, bijvoorbeeld /backup","Task is running":"Taak is in uitvoering","Temporary Files":"Tijdelijke bestanden","Temporary files":"Tijdelijke bestanden","Tenant Name":"Tenant naam","Test Phase":"Testen Subtaak","Test connection":"Test verbinding","Testing ...":"Testen ...","Testing connection ...":"Testen van de verbinding ...","Testing permissions …":"Testen van de permissies ...","Testing permissions...":"Testen van de permissies ...","Testing …":"Testen ...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"Het '{{fieldname}}' veld bevat een ongeldig teken: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"De back-up ontbreekt, is deze verwijderd?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"De back-up was tijdelijk en bestaat niet meer, waardoor de log-gegevens verloren zijn gegaan","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"De bucket-naam hoort in kleine letters te zijn, automatisch converteren?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"De bucket naam hoort te beginnen met uw gebruikersnaam, automatisch voorvoegen?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"De configuratie moet op een veilige plaats bewaard worden. Weet u zeker dat u een onversleuteld bestand wilt opslaan dat uw wachtwoorden bevat?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"De verbinding met de server is verbroken, opnieuw proberen over {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Het donkere thema (door Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Het standaard blauw op wit thema (door Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"De map {{folder}} bestaat niet.\nNu aanmaken?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"De host sleutel is veranderd, controleer met uw server beheerder of dit correct is, in het andere geval zou u het slachtoffer kunnen zijn van een MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE aanval.\n\nWilt u de HUIDIGE host sleutel \"{prev}\" VERVANGEN door de GERAPPORTEERDE host sleutel: {{key}}?","The passwords do not match":"De wachtwoorden komen niet overeen","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Het pad lijkt niet te bestaan, wilt u het desondanks toevoegen?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Het pad eindigt niet met een '{{dirsep}}' teken, wat betekent dat u een bestand opneemt, niet een map.\n\nWilt u het aangegeven bestand opnemen?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Het pad moet een absoluut pad zijn, bijvoorbeeld het moet beginnen met een forward slash '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Het pad moet beginnen met \"{{prefix1}}\" of \"{{prefix2}}\", anders zullen bestanden in de HubiC web interface niet zichtbaar zijn.","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"De regio parameter wordt alleen toegepast bij het aanmaken van een bucket","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"De regio parameter wordt alleen gebruikt bij het aanmaken van een bucket","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Het servercertificaat kon niet gevalideerd worden.\nWilt u het certificaat goedkeuren met deze hash: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"De opslagklasse beïnvloedt de beschikbaarheid en prijs van een opgeslagen bestand","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"De doelmap bevat versleutelde bestanden, geef alstublieft de wachtwoordzin","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"De gebruiker heeft teveel permmissies. Wilt u een nieuwe beperkte gebruiker aanmaken, met enkel permissies tot het aangegeven pad?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"De back-up werd aangemaakt op een ander besturingssysteem. Bestanden terugzetten zonder een doelmap op te geven kan tot gevolg hebben dat bestanden worden teruggezet naar onverwachte plaatsen. Bent u er zeker van dat u wilt doorgaan zonder een doelmap te kiezen?","This month":"Afgelopen maand","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Deze optie heeft geen betrekking op de maximale back-up of bestandsgrootte. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">Zie deze pagina voordat u de remote volumegrootte verandert.</external-link>","This week":"Afgelopen week","Throttle settings":"Bandbreedte-instellingen","Thu":"Donderdag","Time":"Tijd","To File":"Naar Bestand","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Om te bevestigen dat u alle remote bestanden wilt verwijderen voor \"{{name}}\", geef svp het woord in dat u hieronder ziet","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Om te exporteren zonder een wachtwoordzin, deselecteer het \"Versleutel bestand\" vakje","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"Om verschillende op DNS gebaseerde aanvallen te voorkomen, beperkt Duplicati de toegestane hostnamen tot de hier genoemde. Directe IP-toegang en localhost zijn altijd toegestaan. Meerdere hostnamen kunnen worden opgegeven met een puntkomma als scheidingsteken. Als één van de toegestane hostnamen een asterisk (*) is, zijn alle hostnamen toegestaan en is deze functie uitgeschakeld. Als het veld leeg is, is toegang alleen toegestaan via het IP adres en localhost.","Today":"Vandaag","Trust host certificate?":"Vertrouw host certificaat?","Trust server certificate?":"Vertrouw server certificaat?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Probeer de nieuwste functies waar we aan werken. Momenteel de meest stabiele beschikbare versie. Test Herstellen van bestanden alvorens te gebruiken in productie-omgevingen.","Tue":"Dinsdag","Type passphrase here.":"Type hier de wachtwoordzin.","Type to highlight files":"Typ om bestanden uit te lichten","Unknown backup size and versions":"Onbekende back-up grootte en versies","Until resumed":"Tot hervatting","Update channel":"Updatekanaal","Update failed:":"Update mislukt:","Updating with existing database":"Updaten met bestaande database","Uploaded files":"Geüploade bestanden","Uploading verification file …":"Uploaden controlebestand ...","Usage reports help us improve the user experience and evaluate impact of new features. We use them to generate <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'public usage statistics' | translate}}</external-link>":"Gebruiksrapporten helpen ons de gebruikerservaring te verbeteren en de impact van nieuwe mogelijkheden te evalueren. We gebruiken ze om <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">openbare gebruikstatistieken</external-link> te genereren.","Usage statistics":"Gebruikstatistieken","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Gebruikstatistieken, waarschuwingen, fouten en crashes","Use SSL":"Gebruik SSL","Use existing database?":"Gebruik bestaande database?","Use weak passphrase":"Gebruik zwakke wachtwoordzin","Useless":"Waardeloos","User data":"Gebruikersgegevens","User domain name":"Gebruikers domeinnaam","User has too many permissions":"Gebruiker heeft teveel permissies","User interface settings":"Gebruikersomgeving-instellingen","Username":"Gebruikersnaam","Vacuuming database …":"Database opschonen ...","Validating …":"Valideren ...","Verifications":"Controles","Verify files":"Bestanden controleren","Verifying ...":"Controleren ...","Verifying answer":"Antwoord controleren","Verifying backend data …":"Controleren van backend gegevens ...","Verifying files …":"Controleren bestanden ...","Verifying remote data …":"Controleren remote gegevens ...","Verifying restored files …":"Controleren herstelde bestanden ...","Verifying …":"Controleren ...","Version ID":"Versie ID","Very strong":"Erg sterk","Very weak":"Erg zwak","Visit us on":"Bezoek ons op","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"WAARSCHUWING: De remote database blijkt in gebruik te zijn door de opdrachtregel bibliotheek","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"WAARSCHUWING: Dit zal het onmogelijk maken om in de toekomst bestanden te herstellen.","Waiting for task to begin":"Wachten op het starten van de taak","Waiting for task to start ....":"Wachten op het starten van de taak ...","Waiting for upload to finish …":"Wachten op voltooien van upload ...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Waarschuwingen, fouten en crashes","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"We accepteren donaties via verschillende services, zoals OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource en diverse crypto-valuta.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"We raden aan dat u alle back-ups die buiten uw systeem worden opgeslagen versleutelt","Weak":"Zwak","Weak passphrase":"Zwakke wachtwoordzin","Wed":"Woensdag","Weeks":"Weken","Where do you want to restore from?":"Waar vandaan wilt u herstellen?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Waarheen wilt u de bestanden herstellen?","Years":"Jaren","Yes":"Ja","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Ja, ik heb de wachtwoordzin op een veilige plaats opgeborgen","Yes, I understand the risk":"Ja, ik begrijp het risico","Yes, I'm brave!":"Ja, ik ben dapper!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Ja, help mijn back-up om zeep!","Yesterday":"Gisteren","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Het lijkt er op dat u Mono gebruikt zonder dat SSL certificaten geladen zijn.\nWilt u de lijst met vertrouwde certificaten importeren van Mozilla?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"U verandert het database pad weg van een bestaande database.\nWeet u zeker dat dit is wat u wilt?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"U werkt momenteel met {{appname}} {{version}}","You can stop the backup after any file uploads currently in progress have finished.":"De back-up kan worden gestopt nadat de upload van alle bestanden die momenteel in behandeling zijn, is voltooid.","You can stop the task immediately, or allow the process to continue its current file and then stop.":"De taak kan onmiddellijk worden gestopt, of het proces toestaan om door te gaan met het huidige bestand en dan stoppen.","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"U hebt de versleutelingsmodus veranderd. Dit kan dingen kapotmaken. U wordt daarom aangemoedigd een nieuwe back-up aan te maken","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"U hebt de wachtwoordzin aangepast, wat niet wordt ondersteund. U wordt daarom aangemoedigd een nieuwe back-up aan te maken.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"U hebt ervoor gekozen de back-up niet te versleutelen. Encryptie is aanbevolen voor alle gegevens die worden opgeslagen op een remote server.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"U koos voor terugzetten naar een nieuwe locatie, maar hebt geen locatie opgegeven","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"U hebt een sterke wachtwoordzin gegenereerd. Verzeker u ervan dat u een veilige kopie heeft van de wachtwoordzin, omdat de gegevens niet hersteld kunnen worden als u de wachtwoordzin verliest.","You must choose at least one source folder":"U moet tenminste één bronmap kiezen","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Een domeinnaam moet worden opgegeven om v3 API te gebruiken","You must enter a name for the backup":"U moet een naam ingeven voor de back-up","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"U moet een wachtwoordzin ingeven of versleuteling uitschakelen","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Een wachtwoord moet worden opgegeven om v3 API te gebruiken","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"U moet een positief getal opgeven voor de hoeveelheid te bewaren back-ups","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Een tenant (ofwel project) naam moet worden opgegeven om v3 API te gebruiken ","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"U moet een tenant naam ingeven als u de API sleutel niet verstrekt","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"U moet een geldige tijdsduur ingeven voor de tijd dat back-ups bewaard moeten worden","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Er moet een geldige tekenreeks voor retentiebeleid worden opgegeven","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"U moet òf een wachtwoord, òf een API sleutel ingeven","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"U moet òf een wachtwoord, òf een API sleutel ingeven, niet beide","You must fill in the password":"U moet het wachtwoord invullen","You must fill in the server name or address":"U moet de servernaam of -adres invullen","You must fill in the username":"U moet de gebruikersnaam invullen","You must fill in {{field}}":"U moet {{field}} invullen","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"U moet de AuthURI selecteren of invullen","You must select or fill in the server":"U moet de server selecteren of invullen","You must specify a path":"U moet een pad opgeven","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"U zou in moeten vullen {{field}}{{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Uw bestanden en mappen zijn succesvol hersteld","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Uw wachtwoordzin is eenvoudig te raden. Overweeg de wachtwoordzin te veranderen.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"bucket/map/submap","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"aangepast","public usage statistics":"openbare gebruikstatistieken","resume now":"nu hervatten","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"tenzij u expliciet --group-id opgeeft","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} werd in eerste instantie ontwikkeld door <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> en <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} kan gedownload worden van <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is gelicenseerd onder de <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} bestanden ({{size}}) te gaan {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versie","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versies"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} Uur","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} Uur","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} Minuten","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (duurde {{duration}})","…loading…":"...laden..."});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('pl', {"- pick an option -":"- wybierz opcję -","...loading...":"...ładowanie...","API Key":"Klucz API","AWS Access ID":"Identyfikator dostępu AWS","AWS Access Key":"Klucz dostepu AWS","AWS IAM Policy":"Polityka AWS IAM","About":"O programie","About {{appname}}":"O programie {{appname}}","Access Key":"Klucz dostępu","Access denied":"Dostęp zabroniony","Access to user interface":"Dostęp do interface użytkownika","Account name":"Nazwa konta","Activate":"Aktywuj","Activate failed:":"Niepowodzenie aktywacji:","Add a new backup":"Dodaj nową kopię","Add a path directly":"Dodaj ścieżkę bezpośrednio","Add advanced option":"Dodaj opcję zaawansowaną","Add backup":"Dodaj kopię","Add filter":"Dodaj filtr","Add path":"Dodaj ścieżkę","Added":"Dodano","Adjust bucket name?":"Poprawić nazwę zasobnika?","Adjust path name?":"Poprawić nazwę ścieżki?","Advanced Options":"Opcje Zaawansowane","Advanced options":"Opcje zaawansowane","Advanced:":"Zaawansowane:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Wszystkie Maszyny Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Wszystkie Bazy Danych Microsoft SQL","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Wszystkie raporty użycia są wysyłane anonimowo i nie zawierają żadnych danych osobistych. Raporty zawierają informacje o sprzęcie i systemie operacyjnym, rodzaju kopii zapasowej, czasie trwania, ogólnej ilości danych źródłowych i tym podobne. Raporty nie zawierają ścieżek, nazw plików, nazw użytkowników, haseł i tym podobnych danych wrażliwych.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Zezwalaj na dostęp zdalny (wymaga restartu)","Allowed days":"Dozwolone dni","An existing file was found at the new location":"Znaleziono istniejący plik w nowym położeniu","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Istniejący plik został znaleziony w nowej lokalizacji\nCzy na pewno chcesz skierować bazę danych do istniejącego pliku?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Znaleziono istniejącą, lokalną bazę danych dla magazynu.\nPonowne użycie tej bazy pozwoli pracować instancji wiersza poleceń oraz serwerowej z tym samym zdalnym magazynem.\n\nCzy chcesz użyć istniejącej bazy danych?","Anonymous usage reports":"Anonimowy raport użycia","Applications":"Aplikacje","As Command-line":"Jako Linia poleceń","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Hasło uwierzytenienia","Authentication username":"Nazwa uwierzytelnienia","Autogenerated passphrase":"Automatycznie wygenerowane długie hasło","Automatically run backups.":"Automatycznie uruchamiaj kopie.","B2 Application Key":"Klucz Aplikacji B2","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Account ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cloud Storage Application Key","Back":"Wstecz","Backend modules:":"Moduły zaplecza:","Backup complete!":"Backup zakończony!","Backup destination":"Miejsce docelowe kopii","Backup location":"Lokalizacja kopii","Backup retention":"Retencja kopii zapasowej","Backup:":"Kopia:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Przerwany dostęp","Browse":"Przeglądaj","Browser default":"Domyślna przeglądarka","Bucket Name":"Nazwa Zasobnika","Bucket create location":"Miejsce tworzenia zasobnika","Bucket create region":"Region tworzenia zasobnika","Bucket name":"Nazwa zasobnika","Bucket storage class":"Klasa przechowywania zasobnika","Busy ...":"Zajęty ...","Cache Files":"Pliki pamięci podręcznej","Canary":"Robocze","Cancel":"Anuluj","Cannot move to existing file":"Nie można przenieść do istniejącego plku","Changelog":"Lista zmian","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Lista zmian dla {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Sprawdzenie nieudane:","Check for updates now":"Sprawdź uaktualnienia ","Checking ...":"Sprawdzanie...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Wybierz typ magazynu by rozpocząć","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Kliknij link AuthID by utworzyć AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Kliknij, aby ustawić limity prędkości","Compact now":"Kompaktuj teraz","Compacting remote data ...":"Kompaktowanie zdalnych danych","Compression modules:":"Moduły kompresji:","Computer":"Komputer","Configuration file:":"Plik konfiguracyjny:","Configuration:":"Konfiguracja:","Configure a new backup":"Skonfiguruj nową kopię","Confirm delete":"Potwierdź usunięcie","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Potwierdź hasło szyfrowania","Confirm password":"Potwierdź hasło","Confirmation required":"Potwierdzenie wymagane","Connect":"Połącz","Connect now":"Połącz teraz","Connecting to task ....":"Łączenie z zadaniem ...","Connecting...":"Łączenie ...","Connection lost":"Utracono połączenie","Connection worked!":"Połączenie działa!","Container name":"Nazwa zasobnika","Container region":"Region zasobnika","Continue":"Kontynuuj","Continue without encryption":"Kontynuuj bez szyfrowania","Copied!":"Skopiowane!","Copy":"Kopiuj","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Kopiuj Docelowy URL do Schowka","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Niepowodzenie kopiowania. Proszę skopiować URL ręcznie","Core options":"Opcje podstawowe","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Liczenie ({{files}} znaleziono plików, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Tylko awarie","Create folder?":"Utworzyć folder","Created new limited user":"Utwórz nowego użytkownika z ograniczeniami","Creating user...":"Tworzenie użytkownika ...","Current file:":"Aktualny plik:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Bieżąca wersja to {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Niestandardowy węzeł końcowy S3","Custom authentication url":"Niestandardowy URL uwierzytelniania","Custom location ({{server}})":"Niestandardowa lokalizacja ({{serwer}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Niestandardowy region do tworzenia zasobników","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Niestandardowa wartość regionu ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Niestandardowy adres url serwera ({{serwer}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Niestandardowa klasa magazynu ({{Klasa}})","Days":"Dni","Default":"Domyślny","Default ({{channelname}})":"Domyślny ({{channelname}})","Default options":"Opcje domyślne","Delete":"Usuń","Delete backup":"Usuń kopię","Delete backups that are older than":"Usuń kopie zapasowe starsze niż","Delete local database":"Usuń lokalną bazę danych","Delete remote files":"Usuń zdalne pliki","Delete the local database":"Usuń lokalną bazę danych","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Usunąć {{filecount}} plików ({{filesize}}) ze zdalnego magazynu?","Deleted":"Usunięte","Deleted Versions":"Usunięte wersje","Deleted files":"Usunięte pliki","Description (optional)":"Opis (opcjonalnie)","Description:":"Opis:","Desktop":"Pulpit","Destination":"Lokalizacja docelowa","Destination path":"Ścieżka docelowa","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Czy pomogliśmy zabezpieczyć Twoje pliki? Jeśli tal, to rozważ proszę wsparcie programu Duplicati dotacją w wysokości {{smallamount}} dla użytku prywatnego i {{largeamount}} - dla użytku firmowego.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Odtwórz bezpośrednio z plików kopii ...","Disabled":"Wyłączone","Dismiss":"Odrzuć","Dismiss all":"Odrzucić wszystkie","Display and color theme":"Schemat ekranu i kolorystyki","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Naprawdę chcesz usunąć kopię: \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Czy naprawdę chcesz usunąć lokalna bazę danych: {{name}}","Donate":"Wesprzyj","Donation messages":"Komunikaty o wsparcie","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Komunikaty o wsparcie są ukryte, kliknij by przywrócić","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Komunikaty o wsparcie są widoczne kliknij by ukryć","Done":"Wykonane","Download":"Pobranie","Downloaded files":"Pobrane pliki","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Powielenie opcji {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Strona Duplicati","Duplicati forum":"Forum Duplicati","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplikati będzie działać po uruchomieniu, ale pozostanie w stanie wstrzymania na wskazany czas. Duplikati będzie używać minimalne zasoby systemowe i nie będą wykonywane żadne kopie zapasowe.","Duration":"Czas trwania","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Każdy skonfigurowany backup posiada powiązaną z nim lokalną bazę danych, w której przechowuje na komputerze lokalnym informacje o zdalnej kopii zapasowej.\rKiedy konfiguracja backup'u jest usuwana, można również usunąć lokalną bazę danych bez wpływu na możliwość odtworzenia plików zdalnych.\rJeśli używasz lokalnej bazy danych do kopii zapasowych z wiersza poleceń, należy zachować bazę danych.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Każda kopia zapasowa ma powiązaną z nią lokalną bazę danych, w której na lokalnym komputerze przechowywane są informacje o zdalnej kopii zapasowej. \\nTo sprawia, że można szybciej wykonywać wiele operacji i zmniejsza ilość danych, które muszą być pobrane dla każdej operacji.","Edit as list":"Edytuj jako listę","Edit as text":"Edytuj jako tekst","Encrypt file":"Zaszyfruj plik","Encryption":"Szyfrowanie","Encryption changed":"Szyfrowanie zmienione","Encryption modules:":"Moduły szyfrujące:","End":"Koniec","Enter URL":"Podaj URL","Enter access key":"Podaj klucz dostępu","Enter account name":"Podaj nazwę konta","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Podaj długie hasło, jeśli jest","Enter configuration details":"Wprowadź szczegóły konfiguracji","Enter container name":"Podaj nazwę zasobnika","Enter encryption passphrase":"Podaj długie hasło szyfrowania","Enter expression here":"Tutaj wprowadź wyrażenie","Enter folder path name":"Wprowadź nazwę ścieżki dostępu","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Wprowadź po jednej opcji w wierszu w formacie wiersza poleceń, np. \n{0}","Enter the destination path":"Wprowadź ścieżkę docelową","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Wprowadź adres e-mail grupy Office 365","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Wprowadź pełną ścieżkę docelową, w tym nazwę serwera, ale bez https","Error":"Błąd","Error!":"Błąd!","Errors and crashes":"Błędy i awarie","Exclude":"Wyłącz","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Wyłącz katalogi z nazwą zawierającą","Exclude expression":"Wyłącz wyrażenie","Exclude file":"Wyłącz plik","Exclude file extension":"Wyłącz rozszerzenie pliku","Exclude files whose names contain":"Wyłącz pliki z nazwą zawierającą","Exclude folder":"Wyłącz folder","Exclude regular expression":"Wyłącz wyrażenie regularne","Existing file found":"Znaleziono istniejący plik","Experimental":"Eksperymentalne","Export":"Eksport","Export backup configuration":"Eksportuj konfigurację kopii","Export configuration":"Eksportuj konfigurację","Export passwords":"Eksportuj hasła","External link":"Link zewnętrzny","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Alternatywny)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Nie udało się utworzyć tymczasowej bazy danych: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Nie udało się połączyć:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Nie udało się połączyć: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Nie udało się usunąć:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Nie udało się pobrać informacji o ścieżce: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Nie udało się znaleźć kopii zapasowej:","Failed to import:":"Nie udało się zaimportować:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Nie udało się odczytać domyślnych danych kopii:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Nie udało się odtworzyć plików: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Nie udało się zapisać:","File":"Plik","Files larger than:":"Pliki większe niż:","Filters":"Filtry","Finished!":"Zakończono!","First run setup":"Konfiguracja początkowa","Folder":"Katalog","Folder path":"Ścieżka katalogu","Fri":"Pt","GByte":"GBajt","GByte/s":"GBajt/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS Project ID","General":"Ogólne","General backup settings":"Ogólne ustawienia kopii","General options":"Opcje ogólne","Generate":"Generuj","Generate IAM access policy":"Wygeneruj politykę dostępu IAM","Hidden files":"Ukryte pliki","Hide":"Ukryj","Hide hidden folders":"Ukryj ukryte foldery","Home":"Domowa","Hours":"Godziny","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Jak chcesz potraktować istniejące pliki?","Hyper-V Machine":"Maszyna Hyper-V","Hyper-V Machine:":"Maszyna Hyper-V:","Hyper-V Machines":"Maszyny Hyper-V","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Jeśli brak daty, zadanie zostanie uruchomione najwcześniej gdy to możliwe.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Jeśli kopia zapasowa i zdalny magazyn nie są zsynchronizowane, Duplicati będzie wymagać wykonania operacji naprawy aby zsynchronizować bazy danych. \\nJeśli naprawa się nie powiedzie, można usunąć lokalną bazę danych i ją ponownie wygenerować.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Jeśli ścieżka nie zostanie wprowadzona, to wszystkie pliki będą przechowywane w katalogu logowania. Czy na pewno tak właśnie ma być?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Jeśli nie podasz Klucza API, nawa dzierżawcy jest wymagana","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Jeśli chcesz użyć kopii później, możesz wyeksportować konfigurację przed jej usunięciem","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Jeśli twoje urządzenie działa w środowisku wielodostępowym (np. w komputerze jest więcej niż jedno konto), musisz ustawić hasło, aby uniemożliwić innym użytkownikom dostęp do danych na swoim koncie.\nCzy chcesz teraz ustawić hasło?","Import":"Import","Import Destination URL":"Import Docelowego URL","Import backup configuration":"Importuj konfigurację kopii","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Import zakończony, ale nie znaleziono certyfikatów po imporcie","Import failed":"Nie udało się zaimportować","Import from a file":"Zaimportuj z pliku","Import metadata":"Importuj metadane","Include a file?":"Dołaczyć plik?","Include expression":"Dołącz wyrażenie","Include regular expression":"Dołącz wyrażenie regularne","Incorrect answer, try again":"Nieprawidłowa odpowiedź, spróbuj ponownie","Information":"Informacja","Install":"Instalacja","Install failed:":"Nie udało się zainstalować:","Invalid characters in path":"Nieprawidłowe znaki w ścieżce","Invalid retention time":"Nieprawidłowy czas przechowywania","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Do niektórych serwerów FTP można łączyć się bez hasła.\nCzy na pewno Twój serwer FTP obsługuje logowanie bez hasła?","KByte":"KBajty","KByte/s":"KBajty/s","Language in user interface":"Język w interfejsie użytkownika","Last month":"Ostatni miesiąc","Last successful backup:":"Ostatnia prawidłowa kopia zapasowa:","Latest":"Ostatni","Libraries":"Biblioteki","Live":"Aktywne","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Wczytaj konfigurację z wyeksportowanego zadania lub magazynu","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Wczytaj miejsce docelowe z wyeksportowanego zadania lub magazynu","Load older data":"Załaduj starsze dane","Loading ...":"Ładowanie ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Ładowanie użycia magazynu zdalnego ...","Local database for":"Lokalna baza danych dla","Local database path:":"Ścieżka lokalnej bazy danych:","Local storage":"Magazyn lokalny","Location":"Położenie","Location where buckets are created":"Położenie, gdzie będą utworzone zasobniki","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Logi dla <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Logi z serwera","Log out":"Wyloguj","MByte":"MBajt","MByte/s":"MBajty/s","Maintenance":"Konserwacja","Manually type path":"Podaj ścieżkę ręcznie ","Max download speed":"Maksymalna szybkość pobierania","Max upload speed":"Maksymalna szybkość wysyłania","Menu":"Menu","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Baza danych Microsoft SQL:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Bazy danych Microsoft SQL:","Minimum redundancy":"Minimalna redundancja","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Minimalna redundancja wynosi 1,0","Minutes":"Minuty","Missing name":"Brak nazwy","Missing passphrase":"Brak długiego hasła","Missing sources":"Brak źródła","Mon":"Pn","Months":"Miesiące","Move existing database":"Przenieś istniejącą bazę danych","Move failed:":"Nie udało się przenieść:","My Documents":"Moje Dokumenty","My Music":"Moja Muzyka","My Photos":"Moje Zdjęcia","My Pictures":"Moje Obrazy","Name":"Nazwa","Never":"Nigdy","New update found: {{message}}":"Znaleziono nowe uaktualnienie: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Nowa nazwa użytkownika to {{user}}.\nUaktualniono uwierzytelnienia dla użytkownika o ograniczonym dostępie","Next":"Następny","Next scheduled run:":"Następne zaplanowane uruchomienie:","Next scheduled task:":"Następne zaplanowane zadanie:","Next task:":"Następne zadanie","Next time":"Następny raz","No":"Nie","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Certyfikat nie został wcześniej określony, należy sprawdzić u administratora serwera czy klucz jest poprawny: {{key}} \n\nCzy akceptujesz podany klucz?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Nie znaleziono edytora dla magazynu typu &quot;{{backend}}&quot;","No encryption":"Bez szyfrowania","No items selected":"Nie wybrano pozycji","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Brak pozycji do odtworzenia, proszę wybrać jedną lub więcej pozycji.","No passphrase entered":"Nie wprowadzono długiego hasła","No scheduled tasks":"Brak zaplanowanych zadań","No, my machine has only a single account":"Nie, moje urządzenie ma tylko jedno konto","Non-matching passphrase":"Niepasujące długie hasła","None / disabled":"Żaden / wyłączone","OK":"OK","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Operation failed:":"Nie udało się wykonać operacji:","Operations:":"Operacje:","Optional authentication password":"Opcjonalne hasło uwierzytelnienia","Optional authentication username":"Opcjonalny użytkownik uwierzytelnienia","Options":"Opcje","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Opcje dodane tutaj stosowane są do wszystkich kopii zapasowych, ale można je zmodyfikować w każdej indywidualnej kopii zapasowej","Original location":"Położenie oryginalne","Others":"Inne","Overwrite":"Nadpisz","Passphrase":"Długie hasło","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Długie hasło (jeśli zaszyfrowane)","Passphrase changed":"Zmieniono hasło","Passphrases are not matching":"Hasła różnią się od siebie","Passphrases do not match":"Hasła różnią się od siebie","Password":"Hasło","Path":"Ścieżka","Path not found":"Ścieżka nie znaleziona","Path on server":"Ścieżka na serwerze","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Ścieżka lub podkatalog w zasobniku","Pause":"Wstrzymaj","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Wstrzymaj po uruchomieniu lub hibernacji","Pause options":"Opcje wstrzymania","Permissions":"Uprawnienia","Pick location":"Wybierz położenie","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Wskaż pliki kopii zapasowej i odtwórz z nich","Port":"Port","Previous":"Poprzedni","Progress:":"Postęp:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ProjectID jest opcjonalne jeśli zasobnik istnieje","Proprietary":"Własny","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Odtworzenie (usunięcie i naprawienie)","Relative paths not allowed":"Ścieżki względne nie są dopuszczalne","Reload":"Przeładuj","Remote":"Zdalny","Remove":"Usuń","Remove option":"Usuń opcję","Repair":"Napraw","Repeat Passphrase":"Powtórz długie hasło","Reporting:":"Raportowanie:","Reset":"Resetuj","Restore":"Odtwórz","Restore files":"Odtwórz pliki","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Odtwórz pliki z {{backupname}}","Restore from":"Odtwórz z","Restore from backup configuration":"Odtwórz z konfiguracji kopii","Restore from configuration ...":"Odtwórz z konfiguracji ...","Restore options":"Opcje odtwarzania","Restore read/write permissions":"Odtwórz uprawnienia odczytu/zapisu","Resume":"Wznów","Run again every":"Uruchom ponownie co","Run now":"Uruchom teraz","Running ....":"Uruchamianie ...","Running commandline entry":"Uruchamianie komend z linii poleceń","Running task:":"Uruchamianie zadania:","S3 Compatible":"Kompatybilny z S3","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Zgodny z bazową wersją instalacji: {{channelname}}","Sat":"So","Save":"Zapisz","Save and repair":"Zapisz i napraw","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Zapisz różne wersje z sygnaturą czasową w nazwie","Save immediately":"Zapisz niezwłocznie","Schedule":"Harmonogram","Search":"Szukaj","Search for files":"Szukaj plików","Seconds":"Sekundy","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Wybierz zakres dziennika i zobacz co się wydarzyło:","Select files":"Wybierz pliki","Server":"Serwer","Server and port":"Serwer i port","Server hostname or IP":"Nazwa serwera lub IP","Server is currently paused,":"Serwer jest obecnie wstrzymany,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Serwer jest obecnie wstrzymany, czy chcesz teraz wznowić jego pracę?","Server password":"Hasło serwera","Server paused":"Serwer wstrzymany","Server state properties":"Właściwości stanu serwera","Settings":"Ustawienia","Show":"Pokaż","Show advanced editor":"Pokaż edytor zaawansowany","Show hidden folders":"Pokaż ukryte foldery","Show log":"Pokaż dziennik","Show treeview":"Pokaż drzewo widoku","Sia server password":"Hasło serwera Sia","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Niektórzy dostawcy OpenStack dopuszczają klucz API zamiast hasła i nazwy najemcy","Source Data":"Dane źródłowe","Source data":"Dane źródłowe","Source folders":"Foldery źródłowe","Source:":"Źródło:","Standard protocols":"Protokoły standardowe","Start":"Rozpocznij","Stop after the current file":"Zatrzymaj po bieżącym pliku","Stop now":"Zatrzymaj teraz","Stop running backup":"Zatrzymaj wykonywaną kopię","Stop running task":"Zatrzymaj wykonywane zadanie","Stopping task:":"Zatrzymywanie zadania:","Storage Type":"Typ Magazynu","Storage class":"Klasa magazynu","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Klasa magazynu dla utworzenia zasobnika","Stored":"Zachowane","Strong":"Silne","Success":"Powodzenie","Sun":"Nie","Symbolic link":"Link symboliczny","System Files":"Pliki systemowe","System default ({{levelname}})":"System domyślny ({{levelname}})","System files":"Pliki systemowe","System info":"Informacja systemowa","System properties":"Właściwości systemowe","TByte":"TBajty","TByte/s":"TBajty/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Ścieżka docelowa, np. /backup","Task is running":"Zadanie jest wykonywane","Temporary Files":"Pliki tymczasowe","Temporary files":"Pliki tymczasowe","Tenant Name":"Nazwa Dzierżawcy","Test connection":"Sprawdź połączenie","Testing ...":"Sprawdzanie ...","Testing connection ...":"Sprawdzanie połączenia ...","Testing permissions...":"Sprawdzanie uprawnień ...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"Pole '{{fieldname}}' zawiera niedozwolony znak: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, indeks: {{pos}})","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Nazwa zasobnika powinna być pisana wersalikami, zmienić automatycznie ?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Nazwa zasobnika powinna zaczynać się od nazwy użytkownika, dodać automatycznie ?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"Utracono połączenie z serwerem, ponowna próba za {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Ciemny schemat (wyk. Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Domyślny schemat niebieski na białym (wyk. Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"Folder {{folder}} nie istnieje.\nUtworzyć go teraz?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"Klucz komputera został zmieniony, proszę sprawdzić z administratorem serwera czy jest to poprawne, w przeciwnym razie możesz zostać ofiarą ataku typu MAN-IN--MIDDLE.\n\nCzy chcesz ZASTĄPIĆ twój BIEŻĄCY klucz komputera \"{{prev}}\" na PODANY klucz: {{klucz}}?","The passwords do not match":"Hasła różnią się od siebie","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Wygląda, że ścieżka nie istnieje, czy mimo to chcesz ją dodać?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Ścieżka nie kończy się znakiem \"{{dirsep}}\", co oznacza, że dołączasz plik, a nie folder.\n\nCzy chcesz dołączyć określony plik?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Ścieżka musi być ścieżką bezwzględną, tzn. musi rozpoczynać się prawym ukośnikiem '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Ścieżka powinna zaczynać się od \"{{prefix1}}\" lub \"{{prefix2}}\", w przeciwnym razie nie będzie widać plików w interfejsie internetowym HubiC.\n\nCzy chcesz dodać prefiks do ścieżki automatycznie?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Parametr regionu jest stosowany tylko podczas tworzenia nowego zasobnika","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Parametr regionu jest używany tylko podczas tworzenia zasobnika","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Certyfikat serwera nie może być zweryfikowany.\nCzy aprobujesz certyfikat SSL z sygnaturą: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"Klasa magazynu danych ma wpływ na dostępność i cenę za przechowywany plik","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Docelowy folder zawiera zaszyfrowane pliki, proszę podać długie hasło","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"Użytkownik ma za duże uprawnienia. Czy chcesz stworzyć nowego użytkownika z uprawnieniami ograniczonymi do wybranej ścieżki?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Ta kopia zapasowa została utworzona na innym systemie operacyjnym. Odzyskiwanie plików bez określania folderu docelowego może spowodować, że pliki zostaną przywrócone w nieoczekiwanych miejscach. Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować bez wyboru folderu docelowego?","This month":"Bieżący miesiąc","This week":"Bieżący tydzień","Throttle settings":"Limity prędkości","Thu":"Czw","Time":"Czas","To File":"Do Pliku","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Aby potwierdzić, że chcesz skasować wszystkie zdalne pliki dla \"{{name}}\", proszę wprowadzić słowo zamieszczone poniżej","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Aby wyeksportować bez hasła, odznacz pole \"Szyfruj plik\"","Today":"Dzisiaj","Trust host certificate?":"Certyfikat zaufanego hosta?","Trust server certificate?":"Certyfikat zaufanego serwera?","Tue":"Wt","Type passphrase here.":"Wpisz tutaj hasło.","Type to highlight files":"Napisz by podświetlić pliki","Unknown backup size and versions":"Nieznany rozmiar kopii i wersje","Until resumed":"Do wznowienia","Update channel":"Kanał uaktualnień","Update failed:":"Nie udało się uaktualnić","Updating with existing database":"Uaktualnij z istniejącą bazą danych","Uploaded files":"Przesłane pliki","Usage statistics":"Statystyki użycia","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Statystyki użycia , ostrzeżenia, błędy i awarie","Use SSL":"Użyj SSL","Use existing database?":"Użyj istniejącej bazy danych","Use weak passphrase":"Użyj słabego długiego hasła","Useless":"Bezużyteczne","User data":"Dane użytkownika","User domain name":"Nazwa domeny użytkownika","User has too many permissions":"Użytkownik ma za duże uprawnienia","User interface settings":"Ustawienia interfejsu użytkownika","Username":"Nazwa użytkownika","Verify files":"Sprawdź pliki","Verifying ...":"Weryfikowanie ...","Verifying answer":"Weryfikacja odpowiedzi","Version ID":"ID wersji","Very strong":"Bardzo silne","Very weak":"Bardzo słabe","Visit us on":"Odwiedź nas na","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"UWAGA: Wykryto, że zdalna baza danych jest używana przez bibliotekę wiersza poleceń.","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"UWAGA: To uniemożliwi odtworzenie danych w przyszłości.","Waiting for task to begin":"Oczekiwanie na rozpoczęcie zadania","Waiting for task to start ....":"Oczekiwanie na uruchomienie zadania ...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Ostrzeżenia, błędy i awarie","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Przyjmujemy wsparcie za pośrednictwem różnych usług, takich jak OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource i różne kryptowaluty.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Zalecamy szyfrowanie wszystkich kopii przechowywanych poza twoim systemem","Weak":"Słabe","Weak passphrase":"Słabe długie hasło","Wed":"Śr","Weeks":"Tygodnie","Where do you want to restore from?":"Gdzie chcesz odtworzyć?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Gdzie chcesz odtworzyć pliki?","Years":"Lata","Yes":"Tak","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Tak, długie hasło zostało bezpiecznie zachowane.","Yes, I understand the risk":"Tak, rozumiem ryzyko","Yes, I'm brave!":"Tak. Jestem dzielny!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Tak, proszę zepsuj moją kopię!","Yesterday":"Wczoraj","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Wygląda na to, że uruchamiasz Mono bez załadowanego certyfikatu SSL.\nCzy chcesz zaimportować listę zaufanych certyfikatów z Mozilli?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Zmieniłeś ścieżkę na nie prowadzącą do istniejącej bazy danych.\nCzy jesteś pewny, że takie było twoje rzeczywiste zamierzenie?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Aktualnie używasz {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Zmieniłeś tryb szyfrowania. Może to spowodować uszkodzenie zawartości. Zamiast tego zachęcamy do utworzenia nowej kopii zapasowej.","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Zmieniono hasło - zmiana hasła nie jest obsługiwana. Zachęcamy Cię zamiast tego do utworzenia nowej kopii zapasowej.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Wybrałeś opcję nieszyfrowania kopii zapasowej. Szyfrowanie jest zalecane dla wszystkich danych przechowywanych na serwerze zdalnym.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Możesz wybrać odtworzenie do nowej lokalizacji, ale nie tej wprowadzonej","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Wygenerowałeś silne hasło. Upewnij się, że wykonałeś bezpieczną kopię hasła, ponieważ danych nie będzie można odzyskać, jeśli utracisz hasło.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Musisz wybrać co najmniej jeden folder źródłowy","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Musisz podać domenę aby użyć v3 API","You must enter a name for the backup":"Musisz podać nazwę kopii zapasowej","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Musisz podać długie hasło lub wyłączyć szyfrowanie","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Musisz podać hasło aby użyć v3 API","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Musisz podać dodatnią liczbę kopii do zachowania","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Musisz podać nazwę dzierżawcy (znanego jako projekt) aby użyć v3 API","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Musisz podać nazwę dzierżawcy jeśli nie podano Klucza API","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Musisz podać prawidłowy okres przechowywania kopii zapasowych","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Musisz wprowadzić prawidłowy łańcuch zasad retencji","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Musisz podać hasło lub Klucz API ","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Musisz podać jedno z dwóch hasło lub Klucz API, ale nie oba","You must fill in the password":"Musisz wypełnić pole hasło","You must fill in the server name or address":"Musisz wypełnić pole nazwa serwera lub adres","You must fill in the username":"Musisz wypełnić pole użytkownik","You must fill in {{field}}":"Musisz wypełnić pole {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Musisz wybrać lub wypełnić pole AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Musisz wybrać lub wypełnić pole serwer","You must specify a path":"Musisz podać ścieżkę","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"Powinieneś wypełnić {{field}}{{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Twoje pliki i foldery zostały pomyślnie odtworzone.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Twoje długie hasło jest łatwe do odgadnięcia. Rozważ zmianę długiego hasła.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"zasobnik/folder/podfolder","byte":"bajtów","byte/s":"bajtów/s","custom":"dostosowany","resume now":"wznów teraz","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} zostało opracowane głównie przez <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> i <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} można pobrać z <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} podlega licencji <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} pliki ({{size}}), do zakończenia {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Wersja","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Wersji","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Wersji","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Wersje"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} Godzin","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} godzin","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} Minut","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (trwało {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('pt_BR', {"- pick an option -":"- selecione uma opção -","...loading...":"...carregando...","API Key":"Chave da API","AWS Access ID":"ID de acesso do AWS","AWS Access Key":"Chave de acesso do AWS","AWS IAM Policy":"Política de IAM do AWS","About":"Sobre","About {{appname}}":"Sobre {{appname}}","Access Key":"Chave de acesso","Access denied":"Acesso negado","Access to user interface":"Acesso à interface do usuário","Account name":"Nome do usuário","Activate":"Ativar","Activate failed:":"Falha na ativação:","Add a new backup":"Adicionar um novo backup","Add a path directly":"Adicione um caminho diretamente","Add advanced option":"Adicionar opção avançada","Add backup":"Adicionar backup","Add filter":"Adicionar filtro","Add path":"Adicionar caminho","Added":"Adicionado","Adjust bucket name?":"Ajustar o nome do bucket?","Adjust path name?":"Ajustar o nome do caminho?","Advanced Options":"Opções avançadas","Advanced options":"Opções avançadas","Advanced:":"Avançado:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Todas as máquinas Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Todas as bases Microsoft SQL","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Todos os relatórios de uso são enviados de forma anônima e não contêm dados pessoais. As informações contidas são sobre o hardware e o Sistema Operacional, o backend utilizado, a duração do backup, o tamanho total dos dados de origem e dados similares. Os relatórios não contêm caminhos, nomes de arquivos, usuários, senhas ou informações similares.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Permitir acesso remoto (restart necessário)","Allowed days":"Dias permitidos","An existing file was found at the new location":"Um arquivo foi encontrado no local escolhido","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Um arquivo foi encontrado no local escolhido\nVocê tem certeza que quer apontar a database para um arquivo existente?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Uma base local foi encontrada.\nReutilizar a basa permitirá que as ferramentas de linha de comando e as instâncias trabalhem no mesmo armazenamento remoto.\nGostaria de utilizar a base existente?","Anonymous usage reports":"Relatório anônimo de uso","Applications":"Aplicações","As Command-line":"Como linha de comando","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Senha de autenticação","Authentication username":"Usuário de autenticação","Autogenerated passphrase":"Senha gerada automaticamente","Automatically run backups.":"Executar backups automaticamente.","B2 Application Key":"B2 Application Key","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Account ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cloud Storage Application Key","Back":"Voltar","Backend modules:":"Módulos:","Backup complete!":"Backup concluído!","Backup destination":"Destino do backup","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"O backup é criptografado, mas nenhuma frase secreta está disponível. Digite uma frase secreta abaixo para usar na restauração de seus arquivos ou, no caso de criptografia GPG, deixe em branco para permitir que o gpg recupere a senha invocando as chaves do seu sistema.","Backup location":"Localização do backup","Backup retention":"Retenção de backup","Backup:":"Backup:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Acesso quebrado","Browse":"Navegar","Browser default":"Navegador padrão","Bucket Name":"Nome do Bucket","Bucket create location":"Localização do Bucket","Bucket create region":"Região do Bucket","Bucket name":"Nome do Bucket","Bucket storage class":"Classe de storage do Bucket","Busy ...":"Ocupado ...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Ao permitir o acesso remoto, o servidor escuta solicitações de qualquer máquina em sua rede. Se você habilitar essa opção, verifique se está sempre usando o computador em uma rede protegida por firewall seguro.","Cache Files":"Arquivos de Cache","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cannot move to existing file":"Não permitido mover para um arquivo existente","Changelog":"Changelog","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Changelog para {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Falha na verificação:","Check for updates now":"Buscar atualizações","Checking ...":"Verificando ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Para iniciar, escolha o tipo de armazenamento","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Clique no link AuthID para criar uma AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Clique para definir opções de limite","Compact Phase":"Fase Compacta","Compact now":"Compactar agora","Compacting remote data ...":"Compactando dados remotos","Compression modules:":"Módulos de compressão:","Computer":"Computador","Configuration file:":"Arquivo de configuração:","Configuration:":"Configuração:","Configure a new backup":"Configurar novo backup","Confirm delete":"Confirmar remoção","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Confirma frase de segurança encriptada","Confirm password":"Confirme a Senha","Confirmation required":"Confirmação necessária","Connect":"Conectar","Connect now":"Conectar agora","Connecting to task ....":"Conectando-se à tarefa","Connecting...":"Conectando...","Connection lost":"Conexão perdida","Connection worked!":"Conexão estabelecida!","Container name":"Nome do Container","Container region":"Região do Container","Continue":"Continuar","Continue without encryption":"Continuar sem utilizar criptografia","Copied!":"Copiado!","Copy":"Copiar","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Copiar URL do destino","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Falha na cópia. Copie a URL manualmente","Core options":"Opções básicas","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Contabilizando ({{files}} arquivos encontrados, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Somente falhas","Create folder?":"Criar diretório?","Created new limited user":"Criar novo usuário com limitações no acesso","Creating user...":"Criando usuário...","Current action:":"Ação atual:","Current file:":"Arquivo atual:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"A versão atual é {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Endpoint S3 modificado","Custom authentication url":"URL de autenticação modificada","Custom backup retention":"Retenção de backup personalizada","Custom location ({{server}})":"Localização personalizada ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Região personalizada para a criação dos buckets","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Valor personalizado da region ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"URL personalizada do servidor ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Classe de armazenamento personalizada ({{class}})","Days":"Dias","Default":"Padrão","Default ({{channelname}})":"Padrão ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"Exclusões padrão","Default options":"Opções padrão","Delete":"Remover","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Fase de Exclusão (Versões de Backup Antigas)","Delete backup":"Remover backup","Delete backups that are older than":"Excluir backups mais antigos que","Delete local database":"Remover base local","Delete remote files":"Remover arquivos remotos","Delete the local database":"Remover a base local","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Remover {{filecount}} arquivos ({{filesize}}) do armazenamento remoto?","Deleted":"Deletado","Deleted Versions":"Versões Deletadas","Deleted files":"Arquivos deletados","Description (optional)":"Descrição (opcional)","Description:":"Descrição:","Desktop":"Área de Trabalho","Destination":"Destino","Destination path":"Caminho de destino","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Ajudamos a salvar seus arquivos? Caso afirmativo, ajude no desenvolvimento do Duplicati com uma doação. Sugerimos {{smallamount}} para usuários domésticos e {{largeamount}} para uso comercial.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Restaure diretamente dos arquivos de backup...","Disabled":"Desabilitado","Dismiss":"Ok","Dismiss all":"Ignorar tudo","Display and color theme":"Tela e cores do tema","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Deseja realmente remover o backup: \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Deseja realmente remover a base local para: {{name}}","Domain Name":"Nome do domínio","Donate":"Doar","Donation messages":"Sugestões de doação","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"O lembrete de doação está escondido, clique para mostrá-lo","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"O lembrete de doação está visível, clique para escondê-lo","Done":"Finalizado","Download":"Baixar","Downloaded files":"Arquivos baixados","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Duplicar opção {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Site do Duplicati","Duplicati forum":"Fórum do Duplicati","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati será executado quando iniciado, mas permanecerá em um estado pausado pela duração. O Duplicati ocupará recursos mínimos do sistema e nenhum backup será executado.","Duration":"Duração","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Cada backup tem um banco de dados local associado a ele, que armazena informações sobre o backup remoto na máquina local.\n Ao excluir um backup, você também pode excluir o banco de dados local sem afetar a capacidade de restaurar os arquivos remotos.\n Se você estiver usando o banco de dados local para backups a partir da linha de comando, deverá manter o banco de dados.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Cada backup possui uma base associada pra armazenar informações sobre o destino.\\nEsta base torna algumas operações mais rápidas, além de reduzir a quantidade de dados que precisam ser baixados para cada operação.","Edit as list":"Editar como lista","Edit as text":"Editar como texto","Encrypt file":"Criptografar arquivo","Encryption":"Criptografia","Encryption changed":"A criptografia mudou","Encryption modules:":"Módulos de criptografia:","End":"Fim","Enter URL":"Informe a URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Insira uma estratégia de retenção. Os espaços reservados são D / W / Y para dias / semanas / anos e U para ilimitado. A sintaxe é: 7D: 1D, 4W: 1W, 36M: 1M. Este exemplo mantém um backup para cada um dos próximos 7 dias, um para cada uma das próximas 4 semanas e um para cada um dos próximos 36 meses. Isso também pode ser escrito como 1W: 1D, 1M: 1W, 3Y: 1M.","Enter access key":"Informe a chave de acesso","Enter account name":"Informe o nome da conta","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Informe a senha do backup, caso exista","Enter configuration details":"Inserir detalhes da configuração","Enter container name":"Informe o nome do container","Enter encryption passphrase":"Informe a senha de criptografia","Enter expression here":"Informe a expressão aqui","Enter folder path name":"Informe o caminho completo do diretório","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Informe uma opção por linha do comando, ex. {0}","Enter the destination path":"Informe o caminho no destino","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Digite o endereço de email do grupo do Office 365","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Digite o caminho de destino completo, incluindo o nome do servidor, mas sem https","Error":"Erro","Error!":"Erro!","Errors and crashes":"Erros e problemas","Examined":"Examinado","Exclude":"Excluir","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Excluir diretórios que contenham","Exclude expression":"Excluir utilizando expressão","Exclude file":"Excluir arquivo","Exclude file extension":"Excluir arquivos com extensão","Exclude files whose names contain":"Excluir arquivos que contenham","Exclude filter group":"Excluir grupo de filtros","Exclude folder":"Excluir diretório","Exclude regular expression":"Excluir utilizando expressão regular","Existing file found":"Excluir arquivo encontrado","Experimental":"Experimental","Export":"Exportar","Export backup configuration":"Exportar configuração do backup","Export configuration":"Exportar configuração","Export passwords":"Exportar senhas","External link":"Link externo","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (alternativo)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Falha ao construir base temporária: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Falha ao conectar:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Falha ao conectar: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Falha ao remover:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Falha ao obter informação do caminho: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Falha ao encontrar backup:","Failed to import:":"Falha ao importar:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Falha ao ler os padrões do backup","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Falha ao restaurar arquivos: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Falha ao salvar:","File":"Arquivo","Files larger than:":"Arquivos maiores que:","Filters":"Filtros","Finished!":"Finalizado!","First run setup":"Configuração inicial","Folder":"Diretório","Folder path":"Caminho do diretório","Fri":"Sex","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"ID do Projeto GCS","General":"Geral","General backup settings":"Configurações gerais de backup","General options":"Opções gerais","Generate":"Gerar","Generate IAM access policy":"Gerar política de acesso IAM","Group email":"E-mail do grupo","Hidden files":"Arquivos ocultos","Hide":"Ocultar","Hide hidden folders":"Ocultar diretórios ocultos","Home":"Home","Hostnames":"Hostnames","Hours":"Horas","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Como você quer lidar com arquivos existentes?","Hyper-V Machine":"Máquina Hyper-V","Hyper-V Machine:":"Máquina Hyper-V:","Hyper-V Machines":"Máquinas Hyper-V","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Caso um backup não ocorra na data específica, ele executará assim que possível.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Se um novo backup for encontrado, todos os backups anteriores a esta data são excluídos.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Caso o backup e o armazenamento remoto estejam dessincronizados, o Duplicati precisará de uma operação de reparo para realizar o sincronismo. \\nCaso o reparo não seja possível, você pode remover a base local e regenerá-la.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Se você não inserir um caminho, todos os arquivos serão armazenados na pasta de login.\nTem certeza de que isso é o que quer?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Se você não inserir uma chave de API, o nome do projeto é necessário","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Se você quiser usar o backup mais tarde, você pode exportar a configuração antes de excluí-la","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Se a sua máquina estiver em um ambiente multiusuário (ou seja, a máquina possui mais de uma conta), você precisa definir uma senha para impedir que outros usuários acessem dados de sua conta.\nDeseja configurar uma senha agora?","Import":"Importar","Import Destination URL":"Importar URL de destino","Import backup configuration":"Importar configuração de backup","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Importação completa, mas não foram encontrados certificados após a importação","Import failed":"Falha na importação","Import from a file":"Importar de um arquivo","Import metadata":"Importar metadados","Include a file?":"Incluir um arquivo?","Include expression":"Incluir expressão","Include regular expression":"Incluir expressão regular","Incorrect answer, try again":"Resposta incorreta, tente novamente","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Versões apenas para desenvolvedores. Não para uso com dados importantes.","Information":"Informação","Install":"Instalar","Install failed:":"Falha na instalação:","Invalid characters in path":"Caracteres inválidos no caminho","Invalid retention time":"Tempo de retenção inválido","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"É possível conectar em alguns servidores FTP sem utilizar senha.\nTem certeza que o seu servidor FTP suporta autenticação sem senha?","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Manter um número específico de backups","Keep all backups":"Manter todos os backups","Keystone API version":"Versão da API Keystone","Language in user interface":"Idioma da interface do usuário","Last month":"Último mês","Last successful backup:":"Último backup bem-sucedido:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Última restauração bem-sucedida: {{time}} (demorou {{duration || '0 segundos'}})","Latest":"Mais recentes","Libraries":"Bibliotecas","Live":"Ao vivo","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Carregar uma configuração de um trabalho exportado ou de um provedor de armazenamento","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Carregar destino a partir de um trabalho exportado ou de um provedor de armazenamento","Load older data":"Abrir dados antigos","Loading ...":"Abrindo ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Carregando o uso de armazenamento remoto ...","Local Repository":"Repositório Local","Local database for":"Banco de dados local para","Local database path:":"Caminho do banco de dados local:","Local repository":"Repositório local","Local storage":"Armazenamento local","Location":"Localização","Location where buckets are created":"Local onde os compartimentos são criados","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Grave log para <b> {{Backup.Backup.Name}} </b>","Log data from the server":"Registrar dados do servidor","Log out":"Sair","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"Manutenção","Manually type path":"Digite manualmente o caminho","Max download speed":"Velocidade de download máxima","Max upload speed":"Velocidade de upload máxima","Menu":"Menu","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Banco de dados Microsoft SQL:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Banco de Dados Microsoft SQL","Minimum redundancy":"Redundância mínima","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Redundância mínima é 1.0","Minutes":"Minutos","Missing name":"Faltando o nome","Missing passphrase":"Faltando a frase de senha","Missing sources":"Faltando as origens","Modified":"Modificado","Mon":"Seg","Months":"Meses","Move existing database":"Mover o banco de dados existente","Move failed:":"Falha ao mover:","My Documents":"Meus Documentos","My Music":"Minhas Músicas","My Photos":"Minhas Fotos","My Pictures":"Minhas Imagens","Name":"Nome","Never":"Nunca","New update found: {{message}}":"Nova atualização encontrada: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Nome nome de usuário é {{user}}\nAutorizações atualizadas para uso de um novo usuário limitado","Next":"Próximo","Next scheduled run:":"Próxima execução agendada:","Next scheduled task:":"Próxima tarefa agendada:","Next task:":"Próxima tarefa:","Next time":"Próxima vez","No":"Não","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Nenhum certificado foi especificado anteriormente, verifique com o administrador do servidor se a chave está correta: {{key}}\n\nDeseja aprovar a chave de host relatada?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Editor não encontrado para o tipo de armazenamento &quot;{{backend}}&quot;","No encryption":"Sem criptografia","No items selected":"Itens não selecionados","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Sem itens para restaurar. por favor selecione um ou mais itens","No passphrase entered":"Nenhuma senha inserida","No scheduled tasks":"Sem tarefas agendadas","No, my machine has only a single account":"Não, minha máquina possui apenas uma conta","Non-matching passphrase":"Senha não correspondente","None / disabled":"Nenhum / desabilitado","Not using encryption":"Sem criptografia","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Nada será excluído. O tamanho do backup crescerá com cada mudança.","OK":"OK","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Se existir mais backups do que o número especificado, os backups mais antigos serão excluídos.","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Opened":"Aberto","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"A Key de API Openstack não é suportada na API keystone da v3.","Operating System":"Sistema operacional","Operation":"Operações:","Operation failed:":"Operação falhou:","Operations:":"Operações:","Optional authentication password":"Senha opcional de autenticação","Optional authentication username":"Usuário opcional de autenticação","Options":"Opções","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"As opções aqui adicionadas são aplicadas em todos os backups, mas podem ser substituídas em cada backup individual","Original location":"Localização original","Others":"Outros","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Com o tempo, as versões de backup serão excluídas automaticamente. Permanecerá um backup dos últimos 7 dias, das últimas 4 semanas e cada um dos últimos 12 meses. Sempre haverá pelo menos um backup.","Overwrite":"Sobrescrever","Passphrase":"Frase de segurança","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Senha (se criptografado)","Passphrase changed":"Senha alterada","Passphrases are not matching":"Senhas não correspondem","Passphrases do not match":"As senhas não correspondem","Password":"Senha","Path":"Caminho","Path not found":"Caminho não encontrado","Path on server":"Caminho do servidor","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Caminho ou subpasta no bucket","Pause":"Parar","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pausa após a inicialização ou a hibernação","Pause options":"Interromper opções","Permissions":"Permissões","Pick location":"Escolher localização","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Aponte para os arquivos de backup e restaure de lá","Port":"Porta","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Impedir login automático no ícone da bandeja","Previous":"Anterior","Progress:":"Progresso:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ProjectID é opcional se o bucket já existe","Proprietary":"Proprietário","Purge Phase":"Estágio deleção","Purging files complete!":"Deleção de arquivos completo!","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Recriar (excluir e reparar)","Recreate Database Phase":"Recriar banco de dados","Relative paths not allowed":"Caminhos relativos não são permitidos","Reload":"Recarregar","Remote":"Remoto","Remote Path":"Caminho remoto","Remote Repository":"Repositório remoto","Remote path":"Caminho remoto","Remote repository":"Repositório remoto","Remote volume size":"Tamanho do volume remoto","Remove":"Remover","Remove option":"Remover opção","Removed files":"Arquivos Removidos","Repair":"Reparar","Repair Phase":"Reparar","Repeat Passphrase":"Repetir frase de segurança","Reporting:":"Relatórios:","Reset":"Redefinir","Restore":"Restaurar","Restore complete!":"Restauração Completa!","Restore files":"Restaurar arquivos","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Restaurar arquivos para {{backupname}}","Restore from":"Restaurar de","Restore from backup configuration":"Restaurar a partir da configuração de backup","Restore from configuration ...":"Restaurar a partir da configuração ...","Restore options":"Restaurar opções","Restore read/write permissions":"Restaurar permissões leitura/escrita","Resume":"Continuar","Rewritten File Lists":"Listas de arquivos reescritos","Run again every":"Executar novamente a cada","Run now":"Executar agora","Running ....":"Executando ...","Running commandline entry":"Executando entrada de linha de comando","Running task:":"Executando tarefa:","S3 Compatible":"S3 Compatível","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Igual à versão de instalação base: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Sáb","Save":"Salvar","Save and repair":"Salvar e reparar","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Salve diferentes versões com marcas de horário no nome do arquivo","Save immediately":"Salvar imediatamente","Schedule":"Agendar","Search":"Buscar","Search for files":"Procurar por arquivos","Seconds":"Segundos","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Selecione um nível de log e veja as mensagens conforme elas aparecem:","Select files":"Selecionar arquivos","Server":"Servidor","Server and port":"Servidor e porta","Server hostname or IP":"Nome do servidor ou IP","Server is currently paused,":"Servidor está atualmente parado,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Servidor está atualmente parado, você quer recomeçar agora?","Server password":"Senha do servidor","Server paused":"Servidor parado","Server state properties":"Propriedades do estado do servidor","Settings":"Configurações","Show":"Exibir","Show advanced editor":"Mostrar editor avançado","Show hidden folders":"Exibir pastas ocultas","Show log":"Exibir log","Show treeview":"Mostrar hierarquia","Sia server password":"Senha do servidor Sia","Smart backup retention":"Retenção de backup inteligente","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Alguns provedores OpenStack permitem uma chave de API em vez de uma senha e nome de projeto","Source Data":"Dados de origem","Source data":"Dados de origem","Source folders":"Pasta de origem","Source:":"Origem:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Versão apenas para desenvolvedores. Não para uso com dados importantes.","Standard protocols":"Protocolos padrão","Start":"Iniciar","Stop after the current file":"Parar após o arquivo atual","Stop now":"Parar agora","Stop running backup":"Parar de executar o backup","Stop running task":"Parar de executar a tarefa","Stopping task:":"Tarefa de parada:","Storage Type":"Tipo de armazenamento","Storage class":"Classe de armazenamento","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Classe de armazenamento para criar um bucket","Stored":"Armazenado","Strong":"Forte","Success":"Sucesso","Sun":"Dom","Symbolic link":"Link simbólico","System Files":"Arquivos do sistema","System default ({{levelname}})":"Sistema padrão ({{levelname}})","System files":"Arquivos do sistema","System info":"Informação do sistema","System properties":"Propriedades do sistema","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Caminho de destino, exemplo: /backup","Task is running":"Tarefa está executando","Temporary Files":"Arquivos temporários","Temporary files":"Arquivos temporários","Tenant Name":"Nome do projeto","Test Phase":"Fase de teste","Test connection":"Teste de conexão","Testing ...":"Testando ...","Testing connection ...":"Testando conexão ...","Testing permissions...":"Testando permissões...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"O campo '{{fieldname}}' contém um caractere inválido: {{character}} (valor: {{value}}, índice: {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"O backup está faltando, foi excluído?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"O backup era temporário e não existe mais, portanto, os dados de log serão perdidos","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"O nome do bucket deve ser todo em minúsculas. Converter automaticamente?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"O nome do bucket deve começar com o seu nome de usuário, afixar automaticamente?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"A configuração deve ser mantida segura. Tem certeza de que deseja salvar um arquivo não criptografado contendo suas senhas?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"A conexão com o servidor foi perdida, tentando novamente em {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"O tema escuro (por Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"O tema padrão azul sobre branco (por Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"O diretório {{folder}} não existe.\nDeseja cria-lo agora?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"A chave do host mudou, verifique com o administrador do servidor se está correta, caso contrário você poderia ser vítima de um ataque MAN-IN-THE MIDDLE.