# - Try to find LibSSH # Once done this will define # # LIBSSH_FOUND - system has LibSSH # LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIRS - the LibSSH include directory # LIBSSH_LIBRARIES - Link these to use LibSSH # LIBSSH_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches required for using LibSSH # # Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Schneider # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the New # BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # if (LIBSSH_LIBRARIES AND LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIRS) # in cache already set(LIBSSH_FOUND TRUE) else (LIBSSH_LIBRARIES AND LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIRS) find_path(LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES libssh/libssh.h PATHS ${LIBSSH_INCLUDE} /usr/include /usr/local/include /opt/local/include /sw/include ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include ) find_library(SSH_LIBRARY NAMES ssh libssh PATHS ${LIBSSH_LIBRARY} /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib /sw/lib ${CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib ) if (LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR AND SSH_LIBRARY) set(SSH_FOUND TRUE) endif (LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR AND SSH_LIBRARY) set(LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR} ) if (SSH_FOUND) set(LIBSSH_LIBRARIES ${LIBSSH_LIBRARIES} ${SSH_LIBRARY} ) if (LibSSH_FIND_VERSION) # libssh >= 0.9.5 provides dedicated version header file set(_libssh_version_header ${LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR}/libssh/libssh_version.h) if (NOT EXISTS ${_libssh_version_header}) set(_libssh_version_header ${LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR}/libssh/libssh.h) endif() file(STRINGS ${_libssh_version_header} LIBSSH_VERSION_MAJOR REGEX "#define[ ]+LIBSSH_VERSION_MAJOR[ ]+[0-9]+") # Older versions of libssh like libssh-0.2 have LIBSSH_VERSION but not LIBSSH_VERSION_MAJOR if (LIBSSH_VERSION_MAJOR) string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+" LIBSSH_VERSION_MAJOR ${LIBSSH_VERSION_MAJOR}) file(STRINGS ${_libssh_version_header} LIBSSH_VERSION_MINOR REGEX "#define[ ]+LIBSSH_VERSION_MINOR[ ]+[0-9]+") string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+" LIBSSH_VERSION_MINOR ${LIBSSH_VERSION_MINOR}) file(STRINGS ${_libssh_version_header} LIBSSH_VERSION_PATCH REGEX "#define[ ]+LIBSSH_VERSION_MICRO[ ]+[0-9]+") string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+" LIBSSH_VERSION_PATCH ${LIBSSH_VERSION_PATCH}) set(LibSSH_VERSION ${LIBSSH_VERSION_MAJOR}.${LIBSSH_VERSION_MINOR}.${LIBSSH_VERSION_PATCH}) include(FindPackageVersionCheck) find_package_version_check(LibSSH DEFAULT_MSG) else (LIBSSH_VERSION_MAJOR) message(STATUS "LIBSSH_VERSION_MAJOR not found in ${LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR}/libssh/libssh.h, assuming libssh is too old") set(LIBSSH_FOUND FALSE) endif (LIBSSH_VERSION_MAJOR) endif (LibSSH_FIND_VERSION) endif (SSH_FOUND) # If the version is too old, but libs and includes are set, # find_package_handle_standard_args will set LIBSSH_FOUND to TRUE again, # so we need this if() here. if (LIBSSH_FOUND) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(LibSSH DEFAULT_MSG LIBSSH_LIBRARIES LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIRS) endif (LIBSSH_FOUND) # show the LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIRS and LIBSSH_LIBRARIES variables only in the advanced view mark_as_advanced(LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIRS LIBSSH_LIBRARIES) endif (LIBSSH_LIBRARIES AND LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIRS)