#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Baptiste Daroussin # Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Julien Laffaye # Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Bryan Drewery # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. BSDPLATFORM=`uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` . $(dirname ${0})/include/common.sh.${BSDPLATFORM} BLACKLIST="" # Return true if ran from bulk/testport, ie not daemon/status/jail was_a_bulk_run() { [ "${0##*/}" = "bulk.sh" -o "${0##*/}" = "testport.sh" ] } # Return true if in a bulk or other jail run that needs to shutdown the jail was_a_jail_run() { was_a_bulk_run || [ "${0##*/}" = "pkgclean.sh" ] } # Based on Shell Scripting Recipes - Chris F.A. Johnson (c) 2005 # Replace a pattern without needing a subshell/exec _gsub() { [ $# -ne 3 ] && eargs _gsub string pattern replacement local string="$1" local pattern="$2" local replacement="$3" local result_l= result_r="${string}" while :; do case ${result_r} in *${pattern}*) result_l=${result_l}${result_r%%${pattern}*}${replacement} result_r=${result_r#*${pattern}} ;; *) break ;; esac done _gsub="${result_l}${result_r}" } gsub() { _gsub "$@" echo "${_gsub}" } not_for_os() { local os=$1 shift [ "${os}" = "${BSDPLATFORM}" ] && err 1 "This is not supported on ${BSDPLATFORM}: $@" } err() { export CRASHED=1 if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then err 1 "err expects 2 arguments: exit_number \"message\"" fi # Try to set status so other processes know this crashed # Don't set it from children failures though, only master [ -z "${PARALLEL_CHILD}" ] && was_a_bulk_run && bset status "${EXIT_STATUS:-crashed:}" 2>/dev/null || : local err_msg="Error: $2" msg "${err_msg}" >&2 [ -n "${MY_JOBID}" ] && job_msg "${err_msg}" exit $1 } msg_n() { echo -n "${DRY_MODE}====>> $1"; } msg() { msg_n "$@"; echo; } msg_verbose() { [ ${VERBOSE} -gt 0 ] || return 0 msg "$1" } msg_debug() { [ ${VERBOSE} -gt 1 ] || return 0 msg "DEBUG: $1" >&2 } warn() { msg "WARNING: $@" >&2 } job_msg() { if [ -n "${MY_JOBID}" ]; then msg "[${MY_JOBID}] $1" >&5 else msg "$1" fi } job_msg_verbose() { [ -n "${MY_JOBID}" ] || return 0 msg_verbose "[${MY_JOBID}] $1" >&5 } my_path() { echo ${MASTERMNT}${MY_JOBID+/../${MY_JOBID}} } my_name() { echo ${MASTERNAME}${MY_JOBID+-job-${MY_JOBID}} } log_path() { echo "${POUDRIERE_DATA}/logs/${POUDRIERE_BUILD_TYPE}/${MASTERNAME}/${BUILDNAME}" } injail() { jexec -U ${JUSER:-root} ${MASTERNAME}${MY_JOBID+-job-${MY_JOBID}}${JNETNAME:+-${JNETNAME}} "$@" } jstart() { local network="${localipargs}" [ "${RESTRICT_NETWORKING}" = "yes" ] || network="${ipargs}" jail -c persist name=${MASTERNAME}${MY_JOBID+-job-${MY_JOBID}} \ path=${MASTERMNT}${MY_JOBID+/../${MY_JOBID}} \ host.hostname=${BUILDER_HOSTNAME-${MASTERNAME}${MY_JOBID+-job-${MY_JOBID}}} \ ${network} \ allow.socket_af allow.raw_sockets allow.chflags allow.sysvipc jail -c persist name=${MASTERNAME}${MY_JOBID+-job-${MY_JOBID}}-n \ path=${MASTERMNT}${MY_JOBID+/../${MY_JOBID}} \ host.hostname=${BUILDER_HOSTNAME-${MASTERNAME}${MY_JOBID+-job-${MY_JOBID}}} \ ${ipargs} \ allow.socket_af allow.raw_sockets allow.chflags allow.sysvipc if ! injail id ${PORTBUILD_USER} >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then msg_n "Creating user/group ${PORTBUILD_USER}" injail pw groupadd ${PORTBUILD_USER} -g 65532 || \ err 1 "Unable to create group ${PORTBUILD_USER}" injail pw useradd ${PORTBUILD_USER} -u 65532 -d /nonexistent -c "Package builder" || \ err 1 "Unable to create user ${PORTBUILD_USER}" echo " done" fi } jstop() { jail -r ${MASTERNAME}${MY_JOBID+-job-${MY_JOBID}} 2>/dev/null || : jail -r ${MASTERNAME}${MY_JOBID+-job-${MY_JOBID}}-n 2>/dev/null || : } eargs() { local fname="$1" shift case $# in 0) err 1 "${fname}: No arguments expected" ;; 1) err 1 "${fname}: 1 argument expected: $1" ;; *) err 1 "${fname}: $# arguments expected: $*" ;; esac } run_hook() { local hookfile=${HOOKDIR}/${1}.sh shift [ -f ${hookfile} ] && URL_BASE="${URL_BASE}" \ POUDRIERE_BUILD_TYPE=${POUDRIERE_BUILD_TYPE} \ POUDRIERED="${POUDRIERED}" \ POUDRIERE_DATA="${POUDRIERE_DATA}" \ MASTERNAME="${MASTERNAME}" \ BUILDNAME="${BUILDNAME}" \ JAILNAME="${JAILNAME}" \ PTNAME="${PTNAME}" \ SETNAME="${SETNAME}" \ PACKAGES="${PACKAGES}" \ PACKAGES_ROOT="${PACKAGES_ROOT}" \ /bin/sh ${hookfile} "$@" return 0 } log_start() { local log=$(log_path) local latest_log logfile="${log}/logs/${PKGNAME}.log" latest_log=${POUDRIERE_DATA}/logs/${POUDRIERE_BUILD_TYPE}/latest-per-pkg/${PKGNAME%-*}/${PKGNAME##*-} # Make sure directory exists mkdir -p ${log}/logs ${latest_log} :> ${logfile} # Link to BUILD_TYPE/latest-per-pkg/PORTNAME/PKGVERSION/MASTERNAME.log ln -f ${logfile} ${latest_log}/${MASTERNAME}.log # Link to JAIL/latest-per-pkg/PKGNAME.log ln -f ${logfile} ${log}/../latest-per-pkg/${PKGNAME}.log # Tee all of the output to the logfile through a pipe exec 3>&1 4>&2 [ ! -e ${logfile}.pipe ] && mkfifo ${logfile}.pipe { if [ "${TIMESTAMP_LOGS}" = "yes" ]; then tee ${logfile} | while read line; do echo "$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M.%S") ${line}"; done else tee ${logfile} fi } < ${logfile}.pipe >&3 & export tpid=$! exec > ${logfile}.pipe 2>&1 # Remove fifo pipe file right away to avoid orphaning it. # The pipe will continue to work as long as we keep # the FD open to it. rm -f ${logfile}.pipe } buildlog_start() { local portdir=$1 local mnt=$(my_path) local var echo "build started at $(date)" echo "port directory: ${portdir}" echo "building for: $(injail uname -a)" echo "maintained by: $(injail make -C ${portdir} maintainer)" echo "Makefile ident: $(ident ${mnt}/${portdir}/Makefile|sed -n '2,2p')" echo "Poudriere version: ${POUDRIERE_VERSION}" echo "Host OSVERSION: ${HOST_OSVERSION}" echo "Jail OSVERSION: ${JAIL_OSVERSION}" echo if [ ${JAIL_OSVERSION} -gt ${HOST_OSVERSION} ]; then echo echo echo echo "!!! Jail is newer than host. (Jail: ${JAIL_OSVERSION}, Host: ${HOST_OSVERSION}) !!!" echo "!!! This is not supported. !!!" echo "!!! Host kernel must be same or newer than jail. !!!" echo "!!! Expect build failures. !!!" echo echo echo fi echo "---Begin Environment---" injail env ${PKGENV} ${PORT_FLAGS} echo "---End Environment---" echo "" echo "---Begin OPTIONS List---" injail make -C ${portdir} showconfig echo "---End OPTIONS List---" echo "" for var in CONFIGURE_ARGS CONFIGURE_ENV MAKE_ENV; do echo "--${var}--" echo "$(injail env ${PORT_FLAGS} make -C ${portdir} -V ${var})" echo "--End ${var}--" echo "" done echo "--PLIST_SUB--" echo "$(injail env ${PORT_FLAGS} make -C ${portdir} -V PLIST_SUB | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v '^$')" echo "--End PLIST_SUB--" echo "" echo "--SUB_LIST--" echo "$(injail env ${PORT_FLAGS} make -C ${portdir} -V SUB_LIST | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -v '^$')" echo "--End SUB_LIST--" echo "" echo "---Begin make.conf---" cat ${mnt}/etc/make.conf echo "---End make.conf---" } buildlog_stop() { [ $# -eq 2 ] || eargs buildlog_stop portdir build_failed local portdir=$1 local build_failed="$2" local log=$(log_path) local buildtime buildtime=$( \ stat -f '%N %B' ${log}/logs/${PKGNAME}.log | awk -v now=$(date +%s) \ -f ${AWKPREFIX}/siginfo_buildtime.awk | awk -F'!' '{print $2}' \ ) echo "build of ${portdir} ended at $(date)" echo "build time: ${buildtime}" [ ${build_failed} -gt 0 ] && echo "!!! build failure encountered !!!" return 0 } log_stop() { if [ -n "${tpid}" ]; then exec 1>&3 3>&- 2>&4 4>&- kill $tpid _wait $tpid 2>/dev/null || : unset tpid fi } attr_set() { local type=$1 local name=$2 local property=$3 shift 3 mkdir -p ${POUDRIERED}/${type}/${name} echo "$@" > ${POUDRIERED}/${type}/${name}/${property} || : } jset() { attr_set jails "$@" ; } pset() { attr_set ports "$@" ; } attr_get() { local type=$1 local name=$2 local property=$3 cat ${POUDRIERED}/${type}/${name}/${property} || : } jget() { attr_get jails "$@" ; } pget() { attr_get ports "$@" ; } #build getter/setter bget() { local id property mnt local log=$(log_path) if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then id=$1 shift fi file=.poudriere.${1}${id:+.${id}} cat ${log}/${file} || : } bset() { was_a_bulk_run || return 0 local id property mnt local log=$(log_path) if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then id=$1 shift fi file=.poudriere.${1}${id:+.${id}} shift echo "$@" > ${log}/${file} || : } badd() { local id property mnt local log=$(log_path) if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then id=$1 shift fi file=.poudriere.${1}${id:+.${id}} shift echo "$@" >> ${log}/${file} || : } update_stats() { local type for type in built failed ignored; do bset stats_${type} $(bget ports.