\n\nDeseja SUBSTITUIR a sua chave do host ATUAL \"{{prev}}\" com a chave do host REPORTADA: {{key}}?","The passwords do not match":"Senhas não conferem","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"O caminho não parece existir, você deseja adicioná-lo de qualquer maneira?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"O caminho não termina com um caractere '{{dirsep}}, o que significa que você inclui um arquivo, não uma pasta.\n\nDeseja incluir o arquivo especificado?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"O caminho deve ser um caminho absoluto, ou seja, deve começar com uma barra progressiva '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"O caminho deve começar com \"{{prefix1}}\" ou \"{{prefix2}}\", caso contrário você não poderá ver os arquivos na interface web do HubiC.\n\nDeseja adicionar o prefixo ao caminho automaticamente?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"O parâmetro de região só é aplicado ao criar um novo bucket","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"O parâmetro de região só é usado na criação de um bucket","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"O certificado do servidor não pôde ser validado.\nDeseja aprovar o certificado SSL com o hash: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"A classe de armazenamento afeta a disponibilidade e o preço de um arquivo armazenado","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"A pasta de destino contém arquivos criptografados. Forneça a senha","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"O usuário tem muitas permissões. Deseja criar um novo usuário limitado, com apenas permissões para o caminho selecionado?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Este backup foi criado em outro sistema operacional. A restauração de arquivos sem especificar uma pasta de destino pode fazer com que os arquivos sejam restaurados em locais inesperados. Tem certeza de que deseja continuar sem escolher uma pasta de destino?","This month":"Este mês","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Essa opção não está relacionada ao backup ou ao tamanho máximo do arquivo, nem afeta as taxas de desduplicação. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\"> Veja esta página antes de alterar o tamanho do volume remoto.</external-link>","This week":"Esta semana","Throttle settings":"Configurações de limitação","Thu":"Qui","Time":"Tempo","To File":"Para o arquivo","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Para confirmar que deseja excluir todos os arquivos remotos para \"{{nome}}\", insira a palavra abaixo","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Para exportar sem uma senha, desmarque a caixa \"Criptografar arquivo\"","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"Para evitar vários ataques baseados em DNS, o Duplicati limita os nomes de host permitidos aos listados aqui. O acesso IP direto e o host local sempre são permitidos. Vários nomes de host podem ser fornecidos com um separador de ponto-e-vírgula. Se qualquer um dos nomes de host permitidos for um asterisco (*), todos os nomes de host serão permitidos e esse recurso será desativado. Se o campo estiver vazio, somente o endereço IP e o acesso ao host local serão permitidos.","Today":"Hoje","Trust host certificate?":"Confiar no certificado de host?","Trust server certificate?":"Confiar no certificado de servidor?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Experimente os novos recursos em que estamos trabalhando. Atualmente, a versão mais estável disponível. Teste Restaurar dados antes de usar isso em ambientes de produção.","Tue":"Ter","Type passphrase here.":"Nenhuma senha inserida","Type to highlight files":"Tipo para destacar arquivos","Unknown backup size and versions":"Tamanho do backup e versões desconhecidos","Until resumed":"Até retomar","Update channel":"Canal de atualização","Update failed:":"Atualização falhou:","Updating with existing database":"Atualizando com o banco de dados existente","Uploaded files":"Arquivos enviados","Usage statistics":"Estatísticas de uso","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Estatísticas de uso, avisos, erros e falhas","Use SSL":"Utilizar SSL","Use existing database?":"Usar um banco de dados existente?","Use weak passphrase":"Usar uma senha fraca","Useless":"Sem utilidade","User data":"Dados do usuário","User domain name":"Nome de domínio do usuário","User has too many permissions":"O usuário tem muitas permissões","User interface settings":"Configurações da interface do usuário","Username":"Nome de usuário","Verifications":"Verificações","Verify files":"Verificar arquivos","Verifying ...":"Verificando ...","Verifying answer":"Verificando pergunta","Version ID":"ID da versão","Very strong":"Muito forte","Very weak":"Muito fraca","Visit us on":"Visite-nos em","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"AVISO: o banco de dados remoto está sendo usado pela biblioteca de linha de comando","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"AVISO: isso impedirá que você restaure os dados no futuro.","Waiting for task to begin":"Aguardando o início da tarefa","Waiting for task to start ....":"Aguardando a tarefa começar ...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Avisos, erros e falhas","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Aceitamos doações através de diferentes serviços, como OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource e várias cripto moedas.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Recomendamos que criptografe todos os backups armazenados fora do seu sistema","Weak":"Fraca","Weak passphrase":"Frase de segurança fraca","Wed":"Qua","Weeks":"Semanas","Where do you want to restore from?":"De onde você deseja restaurar?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Para onde você deseja restaurar os arquivos?","Years":"Anos","Yes":"Sim","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Sim, eu tenho armazenado uma frase de acesso segura","Yes, I understand the risk":"Sim, entendo o risco","Yes, I'm brave!":"Sim, sou corajoso!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Sim, corrompa meu backup!","Yesterday":"Ontem","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Você parece estar executando o Mono sem certificados SSL carregados.\nDeseja importar a lista de certificados confiáveis ​​da Mozilla?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Você está mudando o caminho do banco de dados para longe de um banco de dados existente.\nTem certeza de que isso é o que deseja?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Você está atualmente executando {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Você mudou o modo de criptografia. Isso pode estragar algo. É aconselhado criar um novo backup em vez disso","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Você alterou a senha, o que não é suportado. É aconselhado criar um novo backup.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Você escolheu não criptografar o backup. Encriptação é recomendada para todos dados armazenados em um servidor remoto.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Você escolheu restaurar para um novo local, mas não inseriu um","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Você gerou uma senha segura. Certifique-se de fazer um cópia da mesma, pois os dados não podem ser recuperados se você perder a senha.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Você deve escolher pelo menos uma pasta de origem","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Você deve inserir um nome de domínio para usar a API v3","You must enter a name for the backup":"Você deve inserir um nome para o backup","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Você deve inserir uma senha ou desativar a criptografia","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Você deve digitar uma senha para usar a API v3","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Você deve inserir um número positivo de backups para manter.","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Você deve inserir um nome de inquilino (aka project) para usar a API v3","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Você deve inserir um nome de projeto se não fornecer uma chave de API","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Você deve inserir uma duração válida de tempo para manter os backups","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Você deve inserir uma política de seqüência de retenção válida","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Você deve inserir uma senha ou uma chave de API","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Você deve inserir uma senha OU uma chave de API, não ambas","You must fill in the password":"Você deve preencher a senha","You must fill in the server name or address":"Você deve preencher  o nome do servidor ou endereço","You must fill in the username":"Você deve preencher o usuário","You must fill in {{field}}":"Você deve preencher {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Você deve selecionar ou preencher a AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Você deve selecionar ou preencher o servidor","You must specify a path":"Você deve especificar um caminho","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"Você deve preencher {{field}} {{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Seus arquivos e pastas foram restaurados com êxito.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Sua senha é fácil de adivinhar. Considere alterá-la.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"bucket/pasta/subpasta","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"personalizado","resume now":"continuar agora","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"a menos que você esteja explicitamente especificando --group-id","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} foi desenvolvido inicialmente por <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> e<a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} pode ser baixado em <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} é licenciado sob a <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} arquivos ({{size}}) restantes {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versão","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Versões"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} hora","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} horas","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} Minutos","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (demorou {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('pt', {"- pick an option -":"- escolha uma opção -","...loading...":"...a carregar...","API Key":"Chave API","AWS Access ID":"ID do acesso AWS","AWS Access Key":"Chave do acesso AWS","AWS IAM Policy":"Política de acesso e identidade AWS","About":"Sobre","About {{appname}}":"Sobre o {{appname}}","Access Key":"Chave de acesso","Access denied":"Acesso recusado","Access to user interface":"Acesso à interface","Account name":"Nome da conta","Activate":"Ativar","Activate failed:":"Falha ao ativar:","Add a new backup":"Adicionar nova cópia de segurança","Add a path directly":"Digitar caminho","Add advanced option":"Adicionar opção avançada","Add backup":"Adicionar cópia de segurança","Add filter":"Adicionar filtro","Add path":"Adicionar caminho","Added":"Adicionado","Adjust bucket name?":"Ajustar nome do 'bucket'?","Adjust path name?":"Ajustar nome do caminho?","Advanced Options":"Opções avançadas","Advanced options":"Opções avançadas","Advanced:":"Avançado:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Todas as máquinas Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Todas as bases de dados Microsoft SQL","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Todos os relatórios de utilização são enviados de forma anónima. Contêm informação sobre o hardware, sobre o sistema operativo, o tipo de 'backend', a duração da cópia de segurança, o tamanho dos dados e informações similares. Não contêm caminhos, ficheiros, utilizadores, palavras-passe ou quaisquer outras informações pessoais.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Permitir acesso remoto (tem que reiniciar)","Allowed days":"Dias permitidos","An existing file was found at the new location":"Encontrado um ficheiro na nova localização","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Foi encontrado um ficheiro na nova localização.\nTem a certeza de que deseja que a base de dados aponte para este ficheiro?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Foi encontrada uma base de dados local para o armazenamento.\nA reutilização da base de dados permite o funcionamento das instâncias do servidor e da linha de comandos no mesmo armazenamento remoto.\n\nDeseja reutilizar a base de dados existente?","Anonymous usage reports":"Relatório anónimos de utilização","Applications":"Aplicações","As Command-line":"Como linha de comandos","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Palavra-passe de autenticação","Authentication username":"Nome de utilizador de autenticação","Autogenerated passphrase":"Frase-passe gerada automaticamente","Automatically run backups.":"Executar cópias de segurança automaticamente.","B2 Application ID":"ID Aplicação B2","B2 Application Key":"Chave da aplicação B2","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"ID da conta B2 Cloud Storage","B2 Cloud Storage Application ID":"ID Aplicação B2 Cloud Storage","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"Chave da aplicação B2 Cloud Storage","Back":"Recuar","Backend modules:":"Módulos de 'backend':","Backup complete!":"Cópia de segurança terminada!","Backup destination":"Destino da cópia de segurança","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"A cópia de segurança é encriptada mas não está disponível nenhuma frase-passe.\n                    Digite uma frase-passe abaixo para usar no restauro dos seus ficheiros\n                    ou, no caso de encriptação GPG, deixe vazio para deixar o gpg obter a frase-passe\n                    invocando o chaveiro do seu sistema.","Backup location":"Localização da cópia de segurança","Backup retention":"Retenção de cópias de segurança","Backup:":"Cópia de segurança:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Acesso danificado","Browse":"Explorar","Browser default":"Navegador padrão","Bucket Name":"Nome do 'bucket'","Bucket create location":"Localização de criação do 'bucket'","Bucket create region":"Região de criação do 'bucket'","Bucket name":"Nome do 'bucket'","Bucket storage class":"Classe de armazenamento do 'bucket'","Building list of files to restore …":"A criar a lista de ficheiros a restaurar ...","Building partial temporary database …":"A criar a base de dados parcial temporária ...","Busy ...":"Ocupado...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Ao permitir o acesso remoto, o servidor escuta solicitações de qualquer máquina na sua rede. Se ativar esta opção, certifique-se que está a usar sempre o computador numa rede protegida por uma firewall segura.","By default, the tray icon will open the user interface with a token that unlocks the user interface. This ensures that you can access the user interface from the tray icon, while requiring others to enter a password. If you prefer having to type in the password, even when accessing the user interface from the tray icon, enable this option.":"Por pré-definição, o ícone da barra de tarefas abrirá a interface do utilizador com um token que desbloqueia a mesma. Isto permite-lhe que consegue aceder à interface do utilizador a partir do ícone da barra de tarefas, garantindo que terceiros tenham de introduzir uma palavra-passe. Se preferir introduzir a palavra-passe ao aceder a partir do ícone da barra de tarefas, ative esta opção.","Cache Files":"Ficheiros em cache","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cannot move to existing file":"Não foi possível mover o ficheiro existente","Changelog":"Registo de alterações","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Registo de alterações para {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Falha de verificação:","Check for updates now":"Procurar atualizações agora","Checking ...":"A procurar...","Checking for updates …":"A procurar atualizações ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Escolha o tipo de armazenamento para iniciar","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Clique na ligação para criar uma AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Clique para definir as opções de velocidade","Commandline …":"Linha de comandos ...","Compact Phase":"Fase de compactar","Compact now":"Compactar agora","Compacting remote data ...":"A compactar dados remotos...","Compacting remote data …":"A compactar dados remotos ...","Complete log":"Registo completo","Completing backup …":"A terminar a cópia de segurança ...","Completing previous backup …":"A completar a cópia de segurança anterior ...","Compression modules:":"Módulos de compressão:","Computer":"Computador","Configuration file:":"Ficheiro de configuração:","Configuration:":"Configuração:","Configure a new backup":"Configurar nova cópia de segurança","Confirm delete":"Confirmação de eliminação","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Confirme a chave de encriptação","Confirm passphrase":"Confirme a chave","Confirm password":"Confirmar palavra-passe","Confirmation required":"Requer confirmação","Connect":"Estabelecer ligação","Connect now":"Estabelecer ligação agora","Connecting to server …":"A ligar ao servidor ...","Connecting to task ....":"A estabelecer ligação à tarefa...","Connecting...":"A estabelecer ligação...","Connection lost":"Ligação perdida","Connection worked!":"Ligação funcional!","Container name":"Nome do 'container'","Container region":"Região do 'container'","Continue":"Continuar","Continue without encryption":"Continuar sem encriptação","Copied!":"Copiada!","Copy":"Copiar","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Copiar URL para a área de transferência","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Falha ao copiar. Copie o URL manualmente.","Core options":"Opções de core","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Encontrados ({{files}} ficheiros, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Apenas términos","Create bug report …":"Criar relatório de erros ...","Create folder?":"Criar pasta?","Created new limited user":"Criar utilizador com restrições","Creating bug report …":"A criar relatório de erros ...","Creating new user with limited access …":"A criar novo utilizador com acesso limitado ...","Creating target folders …":"A criar pastas de destino ...","Creating temporary backup …":"A criar cópia de segurança temporária ...","Creating user...":"A criar utilizador...","Current action:":"Ação atual:","Current file:":"Ficheiro atual:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"A versão atual é a {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"URL S3 personalizado","Custom authentication url":"URL personalizado de autenticação","Custom backup retention":"Retenção de cópias de segurança personalizada","Custom location ({{server}})":"Localização personalizada ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Região personalizada para a criação de 'buckets'","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Valor personalizado da região ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"URL personalizado do servidor ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Classe personalizada do armazenamento ({{class}})","Database …":"Base de dados ...","Days":"Dias","Default":"Padrão","Default ({{channelname}})":"Padrão ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"Exclusões padrão","Default options":"Opções padrão","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Fase de eliminar (versões de cópias de segurança antigas)","Delete backup":"Eliminar cópia de segurança","Delete backups that are older than":"Eliminar cópias de segurança mais antigas do que","Delete local database":"Eliminar base de dados local","Delete remote files":"Eliminar ficheiros remotos","Delete the local database":"Eliminar base de dados local","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Eliminar {{filecount}} ficheiros ({{filesize}}) do armazenamento remoto?","Delete …":"A apagar ...","Deleted":"Eliminado","Deleted Versions":"Versões eliminadas","Deleted files":"Ficheiros eliminados","Deleting remote files …":"A apagar ficheiros remotos ...","Deleting unwanted files …":"A apagar ficheiros desnecessários ...","Description (optional)":"Descrição (opcional)","Description:":"Descrição:","Desktop":"Ambiente de trabalho","Destination":"Destino","Destination path":"Caminho de destino","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Gostou da nossa aplicação? Se gostou, saiba que pode fazer um donativo. A nossa sugestão é de {{smallamount}} para particulares e de {{largeamount}} para organizações.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Restauro a partir de ficheiros de cópias de segurança...","Disabled":"Desativada","Dismiss":"Descartar","Dismiss all":"Descartar tudo","Display and color theme":"Visualização e cor do tema","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar a cópia de segurança: \"{{name}}\"?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Tem a certeza de que deseja eliminar a base de dados local para: {{name}}?","Domain Name":"Nome do domínio","Donate":"Doar","Donation messages":"Mensagens de donativo","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Mensagens de donativo ocultas... Clique para mostrar","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Mensagens de donativo mostradas... Clique para ocultar","Done":"Terminado","Download":"Descarregar","Downloaded files":"Descarregar ficheiros","Downloading files …":"A transferir ficheiros ...","Downloading update…":"A transferir atualizações ...","Downloading …":"A transferir ...","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Opção duplicada {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Site do Duplicati","Duplicati forum":"Fórum","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"O Duplicati será executado quando iniciado, mas permanecerá no estado pausado pela duração. O Duplicati ocupará recursos mínimos do sistema e não será executada nenhuma cópia de segurança.","Duration":"Duração","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Cada cópia de segurança tem uma base de dados local associada e que armazena as informações sobre a cópia de segurança remota na sua máquina local.\nAo eliminar uma cópia de segurança, também elimina a base de dados local e afetará a possibilidade de restaurar os ficheiros remotos.\nSe estiver a utilizar uma base de dados local para cópias de segurança a partir da linha de comandos deve manter esta base de dados.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Cada cópia de segurança tem uma base de dados local associada e que armazena as informações sobre a cópia de segurança remota na sua máquina local.\\n Desta forma é mais fácil executar as operações e reduz a quantidade de dados que serão descarregados em cada operação.","Edit as list":"Editar como lista...","Edit as text":"Editar como texto","Edit …":"Editar ...","Encrypt file":"Encriptar ficheiro","Encryption":"Encriptação","Encryption changed":"Encriptação alterada","Encryption modules:":"Módulos de encriptação:","End":"Fim","Enter URL":"Digite o URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Introduza uma estratégia de retenção. Os espaços reservados são D/W/Y para dias / semanas / anos e U para ilimitado. A sintaxe é: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. Este exemplo mantém uma cópia de segurança para cada um dos próximos 7 dias, uma para cada uma das próximas 4 semanas e uma para cada um dos próximos 36 meses. Isso também pode ser escrito como 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Digite a chave de acesso","Enter account name":"Digite o nome da conta","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Digite a frase-passe da cópia de segurança, se existente","Enter configuration details":"Digite os detalhes da configuração","Enter container name":"Digite o nome do 'container'","Enter encryption passphrase":"Digite a frase-passe de encriptação","Enter expression here":"Digite aqui a expressão","Enter folder path name":"Digite o nome do caminho da pasta","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Digite uma opção por linha no formato de linha de comandos, exemplo {0}","Enter the destination path":"Digite o caminho do destino","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Digite o endereço de e-mail do grupo Office 365","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Introduza o caminho de destino completo, incluindo o nome do servidor, mas sem https","Error":"Erro","Error!":"Erro!","Errors and crashes":"Erros e términos","Examined":"Examinado","Exclude":"Excluir","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Excluir diretórios cujo nome contém","Exclude expression":"Expressão de exclusão","Exclude file":"Ficheiro de exclusão","Exclude file extension":"Tipo de ficheiro de exclusão","Exclude files whose names contain":"Excluir ficheiros cujo nome contém","Exclude filter group":"Excluir grupo de filtros","Exclude folder":"Pasta de exclusão","Exclude regular expression":"Expressão regular de exclusão","Existing file found":"Encontrado ficheiro","Experimental":"Experimental","Export":"Exportar","Export backup configuration":"Exportar configuração de cópia de segurança","Export configuration":"Exportar configuração","Export passwords":"Exportar palavras-passe","Export …":"Exportar ...","Exporting …":"A Exportar ...","External link":"Ligação externa","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Alternativo)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Falha ao criar a base de dados temporária: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Falha ao estabelecer ligação:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Falha ao estabelecer ligação: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Falha ao eliminar:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Falha ao obter a informação do caminho: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"Falha ao encontrar a cópia de segurança:","Failed to import:":"Falha ao importar:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Falha ao ler as definições da cópia de segurança:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Falha ao restaurar os ficheiros: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Falha ao guardar:","Fetching path information …":"A obter informação do caminho ...","File":"Ficheiro","Files larger than:":"Ficheiros maiores do que:","Filters":"Filtros","Finished!":"Terminado!","First run setup":"Configuração de primeira utilização","Folder":"Pasta","Folder path":"Caminho da pasta","Fri":"Sex","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"ID do projeto GSC","General":"Geral","General backup settings":"Definições gerias de cópia de segurança","General options":"Opções gerais","Generate":"Gerar","Generate IAM access policy":"Gerar política de acesso IAM","Getting file versions …":"A obter versão dos ficheiros ...","Group email":"E-mail do grupo","Hidden files":"Ficheiros ocultos","Hide":"Ocultar","Hide hidden folders":"Ocultar ficheiros ocultos","Home":"Página inicial","Hostnames":"Nomes de hosts","Hours":"Horas","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Como deseja gerir os ficheiros existentes?","Hyper-V Machine":"Máquina Hyper-V","Hyper-V Machine:":"Máquina Hyper-V:","Hyper-V Machines":"Máquinas Hyper-V","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Se não existir data, a tarefa será executada assim que possível.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Se for encontrada uma cópia de segurança mais recente, todas as cópias de segurança anteriores a esta data serão eliminadas.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Se a cópia de segurança e o servidor remoto não estiverem sincronizados, o Duplicati irá solicitar a reparação da base de dados.\\nSe não for possível a reparação, pode eliminar a base dados local para a poder recriar.","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Se o ficheiro da cópia de segurança não for transferido automáticamente, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">cloque com o botão direito do rato e escolha &quot;Guardar como …&quot;</a>","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"Se o ficheiro de cópia de segurança não for transferido automáticamente, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">clique com o lado direito do rato e escolha &quot;Guardar como …&quot;</a>","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Se não digitar o cominho, todos os ficheiros serão guardados na pasta raiz.\nTem a certeza de que é isto que deseja?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Se não digitar a chave API, será necessário o nome do 'tenant' (projeto).","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Se quiser utilizar esta cópia de segurança posteriormente, pode exportar a configuração antes de a eliminar.","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Se a sua máquina tiver vários utilizadores (mais do que uma conta), terá que definir uma palavra-passe para impedir que os outros utilizadores acedam aos dados da sua conta.\nDeseja definir agora essa palavra-passe?","Import":"Importar","Import Destination URL":"Importar URL do destino","Import backup configuration":"Importar configuração da cópia de segurança","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"A importação foi terminada mas não foram encontrados certificados após a importação","Import failed":"Falha ao importar:","Import from a file":"Importar de um ficheiro","Import metadata":"Importar meta-dados","Importing …":"A importar ...","Include a file?":"Incluir um ficheiro?","Include expression":"Expressão de inclusão","Include regular expression":"Expressão regular de exclusão","Incorrect answer, try again":"Resposta errada, tente novamente.","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Versões apenas para programadores. Não destinadas a serem utilizadas com dados importantes.","Information":"Informação","Install":"Instalar","Install failed:":"Falha ao instalar:","Invalid characters in path":"Caracteres inválidos no caminho","Invalid retention time":"Tempo de retenção inválido","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"É possível estabelecer ligação a servidores FTP sem palavra-passe.\nTem a certeza de que o servidor FTP possui suporte a sessões no modo anónimo?","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Manter um número específico","Keep all backups":"Manter todas as cópias de segurança","Keystone API version":"Versão da API Keystone","Language in user interface":"Idioma da interface de utilizador","Last month":"Último mês","Last successful backup:":"Última cópia de segurança com sucesso:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"Último restauro bem-sucedido: {{time}} (demorou {{duration || '0 segundos'}})","Latest":"Último","Libraries":"Bibliotecas","Listing backup dates …":"A listar datas das cópias de segurança ...","Listing remote files for purge …":"A listar ficheiros remotos para apagar ...","Listing remote files …":"A listar ficheiros remotos ...","Live":"Live","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Carregar uma configuração de uma tarefa exportada ou de um fornecedor de armazenamento","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Carregar um destino de uma tarefa exportada ou de um fornecedor de armazenamento","Load older data":"Carregar dados antigos","Loading ...":"A carregar...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"A carregar utilização do armazenamento externo...","Loading …":"A carregar ...","Local Repository":"Repositório local","Local database for":"Base de dados local para","Local database path:":"Caminho da base de dados local:","Local repository":"Repositório local","Local storage":"Armazenamento local","Location":"Localização","Location where buckets are created":"Localização para a criação dos 'buckets'","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Registo para <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Registo a partir do servidor","Log out":"Terminar sessão","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"Manutenção","Manually type path":"Digitar caminho manualmente","Max download speed":"Velocidade máxima para descargas","Max upload speed":"Velocidade máxima para envios","Menu":"Menu","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Base de dados Microsoft SQL:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Bases de dados Microsoft SQL","Minimum redundancy":"Redundância mínima","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"A redundância mínima é 1.0","Minutes":"Minutos","Missing name":"Nome em falta","Missing passphrase":"Frase-passe inexistente","Missing sources":"Fontes em falta","Modified":"Modificado","Mon":"Seg","Months":"Meses","Move existing database":"Mover base de dados existente","Move failed:":"Falha ao mover:","My Documents":"Meus documentos","My Music":"Minhas músicas","My Photos":"Minhas fotos","My Pictures":"Minhas imagens","Name":"Nome","Never":"Nunca","New update found: {{message}}":"Atualização encontrada: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"O novo nome de utilizador é {{user}}.\nAs credenciais foram atualizadas para usar o utilizador limitado","Next":"Seguinte","Next scheduled run:":"Próximo agendamento:","Next scheduled task:":"Próxima tarefa agendada:","Next task:":"Próxima tarefa:","Next time":"Próxima hora","No":"Não","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Não foi especificado nenhum certificado anteriormente, verifique com o administrador do servidor se a chave está correta: {{key}}\n\nQuer aprovar a chave de host reportada?