# Simplicity Very simple, clean and readable (I think so) Hugo theme. #### Responsive design It works on mobile, tablet and desktop. #### Responsive images It generates several image sizes during the build process and displays the best one for given device/resolution. #### Lazy loading images This theme uses [LazyLoad](https://github.com/verlok/lazyload) to speed up your web application by loading images as they enter the viewport. #### Clean typography It should be a pleasure to read your blog, right? #### Additional shortcodes Shortcodes for Google Adsense, images, Speaker Deck, Video, Vimeo, Youtube. #### Google Adsense You can use the shortcode to insert Adsense Ad wherever you want. #### Google Analytics Just add a Google Analytics code to turn it on. #### Lightbox Image shortcode allows to turn on [baguetteBox.js](https://feimosi.github.io/baguetteBox.js/) for given image. #### Syntax highlighting. Built-in Chroma Native color theme. #### Auto-hide/show header This theme uses [headroom.js](http://wicky.nillia.ms/headroom.js/) script. #### Page scroll indicator Displays progress bar on the top of the page when user scrolls the page. #### Disqus Just add a Disqus shortname to enable comments. #### Categories A separate page with a list of all categories and list of posts for a selected category. #### Tags A separate page with a list of all categories and list of posts for a selected tag. #### RSS Custom RSS template without an e-mail address. #### Sitemap Custom sitemap template to prevent rendering content from media directory. #### Social icons Add information about your social profile in the config file to display it on the homepage. Supported services: email, Facebook, Github, Google+, LinkedIn, Messenger, Spotify, Stackoverflow, Telegram, Twitter. #### Gravatar support Just add your Gravatar email to the config file to display your avatar on the home page. #### and more - OpenGraph support - Schema Structured Data - Twitter card - Display license in footer - No JS frameworks, no CSS frameworks, no jQuery # Demo You can preview this theme on my blogs - [eshlox.net](https://eshlox.net) or [eshlox.pl](https://eshlox.pl). ## Table of Contents - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [exampleSite](#examplesite) - [config.toml](#configtoml) - [favicons](#favicons) - [Shortcodes](#shortcodes) - [figure](#figure) - [Development](#development) - [Browsers support](#browsers-support) - [License](#license) ## Getting Started Run the following commands in your Hugo site directory to download the theme: ``` mkdir themes cd themes git clone https://github.com/eshlox/simplicity.git ``` ### exampleSite Look inside `exampleSite` directory to find out how to configure your site. That's how the structure looks like: ``` exampleSite/ ├── config.toml ├── content │   ├── _index.md │   ├── categories │   │   └── _index.md │   ├── media │   │   ├── _index.md │   │   ├── image-1.jpg │   │   └── video.mp4 │   ├── photos.md │   ├── posts │   │   ├── 2014 │   │   │   ├── creating-a-new-theme.md │   │   │   ├── goisforlovers.md │   │   │   ├── hugoisforlovers.md │   │   │   └── migrate-from-jekyll.md │   │   ├── 2016 │   │   │   └── lorem-ipsum.md │   │   ├── 2017 │   │   │   ├── images.md │   │   │   └── typography.md │   │   └── _index.md │   ├── projects.md │   └── tags │   └── _index.md └── resources └── _gen └── images └── media ├── image-1_hu3d03a01dcc18bc5be0e67db3d8d209a6_1073788_320x0_resize_q75_box.jpg ├── image-1_hu3d03a01dcc18bc5be0e67db3d8d209a6_1073788_480x0_resize_q75_box.jpg └── image-1_hu3d03a01dcc18bc5be0e67db3d8d209a6_1073788_768x0_resize_q75_box.jpg ``` Every `_index.md` file contains a title, language and slug. ### config.toml Copy `config.toml` from `exampleSite` to the root directory of your Hugo site and modify it according to your needs. ### favicons This theme contains default favicon with `S` letter. If you want to change it, create a directory `assets/src/images` inside the root of your Hugo site and put your favicon files there. They should have names: `favicon.ico` and `apple-touch-icon.png`. ## Shortcodes This theme includes additional shortcodes. ### Adsense Add Adsense configuration and use `{{< adsense >}}` in your post to display an ad. ### Image All images should be stored in `content/images` directory. Each subdirectory should contain `_index.md` file with this content: ``` --- title: Media Folder --- ``` Insert responsive image with title: `{{< image src="media/image-1.jpg" title="Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash" >}}` Full page width image: `{{< image src="media/image-1.jpg" title="Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash" full="true">}}` Lightbox: `{{< image src="media/image-1.jpg" lightbox="true" >}}` Rounded corners: `{{< image src="media/image-1.jpg" round="50" >}}` Insert image without resizing (the same image for all devices/resolutions). `{{< image src="media/image-1.jpg" resize="false" >}}` ### Speaker Deck `{{< speakerdeck 50021f75cf1db900020005e7 >}}` ### Video `{{< video src="media/video.mp4" >}}` ### Responsive Vimeo `{{< vimeo 265143954 >}}` ### Responsive Youtube `{{< vimeo 265143954 >}}` ## Development 1. Install dependencies. ```cd assets && yarn install``` 2. Run development server. ```hugo server --source=exampleSite --themesDir=../..``` ## Browsers support Dekstop: - Firefox (latest) - Chrome (latest) - Safari (latest) Mobile: - Firefox (latest) - Chrome (latest) - Safari (latest) It probably works in other browsers but it hasn't been tested yet. ## Licence This theme is released under the MIT license. Please read the [license](https://github.com/eshlox/simplicity/blob/master/LICENSE) for more information.