${type} | wc -l) done # Skipped may have duplicates in it bset stats_skipped $(bget ports.skipped | awk '{print $1}' | \ sort -u | wc -l) } sigint_handler() { EXIT_STATUS="sigint:" sig_handler } sigterm_handler() { EXIT_STATUS="sigterm:" sig_handler } sig_handler() { trap - SIGTERM SIGKILL # Ignore SIGINT while cleaning up trap '' SIGINT err 1 "Signal caught, cleaning up and exiting" } exit_handler() { # Avoid recursively cleaning up here trap - EXIT SIGTERM SIGKILL # Ignore SIGINT while cleaning up trap '' SIGINT if was_a_bulk_run; then log_stop stop_html_json fi parallel_shutdown [ ${STATUS} -eq 1 ] && cleanup [ -n ${CLEANUP_HOOK} ] && ${CLEANUP_HOOK} } show_log_info() { local log=$(log_path) msg "Logs: ${log}" [ -z "${URL_BASE}" ] || msg "WWW: ${URL_BASE}/${POUDRIERE_BUILD_TYPE}/${MASTERNAME}/${BUILDNAME}" } siginfo_handler() { [ "${POUDRIERE_BUILD_TYPE}" != "bulk" ] && return 0 trappedinfo=1 local status=$(bget status 2> /dev/null || echo unknown) local nbb=$(bget stats_built 2>/dev/null || echo 0) local nbf=$(bget stats_failed 2>/dev/null || echo 0) local nbs=$(bget stats_skipped 2>/dev/null || echo 0) local nbi=$(bget stats_ignored 2>/dev/null || echo 0) local nbq=$(bget stats_queued 2>/dev/null || echo 0) local ndone=$((nbb + nbf + nbi + nbs)) local nbtobuild=$((nbq - ndone)) local log=$(log_path) local queue_width=2 local now local j elapsed local pkgname origin phase buildtime local format_origin_phase format_phase [ -n "${nbq}" ] || return 0 [ "${status}" = "index:" -o "${status#stopped:}" = "crashed:" ] && \ return 0 if [ ${nbq} -gt 9999 ]; then queue_width=5 elif [ ${nbq} -gt 999 ]; then queue_width=4 elif [ ${nbq} -gt 99 ]; then queue_width=3 fi now=$(date +%s) calculate_elapsed ${now} ${log} elapsed=${_elapsed_time} buildtime=$(date -j -u -r ${elapsed} "+%H:%M:%S") printf "[${MASTERNAME}] [${status}] Queued: %-${queue_width}d Built: %-${queue_width}d Failed: %-${queue_width}d Skipped: %-${queue_width}d Ignored: %-${queue_width}d Tobuild: %-${queue_width}d Time: %s \n" \ ${nbq} ${nbb} ${nbf} ${nbs} ${nbi} ${nbtobuild} "${buildtime}" # Skip if stopping or starting jobs or stopped. if [ -n "${JOBS}" -a "${status#starting_jobs:}" = "${status}" \ -a "${status}" != "stopping_jobs:" ] && \ ! status_is_stopped "${status}"; then format_origin_phase="\t[%s]: %-32s %-15s (%s)\n" format_phase="\t[%s]: %15s\n" # Collect build stats into a string with minimal execs pkgname_buildtimes=$(find ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/building -depth 1 \ -exec stat -f "%N %m" {} + 2>/dev/null | \ awk -v now=${now} -f ${AWKPREFIX}/siginfo_buildtime.awk) for j in ${JOBS}; do # Ignore error here as the zfs dataset may not be cloned yet. status=$(bget ${j} status 2>/dev/null || :) # Skip builders not started yet [ -z "${status}" ] && continue # Hide idle workers [ "${status}" = "idle:" ] && continue origin=${status#*:} phase="${status%:*}" if [ -n "${origin}" -a "${origin}" != "${status}" ]; then cache_get_pkgname pkgname "${origin}" # Find the buildtime for this pkgname buildtime= for pkgname_buildtime in $pkgname_buildtimes; do [ "${pkgname_buildtime%!*}" = "${pkgname}" ] || continue buildtime="${pkgname_buildtime#*!}" break done printf "${format_origin_phase}" ${j} ${origin} ${phase} \ ${buildtime} else printf "${format_phase}" ${j} ${phase} fi done fi show_log_info } jail_exists() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs jail_exists jailname local jname=$1 [ -d ${POUDRIERED}/jails/${jname} ] && return 0 return 1 } jail_runs() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs jail_runs jname local jname=$1 jls -j $jname >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0 return 1 } porttree_list() { local name method mntpoint [ -d ${POUDRIERED}/ports ] || return 0 for p in $(find ${POUDRIERED}/ports -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -print); do name=${p##*/} mnt=$(pget ${name} mnt) method=$(pget ${name} method) echo "${name} ${method:--} ${mnt}" done } porttree_exists() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs porttree_exists portstree_name porttree_list | awk -v portstree_name=$1 ' BEGIN { ret = 1 } $1 == portstree_name {ret = 0; } END { exit ret } ' && return 0 return 1 } get_data_dir() { local data if [ -n "${POUDRIERE_DATA}" ]; then echo ${POUDRIERE_DATA} return fi if [ -z "${NO_ZFS}" ]; then data=$(zfs list -rt filesystem -H -o ${NS}:type,mountpoint ${ZPOOL}${ZROOTFS} 2>/dev/null | awk '$1 == "data" { print $2; exit; }') if [ -n "${data}" ]; then echo $data return fi zfs create -p -o ${NS}:type=data \ -o mountpoint=${BASEFS}/data \ ${ZPOOL}${ZROOTFS}/data else mkdir -p "${BASEFS}/data" fi echo "${BASEFS}/data" } fetch_file() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs fetch_file destination source fetch -p -o $1 $2 || fetch -p -o $1 $2 || err 1 "Failed to fetch from $2" } unmarkfs() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs unmarkfs name mnt local name=$1 local mnt=$(realpath $2) if [ -n "$(zfs_getfs ${mnt})" ]; then zfs destroy -f ${fs}@${name} 2>/dev/null || : else rm -f ${mnt}/poudriere/mtree.${name} 2>/dev/null || : fi } markfs() { [ $# -lt 2 ] && eargs markfs name mnt path local name=$1 local mnt=$(realpath $2) local path="$3" local fs="$(zfs_getfs ${mnt})" local dozfs=0 local domtree=0 msg_n "Recording filesystem state for ${name}..." case "${name}" in clean) [ -n "${fs}" ] && dozfs=1 ;; prepkg) [ -n "${fs}" ] && dozfs=1 # Only create prepkg mtree in ref # Everything else may need to snapshot if [ "${mnt##*/}" = "ref" ]; then domtree=1 else domtree=0 fi ;; prebuild|prestage) domtree=1 ;; preinst) domtree=1 ;; esac if [ $dozfs -eq 1 ]; then # remove old snapshot if exists zfs destroy -r ${fs}@${name} 2>/dev/null || : #create new snapshot zfs snapshot ${fs}@${name} fi if [ $domtree -eq 0 ]; then echo " done" return 0 fi mkdir -p ${mnt}/poudriere/ case "${name}" in prepkg) cat > ${mnt}/poudriere/mtree.${name}exclude << EOF .${HOME}/.ccache/* ./compat/linux/proc ./dev/* ./distfiles/* ./new_packages/* ./packages/* ./portdistfiles/* ./poudriere/* ./proc ./usr/ports/* ./usr/src ./var/db/ports/* ./wrkdirs/* EOF ;; prebuild|prestage) cat > ${mnt}/poudriere/mtree.${name}exclude << EOF .${HOME}/.ccache/* ./compat/linux/proc ./dev/* ./distfiles/* ./new_packages/* ./packages/* ./portdistfiles/* ./poudriere/* ./proc ./tmp/* ./usr/ports/* ./usr/src ./var/db/ports/* ./var/tmp/* ./wrkdirs/* EOF ;; preinst) cat > ${mnt}/poudriere/mtree.${name}exclude << EOF .${HOME}/* .${HOME}/.ccache/* ./compat/linux/proc ./dev/* ./distfiles/* ./etc/group ./etc/make.conf ./etc/make.conf.bak ./etc/master.passwd ./etc/passwd ./etc/pwd.db ./etc/shells ./etc/spwd.db ./new_packages/* ./packages/* ./portdistfiles/* ./poudriere/* ./proc ./tmp/* ./usr/ports/* ./usr/src ./var/db/pkg/* ./var/db/ports/* ./var/log/* ./var/mail/* ./var/run/* ./var/tmp/* ./wrkdirs/* EOF ;; esac mtree -X ${mnt}/poudriere/mtree.${name}exclude \ -cn -k uid,gid,mode,size \ -p ${mnt}${path} > ${mnt}/poudriere/mtree.${name} echo " done" } rm() { local arg for arg in "$@"; do [ "${arg}" = "/" ] && err 1 "Tried to rm /" [ "${arg%/}" = "/bin" ] && err 1 "Tried to rm /*" done /bin/rm "$@" } do_jail_mounts() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs do_jail_mounts mnt arch local mnt=$1 local arch=$2 local devfspath="null zero random urandom stdin stdout stderr fd fd/* bpf* pts pts/*" # clone will inherit from the ref jail if [ ${mnt##*/} = "ref" ]; then mkdir -p ${mnt}/proc mkdir -p ${mnt}/dev mkdir -p ${mnt}/compat/linux/proc mkdir -p ${mnt}/usr/ports mkdir -p ${mnt}/wrkdirs mkdir -p ${mnt}/${LOCALBASE:-/usr/local} mkdir -p ${mnt}/distfiles mkdir -p ${mnt}/packages mkdir -p ${mnt}/new_packages mkdir -p ${mnt}${HOME}/.ccache mkdir -p ${mnt}/var/db/ports fi # ref jail only needs devfs mount -t devfs devfs ${mnt}/dev if [ ${JAILED} -eq 0 ]; then devfs -m ${mnt}/dev rule apply hide for p in ${devfspath} ; do devfs -m ${mnt}/dev/ rule apply path "${p}" unhide done fi if [ "${mnt##*/}" != "ref" ]; then [ ${JAILED} -eq 0 -o "${PATCHED_FS_KERNEL}" = "yes" ] && mount -t fdescfs fdesc ${mnt}/dev/fd mount -t procfs proc ${mnt}/proc if [ -z "${NOLINUX}" ]; then [ "${arch}" = "i386" -o "${arch}" = "amd64" ] && mount -t linprocfs linprocfs ${mnt}/compat/linux/proc fi fi return 0 } # Interactive test mode enter_interactive() { if [ ${ALL} -ne 0 ]; then msg "(-a) Not entering interactive mode." return 0 fi print_phase_header "Interactive" msg "Installing packages" echo "PACKAGES=/packages" >> ${MASTERMNT}/etc/make.conf echo " ${MASTERNAME}" >> ${MASTERMNT}/etc/hosts # Skip for testport as it has already installed pkg in the ref jail. if [ ${PKGNG} -eq 1 -a "${0##*/}" != "testport.sh" ]; then # Install pkg-static so full pkg package can install ensure_pkg_installed # Install the selected PKGNG package injail env USE_PACKAGE_DEPENDS_ONLY=1 \ PKG_ADD="/poudriere/pkg-static add" \ make -C \ /usr/ports/$(injail make -f /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk \ -V PKGNG_ORIGIN) install-package fi # Enable all selected ports and their run-depends for port in $(listed_ports); do # Install run-depends since this is an interactive test msg "Installing run-depends for ${port}" injail env USE_PACKAGE_DEPENDS_ONLY=1 \ make -C /usr/ports/${port} run-depends || msg "Failed to install ${port} run-depends" msg "Installing ${port}" # Only use PKGENV during install as testport will store # the package in a different place than dependencies injail env USE_PACKAGE_DEPENDS_ONLY=1 ${PKGENV} \ make -C /usr/ports/${port} install-package || msg "Failed to install ${port}" done # Enable networking JNETNAME="network" # Create a pkgng repo configuration, and disable FreeBSD if [ ${PKGNG} -eq 1 ]; then msg "Installing local Pkg repository to ${LOCALBASE}/etc/pkg/repos" mkdir -p ${MASTERMNT}${LOCALBASE}/etc/pkg/repos cat > ${MASTERMNT}${LOCALBASE}/etc/pkg/repos/local.conf << EOF FreeBSD: { enabled: no } local: { url: "file:///packages", enabled: yes } EOF fi if [ ${INTERACTIVE_MODE} -eq 1 ]; then msg "Entering interactive test mode. Type 'exit' when done." injail env -i TERM=${SAVED_TERM} \ /usr/bin/login -fp root || : elif [ ${INTERACTIVE_MODE} -eq 2 ]; then # XXX: Not tested/supported with bulk yet. msg "Leaving jail ${MASTERNAME} running, mounted at ${MASTERMNT} for interactive run testing" msg "To enter jail: jexec ${MASTERNAME} env -i TERM=\$TERM /usr/bin/login -fp root" msg "To stop jail: poudriere jail -k -j ${MASTERNAME}" CLEANED_UP=1 return 0 fi print_phase_footer } use_options() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs use_options mnt optionsdir local mnt=$1 local optionsdir=$2 if [ "${optionsdir}" = "-" ]; then optionsdir="${POUDRIERED}/options" else optionsdir="${POUDRIERED}/${optionsdir}-options" fi [ -d "${optionsdir}" ] || return 1 optionsdir=$(realpath ${optionsdir} 2>/dev/null) [ "${mnt##*/}" = "ref" ] && msg "Mounting /var/db/ports from: ${optionsdir}" ${NULLMOUNT} -o ro ${optionsdir} ${mnt}/var/db/ports || err 1 "Failed to mount OPTIONS directory" return 0 } mount_packages() { local mnt=$(my_path) ${NULLMOUNT} "$@" ${PACKAGES} \ ${mnt}/packages || err 1 "Failed to mount the packages directory " } do_portbuild_mounts() { [ $# -lt 3 ] && eargs do_portbuild_mounts mnt jname ptname setname local mnt=$1 local jname=$2 local ptname=$3 local setname=$4 local portsdir=$(pget ${ptname} mnt) local optionsdir [ -d ${portsdir}/ports ] && portsdir=${portsdir}/ports [ -d "${CCACHE_DIR:-/nonexistent}" ] && ${NULLMOUNT} ${CCACHE_DIR} ${mnt}${HOME}/.ccache [ -n "${MFSSIZE}" ] && mdmfs -t -S -o async -s ${MFSSIZE} md ${mnt}/wrkdirs [ ${TMPFS_WRKDIR} -eq 1 ] && mnt_tmpfs wrkdir ${mnt}/wrkdirs # Only show mounting messages once, not for every builder if [ ${mnt##*/} = "ref" ]; then [ -d "${CCACHE_DIR}" ] && msg "Mounting ccache from: ${CCACHE_DIR}" msg "Mounting packages from: ${PACKAGES_ROOT}" fi ${NULLMOUNT} -o ro ${portsdir} ${mnt}/usr/ports || err 1 "Failed to mount the ports directory " mount_packages -o ro ${NULLMOUNT} ${DISTFILES_CACHE} ${mnt}/distfiles || err 1 "Failed to mount the distfiles cache directory" optionsdir="${MASTERNAME}" [ -n "${setname}" ] && optionsdir="${optionsdir} ${jname}-${setname}" optionsdir="${optionsdir} ${jname}-${ptname} ${setname} ${ptname} ${jname} -" for opt in ${optionsdir}; do use_options ${mnt} ${opt} && break || continue done return 0 } # Convert the repository to the new format of links # so that an atomic update can be done at the end # of the build. # This is done at the package repo level instead of the parent # dir in DATA/packages because someone may have created a separate # ZFS dataset / NFS mount for each dataset. Avoid cross-device linking. convert_repository() { local pkgdir msg "Converting package repository to new format" pkgdir=.real_$(date +%s) mkdir ${PACKAGES}/${pkgdir} # Move all top-level dirs into .real find ${PACKAGES}/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name ${pkgdir} | xargs -J % mv % ${PACKAGES}/${pkgdir} # Symlink them over through .latest find ${PACKAGES}/${pkgdir} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \ ! -name ${pkgdir} | while read directory; do dirname=${directory##*/} ln -s .latest/${dirname} ${PACKAGES}/${dirname} done # Now move+symlink any files in the top-level find ${PACKAGES}/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs -J % mv % ${PACKAGES}/${pkgdir} find ${PACKAGES}/${pkgdir} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | while read file; do fname=${file##*/} ln -s .latest/${fname} ${PACKAGES}/${fname} done # Setup current symlink which is how the build will atomically finish ln -s ${pkgdir} ${PACKAGES}/.latest } stash_packages() { PACKAGES_ROOT=${PACKAGES} [ "${ATOMIC_PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}" = "yes" ] || return 0 [ -L ${PACKAGES}/.latest ] || convert_repository if [ -d ${PACKAGES}/.building ]; then # If the .building directory is still around, use it. The # previous build may have failed, but all of the successful # packages are still worth keeping for this build. msg "Using packages from previously failed build" else msg "Stashing existing package repository" # Use a linked shadow directory in the package root, not # in the parent directory as the user may have created # a separate ZFS dataset or NFS mount for each package # set; Must stay on the same device for linking. mkdir -p ${PACKAGES}/.building # hardlink copy all top-level directories find ${PACKAGES}/.latest/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \ ! -name .building | xargs -J % cp -al % ${PACKAGES}/.building # Copy all top-level files to avoid appending # to real copy in pkg-repo, etc. find ${PACKAGES}/.latest/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs -J % cp -a % ${PACKAGES}/.building fi # From this point forward, only work in the shadow # package dir PACKAGES=${PACKAGES}/.building } commit_packages() { local pkgdir_old pkgdir_new [ "${ATOMIC_PACKAGE_REPOSITORY}" = "yes" ] || return 0 if [ "${COMMIT_PACKAGES_ON_FAILURE}" = "no" ] && [ $(bget stats_failed) -gt 0 ]; then msg "Not committing packages to repository as failures were encountered" return 0 fi msg "Committing packages to repository" # Find any new top-level files not symlinked yet. This is # mostly incase pkg adds a new top-level repo or the ports framework # starts creating a new directory find ${PACKAGES}/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name '.*' | while read path; do name=${path##*/} [ ! -L "${PACKAGES_ROOT}/${name}" ] || continue ln -s .latest/${name} ${PACKAGES_ROOT}/${name} done pkgdir_old=$(realpath ${PACKAGES_ROOT}/.latest) # Rename shadow dir to a production name pkgdir_new=.real_$(date +%s) mv ${PACKAGES_ROOT}/.building ${PACKAGES_ROOT}/${pkgdir_new} # XXX: Copy in packages that failed to build # Switch latest symlink to new build PACKAGES=${PACKAGES_ROOT}/.latest ln -s ${pkgdir_new} ${PACKAGES_ROOT}/.latest_new rename ${PACKAGES_ROOT}/.latest_new ${PACKAGES} # Look for broken top-level links and remove them, if they reference # the old directory find -L ${PACKAGES_ROOT}/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name '.*' -type l | while read path; do link=$(readlink ${path}) # Skip if link does not reference inside latest [ "${link##.latest}" != "${link}" ] || continue rm -f ${path} done msg "Removing old packages" if [ "${KEEP_OLD_PACKAGES}" = "yes" ]; then keep_cnt=$((${KEEP_OLD_PACKAGES_COUNT} + 1)) find ${PACKAGES_ROOT}/ -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \ -name '.real_*' | sort -Vr | sed -n "${keep_cnt},\$p" | xargs rm -rf 2>/dev/null || : else # Remove old and shadow dir rm -rf ${pkgdir_old} 2>/dev/null || : fi } jail_start() { [ $# -lt 2 ] && eargs jail_start name ptname setname local name=$1 local ptname=$2 local setname=$3 local portsdir=$(pget ${ptname} mnt) local arch=$(jget ${name} arch) local mnt=$(jget ${name} mnt) local needfs="${NULLFSREF} procfs" local needkld="sem" local tomnt=${POUDRIERE_DATA}/build/${MASTERNAME}/ref [ -d ${DISTFILES_CACHE:-/nonexistent} ] || err 1 "DISTFILES_CACHE directory does not exist. (c.f. poudriere.conf)" if [ -z "${NOLINUX}" ]; then if [ "${arch}" = "i386" -o "${arch}" = "amd64" ]; then needfs="${needfs} linprocfs linsysfs" sysctl -n compat.linux.osrelease >/dev/null 2>&1 || kldload linux fi fi [ -n "${USE_TMPFS}" ] && needfs="${needfs} tmpfs" [ ${JAILED} -eq 0 -o "${PATCHED_FS_KERNEL}" = "yes" ] && needfs="${needfs} fdescfs" for fs in ${needfs}; do if ! lsvfs $fs >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ $JAILED -eq 0 ]; then kldload $fs || err 1 "Required kernel module '${fs}' not found" else err 1 "please load the $fs module on host using \"kldload $fs\"" fi fi done for kld in ${needkld}; do if ! kldstat -q -m ${kld} ; then if [ $JAILED -eq 0 ]; then kldload ${kld} || err 1 "Required kernel module '${kld}' not found" else err 1 "Please load the ${kld} module on the host using \"kldload ${kld}\"" fi fi done jail_exists ${name} || err 1 "No such jail: ${name}" jail_runs ${MASTERNAME} && err 1 "jail already running: ${MASTERNAME}" # Block the build dir from being traversed by non-root to avoid # system blowup due to all of the extra mounts mkdir -p ${MASTERMNT%/ref} chmod 0755 ${POUDRIERE_DATA}/build chmod 0711 ${MASTERMNT%/ref} export HOME=/root export USER=root [ -z "${NO_FORCE_PACKAGE}" ] && export FORCE_PACKAGE=yes [ -z "${NO_PACKAGE_BUILDING}" ] && export PACKAGE_BUILDING=yes [ ${SET_STATUS_ON_START-1} -eq 1 ] && export STATUS=1 msg_n "Creating the reference jail..." clonefs ${mnt} ${tomnt} clean echo "src" >> ${tomnt}/usr/.cpignore echo "poudriere" >> ${tomnt}/.cpignore echo " done" JAIL_OSVERSION=$(awk '/\#define __FreeBSD_version/ { print $3 }' "${mnt}/usr/include/sys/param.h") if [ ${JAIL_OSVERSION} -gt ${HOST_OSVERSION} ]; then warn "!!! Jail is newer than host. (Jail: ${JAIL_OSVERSION}, Host: ${HOST_OSVERSION}) !!!" warn "This is not supported." warn "Host kernel must be same or newer than jail." warn "Expect build failures." sleep 5 fi msg "Mounting system devices for ${MASTERNAME}" do_jail_mounts ${tomnt} ${arch} PACKAGES=${POUDRIERE_DATA}/packages/${MASTERNAME} [ -d "${portsdir}/ports" ] && portsdir="${portsdir}/ports" msg "Mounting ports/packages/distfiles" mkdir -p ${PACKAGES}/All ${PACKAGES}/Latest was_a_bulk_run && stash_packages do_portbuild_mounts ${tomnt} ${name} ${ptname} ${setname} was_a_bulk_run && show_log_info if [ -d "${CCACHE_DIR:-/nonexistent}" ]; then echo "WITH_CCACHE_BUILD=yes" >> ${tomnt}/etc/make.conf echo "CCACHE_DIR=${HOME}/.ccache" >> ${tomnt}/etc/make.conf fi echo "PORTSDIR=/usr/ports" >> ${tomnt}/etc/make.conf echo "PACKAGES=/packages" >> ${tomnt}/etc/make.conf echo "DISTDIR=/distfiles" >> ${tomnt}/etc/make.conf setup_makeconf ${tomnt}/etc/make.conf ${name} ${ptname} ${setname} load_blacklist ${name} ${ptname} ${setname} test -n "${RESOLV_CONF}" && cp -v "${RESOLV_CONF}" "${tomnt}/etc/" msg "Starting jail ${MASTERNAME}" jstart # Only set STATUS=1 if not turned off # jail -s should not do this or jail will stop on EXIT WITH_PKGNG=$(injail make -f /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk -V WITH_PKGNG) if [ -n "${WITH_PKGNG}" ]; then export PKGNG=1 export PKG_EXT="txz" export PKG_BIN="${LOCALBASE:-/usr/local}/sbin/pkg-static" export PKG_ADD="${PKG_BIN} add" export PKG_DELETE="${PKG_BIN} delete -y -f" export PKG_VERSION="/poudriere/pkg-static version" else export PKGNG=0 export PKG_ADD=pkg_add export PKG_DELETE=pkg_delete export PKG_VERSION=pkg_version export PKG_EXT="tbz" fi # 8.3 did not have distrib-dirs ran on it, so various # /usr and /var dirs are missing. Namely /var/games if [ "$(injail uname -r | cut -d - -f 1 )" = "8.3" ]; then injail mtree -eu -f /etc/mtree/BSD.var.dist -p /var >/dev/null 2>&1 || : injail mtree -eu -f /etc/mtree/BSD.usr.dist -p /usr >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi } load_blacklist() { [ $# -lt 2 ] && eargs load_blacklist name ptname setname local name=$1 local ptname=$2 local setname=$3 local bl b bfile bl="- ${setname} ${ptname} ${name} ${name}-${ptname}" [ -n "${setname}" ] && bl="${bl} ${bl}-${setname} \ ${name}-${ptname}-${setname}" for b in ${bl} ; do if [ "${b}" = "-" ]; then unset b fi bfile=${b:+${b}-}blacklist [ -f ${POUDRIERED}/${bfile} ] || continue for port in `grep -h -v -E '(^[[:space:]]*#|^[[:space:]]*$)' ${POUDRIERED}/${bfile}`; do case " ${BLACKLIST} " in *\ ${port}\ *) continue;; esac msg "Blacklisting (from ${POUDRIERED}/${bfile}): ${port}" BLACKLIST="${BLACKLIST} ${port}" done done } setup_makeconf() { [ $# -lt 3 ] && eargs setup_makeconf dst_makeconf name ptname setname local dst_makeconf=$1 local name=$2 local ptname=$3 local setname=$4 local makeconf opt makeconf="- ${setname} ${ptname} ${name} ${name}-${ptname}" [ -n "${setname}" ] && makeconf="${makeconf} ${name}-${setname} \ ${name}-${ptname}-${setname}" for opt in ${makeconf}; do append_make ${opt} ${dst_makeconf} done } jail_stop() { [ $# -ne 0 ] && eargs jail_stop local last_status # Don't override if there is a failure to grab the last status. last_status=$(bget status 2>/dev/null || :) [ -n "${last_status}" ] && bset status "stopped:${last_status}" \ 2>/dev/null || : jstop || : # Shutdown all builders if [ ${PARALLEL_JOBS} -ne 0 ]; then # - here to only check for unset, {start,stop}_builders will set this to blank if already stopped for j in ${JOBS-$(jot -w %02d ${PARALLEL_JOBS})}; do MY_JOBID=${j} jstop destroyfs ${MASTERMNT}/../${j} jail || : done fi msg "Umounting file systems" destroyfs ${MASTERMNT} jail || : rm -rf ${MASTERMNT}/../ export STATUS=0 } cleanup() { [ -n "${CLEANED_UP}" ] && return 0 # Prevent recursive cleanup on error if [ -n "${CLEANING_UP}" ]; then echo "Failure cleaning up. Giving up." >&2 return fi export CLEANING_UP=1 msg "Cleaning up" # Only bother with this if using jails as this may be being ran # from queue.sh or daemon.sh, etc. if [ -n "${MASTERMNT}" -a -n "${MASTERNAME}" ] && was_a_jail_run; then # If this is a builder, don't cleanup, the master will handle that. if [ -n "${MY_JOBID}" ]; then [ -n "${PKGNAME}" ] && clean_pool ${PKGNAME} 1 || : return 0 fi if [ -d ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run ]; then for pid in ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/*.pid; do # Ensure there is a pidfile to read or break [ "${pid}" = "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/*.pid" ] && break pkill -15 -F ${pid} >/dev/null 2>&1 || : done fi wait jail_stop rm -rf \ ${POUDRIERE_DATA}/packages/${MASTERNAME}/.latest/.new_packages \ 2>/dev/null || : fi export CLEANED_UP=1 } # return 0 if the package dir exists and has packages, 0 otherwise package_dir_exists_and_has_packages() { [ ! -d ${PACKAGES}/All ] && return 1 dirempty ${PACKAGES}/All && return 1 # Check for non-empty directory with no packages in it for pkg in ${PACKAGES}/All/*.${PKG_EXT}; do [ "${pkg}" = \ "${PACKAGES}/All/*.${PKG_EXT}" ] \ && return 1 # Stop on first match break done return 0 } sanity_check_pkg() { [ $# -eq 1 ] || eargs sanity_check_pkg pkg local pkg="$1" local depfile origin pkg_get_origin origin "${pkg}" port_is_needed "${origin}" || return 0 deps_file depfile "${pkg}" while read dep; do if [ ! -e "${PACKAGES}/All/${dep}.${PKG_EXT}" ]; then msg_debug "${pkg} needs missing ${PACKAGES}/All/${dep}.${PKG_EXT}" msg "Deleting ${pkg##*/}: missing dependency: ${dep}" delete_pkg "${pkg}" return 65 # Package deleted, need another pass fi done < "${depfile}" return 0 } sanity_check_pkgs() { local ret=0 package_dir_exists_and_has_packages || return 0 parallel_start for pkg in ${PACKAGES}/All/*.${PKG_EXT}; do parallel_run sanity_check_pkg "${pkg}" || ret=$? done parallel_stop || ret=$? [ ${ret} -eq 0 ] && return 0 # Nothing deleted [ ${ret} -eq 65 ] && return 1 # Packages deleted err 1 "Failure during sanity check" } check_leftovers() { [ $# -lt 1 ] && eargs check_leftovers mnt [stagedir] local mnt=$1 local stagedir="$2" { if [ -z "${stagedir}" ]; then mtree -X ${mnt}/poudriere/mtree.preinstexclude \ -f ${mnt}/poudriere/mtree.preinst \ -p ${mnt} fi } | while read l ; do local changed read_again changed= while :; do read_again=0 # Handle leftover read from changed paths case ${l} in *extra|*missing|extra:*|*changed|*:*) if [ -n "${changed}" ]; then echo "${changed}" changed= fi ;; esac case ${l} in *extra) if [ -d ${mnt}/${l% *} ]; then find ${mnt}/${l% *} -exec echo "+ {}" \; else echo "+ ${mnt}/${l% *}" fi ;; *missing) l=${l#./} echo "- ${mnt}/${l% *}" ;; *changed) changed="M ${mnt}/${l% *}" read_again=1 ;; extra:*) if [ -d ${mnt}/${l#* } ]; then find ${mnt}/${l#* } -exec echo "+ {}" \; else echo "+ ${mnt}/${l#* }" fi ;; *:*) changed="M ${mnt}/${l%:*} ${l#*:}" read_again=1 ;; *) changed="${changed} ${l}" read_again=1 ;; esac # Need to read again to find all changes [ ${read_again} -eq 1 ] && read l && continue [ -n "${changed}" ] && echo "${changed}" break done done } check_fs_violation() { [ $# -eq 6 ] || eargs check_fs_violation mnt mtree_target port \ status_msg err_msg status_value local mnt="$1" local mtree_target="$2" local port="$3" local status_msg="$4" local err_msg="$5" local status_value="$6" local tmpfile=${mnt}/tmp/check_fs_violation local ret=0 msg_n "${status_msg}..." mtree -X ${mnt}/poudriere/mtree.${mtree_target}exclude \ -f ${mnt}/poudriere/mtree.${mtree_target} \ -p ${mnt} > ${tmpfile} echo " done" if [ -s ${tmpfile} ]; then msg "Error: ${err_msg}" cat ${tmpfile} bset ${MY_JOBID} status "${status_value}:${port}" job_msg_verbose "Status for build ${port}: ${status_value}" ret=1 fi rm -f ${tmpfile} return $ret } gather_distfiles() { [ $# -eq 3 ] || eargs gather_distfiles portdir from to local portdir="$1" local from=$(realpath $2) local to=$(realpath $3) local sub dists d tosubd specials special sub=$(injail make -C ${portdir} -VDIST_SUBDIR) dists=$(injail make -C ${portdir} -V_DISTFILES -V_PATCHFILES) specials=$(injail make -C ${portdir} -V_DEPEND_SPECIALS) job_msg_verbose "Status for build ${portdir##/usr/ports/}: distfiles ${from} -> ${to}" for d in ${dists}; do [ -f ${from}/${sub}/${d} ] || continue tosubd=${to}/${sub}/${d} mkdir -p ${tosubd%/*} || return 1 cpdup ${from}/${sub}/${d} ${to}/${sub}/${d} || return 1 done for special in ${specials}; do gather_distfiles ${special} ${from} ${to} done return 0 } # Build+test port and return 1 on first failure # Return 2 on test failure if PORTTESTING_FATAL=no _real_build_port() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs _real_build_port portdir local portdir=$1 local port=${portdir##/usr/ports/} local mnt=$(my_path) local log=$(log_path) local listfilecmd network local hangstatus local pkgenv phaseenv local no_stage=$(injail make -C ${portdir} -VNO_STAGE) local targets install_order local stagedir local jailuser local testfailure=0 local max_execution_time # Must install run-depends as 'actual-package-depends' and autodeps # only consider installed packages as dependencies if [ -n "${no_stage}" ]; then install_order="run-depends install-mtree install package" else jailuser=root if [ "${BUILD_AS_NON_ROOT}" = "yes" ] && [ -z "$(injail make -C ${portdir} -VNEED_ROOT)" ]; then jailuser=${PORTBUILD_USER} chown -R ${jailuser} ${mnt}/wrkdirs fi install_order="run-depends stage package install-mtree install" stagedir=$(injail make -C ${portdir} -VSTAGEDIR) fi targets="check-sanity pkg-depends fetch-depends fetch checksum \ extract-depends extract patch-depends patch build-depends \ lib-depends configure build ${install_order} \ ${PORTTESTING:+deinstall}" # If not testing, then avoid rechecking deps in build/install; # When testing, check depends twice to ensure they depend on # proper files, otherwise they'll hit 'package already installed' # errors. [ -z "${PORTTESTING}" ] && PORT_FLAGS="${PORT_FLAGS} NO_DEPENDS=yes" for phase in ${targets}; do max_execution_time=${MAX_EXECUTION_TIME} phaseenv= [ -z "${no_stage}" ] && JUSER=${jailuser} bset ${MY_JOBID} status "${phase}:${port}" job_msg_verbose "Status for build ${port}: ${phase}" case ${phase} in check-sanity) [ -n "${PORTTESTING}" ] && phaseenv="DEVELOPER=1" ;; fetch) mkdir -p ${mnt}/portdistfiles echo "DISTDIR=/portdistfiles" >> ${mnt}/etc/make.conf gather_distfiles ${portdir} ${DISTFILES_CACHE} ${mnt}/portdistfiles || return 1 JNETNAME="n" JUSER=root ;; extract) max_execution_time=3600 chown -R ${JUSER} ${mnt}/wrkdirs ;; configure) [ -n "${PORTTESTING}" ] && markfs prebuild ${mnt} ;; run-depends) JUSER=root if [ -n "${PORTTESTING}" ]; then check_fs_violation ${mnt} prebuild "${port}" \ "Checking for filesystem