/* This file is the part of the Lightweight USB device Stack for STM32 microcontrollers * * Copyright ©2016 Dmitry Filimonchuk * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "stm32_compat.h" #include "usb.h" #if defined(USBD_STM32L100) #ifndef USB_PMASIZE #pragma message "PMA memory size is not defined. Use 512 bytes by default" #define USB_PMASIZE 0x200 #endif #define USB_EP_SWBUF_TX USB_EP_DTOG_RX #define USB_EP_SWBUF_RX USB_EP_DTOG_TX #define EP_TOGGLE_SET(epr, bits, mask) *(epr) = (*(epr) ^ (bits)) & (USB_EPREG_MASK | (mask)) #define EP_TX_STALL(epr) EP_TOGGLE_SET((epr), USB_EP_TX_STALL, USB_EPTX_STAT) #define EP_RX_STALL(epr) EP_TOGGLE_SET((epr), USB_EP_RX_STALL, USB_EPRX_STAT) #define EP_TX_UNSTALL(epr) EP_TOGGLE_SET((epr), USB_EP_TX_NAK, USB_EPTX_STAT | USB_EP_DTOG_TX) #define EP_RX_UNSTALL(epr) EP_TOGGLE_SET((epr), USB_EP_RX_VALID, USB_EPRX_STAT | USB_EP_DTOG_RX) #define EP_DTX_UNSTALL(epr) EP_TOGGLE_SET((epr), USB_EP_TX_VALID, USB_EPTX_STAT | USB_EP_DTOG_TX | USB_EP_SWBUF_TX) #define EP_DRX_UNSTALL(epr) EP_TOGGLE_SET((epr), USB_EP_RX_VALID | USB_EP_SWBUF_RX, USB_EPRX_STAT | USB_EP_DTOG_RX | USB_EP_SWBUF_RX) #define EP_TX_VALID(epr) EP_TOGGLE_SET((epr), USB_EP_TX_VALID, USB_EPTX_STAT) #define EP_RX_VALID(epr) EP_TOGGLE_SET((epr), USB_EP_RX_VALID, USB_EPRX_STAT) #define STATUS_VAL(x) (x) typedef struct { uint16_t addr; uint16_t :16; uint16_t cnt; uint16_t :16; } pma_rec; typedef union pma_table { struct { pma_rec tx; pma_rec rx; }; struct { pma_rec tx0; pma_rec tx1; }; struct { pma_rec rx0; pma_rec rx1; }; } pma_table; /** \brief Helper function. Returns pointer to the buffer descriptor table. */ inline static pma_table *EPT(uint8_t ep) { return (pma_table*)((ep & 0x07) * 16 + USB_PMAADDR); } /** \brief Helper function. Returns pointer to the endpoint control register. */ inline static volatile uint16_t *EPR(uint8_t ep) { return (uint16_t*)((ep & 0x07) * 4 + USB_BASE); } /** \brief Helper function. Returns next available PMA buffer. * * \param sz uint16_t Requested buffer size. * \return uint16_t Buffer address for PMA table. * \note PMA buffers grown from top to bottom like stack. */ static uint16_t get_next_pma(uint16_t sz) { unsigned _result = USB_PMASIZE; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pma_table *tbl = EPT(i); if ((tbl->tx.addr) && (tbl->tx.addr < _result)) _result = tbl->tx.addr; if ((tbl->rx.addr) && (tbl->rx.addr < _result)) _result = tbl->rx.addr; } return (_result < (0x020U + sz)) ? 0 : (_result - sz); } static uint32_t getinfo(void) { if (!