phpRedisAdmin ============= phpRedisAdmin is a simple web interface to manage [Redis]( databases. It is released under the [Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license]( This code is being developed and maintained by [Erik Dubbelboer]( You can send comments, patches, questions [here on github]( or to Example ======= You can find an example database at []( Installing/Configuring ====================== To install [phpRedisAdmin]( through [composer]( you need to execute the following commands: ``` curl -s | php php composer.phar create-project -s dev erik-dubbelboer/php-redis-admin path/to/install ``` You may also want to copy includes/ to includes/ and edit it with your specific redis configuration. Instead of using composer, you can also do a manual install using: ``` git clone cd phpRedisAdmin git clone vendor ``` Docker Image ============ A public [phpRedisAdmin Docker image]( is available on Docker Hub [automatically built]( from latest source. The file ```includes/``` is used as the configuration file to allow environment variables to be used as configuration values. Example: ``` docker run --rm -it -e -e REDIS_1_NAME=MyRedis -p 80:80 erikdubbelboer/phpredisadmin ``` Also, a Docker Compose manifest with a stack for testing and development is provided. Just issue ```docker-compose up --build``` to start it and browse to http://localhost. See ```docker-compose.yml``` file for configuration details. Environment variables summary ==== * ``REDIS_1_HOST`` - define host of the Redis server * ``REDIS_1_NAME`` - define name of the Redis server * ``REDIS_1_PORT`` - define port of the Redis server * ``REDIS_1_AUTH`` - define password of the Redis server * ``ADMIN_USER`` - define username for user-facing Basic Auth * ``ADMIN_PASS`` - define password for user-facing Basic Auth TODO ==== * Encoding support for editing * Javascript sorting of tables * Better error handling * Move or Copy key to different server * Importing JSON * JSON export with seperate objects based on your seperator Credits ======= Icons by []( ([]( Favicon from [](