violations" \ "Filesystem touched during build:" \ "build_fs_violation" || if [ "${PORTTESTING_FATAL}" != "no" ]; then return 1 else testfailure=2 fi fi ;; checksum|*-depends|install-mtree) JUSER=root ;; stage) [ -n "${PORTTESTING}" ] && markfs prestage ${mnt} ;; install) max_execution_time=3600 JUSER=root [ -n "${PORTTESTING}" ] && markfs preinst ${mnt} ;; package) max_execution_time=3600 if [ -n "${PORTTESTING}" ] && [ -z "${no_stage}" ]; then check_fs_violation ${mnt} prestage "${port}" \ "Checking for staging violations" \ "Filesystem touched during stage (files must install to \${STAGEDIR}):" \ "stage_fs_violation" || if [ "${PORTTESTING_FATAL}" != "no" ]; then return 1 else testfailure=2 fi fi ;; deinstall) max_execution_time=3600 JUSER=root # Skip for all linux ports, they are not safe if [ "${PKGNAME%%*linux*}" != "" ]; then msg "Checking shared library dependencies" listfilecmd="grep -v '^@' /var/db/pkg/${PKGNAME}/+CONTENTS" [ ${PKGNG} -eq 1 ] && listfilecmd="pkg query '%Fp' ${PKGNAME}" injail ${listfilecmd} | injail xargs ldd 2>&1 | awk '/=>/ { print $3 }' | sort -u fi ;; esac print_phase_header ${phase} if [ "${phase}" = "package" ]; then echo "PACKAGES=/new_packages" >> ${mnt}/etc/make.conf # Create sandboxed staging dir for new package for this build rm -rf "${PACKAGES}/.new_packages/${PKGNAME}" mkdir -p "${PACKAGES}/.new_packages/${PKGNAME}" ${NULLMOUNT} \ "${PACKAGES}/.new_packages/${PKGNAME}" \ ${mnt}/new_packages chown -R ${JUSER} ${mnt}/new_packages fi if [ "${phase#*-}" = "depends" ]; then # No need for nohang or PORT_FLAGS for *-depends injail env USE_PACKAGE_DEPENDS_ONLY=1 ${phaseenv} \ make -C ${portdir} ${phase} || return 1 else # Only set PKGENV during 'package' to prevent # testport-built packages from going into the main repo # Also enable during stage/install since it now # uses a pkg for pkg_tools if [ "${phase}" = "package" ] || [ -z "${no_stage}" \ -a "${phase}" = "install" -a $PKGNG -eq 0 ]; then pkgenv="${PKGENV}" else pkgenv= fi nohang ${max_execution_time} ${NOHANG_TIME} \ ${log}/logs/${PKGNAME}.log \ ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/${MY_JOBID:-00}_nohang.pid \ injail env ${pkgenv} ${phaseenv} ${PORT_FLAGS} \ make -C ${portdir} ${phase} hangstatus=$? # This is done as it may return 1 or 2 or 3 if [ $hangstatus -ne 0 ]; then # 1 = cmd failed, not a timeout # 2 = log timed out # 3 = cmd timeout if [ $hangstatus -eq 2 ]; then msg "Killing runaway build after ${NOHANG_TIME} seconds with no output" bset ${MY_JOBID} status "${phase}/runaway:${port}" job_msg_verbose "Status for build ${port}: runaway" elif [ $hangstatus -eq 3 ]; then msg "Killing timed out build after ${MAX_EXECUTION_TIME} seconds" bset ${MY_JOBID} status "${phase}/timeout:${port}" job_msg_verbose "Status for build ${port}: timeout" fi return 1 fi fi if [ "${phase}" = "checksum" ]; then JNETNAME="" fi print_phase_footer if [ "${phase}" = "checksum" ]; then gather_distfiles ${portdir} ${mnt}/portdistfiles ${DISTFILES_CACHE} || return 1 fi if [ "${phase}" = "stage" -a -n "${PORTTESTING}" ]; then local die=0 bset ${MY_JOBID} status "stage-qa:${port}" if ! injail env DEVELOPER=1 ${PORT_FLAGS} \ make -C ${portdir} stage-qa; then msg "Error: stage-qa failures detected" [ "${PORTTESTING_FATAL}" != "no" ] && return 1 die=1 fi bset ${MY_JOBID} status "check-plist:${port}" if ! injail env DEVELOPER=1 ${PORT_FLAGS} \ make -C ${portdir} check-plist; then msg "Error: check-plist failures detected" [ "${PORTTESTING_FATAL}" != "no" ] && return 1 die=1 fi if [ ${die} -eq 1 ]; then testfailure=2 die=0 fi fi if [ "${phase}" = "deinstall" ]; then local add=$(mktemp ${mnt}/tmp/add.XXXXXX) local add1=$(mktemp ${mnt}/tmp/add1.XXXXXX) local del=$(mktemp ${mnt}/tmp/del.XXXXXX) local del1=$(mktemp ${mnt}/tmp/del1.XXXXXX) local mod=$(mktemp ${mnt}/tmp/mod.XXXXXX) local mod1=$(mktemp ${mnt}/tmp/mod1.XXXXXX) local die=0 PREFIX=$(injail env ${PORT_FLAGS} make -C ${portdir} -VPREFIX) msg "Checking for extra files and directories" bset ${MY_JOBID} status "leftovers:${port}" if [ -f "${mnt}/usr/ports/Mk/Scripts/check_leftovers.sh" ]; then check_leftovers ${mnt} | sed -e "s|${mnt}||" | injail env PORTSDIR=/usr/ports \ ${PORT_FLAGS} /bin/sh \ /usr/ports/Mk/Scripts/check_leftovers.sh \ ${port} | while read modtype data; do case "${modtype}" in +) echo "${data}" >> ${add} ;; -) echo "${data}" >> ${del} ;; M) echo "${data}" >> ${mod} ;; esac done else # LEGACY - Support for older ports tree. local users user homedirs plistsub_sed plistsub_sed=$(injail env ${PORT_FLAGS} make -C ${portdir} -V'PLIST_SUB:C/"//g:NLIB32*:NPERL_*:NPREFIX*:N*="":N*="@comment*:C/(.*)=(.*)/-es!\2!%%\1%%!g/') users=$(injail make -C ${portdir} -VUSERS) homedirs="" for user in ${users}; do user=$(grep ^${user}: ${mnt}/usr/ports/UIDs | cut -f 9 -d : | sed -e "s|/usr/local|${PREFIX}| ; s|^|${mnt}|") homedirs="${homedirs} ${user}" done check_leftovers ${mnt} | \ while read modtype path extra; do local ppath ignore_path=0 # If this is a directory, use @dirrm in output if [ -d "${path}" ]; then ppath="@dirrm "`echo $path | sed \ -e "s,^${mnt},," \ -e "s,^${PREFIX}/,," \ ${plistsub_sed} \ ` else ppath=`echo "$path" | sed \ -e "s,^${mnt},," \ -e "s,^${PREFIX}/,," \ ${plistsub_sed} \ ` fi case $modtype in +) if [ -d "${path}" ]; then # home directory of users created case " ${homedirs} " in *\ ${path}\ *) continue;; *\ ${path}/*\ *) continue;; esac fi case "${ppath}" in # gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule is unpredictable etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree*.xml) ;; # fc-cache - skip for now /var/db/fontconfig/*) ;; *) echo "${ppath}" >> ${add} ;; esac ;; -) # Skip if it is PREFIX and non-LOCALBASE. See misc/kdehier4 # or mail/qmail for examples [ "${path#${mnt}}" = "${PREFIX}" -a \ "${LOCALBASE}" != "${PREFIX}" ] && ignore_path=1 # fc-cache - skip for now case "${ppath}" in /var/db/fontconfig/*) ignore_path=1 ;; esac if [ $ignore_path -eq 0 ]; then echo "${ppath}" >> ${del} fi ;; M) case "${ppath}" in # gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule is unpredictable etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/%gconf-tree*.xml) ;; # This is a cache file for gio modules could be modified for any gio modules lib/gio/modules/giomodule.cache) ;; # removal of info files leaves entry uneasy to cleanup in info/dir # accept a modification of this file info/dir) ;; */info/dir) ;; # The is pear database cache %%PEARDIR%%/.depdb|%%PEARDIR%%/.filemap) ;; #ls-R files from texmf are often regenerated */ls-R);; # Octave packages database, blank lines can be inserted between pre-install and post-deinstall share/octave/octave_packages) ;; # xmlcatmgr is constantly updating catalog.ports ignore modification to that file share/xml/catalog.ports);; # fc-cache - skip for now /var/db/fontconfig/*) ;; *) echo "${ppath#@dirrm } ${extra}" >> ${mod} ;; esac ;; esac done fi sort ${add} > ${add1} sort ${del} > ${del1} sort ${mod} > ${mod1} comm -12 ${add1} ${del1} >> ${mod1} comm -23 ${add1} ${del1} > ${add} comm -13 ${add1} ${del1} > ${del} if [ -s "${add}" ]; then msg "Error: Files or directories left over:" die=1 grep -v "^@dirrm" ${add} # Remove @dirrm for parent dirs already in plist grep "^@dirrm" ${add} | sort -r | while read \ type dir; do grep -qE \ "^@(unexec rmdir \"?(%D/)?${dir}[ \"]|dirrm(try)? ${dir}\$)" \ ${mnt}${tmpplist} || echo "${type} ${dir}" done fi if [ -s "${del}" ]; then msg "Error: Files or directories removed:" die=1 cat ${del} fi if [ -s "${mod}" ]; then msg "Error: Files or directories modified:" die=1 cat ${mod1} fi [ ${die} -eq 1 -a "${0##*/}" = "testport.sh" -a \ "${PREFIX}" != "${LOCALBASE}" ] && msg \ "This test was done with PREFIX!=LOCALBASE which \ may show failures if the port does not respect PREFIX. \ Try testport with -n to use PREFIX=LOCALBASE" rm -f ${add} ${add1} ${del} ${del1} ${mod} ${mod1} [ $die -eq 0 ] || if [ "${PORTTESTING_FATAL}" != "no" ]; then return 1 else testfailure=2 fi fi done if [ -d "${PACKAGES}/.new_packages/${PKGNAME}" ]; then # everything was fine we can copy package the package to the package # directory find ${PACKAGES}/.new_packages/${PKGNAME} \ -mindepth 1 \( -type f -or -type l \) | while read pkg_path; do pkg_file=${pkg_path#${PACKAGES}/.new_packages/${PKGNAME}} pkg_base=${pkg_file%/*} mkdir -p ${PACKAGES}/${pkg_base} mv ${pkg_path} ${PACKAGES}/${pkg_base} done fi bset ${MY_JOBID} status "idle:" return ${testfailure} } # Wrapper to ensure JUSER is reset and any other cleanup needed build_port() { local ret _real_build_port "$@" || ret=$? JUSER=root return ${ret} } # Save wrkdir and return path to file save_wrkdir() { [ $# -ne 4 ] && eargs save_wrkdir mnt port portdir phase local mnt=$1 local port="$2" local portdir="$3" local phase="$4" local tardir=${POUDRIERE_DATA}/wrkdirs/${MASTERNAME}/${PTNAME} local tarname=${tardir}/${PKGNAME}.${WRKDIR_ARCHIVE_FORMAT} local mnted_portdir=${mnt}/wrkdirs/${portdir} [ "${SAVE_WRKDIR}" != "no" ] || return 0 # Only save if not in fetch/checksum phase [ "${failed_phase}" != "fetch" -a "${failed_phase}" != "checksum" -a \ "${failed_phase}" != "extract" ] || return 0 mkdir -p ${tardir} # Tar up the WRKDIR, and ignore errors case ${WRKDIR_ARCHIVE_FORMAT} in tar) COMPRESSKEY="" ;; tgz) COMPRESSKEY="z" ;; tbz) COMPRESSKEY="j" ;; txz) COMPRESSKEY="J" ;; esac rm -f ${tarname} tar -s ",${mnted_portdir},," -c${COMPRESSKEY}f ${tarname} ${mnted_portdir}/work > /dev/null 2>&1 job_msg "Saved ${port} wrkdir to: ${tarname}" } start_builder() { local id=$1 local arch=$2 local mnt export MY_JOBID=${id} mnt=$(my_path) # Jail might be lingering from previous build. Already recursively # destroyed all the builder datasets, so just try stopping the jail # and ignore any errors jstop destroyfs ${mnt} jail mkdir -p "${mnt}" clonefs ${MASTERMNT} ${mnt} prepkg # Create the /poudriere so that on zfs rollback does not nukes it mkdir -p ${mnt}/poudriere markfs prepkg ${mnt} >/dev/null do_jail_mounts ${mnt} ${arch} do_portbuild_mounts ${mnt} ${jname} ${ptname} ${setname} jstart bset ${id} status "idle:" } start_builders() { local arch=$(injail uname -p) bset builders "${JOBS}" bset status "starting_builders:" parallel_start for j in ${JOBS}; do parallel_run start_builder ${j} ${arch} done parallel_stop } stop_builders() { local mnt # wait for the last running processes cat ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/*.pid 2>/dev/null | xargs pwait 2>/dev/null msg "Stopping ${PARALLEL_JOBS} builders" for j in ${JOBS}; do MY_JOBID=${j} jstop destroyfs ${MASTERMNT}/../${j} jail done # No builders running, unset JOBS JOBS="" } deadlock_detected() { local always_fail=${1:-1} local crashed_packages dependency_cycles # If there are still packages marked as "building" they have crashed # and it's likely some poudriere or system bug crashed_packages=$( \ find ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/building -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | \ sed -e "s,${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/building/,," | tr '\n' ' ' \ ) [ -z "${crashed_packages}" ] || \ err 1 "Crashed package builds detected: ${crashed_packages}" # Check if there's a cycle in the need-to-build queue dependency_cycles=$(\ find ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps -mindepth 2 | \ sed -e "s,${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps/,," -e 's:/: :' | \ # Only cycle errors are wanted tsort 2>&1 >/dev/null | \ sed -e 's/tsort: //' | \ awk -f ${AWKPREFIX}/dependency_loop.awk \ ) if [ -n "${dependency_cycles}" ]; then err 1 "Dependency loop detected: ${dependency_cycles}" fi [ ${always_fail} -eq 1 ] || return 0 # No cycle, there's some unknown poudriere bug err 1 "Unknown stuck queue bug detected. Please submit the entire build output to poudriere developers. $(find ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/building ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/cleaning)" } queue_empty() { local pool_dir lock dirs local ret=0 # Lock on balance_pool to avoid race here while it is moving between # /unbalanced and a balanced slot lock=${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/.lock-balance_pool mkdir ${lock} 2>/dev/null || return 1 dirs="${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool/unbalanced ${POOL_BUCKET_DIRS}" for pool_dir in ${dirs}; do if ! dirempty ${pool_dir}; then ret=1 break fi done rmdir ${lock} return ${ret} } mark_done() { [ $# -eq 1 ] || eargs mark_done pkgname local pkgname="$1" local origin local cache_dir if [ "${TRACK_BUILDTIMES}" != "no" ]; then cache_get_origin origin "${pkgname}" get_cache_dir cache_dir echo -n "${origin} $(date +%s) " >> ${cache_dir}/buildtimes stat -f "%m" ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/building/${pkgname} >> \ ${cache_dir}/buildtimes fi rmdir ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/building/${pkgname} } build_queue() { local j name pkgname builders_active queue_empty status mkfifo ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/builders.pipe exec 6<> ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/builders.pipe rm -f ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/builders.pipe queue_empty=0 msg "Hit CTRL+t at any time to see build progress and stats" cd "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool" while :; do builders_active=0 for j in ${JOBS}; do name="${MASTERNAME}-job-${j}" if [ -f "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/${j}.pid" ]; then if pgrep -qF "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/${j}.pid" 2>/dev/null; then builders_active=1 continue fi read pkgname < ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/${j}.pkgname rm -f ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/${j}.pid \ ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/${j}.pkgname status=$(bget ${j} status) if [ "${status%%:*}" = "stopped" ]; then mark_done ${pkgname} bset ${j} status "idle:" else bset ${j} status "crashed:" fi fi [ ${queue_empty} -eq 0 ] || continue next_in_queue pkgname if [ -z "${pkgname}" ]; then # Check if the ready-to-build pool and need-to-build pools # are empty queue_empty && queue_empty=1 # Pool is waiting on dep, wait until a build # is done before checking the queue again else MY_JOBID="${j}" PORTTESTING=$(get_porttesting "${pkgname}") \ build_pkg "${pkgname}" > /dev/null & echo "$!" > ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/${j}.pid echo "${pkgname}" > ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run/${j}.pkgname # A new job is spawned, try to read the queue # just to keep things moving builders_active=1 fi done update_stats if [ ${queue_empty} -eq 1 ]; then if [ ${builders_active} -eq 1 ]; then # The queue is empty, but builds are still going. # Wait on them. continue else # All work is done break fi fi [ ${builders_active} -eq 1 ] || deadlock_detected unset jobid; until trappedinfo=; read -t 30 jobid <&6 || [ -z "$trappedinfo" ]; do :; done done exec 6<&- exec 6>&- } start_html_json() { json_main & JSON_PID=$! } json_main() { while :; do build_json sleep 2 done } build_json() { local log=$(log_path) awk \ -f ${AWKPREFIX}/json.awk ${log}/.poudriere.* | \ awk 'ORS=""; {print}' | \ sed -e 's/,\([]}]\)/\1/g' \ > ${log}/.data.json.tmp mv -f ${log}/.data.json.tmp ${log}/.data.json # Build mini json for stats awk -v mini=yes \ -f ${AWKPREFIX}/json.awk ${log}/.poudriere.* | \ awk 'ORS=""; {print}' | \ sed -e 's/,\([]}]\)/\1/g' \ > ${log}/.data.mini.json.tmp mv -f ${log}/.data.mini.json.tmp ${log}/.data.mini.json } stop_html_json() { local log=$(log_path) if [ -n "${JSON_PID}" ]; then kill ${JSON_PID} 2>/dev/null || : _wait ${JSON_PID} 2>/dev/null || : unset JSON_PID fi build_json 2>/dev/null || : rm -f ${log}/.data.json.tmp ${log}/.data.mini.json 2>/dev/null || : } calculate_tobuild() { local nbq=$(bget stats_queued) local nbb=$(bget stats_built) local nbf=$(bget stats_failed) local nbi=$(bget stats_ignored) local nbs=$(bget stats_skipped) local ndone=$((nbb + nbf + nbi + nbs)) local nremaining=$((nbq - ndone)) echo ${nremaining} } status_is_stopped() { [ $# -eq 1 ] || eargs status_is_stopped status local status="$1" case "${status}" in sigterm:|sigint:|crashed:|stop:|stopped:*) return 0 ;; esac return 1 } calculate_elapsed() { [ $# -eq 2 ] || eargs calculate_elapsed now log local now="$1" local log="$2" [ -f "${log}/.poudriere.status" ] || return 1 start_end_time=$(stat -f '%B %m' ${log}/.poudriere.status) start_time=${start_end_time% *} if status_is_stopped "${status}"; then end_time=${start_end_time#* } else end_time=${now} fi _start_time=${start_time} _end_time=${end_time} _elapsed_time=$((${end_time} - ${start_time})) return 0 } # Build ports in parallel # Returns when all are built. parallel_build() { local jname=$1 local ptname=$2 local setname=$3 local real_parallel_jobs=${PARALLEL_JOBS} local nremaining=$(calculate_tobuild) # Subtract the 1 for the main port to test [ "${0##*/}" = "testport.sh" ] && nremaining=$((${nremaining} - 1)) # If pool is empty, just return [ ${nremaining} -eq 0 ] && return 0 # Minimize PARALLEL_JOBS to queue size [ ${PARALLEL_JOBS} -gt ${nremaining} ] && PARALLEL_JOBS=${nremaining##* } msg "Building ${nremaining} packages using ${PARALLEL_JOBS} builders" JOBS="$(jot -w %02d ${PARALLEL_JOBS})" start_html_json bset status "starting_jobs:" msg "Starting/Cloning builders" start_builders # Duplicate stdout to socket 5 so the child process can send # status information back on it since we redirect its # stdout to /dev/null exec 5<&1 bset status "parallel_build:" build_queue bset status "stopping_jobs:" stop_builders bset status "idle:" # Close the builder socket exec 5>&- stop_html_json # Restore PARALLEL_JOBS PARALLEL_JOBS=${real_parallel_jobs} return 0 } clean_pool() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs clean_pool pkgname clean_rdepends local pkgname=$1 local clean_rdepends=$2 local port skipped_origin [ -n "${MY_JOBID}" ] && bset ${MY_JOBID} status "clean_pool:" [ ${clean_rdepends} -eq 1 ] && cache_get_origin port "${pkgname}" # Cleaning queue (pool is cleaned here) sh ${SCRIPTPREFIX}/clean.sh "${MASTERMNT}" "${pkgname}" ${clean_rdepends} | sort -u | while read skipped_pkgname; do cache_get_origin skipped_origin "${skipped_pkgname}" badd ports.skipped "${skipped_origin} ${skipped_pkgname} ${pkgname}" job_msg "Skipping build of ${skipped_origin}: Dependent port ${port} failed" run_hook pkgbuild skipped "${skipped_origin}" "${skipped_pkgname}" "${port}" done balance_pool } print_phase_header() { printf "===================================================\n" "$1" } print_phase_footer() { echo "===========================================================================" } build_pkg() { # If this first check fails, the pool will not be cleaned up, # since PKGNAME is not yet set. [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs build_pkg pkgname local pkgname="$1" local port portdir local build_failed=0 local name=${MASTERNAME}-job-${MY_JOBID} local mnt=$(my_path) local failed_status failed_phase cnt local clean_rdepends=0 