(RCC->APB1ENR & RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN)) return STATUS_VAL(0); if (SYSCFG->PMC & SYSCFG_PMC_USB_PU) return STATUS_VAL(USBD_HW_ENABLED | USBD_HW_SPEED_FS); return STATUS_VAL(USBD_HW_ENABLED); } static void ep_setstall(uint8_t ep, bool stall) { volatile uint16_t *reg = EPR(ep); /* ISOCHRONOUS endpoint can't be stalled or unstalled */ if (USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS == (*reg & USB_EP_T_FIELD)) return; /* If it's an IN endpoint */ if (ep & 0x80) { /* DISABLED endpoint can't be stalled or unstalled */ if (USB_EP_TX_DIS == (*reg & USB_EPTX_STAT)) return; if (stall) { EP_TX_STALL(reg); } else { /* if it's a doublebuffered endpoint */ if ((USB_EP_KIND | USB_EP_BULK) == (*reg & (USB_EP_T_FIELD | USB_EP_KIND))) { /* set endpoint to VALID and clear DTOG_TX & SWBUF_TX */ EP_DTX_UNSTALL(reg); } else { /* set endpoint to NAKED and clear DTOG_TX */ EP_TX_UNSTALL(reg); } } } else { if (USB_EP_RX_DIS == (*reg & USB_EPRX_STAT)) return; if (stall) { EP_RX_STALL(reg); } else { /* if it's a doublebuffered endpoint */ if ((USB_EP_KIND | USB_EP_BULK) == (*reg & (USB_EP_T_FIELD | USB_EP_KIND))) { /* set endpoint to VALID, clear DTOG_RX, set SWBUF_RX */ EP_DRX_UNSTALL(reg); } else { /* set endpoint to VALID and clear DTOG_RX */ EP_RX_UNSTALL(reg); } } } } static bool ep_isstalled(uint8_t ep) { if (ep & 0x80) { return (USB_EP_TX_STALL == (USB_EPTX_STAT & *EPR(ep))); } else { return (USB_EP_RX_STALL == (USB_EPRX_STAT & *EPR(ep))); } } static void enable(bool enable) { if (enable) { RCC->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN; RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_SYSCFGEN; RCC->APB1RSTR |= RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST; RCC->APB1RSTR &= ~RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST; USB->CNTR = USB_CNTR_CTRM | USB_CNTR_RESETM | USB_CNTR_ERRM | #if !defined(USBD_SOF_DISABLED) USB_CNTR_SOFM | #endif USB_CNTR_SUSPM | USB_CNTR_WKUPM; } else if (RCC->APB1ENR & RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN) { SYSCFG->PMC &= ~SYSCFG_PMC_USB_PU; RCC->APB1RSTR |= RCC_APB1RSTR_USBRST; RCC->APB1ENR &= ~RCC_APB1ENR_USBEN; } } static uint8_t connect(bool connect) { if (connect) { SYSCFG->PMC |= SYSCFG_PMC_USB_PU; } else { SYSCFG->PMC &= ~SYSCFG_PMC_USB_PU; } return usbd_lane_unk; } static void setaddr (uint8_t addr) { USB->DADDR = USB_DADDR_EF | addr; } static bool ep_config(uint8_t ep, uint8_t eptype, uint16_t epsize) { volatile uint16_t *reg = EPR(ep); pma_table *tbl = EPT(ep); /* epsize must be 2-byte aligned */ epsize = (~0x01U) & (epsize + 1); switch (eptype) { case USB_EPTYPE_CONTROL: *reg = USB_EP_CONTROL | (ep & 0x07); break; case USB_EPTYPE_ISOCHRONUS: *reg = USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS | (ep & 0x07); break; case USB_EPTYPE_BULK: *reg = USB_EP_BULK | (ep & 0x07); break; case USB_EPTYPE_BULK | USB_EPTYPE_DBLBUF: *reg = USB_EP_BULK | USB_EP_KIND | (ep & 0x07); break; default: *reg = USB_EP_INTERRUPT | (ep & 0x07); break; } /* if it TX or CONTROL endpoint */ if ((ep & 0x80) || (eptype == USB_EPTYPE_CONTROL)) { uint16_t _pma; _pma = get_next_pma(epsize); if (_pma == 0) return false; tbl->tx.addr = _pma; tbl->tx.cnt = 0; if ((eptype == USB_EPTYPE_ISOCHRONUS) || (eptype == (USB_EPTYPE_BULK | USB_EPTYPE_DBLBUF))) { _pma = get_next_pma(epsize); if (_pma == 0) return false; tbl->tx1.addr = _pma; tbl->tx1.cnt = 0; EP_DTX_UNSTALL(reg); } else { EP_TX_UNSTALL(reg); } } if (!