#pragma once /* edit.hpp Реализация одиночной строки редактирования */ /* Copyright (c) 1996 Eugene Roshal Copyright (c) 2000 Far Group All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "scrobj.hpp" #include "colors.hpp" #include "bitflags.hpp" #include "FilesSuggestor.hpp" #include #include // Младший байт (маска 0xFF) юзается классом ScreenObject!!! enum FLAGS_CLASS_EDITLINE { FEDITLINE_MARKINGBLOCK = 0x00000100, FEDITLINE_DROPDOWNBOX = 0x00000200, FEDITLINE_CLEARFLAG = 0x00000400, FEDITLINE_PASSWORDMODE = 0x00000800, FEDITLINE_EDITBEYONDEND = 0x00001000, FEDITLINE_EDITORMODE = 0x00002000, FEDITLINE_OVERTYPE = 0x00004000, FEDITLINE_DELREMOVESBLOCKS = 0x00008000, // Del удаляет блоки (Opt.EditorDelRemovesBlocks) FEDITLINE_PERSISTENTBLOCKS = 0x00010000, // Постоянные блоки (Opt.EditorPersistentBlocks) FEDITLINE_SHOWWHITESPACE = 0x00020000, FEDITLINE_READONLY = 0x00040000, FEDITLINE_CURSORVISIBLE = 0x00080000, // Если ни один из FEDITLINE_PARENT_ не указан (или указаны оба), то Edit // явно не в диалоге юзается. FEDITLINE_PARENT_SINGLELINE = 0x00100000, // обычная строка ввода в диалоге FEDITLINE_PARENT_MULTILINE = 0x00200000, // для будущего Memo-Edit (DI_EDITOR или DIF_MULTILINE) FEDITLINE_PARENT_EDITOR = 0x00400000, // "вверху" обычный редактор }; struct ColorItem { int StartPos; int EndPos; int Color; FarTrueColor TrueFore; FarTrueColor TrueBack; bool TrueColorDefined; }; enum SetCPFlags { SETCP_NOERROR = 0x00000000, SETCP_WC2MBERROR = 0x00000001, SETCP_MB2WCERROR = 0x00000002, SETCP_OTHERERROR = 0x10000000, }; /* interface ICPEncoder { virtual int __stdcall AddRef() = 0; virtual int __stdcall Release() = 0; virtual const wchar_t* __stdcall GetName() = 0; virtual int __stdcall Encode(const char *lpString, int nLength, wchar_t *lpwszResult, int nResultLength) = 0; virtual int __stdcall Decode(const wchar_t *lpwszString, int nLength, char *lpResult, int nResultLength) = 0; virtual int __stdcall Transcode(const wchar_t *lpwszString, int nLength, ICPEncoder *pFrom, wchar_t *lpwszResult, int nResultLength) = 0; }; class SystemCPEncoder : public ICPEncoder { public: int m_nRefCount; int m_nCodePage; //system single-byte codepage FARString m_strName; public: SystemCPEncoder(int nCodePage); virtual ~SystemCPEncoder(); virtual int __stdcall AddRef(); virtual int __stdcall Release(); virtual const wchar_t* __stdcall GetName(); virtual int __stdcall Encode(const char *lpString, int nLength, wchar_t *lpwszResult, int nResultLength); virtual int __stdcall Decode(const wchar_t *lpwszString, int nLength, char *lpResult, int nResultLength); virtual int __stdcall Transcode(const wchar_t *lpwszString, int nLength, ICPEncoder *pFrom, wchar_t *lpwszResult, int nResultLength); }; */ class Dialog; class Editor; class Edit:public ScreenObject { friend class DlgEdit; friend class Editor; friend class CommandLine; friend class EditControl; public: typedef void (*EDITCHANGEFUNC)(void* aParam); struct Callback { bool Active; EDITCHANGEFUNC m_Callback; void* m_Param; }; public: Edit *m_next; Edit *m_prev; private: std::vector OutStr; wchar_t *Str; int StrSize; int MaxLength; wchar_t *Mask; std::vector ColorList; int Color; int SelColor; int ColorUnChanged; // 28.07.2000 SVS - для диалога int LeftPos; int CurPos; int PrevCurPos; // 12.08.2000 KM - предыдущее положение курсора int TabSize; // 14.02.2001 IS - Размер табуляции - по умолчанию равен Opt.TabSize; int TabExpandMode; int MSelStart; int SelStart; int SelEnd; int EndType; int CursorSize; int CursorPos; const FARString* strWordDiv; UINT m_codepage; //BUGBUG Callback m_Callback; std::unique_ptr m_pSuggestor; private: virtual void DisplayObject(); int InsertKey(int Key); int RecurseProcessKey(int Key); void DeleteBlock(); void ApplyColor(); int GetNextCursorPos(int Position,int Where); void RefreshStrByMask(int InitMode=FALSE); int KeyMatchedMask(int Key); int ProcessCtrlQ(); int ProcessInsDate(const wchar_t *Str); int ProcessInsPlainText(const wchar_t *Str); int CheckCharMask(wchar_t Chr); int ProcessInsPath(int Key,int PrevSelStart=-1,int PrevSelEnd=0); int RealPosToCell(int PrevLength, int PrevPos, int Pos, int* CorrectPos); void SanitizeSelectionRange(); inline const wchar_t* WordDiv() {return strWordDiv->CPtr();}; protected: int CalcRTrimmedStrSize() const; int CalcPosFwdTo(int Pos, int LimitPos = -1) const; int CalcPosBwdTo(int Pos) const; inline int CalcPosFwd(int LimitPos = -1) const { return CalcPosFwdTo(CurPos, LimitPos); } inline int CalcPosBwd() const { return CalcPosBwdTo(CurPos); } public: Edit(ScreenObject *pOwner = nullptr, Callback* aCallback = nullptr, bool bAllocateData = true); virtual ~Edit(); public: DWORD SetCodePage(UINT codepage); //BUGBUG UINT GetCodePage(); //BUGBUG virtual void FastShow(); virtual int ProcessKey(int Key); virtual int ProcessMouse(MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD *MouseEvent); virtual int64_t VMProcess(int OpCode,void *vParam=nullptr,int64_t iParam=0); // ! Функция установки текущих Color,SelColor и ColorUnChanged! void SetObjectColor(int Color,int SelColor=0xf,int ColorUnChanged=COL_DIALOGEDITUNCHANGED); // + Функция получения текущих Color,SelColor long GetObjectColor() {return MAKELONG(Color,SelColor);} int GetObjectColorUnChanged() {return ColorUnChanged;} void SetTabSize(int NewSize) { TabSize=NewSize; } int GetTabSize() {return TabSize; } void SetDelRemovesBlocks(int Mode) {Flags.Change(FEDITLINE_DELREMOVESBLOCKS,Mode);} int GetDelRemovesBlocks() {return Flags.Check(FEDITLINE_DELREMOVESBLOCKS); } void SetPersistentBlocks(int Mode) {Flags.Change(FEDITLINE_PERSISTENTBLOCKS,Mode);} int GetPersistentBlocks() {return Flags.Check(FEDITLINE_PERSISTENTBLOCKS); } void SetShowWhiteSpace(int Mode) {Flags.Change(FEDITLINE_SHOWWHITESPACE,Mode);} void GetString(wchar_t *Str, int MaxSize); void GetString(FARString &strStr); const wchar_t* GetStringAddr(); void SetHiString(const wchar_t *Str); void SetString(const wchar_t *Str,int Length=-1); void SetBinaryString(const wchar_t *Str,int Length); void GetBinaryString(const wchar_t **Str, const wchar_t **EOL,int &Length); void SetEOL(const wchar_t *EOL); const wchar_t *GetEOL(); int GetSelString(wchar_t *Str,int MaxSize); int GetSelString(FARString &strStr); int GetLength(); void InsertString(const wchar_t *Str); void InsertBinaryString(const wchar_t *Str,int Length); int Search(const FARString& Str,FARString& ReplaceStr,int Position,int Case,int WholeWords,int Reverse,int Regexp, int *SearchLength); void SetClearFlag(int Flag) {Flags.Change(FEDITLINE_CLEARFLAG,Flag);} int GetClearFlag() {return Flags.Check(FEDITLINE_CLEARFLAG);} void SetCurPos(int NewPos) {CurPos=NewPos; PrevCurPos=NewPos;} int GetCurPos() {return(CurPos);} int GetCellCurPos(); void SetCellCurPos(int NewPos); int GetLeftPos() {return(LeftPos);} void SetLeftPos(int NewPos) {LeftPos=NewPos;} void SetPasswordMode(int Mode) {Flags.Change(FEDITLINE_PASSWORDMODE,Mode);}; void SetMaxLength(int Length) {MaxLength=Length;}; // Получение максимального значения строки для потребностей Dialod API int GetMaxLength() {return MaxLength;}; void SetInputMask(const wchar_t *InputMask); const wchar_t* GetInputMask() {return Mask;} void SetOvertypeMode(int Mode) {Flags.Change(FEDITLINE_OVERTYPE,Mode);}; int GetOvertypeMode() {return Flags.Check(FEDITLINE_OVERTYPE);}; void SetConvertTabs(int Mode) { TabExpandMode = Mode;}; int GetConvertTabs() {return TabExpandMode;}; int RealPosToCell(int Pos); int CellPosToReal(int Pos); void Select(int Start,int End); void AddSelect(int Start,int End); void GetSelection(int &Start,int &End); BOOL IsSelection() {return SelStart==-1 && !SelEnd?FALSE:TRUE; }; void GetRealSelection(int &Start,int &End); void SetEditBeyondEnd(int Mode) {Flags.Change(FEDITLINE_EDITBEYONDEND,Mode);}; void SetEditorMode(int Mode) {Flags.Change(FEDITLINE_EDITORMODE,Mode);}; void ExpandTabs(); void InsertTab(); void AddColor(const ColorItem *col); size_t DeleteColor(int ColorPos); bool GetColor(ColorItem *col,int Item); void Xlat(bool All=false); void SetDialogParent(DWORD Sets); void SetCursorType(bool Visible, DWORD Size); void GetCursorType(bool& Visible, DWORD& Size); int GetReadOnly() {return Flags.Check(FEDITLINE_READONLY);} void SetReadOnly(int NewReadOnly) {Flags.Change(FEDITLINE_READONLY,NewReadOnly);} int GetDropDownBox() {return Flags.Check(FEDITLINE_DROPDOWNBOX);} void SetDropDownBox(int NewDropDownBox) {Flags.Change(FEDITLINE_DROPDOWNBOX,NewDropDownBox);} void SetWordDiv(const FARString& WordDiv) {strWordDiv=&WordDiv;} virtual void Changed(bool DelBlock=false); }; class History; class VMenu; // Надстройка над Edit. // Одиночная строка ввода для диалогов и комстроки (не для редактора) class EditControl:public Edit { friend class DlgEdit; const std::vector *pCustomCompletionList; History* pHistory; FarList* pList; bool Selection; int SelectionStart; BitFlags ECFlags; bool ACState; void SetMenuPos(VMenu& menu); void AutoCompleteProcMenu(int &Result,bool Manual,bool DelBlock,int& BackKey); int AutoCompleteProc(bool Manual,bool DelBlock,int& BackKey); void PopulateCompletionMenu(VMenu &ComplMenu, const FARString &strFilter); void RemoveSelectedCompletionMenuItem(VMenu &ComplMenu); public: enum ECFLAGS { EC_ENABLEAUTOCOMPLETE=0x1, EC_ENABLEFNCOMPLETE=0x2, }; EditControl(ScreenObject *pOwner=nullptr,Callback* aCallback=nullptr,bool bAllocateData=true,History* iHistory=0,FarList* iList=0,DWORD iFlags=0); virtual int ProcessMouse(MOUSE_EVENT_RECORD *MouseEvent); virtual void Show(); virtual void Changed(bool DelBlock=false); void SetCallbackState(bool Enable){m_Callback.Active=Enable;} void AutoComplete(bool Manual,bool DelBlock); void EnableAC(bool Permanent=false); void DisableAC(bool Permanent=false); void RevertAC(){ACState?EnableAC():DisableAC();} void ShowCustomCompletionList(const std::vector &list); };