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Não foi encontrado nenhum editor para o tipo de armazenamento &quot;{{backend}}&quot;","No encryption":"Sem encriptação","No items selected":"Nenhum item selecionado","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Não existem itens a restaurar, selecione um ou mais itens","No passphrase entered":"Frase-passe não introduzida","No scheduled tasks":"Nenhuma tarefa agendada","No, my machine has only a single account":"Apenas existe uma conta na minha máquina","Non-matching passphrase":"Disparidade de frases-passe","None / disabled":"Nenhum / desativado","Not using encryption":"Não usando encriptação","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"Nada será eliminado. O tamanho da cópia de segurança crescerá com cada alteração.","OK":"Aceitar","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"Se existirem mais cópias de segurança do que o número especificado, as cópias de segurança mais antigas serão eliminadas.","OpenStack AuthURI":"URI de autenticação do OpenStack ","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Opened":"Aberto","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"A chave da API do Openstack não é suportada na API keystone v3.","Operating System":"Sistema operativo","Operation":"Operação","Operation failed:":"Falha de operação:","Operations:":"Operações:","Optional authentication password":"Palavra-passe opcional para autenticação","Optional authentication username":"Nome de utilizador opcional para autenticação","Options":"Opções","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"As opções aqui adicionadas são aplicadas a todas as cópias de segurança, mas podem ser substituídas em cada cópia de segurança individual","Original location":"Localização original","Others":"Outras","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"Com o tempo, as versões das cópias de segurança serão eliminadas automaticamente. Permanecerá uma cópia de segurança dos últimos 7 dias, das últimas 4 semanas e cada um dos últimos 12 meses. Haverá sempre pelo menos uma cópia de segurança.","Overwrite":"Substituir","Passphrase":"Frase-passe","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Frase-passe (se encriptado)","Passphrase changed":"Frase-passe alterada","Passphrases are not matching":"Disparidade de frases-passe","Passphrases do not match":"As frases-passe não coincidem","Password":"Palavra-passe","Patching files with local blocks …":"A aplicar correcções aos ficheiros com blocos locais ...","Path":"Caminho","Path not found":"Caminho não encontrado","Path on server":"Caminho no servidor","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Caminho ou sub-pasta no 'bucket'","Pause":"Pausa","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pausa após o arranque ou hibernação","Pause options":"Opções de pausa","Permissions":"Permissões","Pick location":"Escolher localização","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Apontar para os ficheiros da cópia de segurança e restaurar a partir de lá","Port":"Porta","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"Impedir autenticação automática com o ícone da barra de tarefas","Previous":"Anterior","Progress:":"Progresso:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ID do projeto é opcional se o 'bucket' já existir","Proprietary":"Proprietário","Purge Phase":"Fase de purgar","Purging files complete!":"A purga dos ficheiros está terminada!","Purging files …":"A eliminar ficheiros ...","Rebuilding local database …":"A recriar a base de dados local ...","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Recriar (eliminar e reparar)","Recreate Database Phase":"Fase de recriar base de dados","Recreating database …":"A recriar a base de dados","Registering temporary backup …":"A registar a cópia de segurança emporária ...","Relative paths not allowed":"Caminhos relativos não são permitidos","Reload":"Recarregar","Remote":"Remoto","Remote Path":"Caminho remoto","Remote Repository":"Repositório remoto","Remote path":"Caminho remoto","Remote repository":"Repositório remoto","Remote volume size":"Remover tamanho do volume","Remove":"Remover","Remove option":"Remover opção","Removed files":"Ficheiros removidos","Repair":"Reparar","Repair Phase":"Fase de reparar","Repairing database …":"A reparar a base de dados ...","Repeat Passphrase":"Repetição de frase-passe","Reporting:":"Reporte:","Reset":"Repor","Restore":"Restaurar","Restore complete!":"Restauro terminado!","Restore files":"Restaurar ficheiros","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Restaurar ficheiros de {{backupname}}","Restore files …":"Restaurar ficheiros ...","Restore from":"Restaurar de","Restore from backup configuration":"Restaurar de uma configuração de cópia de segurança","Restore from configuration ...":"Restaurar de uma configuração...","Restore options":"Opções de restauro","Restore read/write permissions":"Restaurar permissões de leitura/escrita","Restored Files":"Ficheiros restaurados","Restored Folders":"Pastas restauradas","Restored Symlinks":"Ligações de ficheiros restauradas","Restoring files …":"A restaurar ficheiros ...","Resume":"Retomar","Rewritten File Lists":"Listas de ficheiros reescritos","Run again every":"Executar a cada","Run now":"Executar agora","Running ....":"Em curso...","Running commandline entry":"A executar a entrada na linha de comandos","Running task:":"Tarefa em execução:","Running …":"A executar ...","S3 Compatible":"Compatível com S3","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Igual à versão de instalação base: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Sáb","Save":"Guardar","Save and repair":"Guardar e reparar","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Guardar versões diferentes com marcas de hora no nome do ficheiro","Save immediately":"Guardar imediatamente","Scanning existing files …":"A analisar ficheiros existentes ...","Scanning for local blocks …":"A analisar blocos locais ...","Schedule":"Agendamento","Search":"Pesquisa","Search for files":"Pesquisar ficheiros","Seconds":"Segundos","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Selecione um nível de registos e veja as mensagens conforme elas aparecem:","Select files":"Selecionar ficheiros","Server":"Servidor","Server and port":"Servidor e porta","Server hostname or IP":"Nome ou IP do servidor","Server is currently paused,":"O servidor está em pausa,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"O servidor está em pausa, deseja continuar agora?","Server password":"Palavra-passe do servidor","Server paused":"Servidor em pausa","Server state properties":"Propriedades do estado do servidor","Settings":"Definições","Show":"Mostrar","Show advanced editor":"Mostrar editor avançado","Show hidden folders":"Mostrar pastas ocultas","Show log":"Mostrar registo","Show log …":"Mostrar registo ...","Show treeview":"Mostrar em árvore","Sia server password":"Palavra-passe do servidor Sia","Smart backup retention":"Retenção de cópia de segurança inteligente","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Alguns fornecedores OpenStack permitem uma chave de API em vez de uma palavra-passe e o tenant (projeto)","Source Data":"Dados de origem","Source Files":"Ficheiros de origem","Source data":"Dados de origem","Source folders":"Pastas de origem","Source:":"Origem:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"Versões específicas apenas para programadores. Não destinadas a serem utilizadas com dados importantes.","Standard protocols":"Protocolos padrão","Start":"Iniciar","Starting backup …":"A iniciar a cópia de segurança ...","Starting restore …":"A iniciar o restauro ...","Starting the restore process …":"A iniciar o processo de restauro ...","Stop after current file":"Parar após o ficheiro atual","Stop after the current file":"Parar após o ficheiro atual","Stop now":"Parar agora","Stop running backup":"Parar cópia de segurança em execução","Stop running task":"Parar tarefa em execução","Stopping after the current file:":"A parar após o ficheiro atual:","Stopping task:":"Parar tarefa:","Storage Type":"Tipo de armazenamento","Storage class":"Classe de armazenamento","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Classe de armazenamento para criar um 'bucket'","Stored":"Guardado","Strong":"Forte","Success":"Sucesso","Sun":"Dom","Symbolic link":"Ligação simbólica","System Files":"Ficheiros de sistema","System default ({{levelname}})":"Predefinição ({{levelname}})","System files":"Ficheiros do sistema","System info":"Informações do sistema","System properties":"Propriedades do sistema","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Caminho do destino, isto é /backup","Task is running":"Tarefa em execução","Temporary Files":"Ficheiros temporários","Temporary files":"Ficheiros temporários","Tenant Name":"Nome do 'tenant' (projeto)","Test Phase":"Fase de teste","Test connection":"Testar ligação","Testing ...":"A testar...","Testing connection ...":"A testar ligação...","Testing permissions …":"A verificar permissões ...","Testing permissions...":"A testar permissões...","Testing …":"A verificar ...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"O campo '{{fieldname}}' contém um carácter inválido: {{character}} (valor: {{value}}, índice: {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"Falta a cópia de segurança. Será que foi eliminada?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"A cópia de segurança era temporária e já não existe, por isso os dados de registo foram perdidos","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"O nome do 'bucket' deve ser todo em minúsculas. Converter automaticamente?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"O nome do 'bucket' deve começar com o seu nome de utilizador, prefixar automaticamente?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"A configuração deve ser mantida de forma segura. Tem a certeza de que quer guardar um ficheiro não encriptado contendo as suas palavras-passe?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"A conexão com o servidor foi perdida, a tentar novamente em {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Tema escuro (por Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Azul em tema claro (by Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"A pasta {{folder}} não existe.\nCriar agora?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"A chave do host foi alterada, verifique com o administrador do servidor se está correta, caso contrário pode ter sido vítima de um ataque MAN-IN-THE MIDDLE.\n\nDeseja SUBSTITUIR a sua chave do host ATUAL \"{{prev}}\" pela chave do host REPORTADA: {{key}}?","The passwords do not match":"As palavras-passe não coincidem","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Parece que o caminho não existe, quer adicioná-lo mesmo assim?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"O caminho não termina com um caractere '{{dirsep}}, o que significa que incluiu um ficheiro e não uma pasta.\n\nQuer incluir o ficheiro especificado?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"O caminho deve ser um caminho absoluto, ou seja, deve começar com uma barra inclinada '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"O caminho deve começar com \"{{prefix1}}\" ou \"{{prefix2}}\", caso contrário não poderá ver os ficheiro na interface web do HubiC.\n\nQuer adicionar o prefixo ao caminho automaticamente?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"O parâmetro de região só é aplicado ao criar um novo 'bucket'","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"O parâmetro de região só é usado na criação de um 'bucket'","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Não foi possível validar o certificado do servidor.\nQuer aprovar o certificado SSL com o hash: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"A classe de armazenamento afeta a disponibilidade e o preço de um ficheiro armazenado","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"A pasta de destino contém ficheiros encriptados. Forneça a frase-passe","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"O utilizador tem muitas permissões. Quer criar um novo utilizador limitado, com permissões apenas para o caminho selecionado?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Esta cópia de segurança foi criada noutro sistema operativo. A restauração dos ficheiros sem especificar uma pasta de destino pode fazer com que os ficheiros sejam restaurados em locais inesperados. Tem a certeza que quer continuar sem escolher uma pasta de destino?","This month":"Este mês","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"Esta opção não está relacionada com a cópia de segurança ou ao tamanho máximo do ficheiro, nem afeta as taxas de desduplicação. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">Veja esta página antes de alterar o tamanho do volume remoto.</external-link>","This week":"Esta semana","Throttle settings":"Definições de velocidade","Thu":"Qui","Time":"Hora","To File":"Para ficheiro","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Para confirmar que deseja eliminar todos os ficheiros remotos para \"{{nome}}\", insira a palavra abaixo","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Para exportar sem uma frase-passe, desmarque a caixa \"Encriptar ficheiro\"","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"Para evitar vários ataques baseados em DNS, o Duplicati limita os nomes de host permitidos aos que estão listados aqui. O acesso IP direto e o host local são sempre permitidos. Podem ser fornecidos vários nomes de host com um separador de ponto-e-vírgula. Se qualquer um dos nomes de host permitidos for um asterisco (*), todos os nomes de host serão permitidos e esse recurso será desativado. Se o campo estiver vazio, apenas o endereço IP e o acesso ao host local serão permitidos.","Today":"Hoje","Trust host certificate?":"Confiar no certificado do host?","Trust server certificate?":"Confiar no certificado do servidor?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"Experimente as novas funcionalidades em que estamos a trabalhar. Atualmente, a versão mais estável disponível. Teste restaurar dados antes de usar isto em ambientes de produção.","Tue":"Terça","Type passphrase here.":"Digite a frase-passe aqui.","Type to highlight files":"Digite para destacar ficheiros","Unknown backup size and versions":"Tamanho e versões da cópia de segurança desconhecidos","Until resumed":"Até retormar","Update channel":"Canal de atualização","Update failed:":"Falha ao atualizar:","Updating with existing database":"A atualizar base de dados existente","Uploaded files":"Ficheiros enviados","Uploading verification file …":"A enviar ficheiro de verificação ...","Usage reports help us improve the user experience and evaluate impact of new features. We use them to generate <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'public usage statistics' | translate}}</external-link>":"Relatórios de utilização ajudam-nos a melhorar a experiência do utilizador e medir o impacto de novas funcionalidades. Usamos estes dados para gerar <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'estatisticas de utilização públicas.'}}</external-link>","Usage statistics":"Estatísticas de utilização","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Estatísticas de utilização, avisos e erros","Use SSL":"Usar SSL","Use existing database?":"Usar base de dados existente?","Use weak passphrase":"Utilizar frase-passe fraca","Useless":"Inútil","User data":"Dados do utilizador","User domain name":"Nome do domínio do utilizador","User has too many permissions":"Utilizador com demasiadas permissões","User interface settings":"Definições da interface","Username":"Nome de utilizador","Vacuuming database …":"A limpar a base de dados ...","Validating …":"A validar ...","Verifications":"Verificações","Verify files":"A verificar ficheiros","Verifying ...":"A verificar...","Verifying answer":"A verificar resposta","Verifying backend data …":"A verificar dados remotos ...","Verifying files …":"A verificar ficheiros ...","Verifying remote data …":"A verificar dados remotos ...","Verifying restored files …":"A verificar ficheiros restaurados ...","Verifying …":"A verificar ...","Version ID":"ID da versão","Very strong":"Muito forte","Very weak":"Muito fraca","Visit us on":"Visite-nos em","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"AVISO: a base de dados remoto está a ser usada pela biblioteca da linha de comandos","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"AVISO: isto impedirá que possa restaurar os dados no futuro.","Waiting for task to begin":"À espera para iniciar a tarefa","Waiting for task to start ....":"À espera para iniciar a tarefa...","Waiting for upload to finish …":"A aguardar que o envio termine ...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Avisos e erros","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"Aceitamos donativos através de diferentes serviços, como OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource e várias criptomoedas.","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Recomendamos que encripte todas as cópias de segurança armazenadas fora do seu sistema","Weak":"Fraca","Weak passphrase":"Frase-passe fraca","Wed":"Qua","Weeks":"Semanas","Where do you want to restore from?":"De onde quer restaurar?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Para onde quer restaurar os ficheiros?","Years":"Anos","Yes":"Sim","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Sim, eu armazenei a frase-passe de forma segura","Yes, I understand the risk":"Sim, eu entendo os riscos","Yes, I'm brave!":"Sim, sou valente!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Sim, por favor estraga a minha cópia de segurança!","Yesterday":"Ontem","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Parece que está a executar o Mono sem certificados SSL carregados.\nQuer importar a lista de certificados confiáveis ​​da Mozilla?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Está a alterar o caminho da base de dados para longe de uma base de dados existente.\nTem a certeza que quer isso?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Está a executar o {{appname}} {{version}}","You can stop the backup after any file uploads currently in progress have finished.":"Pode parar a cópia de segurança após o envio de qualquer ficheiro em curso terminar.","You can stop the task immediately, or allow the process to continue its current file and then stop.":"Pode parar a tarefa imediatamente ou parar a tarefa após o processo do ficheiro atual.","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Mudou o modo de encriptação. Isso pode estragar algo. Em vez disso é recomendável fazer uma cópia de segurança.","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Alterou a frase-passe, que não é suportada. Em vez disso é recomendável criar uma cópia de segurança.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Escolheu não encriptar a cópia de segurança. É recomendável encriptar todos os dados armazenados num servidor remoto.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Escolheu restaurar para uma localização distinta mas não a indicou","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Gerou uma frase-passe segura. Certifique-se que fez uma cópia da frase-passe, uma vez que os dados não podem ser recuperados se perder a frase-passe.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Tem que escolher, pelo menos, uma pasta de origem","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"Tem de introduzir um nome de domínio para usar a API v3","You must enter a name for the backup":"Tem que introduzir o nome para a cópia de segurança","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Tem de introduzir uma frase-passe ou desativar a encriptação","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"Tem de introduzir uma palavra-passe para usar a API v3","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Tem que introduzir um número positivo para as cópias de segurança a manter","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"Te de introduzir um tenant (ou seja projeto) para usar a API v3","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Tem de introduzir um nome de tenant (projeto) se não fornecer uma chave de API","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Tem de introduzir uma duração de tempo válida durante a qual deve manter as cópias de segurança","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"Tem de introduzir uma expressão de política de retenção válida","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Tem que preencher uma palavra-passe ou uma chave API","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Tem que preencher uma palavra-passe ou uma chave API mas não ambas","You must fill in the password":"Tem que preencher uma palavra-passe","You must fill in the server name or address":"Tem que preencher o nome ou endereço do servidor","You must fill in the username":"Tem que preencher o nome de utilizador","You must fill in {{field}}":"Tem que preencher {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Tem que selecionar ou preencher o AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Tem que selecionar ou preencher o servidor","You must specify a path":"Tem que especificar o caminho","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"Deve preencher {{field}}{{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Os seus ficheiros e pastas foram restaurados com sucesso.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"A sua frase-passe é muito fraca. Deve alterar para uma mais forte.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"'bucket'/pasta/sub-pasta","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"personalizado","public usage statistics":"estatísticas de utilização públicas","resume now":"retomar agora","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"a não ser que esteja a especificar explicitamente --group-id","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} foi inicialmente desenvolvido por <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> e <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} pode ser descarregado em <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} é licenciado nos termos da <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} ficheiros ({{size}}) por enviar {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} versão","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} versões"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} hora","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} horas","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} minutos","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (demorou {{duration}})","…loading…":"...a carregar..."});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('ro', {"- pick an option -":"- alegeți o opțiune -","...loading...":"...se încarcă...","API Key":"Cheia API","AWS Access ID":"AWS Access ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Access Key","AWS IAM Policy":"Politica AWS IAM","About":"Despre","About {{appname}}":"Despre {{appname}}","Access Key":"Cheie de acces","Access denied":"Acces interzis","Access to user interface":"Accesul la interfața cu utilizatorul","Account name":"Nume de cont","Activate":"Activați","Activate failed:":"Activare nereușită:","Add a new backup":"Adăugați o copie de rezervă nouă","Add a path directly":"Adăugați direct o cale","Add advanced option":"Adăugați opțiunea avansată","Add backup":"Adăugați o copie de rezervă","Add filter":"Adăugați un filtru","Add path":"Adaugă calea","Added":"Adăugat","Adjust bucket name?":"Modificați numele găleții?","Adjust path name?":"Modificați calea?","Advanced Options":"Opțiuni avansate","Advanced options":"Opțiuni avansate","Advanced:":"Avansat:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Toate mașinile Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Toate bazele de date Microsoft SQL","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Toate rapoartele de utilizare sunt trimise anonim și nu conțin informații personale. Acestea conțin informații despre hardware și sistemul de operare, tipul de backend, durata de copiere, dimensiunea generală a datelor sursă și datele similare. Ele nu conțin căi, nume de fișiere, nume de utilizator, parole sau alte informații sensibile similare.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Permiteți accesul de la distanță (necesită repornire)","Allowed days":"Zile permise","An existing file was found at the new location":"Un fișier existent a fost găsit la noua locație","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Un fișier existent a fost găsit la noua locație\nSigur doriți ca baza de date să indice un fișier existent?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"O bază de date locală existentă pentru stocare a fost găsită.\nReutilizarea bazei de date va permite instanțelor de linie de comandă și server să funcționeze pe aceeași stocare la distanță.\n\n Doriți să utilizați baza de date existentă?","Anonymous usage reports":"Rapoarte de utilizare anonime","Applications":"Aplicații","As Command-line":"Ca linie de comandă","AuthID":"authId","Authentication password":"Parola de autentificare","Authentication username":"Numele de utilizator de autentificare","Autogenerated passphrase":"Fraza de acces generată automat","Automatically run backups.":"Executați automat backup-uri.","B2 Application Key":"B2 cheie de aplicație","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 ID-ul contului de stocare în cloud","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cheia aplicației de stocare cloud","Back":"Înapoi","Backend modules:":"Module backend:","Backup destination":"Destinație de rezervă","Backup location":"Locație de rezervă","Backup:":"Copie de rezervă:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Accesul spart","Browse":"Naviga","Browser default":"Browser default","Bucket Name":"Numele găleții","Bucket create location":"Locația unde va fi creată găleata","Bucket create region":"Regiunea unde va fi creată găleata","Bucket name":"Numele găleții","Bucket storage class":"Clasa de stocare a găleții","Building list of files to restore …":"Creez lista de fișiere de restaurat ...","Building partial temporary database …":"Creez o bază de date parțială temporară ...","Busy ...":"Ocupat ...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"Prin permiterea accesului de la distanță, se configurează serverul sa asculte cererile oricăror mașini din rețeaua ta. Dacă activezi această opțiune, asigură-te că folosești mereu calculatorul într-o rețea protejată de firewall.","Cache Files":"Încarcă fișierele în avans","Canary":"Canar","Cancel":"Anulare","Cannot move to existing file":"Nu se poate muta la fișierul existent","Changelog":"Jurnal de modificări","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Jurnal de modificări pentru {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Verificarea a eșuat:","Check for updates now":"Verifică acum actualizările","Checking ...":"În curs de verificare ...","Checking for updates …":"Caut versiuni noi ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Alege un tip de stocare pentru a începe","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Faceți clic pe linkul AuthID pentru a crea un AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Faceți clic pentru a seta opțiunile de accelerație","Commandline …":"Linie de comandă ...","Compact Phase":"Etapa de compactare","Compact now":"Compactează acum","Compacting remote data ...":"Se compactează datele de la distanță ...","Compacting remote data …":"Se compactează datele de la distanță ...","Complete log":"Jurnal complet","Completing backup …":"Se finalizează copia de rezervă ...","Completing previous backup …":"Se finalizează copia de rezervă anterioară ...","Compression modules:":"Module de compresie:","Computer":"Calculator","Configuration file:":"Fișier de configurare:","Configuration:":"Configurare:","Configure a new backup":"Configurați o copie de rezervă nouă","Confirm delete":"Confirmă ștergerea","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Confirmă parola de criptare","Confirm passphrase":"Confirmă parola","Confirm password":"Confirmă parola","Confirmation required":"Confirmare Necesară","Connect":"Conectează","Connect now":"Conectează acum","Connecting to server …":"Se conectează la server ...","Connecting to task ....":"Se conectează la activitate ....","Connecting...":"Se conectează ...","Connection lost":"Conexiunea a fost pierdută","Connection worked!":"Conexiunea a funcționat!","Container name":"Numele containerului","Container region":"Zona containerului","Continue":"Continuă","Continue without encryption":"Continuă fără criptare","Copied!":"Copiată!","Copy":"Copiază","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Copiați adresa URL de destinație în Clipboard","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Copierea a eșuat. Copiați manual adresa URL","Core options":"Opțiuni centrale","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Numărătoare ({{fișiere}} fișiere găsite, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Doar eșecuri","Create bug report …":"Creează un raport de defecțiune","Create folder?":"Creează director?","Created new limited user":"S-a creat un nou utilizator cu drepturi limitate","Creating bug report …":"Se creează un raport de defecțiuni ...","Creating new user with limited access …":"Se creează un nou utilizator cu acces limitat ...","Creating target folders …":"Se creează directoarele destinație ...","Creating temporary backup …":"Se creează o copie de rezervă temporară ...","Creating user...":"Se creează utilizatorul ...","Current action:":"Acțiunea curentă:","Current file:":"Fișierul curent:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Versiunea curentă este {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Conector S3 personalizat","Custom authentication url":"Adresă de autentificare personalizată","Custom backup retention":"Durată de retenție a copiei de rezervă personalizată","Custom location ({{server}})":"Locația particularizată ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Regiunea personalizată pentru crearea de cupe","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Valoarea pentru regiunea particularizată ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Adresa URL a serverului personalizat ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Clase de stocare personalizate ({{class}})","Database …":"Bază de date ...","Days":"Zile","Default":"Mod implicit","Default ({{channelname}})":"Implicit ({{nume_canal}})","Default excludes":"Excluderi implicite","Default options":"Opțiunile prestabilite","Delete":"Șterge","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"Etapa de ștergere (Versiuni Vechi ale Copiei de Rezervă)","Delete backup":"Șterge copie de rezervă","Delete backups that are older than":"Șterge copiile de rezervă mai vechi de:","Delete local database":"Șterge baza de date locală","Delete remote files":"Șterge fișierele la distanță","Delete the local database":"Ștergeți baza de date locală","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Ștergeți fișierele {{filecount}} ({{file size}}) din spațiul de stocare de la distanță?","Delete …":"Șterge ...","Deleted":"Șters","Deleted Versions":"Versiuni șterse","Deleted files":"Fișiere șterse","Deleting remote files …":"Se șterg fișierele de la distanță ...","Deleting unwanted files …":"Se șterg fișierele nedorite ...","Description (optional)":"Descriere (opțional)","Description:":"Descriere:","Desktop":"Spațiul de lucru","Destination":"Destinaţie","Destination path":"Calea destinație","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Am ajutat la salvarea fișierelor? În acest caz, vă rugăm să luați în considerare sprijinirea Duplicati cu o donație. Vă sugerăm utilizarea {{smallamount}} pentru uz privat și {{largeamount}} pentru uz comercial.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Restaurare directă din fișierele de rezervă ...","Disabled":"Inactiv","Dismiss":"Închide","Dismiss all":"Închide tot","Display and color theme":"Afișare și temă de culoare","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Chiar vrei să ștergi copia de rezervă: \"{{name}}\"?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Chiar vrei să ștergi baza de date locală pentru: {{name}}","Domain Name":"Nume de domeniu","Donate":"Donează","Donation messages":"Mesaje de donare","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Mesajele de donare sunt ascunse, dați clic pentru a afișa","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Mesajele de donare sunt vizibile, faceți clic pentru a ascunde","Done":"Terminat","Download":"Descarcă","Downloaded files":"Fișierele descărcate","Downloading files …":"Se descarcă fișierele ...","Downloading update…":"Se descarcă actualizarea ...","Downloading …":"Se descarcă ...","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Opțiunea de duplicare {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Site-ul web al Duplicati","Duplicati forum":"Forum-ul Duplicati","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati va rula la pornire, dar va rămâne pe pauză pentru durata specificată. Duplicati va folosi resurse minime și nu va fi creată nici o copie de rezervă.","Duration":"Durată","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Fiecare copie de rezervă are o bază de date locală asociată cu aceasta, care stochează informații despre copia de siguranță la distanță de pe aparatul local.\n            Când ștergeți o copie de rezervă, puteți șterge și baza de date locală fără a afecta capacitatea de a restabili fișierele la distanță.\n            Dacă utilizați baza de date locală pentru copii de rezervă din linia de comandă, ar trebui să păstrați baza de date.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Fiecare copie de siguranță are o bază de date locală asociată cu aceasta, care stochează informații despre copia de rezervă la distanță pe mașina locală. \\ NAcest lucru face mai rapidă efectuarea mai multor operații și reduce cantitatea de date care trebuie descărcată pentru fiecare operație.","Edit as list":"Editați ca listă","Edit as text":"Editați ca text","Encrypt file":"Criptați fișierul","Encryption":"Criptarea","Encryption changed":"Criptarea a fost modificată","Encryption modules:":"Module de criptare:","End":"Sfârșit","Enter URL":"Introdu URL-ul","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Înregistrează manual o strategie de retenție. Literele sunt D/W/Y oentru zile/săptămâni/ani și U pentru nelimitat. Sintaxa este: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. Acest exemplu păstreză o copie de rezervă pentru fiecare zi din următoarele 7 zile, una pentru următoarele 4 săptămâni și una pentru fiecare din următoarele 36 de luni. Acest lucru poate fi scris astfel 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Introduceți cheia de acces","Enter account name":"Introduceți numele contului","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Introduceți fraza de acces, dacă există","Enter configuration details":"Introduceți detaliile de configurare","Enter container name":"Introduceți numele containerului","Enter encryption passphrase":"Introduceți expresia de acces pentru criptare","Enter expression here":"Introduceți expresia aici","Enter folder path name":"Introduceți numele căii de cale","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Introduceți o opțiune pe linie în format de linie de comandă, de ex. {0}","Enter the destination path":"Introduceți calea de destinație","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Introdu adresa de email pentru grupul de Office 365","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Introdu calea de destinație completă, inclusiv numele serverului, dar fără https","Error":"Eroare","Error!":"Eroare!","Errors and crashes":"Erori și accidente","Examined":"Examinat","Exclude":"Exclude","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Excludeți directoarele ale căror nume conțin","Exclude expression":"Excludeți expresia","Exclude file":"Excludeți fișierul","Exclude file extension":"Excludeți extensia de fișier","Exclude files whose names contain":"Excludeți fișierele ale căror nume conțin","Exclude folder":"Excludeți dosarul","Exclude regular expression":"Excludeți expresia regulată","Existing file found":"Fișierul existent găsit","Experimental":"Experimental","Export":"Export","Export backup configuration":"Exportați configurația de backup","Export configuration":"Exportați configurația","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (alternativă)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Eroare la crearea bazei de date temporare: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Eroare de conexiune:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Nu s-a putut conecta: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Nu sa șters:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Nu s-a putut obține informații despre cale: {{message}}","Failed to import:":"Imposibil de importat:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Nu au putut fi citite valorile implicite de rezervă:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Nu sa reușit restaurarea fișierelor: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Salvarea nu a reușit:","File":"Fişier","Files larger than:":"Fișiere mai mari decât:","Filters":"Filtre","Finished!":"Terminat!","First run setup":"Prima configurare","Folder":"Pliant","Folder path":"Dosarul de cale","Fri":"Vi","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte / s","GCS Project ID":"ID de proiect GCS","General":"General","General backup settings":"Setări de rezervă generale","General options":"Optiuni generale","Generate":"Genera","Generate IAM access policy":"Generați politica de acces la IAM","Hidden files":"Fișiere ascunse","Hide":"Ascunde","Hide hidden folders":"Ascundeți folderele ascunse","Home":"Acasă","Hours":"ore","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Cum doriți să gestionați fișierele existente?","Hyper-V Machine":"Mașină Hyper-V","Hyper-V Machine:":"Mașina Hyper-V:","Hyper-V Machines":"Mașini Hyper-V","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Dacă o dată a fost ratată, lucrarea va funcționa cât mai curând posibil.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Dacă spațiul de salvare și stocarea la distanță nu se sincronizează, Duplicati va necesita efectuarea unei operații de reparații pentru sincronizarea bazei de date. \\ NDacă repararea nu este reușită, puteți șterge baza de date locală și puteți re-genera.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Dacă nu introduceți o cale, toate fișierele vor fi stocate în dosarul de conectare.\nEști sigur că asta vrei?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Dacă nu introduceți o cheie API, este necesar numele locatarului","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Dacă doriți să utilizați ulterior copia de rezervă, puteți să exportați configurația înainte de ao șterge","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Dacă aparatul dvs. se află într-un mediu cu mai mulți utilizatori (adică mașina are mai multe conturi), trebuie să setați o parolă pentru a împiedica alți utilizatori să acceseze date din contul dvs.\nDoriți să setați o parolă acum?","Import":"Import","Import Destination URL":"Importați adresa URL de destinație","Import backup configuration":"Importați configurația de rezervă","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Importul a fost finalizat, dar nu au fost găsite certificate după import","Import failed":"Importul a eșuat","Import from a file":"Importați dintr-un fișier","Include a file?":"Includeți un fișier?","Include expression":"Includeți expresia","Include regular expression":"Includeți expresia regulată","Incorrect answer, try again":"Răspuns incorect, încercați din nou","Information":"informație","Install":"Instalare","Install failed:":"Instalarea a eșuat:","Invalid characters in path":"Caractere nevalide în cale","Invalid retention time":"Timp de retenție nevalid","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Este posibil să vă conectați la un FTP fără o parolă.\nSunteți sigur că serverul FTP acceptă login-urile fără parolă?","KByte":"kByte","KByte/s":"KByte / s","Language in user interface":"Limba în interfața cu utilizatorul","Last month":"Luna trecuta","Latest":"Cele mai recente","Libraries":"Biblioteci","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Încărcați o configurație dintr-o lucrare exportată sau dintr-un furnizor de stocare","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Încărcați destinația dintr-o lucrare exportată sau dintr-un furnizor de stocare","Load older data":"Încărcați date mai vechi","Loading ...":"Se incarca ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Se încarcă utilizarea spațiului de stocare ...","Local database for":"Bază de date locală pentru","Local database path:":"Calea bazei de date locale:","Local storage":"Depozit local","Location":"Locație","Location where buckets are created":"Locația în care sunt create găleți","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Date din jurnal pentru <b> {{Backup.Backup.Name}} </ b>","Log data from the server":"Datele din jurnal de pe server","Log out":"Deconectați-vă","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte / s","Maintenance":"întreținere","Manually type path":"Trasează manual calea","Max download speed":"Viteză maximă de descărcare","Max upload speed":"Viteză maximă de încărcare","Menu":"Meniul","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL Database:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Baze de date Microsoft SQL","Minimum redundancy":"Redundanță minimă","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Redundanța minimă este de 1,0","Minutes":"Minute","Missing name":"Lipsește numele","Missing passphrase":"Fraza de acces lipsă","Missing sources":"Sursa lipsă","Mon":"Mon","Months":"Luni","Move existing database":"Mutați baza de date existentă","Move failed:":"Mutarea a eșuat:","My Documents":"Documentele mele","My Music":"Muzica mea","My Photos":"Fotografiile mele","My Pictures":"Pozele mele","Name":"Nume","Never":"Nu","New update found: {{message}}":"S-a găsit o nouă actualizare: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Numele noului utilizator este {{user}}.\nAu fost aprobate informațiile pentru a utiliza noul utilizator limitat","Next":"Următor →","Next scheduled run:":"Următorul programat:","Next scheduled task:":"Următoarea sarcină programată:","Next task:":"Următoarea sarcină:","Next time":"Data viitoare","No":"Nu","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Niciun certificat nu a fost specificat anterior, verificați cu administratorul serverului că cheia este corectă: {{key}}\n\nDoriți să aprobați cheia de gazdă raportată?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Nu a fost găsit un editor pentru tipul de stocare 6118489 _ {{backend}} &quot;","No encryption":"Nu există criptare","No items selected":"Nu au fost selectate elemente","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Nu există elemente pentru restaurare, selectați unul sau mai multe elemente","No passphrase entered":"Nu a fost introdusă nici o expresie de acces","No scheduled tasks":"Nu există sarcini programate","No, my machine has only a single account":"Nu, mașina mea are doar un singur cont","Non-matching passphrase":"Fraza de acces fără potrivire","None / disabled":"Nici unul / dezactivat","OK":"O.K","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Operation failed:":"Operația a eșuat:","Operations:":"Operații:","Optional authentication password":"Parola de autentificare opțională","Optional authentication username":"Nume de utilizator opțional de autentificare","Options":"Opțiuni","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Opțiunile adăugate aici sunt aplicate tuturor backup-urilor, dar pot fi suprascrise în fiecare copie de rezervă individuală","Original location":"Locația originală","Others":"Alții","Overwrite":"Suprascriere","Passphrase":"o expresie de acces","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Fraza de acces (dacă este criptată)","Passphrase changed":"Fraza de acces a fost modificată","Passphrases are not matching":"Frazele de acces nu se potrivesc","Password":"Parola","Path not found":"Calea nu a fost găsită","Path on server":"Cale pe server","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Cale sau subfolder în găleată","Pause":"Pauză","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Întrerupeți după pornire sau hibernare","Pause options":"Opțiunile de întrerupere","Permissions":"Permisiuni","Pick location":"Alegeți locația","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Indicați fișierele de rezervă și restaurați-le de acolo","Port":"Port","Previous":"Anterior","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ID-ul proiectului este opțional dacă există o cupă","Proprietary":"Proprietate","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Refaceți (ștergeți și reparați)","Relative paths not allowed":"Căile relative nu sunt permise","Reload":"Reîncarcă","Remote":"la distanta","Remove":"Elimina","Remove option":"Eliminați opțiunea","Repair":"Reparație","Repeat Passphrase":"Repetați expresia de acces","Reporting:":"Raportarea:","Reset":"restabili","Restore":"Restabili","Restore files":"Restaurați fișierele","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Restaurați fișierele din {{backupname}}","Restore from":"Restaurați de la","Restore from backup configuration":"Restabiliți din configurația de backup","Restore from configuration ...":"Restabiliți din configurație ...","Restore options":"Restaurați opțiunile","Restore read/write permissions":"Restaurați permisiunile de citire / scriere","Resume":"Relua","Run again every":"Rulați din nou fiecare","Run now":"Fugiți acum","Running ....":"Alergare ....","Running commandline entry":"Rulează intrarea în linia de comandă","Running task:":"Sarcina de funcționare:","S3 Compatible":"S3 Compatibil","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"La fel ca versiunea de instalare de bază: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Sat","Save":"Salvați","Save and repair":"Salvați și reparați","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Salvați diferite versiuni cu marca de timp în numele fișierului","Save immediately":"Salvați imediat","Schedule":"Programa","Search":"Căutare","Search for files":"Căutați fișiere","Seconds":"secunde","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Selectați un nivel de jurnal și vedeți mesajele așa cum se întâmplă:","Select files":"Selectati fisierele","Server":"Server","Server and port":"Server și port","Server hostname or IP":"Server hostname sau IP","Server is currently paused,":"Serverul este în prezent întrerupt,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Serverul este în prezent întrerupt, doriți să îl reluați acum?","Server password":"Parola serverului","Server paused":"Serverul a fost întrerupt","Server state properties":"Proprietăți stare server","Settings":"Setări","Show":"Spectacol","Show advanced editor":"Afișați editorul avansat","Show hidden folders":"Afișați dosarele ascunse","Show log":"Arată jurnal","Show treeview":"Afișați arborele","Sia server password":"Parola serverului Sia","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Unii furnizori OpenStack permit o cheie API în locul unei parole și a unui nume de chiriaș","Source Data":"Datele sursă","Source data":"Datele sursă","Source folders":"Sursă de directoare","Source:":"Sursă:","Standard protocols":"Protocoale standard","Stop after the current file":"Opriți după fișierul curent","Stop now":"Opreste-te acum","Stop running backup":"Nu mai rulați backupul","Stop running task":"Opriți executarea sarcinii","Stopping task:":"Oprire:","Storage Type":"Tip de stocare","Storage class":"Clasă de stocare","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Clasă de stocare pentru crearea unei găleți","Stored":"stocate","Strong":"Puternic","Success":"Succes","Sun":"Soare","Symbolic link":"Link-uri simbolice","System default ({{levelname}})":"Implicit în sistem ({{levelname}})","System files":"Fișiere de sistem","System info":"Informatie de sistem","System properties":"Proprietatile sistemului","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte / s","Target path, ie /backup":"Calea țintă, adică / backup","Task is running":"Sarcina se execută","Temporary files":"Fișiere temporare","Tenant Name":"Numele proprietarului","Test connection":"Test de conexiune","Testing ...":"Testarea ...","Testing connection ...":"Testarea conexiunii ...","Testing permissions...":"Testarea permisiunilor ...","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Numele găleții ar trebui să fie toate literele mici, să se convertească automat?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Numele bucketului ar trebui să înceapă cu numele dvs. de utilizator, să se predea automat?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"Conexiunea la server este pierdută, încercând din nou în {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Tema intunecata (de Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Culoarea albastră implicită pe alb (de Alex)","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"Cheia gazdă a fost modificată, verificați-vă cu administratorul serverului dacă aceasta este corectă, altfel ați putea fi victima unui atac MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE.\n\nDoriți să ÎNLOCUIți cheia gazdă CURRENT \"{{prev}}\" cu cheia gazdă REPORTED: {{key}}?","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Calea nu pare să existe, vreți să o adăugați oricum?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Calea nu se termină cu un caracter {{dirsep}}, ceea ce înseamnă că includeți un fișier, nu un dosar.\n\nDoriți să includeți fișierul specificat?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Calea trebuie să fie o cale absolută, adică trebuie să pornească cu o slash '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Calea ar trebui să înceapă cu \"{{prefix1}}\" sau \"{{prefix2}}\", altfel nu veți putea vedea fișierele din interfața web HubiC.\n\nDoriți să adăugați prefixul la cale în mod automat?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Parametrul regiune se aplică numai când se creează o nouă găleată","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Parametrul regiune este utilizat numai când creați o găleată","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Certificatul de server nu a putut fi validat.\nDoriți să aprobați certificatul SSL cu hash: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"Clasa de stocare afectează disponibilitatea și prețul unui fișier stocat","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Dosarul țintă conține fișiere criptate, furnizați expresia de acces","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"Utilizatorul are prea multe permisiuni. Doriți să creați un nou utilizator limitat, cu permisiuni numai pentru calea selectată?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Această copie de siguranță a fost creată pe un alt sistem de operare. Restaurarea fișierelor fără specificarea unui dosar de destinație poate determina refacerea fișierelor în locuri neașteptate. Sigur doriți să continuați fără a alege un dosar de destinație?","This month":"Luna aceasta","This week":"Săptămâna aceasta","Throttle settings":"Setările clapetei","Thu":"Thu","To File":"La dosar","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Pentru a confirma că doriți să ștergeți toate fișierele la distanță pentru \"{{name}}\", introduceți cuvântul pe care îl vedeți mai jos","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Pentru a exporta fără o expresie de acces, debifați caseta \"Criptare fișier\"","Today":"Astăzi","Trust host certificate?":"Trust gazdă certificat?","Trust server certificate?":"Certificat de server de încredere?","Tue":"Marti","Type to highlight files":"Tastați pentru a evidenția fișierele","Unknown backup size and versions":"Mărimea și versiunile de rezervă necunoscute","Until resumed":"Până la reluare","Update channel":"Actualizați canalul","Update failed:":"Actualizare esuata:","Updating with existing database":"Actualizarea cu baza de date existentă","Usage statistics":"Statistica utilizării","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Statistici de utilizare, avertismente, erori și accidente","Use SSL":"Utilizați SSL","Use existing database?":"Utilizați baza de date existentă?","Use weak passphrase":"Utilizați fraza de acces slabă","Useless":"Inutil","User data":"Datele utilizatorului","User has too many permissions":"Utilizatorul are prea multe permisiuni","User interface settings":"Setările interfeței utilizatorului","Username":"Nume de utilizator","Verify files":"Verificați fișierele","Verifying ...":"Verificarea ...","Verifying answer":"Verificarea răspunsului","Very strong":"Foarte puternic","Very weak":"Foarte slab","Visit us on":"Vizitați-ne","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"AVERTISMENT: Baza de date la distanță este folosită de biblioteca de comandă","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"AVERTISMENT: Acest lucru vă va împiedica să restaurați datele în viitor.","Waiting for task to begin":"Se așteaptă ca sarcina să înceapă","Waiting for task to start ....":"Se așteaptă ca sarcina să înceapă ....","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Avertizări, erori și accidente","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Vă recomandăm să criptați toate copiile de rezervă stocate în afara sistemului dvs.","Weak":"Slab","Weak passphrase":"Frază de acces slabă","Wed":"însura","Weeks":"săptămâni","Where do you want to restore from?":"De unde doriți să restaurați?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Unde doriți să restaurați fișierele?","Years":"Ani","Yes":"da","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Da, am stocat expresia de acces în siguranță","Yes, I'm brave!":"Da, sunt curajos!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Da, vă rog să întrerupeți backupul!","Yesterday":"Ieri","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Se pare că rulați Mono fără certificate SSL încărcate.\nDoriți să importați lista de certificate de încredere de la Mozilla?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Schimbați calea bazei de date departe de o bază de date existentă.\nEști sigur că asta vrei?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"În prezent, executați {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Ați schimbat modul de criptare. Acest lucru poate sparge lucrurile. Sunteți încurajați să creați în schimb o copie de siguranță nouă","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Ați schimbat fraza de acces, care nu este acceptată. Sunteți încurajați să creați în schimb o copie de siguranță nouă.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Ați ales să nu criptați copia de rezervă. Criptarea este recomandată pentru toate datele stocate pe un server de la distanță.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Ați ales să restaurați o locație nouă, dar nu ați introdus una","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Ați generat o expresie de acces puternică. Asigurați-vă că ați făcut o copie sigură a expresiei de acces, deoarece datele nu pot fi recuperate dacă pierdeți expresia de acces.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Trebuie să alegeți cel puțin un dosar sursă","You must enter a name for the backup":"Trebuie să introduceți un nume pentru copia de rezervă","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Trebuie să introduceți o expresie de acces sau să dezactivați criptarea","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Trebuie să introduceți un număr pozitiv de copii de rezervă pe care să le păstrați","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Trebuie să introduceți un nume de chiriaș dacă nu furnizați o cheie API","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Trebuie să introduceți o durată valabilă pentru timpul necesar pentru a păstra copii de rezervă","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Trebuie să introduceți o parolă sau o cheie API","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Trebuie să introduceți o parolă sau o cheie API, nu ambele","You must fill in the password":"Trebuie să completați parola","You must fill in the server name or address":"Trebuie să completați numele sau adresa serverului","You must fill in the username":"Trebuie să completați numele de utilizator","You must fill in {{field}}":"Trebuie să completați {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Trebuie să selectați sau să completați AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Trebuie să selectați sau să completați serverul","You must specify a path":"Trebuie să specificați o cale","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Fișierele și folderele dvs. au fost restaurate cu succes.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Fraza de acces este ușor de ghicit. Luați în considerare schimbarea expresiei de acces.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"cupă pentru excavat / folder / subfolder","byte":"octet","byte/s":"byte / s","custom":"personalizat","resume now":"reluați acum","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} a fost dezvoltat în primul rând prin <a href=\"{{mail\"}}\"> {{dev1}} </a> și <a href=\"{{mail2}}\"> {{dev2}} </ a>. {{appname}} poate fi descărcat de la <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\"> {{sitename}} </a>. {{appname}} este licențiat sub <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\"> {{licensename}} </a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} fișiere ({{size}}) pentru a merge {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$ count}} versiune","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$ count}} Versiuni","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$ count}} Versiuni"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{număr}} oră","{{number}} Minutes":"{{număr}} Minute","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (a luat {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('ru', {"- pick an option -":"- выберите параметр -","...loading...":"...загрузка...","API Key":"Ключ API","AWS Access ID":"AWS Access ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Access Key","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Policy","About":"О программе","About {{appname}}":"О {{appname}}","Access Key":"Ключ доступа","Access denied":"Доступ запрещен","Access to user interface":"Доступ в веб-интерфейс","Account name":"Имя учётной записи","Activate":"Активировать","Activate failed:":"Активация не удалась:","Add a new backup":"Создать новую резервную копию","Add a path directly":"Добавить путь непосредственно","Add advanced option":"Добавить расширенный параметр","Add backup":"Добавить резервную копию","Add filter":"Добавить фильтр","Add path":"Добавить путь","Adjust bucket name?":"Изменить имя блока?","Adjust path name?":"Изменить имя пути?","Advanced Options":"Расширенные параметры","Advanced options":"Расширенные параметры","Advanced:":"Дополнительно:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Все виртуальные машины Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Все базы данных Microsoft SQL","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Все отчеты отправляются анонимно и не включают каких-либо персональных данных. Они содержат информацию об аппаратной конфигурации и операционной системе, типе бэкэнда, продолжительности  резервного копирования, а также общий размер резервируемых данных и другие подобные данные. Они не включают пути или имена файлов, имена пользователей, пароли или любую другую конфиденциальную информацию.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Разрешить удалённый доступ (потребуется перезапуск)","Allowed days":"Разрешенные дни","An existing file was found at the new location":"Существующий файл был найден по новому пути","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Существующий файл был найден по новому пути\nВы точно хотите, чтобы база данных указывала на существующий файл?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"Была обнаружена локальная база данных для хранилища.\nПовторное использование базы данных позволит экземплярам командной строки и сервера работать на одном и том же удаленном хранилище.\n\n Вы хотите использовать существующую базу данных?","Anonymous usage reports":"Анонимные отчёты об использовании","As Command-line":"Как командная строка","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Пароль для аутентификации","Authentication username":"Имя пользователя для аутентификации","Autogenerated passphrase":"Сгенерированный пароль","Automatically run backups.":"Запускать резервное копирование автоматически","B2 Application Key":"B2 Application Key","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 Cloud Storage Account ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cloud Storage Application Key","Back":"Назад","Backend modules:":"Модули бэкенда:","Backup destination":"Хранение резервной копии","Backup location":"Расположение резервной копии","Backup:":"Резервная копия:","Beta":"Beta","Broken access":"Битый доступ","Browse":"Обзор","Browser default":"Браузер по-умолчанию","Bucket Name":"Имя блока","Bucket create location":"Место создания блока","Bucket create region":"Регион создания блока","Bucket name":"Имя блока","Bucket storage class":"Класс хранения блока","Busy ...":"Занят ...","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Отмена","Cannot move to existing file":"Не могу переместить в существующий файл","Changelog":"История изменений","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Список изменений для {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Проверка не удалась:","Check for updates now":"Проверить наличие обновлений","Checking ...":"Проверка","Chose a storage type to get started":"Для начала выберите тип хранилища","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Нажмите на ссылку AuthID для создания AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Нажмите, чтобы установить параметры ограничения скорости","Compact now":"Уплотнить сейчас","Compacting remote data ...":"Уплотнение удаленных данных ...","Compression modules:":"Модули сжатия:","Computer":"Компьютер","Configuration file:":"Файл конфигурации:","Configuration:":"Настройка:","Configure a new backup":"Настройка новой резервной копии","Confirm delete":"Подтвердите удаление","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Подтвердите кодовую фразу шифрования","Confirmation required":"Необходимо подтверждение","Connect":"Подключение","Connect now":"Подключиться сейчас","Connecting to task ....":"Подключение к задаче...","Connecting...":"Подключение...","Connection lost":"Потеряно соединение","Connection worked!":"Подключение работает!","Container name":"Имя контейнера","Container region":"Регион контейнера","Continue":"Продолжить","Continue without encryption":"Продолжить без шифрования","Copied!":"Скопировано!","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Скопировать URL-адрес назначения в буфер обмена","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Копирование не удалось. Скопируйте URL-адрес вручную","Core options":"Основные параметры","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Сканирование (найдено {{files}} файлов, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Только падения","Create folder?":"Создать папку?","Created new limited user":"Создан новый ограниченный пользователь","Creating user...":"Создание пользователя...","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Текущая версия — {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"Пользовательский S3 endpoint","Custom authentication url":"Пользовательский URL-адрес аутентификации","Custom location ({{server}})":"Пользовательское местоположение ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"Пользовательский регион для создания buckets","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Пользовательское значение региона ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Пользовательский URL-адрес сервера ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Пользовательский класс хранения ({{class}})","Days":"Дней","Default":"По умолчанию","Default ({{channelname}})":"По умолчанию ({{channelname}})","Default options":"Параметры по умолчанию","Delete":"Удалить","Delete backup":"Удалить резервную копию","Delete local database":"Удалить локальную базу данных","Delete remote files":"Удалить удаленные файлы","Delete the local database":"Удалить локальную базу данных","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Удалить {{filecount}} файлов ({{filesize}}) из удаленного хранилища?","Desktop":"Рабочий стол","Destination":"Хранение","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Мы помогли спасти ваши файлы? Если да, пожалуйста, подумайте о поддержке Duplicati пожертвованием. Мы предлагаем {{smallamount}} за частное использование и {{largeamount}} за коммерческое использование.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Восстановление из резервной копии","Disabled":"Отключено","Dismiss":"Скрыть","Display and color theme":"Отображение и цветовая тема","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Вы действительно хотите удалить резервную копию: «{{name}}» ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Вы действительно хотите удалить локальную базу данных для: {{name}}","Donate":"Пожертвовать","Donation messages":"Напоминания о пожертвовании","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Напоминания о пожертвовании отключены, нажмите, чтобы показывать","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Напоминания о пожертвовании включены, нажмите, чтобы скрыть","Done":"Готово","Download":"Скачать","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Дублировать параметр {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Сайт Duplicati ","Duplicati forum":"Форум Duplicati","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Для каждой резервной копии существует связанная с ней локальная база данных, которая хранит на локальной машине информацию об удаленной резервной копии.\nПри удалении резервной копии вы можете также удалить и локальную базу данных, никак не влияя на возможность восстановления удалённых файлов.\nЕсли вы используете локальную базу данных для резервного копирования из командной строки, то вы должны сохранить базу данных.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Каждая резервная копия имеет локальную базу данных, связанную с ним, со сведениями об удаленной резервной копировании на местном компьютере. \\nЭто позволяет быстрее выполнять множество операций и уменьшает объем данных, который необходимо загрузить для каждой операции.","Edit as list":"Редактировать как список","Edit as text":"Редактировать как текст","Encrypt file":"Шифровать файл","Encryption":"Шифрование","Encryption changed":"Шифрование изменено","Encryption modules:":"Модули шифрования:","Enter URL":"Введите URL-адрес","Enter access key":"Введите ключ доступа","Enter account name":"Введите имя учетной записи","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Введите пароль резервной копии, если таковой имеется","Enter configuration details":"Ввод сведений конфигурации","Enter container name":"Введите имя контейнера","Enter encryption passphrase":"Введите пароль шифрования","Enter expression here":"Введите выражение здесь","Enter folder path name":"Введите путь папки","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Введите по одному параметру в строке в формате командной строки, например {0}","Enter the destination path":"Введите путь назначения","Error":"Ошибка","Error!":"Ошибка!","Errors and crashes":"Ошибки и падения","Exclude":"Исключить","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Исключить каталоги, имена которых содержат","Exclude expression":"Выражение для исключения","Exclude file":"Исключить файл","Exclude file extension":"Исключить файловое расширение","Exclude files whose names contain":"Исключить файлы, имена которых содержат","Exclude folder":"Исключить папку","Exclude regular expression":"Регулярное выражение для исключения","Existing file found":"Найден существующий файл","Experimental":"Experimental","Export":"Экспорт","Export backup configuration":"Экспорт конфигурации резервного копирования","Export configuration":"Экспорт конфигурации","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (Альтернативный)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Не удалось построить временную базу данных: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Не удается подключиться:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Не удается подключиться: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Не удалось удалить:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Не удалось получить сведения о пути: {{message}}","Failed to import:":"Не удалось импортировать:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Не удалось прочитать настройки по умолчанию для резервной копии:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Не удалось восстановить файлы: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Не удалось сохранить:","File":"Файл","Files larger than:":"Файлы размером более:","Filters":"Фильтры","Finished!":"Готово!","First run setup":"Настройка при первом запуске","Folder":"Папка","Folder path":"Путь к папке","Fri":"Пт","GByte":"ГБ","GByte/s":"ГБ/сек","GCS Project ID":"GCS Project ID","General":"Общие","General backup settings":"Общие параметры резервного копирования","General options":"Основные параметры","Generate":"Сгенерировать","Generate IAM access policy":"Сгенерировать политики доступа IAM","Hidden files":"Скрытые файлы","Hide":"Скрыть","Hide hidden folders":"Скрыть скрытые папки","Home":"Главная","Hours":"часов","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Как вы хотите обрабатывать существующие файлы?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V Машина","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V Машина:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V Машины","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Если дата была пропущена, задание будет выполнено как можно скорее.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Если резервное копирование и внешнее хранилище не синхронизированы, Duplicati потребует выполнения операции исправления для синхронизации базы данных. \\nЕсли исправление не удастся, вы можете удалить локальную базу данных для повторного создания.","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Если вы не введете путь, все файлы будут храниться в папке логина.\nВы уверены, что это то, что вы хотите?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Если вы не вводите ключ API,  требуется имя арендатора","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Если вы хотите использовать резервное копирование позже, вы можете экспортировать конфигурацию перед ее удалением","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Если ваш компьютер находится в многопользовательской среде (например, на компьютере имеется несколько учетных записей), вам необходимо установить пароль, чтобы другие пользователи не могли получать доступ к данным вашей учетной записи.\nВы хотите установить пароль сейчас?","Import":"Импорт","Import Destination URL":"Импортировать URL-адрес назначения","Import backup configuration":"Импорт настройки резервной копии","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"Импорт завершен, но после импорта не были найдены сертификаты","Import failed":"Ошибка импорта","Import from a file":"Импортировать из файла","Include a file?":"Включить файл?","Include expression":"Выражение для включения","Include regular expression":"Регулярное выражение для включения","Incorrect answer, try again":"Неправильный ответ, попробуйте еще раз","Information":"Информация","Install":"Установить","Install failed:":"Установка не удалась:","Invalid characters in path":"Недопустимые символы в пути","Invalid retention time":"Недопустимое время хранения","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"К некоторым FTP возможно подключиться без пароля.\nВы уверены, что ваш FTP-сервер поддерживает вход без пароля?","KByte":"КБайт","KByte/s":"КБ/сек","Language in user interface":"Язык пользовательского интерфейса","Last month":"Последний месяц","Latest":"Последнее","Libraries":"Библиотеки","Live":"Текущие","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Загрузить настройки из экспортированного задания или поставщика хранилища","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Загрузить назначение из экспортированного задания или поставщика хранилища","Load older data":"Загрузить старые данные","Loading ...":"Загрузка ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Загрузка использования удаленного хранилища ...","Local database for":"Локальная база данных для","Local database path:":"Путь локальной базы данных:","Local storage":"Локальное хранилище","Location":"Местоположение","Location where buckets are created":"Место где создаются buckets","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"Данные журнала для <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>","Log data from the server":"Сообщения журнала сервера","Log out":"Выход","MByte":"Мбайт","MByte/s":"Мбайт/с","Maintenance":"Техническое обслуживание","Manually type path":"Ввести путь вручную","Max download speed":"Максимальная скорость загрузки","Max upload speed":"Максимальная скорость выгрузки","Menu":"Меню","Microsoft SQL Database:":"База данных Microsoft SQL:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Баз данных Microsoft SQL","Minimum redundancy":"Минимальная избыточность","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Минимальная избыточность - 1.0","Minutes":"минут","Missing name":"Отсутствует имя","Missing passphrase":"Отсутствующие парольная фраза","Missing sources":"Отсутствуют источники","Mon":"Пн","Months":"Месяцев","Move existing database":"Перемещение существующей базы данных","Move failed:":"Перемещение не удалось:","My Documents":"Мои документы","My Music":"Моя музыка","My Photos":"Мои фотографии","My Pictures":"Мои Картинки","Name":"Имя","Never":"Никогда","New update found: {{message}}":"Найдено новое обновление: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"Новое имя пользователя — {{user}}.\nОбновлены учетные данные для использования нового пользователя с ограниченными правами","Next":"Далее","Next scheduled run:":"Следующий запуск:","Next scheduled task:":"Следующий запуск:","Next task:":"Следующая задача:","Next time":"В следующий раз","No":"Нет","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"Сертификат не был указан ранее, пожалуйста проверьте с администратором сервера ключ: {{key}} \n\nВы хотите утвердить полученный ключ сервера?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"Не найден редактор для хранилища типа &quot;{{backend}}&quot;","No encryption":"Без шифрования","No items selected":"Элементы не выбраны","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"Нет элементов для восстановления, выберите один или несколько элементов","No passphrase entered":"Не введена кодовая фраза","No scheduled tasks":"Нет запланированных задач","No, my machine has only a single account":"Нет, мой компьютер имеет единственную учётную запись","Non-matching passphrase":"Кодовые фразы не совпадают","None / disabled":"Нет / отключено","OK":"OK","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Operation failed:":"Операция не удалась:","Operations:":"Операции:","Optional authentication password":"Необязательный пароль аутентификации","Optional authentication username":"Необязательное имя пользователя","Options":"Параметры","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"Опции, добавленные здесь применяются ко всем резервным копиям, но могут быть переопределены для каждой резервной копии индивидуально","Original location":"Исходное местоположение","Others":"Другие","Overwrite":"Перезаписать","Passphrase":"Кодовая фраза","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Кодовая фраза (если зашифрован)","Passphrase changed":"Кодовая фраза изменена","Passphrases are not matching":"Кодовые фразы не совпадают","Password":"Пароль","Path":"Путь","Path not found":"Путь не найден","Path on server":"Путь на сервере","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Путь или подпапка в bucket","Pause":"Пауза","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Отложенный запуск после включения или спящего режима","Pause options":"Параметры паузы","Permissions":"Разрешения","Pick location":"Выберите местоположение","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"Укажите место хранения резервной копии и восстановите данные из неё","Port":"Порт","Previous":"Назад","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ProjectID необязателен, если существует bucket","Proprietary":"Проприетарное","Recreate (delete and repair)":"Пересоздать (удалить и исправить)","Relative paths not allowed":"Относительные пути не допускаются","Reload":"Обновить","Remote":"Удаленный","Remove":"Удалить","Remove option":"Удалить параметр","Repair":"Исправить","Repeat Passphrase":"Повторить кодовую фразу","Reporting:":"Отчетность:","Reset":"Сбросить","Restore":"Восстановление","Restore files":"Восстановить файлы","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Восстановить файлы из {{backupname}}","Restore from":"Восстановить из","Restore from backup configuration":"Восстановить из конфигурации резервной копии","Restore from configuration ...":"Восстановление из конфигурации","Restore options":"Параметры восстановления","Restore read/write permissions":"Восстановить разрешения чтения/записи","Resume":"Продолжить","Run again every":"Запускать каждый","Run now":"Запустить сейчас","Running ....":"Выполнение...","Running commandline entry":"Выполнение записи командной строки","Running task:":"Выполняемая задача:","S3 Compatible":"S3 совместимый","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"Такой же как в базовой версии: {{channelname}}","Sat":"Сб","Save":"Сохранить","Save and repair":"Сохранить и исправить","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Сохранить различные версии с отметкой времени в имени файла","Save immediately":"Немедленно сохранить","Schedule":"Расписание","Search":"Поиск","Search for files":"Поиск файлов","Seconds":"Секунд","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"Выберите уровень журналирования для просмотра сообщений по мере их возникновения:","Select files":"Выбор файлов","Server":"Сервер","Server and port":"Сервер и порт","Server hostname or IP":"Имя сервера или IP","Server is currently paused,":"Сервер приостановлен,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Сервер в настоящее время приостановлен, вы хотите возобновить сейчас?","Server password":"Пароль сервера","Server paused":"Сервер приостановлен","Server state properties":"Свойства состояния сервера","Settings":"Настройки","Show":"Показать","Show advanced editor":"Текстовое отображение","Show hidden folders":"Показать скрытые папки","Show log":"Журнал","Show treeview":"Древовидное отображение","Sia server password":"Пароль сервера Sia","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"Некоторые провайдеры OpenStack позволяют использовать ключ API вместо имени клиента и пароля","Source Data":"Исходные данные","Source data":"Данные для резервирования","Source folders":"Исходные папки","Source:":"Источник:","Standard protocols":"Стандартные протоколы","Stop after the current file":"Остановиться после текущего файла","Stop now":"Остановить сейчас","Stop running backup":"Остановить резервное копирование","Stop running task":"Остановить задачу","Stopping task:":"Остановка задачи:","Storage Type":"Тип хранилища","Storage class":"Класс хранилища","Storage class for creating a bucket":"Класс хранения для создания bucket","Stored":"Сохраненные","Strong":"Сильный","Success":"Успех","Sun":"Вс","Symbolic link":"Символическая ссылка","System default ({{levelname}})":"По умолчанию ({{levelname}})","System files":"Системные файлы","System info":"Информация о системе","System properties":"Свойства системы","TByte":"ТБайт","TByte/s":"ТБайт/s","Target path, ie /backup":"Целевой путь, т.