(ep & 0x80)) { uint16_t _rxcnt; uint16_t _pma; if (epsize > 62) { /* using 32-byte blocks. epsize must be 32-byte aligned */ epsize = (~0x1FU) & (epsize + 0x1FU); _rxcnt = 0x8000 - 0x400 + (epsize << 5); } else { _rxcnt = epsize << 9; } _pma = get_next_pma(epsize); if (_pma == 0) return false; tbl->rx.addr = _pma; tbl->rx.cnt = _rxcnt; if ((eptype == USB_EPTYPE_ISOCHRONUS) || (eptype == (USB_EPTYPE_BULK | USB_EPTYPE_DBLBUF))) { _pma = get_next_pma(epsize); if (_pma == 0) return false; tbl->rx0.addr = _pma; tbl->rx0.cnt = _rxcnt; EP_DRX_UNSTALL(reg); } else { EP_RX_UNSTALL(reg); } } return true; } static void ep_deconfig(uint8_t ep) { pma_table *ept = EPT(ep); *EPR(ep) &= ~USB_EPREG_MASK; ept->rx.addr = 0; ept->rx.cnt = 0; ept->tx.addr = 0; ept->tx.cnt = 0; } static uint16_t pma_read (uint8_t *buf, uint16_t blen, pma_rec *rx) { uint16_t tmp; uint16_t *pma = (void*)(USB_PMAADDR + 2 * rx->addr); uint16_t rxcnt = rx->cnt & 0x03FF; rx->cnt &= ~0x3FF; for(int idx = 0; idx < rxcnt; idx++) { if ((idx & 0x01) == 0) { tmp = *pma; pma += 2; } if (idx < blen) { buf[idx] = tmp & 0xFF; tmp >>= 8; } else { return blen; } } return rxcnt; } static int32_t ep_read(uint8_t ep, void *buf, uint16_t blen) { pma_table *tbl = EPT(ep); volatile uint16_t *reg = EPR(ep); switch (*reg & (USB_EPRX_STAT | USB_EP_T_FIELD | USB_EP_KIND)) { /* doublebuffered bulk endpoint */ case (USB_EP_RX_VALID | USB_EP_BULK | USB_EP_KIND): /* switching SWBUF if EP is NAKED */ switch (*reg & (USB_EP_DTOG_RX | USB_EP_SWBUF_RX)) { case 0: case (USB_EP_DTOG_RX | USB_EP_SWBUF_RX): *reg = (*reg & USB_EPREG_MASK) | USB_EP_SWBUF_RX; break; default: break; } if (*reg & USB_EP_SWBUF_RX) { return pma_read(buf, blen, &(tbl->rx1)); } else { return pma_read(buf, blen, &(tbl->rx0)); } /* isochronous endpoint */ case (USB_EP_RX_VALID | USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS): if (*reg & USB_EP_DTOG_RX) { return pma_read(buf, blen, &(tbl->rx1)); } else { return pma_read(buf, blen, &(tbl->rx0)); } /* regular endpoint */ case (USB_EP_RX_NAK | USB_EP_BULK): case (USB_EP_RX_NAK | USB_EP_CONTROL): case (USB_EP_RX_NAK | USB_EP_INTERRUPT): { int32_t res = pma_read(buf, blen, &(tbl->rx)); /* setting endpoint to VALID state */ EP_RX_VALID(reg); return res; } /* invalid or not ready */ default: return -1; } } static void pma_write(const uint8_t *buf, uint16_t blen, pma_rec *tx) { uint16_t *pma = (void*)(USB_PMAADDR + 2 * (tx->addr)); uint16_t tmp = 0; tx->cnt = blen; for (int idx=0; idx < blen; idx++) { tmp |= buf[idx] << ((idx & 0x01) ? 