What is poudriere? ------------------ poudriere is a tool primarily designed to test package production on FreeBSD. However, most people will find it useful to bulk build ports for FreeBSD. Its goals are to use modern facilities present in FreeBSD (as ZFS, jails), to be easy to use and to depend only on base. It is not designed to build the whole portstree as tinderbox. Poudriere is able to build packages for versions of FreeBSD that are different from the box on which it is installed, and also to build packages for i386 if the host is an amd64 box. Once the package building is done, the packages will be in a layout identical to the official one. Therefore they will be useable by any tool (pkg_add, portmaster, and so on). What poudriere needs? --------------------- - FreeBSD - a ZFS pool - root access That is all. For more comfort, we recommend to have quite a lot of RAM in order to make the builds in a VM resident filesystem. How to install it? ------------------ Just type "make" at the top-level directory. What do I have to configure before starting use it? --------------------------------------------------- Create a mandatory configuration file ------------------------------------- Poudriere will look for a configuration file in /usr/local/etc. ============= /usr/local/etc/poudriere.conf ========================= # The pool where poudriere will create its jails ZPOOL=tank # The ftp host where to download base sets and sys set for the jails FTPHOST=ftp.fr.freebsd.org # Ethernet interface for the jail #ETH=nfe0 # If you cannot use another IP on your external interface USE_LOOPBACK=yes # IP for the jails IP= # The ports directory to use within jails (mounted via nullfs) PORTSDIR=/usr/local/poudriere/ports # the directory where the jail will store the packages and logs POUDRIERE_DATA=/usr/local/poudriere_data # use portlint to check ports sanity USE_PORTLINT=no # if set WORKDIRPREFIX will be a mdmfs of the given size MFSSIZE=1024m ===================================================================== Create optional make.conf ------------------------- You can also specify a global make.conf which will be used for all the jails, and also add a per-jail make.conf: /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf and /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/-make.conf How to use poudriere? --------------------- Prepare infrastructure ---------------------- First you have to create a jail, which will hold all the building infrastructure needs. poudriere createjail -v 8.2-RELEASE -a amd64 -j 82amd64 Of course you can use another version of FreeBSD, regarless on what version you are running. amd64 users can choose i386 arch like in this example: poudriere createjail -v 8.1-RELEASE -a i386 -j 81i386 This command will fetch and install a minimal jail, small (~400MB) so you can create a lot of them. It will install the jail under the pool you have chosen, at poudriere/jailname. You also need to have at least one ports tree to build packages from it, so let us take the default configuration by creating a ports tree. poudriere ports -c Specify a list of ports you want to build ----------------------------------------- Create a flat text file in which you put the ports you want to see built by poudriere. echo "sysutils/screen" > ~/pkglist echo "editors/vim" >> ~/pkglist Launch the bulk build --------------------- Now you can launch the bulk build. You can specify to build for only one arch/version ; by default it will make the bulk build on all the jails created by poudriere. poudriere bulk -f ~/pkglist -j 81i386 Find your packages ------------------ Once the bulk build is over, you can meet your shiny new packages here: /usr/local/poudriere_data/packages/bulk-81i386 with 81i386 as the name of the jail. Use poudriere for a single port ------------------------------- Let's take the example of building a single port; poudriere testport -d ~/ports-cvs/mybeautifulporttotest all the tests will be done in all the jails in alphabetical order it starts the jail, then mount the ports tree (nullfs) then mounts the package dir (pourdriere_data/packages/jailname) then it mounts the ~/ports-cvs/mybeautifulporttotest (nullfs) it builds all the dependency (except runtime ones) and log it to poudriere_data/logs/mybeautifulporttotest-jailname-depends.log) if packages for the dependencies already exists it will use them when all the dependencies are built, packages for them are created so that next time it will be faster. all the dependency phase is done with PREFIX == LOCALBASE after that it will build the port itself with LOCALBASE != PREFIX and log the build to poudriere_data/logs/mybeautifulporttotest-jailname-build.log it will try to: - install it - create a package from it - deinstall it - check for cruft left behind - propose the line to add to pkg-plist if needed It is very easy to extend it so that we can easily add other tests if wanted One could imaging a webui or stores datas in a SGBD Caveats ------- Jailname -------- -j is the name of the jail which will also be the name of the zfs filesystem be carefull to respects the names supported by jail(8): "This is an arbitrary string that identifies a jail (except it may not contain a ‘.’)" be also carefull to not begin the name of the jail by a number if you are not in -stable or current: http://svn.freebsd.org/viewvc/base?view=revision&revision=209820 Bonus: how to manage poudriere ports using portshaker ----------------------------------------------------- Create a fake (-f) poudriere portstree: poudriere ports -c -f -p foo Configure the ports tree in /usr/local/etc/portshaker.conf: ports_trees="... p_foo" use_zfs="yes" p_foo_ports_tree="/usr/local/poudriere/ports/foo/ports" p_foo_merge_from="ports ..." You can then use portshaker to manage poudriere portstree: portshaker Bonus: how to use the generated packages with portmaster -------------------------------------------------------- First, install portmaster from the void: fetch -o - http://ftp.fr.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/packages/All/portmaster-3.9.tbz | \ pkg_add -r - Then, configure it: mkdir -p /usr/ports/Mk touch /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk cat > /usr/local/etc/portmaster.rc<