е. /backup","Task is running":"Выполняется задача","Temporary files":"Временные файлы","Tenant Name":"Имя клиента","Test connection":"Проверить доступ","Testing ...":"Проверка ...","Testing connection ...":"Проверка соединения...","Testing permissions...":"Проверка разрешений...","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Имя bucket должно быть строчным, преобразовать автоматически?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Имя bucket следует начинать с вашего имени пользователя, вставить автоматически?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"Потеряно соединение с сервером, повторная попытка через {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Тёмная тема (от Michael)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Стандартная тема синий на белом (от Alex)","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"Ключ узла изменился, пожалуйста, проверьте у администратора сервера так ли это, в противном случае вы можете быть жертвой атаки MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE.\n\nВы хотите ЗАМЕНИТЬ ваш ТЕКУЩИЙ ключ узла «{{prev}}» ПОЛУЧЕННЫМ ключом хоста: {{key}}?","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Путь, по-видимому, не существует, вы всё равно хотите его добавить?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"Путь не заканчивается символом «{{dirsep}}», что означает, что вы включаете файл, а не папку.\n\nВы хотите включить указанный файл?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"Путь должен быть абсолютным, то есть он должен начинаться с косой черты «/»","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"Путь должен начинаться с «{{prefix1}}\" или \"{{prefix2}}\", иначе вы не сможете увидеть файлы через веб-интерфейс HubiC.\n\nВы хотите, чтобы префикс был добавлен в путь автоматически?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"Параметр «регион» применяется только при создании нового bucket","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"Параметр «регион» используется только при создании bucket","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Не удалось проверить сертификат сервера.\nВы хотите утвердить SSL-сертификат с хэшом: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"Класс хранилища влияет на доступность и цену сохраненного файла","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Целевая папка содержит зашифрованные файлы, пожалуйста, укажите кодовую фразу","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"Пользователь имеет слишком много прав. Вы хотите создать нового пользователя с ограниченными правами, с разрешениями только на выбранный путь?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"Эта резервная копия была создана в другой операционной системе. Восстановление файлов без указания папки назначения может повлечь восстановление файлов в неожиданных местах. Вы уверены, что вы хотите продолжить без выбора папки назначения?","This month":"В этом месяце","This week":"На этой неделе","Throttle settings":"Параметры ограничения скорости","Thu":"Чт","To File":"В файл","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Чтобы подтвердить, что вы хотите удалить все дистанционные файлы для «{{name}}», введите слово, которое вы видите ниже","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Чтобы экспортировать без кодовой фразы, снимите флажок «Зашифровать файл»","Today":"Сегодня","Trust host certificate?":"Доверять сертификату хоста?","Trust server certificate?":"Доверять сертификату сервера?","Tue":"Вт","Type to highlight files":"Напишите для выделения файлов","Unknown backup size and versions":"Неизвестные размер резервной копии и версии","Until resumed":"До возобновления","Update channel":"Канал обновлений","Update failed:":"Обновление не удалось:","Updating with existing database":"Обновление с существующей базой данных","Usage statistics":"Статистика использования","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"Статистика использования, предупреждения, ошибки и падения","Use SSL":"Использовать SSL","Use existing database?":"Использовать существующую базу данных?","Use weak passphrase":"Использовать слабую кодовую фразу","Useless":"Бесполезно","User data":"Данные пользователя","User has too many permissions":"Пользователь имеет слишком много разрешений","User interface settings":"Настройки  интерфейса","Username":"Имя пользователя","Verify files":"Проверить файлы","Verifying ...":"Проверка ...","Verifying answer":"Проверка ответа","Very strong":"Очень надёжный","Very weak":"Очень слабый","Visit us on":"Посетите нас на","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"ВНИМАНИЕ: Удаленная база данных используется библиотекой командной строки","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"ВНИМАНИЕ: В будущем это не позволит вам восстановить данные.","Waiting for task to begin":"Ожидание начала задачи","Waiting for task to start ....":"Ожидание запуска задачи...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"Предупреждения, ошибки и падения","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Мы рекомендуем зашифровать все резервные копии, хранящиеся вне вашей системы","Weak":"Слабый","Weak passphrase":"Слабая кодовая фраза","Wed":"Ср","Weeks":"Недель","Where do you want to restore from?":"Откуда вы хотите восстановить данные?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Куда вы хотите восстановить файлы?","Years":"Лет","Yes":"Да","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Да, я надёжно сохранил кодовую фразу","Yes, I'm brave!":"Да, я смелый!","Yes, please break my backup!":"Да, пожалуйста, сломайте мою резервную копию!","Yesterday":"Вчера","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Вы используете Mono без загруженных SSL-сертификатов.\nВы хотите импортировать список доверенных сертификатов от Mozilla?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"Вы меняете путь базы данных отличный от существующей базы данных.\nВы уверены, что это то, что вы хотите?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Вы используете {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"Вы изменили режим шифрования. Это может что-нибудь сломать. Вместо этого вам лучше создать новую резервную копию","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"Вы изменили кодовую фразу, но это не поддерживается. Вместо этого вам стоит создать новую резервную копию.","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"Вы выбрали не шифровать резервную копию. Шифрование рекомендовано для всех данных, хранящихся на удаленном сервере.","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"Вы выбрали новое место для восстановления, но не ввели его","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"Вы использовали сильную парольную фразу. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы надёжно сохранили парольную фразу, ибо восстановление данных невозможно в случае её утраты.","You must choose at least one source folder":"Вы должны выбрать по крайней мере одну исходную папку","You must enter a name for the backup":"Вам необходимо ввести имя резервной копии","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Вы должны ввести кодовую фразу или отключить шифрование","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"Необходимо ввести положительное число резервных копий для хранения","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"Вам необходимо ввести имя арендатора, если вы не предоставите ключ API","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"Необходимо ввести допустимый срок времени хранения резервных копий","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Вы должны ввести пароль или ключ API","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Вы должны ввести либо пароль, либо ключ API, но не оба","You must fill in the password":"Вы должны заполнить пароль","You must fill in the server name or address":"Вы должны заполнить имя сервера или адрес","You must fill in the username":"Вы должны заполнить имя пользователя","You must fill in {{field}}":"Вы должны заполнить {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Вы должны выбрать или заполнить AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Вы должны выбрать или заполнить сервер","You must specify a path":"Вы должны указать путь","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Ваши файлы и папки были восстановлены успешно.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Вашу кодовую фразу легко отгадать. Подумайте об изменении кодовой фразы.","bucket/folder/subfolder":"bucket/папка/подпапка","byte":"байт","byte/s":"байт/сек","custom":"пользовательские","resume now":"возобновить сейчас","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"Основными разработчиками {{appname}} являются <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> и <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. Последняя версия {{appname}} может быть загружена с сайта <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} распространяется под лицензией <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} файлов ({{size}}) впереди {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":["{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} версия","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} версии","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} версий","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} версий"],"{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} Часов","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} минут","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (заняло {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('sk_SK', {"- pick an option -":"- zadajte voľbu -","...loading...":"...načítavam...","API Key":"API Kľúč","AWS Access ID":"AWS prístupové ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS prístupový kľúč","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Pravidlá","About":"O","About {{appname}}":"O {{appname}}","Access Key":"Prístupový kľúč","Access denied":"Prístup zakázaný","Access to user interface":"Prístup k používateľskému rozhraniu","Account name":"Užívateľské meno","Activate":"Aktivácia","Activate failed:":"Aktivácia zlyhala:","Add a new backup":"Pridať novú zálohu","Add a path directly":"Pridajte cestu priamo","Add advanced option":"Pridať rozšírenú možnosť","Allowed days":"Povolené dni","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Prístupové heslo","Authentication username":"Prístupové užívateľské meno","Autogenerated passphrase":"Autogenerácia hesla","Back":"Späť","Backup:":"Záloha:","Beta":"Beta","Canary":"Canary","Computer":"Počítač","Configuration:":"Konfigurácia:","Confirm encryption passphrase":"Potvrdenie šifrovacej frázy","Continue":"Pokračovať","Continue without encryption":"Pokračovať bez šifrovania","Copied!":"Skopírované!","Create folder?":"Vytvoriť adresár?","Days":"Dni","Delete":"Zmazať","Delete backup":"Zmazať zálohu","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Ozaj chcete zmazať zálohu: \"{{name}}\" ?","Donate":"Darovať","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati stránky","Encryption":"Šifrovanie","Enter URL":"Zadaj URL","Enter access key":"Zadaj prístupový kľúč","Enter account name":"Zadaj prístupové meno","Enter encryption passphrase":"Vložte šifrovacie heslo","Error":"Chyba","Error!":"Chyba!","Path":"Cesta"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('sk', {"- pick an option -":"- vybrať možnosť -","...loading...":"...nahrávam...","API Key":"API Kľúč","AWS Access ID":"AWS Prístupové ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Prístupový kľúč","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Politika","About":"o","About {{appname}}":"O {{appname}}","Access Key":"Prístupový kľúč","Access denied":"Prístup zamietnutý","Access to user interface":"Prístup k používateľskému rozhraniu","Account name":"Názov účtu","Activate":"Aktivovať","Activate failed:":"Aktivácia zlyhala:","Add a new backup":"Pridať novú zálohu","Add a path directly":"Pridajte cestu priamo","Add advanced option":"Pridať rozšírenú možnosť","Add backup":"Pridať zálohu","Add filter":"Pridať filter","Add path":"Pridať cestu","Adjust bucket name?":"Nastaviť názov sektoru?","Adjust path name?":"Upraviť názov cesty?","Advanced Options":"Pokročilé nastavenia","Advanced options":"Pokročilé nastavenia","Advanced:":"Pokročilé:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Všetky stroje Hyper-V","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Všetky databázy Microsoft SQL","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"Všetky správy o používaní sa odosielajú anonymne a neobsahujú žiadne osobné údaje. Obsahujú informácie o hardvéri a operačnom systéme, druhu backendu, trvaní zálohovania, celkovej veľkosti zdrojových dát a podobných údajov. Neobsahujú cesty, názvy súborov, používateľské mená, heslá ani podobné citlivé informácie.","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Povoliť vzdialený prístup (vyžaduje reštart)","Allowed days":"Povolené dni","An existing file was found at the new location":"Existujúci súbor bol nájdený na novom mieste","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"Existujúci súbor bol nájdený na novom mieste\nNaozaj chcete, aby databáza smerovala k existujúcemu súboru?"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('sr_RS', {"- pick an option -":"- odaberite opciju -","...loading...":"...učitavanje...","API Key":"API ključ","AWS Access ID":"AWS Access ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Access Key","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Policy","About":"O nama","About {{appname}}":"O aplikaciji {{appname}}","Access Key":"Pristupni ključ - access key","Access denied":"Pristup odbijen","Access to user interface":"Pristup korisničkom interfejsu","Account name":"Korisničko ime","Activate":"Aktiviraj","Activate failed:":"Aktivacija nije uspešna:","Add a new backup":"Dodaj novi bekap","Add advanced option":"Dodaj naprednu opciju","Add backup":"Dodaj bekap","Add filter":"Dodaj filter","Add path":"Dodaj putanju","Adjust bucket name?":"Prilagodi ime kofice?","Adjust path name?":"Prilagodi ime putanje?","Advanced Options":"Napredne opcije","Advanced options":"Napredne opcije","Advanced:":"Napredno:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Sve Hyper-V mašine","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Sve Microsoft SQL baze podataka","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Dozvoli udaljeni pristup (zahteva restartovanje)","Allowed days":"Dozvoljeni dani","An existing file was found at the new location":"Postojeća datoteka je pronađena na novoj lokaciji","AuthID":"AuthID","Automatically run backups.":"Automatski pokreći backupove.","Back":"Nazad","Backend modules:":"Backend moduli:","Backup destination":"Backup odredište","Backup location":"Backup lokacija","Backup:":"Backup:","Beta":"Beta","Busy ...":"Zauzet ...","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Otkaži","Cannot move to existing file":"Nemoguće premestiti u postojeću datoteku","Check for updates now":"Proveri ažuriranja odmah","Checking ...":"Proveravanje ...","Computer":"Računar","Configuration file:":"Datoteka sa podešavanjima:","Configuration:":"Podešavanja:","Confirm delete":"Potvrdi brisanje","Confirmation required":"Neophodna potvrda","Connect":"Poveži","Connect now":"Poveži odmah","Connecting to task ....":"Povezivanje na zadatak ....","Connecting...":"Povezivanje...","Connection lost":"Veza izgubljena","Connection worked!":"Veza je radila!","Continue":"Nastavi","Continue without encryption":"Nastavi bez šifrovanja","Copied!":"Prekopirano!","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Kopiraj odredišni URL u privremenu memoriju","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Kopiranje nije uspelo. Molimo ručno kopiraj URL","Create folder?":"Napraviti fasciklu?","Created new limited user":"Napravljen novi ograničeni korisnik","Creating user...":"Pravljenje korisnika...","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Trenutna verzija je {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Default":"Podrazumevano","Delete":"Obriši","Delete backup":"Obriši backup","Delete local database":"Obriši lokalnu bazu podataka","Delete remote files":"Obriši udaljene datoteke","Delete the local database":"Obriši lokalnu bazu podataka","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Obrisati {{filecount}} datoteka ({{filesize}}) iz udaljenog skladišta?","Desktop":"Radna površina","Destination":"Odredište","Disabled":"Onemogućeno","Dismiss":"Odbaci","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Da li zaista želiš da obrišeš backup: \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Da li zaista želiš da obrišeš lokalnu bazu podataka za: {{name}}","Donate":"Doniraj","Done":"Završi","Download":"Preuzmi","Edit as list":"Izmeni kao listu","Edit as text":"Izmeni kao tekst","Encrypt file":"Šifruj datoteku","Encryption":"Šifrovanje","Encryption changed":"Šifrovanje promenjeno","Enter URL":"Unesi URL","Enter encryption passphrase":"Unesite lozinku šifrovanja","Error":"Greška","Error!":"Greška!","Export":"Izvezi","Export backup configuration":"Izvezi podešavanja backupa","Export configuration":"Izvezi podešavanja","File":"Datoteka","Files larger than:":"Datoteke veće od:","Finished!":"Završeno!","Folder":"Fascikla","Fri":"Pet","GByte":"GBajt","GByte/s":"GBajt/s","Hidden files":"Skrivene datoteke","Hide":"Sakrij","Hide hidden folders":"Sakrij skrivene fascikle","Home":"Glavna","Hours":"Sati","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V mašina","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V mašina:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V mašine","ID:":"ID:","Incorrect answer, try again":"Netačan odgovor, pokušajte ponovo","Install":"Instalacija","Install failed:":"Instalacija nije uspela:","KByte":"KBajt","KByte/s":"KBajt/s","Language in user interface":"Jezik u korisničkom interfejsu","Last month":"Prošlog meseca","Libraries":"Biblioteke","Load older data":"Učitaj starije podatke","Loading ...":"Učitavanje ...","Local database for":"Lokalna baza podataka za","Local database path:":"Putanja lokalne baze podataka:","Local storage":"Lokalno skladište","Location":"Lokacija","Log out":"Odjavi se","MByte":"MBajt","MByte/s":"MBajt/s","Maintenance":"Održavanje","Manually type path":"Ručno unesite putanju","Menu":"Meni","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL baza podataka:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL baze podataka","Minutes":"Minute","Missing name":"Nedostaje naziv","Missing passphrase":"Nedostaje lozinka","Mon":"Pon","Months":"Meseci","My Documents":"Moji dokumenti","My Music":"Moja muzika","My Photos":"Moje fotografije","My Pictures":"Moje slike","Name":"Naziv","Never":"Nikad","Next":"Sledeće","Next scheduled run:":"Sledeće zakazano pokretanje:","Next scheduled task:":"Sledeći zakazan zadatak:","Next task:":"Sledeći zadatak:","Next time":"Sledeći put","No":"Ne","No encryption":"Bez šifrovanja","No items selected":"Nema izabranih stavki","No passphrase entered":"Lozinka nije uneta","No scheduled tasks":"Nema zakazanih zadataka","OK":"U redu","Operation failed:":"Operacija neuspešna:","Operations:":"Operacije:","Options":"Opcije","Others":"Ostalo","Overwrite":"Prepiši","Passphrase":"Lozinka","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"Lozinka (ako je šifrovano)","Passphrase changed":"Lozinka promenjena","Passphrases are not matching":"Lozinke se ne poklapaju","Password":"Lozinka","Path not found":"Putanja nije pronađena","Path on server":"Putanja na serveru","Pause":"Pauza","Pause after startup or hibernation":"Pauziraj nakon pokretanja ili hibernacije","Permissions":"Dozvole","Port":"Port","Previous":"Prethodno","Relative paths not allowed":"Relativne putanje nisu dozvoljene","Reload":"Učitaj ponovo","Remote":"Udaljeno","Remove":"Ukloni","Remove option":"Ukloni opciju","Repair":"Popravi","Repeat Passphrase":"Ponovite lozinku","Reset":"Resetovanje","Restore":"Vrati","Restore files":"Vrati datoteke","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"Povrati datoteke iz {{backupname}}","Restore from":"Vrati iz","Restore from backup configuration":"Vrati iz podešavanja backupa","Restore from configuration ...":"Vraćanje iz podešavanja ...","Restore options":"Vrati opcije","Restore read/write permissions":"Vrati dozvole za čitanje i upis","Resume":"Nastavi","Run again every":"Pokreni ponovo svaki","Run now":"Pokreni sad","Running ....":"Izvršavanje ....","Running commandline entry":"Izvrši unos komandne linije","Running task:":"Izvršavanje zadatka:","Sat":"Sub","Save":"Sačuvaj","Save and repair":"Snimi i popravi","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"Snimi drugu verziju sa vremenom u nazivu datoteke","Save immediately":"Snimi odmah","Schedule":"Raspored","Search":"Pretraga","Search for files":"Pretraga datoteka","Seconds":"Sekunde","Select files":"Izaberite datoteke","Server":"Server","Server and port":"Server i port","Server hostname or IP":"Ime servera ili IP adresa","Server is currently paused,":"Server je trenutno pauziran,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Server je trenutno pauziran, da li želite da nastavite odmah?","Server paused":"Server je pauziran","Server state properties":"Opcije stanja servera","Settings":"Podešavanja","Show":"Prikaži","Show advanced editor":"Prikaži napredni editor","Show hidden folders":"Prikaži skrivene fascikle","Show log":"Prikaži dnevnik","Stop after the current file":"Zaustavi nakon trenutne datoteke","Stop now":"Zaustavi odmah","Stop running backup":"Zaustavi pokrenuti backup","Stop running task":"Zaustavi pokrenuti zadatak","Stopping task:":"Zaustavljanje zadatka:","Storage Type":"Tip skladišta","Storage class":"Klasa skladišta","Stored":"Uskladišteno","Strong":"Jaka","Success":"Uspešno","Sun":"Ned","Symbolic link":"Simbolička veza","System files":"Sistemske datoteke","System info":"Sistemski podaci","System properties":"Sistemske opcije","TByte":"TBajt","TByte/s":"TBajt/s","Task is running":"Zadatak se izvršava","Temporary files":"Privremene datoteke","Test connection":"Probaj vezu","Testing ...":"Proveravanje ...","Testing connection ...":"Proveravanje veze ...","Testing permissions...":"Proveravanje dozvola...","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"Veza sa serverom je prekinuta, pokušavanje ponovo za {{time}} ...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"Tamna tema (napravio Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"Podrazumevana plavo na belom tema (napravio Alex)","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"Putanja izgleda ne postoji, da li svejedno želite da je dodate?","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"Sertifikat servera nije mogao biti proveren.\nDa li želite da odobrite SSL sertifikat sa hešom: {{hash}}?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"Klasa skladišta utiče na dostupnost i cenu za uskladištenu datoteku","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"Ciljana fasckla sadrži šifrovane datoteke, molimo unesite lozinku","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"Korisnik ima previše dozvola, Da li želite da napravite novog ograničenog korisnika, sa samo dozvolama za izabranu putanju?","This month":"Ovog meseca","This week":"Ove sedmice","Thu":"Čet","To File":"U datoteku","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"Da potvrdite da želite obrisati sve udaljene datoteke sa imenom \"{{name}}\", molimo unesite reč koju vidite ispod","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"Za izvoz bez lozinke, polje \"Šifruj datoteku\" ne treba da bude označeno","Today":"Danas","Trust server certificate?":"Veruj sertifikatu servera?","Tue":"Uto","Update failed:":"Ažuriranje nije uspelo:","Updating with existing database":"Ažuriranje sa postojećom bazom podataka","Usage statistics":"Statistika upotrebe","Use SSL":"Koristi SSL","Use existing database?":"Koristi postojeću bazu podataka?","Use weak passphrase":"Koristi slabu lozinku","Useless":"Beskorisno","User data":"Podaci o korisniku","User has too many permissions":"Korisnik ima previše dozvola","User interface settings":"Podešavanja korisničkog interfejsa","Username":"Korisničko ime","Verify files":"Proveri datoteke","Verifying ...":"Proveravanje ...","Verifying answer":"Proveravanje odgovora","Very strong":"Veoma jaka","Very weak":"Veoma slaba","Visit us on":"Posetite nas na","Waiting for task to begin":"Čekanje na početak zadatka","Waiting for task to start ....":"Čekanje na pokretanje zadatka ....","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"Preporučujemo da šifrujete sve backup-ove uskladištene van Vašeg sistema","Weak":"Slaba","Weak passphrase":"Slaba lozinka","Wed":"Sre","Weeks":"Sedmica","Where do you want to restore from?":"Odakle želite da vratite?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"Gde želite da vratite datoteke?","Years":"Godina","Yes":"Da","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"Da, uskladištio sam lozinku bezbedno","Yes, I'm brave!":"Da, hrabar sam!","Yesterday":"Juče","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"Izgleda da koristite Mono bez učitanih SSL sertifikata.\nDa li želite da uvezete listu poverljivih sertifikata od Mozille?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"Trenutno koristite {{appname}} {{version}}","You must enter a name for the backup":"Morate uneti naziv za backup","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"Morate uneti lozinku ili isključiti šifrovanje","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"Morate uneti ili lozinku ili API ključ","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"Morate uneti ili lozinku ili API ključ, ne oboje","You must fill in the password":"Morate uneti lozinku","You must fill in the server name or address":"Morate uneti naziv servera ili adresu","You must fill in the username":"Morate uneti korisničko ime","You must fill in {{field}}":"Morate uneti {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"Morate izabrati ili uneti AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"Morate izabrati ili uneti server","You must specify a path":"Morate navesti putanju","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"Vaše datoteke i fascikle su uspešno vraćene.","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"Vaša lozinka je laka za pogađanje. Razmislite o promeni lozinke.","byte":"bajt","byte/s":"bajt/s","resume now":"nastavi odmah","{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} sati","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} minuta"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('sv_SE', {"- pick an option -":"- välj ett alternativ -","...loading...":"...laddar...","API Key":"API-nyckel","About":"Om","About {{appname}}":"Om {{appname}}","Access Key":"Åtkomstnyckel","Access denied":"Åtkomst nekad","Access to user interface":"Access till användarinterface","Account name":"Kontonamn","Activate":"Aktivera","Activate failed:":"Aktivering misslyckad:","Add a new backup":"Lägg till ny backup","Add a path directly":"Lägg till direkt sökväg","Add advanced option":"Lägg till avancerade val","Add backup":"Lägg till backup","Add filter":"Lägg till filter","Add path":"Lägg till sökväg","Advanced Options":"Avancerade tillägg","Advanced options":"Avancerade tillägg","Advanced:":"Avancerat:","All Hyper-V Machines":"Alla Hyper-V datorer","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"Alla Microsoft SQL-databaser","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"Tillåt fjärrstyrning (kräver omstart)","Allowed days":"Tillåtna dagar","An existing file was found at the new location":"En existerande fil hittades på den nya platsen","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"En existerande fil hittades på den nya platsen. Är du säker att databasen skall peka till en existerande fil?","Anonymous usage reports":"Anonym användarrapport","As Command-line":"Som kommandorad","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"Autentiseringslösenord","Authentication username":"Autentiseringsanvändarnamn","Autogenerated passphrase":"Autogenererat lösenord","Automatically run backups.":"Kör backuper automatiskt.","Back":"Åter","Backend modules:":"Backend-moduler:","Backup destination":"Backupmål","Backup location":"Backupplats","Backup retention":"Backup-bibehållning","Backup:":"Backup:","Beta":"Beta","Browse":"Bläddra","Browser default":"Webbläsarens standard","Busy ...":"Upptagen ...","Canary":"Kanariefågel","Cancel":"Avbryt","Cannot move to existing file":"Kan inte flytta till befintlig fil","Changelog":"Ändringslogg","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"Ändringslogg för {{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"Kontroll misslyckades:","Check for updates now":"Kontrollera uppdateringar nu","Checking ...":"Kontollerar ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"Välj en lagringstyp för att börja","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"Klicka på AuthID-länken för att skapa ett AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"Klicka för att välja begränsningsalternativ","Compact now":"Komprimera nu","Compacting remote data ...":"Komprimerar fjärrdata ...","Compression modules:":"Komprimeringsmoduler:","Computer":"Dator","Configuration file:":"Konfigurationsfil:","Configuration:":"Konfiguration:","Configure a new backup":"Konfigurera en ny backup","Confirm delete":"Bekräfta borttagning","Confirmation required":"Bekräftelse beövs","Connect":"Anslut","Connect now":"Anslut nu","Connecting to task ....":"Ansluter till process ...","Connecting...":"Ansluter...","Connection lost":"Anslutning avbruten","Connection worked!":"Anslutning OK!","Container name":"Behållarnamn","Container region":"Behållarregion","Continue":"Fortsätt","Continue without encryption":"Fortsätt utan kryptering","Copied!":"Kopierad!","Copy":"Kopia","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"Kopiera mål-URL till urklipp","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"Kopering misslyckades, var vänlig kopiera URLen manuellt","Core options":"Kärnalternativ","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"Beräknar ({{files}} filer hittade, {{size}})","Crashes only":"Endast kraschar","Create folder?":"Skapa mapp?","Created new limited user":"Skapa ny begränsad användare","Creating user...":"Skapar användare ...","Current action:":"Nuvarande åtgärd:","Current file:":"Nuvarande fil:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"Aktuell version är {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom authentication url":"Anpassad autentiseringsadress","Custom location ({{server}})":"Anpassad plats ({{server}})","Custom region value ({{region}})":"Anpassat värde för region ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"Anpassad serveradress ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"Anpassad lagringsklass ({{class}})","Days":"Dagar","Default":"Standard","Default ({{channelname}})":"Standard ({{channelname}})","Default options":"Standardalternativ","Delete":"Radera","Delete backup":"Radera backup","Delete backups that are older than":"Radera backup äldre än","Delete local database":"Radera lokal databas","Delete remote files":"Radera målfiler","Delete the local database":"Radera lokal databas","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"Ta bort {{filecount}} filer ({{filesize}}) från fjärrmålet?","Desktop":"Skrivbord","Destination":"Destination","Destination path":"Fjärrmål","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"Hjälpte vi till att rädda dina filer? Om så är fallet, var vänlig överväg att stödja Duplicati med en donation. Vi föreslår {{smallamount}} för privat bruk och {{largeamount}} för kommersiell användning.","Direct restore from backup files ...":"Direkt återställning från backupfiler ...","Disabled":"Avstängd","Dismiss":"Avfärda","Dismiss all":"Avfärda allt","Display and color theme":"Visnings- och färgtema","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"Vill du verkligen radera backupen: \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"Vill du verkligen radera den lokala databasen för: {{name}}","Domain Name":"Domännamn","Donate":"Donera","Donation messages":"Donationsmeddelanden","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"Donationsmeddelanden är dolda, klicka här för att visa dem","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"Donationsmeddelanden visas, klicka här för att dölja dem","Done":"Klart","Download":"Ladda ner","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Duplicera alternativ {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Duplicatis webbsida","Duplicati forum":"Duplicatis forum","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"Varje backup har en lokal databas som är associerad med den, som lagrar information om fjärrfilerna på den lokala maskinen.\nNär du tar bort en säkerhetskopia kan du också ta bort den lokala databasen utan att påverka möjligheten att återställa fjärrfilerna.\nOm du använder den lokala databasen för säkerhetskopior från kommandoraden bör du behålla databasen.","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"Varje backup har en lokal databas som är associerad med den, som lagrar information om fjärrfilerna på den lokala maskinen. Det gör att det går snabbare att utföra många operationer och minskar mängden data som måste laddas ner för varje operation.","Edit as list":"Ändra som lista","Edit as text":"Ändra som text","Encrypt file":"Kryptera fil","Encryption":"Kryptering","Encryption changed":"Kryptering förändrad","Encryption modules:":"Krypteringsmoduler:","Enter URL":"Ange URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"Ange en backupstategi manuellt. Användbara tecken är D/W/Y för dagar/veckor/år och U för obegränsat. Tillåten syntax är: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. Detta exempel behåller en backup för var 7:e dag, en för var 4:e vecka och en för var 36:e månad.  Detta kan också skriva som 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.","Enter access key":"Ange åtkomstnyckel","Enter account name":"Ange kontonamn","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"Ange lösenordsfras, om tillämpligt","Enter configuration details":"Ange konfigurationsdetaljer","Enter container name":"Ange behållarnamn","Enter encryption passphrase":"Ange krypteringslösenord","Enter expression here":"Ange uttryck här","Enter folder path name":"Ange mappsökväg","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"Ange ett alternativ per rad i kommandorads-format, eg. {0}","Enter the destination path":"Ange målsökväg","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"Ange e-postadressen för Office 365-gruppen","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"Ange hela målsökvägen, inklusive servernamnet, men utan inledande https","Error":"Fel","Error!":"Fel!","Errors and crashes":"Fel och kraschar","Exclude":"Exkludera","Exclude directories whose names contain":"Exkludera kataloger vars namn innehåller","Exclude expression":"Uteslut enligt uttryck","Exclude file":"Exkludera fil","Exclude file extension":"Uteslut filändelse","Exclude files whose names contain":"Uteslut filer vars namn innehåller","Exclude folder":"Uteslut mapp","Exclude regular expression":"Uteslut enligt reguljärt uttryck","Existing file found":"Filen existerar redan","Experimental":"Experimentell","Export":"Exportera","Export backup configuration":"Exportera backupkonfiguration","Export configuration":"Exportera konfiguration","External link":"Extern länk","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (alternativ)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"Misslyckades med att skapa tillfällig databas: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"Misslyckades med att ansluta:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"Misslyckades med att ansluta: {{message}}","Failed to delete:":"Misslyckades med att radera:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"Misslyckades med att hämta sökvägsinformation: {{message}}","Failed to import:":"Import misslyckades: ","Failed to read backup defaults:":"Misslyckades med att läsa standardinställningarna:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"Misslyckades med att återställa filer: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"Misslyckades med att spara:","File":"Fil","Files larger than:":"Filer större än:","Filters":"Filter","Finished!":"Klar!","First run setup":"Nyinstallationsinställningar","Folder":"Mapp","Folder path":"Mappsökväg","Fri":"Fre","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS Projekt-ID","General":"Generellt","General backup settings":"Generella backupinställningar","General options":"Generella inställningar","Generate":"Skapa","Group email":"Grupp-epost","Hidden files":"Gömda filer","Hide":"Dölj","Hide hidden folders":"Visa dolda mappar","Home":"Hem","Hours":"Timmar","How do you want to handle existing files?":"Hur vill du hantera existerande filer?","Hyper-V Machine":"HyperV-maskin","Hyper-V Machine:":"HyperV-maskin:","Hyper-V Machines":"HyperV-maskiner","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"Om ett tillfälle missades görs uppgiften så fort som möjligt.","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"Om minst en nyare backup finns, kommer alla backuper äldre än detta datum att raderas.","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"Om backupen och fjärrlagringen inte är synkroniserade, kommer Duplicati att kräva att du utför en reparation för att synkronisera databasen.\\nOm reparationen inte lyckas kan du radera den lokala databasen och återskapa den igen.","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"Om du inte anger en API-nyckel krävs \"tenant name\"","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"Om du vill använda säkerhetskopian senare kan du exportera konfigurationen innan du raderar den","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"Om din maskin befinner sig i en fleranvändarmiljö (det vill säga att datorn har mer än ett konto) måste du ange ett lösenord för att förhindra att andra användare kan komma åt datan på ditt konto.\nVill du ställa in ett lösenord nu?","Import":"Importera","Import Destination URL":"Importera destinationsadress","Import backup configuration":"Importera backupkonfiguration","Install":"Installera","Install failed:":"Installationen misslyckades:","Invalid characters in path":"Ogiltiga tecken i sökvägen","Invalid retention time":"Ogiltig bibehållningstid","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"Det är möjligt att ansluta till vissa FTP utan ett lösenord.\nÄr du säker på att din FTP-server stöder lösenordsfria inloggningar?","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"Behåll ett visst antal säkerhetskopior","Keep all backups":"Behåll alla säkerhetskopior","Keystone API version":"Keystone API-version","Language in user interface":"Språk i användargränssnittet","Last month":"Förra månaden","Latest":"Senaste","Libraries":"Bibliotek","Live":"Live","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"Hämta konfiguration från en exporterad rutin eller en lagringstjänst","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"Hämta mål från en exporterad rutin eller en lagringstjänst","Load older data":"Hämta äldre data","Loading ...":"Laddar ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"Hämtar uppgifter om använt utrymme från målet ...","Local Repository":"Lokalt arkiv","Local database for":"Lokal databas för","Local database path:":"Sökväg till lokal databas:","Local repository":"Lokalt arkiv","Local storage":"Lokal lagring","Location":"Plats","Log out":"Logga ut","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"Underhåll","Path":"Sökväg","Target path, ie /backup":"Målsökväg, d.v.s. /backup"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('th', {"- pick an option -":"- เลือกตัวเลือก -","...loading...":"...กำลังดึงข้อมูล...","API Key":"กุญแจ API","About":"เกี่ยวกับ","About {{appname}}":"เกี่ยวกับ {{appname}}","Access Key":"กุญแจเข้าถึง","Access denied":"การเข้าถึงถูกปฏิเสธ","Access to user interface":"การเข้าถึงส่วนติดต่อผู้ใช้","Account name":"ชื่อบัญชี","Activate":"เปิดใช้","Add a new backup":"เพิ่มการสำรองข้อมูลใหม่","Add advanced option":"เพิ่มตัวเลือกขั้นสูง","Add backup":"เพิ่มข้อมูลสำรอง","Add filter":"เพิ่มตัวกรอง","Add path":"เพิ่ม path","Adjust bucket name?":"ปรับแก้ชื่อถัง?","Adjust path name?":"ปรับแก้ชื่อ path?","Advanced Options":"ตัวเลือกขั้นสูง","Advanced options":"ตัวเลือกขั้นสูง:","Advanced:":"ขั้นสูง:","All Hyper-V Machines":"เครื่อง Hyper-V ทั้งหมด","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"ฐานข้อมูล Microsoft SQL ทั้งหมด","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"อนุญาตการเข้าถึงจากทางไกล (จำเป็นต้องปิดเครื่องแล้วเปิดใหม่)","Allowed days":"วันที่อนุญาต","AuthID":"AuthID","Back":"กลับ","Backend modules:":"มอดูลสนับสนุน:","Backup destination":"ปลายทางข้อมูลสำรอง","Backup location":"ตำแหน่งข้อมูลสำรอง","Backup:":"ข้อมูลสำรอง:","Beta":"เบต้า","Broken access":"การเข้าถึงเสียหาย","Browse":"ดู","Browser default":"ค่ามาตรฐานของเบราว์เซอร์","Bucket Name":"ชื่อถัง","Busy ...":"ยุ่งอยู่ ...","Cancel":"ยกเลิก","Changelog":"ปูมความเปลี่ยนแปลง","Check failed:":"การตรวจสอบล้มเหลว:","Check for updates now":"ตรวจหาการปรับปรุงตอนนี้","Checking ...":"กำลังตรวจสอบ ...","Computer":"คอมพิวเตอร์","Configuration:":"การตั้งค่า:","Configure a new backup":"ตั้งค่าข้อมูลสำรองอันใหม่","Confirm delete":"ยืนยันการลบ","Confirmation required":"จำเป็นต้องได้รับการยืนยัน","Connect":"เชื่อมต่อ","Connect now":"เชื่อมต่อเดี๋ยวนี้","Connecting to task ....":"กำลังเชื่อมต่อไปยังงาน ...","Connecting...":"กำลังเชื่อมต่อ...","Continue":"ทำต่อ","Copied!":"คัดลอกแล้ว!","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"คัดลอก URL ปลายทางไปยังคลิปบอร์ด","Create folder?":"สร้างโฟลเดอร์?","Created new limited user":"สร้างผู้ใช้จำกัดสิทธิ์คนใหม่","Creating user...":"กำลังสร้างผู้ใช้...","Days":"วัน","Default":"ปริยาย","Default options":"ตัวเลือกมาตรฐาน","Delete":"ลบ","Delete backup":"ลบข้อมูลสำรอง","Delete local database":"ลบฐานข้อมูลในเครื่อง","Delete remote files":"ลบแฟ้มทางไกล","Delete the local database":"ลบฐานข้อมูลในเครื่อง","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"ลบ {{filecount}} แฟ้ม ({{filesize}}) จากที่เก็บข้อมูลทางไกล?","Desktop":"เดสก์ทอป","Destination":"ปลายทาง","Direct restore from backup files ...":"เรียกคืนข้อมูลโดยตรงจากแฟ้มข้อมูลสำรอง ...","Disabled":"ปิดใช้","Dismiss":"รับทราบ","Display and color theme":"การแสดงผลและชุดสี","Donate":"บริจาค","Donation messages":"ข้อความบริจาค","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"ข้อความบริจาคถูกซ่อน คลิกเพื่อแสดง","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"ข้อความบริจาคแสดงอยู่ คลิกเพื่อซ่อน","Done":"เสร็จ","Download":"ดาวน์โหลด","Encrypt file":"เข้ารหัสลับแฟ้ม","Encryption":"การเข้ารหัสลับ","Encryption changed":"การเข้ารหัสลับถูกเปลี่ยนแล้ว","Encryption modules:":"มอดูลเข้ารหัสลับ:","Enter URL":"ใส่ URL","Enter access key":"ใส่กุญแจเข้าถึง","Enter encryption passphrase":"ใส่วลีรหัสผ่านเข้ารหัสลับ","Error":"ผิดพลาด","Error!":"ผิดพลาด!","Errors and crashes":"ผิดพลาดและพัง","Exclude":"ไม่นับรวม","Exclude directories whose names contain":"ไม่นับรวมไดเกทอรีที่ในชื่อมี","Exclude file":"ไม่นับรวมแฟ้ม","Exclude file extension":"ไม่นับรวมสกุลแฟ้ม","Exclude files whose names contain":"ไม่นับรวมแฟ้มที่ในชื่อมี","Exclude folder":"ไม่นับรวมโฟลเดอร์","Exclude regular expression":"ไม่นับรวมตาม regular expression","Export":"ส่งออก","Export configuration":"ส่งออกการตั้งค่า","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (ทางเลือก)","Failed to delete:":"การลบล้มเหลว:","Failed to import:":"การนำเข้าล้มเหลว:","File":"แฟ้ม","Files larger than:":"แฟ้มที่ใหญ่กว่า:","Filters":"ตัวกรอง","Finished!":"เสร็จสิ้น!","Folder":"โฟลเดอร์","Fri":"ศุกร์","GByte":"กิกะไบต์","GByte/s":"กิกะไบต์/วิ","General":"ทั่วไป","General backup settings":"การตั้งค่าข้อมูลสำรองทั่วไป","General options":"ตัวเลือกทั่วไป","Generate":"สร้าง","Hidden files":"แฟ้มที่ซ่อนอยู่","Hide":"ซ่อน","Hide hidden folders":"ซ่อนโฟลเดอร์ที่ถูกซ่อน","Home":"เหย้า","Hours":"ชั่วโมง","ID:":"ID:","Import":"นำเข้า","Import Destination URL":"นำเข้า URL ปลายทาง","Import backup configuration":"นำเข้าการตั้งค่าข้อมูลสำรอง","Import failed":"การนำเข้าล้มเหลว","Import from a file":"นำเข้าจากแฟ้ม","Include a file?":"นับรวมแฟ้ม?","KByte":"กิโลไบต์","KByte/s":"กิโลไบต์/วิ","Language in user interface":"ภาษาในส่วนติดต่อผู้ใช้","Last month":"เดือนที่แล้ว","Latest":"ล่าสุด","Live":"สด","Load older data":"เรียกข้อมูลที่เก่ากว่า","Loading ...":"กำลังเรียกข้อมูล ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"กำลังเรียกข้อมูลการใช้งานที่เก็บทางไกล ...","Local storage":"ที่เก็บข้อมูลในท้องถิ่น","Location":"ที่ตั้ง","Log out":"ลงชื่อออก","MByte":"เมกะไบต์","MByte/s":"เมกะไบต์/วิ","Maintenance":"การบำรุงรักษา","Menu":"เมนู"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('zh_CN', {"- pick an option -":"- 选择一个选项 -","...loading...":"…载入中…","API Key":"API 密钥","AWS Access ID":"AWS 访问 ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS 访问密钥","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM 策略","About":"关于","About {{appname}}":"关于 {{appname}}","Access Key":"访问密钥","Access denied":"访问被拒绝","Access to user interface":"访问控制","Account name":"帐户名","Activate":"激活","Activate failed:":"激活失败:","Add a new backup":"添加新备份","Add a path directly":"直接添加路径","Add advanced option":"添加高级选项","Add backup":"新增备份","Add filter":"添加过滤条件","Add path":"添加路径","Adjust bucket name?":"调整 bucket 名称?","Adjust path name?":"调整路径名称?","Advanced Options":"高级选项","Advanced options":"高级选项","Advanced:":"高级:","All Hyper-V Machines":"所有 Hyper-V 机器","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"所有 Microsoft SQL 数据库","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"所有的使用情况报告都是匿名发送,不含任何个人信息。 其中包括硬件,操作系统,后端类型,备份时长,备份源大小以及类似数据,但不包括路径,文件名,用户名,密码或类似的敏感信息。","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"允许远程访问 (需要重启)","Allowed days":"日期规划","An existing file was found at the new location":"新位置已有文件","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"新位置已有文件\n你确定要将数据库指向已存在的文件?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"发现此存储在本地已存在数据库\n重新使用该数据库将使用命令行或服务器实例工作在相同的存储\n你希望使用已有的数据库吗?","Anonymous usage reports":"使用情况报告级别","Applications":"应用","As Command-line":"导出为命令行","AuthID":"授权 ID","Authentication password":"认证密码","Authentication username":"认证用户名","Autogenerated passphrase":"自动生成的密码","Automatically run backups.":"自动运行备份","B2 Application Key":"B2 应用密钥","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 云存储帐户 ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 云存储应用密钥","Back":"返回","Backend modules:":"后端模块:","Backup destination":"备份保存位置","Backup location":"备份位置","Backup retention":"备份保留策略","Backup:":"备份数据:","Beta":"   Beta","Broken access":"访问错误","Browse":"浏览","Browser default":"浏览器默认语言","Bucket Name":"Bucket 名称","Bucket create location":"Bucket 创建区域","Bucket create region":"Bucket 创建区域","Bucket name":"Bucket 名称","Bucket storage class":"Bucket 存储类型","Busy ...":"忙碌中…","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"允许远程访问,服务器监听并允许来自你网络上任何机器的请求。启用此项,请确保你的网络启用了安全防火墙保护。","Cache Files":"缓存文件","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"取消","Cannot move to existing file":"不能移动到已有文件","Changelog":"更新日志","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"{{appname}} {{version}} 更新日志","Check failed:":"检查失败:","Check for updates now":"立即检查更新","Checking ...":"正在检查…","Chose a storage type to get started":"选择存储类型以开始","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"点击\"授权 ID\"链接来创建一个授权 ID","Click to set throttle options":"点击配置限流","Compact now":"立即压实","Compacting remote data ...":"正在压实远程数据…","Compression modules:":"压缩模块:","Computer":"计算机","Configuration file:":"配置文件:","Configuration:":"配置:","Configure a new backup":"配置新备份","Confirm delete":"确认删除","Confirm encryption passphrase":"确认加密密码","Confirmation required":"需要确认","Connect":"连接","Connect now":"立即连接","Connecting to task ....":"正在连接至任务...","Connecting...":"正在连接…","Connection lost":"连接中断","Connection worked!":"连接正常!","Container name":"容器名称","Container region":"容器区域","Continue":"继续","Continue without encryption":"继续且不启用加密","Copied!":"已复制!","Copy":"复制","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"复制地址到剪贴板","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"复制失败,请手动复制此地址","Core options":"核心选项","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"正在计算 (已找到 {{files}} 个文件,{{size}})","Crashes only":"仅崩溃","Create folder?":"创建文件夹?","Created new limited user":"受限用户已创建","Creating user...":"正在创建用户…","Current action:":"当前操作:","Current file:":"当前文件:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"当前版本为 {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"自定义 S3 端点","Custom authentication url":"自定义认证地址","Custom backup retention":"自定义备份保留策略","Custom location ({{server}})":"自定义区域 ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"自定义创建 Bucket 的地区","Custom region value ({{region}})":"自定义地区 ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"自定义服务器地址 ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"自定义存储类别 ({{class}})","Days":"天","Default":"默认","Default ({{channelname}})":"默认 ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"默认排除规则","Default options":"默认选项","Delete":"删除","Delete backup":"删除备份","Delete backups that are older than":"保留指定期限","Delete local database":"删除本地数据库","Delete remote files":"删除远程文件","Delete the local database":"删除本地数据库","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"从远程存储中删除 {{filecount}} 个文件 ({{filesize}}) ?","Desktop":"桌面","Destination":"保存位置","Destination path":"保存位置","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"若 Duplicati 对你有所帮助,请考虑捐赠来支持我们。个人用途,建议捐赠 {{smallamount}},商业用途,建议捐赠 {{largeamount}}。","Direct restore from backup files ...":"直接从备份文件中恢复...","Disabled":"已禁用","Dismiss":"忽略","Dismiss all":"忽略所有","Display and color theme":"显示和颜色主题","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"你确定要删除备份:\"{{name}}\"吗 ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"你确定要删除 \"{{name}}\" 的本地数据库吗 ?","Domain Name":"域名称","Donate":"捐赠","Donation messages":"捐赠信息","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"捐赠信息已隐藏,点击显示","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"捐赠消息已显示,点击隐藏","Done":"完成","Download":"下载","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Duplicati 选项 {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati 网站","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati 论坛","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"每个备份都有一个关联的本地数据库,用来存储远程备份相关的信息。\n删除一个备份时,你也可以删除其本地数据库,这不会影响从远程文件中恢复数据。\n但如果你通过命令行进行备份,你应当保留此数据库。","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"每个备份都有一个关联的本地数据库,用来存储远程备份相关的信息。\\n这将加快许多操作的执行时间并减少操作时需要下载的数据量。","Edit as list":"以列表形式编辑","Edit as text":"以文本形式编辑","Encrypt file":"加密文件","Encryption":"加密方式","Encryption changed":"加密方式已更改","Encryption modules:":"加密模块:","Enter URL":"输入地址","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"请手动输入备份保留策略。占位符 D/W/Y 代表 日/星期/年,U 代表 永久。语法为 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M,这个例子保留7天中每天一份,4个星期中每星期一份,36个月中每月一份,也可以写成 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M","Enter access key":"输入访问密钥","Enter account name":"输入帐户名称","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"输入备份密码 (若存在)","Enter configuration details":"进入详细配置","Enter container name":"输入容器名称","Enter encryption passphrase":"输入加密密码","Enter expression here":"在此输入表达式","Enter folder path name":"输入文件夹路径名","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"以命令行格式,一行一个参数,例如 {0}","Enter the destination path":"输入目标路径","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"输入 Office 365 群组的邮箱地址","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"输入完整的路径,包括服务器名称,但不包括 https","Error":"错误","Error!":"错误!","Errors and crashes":"错误,崩溃","Exclude":"排除","Exclude directories whose names contain":"排除文件夹,名称包括","Exclude expression":"排除表达式","Exclude file":"排除文件","Exclude file extension":"排除文件后缀","Exclude files whose names contain":"排除文件,名称包括","Exclude filter group":"排除过滤条件集","Exclude folder":"排除文件夹","Exclude regular expression":"排除正则表达式","Existing file found":"发现已存在文件","Experimental":"Experimental","Export":"导出","Export backup configuration":"导出备份配置","Export configuration":"导出配置","External link":"外部链接","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP (备选)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"构建临时数据库失败: {{message}}","Failed to connect:":"连接失败:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"连接失败:{{message}}","Failed to delete:":"删除失败:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"获取路径信息失败: {{message}}","Failed to import:":"导入失败:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"读取备份默认设置失败:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"恢复文件失败: {{message}}","Failed to save:":"保存失败:","File":"文件","Files larger than:":"文件大于","Filters":"过滤条件","Finished!":"已完成!","First run setup":"初始配置","Folder":"文件夹","Folder path":"文件夹路径","Fri":"周五","GByte":"GB","GByte/s":"GB/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS 项目 ID","General":"常规","General backup settings":"常规备份设置","General options":"常规选项","Generate":"生成","Generate IAM access policy":"生成 IAM 访问策略","Group email":"群组邮箱","Hidden files":"隐藏文件","Hide":"隐藏","Hide hidden folders":"隐藏被隐藏的文件夹","Home":"首页","Hostnames":"主机名","Hours":"小时","How do you want to handle existing files?":"你想要怎样处理已存在的文件?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V 虚拟机","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V 虚拟机:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V 虚拟机","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"如果时间错过,任务将尽快运行。","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"相对于最新备份,早于此期限的备份将被清理","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"如果备份和远程存储不同步,Duplicati 需要你执行修复操作来同步数据库。\\n如果修复失败,你可以删除本地数据库并重新生成。","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"如果你不输入路径,所有文件将存储在登录时的默认文件夹。\n你确定这是你想要的吗?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"如果你不输入 API 密钥,则需要输入租户名称","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"如果你需要之后使用备份,你可以在删除它之前导出配置","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"如果你的机器处于多用户环境(比如机器上有多个帐户),你需要设定一个密码来防止其他帐户访问你的数据。\n你要现在设定密码吗?","Import":"导入","Import Destination URL":"导入地址","Import backup configuration":"导入备份配置","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"导入完成,但是未能找到证书","Import failed":"导入失败","Import from a file":"从文件导入","Import metadata":"导入元数据","Include a file?":"包含一个文件?","Include expression":"包含表达式","Include regular expression":"包含正则表达式","Incorrect answer, try again":"验证失败,请重试","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"面向开发者的个人构建,不适用于重要数据","Information":"信息","Install":"安装","Install failed:":"安装失败:","Invalid characters in path":"路径中包含无效字符","Invalid retention time":"无效的保留时间","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"某些 FTP 不需要密码\n你确定你的 FTP 服务器支持无密码登陆吗?","KByte":"KB","KByte/s":"KB/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"保留指定版本数","Keep all backups":"永久保留","Keystone API version":"Keystone API 版本","Language in user interface":"界面语言","Last month":"上月","Last successful backup:":"上次成功备份于:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"上次成功恢复于:{{time}} (耗时 {{duration || '0 秒'}})","Latest":"最新","Libraries":"第三方库","Live":"实时","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"从已导出的任务文件或者存储提供商处载入配置","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"从已导出的任务文件或存储提供商处载入目标位置","Load older data":"载入之前的数据","Loading ...":"载入中…","Loading remote storage usage ...":"正在载入远程存储使用量…","Local Repository":"本地仓库","Local database for":"本地数据库","Local database path:":"本地数据库路径:","Local repository":"本地仓库","Local storage":"本地存储","Location":"位置","Location where buckets are created":"请指定 Bucket 创建区域","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"<b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>  的日志","Log data from the server":"Duplicati 服务器日志","Log out":"登出","MByte":"MB","MByte/s":"MB/s","Maintenance":"维护","Manually type path":"手动输入路径…","Max download speed":"最大下载速度","Max upload speed":"最大上传速度","Menu":"菜单","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL 数据库:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL 数据库","Minimum redundancy":"最小冗余","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"最小冗余为 1.0","Minutes":"分钟","Missing name":"缺少名称","Missing passphrase":"缺少密码","Missing sources":"缺少源数据","Mon":"周一","Months":"月","Move existing database":"移动已有数据库","Move failed:":"移动失败:","My Documents":"我的文档","My Music":"我的音乐","My Photos":"我的照片","My Pictures":"我的图片","Name":"名称","Never":"从不","New update found: {{message}}":"发现新版本: {{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"新用户名为 {{user}}\n已为新的受限用户更新证书","Next":"下一步","Next scheduled run:":"下一次计划运行于:","Next scheduled task:":"下一次计划任务:","Next task:":"下一次任务:","Next time":"下一次运行时间:","No":"否","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"未预先指定证书,请与服务器管理员确认密钥 {{key}} 是否正确\n\n你想要允许此主机密钥吗?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"未找到 &quot;{{backend}}&quot; 存储类型的编辑器","No encryption":"无加密","No items selected":"未选中项目","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"未恢复项目,请至少选择一项","No passphrase entered":"未输入密码","No scheduled tasks":"暂无计划任务","No, my machine has only a single account":"否,我的机器只有一个帐户","Non-matching passphrase":"密码不匹配","None / disabled":"无 / 禁用","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"不会清理任何备份,备份大小将持续增长","OK":"确定","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"一旦备份版本数超过此值,最旧的备份将被清理","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack 认证地址","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack 对象存储 / Swift","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"v3 keystone API 不支持 Openstack API 密钥","Operating System":"操作系统","Operation failed:":"操作失败:","Operations:":"操作:","Optional authentication password":"如果需要,请输入认证密码","Optional authentication username":"如果需要,请输入认证用户名","Options":"选项","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"此处选项将对所有备份生效,但你可以单独设置备份来覆盖它","Original location":"原位置","Others":"其它","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"随着时间,备份将被自动清理。这将保留最近7天中每天一份,最近4个星期中每星期一份,最近12个月中每月一份,而且保证总是至少存在一个备份","Overwrite":"覆盖","Passphrase":"密码","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"密码 (若启用加密)","Passphrase changed":"密码已更改","Passphrases are not matching":"密码不匹配","Password":"密码","Path":"路径","Path not found":"路径未找到","Path on server":"服务器上路径","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"  Bucket 中路径或子文件夹","Pause":"暂停","Pause after startup or hibernation":"开机或唤醒后暂缓","Pause options":"暂停选项","Permissions":"权限","Pick location":"选择位置","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"指向你的备份文件,将从中恢复","Port":"端口","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"保持托盘图标自动登录","Previous":"上一步","Progress:":"进度:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"若 Bucket 存在, 则项目ID 可选","Proprietary":"专有","Recreate (delete and repair)":"重建 (删除并修复)","Relative paths not allowed":"不允许相对路径","Reload":"重新载入","Remote":"远程","Remote Path":"远程路径","Remote Repository":"远程仓库","Remote path":"远程路径","Remote repository":"远程仓库","Remote volume size":"远程卷大小","Remove":"移除","Remove option":"移除选项","Repair":"修复","Repeat Passphrase":"重复密码","Reporting:":"报告:","Reset":"重置","Restore":"恢复文件","Restore files":"恢复文件","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"从 {{backupname}} 恢复文件","Restore from":"恢复自","Restore from backup configuration":"从备份配置中恢复","Restore from configuration ...":"从配置中恢复...","Restore options":"恢复选项","Restore read/write permissions":"恢复读写权限","Resume":"恢复运行","Run again every":"重复运行每","Run now":"立即运行","Running ....":"正在运行...","Running commandline entry":"正在运行命令行","Running task:":"运行中的任务:","S3 Compatible":"S3 兼容","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"与当前安装版本一致:{{channelname}}","Sat":"周六","Save":"保存","Save and repair":"保存并修复","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"保存不同版本 (文件名中添加时间戳)","Save immediately":"立即保存","Schedule":"计划","Search":"搜索","Search for files":"搜索文件","Seconds":"秒","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"选择日志级别并实时查看","Select files":"选择文件","Server":"服务器","Server and port":"服务器与端口","Server hostname or IP":"服务器主机名或 IP","Server is currently paused,":"服务器暂停中,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"Duplicati 服务器暂停中,你想要立即恢复运行吗?","Server password":"服务器密码","Server paused":"服务器已暂停","Server state properties":"Duplicati 服务器状态","Settings":"设置","Show":"查看","Show advanced editor":"显示高级编辑器","Show hidden folders":"显示隐藏文件夹","Show log":"日志","Show treeview":"显示树状视图","Sia server password":"Sia 服务器密码","Smart backup retention":"智能备份保留策略","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"一些 OpenStack 提供商使用 API 密钥,而不是租户名称和密码","Source Data":"源数据","Source data":"源数据","Source folders":"源文件夹","Source:":"源数据:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"面向开发者的特定构建,不适用于重要数据","Standard protocols":"标准协议","Stop after the current file":"当前文件完成后停止","Stop now":"立即停止","Stop running backup":"停止正在运行的备份","Stop running task":"停止正在运行的任务","Stopping task:":"正在停止任务:","Storage Type":"存储类型","Storage class":"存储类别","Storage class for creating a bucket":"创建 Bucket 的存储类别","Stored":"存档","Strong":"强度高","Success":"成功","Sun":"周日","Symbolic link":"符号链接","System Files":"系统文件","System default ({{levelname}})":"默认 ({{levelname}})","System files":"系统文件","System info":"系统信息","System properties":"系统属性","TByte":"TB","TByte/s":"TB/s","Target path, ie /backup":"目标路径,例如 /backup","Task is running":"任务正在运行中","Temporary Files":"临时文件","Temporary files":"临时文件","Tenant Name":"租户名称","Test connection":"测试连接","Testing ...":"正在测试…","Testing connection ...":"正在测试连接…","Testing permissions...":"正在测试权限…","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"字段 '{{fieldname}}' 包含无效字符:{{character}} (值: {{value}}, 位置: {{pos}})","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Bucket 名称应当是全小写,自动转换?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Bucket 名称应该以你的用户名开头,自动加上?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"服务器连接中断,将在 {{time}} 后重新连接…","The dark theme (by Michal)":"黑色主题 (by Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"默认蓝白主题 (by Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"文件夹 {{folder}} 不存在\n是否现在创建?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"主机密钥已更改,请与服务器管理员确认其是否正确,否则你可能正在被中间人攻击。\n\n你想要把现有密钥 \"{{prev}}\" 替换为 {{key}} 吗?","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"路径似乎不存在,你确定要添加它吗?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"路径不应该以 '{{dirsep}}' 字符结尾,这意味你想要包含一个文件而不是文件夹。\n你想要包含指定文件吗?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"路径必须为绝对路径,也就是以斜杠 '/' 开头","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"路径应当以 \"{{prefix1}}\" 或 \"{{prefix2}}\" 开头,否则你不会在 HubiC 网页界面上看到文件。\n你需要自动给路径添加上前缀吗?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"\"地区\"参数只在创建新 Bucket 时生效","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"\"参数只在创建新 Bucket 时使用","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"服务器证书验证失败\n你想要允许此 SSL证书吗?其哈希值为 {{hash}}","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"存储类别影响文件可用性和价格","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"目标文件夹包含加密文件,请提供密码","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"此用户权限太多,你想要创建一个只能访问所选路径的受限用户吗?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"此备份创建于其他操作系统上。恢复时不指定目标文件夹可能会使文件恢复到未知的位置。你确定要继续吗?","This month":"本月","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"此选项与最大允许的备份大小或文件大小无关,也不影响去重率。<external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">在你修改远程卷大小前,请参见此页面</external-link>","This week":"本周","Throttle settings":"限流设置","Thu":"周四","To File":"导出为文件","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"为确认你想要删除 \"{{name}}\" 的所有远程文件,请输入以下单词","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"如果不想使用密码加密导出的文件,请去除勾选\"加密文件\"","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"为了防止各种基于 DNS 的攻击,Duplicati 将仅允许此处列出的主机名。直接使用 IP 和 localhost 访问是始终允许的。可以使用分号分隔多个主机名,星号(*) 代表允许所有主机名,同时禁用所有限制。如果该字段为空,则仅允许 IP 地址和本地主机访问。","Today":"今天","Trust host certificate?":"信任主机证书?","Trust server certificate?":"信任服务器证书?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"这是当前最稳定的版本,可以试用我们开发的新特性。如果要在生产环境使用,请事先测试恢复数据。","Tue":"周二","Type to highlight files":"输入以高亮文件","Unknown backup size and versions":"未知的备份大小和版本","Until resumed":"直到手动恢复运行","Update channel":"更新分支","Update failed:":"更新失败:","Updating with existing database":"正在更新存在的数据库","Usage statistics":"使用情况统计","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"使用情况统计,警告,错误,崩溃","Use SSL":"启用 SSL","Use existing database?":"使用已存在的数据库?","Use weak passphrase":"确定使用弱密码","Useless":"无用","User data":"用户数据","User domain name":"用户域名称","User has too many permissions":"用户权限太多","User interface settings":"界面设置","Username":"用户名","Verify files":"校验文件","Verifying ...":"正在校验…","Verifying answer":"正在验证","Very strong":"强度非常高","Very weak":"强度非常低","Visit us on":"了解我们","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"警告:远程数据库正在被命令行库使用","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"警告:这将使你以后不再能恢复数据","Waiting for task to begin":"等待任务开始…","Waiting for task to start ....":"正在等待任务开始...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"警告,错误,崩溃","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"我们接受多种渠道的捐赠,例如OpenCollective,PayPal,BountySource 以及多种加密货币","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"我们推荐加密所有保存在第三方系统中的数据","Weak":"强度低","Weak passphrase":"弱密码","Wed":"周三","Weeks":"周","Where do you want to restore from?":"你想从哪里恢复呢?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"你想把文件恢复到哪里?","Years":"年","Yes":"是","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"是,我已将密码安全保存","Yes, I'm brave!":"是,我无所谓","Yes, please break my backup!":"是,请清除我的备份","Yesterday":"昨天","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"看起来 Mono 当前没有载入 SSL 证书。\n你想要从 Mozilla 导入可信任的证书吗?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"你正在改变数据库路径。\n你确定想要这么做吗?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"当前正在运行 {{appname}} {{version}}","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"你已经更改了加密方式,这可能破坏备份。你更应当创建新备份。","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"你已经更改密码,这是不支持的操作。你更应当创建新备份。","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"你已选择不加密备份,推荐加密所有存储在远程服务器上的数据。","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"你选择了恢复到新位置,却没有指定具体位置","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"你已经生成了一个强密码,确保你安全记录下了此密码,否则,万一你丢失了密码,数据将不能恢复。","You must choose at least one source folder":"你必须选择至少一个源文件夹","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"要使用 v3 API,你必须输入域名称","You must enter a name for the backup":"你必须输入备份名称","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"你必须输入加密密码或禁用加密","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"要使用 v3 API,你必须输入密码","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"你输入要保留的版本数必须为正","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"要使用 v3 API,你必须输入租户(也就是项目)","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"如果你没有提供 API 密钥,你必须输入租户名称","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"你必须输入有效的保留时长","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"你必须输入有效的保留策略字符串","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"你必须输入一个密码或 API 密钥","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"你必须只输入一个密码或 API 密钥,而不是两者同时","You must fill in the password":"你必须填写密码","You must fill in the server name or address":"你必须填写服务器主机名或地址","You must fill in the username":"你必须填写用户名","You must fill in {{field}}":"你必须填写 {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"你必须选择或填写认证地址","You must select or fill in the server":"你必须选择或填写服务器","You must specify a path":"你必须指定路径","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"你应当填写 {{field}}{{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"文件恢复成功!","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"你的密码很容易被破解,请考虑更换一个强密码","bucket/folder/subfolder":"Bucket / 文件夹 / 子文件夹","byte":"B","byte/s":"B/s","custom":"自定义","resume now":"立即恢复运行","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"除非你通过 --group-id 具体指定","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} 主要由 <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> 和 <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a> 开发. {{appname}} 可以从 <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a> 下载. {{appname}} 采用 <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a> 授权.","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"剩余 {{files}} 个文件 ({{size}}) {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":"{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} 个版本","{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} 小时","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} 分钟","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (耗时 {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('zh_HK', {"- pick an option -":"選擇一個選項","...loading...":"...載入中...","API Key":"API Key","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM 原則","About":"關於","About {{appname}}":"關於 {{appname}}","Access denied":"存取被拒","Account name":"用戶名","Activate":"啟動","Activate failed:":"啟動失敗:","Add a new backup":"加入新的備份","Add a path directly":"直接加入路徑","Add advanced option":"新增進階選項","Add backup":"新增備份","Add filter":"新增過濾器","Add path":"加入路徑","Advanced Options":"進階選項","Advanced options":"進階選項","Advanced:":"進階:","All Hyper-V Machines":"所有Hyper-V機器","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"所有Microsoft SQL數據庫","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"允許遠端存取(需要重新啟動)","Allowed days":"允許日子","An existing file was found at the new location":"在新的位置上發現有檔案存在","Anonymous usage reports":"匿名使用報告","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"認證密碼","Authentication username":"認證用戶名","Autogenerated passphrase":"自動產生密碼","Automatically run backups.":"自動執行備份","Back":"返回","Backup destination":"備份目的地","Backup location":"備份位置","Backup:":"備份:","Beta":"Beta","Browse":"瀏覽","Browser default":"瀏覽預設","Bucket Name":"Bucket 名稱","Bucket create location":"Bucket 建立位置","Bucket create region":"Bucket 建立區域","Bucket name":"Bucket 名稱","Bucket storage class":"Bucket 儲存等級","Busy ...":"忙碌...","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"Cancel","Changelog":"更新日誌","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"{{appname}} {{version}} 更新日誌","Check failed:":"檢查失敗:","Check for updates now":"立即檢查更新","Checking ...":"檢查中...","Compact now":"立即壓縮","Compacting remote data ...":"壓縮遠端資料中...","Compression modules:":"壓縮模組:","Computer":"電腦","Configuration file:":"設定檔案:","Configuration:":"設定:","Configure a new backup":"設定新備份","Confirm delete":"確認刪除","Confirm encryption passphrase":"確認加密密碼","Confirmation required":"需要確認","Connect":"連接","Connect now":"立即連接","Connecting to task ....":"正在連接工作...","Connecting...":"連接中...","Connection lost":"連接中斷","Connection worked!":"連接成功!","Container name":"容器名稱","Container region":"容器區域","Continue":"繼續","Continue without encryption":"繼續但不加密","Copied!":"已複製!","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"複製目的地網址到剪貼簿","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"複製失敗。請手動複製網址","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"點算中(找到 {{files}} 個檔案,{{size}})","Create folder?":"建立資料夾?","Created new limited user":"已建立受限制的使用者","Creating user...":"建立使用者中...","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"現時版本 {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom location ({{server}})":"自訂位置({{server}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"自訂伺服器地址({{server}})","Days":"Days","Default":"預設","Default ({{channelname}})":"預設 ({{channelname}})","Default options":"預設選項","Delete":"刪除","Delete backup":"刪除備份","Delete local database":"刪除本地資料庫","Delete remote files":"刪除遠端檔案","Delete the local database":"刪除本地資料庫","Desktop":"桌面","Destination":"目的地","Direct restore from backup files ...":"直接從備份檔案中還原...","Disabled":"已停用","Dismiss":"略過","Display and color theme":"顯示及顏色主題","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"您真的確定要刪除備份: \"{{name}}\" ?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"您真的確定要刪除 \"{{name}}\" 的本地數據庫?","Donate":"捐贈","Donation messages":"捐贈訊息","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"捐贈訊息已隱藏,按此顯示。","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"捐贈訊息顯示中,按此隱藏。","Done":"完成","Download":"下載","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"Duplicati 選項  {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati 網站","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati 討論區","Encrypt file":"加密檔案","Encryption modules:":"加密模組:","Enter URL":"輸入網址","Enter access key":"輸入Access Key","Enter account name":"輸入帳戶名稱","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"輸入備份密碼(如有)","Enter container name":"輸入容器名稱","Enter encryption passphrase":"輸入加密密碼","Enter folder path name":"輸入資料夾路徑名稱","Enter the destination path":"輸入目的地路徑","Error":"錯誤","Error!":"錯誤!","Exclude":"排除","Exclude directories whose names contain":"排除含有此名稱的資料夾","Exclude expression":"排除表達式","Exclude file":"排除檔案","Exclude file extension":"排除副檔名","Exclude files whose names contain":"排除含有此名稱的檔案","Exclude folder":"排除資料夾","Exclude regular expression":"排除正規表達式","Existing file found":"找到已存在的檔案","Experimental":"實驗性","Export":"匯出","Export backup configuration":"匯出備份設定","Export configuration":"匯出設定","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP(備用)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"建立臨時資籵庫失敗:{{message}}","Failed to connect:":"連接失敗:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"連接失敗:{{message}}","Failed to delete:":"刪除失敗:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"無法取得路徑資料:{{message}}","Failed to import:":"匯入失敗","Failed to read backup defaults:":"讀取預設備份失敗:","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"還原檔案失敗:{{message}}","Failed to save:":"儲存失敗:","File":"檔案","Files larger than:":"檔案大於","Filters":"過濾器","Finished!":"已完成!","Folder":"資籵夾","Folder path":"資料夾路徑","Fri":"星期五","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS Project ID","General":"一般","General backup settings":"一般備份設定","General options":"一般設定","Generate":"產生","Generate IAM access policy":"產生 IAM 存取原則","Hidden files":"隱藏的檔案","Hide":"隱藏","Hide hidden folders":"不顯示隱藏的資料夾","Home":"首頁","Hours":"小時","How do you want to handle existing files?":"您想怎樣處理已存在的檔案?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V 機器","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V 機器:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V 機器","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"如果錯過了時間,將儘快執行工作。","Import":"匯入","Import Destination URL":"匯入目的地網址","Import backup configuration":"匯入備份設定","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"匯入完成,但沒有找到證書","Import failed":"匯入失敗","Import from a file":"從檔案匯入","Include a file?":"包括一個檔案?","Include expression":"包括表達式","Include regular expression":"包括正規表達式","Incorrect answer, try again":"答案錯誤,請重試","Information":"訊息","Install":"安裝","Install failed:":"安裝失敗:","Invalid characters in path":"路徑中有無效的字符","Invalid retention time":"無效的保留時間","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Language in user interface":"界面語言","Last month":"上個月","Latest":"最新","Live":"即時","Load older data":"載入舊資料","Loading ...":"載入中...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"載入遠端儲存使用量中...","Local database for":"本地資連庫","Local database path:":"本地資料庫路徑:","Local storage":"本地儲存","Location":"位置","Log data from the server":"來自伺服器的記錄","Log out":"登出","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"維護","Manually type path":"手動輸入路徑","Max download speed":"最高下載速度","Max upload speed":"最高上傳速度","Menu":"選單","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL 資料庫:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL 資料庫","Minutes":"分鐘","Missing name":"沒有名稱","Missing passphrase":"沒有密碼","Missing sources":"沒有來源","Mon":"星期一","Months":"月","Move existing database":"移動現時的資料庫","Move failed:":"移動失敗:","My Documents":"我的文件","My Music":"我的音樂","My Photos":"我的相片","My Pictures":"我的圖片","Name":"名稱","Never":"永不","New update found: {{message}}":"找到新版本:{{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"新用戶為 {{username}}。\n已更新憑證以使用該受管制用戶","Next":"下一步","Next scheduled run:":"下次預定報行的時間:","Next scheduled task:":"下次預定報行的工作:","Next task:":"下次的工作:","Next time":"下次執行時間:","No":"否","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"先前並未指定過證書,請與伺服管理員驗證此密匙是否正確:{key}}\n\n您要接受這個主題密匙嗎?","No encryption":"無加密","No items selected":"沒有選擇任何項目","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"沒有需要還原的項目,請擇一個或以上的項目","No passphrase entered":"沒有輸入密碼","No scheduled tasks":"沒有預定的工作","Non-matching passphrase":"密碼不正確","None / disabled":"沒有/已停用","OK":"確定","Options":"選項","Others":"Others","Overwrite":"覆蓋","Passphrase":"密碼","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"密碼(如已加密)","Passphrase changed":"已更改密碼","Passphrases are not matching":"密碼不相同","Password":"密碼","Path":"路徑","Path not found":"找不到路徑","Path on server":"伺服器上路徑","Pause":"暫停","Pause after startup or hibernation":"啟動或休眠後暫停","Pause options":"暫停選項","Permissions":"權限","Pick location":"選擇位置","Port":"埠","Previous":"Previous","Recreate (delete and repair)":"重建(刪除及修復)","Remote":"遠端","Remove":"移除","Remove option":"移除選項","Repair":"修復","Repeat Passphrase":"重覆密碼","Reporting:":"報告︰","Reset":"重設","Restore":"還原","Restore files":"還原檔案","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"從 {{backupname}} 還原檔案","Restore from":"從...還原檔案","Restore from backup configuration":"從備份設定還原","Restore from configuration ...":"從設定還原...","Restore options":"還原選項","Resume":"繼續","Run again every":"每...重覆執行","Run now":"立即執行","Running ....":"執行中...","Running task:":"正在執行工作:","S3 Compatible":"S3 相容","Sat":"星期六","Save":"儲存","Save and repair":"儲存並修復","Save immediately":"立即儲存","Schedule":"排程","Search":"搜尋","Search for files":"搜尋檔案","Seconds":"秒","Select files":"選擇檔案","Server":"伺服器","Server and port":"伺服器與連接埠","Server hostname or IP":"伺服器名稱或 IP","Server is currently paused,":"伺服器目前已暫停,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"伺服器暫停中,您要現在立即繼續嗎?","Server password":"伺服器密碼","Server paused":"伺服器已暫停","Server state properties":"伺服器狀態","Settings":"設定","Show":"顯示","Show advanced editor":"顯示進階編輯","Show hidden folders":"顯示隱藏的資料夾","Show log":"顯示記錄","Show treeview":"顯示樹狀檢視","Sia server password":"Sia 伺服器密碼","Source Data":"來源資料","Source data":"來源資料","Source folders":"來源資料夾","Source:":"來源:","Standard protocols":"標準通訊協定","Stop after the current file":"現時檔案完成後停止","Stop now":"立即停止","Stop running backup":"停止正在進行的備份","Stop running task":"停止正在進行的工作","Stopping task:":"停止工作中:","Storage Type":"儲存類型","Storage class":"儲存等級","Stored":"已儲存","Strong":"強","Success":"成功","Sun":"星期日","Symbolic link":"符號連結","System default ({{levelname}})":"系統預設({{levelname}})","System files":"系統檔案","System info":"系統資訊","System properties":"系統內容","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"目的地路徑,例如 /backup","Task is running":"工作執行中","Temporary files":"暫存檔案","Test connection":"測試連線","Testing ...":"測試中...","Testing connection ...":"測試連線中...","Testing permissions...":"測試權限中...","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"伺服器連線中斷,{{time}} 後重試...","The dark theme (by Michal)":"深色主題(Michai設計)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"預設的藍白色主題(Alexi設計)","This month":"本月","This week":"本週","Thu":"星期四","To File":"到檔案","Today":"今日","Trust server certificate?":"信任伺服器證書?","Tue":"星期二","Until resumed":"直至手動繼續","Update channel":"更新頻道","Update failed:":"更新失敗:","Use SSL":"使用 SSL","Use weak passphrase":"使用強度為弱的密碼","Useless":"不使用","Username":"使用者","Verify files":"驗證檔案","Verifying ...":"驗證中...","Verifying answer":"驗證答案中...","Very strong":"十分強","Very weak":"十分弱","Weak passphrase":"弱密碼","Wed":"星期三","Weeks":"星期","Years":"年","Yes":"是","Yesterday":"Yesterday","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"您選擇了不加密備份。建議備份所有儲存在遠端伺服器上資料。","You must fill in the server name or address":"您必須填寫伺服器名稱或地址","You must select or fill in the server":"您必須選擇或填寫伺服器","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"custom","resume now":"立即繼續","{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} 小時","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} 分鐘","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (花費 {{duration}})"});