8 : 0); if ((idx & 0x01) || (idx + 1) == blen) { *pma = tmp; pma += 2; tmp = 0; } } } static int32_t ep_write(uint8_t ep, const void *buf, uint16_t blen) { pma_table *tbl = EPT(ep); volatile uint16_t *reg = EPR(ep); switch (*reg & (USB_EPTX_STAT | USB_EP_T_FIELD | USB_EP_KIND)) { /* doublebuffered bulk endpoint */ case (USB_EP_TX_NAK | USB_EP_BULK | USB_EP_KIND): if (*reg & USB_EP_SWBUF_TX) { pma_write(buf, blen, &(tbl->tx1)); } else { pma_write(buf, blen, &(tbl->tx0)); } *reg = (*reg & USB_EPREG_MASK) | USB_EP_SWBUF_TX; break; /* isochronous endpoint */ case (USB_EP_TX_VALID | USB_EP_ISOCHRONOUS): if (!(*reg & USB_EP_DTOG_TX)) { pma_write(buf, blen, &(tbl->tx1)); } else { pma_write(buf, blen, &(tbl->tx0)); } break; /* regular endpoint */ case (USB_EP_TX_NAK | USB_EP_BULK): case (USB_EP_TX_NAK | USB_EP_CONTROL): case (USB_EP_TX_NAK | USB_EP_INTERRUPT): pma_write(buf, blen, &(tbl->tx)); EP_TX_VALID(reg); break; /* invalid or not ready */ default: return -1; } return blen; } static uint16_t get_frame (void) { return USB->FNR & USB_FNR_FN; } static void evt_poll(usbd_device *dev, usbd_evt_callback callback) { uint8_t _ev, _ep; uint16_t _istr = USB->ISTR; _ep = _istr & USB_ISTR_EP_ID; if (_istr & USB_ISTR_CTR) { volatile uint16_t *reg = EPR(_ep); if (*reg & USB_EP_CTR_TX) { *reg &= (USB_EPREG_MASK ^ USB_EP_CTR_TX); _ep |= 0x80; _ev = usbd_evt_eptx; } else { *reg &= (USB_EPREG_MASK ^ USB_EP_CTR_RX); _ev = (*reg & USB_EP_SETUP) ? usbd_evt_epsetup : usbd_evt_eprx; } } else if (_istr & USB_ISTR_RESET) { USB->ISTR &= ~USB_ISTR_RESET; USB->BTABLE = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ep_deconfig(i); } _ev = usbd_evt_reset; #if !defined(USBD_SOF_DISABLED) } else if (_istr & USB_ISTR_SOF) { _ev = usbd_evt_sof; USB->ISTR &= ~USB_ISTR_SOF; #endif } else if (_istr & USB_ISTR_WKUP) { _ev = usbd_evt_wkup; USB->CNTR &= ~USB_CNTR_FSUSP; USB->ISTR &= ~USB_ISTR_WKUP; } else if (_istr & USB_ISTR_SUSP) { _ev = usbd_evt_susp; USB->CNTR |= USB_CNTR_FSUSP; USB->ISTR &= ~USB_ISTR_SUSP; } else if (_istr & USB_ISTR_ERR) { USB->ISTR &= ~USB_ISTR_ERR; _ev = usbd_evt_error; } else { return; } callback(dev, _ev, _ep); } static uint32_t fnv1a32_turn (uint32_t fnv, uint32_t data ) { for (int i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) { fnv ^= (data & 0xFF); fnv *= 16777619; data >>= 8; } return fnv; } static uint16_t get_serialno_desc(void *buffer) { struct usb_string_descriptor *dsc = buffer; uint16_t *str = dsc->wString; uint32_t fnv = 2166136261; fnv = fnv1a32_turn(fnv, *(uint32_t*)(UID_BASE + 0x00)); fnv = fnv1a32_turn(fnv, *(uint32_t*)(UID_BASE + 0x04)); fnv = fnv1a32_turn(fnv, *(uint32_t*)(UID_BASE + 0x14)); for (int i = 28; i >= 0; i -= 4 ) { uint16_t c = (fnv >> i) & 0x0F; c += (c < 10) ? '0' : ('A' - 10); *str++ = c; } dsc->bDescriptorType = USB_DTYPE_STRING; dsc->bLength = 18; return 18; } __attribute__((externally_visible)) const struct usbd_driver usbd_devfs = { getinfo, enable, connect, setaddr, ep_config, ep_deconfig, ep_read, ep_write, ep_setstall, ep_isstalled, evt_poll, get_frame, get_serialno_desc, }; #endif //USBD_STM32L100