local log=$(log_path) local ignore local errortype local ret=0 trap '' SIGTSTP [ -n "${MAX_MEMORY}" ] && ulimit -m $((${MAX_MEMORY} * 1024 * 1024)) export PKGNAME="${pkgname}" # set ASAP so cleanup() can use it cache_get_origin port "${pkgname}" portdir="/usr/ports/${port}" job_msg "Starting build of ${port}" bset ${MY_JOBID} status "starting:${port}" if [ ${TMPFS_LOCALBASE} -eq 1 -o ${TMPFS_ALL} -eq 1 ]; then umount -f ${mnt}/${LOCALBASE:-/usr/local} 2>/dev/null || : mnt_tmpfs localbase ${mnt}/${LOCALBASE:-/usr/local} fi # Stop everything first jstop [ -f ${mnt}/.need_rollback ] && rollbackfs prepkg ${mnt} # Make sure we start with no network jstart :> ${mnt}/.need_rollback case " ${BLACKLIST} " in *\ ${port}\ *) ignore="Blacklisted" ;; esac # If this port is IGNORED, skip it # This is checked here instead of when building the queue # as the list may start big but become very small, so here # is a less-common check : ${ignore:=$(injail make -C ${portdir} -VIGNORE)} msg "Cleaning up wrkdir" rm -rf ${mnt}/wrkdirs/* log_start msg "Building ${port}" buildlog_start ${portdir} # Ensure /dev/null exists (kern/139014) [ ${JAILED} -eq 0 ] && devfs -m ${mnt}/dev rule apply path null unhide if [ -n "${ignore}" ]; then msg "Ignoring ${port}: ${ignore}" badd ports.ignored "${port} ${PKGNAME} ${ignore}" job_msg "Finished build of ${port}: Ignored: ${ignore}" clean_rdepends=1 run_hook pkgbuild ignored "${port}" "${PKGNAME}" "${ignore}" else injail make -C ${portdir} clean build_port ${portdir} || ret=$? if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ]; then build_failed=1 # ret=2 is a test failure if [ ${ret} -eq 2 ]; then failed_phase=$(awk -f ${AWKPREFIX}/processonelog2.awk \ ${log}/logs/${PKGNAME}.log \ 2> /dev/null) else failed_status=$(bget ${MY_JOBID} status) failed_phase=${failed_status%:*} fi save_wrkdir ${mnt} "${port}" "${portdir}" "${failed_phase}" || : elif [ -f ${mnt}/${portdir}/.keep ]; then save_wrkdir ${mnt} "${port}" "${portdir}" "noneed" ||: fi injail make -C ${portdir} clean if [ ${build_failed} -eq 0 ]; then badd ports.built "${port} ${PKGNAME}" job_msg "Finished build of ${port}: Success" run_hook pkgbuild success "${port}" "${PKGNAME}" # Cache information for next run pkg_cache_data "${PACKAGES}/All/${PKGNAME}.${PKG_EXT}" ${port} || : else # Symlink the buildlog into errors/ ln -s ../${PKGNAME}.log ${log}/logs/errors/${PKGNAME}.log errortype=$(/bin/sh ${SCRIPTPREFIX}/processonelog.sh \ ${log}/logs/errors/${PKGNAME}.log \ 2> /dev/null) badd ports.failed "${port} ${PKGNAME} ${failed_phase} ${errortype}" job_msg "Finished build of ${port}: Failed: ${failed_phase}" run_hook pkgbuild failed "${port}" "${PKGNAME}" "${failed_phase}" \ "${log}/logs/errors/${PKGNAME}.log" # ret=2 is a test failure if [ ${ret} -eq 2 ]; then clean_rdepends=0 else clean_rdepends=1 fi fi fi clean_pool ${PKGNAME} ${clean_rdepends} bset ${MY_JOBID} status "done:${port}" stop_build ${portdir} ${build_failed} echo ${MY_JOBID} >&6 } stop_build() { [ $# -eq 2 ] || eargs stop_build portdir build_failed local portdir="$1" local build_failed="$2" local mnt=$(my_path) umount -f ${mnt}/new_packages 2>/dev/null || : rm -rf "${PACKAGES}/.new_packages/${PKGNAME}" # 2 = HEADER+ps itself if [ $(injail ps aux | wc -l) -ne 2 ]; then msg "Leftover processes:" injail ps auxwwd | grep -v 'ps auxwwd' fi # Always kill to avoid missing anything injail kill -9 -1 2>/dev/null || : buildlog_stop ${portdir} ${build_failed} log_stop bset ${MY_JOBID} status "stopped:${portdir#usr/ports}" } # Crazy redirection is to add the portname into stderr. # Idea from http://superuser.com/a/453609/34747 mangle_stderr() { local msg_type="$1" local extra="$2" local - # Make `set +x` local shift 2 set +x { { { { "$@" } 2>&3 } 3>&1 1>&2 | \ awk \ -v msg_type="${msg_type}" -v extra="${extra}" \ '{print msg_type, extra ":", $0}' 1>&3 } 3>&2 2>&1 } } list_deps() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs list_deps directory local dir="/usr/ports/$1" local makeargs="-VPKG_DEPENDS -VBUILD_DEPENDS -VEXTRACT_DEPENDS -VLIB_DEPENDS -VPATCH_DEPENDS -VFETCH_DEPENDS -VRUN_DEPENDS" mangle_stderr "WARNING" "($1)" injail make -C ${dir} $makeargs | \ sed -e "s,[[:graph:]]*/usr/ports/,,g" \ -e "s,:[[:graph:]]*,,g" -e '/^$/d' | tr ' ' '\n' | \ sort -u || err 1 "Makefile broken: $1" } deps_file() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs deps_file var_return pkg local var_return="$1" local pkg="$2" local pkg_cache_dir local _depfile get_pkg_cache_dir pkg_cache_dir "${pkg}" _depfile="${pkg_cache_dir}/deps" if [ ! -f "${_depfile}" ]; then if [ "${PKG_EXT}" = "tbz" ]; then injail tar -qxf "/packages/All/${pkg##*/}" -O +CONTENTS | awk '$1 == "@pkgdep" { print $2 }' > "${_depfile}" else injail /poudriere/pkg-static info -qdF "/packages/All/${pkg##*/}" > "${_depfile}" fi fi setvar "${var_return}" "${_depfile}" } pkg_get_origin() { [ $# -lt 2 ] && eargs pkg_get_origin var_return pkg local var_return="$1" local pkg="$2" local _origin=$3 local pkg_cache_dir local originfile local new_origin get_pkg_cache_dir pkg_cache_dir "${pkg}" originfile="${pkg_cache_dir}/origin" if [ ! -f "${originfile}" ]; then if [ -z "${_origin}" ]; then if [ "${PKG_EXT}" = "tbz" ]; then _origin=$(injail tar -qxf "/packages/All/${pkg##*/}" -O +CONTENTS | \ awk -F: '$1 == "@comment ORIGIN" { print $2 }') else _origin=$(injail /poudriere/pkg-static query -F \ "/packages/All/${pkg##*/}" "%o") fi fi echo ${_origin} > "${originfile}" else read _origin < "${originfile}" fi check_moved new_origin ${_origin} && _origin=${new_origin} setvar "${var_return}" "${_origin}" } pkg_get_dep_origin() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs pkg_get_dep_origin var_return pkg local var_return="$1" local pkg="$2" local dep_origin_file local pkg_cache_dir local compiled_dep_origins local origin new_origin _old_dep_origins get_pkg_cache_dir pkg_cache_dir "${pkg}" dep_origin_file="${pkg_cache_dir}/dep_origin" if [ ! -f "${dep_origin_file}" ]; then if [ "${PKG_EXT}" = "tbz" ]; then compiled_dep_origins=$(injail tar -qxf "/packages/All/${pkg##*/}" -O +CONTENTS | \ awk -F: '$1 == "@comment DEPORIGIN" {print $2}' | tr '\n' ' ') else compiled_dep_origins=$(injail /poudriere/pkg-static query -F \ "/packages/All/${pkg##*/}" '%do' | tr '\n' ' ') fi echo "${compiled_dep_origins}" > "${dep_origin_file}" else while read line; do compiled_dep_origins="${compiled_dep_origins} ${line}" done < "${dep_origin_file}" fi # Check MOVED _old_dep_origins="${compiled_dep_origins}" compiled_dep_origins= for origin in ${_old_dep_origins}; do if check_moved new_origin "${origin}"; then compiled_dep_origins="${compiled_dep_origins} ${new_origin}" else compiled_dep_origins="${compiled_dep_origins} ${origin}" fi done setvar "${var_return}" "${compiled_dep_origins}" } pkg_get_options() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs pkg_get_options var_return pkg local var_return="$1" local pkg="$2" local optionsfile local pkg_cache_dir local _compiled_options get_pkg_cache_dir pkg_cache_dir "${pkg}" optionsfile="${pkg_cache_dir}/options" if [ ! -f "${optionsfile}" ]; then if [ "${PKG_EXT}" = "tbz" ]; then _compiled_options=$(injail tar -qxf "/packages/All/${pkg##*/}" -O +CONTENTS | \ awk -F: '$1 == "@comment OPTIONS" {print $2}' | tr ' ' '\n' | \ sed -n 's/^\+\(.*\)/\1/p' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') else _compiled_options=$(injail /poudriere/pkg-static query -F \ "/packages/All/${pkg##*/}" '%Ov%Ok' | sed '/^off/d;s/^on//' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') fi echo "${_compiled_options}" > "${optionsfile}" setvar "${var_return}" "${_compiled_options}" return 0 fi # Special care here to match whitespace of 'pretty-print-config' while read line; do _compiled_options="${_compiled_options}${_compiled_options:+ }${line}" done < "${optionsfile}" # Space on end to match 'pretty-print-config' in delete_old_pkg [ -n "${_compiled_options}" ] && _compiled_options="${_compiled_options} " setvar "${var_return}" "${_compiled_options}" } ensure_pkg_installed() { local mnt=$(my_path) [ ${PKGNG} -eq 1 ] || return 0 [ -x ${mnt}/poudriere/pkg-static ] && return 0 [ -e ${MASTERMNT}/packages/Latest/pkg.txz ] || return 1 #pkg missing injail tar xf /packages/Latest/pkg.txz -C / \ -s ",/.*/,poudriere/,g" "*/pkg-static" return 0 } pkg_cache_data() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs pkg_cache_data pkg origin local - # Make `set +e` local # Ignore errors in here set +e local pkg="$1" local origin=$2 local pkg_cache_dir local originfile get_pkg_cache_dir pkg_cache_dir "${pkg}" originfile="${pkg_cache_dir}/origin" ensure_pkg_installed pkg_get_options _ignored "${pkg}" > /dev/null pkg_get_origin _ignored "${pkg}" ${origin} > /dev/null pkg_get_dep_origin _ignored "${pkg}" > /dev/null deps_file _ignored "${pkg}" > /dev/null } get_cache_dir() { local var_return="$1" setvar "${var_return}" ${POUDRIERE_DATA}/cache/${MASTERNAME} } # Return the cache dir for the given pkg # @param var_return The variable to set the result in # @param string pkg $PKGDIR/All/PKGNAME.PKG_EXT get_pkg_cache_dir() { [ $# -lt 2 ] && eargs get_pkg_cache_dir var_return pkg local var_return="$1" local pkg="$2" local use_mtime="${3:-1}" local pkg_file="${pkg##*/}" local pkg_dir local cache_dir local pkg_mtime get_cache_dir cache_dir [ ${use_mtime} -eq 1 ] && pkg_mtime=$(stat -f %m "${pkg}") pkg_dir="${cache_dir}/${pkg_file}/${pkg_mtime}" [ -d "${pkg_dir}" ] || mkdir -p "${pkg_dir}" setvar "${var_return}" "${pkg_dir}" } clear_pkg_cache() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs clear_pkg_cache pkg local pkg="$1" local pkg_cache_dir get_pkg_cache_dir pkg_cache_dir "${pkg}" 0 rm -fr "${pkg_cache_dir}" } delete_pkg() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs delete_pkg pkg local pkg="$1" # Delete the package and the depsfile since this package is being deleted, # which will force it to be recreated rm -f "${pkg}" clear_pkg_cache "${pkg}" } # Deleted cached information for stale packages (manually removed) delete_stale_pkg_cache() { local pkgname local cache_dir get_cache_dir cache_dir msg_verbose "Checking for stale cache files" [ ! -d ${cache_dir} ] && return 0 dirempty ${cache_dir} && return 0 for pkg in ${cache_dir}/*.