    gettextCatalog.setStrings('zh_TW', {"- pick an option -":"選擇一個項目","...loading...":"...載入中...","API Key":"API Key","AWS Access ID":"AWS Access ID","AWS Access Key":"AWS Access Key","AWS IAM Policy":"AWS IAM Policy","About":"關於","About {{appname}}":"關於 {{appname}}","Access Key":"Access Key","Access denied":"拒絕存取","Access to user interface":"進入使用者介面","Account name":"帳號名稱","Activate":"啟用","Activate failed:":"啟用失敗","Add a new backup":"新增備份","Add a path directly":"直接增加資料路徑","Add advanced option":"加入進階選項","Add backup":"備份","Add filter":"加入篩選條件","Add path":"加入路徑","Added":"已加入","Adjust bucket name?":"調整 bucket 名稱?","Adjust path name?":"調整 path 名稱?","Advanced Options":"進階選項","Advanced options":"進階選項","Advanced:":"進階:","All Hyper-V Machines":"全部 Hyper-V 主機","All Microsoft SQL Databases":"全部 Microsoft SQL 資料庫","All usage reports are sent anonymously and do not contain any personal information. They contain information about hardware and operating system, the type of backend, backup duration, overall size of source data and similar data. They do not contain paths, filenames, usernames, passwords or similar sensitive information.":"全部的使用報告都是採匿名發送,不包含任何個人資訊。這份報告中包含有關硬體以及作業系統資訊、後端類型、備份時間、來源資料的總容量與相關資訊。當中將不會包含路徑、檔名、帳號、密碼或類似的敏感資訊。","Allow remote access (requires restart)":"允許遠端存取(需要重新啟動)","Allowed days":"允許日","An existing file was found at the new location":"新的位置發現已既有檔案存在","An existing file was found at the new location\nAre you sure you want the database to point to an existing file?":"新的位置發現已既有檔案存在,您要將資料庫指向其中一個既有檔案嗎?","An existing local database for the storage has been found.\nRe-using the database will allow the command-line and server instances to work on the same remote storage.\n\n Do you wish to use the existing database?":"儲存區發現既有的的本機資料庫已存在。\n重新使用資料庫將可以讓您使用命令列和伺服器服務用在同樣的遠端儲存區。\n\n您希望使用既有的資料庫嗎?","Anonymous usage reports":"匿名使用報告","Applications":"Applications","As Command-line":"顯示為 Command-Line","AuthID":"AuthID","Authentication password":"認證密碼","Authentication username":"認證名稱","Autogenerated passphrase":"自動產生密碼","Automatically run backups.":"自動執行備份","B2 Application Key":"B2 Application Key","B2 Cloud Storage Account ID":"B2 Cloud Storage 帳號 ID","B2 Cloud Storage Application Key":"B2 Cloud Storage Application Key","Back":"返回","Backend modules:":"Backend 模組:","Backup complete!":"備份完成。","Backup destination":"備份目的地","Backup is encrypted but no passphrase is available.\n                    Type a passphrase below to use for restoring your files,\n                    or, in case of GPG encryption, leave blank to let gpg retrieve the passphrase by\n                    invoking your system's keychain.":"備份檔已加密,但沒有可用的密碼。\n                    請輸入密碼以還原您的檔案,\n                    若您是使用 GPG 加密者,保持空白讓 GPG 檢索並取用系統的 keychain。","Backup location":"備份位置","Backup retention":"保留備份數目","Backup:":"備份:","Beta":"測試版 (Beta)","Broken access":"故障連線","Browse":"瀏覽","Browser default":"瀏覽器預設","Bucket Name":"Bucket 名稱","Bucket create location":"Bucket 建立位置","Bucket create region":"Bucket 建立區域","Bucket name":"Bucket 名稱","Bucket storage class":"Bucket 儲存等級","Building list of files to restore …":"正在建立還原的檔案清單 ...","Building partial temporary database …":"正在建立部份暫存資料庫 ...","Busy ...":"忙碌 ...","By allowing remote access, the server listens to requests from any machine on your network. If you enable this option, make sure you are always using the computer on a secure firewall protected network.":"允許遠端存取,伺服器間接收來自網路中任何主機的連線。如果啟用了這個選項,請確認已經使用防火牆保護好您網路中的主機。","By default, the tray icon will open the user interface with a token that unlocks the user interface. This ensures that you can access the user interface from the tray icon, while requiring others to enter a password. If you prefer having to type in the password, even when accessing the user interface from the tray icon, enable this option.":"在預設情況下,點選系統列 (Tray) 圖示將會直接打開登入介面,而非直接解鎖進入管理介面。除了您從系統列圖示進入的是登入介面,也可以確保當其它人使用時也需要輸入密碼。如果您喜歡輸入密碼才能進入介面的話,啟用這個選項將是適合您的選擇。","Cache Files":"快取檔案","Canary":"Canary","Cancel":"取消","Cannot move to existing file":"無法搬移已存在檔案","Changelog":"更新記錄","Changelog for {{appname}} {{version}}":"更新記錄:{{appname}} {{version}}","Check failed:":"檢查失敗:","Check for updates now":"現在檢查更新","Checking ...":"檢查中 ...","Checking for updates …":"檢查更新中 ...","Chose a storage type to get started":"選擇儲存區類型,然後開始","Click the AuthID link to create an AuthID":"按下 AuthID 連結來建立一組 AuthID","Click to set throttle options":"點這裡進入頻寬限制設定","Commandline …":"命令列 ...","Compact Phase":"壓縮階段","Compact now":"立即緊密壓縮","Compacting remote data ...":"正在緊密壓縮遠端資料 ...","Compacting remote data …":"正在緊密壓縮遠端資料 ...","Complete log":"完整記錄","Completing backup …":"正在完成備份 ...","Completing previous backup …":"正在完成上一次備份 ...","Compression modules:":"壓縮模組:","Computer":"電腦","Configuration file:":"設定檔:","Configuration:":"設定:","Configure a new backup":"設定一個新備份","Confirm delete":"確認刪除","Confirm encryption passphrase":"確認加密密碼","Confirm passphrase":"確認密碼","Confirm password":"確認密碼","Confirmation required":"需要確認","Connect":"連線","Connect now":"立即連線","Connecting to server …":"正在連線到伺服器 ...","Connecting to task ....":"正在連線到工作 ...","Connecting...":"連線中 ...","Connection lost":"連線失敗","Connection worked!":"連線已建立!","Container name":"容器名稱","Container region":"容器區域","Continue":"繼續","Continue without encryption":"不加密並繼續","Copied!":"已複製","Copy":"複製","Copy Destination URL to Clipboard":"複製目標 URL 至剪貼簿","Copy failed. Please manually copy the URL":"複製失敗。請手動複製 URL","Core options":"核心選項","Counting ({{files}} files found, {{size}})":"正在計算 ({{files}} 個檔案, {{size}})","Crashes only":"只有當機","Create bug report …":"建立問題報告 ...","Create folder?":"建立資料夾?","Created new limited user":"建立新的受限使用者","Creating bug report …":"正在建立問題報告 ...","Creating new user with limited access …":"正在建立有限制存取的新使用者 ...","Creating target folders …":"正在建立目標資料夾 ...","Creating temporary backup …":"正在建立暫存備份 ...","Creating user...":"正在建立使用者 ...","Current action:":"目前動作:","Current file:":"目前檔案:","Current version is {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})":"目前版本 {{versionname}} ({{versionnumber}})","Custom S3 endpoint":"自訂 S3 進入點","Custom authentication url":"自訂授權 URL","Custom backup retention":"自訂備份保留規則","Custom location ({{server}})":"自訂位置 ({{server}})","Custom region for creating buckets":"自定區域以建立 Bucket ","Custom region value ({{region}})":"自訂區域 Value ({{region}})","Custom server url ({{server}})":"自訂伺服器 URL ({{server}})","Custom storage class ({{class}})":"自訂儲存等級 ({{class}})","Database …":"資料庫 ...","Days":"日","Default":"預設","Default ({{channelname}})":"預設 ({{channelname}})","Default excludes":"預設排除","Default options":"預設選項","Delete":"刪除","Delete Phase (Old Backup Versions)":"刪除階段 (舊版本備份)","Delete backup":"刪除備份","Delete backups that are older than":"刪除指定條件以前的備份","Delete local database":"刪除本機資料庫","Delete remote files":"刪除遠端檔案","Delete the local database":"刪除本機資料庫","Delete {{filecount}} files ({{filesize}}) from the remote storage?":"刪除遠端儲存區的 {{filecount}} 個檔案 ({{filesize}}) 嗎?","Delete …":"刪除 ...","Deleted":"已刪除","Deleted Versions":"已刪除版本","Deleted files":"已刪除檔案","Deleting remote files …":"正在刪除遠端檔案 ...","Deleting unwanted files …":"正在刪除不需要的檔案 ...","Description (optional)":"說明 (可省略)","Description:":"說明:","Desktop":"桌面","Destination":"目的地","Destination path":"目的路徑","Did we help save your files? If so, please consider supporting Duplicati with a donation. We suggest {{smallamount}} for private use and {{largeamount}} for commercial use.":"我們協助您保護您的檔案了嗎?如果是這樣,請考慮贊助支援 Duplicati。我們建議私人 {{smallamount}} 以及 {{largeamount}} 進行商業用途。","Direct restore from backup files ...":"直接從備份檔還原 ...","Disabled":"取消","Dismiss":"忽略","Dismiss all":"全部忽略","Display and color theme":"佈景主題設定","Do you really want to delete the backup: \"{{name}}\" ?":"您真的要刪除 \"{{name}}\" 這個備份?","Do you really want to delete the local database for: {{name}}":"您真的要刪除 {{name}} 這個本機資料庫?","Domain Name":"網域名稱","Donate":"贊助","Donation messages":"贊助資訊","Donation messages are hidden, click to show":"贊助資訊已隱藏,點選可將之顯示","Donation messages are visible, click to hide":"贊助資訊已顯示,點選可將之隱藏","Done":"完成","Download":"下載","Downloaded files":"已下載檔案","Downloading files …":"正在下載檔案 ...","Downloading update…":"正在下載更新 ...","Downloading …":"下載中 ...","Duplicate option {{opt}}":"重複選項 {{opt}}","Duplicati Website":"Duplicati 官方網站","Duplicati forum":"Duplicati 論壇","Duplicati will run when started, but will remain in a paused state for the duration. Duplicati will occupy minimal system resources and no backups will be run.":"Duplicati 將於作業系統啟動後執行,但將會保持在暫停狀態。此時 Duplicati 將以最少資源使用率的情況下常駐,不會進行備份作業。","Duration":"時間","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\n            When deleting a backup, you can also delete the local database without affecting the ability to restore the remote files.\n            If you are using the local database for backups from the commandline, you should keep the database.":"每個備份都會關聯到一個本機資料庫,裡面儲存有備份目的地的相關資訊。\n 當您刪除備份時,您可以只刪除本機資料庫而不影響恢復備份目的地備份檔的還原能力。\n 如果您使用本機資料庫做命令列方式備份,您將資料庫保留好。","Each backup has a local database associated with it, which stores information about the remote backup on the local machine.\\nThis makes it faster to perform many operations, and reduces the amount of data that needs to be downloaded for each operation.":"每個備份都會關聯到一個本機資料庫,裡面儲存有備份目的地的相關資訊。\\ n這可以讓許多資訊運作的速度更快,並且減少了每次作業時需要從備份目的地下載的資料量。","Edit as list":"編輯清單","Edit as text":"編輯文字內容","Edit …":"編輯 ...","Encrypt file":"加密檔案","Encryption":"加密方式","Encryption changed":"加密方式已變更","Encryption modules:":"加密模組:","End":"結束","Enter URL":"輸入 URL","Enter a retention strategy manually. Placeholders are D/W/Y for days/weeks/years and U for unlimited. The syntax is: 7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M. This example keeps one backup for each of the next 7 days, one for each of the next 4 weeks, and one for each of the next 36 months. This can also be written as 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M.":"手動輸入備份保留原則。可用關鍵字 D/W/Y,分別代表 日/週/年。語法如下:7D:1D,4W:1W,36M:1M。上述例子表示,每7日保留1份,每4週保留1份,每36個月保留1份。您也可以寫成 1W:1D,1M:1W,3Y:1M。","Enter access key":"輸入 access key","Enter account name":"輸入帳號名稱","Enter backup passphrase, if any":"輸入備份密碼,如果有的話","Enter configuration details":"進入設定細節","Enter container name":"輸入容器名稱","Enter encryption passphrase":"輸入加密密碼","Enter expression here":"在這裡輸入運算式","Enter folder path name":"輸入資料夾路徑名稱","Enter one option per line in command-line format, eg. {0}":"請輸入選項,每一行一個,如。{0}","Enter the destination path":"輸入目的地路徑","Enter the email address of the Office 365 group":"輸入 Office 365 群組的郵件位址","Enter the full destination path, including the server name, but without https":"輸入完整的目標路徑,包含伺服器名稱但不要有 https","Error":"錯誤","Error!":"錯誤!","Errors and crashes":"錯誤與當機","Examined":"已檢查","Exclude":"例外","Exclude directories whose names contain":"排除目錄名稱含有","Exclude expression":"排除表示式","Exclude file":"例外檔案","Exclude file extension":"例外副檔名","Exclude files whose names contain":"排除檔案名稱包含有","Exclude filter group":"例外篩選群組","Exclude folder":"例外資料夾","Exclude regular expression":"排除的正規表示式","Existing file found":"檔案已存在","Experimental":"實驗版 (Experimental)","Export":"匯出","Export backup configuration":"匯出備份設定","Export configuration":"匯出設定","Export passwords":"匯出密碼","Export …":"匯出 ...","Exporting …":"正在匯出 ...","External link":"外部連結","FTP (Alternative)":"FTP  (替代)","Failed to build temporary database: {{message}}":"建立暫存資料庫失敗:{{message}}","Failed to connect:":"連線失敗:","Failed to connect: {{message}}":"連線失敗:{{message}}","Failed to delete:":"刪除失敗:","Failed to fetch path information: {{message}}":"列取路徑資訊失敗: {{message}}","Failed to find backup:":"尋找備份失敗:","Failed to import:":"匯入失敗:","Failed to read backup defaults:":"讀取備份預設值失敗︰","Failed to restore files: {{message}}":"還原檔案失敗:{{message}}","Failed to save:":"儲存失敗:","Fetching path information …":"正在列舉路徑資訊 ...","File":"檔案","Files larger than:":"檔案大小超過:","Filters":"篩選","Finished!":"已完成!","First run setup":"執行初始化設定","Folder":"資料夾","Folder path":"資料夾路徑","Fri":"週五","GByte":"GByte","GByte/s":"GByte/s","GCS Project ID":"GCS Project ID","General":"一般","General backup settings":"一般備份設定","General options":"一般選項","Generate":"產生","Generate IAM access policy":"產生 IAM access policy","Getting file versions …":"正在取得檔案版本 ...","Group email":"群組郵件","Hidden files":"隱藏檔案","Hide":"隱藏","Hide hidden folders":"隱藏目錄","Home":"首頁","Hostnames":"主機名稱","Hours":"小時","How do you want to handle existing files?":"您如何處理既有檔案?","Hyper-V Machine":"Hyper-V 主機","Hyper-V Machine:":"Hyper-V 主機:","Hyper-V Machines":"Hyper-V 主機","ID:":"ID:","If a date was missed, the job will run as soon as possible.":"如果已錯過時間,將儘可能快速進行這個工作。","If at least one newer backup is found, all backups older than this date are deleted.":"如果有更新的備份存在,則刪除比這個日期早的所有備份。","If the backup and the remote storage is out of sync, Duplicati will require that you perform a repair operation to synchronize the database.\\nIf the repair is unsuccesful, you can delete the local database and re-generate.":"如果備份與遠端儲存區不同步,Duplicati 需要您執行修復作業以讓資料庫重新同步。 \\n 如果修復不成功,您可以刪除本機資料庫並重新產生之。","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"如果備份檔案沒有自動下載,<a href=\"{{DownloadURL}}\" target=\"_blank\">右鍵點選這裡 &quot;另存 ...&quot;</a>","If the backup file was not downloaded automatically, <a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">right click and choose &quot;Save as …&quot;</a>":"如果備份檔案沒有自動下載,<a href=\"{{item.DownloadLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">右鍵點選這裡 &quot;另存 ...&quot;</a>","If you do not enter a path, all files will be stored in the login folder.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"如果沒有輸入路徑,將會儲存所有檔案在登入資料夾。\n確定這是您要的嗎?","If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required":"If you do not enter an API Key, the tenant name is required","If you want to use the backup later, you can export the configuration before deleting it":"如果您以後還想要使用此備份,您可以在刪除之前先將設定匯出","If your machine is in a multi-user environment (i.e. the machine has more than one account), you need to set a password to prevent other users from accessing data on your account.\nDo you want to set a password now?":"如果你的主機是多使用者環境(例如這個主機不只有這一個使用者帳號),建議您設定一組密碼,以防址其它使用者存取您的 Duplicati 設定資料。\n您是否要立即前往設定密碼?","Import":"匯入","Import Destination URL":"匯入目的地 URL","Import backup configuration":"匯入備份設定","Import completed, but no certificates were found after the import":"匯入完成,但沒有在匯入時找到憑證","Import failed":"匯入失敗","Import from a file":"從檔案匯入","Import metadata":"匯入 metadata","Importing …":"正在匯入 ...","Include a file?":"包含檔案?","Include expression":"包含表示式","Include regular expression":"包含正則表示式","Incorrect answer, try again":"回應不正確,請重試一次","Individual builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"僅針對開發人員的個別組建版本,請不要使用在重要資料上。","Information":"資訊","Install":"安裝","Install failed:":"安裝失敗:","Invalid characters in path":"路徑有無法使用的字元","Invalid retention time":"保留時間無效","It is possible to connect to some FTP without a password.\nAre you sure your FTP server supports password-less logins?":"可以在無密碼的情況下連接到 FTP。\n您確定您的 FTP 伺服器支援無密碼登錄嗎?","KByte":"KByte","KByte/s":"KByte/s","Keep a specific number of backups":"保留指定份數的備份","Keep all backups":"保留所有備份","Keystone API version":"Keystone API 版本","Language in user interface":"使用者介面語言","Last month":"上個月","Last successful backup:":"上一次成功備份:","Last successful restore: {{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})":"上一次成功還原:{{time}} (took {{duration || '0 seconds'}})","Latest":"最新","Libraries":"函式庫","Listing backup dates …":"正在列出備份日期 ...","Listing remote files for purge …":"正在列出要清除的遠端檔案...","Listing remote files …":"正在列出遠端檔案 ...","Live":"即時","Load a configuration from an exported job or a storage provider":"從匯出的備份作業或儲存區來載入組態設定","Load destination from an exported job or a storage provider":"從匯出的備份作業或儲存區來載入備份目的地","Load older data":"載入較舊的資料","Loading ...":"載入中 ...","Loading remote storage usage ...":"正在載入遠端儲存區使用資訊 ...","Loading …":"載入中 ...","Local Repository":"本機 Repository","Local database for":"本機資料庫","Local database path:":"本機資料庫路徑:","Local repository":"本機 repository","Local storage":"本機儲存區","Location":"位置","Location where buckets are created":"建立 Buckets 的位置","Log data for <b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b>":"<b>{{Backup.Backup.Name}}</b> 的記錄資料","Log data from the server":"伺服器上的記錄","Log out":"登出","MByte":"MByte","MByte/s":"MByte/s","Maintenance":"維護","Manually type path":"手動輸入路徑","Max download speed":"最大下載速度","Max upload speed":"最大上傳速度","Menu":"功能","Microsoft SQL Database:":"Microsoft SQL 資料庫:","Microsoft SQL Databases":"Microsoft SQL 資料庫","Minimum redundancy":"Minimum redundancy","Minimum redundancy is 1.0":"Minimum redundancy is 1.0","Minutes":"分鐘","Missing name":"遺失名稱","Missing passphrase":"遺失密碼","Missing sources":"遺失來源","Modified":"已修改","Mon":"週一","Months":"月","Move existing database":"搬移已存在資料庫","Move failed:":"搬移失敗:","My Documents":"My Documents","My Music":"My Music","My Photos":"My Photos","My Pictures":"My Pictures","Name":"名稱","Never":"從未","New update found: {{message}}":"發現最新版本:{{message}}","New user name is {{user}}.\nUpdated credentials to use the new limited user":"新使用者名稱是 {{user}}.\n更新憑證以使用新的受限使用者帳號","Next":"下一頁","Next scheduled run:":"下一次排程執行:","Next scheduled task:":"下一個排程工作:","Next task:":"下一個工作:","Next time":"下一次","No":"否","No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?":"No certificate was specified previously, please verify with the server administrator that the key is correct: {{key}} \n\nDo you want to approve the reported host key?","No editor found for the &quot;{{backend}}&quot; storage type":"找不到 &quot;{{backend}}&quot; 儲存區類型","No encryption":"不加密","No items selected":"沒有選擇","No items to restore, please select one or more items":"沒有要還原的項目,請至少選擇一個項目","No passphrase entered":"沒有輸入密碼","No scheduled tasks":"沒有排程工作","No, my machine has only a single account":"不用,我的主機只有一個帳號在使用","Non-matching passphrase":"密碼不相符","None / disabled":"無 / 取消","Not using encryption":"未使用加密","Nothing will be deleted. The backup size will grow with each change.":"什麼都不刪除。備份大小將隨著每次異動而持續增長。","OK":"確定","Once there are more backups than the specified number, the oldest backups are deleted.":"當備份數量超過指定數目,最舊的備份將被刪除。","OpenStack AuthURI":"OpenStack AuthURI","OpenStack Object Storage / Swift":"OpenStack Object Storage / Swift","Opened":"已開啟","Openstack API Key are not supported in v3 keystone API.":"v3 keystone API 不支援 Openstack API 金鑰。","Operating System":"作業系統","Operation":"作業","Operation failed:":"作業失敗:","Operations:":"作業:","Optional authentication password":"(非必要)認證密碼","Optional authentication username":"(非必要)認證帳號","Options":"選項","Options added here are applied to all backups, but can be overridden in each individual backup":"這裡的選項將適用所有備份作業,不過每個作業內可以再各自設定,它將會覆寫這裡的全域選項。","Original location":"原始位置","Others":"其它","Over time backups will be deleted automatically. There will remain one backup for each of the last 7 days, each of the last 4 weeks, each of the last 12 months. There will always be at least one remaining backup.":"智慧保留模式,兼具長時間保存與短時間份數考量。保留每7天、每4週、每12個月均有一份備份。","Overwrite":"覆寫","Passphrase":"密碼","Passphrase (if encrypted)":"密碼 (如果已加密)","Passphrase changed":"密碼已變更","Passphrases are not matching":"密碼不相符","Passphrases do not match":"密碼不相符","Password":"密碼","Patching files with local blocks …":"使用本機區塊修復檔案中 ...","Path":"路徑","Path not found":"找不到路徑","Path on server":"伺服器路徑","Path or subfolder in the bucket":"Bucket 裡的路徑或子資料夾","Pause":"暫停","Pause after startup or hibernation":"當啟動或休眠後暫停","Pause options":"暫停選項","Permissions":"權限","Pick location":"選擇位置","Point to your backup files and restore from there":"指向您的備份檔案,將會由此還原","Port":"連接埠","Prevent tray icon automatic log-in":"關閉從系統列 (Tray) 圖示自動登入","Previous":"上一頁","Progress:":"正在處理:","ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist":"ProjectID is optional if the bucket exist","Proprietary":"雲端服務","Purge Phase":"清除階段","Purging files complete!":"檔案清除完成!","Purging files …":"正在清理檔案 ...","Rebuilding local database …":"正在重建本機資料庫 ...","Recreate (delete and repair)":"重新建立(刪除並修復)","Recreate Database Phase":"重建資料庫階段","Recreating database …":"正在重建資料庫 ...","Registering temporary backup …":"正在註冊暫時備份 ...","Relative paths not allowed":"不允許使用相對路徑","Reload":"重新載入","Remote":"遠端","Remote Path":"遠端 Path","Remote Repository":"遠端 Repository","Remote path":"遠端 path","Remote repository":"遠端 repository","Remote volume size":"遠端區塊大小","Remove":"移除","Remove option":"移除選項","Removed files":"檔案已移除","Repair":"修復","Repair Phase":"修復階段","Repairing database …":"正在修復資料庫 ...","Repeat Passphrase":"重複密碼","Reporting:":"報告︰","Reset":"重置","Restore":"還原","Restore complete!":"還原完成!","Restore files":"還原檔案","Restore files from {{backupname}}":"從  {{backupname}} 還原檔案","Restore files …":"還原檔案 ...","Restore from":"還原檔案從 ","Restore from backup configuration":"從備份設定檔還原","Restore from configuration ...":"從設定檔還原 ...","Restore options":"還原選項","Restore read/write permissions":"還原讀/寫權限","Restored Files":"已還原檔案","Restored Folders":"已還原資料夾","Restored Symlinks":"已還原符號連結","Restoring files …":"正在還原檔案 ...","Resume":"繼續","Rewritten File Lists":"覆寫檔案清單","Run again every":"重複執行於每","Run now":"立即執行","Running ....":"執行中 ...","Running commandline entry":"Running commandline entry","Running task:":"正在執行工作:","Running …":"正在執行 ...","S3 Compatible":"S3 相容","Same as the base install version: {{channelname}}":"與目前已安裝版本相同: {{channelname}}","Sat":"週六","Save":"儲存","Save and repair":"儲存並修復","Save different versions with timestamp in file name":"在檔案名稱中儲存不同版本的時間戳記","Save immediately":"立即儲存","Scanning existing files …":"正在掃描已存在檔案 ...","Scanning for local blocks …":"正在掃描本機區塊 ...","Schedule":"排程","Search":"搜尋","Search for files":"搜尋檔案","Seconds":"秒","Select a log level and see messages as they happen:":"選擇一個記錄等級以查看訊息︰","Select files":"選擇檔案","Server":"伺服器","Server and port":"伺服器與連接埠","Server hostname or IP":"伺服器名稱或 IP","Server is currently paused,":"伺服器目前已暫停,","Server is currently paused, do you want to resume now?":"伺服器目前已暫停,請問您現在要繼續嗎?","Server password":"伺服器密碼","Server paused":"伺服器目前已暫停","Server state properties":"伺服器狀態屬性","Settings":"設定","Show":"顯示","Show advanced editor":"顯示進階編輯器","Show hidden folders":"顯示隱藏資料夾","Show log":"顯示記錄","Show log …":"顯示記錄 ...","Show treeview":"顯示樹狀清單","Sia server password":"Sia 伺服器密碼","Smart backup retention":"智慧管理備份數","Some OpenStack providers allow an API key instead of a password and tenant name":"某些 OpenStack 供應商允許 API Key 而不用密碼與 Tenant 名稱","Source Data":"來源資料","Source Files":"來源檔案","Source data":"來源資料","Source folders":"來源資料夾","Source:":"來源:","Specific builds for developers only. Not for use with important data.":"僅針對開發人員的特定組建版本,請不要使用在重要資料上。","Standard protocols":"標準通訊協定","Start":"開始","Starting backup …":"正在開始備份 ...","Starting restore …":"正在開始還原...","Starting the restore process …":"正在開始還原程序 ...","Stop after current file":"這個檔案完成後停止","Stop after the current file":"這個檔案完成後停止","Stop now":"立即停止","Stop running backup":"停止正在進行的備份","Stop running task":"停止正在進行的工作","Stopping after the current file:":"正在等檔案完成後停止:","Stopping task:":"正在停止工作:","Storage Type":"儲存區類型","Storage class":"儲存區等級","Storage class for creating a bucket":"建立 Bucket 的儲存類型","Stored":"儲存","Strong":"強","Success":"成功","Sun":"週日","Symbolic link":"符號連結","System Files":"系統檔案","System default ({{levelname}})":"系統預設 ({{levelname}})","System files":"系統檔案","System info":"系統資訊","System properties":"系統屬性","TByte":"TByte","TByte/s":"TByte/s","Target path, ie /backup":"目的地路徑,例如 /backup","Task is running":"工作正在執行","Temporary Files":"暫存檔案","Temporary files":"暫存檔案","Tenant Name":"Tenant 名稱","Test Phase":"測試階段","Test connection":"測試連線","Testing ...":"測試中 ...","Testing connection ...":"正在測試連線 ...","Testing permissions …":"正在測試權限 ...","Testing permissions...":"正在測試權限 ...","Testing …":"測試中 ...","The '{{fieldname}}' field contains an invalid character: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})":"在 '{{fieldname}}' 欄位當中有無效字元: {{character}} (value: {{value}}, index: {{pos}})","The backup is missing, has it been deleted?":"這個備份已遺失,是否要刪除?","The backup was temporary and does not exist anymore, so the log data is lost":"這是已經不存在的臨時備份,因此已無記錄資料。","The bucket name should be all lower-case, convert automatically?":"Bucket 名稱應該全部小寫,要自動轉換嗎?","The bucket name should start with your username, prepend automatically?":"Bucket 名稱應該以您的使用者名稱開頭,要自動加入嗎?","The configuration should be kept safe. Are you sure you want to save an unencrypted file containing your passwords?":"設定應該注意安全,您確定將含有密碼的設定儲存為不加密的檔案嗎?","The connection to the server is lost, attempting again in {{time}} ...":"連接伺服器失敗,再次嘗試 {{}} ......","The dark theme (by Michal)":"深色主題 (by Michal)","The default blue on white theme (by Alex)":"預設白色主題 (by Alex)","The folder {{folder}} does not exist.\nCreate it now?":"資料夾 {{folder}} 不存在,是否立即建立?","The host key has changed, please check with the server administrator if this is correct, otherwise you could be the victim of a MAN-IN-THE-MIDDLE attack.\n\nDo you want to REPLACE your CURRENT host key \"{{prev}}\" with the REPORTED host key: {{key}}?":"主機金鑰已變更,如果是正確的請您與伺服器管理員聯繫,否則您可能已遭受中間人攻擊。\n\n你想要更換原先的主機金鑰 \"{{prev}}\" 到 {{key}} 嗎?","The passwords do not match":"密碼不符","The path does not appear to exist, do you want to add it anyway?":"路徑似乎不存在,無論如何你都要加入嗎?","The path does not end with a '{{dirsep}}' character, which means that you include a file, not a folder.\n\nDo you want to include the specified file?":"這個路徑的尾端沒有 '{{dirsep}}' 字元,這表示您指定的是檔案而非資料夾。\n\n您確認是要指定這個檔案嗎?","The path must be an absolute path, i.e. it must start with a forward slash '/'":"必須是絕對路徑,也就是說必須以斜線開頭 '/'","The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?":"The path should start with \"{{prefix1}}\" or \"{{prefix2}}\", otherwise you will not be able to see the files in the HubiC web interface.\n\nDo you want to add the prefix to the path automatically?","The region parameter is only applied when creating a new bucket":"區域參數只有在建立新 Bucket 時套用","The region parameter is only used when creating a bucket":"區域參數只使用在在建立新 Bucket 時","The server certificate could not be validated.\nDo you want to approve the SSL certificate with the hash: {{hash}}?":"伺服器無法驗證。\n您要使用這個 SSL 憑證  {{hash}} 嗎?","The storage class affects the availability and price for a stored file":"儲存區類型會影響到可用性以及... 價格","The target folder contains encrypted files, please supply the passphrase":"目的資料夾中包含加密檔案,請提供密碼","The user has too many permissions. Do you want to create a new limited user, with only permissions to the selected path?":"這個使用者擁有太多權限,您是否要建立另一個新的使用者,只具備指定路徑的權限?","This backup was created on another operating system. Restoring files without specifying a destination folder can cause files to be restored in unexpected places. Are you sure you want to continue without choosing a destination folder?":"這個備份是在另一個作業系統上建立的,在不指定目標資料夾的情況下還原檔案,可能會讓檔案還原到您預期外的地方,請問您是否仍確定繼續而不重新指定資料夾?","This month":"本月","This option does not relate to your maximum backup or file size, nor does it affect deduplication rates. <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">See this page before you change the remote volume size.</external-link>":"這個選項與最大備份數或檔案大小沒有關聯,也不會影響重複資料刪除的能力。 <external-link link=\"'https://www.duplicati.com/articles/Choosing-Sizes/#remote-volume-size'\">在修改遠端區塊大小之前,建議您先參考此處說明。</external-link>","This week":"本週","Throttle settings":"頻寬限制設定","Thu":"週四","Time":"時間","To File":"到檔案","To confirm you want to delete all remote files for \"{{name}}\", please enter the word you see below":"確認要刪除所有的遠端檔案 \"{{name}}\",請輸入下面的單字","To export without a passphrase, uncheck the \"Encrypt file\" box":"若要無密碼匯出,請不要勾選\"加密檔案\"核取方塊","To prevent various DNS based attacks, Duplicati limits the allowed hostnames to the ones listed here. Direct IP access and localhost is always allowed. Multiple hostnames can be supplied with a semicolon separator. If any of the allowed hostnames is an asterisk (*), all hostnames are allowed and this feature is disabled. If the field is empty, only IP address and localhost access is allowed.":"為了避免基於 DNS 的攻擊,Duplicati 可以用主機名稱作為連接的來源限制。\n直接使用 IP 與 localhost 是內建允許的方式。\n若有多個主機名稱,可以用分號 (;) 做為分隔,如果使用萬用字元 (*),則表示所有主機名稱均可以連線至 Duplicaiti,等於關閉此功能;如果內容為空,則只允許使用 IP 與 localhost 進行連線。","Today":"今天","Trust host certificate?":"信任主機憑證?","Trust server certificate?":"信任伺服器憑證?","Try out the new features that we are working on. Currently the most stable version available. Test Restore data before using this in production environments.":"嘗試我們正在開發中的新功能。這是目前最穩定的版本,要在正式環境使用此功能之前,請先測試是否可以正確還原資料。","Tue":"週二","Type passphrase here.":"在此這輸入密碼。","Type to highlight files":"輸入字串,符合的檔名會以粗體字方式標示","Unknown backup size and versions":"未知的備份大小與版本","Until resumed":"手動繼續","Update channel":"更新頻道","Update failed:":"更新失敗:","Updating with existing database":"正在更新既有資料庫 ...","Uploaded files":"已上傳檔案","Uploading verification file …":"正在上傳驗證檔案 ...","Usage reports help us improve the user experience and evaluate impact of new features. We use them to generate <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'public usage statistics' | translate}}</external-link>":"使用情況報告有助於我們改進使用者體驗並評估新功能的影響。 我們使用這些報告資料來產生 <external-link link=\"'https://usage-reporter.duplicati.com/'\">{{'public usage statistics' | translate}}</external-link>","Usage statistics":"使用統計","Usage statistics, warnings, errors, and crashes":"使用統計、警告、錯誤與當機","Use SSL":"使用 SSL","Use existing database?":"使用已存在資料庫?","Use weak passphrase":"使用低強度密碼","Useless":"不使用","User data":"使用者資料","User domain name":"使用者網域名稱","User has too many permissions":"使用者有太多權限","User interface settings":"使用者介面設定","Username":"使用者","Vacuuming database …":"正在清理資料庫 ...","Validating …":"驗證中 ...","Verifications":"驗證","Verify files":"驗證檔案","Verifying ...":"驗證中 ...","Verifying answer":"驗證答案","Verifying backend data …":"正在驗證後端資料 ...","Verifying files …":"正在驗證檔案 ...","Verifying remote data …":"正在驗證遠端資料 ...","Verifying restored files …":"正在驗證已還原檔案 ...","Verifying …":"驗證中 ...","Version ID":"版本 ID","Very strong":"非常強","Very weak":"非常弱","Visit us on":"造訪我們","WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library":"WARNING: The remote database is found to be in use by the commandline library","WARNING: This will prevent you from restoring the data in the future.":"警告︰ 這將會阻止您日後還原資料。","Waiting for task to begin":"正在等待工作開始","Waiting for task to start ....":"正在等待工作開始 ...","Waiting for upload to finish …":"等待上傳完成中 ...","Warnings, errors and crashes":"警告、錯誤與當機","We accept donations via different services, such as OpenCollective, PayPal, BountySource and various crypto currencies.":"我們接受多種服務的贊助,例如 OpenCollective、PayPal、BountySource 以及多種加密貨幣。","We recommend that you encrypt all backups stored outside your system":"我們建議,您將放在您自己控管系統以外的備份都進行加密","Weak":"弱","Weak passphrase":"弱密碼","Wed":"週三","Weeks":"週","Where do you want to restore from?":"您要從那裡還原?","Where do you want to restore the files to?":"您要還原檔案到哪裡?","Years":"年","Yes":"是","Yes, I have stored the passphrase safely":"是,我已安全的儲存密碼","Yes, I understand the risk":"是的,我理解這個風險","Yes, I'm brave!":"是的,我敢!","Yes, please break my backup!":"是,請中斷我的備份!","Yesterday":"昨天","You appear to be running Mono with no SSL certificates loaded.\nDo you want to import the list of trusted certificates from Mozilla?":"您正在運行 Mono 似乎沒有載入 SSL 相關憑證。\n要從 Mozilla 匯入受信任的憑證清單嗎?","You are changing the database path away from an existing database.\nAre you sure this is what you want?":"您正在變更現有資料庫的路徑。\n您確定這是您想要的嗎?","You are currently running {{appname}} {{version}}":"您正在執行 {{appname}} {{version}}","You can stop the backup after any file uploads currently in progress have finished.":"您可以立即停止備份,將在目前檔案上傳完成後停止。","You can stop the task immediately, or allow the process to continue its current file and then stop.":"您可以立即停止備份作業,或是讓備份作業進行至目前檔案完成後再停止。","You have changed the encryption mode. This may break stuff. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead":"您已變更加密模式。這可能導致資料損毀。我們建議您建立一個新的備份","You have changed the passphrase, which is not supported. You are encouraged to create a new backup instead.":"您變更加密密碼,這個動作不被支援。我們建議您建立一個新的備份。","You have chosen not to encrypt the backup. Encryption is recommended for all data stored on a remote server.":"您已選擇備份不加密。建議您應將存在遠端伺服器上的資料予以加密。","You have chosen to restore to a new location, but not entered one":"您已經選擇還原到新的位置,但還沒輸入位置資訊","You have generated a strong passphrase. Make sure you have made a safe copy of the passphrase, as the data cannot be recovered if you lose the passphrase.":"您已經產生足夠強度的密碼。請確保您已經另外備份好這組密碼,若您遺失這組密碼,您的資料將無法還原。","You must choose at least one source folder":"您至少要選擇一個來源資料夾","You must enter a domain name to use v3 API":"您必須輸入網域名稱以使用 v3 API","You must enter a name for the backup":"您必須輸入備份名稱","You must enter a passphrase or disable encryption":"您必須輸入密碼或取消加密","You must enter a password to use v3 API":"您必須輸入密碼以使用 v3 API","You must enter a positive number of backups to keep":"您必須輸入正數,備份才能保存","You must enter a tenant (aka project) name to use v3 API":"您必須輸入 tenant (或 project) 名稱以使用 v3 API","You must enter a tenant name if you do not provide an API Key":"如果您不提供 API Key,您必須輸入 Tenant 名稱","You must enter a valid duration for the time to keep backups":"您必須輸入有效的起迄時間來保留備份","You must enter a valid rentention policy string":"您必需輸入符合可用字串的備份保留原則","You must enter either a password or an API Key":"您必須輸入密碼或 API Key","You must enter either a password or an API Key, not both":"您必須輸入密碼或者 API Key,二擇一","You must fill in the password":"您必須輸入密碼","You must fill in the server name or address":"您必須填寫伺服器名稱或位址","You must fill in the username":"您必須填寫使用者名稱","You must fill in {{field}}":"您必須填寫 {{field}}","You must select or fill in the AuthURI":"您必須選擇或填寫 AuthURI","You must select or fill in the server":"您必須選擇或填寫伺服器","You must specify a path":"您必須指定一個路徑","You should fill in {{field}}{{reason}}":"您應該填寫 {{field}}{{reason}}","Your files and folders have been restored successfully.":"您的檔案與資料夾已成功還原。","Your passphrase is easy to guess. Consider changing passphrase.":"您的密碼很容易被猜到。請考慮變更密碼。","bucket/folder/subfolder":"bucket/folder/subfolder","byte":"byte","byte/s":"byte/s","custom":"自訂","public usage statistics":"公開使用統計資料","resume now":"立即繼續","unless you are explicitly specifying --group-id":"除非您明確的指定 --group-id","{{appname}} was primarily developed by <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> and <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a>. {{appname}} can be downloaded from <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a>. {{appname}} is licensed under the <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a>.":"{{appname}} 主要是由 <a href=\"{{mail1}}\">{{dev1}}</a> 以及 <a href=\"{{mail2}}\">{{dev2}}</a> 所開發。 {{appname}} 可以從 <a href=\"{{websitelink}}\">{{websitename}}</a> 下載取得。 {{appname}} 採用 <a href=\"{{licenselink}}\">{{licensename}}</a> 授權。","{{files}} files ({{size}}) to go {{speed_txt}}":"{{files}} 個檔案 ({{size}}) 正在傳輸 {{speed_txt}}","{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} Version":"{{item.Backup.Metadata.TargetSizeString}} / {{$count}} 個版本","{{number}} Hour":"{{number}} 小時","{{number}} Hours":"{{number}} 小時","{{number}} Minutes":"{{number}} 分鐘","{{time}} (took {{duration}})":"{{time}} (花費 {{duration}})","…loading…":"...載入中..."});
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