${PKG_EXT}; do pkg_file="${pkg##*/}" # If this package no longer exists in the PKGDIR, delete the cache. [ ! -e "${PACKAGES}/All/${pkg_file}" ] && clear_pkg_cache "${pkg}" done return 0 } delete_old_pkg() { [ $# -eq 1 ] || eargs delete_old_pkg pkgname local pkg="$1" local mnt pkgname cached_pkgname local o v v2 compiled_options current_options current_deps compiled_deps pkg_get_origin o "${pkg}" port_is_needed "${o}" || return 0 mnt=$(my_path) if [ ! -d "${mnt}/usr/ports/${o}" ]; then msg "${o} does not exist anymore. Deleting stale ${pkg##*/}" delete_pkg "${pkg}" return 0 fi v="${pkg##*-}" v=${v%.*} cache_get_pkgname cached_pkgname "${o}" v2=${cached_pkgname##*-} if [ "$v" != "$v2" ]; then msg "Deleting ${pkg##*/}: new version: ${v2}" delete_pkg "${pkg}" return 0 fi # Detect ports that have new dependencies that the existing packages # do not have and delete them. if [ "${CHECK_CHANGED_DEPS}" != "no" ]; then current_deps="" liblist="" # FIXME: Move into Infrastructure/scripts and # 'make actual-run-depends-list' after enough testing, # which will avoida all of the injail hacks for td in LIB RUN; do raw_deps=$(injail make -C /usr/ports/${o} -V${td}_DEPENDS) for d in ${raw_deps}; do key=${d%:*} dpath=${d#*:/usr/ports/} case ${td} in LIB) [ -n "${liblist}" ] || liblist=$(injail ldconfig -r | awk '$1 ~ /:-l/ { gsub(/.*-l/, "", $1); printf("%s ",$1) } END { printf("\n") }') case ${key} in lib*) unset found for dir in /lib /usr/lib ; do if injail test -f "${dir}/${key}"; then found=yes break; fi done [ -n "${found}" ] || current_deps="${current_deps} ${dpath}" ;; *.*) case " ${liblist} " in *\ ${key}\ *) ;; *) current_deps="${current_deps} ${dpath}" ;; esac ;; *) unset found for dir in /lib /usr/lib ; do if injail test -f "${dir}/lib${key}.so"; then found=yes break; fi done [ -n "${found}" ] || current_deps="${current_deps} ${dpath}" ;; esac ;; RUN) case $key in /*) [ -e ${mnt}/${key} ] || current_deps="${current_deps} ${dpath}" ;; *) [ -n "$(injail which ${key})" ] || current_deps="${current_deps} ${dpath}" ;; esac ;; esac done done pkg_get_dep_origin compiled_deps "${pkg}" for d in ${current_deps}; do case " $compiled_deps " in *\ $d\ *) ;; *) msg "Deleting ${pkg##*/}: new dependency: ${d}" delete_pkg "${pkg}" return 0 ;; esac done fi # Check if the compiled options match the current options from make.conf and /var/db/ports if [ "${CHECK_CHANGED_OPTIONS}" != "no" ]; then current_options=$(injail make -C /usr/ports/${o} pretty-print-config | \ tr ' ' '\n' | sed -n 's/^\+\(.*\)/\1/p' | sort | tr '\n' ' ') pkg_get_options compiled_options "${pkg}" if [ "${compiled_options}" != "${current_options}" ]; then msg "Deleting ${pkg##*/}: changed options" if [ "${CHECK_CHANGED_OPTIONS}" = "verbose" ]; then msg "Pkg: ${compiled_options}" msg "New: ${current_options}" fi delete_pkg "${pkg}" return 0 fi fi pkgname="${pkg##*/}" # XXX: Check if the pkgname has changed and rename in the repo if [ "${pkgname%-*}" != "${cached_pkgname%-*}" ]; then msg "Deleting ${pkg##*/}: package name changed to '${cached_pkgname%-*}'" delete_pkg "${pkg}" return 0 fi } delete_old_pkgs() { msg_verbose "Checking packages for incremental rebuild needed" package_dir_exists_and_has_packages || return 0 parallel_start for pkg in ${PACKAGES}/All/*.${PKG_EXT}; do parallel_run delete_old_pkg "${pkg}" done parallel_stop } ## Pick the next package from the "ready to build" queue in pool/ ## Then move the package to the "building" dir in building/ ## This is only ran from 1 process next_in_queue() { local var_return="$1" local p _pkgname [ ! -d ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool ] && err 1 "Build pool is missing" p=$(find ${POOL_BUCKET_DIRS} -type d -depth 1 -empty -print -quit || :) if [ -n "$p" ]; then _pkgname=${p##*/} mv ${p} ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/building/${_pkgname} # Update timestamp for buildtime accounting touch ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/building/${_pkgname} fi setvar "${var_return}" "${_pkgname}" } lock_acquire() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs lock_acquire lockname local lockname=$1 while :; do mkdir ${POUDRIERE_DATA}/.lock-${MASTERNAME}-${lockname} 2>/dev/null && break sleep 0.1 done } lock_release() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs lock_release lockname local lockname=$1 rmdir ${POUDRIERE_DATA}/.lock-${MASTERNAME}-${lockname} 2>/dev/null } cache_get_pkgname() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs cache_get_pkgname var_return origin local var_return="$1" local origin=${2%/} local _pkgname="" existing_origin local cache_origin_pkgname=${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/cache/origin-pkgname/${origin%%/*}_${origin##*/} local cache_pkgname_origin [ -f ${cache_origin_pkgname} ] && read _pkgname < ${cache_origin_pkgname} # Add to cache if not found. if [ -z "${_pkgname}" ]; then [ -d "${MASTERMNT}/usr/ports/${origin}" ] || err 1 "Invalid port origin '${origin}' not found." _pkgname=$(injail make -C /usr/ports/${origin} -VPKGNAME || err 1 "Error getting PKGNAME for ${origin}") [ -n "${_pkgname}" ] || err 1 "Missing PKGNAME for ${origin}" # Make sure this origin did not already exist cache_get_origin existing_origin "${_pkgname}" 2>/dev/null || : # It may already exist due to race conditions, it is not harmful. Just ignore. if [ "${existing_origin}" != "${origin}" ]; then [ -n "${existing_origin}" ] && err 1 "Duplicated origin for ${_pkgname}: ${origin} AND ${existing_origin}. Rerun with -vv to see which ports are depending on these." echo "${_pkgname}" > ${cache_origin_pkgname} cache_pkgname_origin="${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/cache/pkgname-origin/${_pkgname}" echo "${origin}" > "${cache_pkgname_origin}" fi fi setvar "${var_return}" "${_pkgname}" } cache_get_origin() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs cache_get_origin var_return pkgname local var_return="$1" local pkgname="$2" local cache_pkgname_origin="${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/cache/pkgname-origin/${pkgname}" local _origin read _origin < "${cache_pkgname_origin%/}" setvar "${var_return}" "${_origin}" } compute_deps() { local port pkgname dep_pkgname msg "Calculating ports order and dependencies" bset status "computingdeps:" :> "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/port_deps.unsorted" :> "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps.unsorted" parallel_start for port in $(listed_ports show_moved); do if [ -d "${MASTERMNT}/usr/ports/${port}" ]; then parallel_run compute_deps_port ${port} else if [ ${ALL} -eq 1 ]; then warn "Invalid port origin listed in category Makefiles: ${port}" else err 1 "Invalid port origin listed for build: ${port}" fi fi done parallel_stop sort -u "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps.unsorted" > \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps" bset status "computingrdeps:" # cd into rdeps to allow xargs mkdir to have more args. cd "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/rdeps" awk '{print $2}' "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps" | sort -u | xargs mkdir # xargs|touch was no quicker here. while read dep_pkgname pkgname; do :> "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/rdeps/${pkgname}/${dep_pkgname}" done < "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps" sort -u "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/port_deps.unsorted" > \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/port_deps" rm -f "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/port_deps.unsorted" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps.unsorted" return 0 } # Take optional pkgname to speedup lookup compute_deps_port() { [ $# -lt 1 ] && eargs compute_deps_port port [ $# -gt 2 ] && eargs compute_deps_port port pkgnme local port=$1 local pkgname="$2" local dep_pkgname dep_port local pkg_pooldir [ -z "${pkgname}" ] && cache_get_pkgname pkgname "${port}" pkg_pooldir="${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps/${pkgname}" mkdir "${pkg_pooldir}" 2>/dev/null || return 0 msg_verbose "Computing deps for ${port}" for dep_port in `list_deps ${port}`; do msg_debug "${port} depends on ${dep_port}" [ "${port}" != "${dep_port}" ] || err 1 "${port} incorrectly depends on itself. Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this." # Detect bad cat/origin/ dependency which pkgng will not register properly [ "${dep_port}" = "${dep_port%/}" ] || err 1 "${port} depends on bad origin '${dep_port}'; Please contact maintainer of the port to fix this." cache_get_pkgname dep_pkgname "${dep_port}" # Only do this if it's not already done, and not ALL, as everything will # be touched anyway [ ${ALL} -eq 0 ] && ! [ -d "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps/${dep_pkgname}" ] && compute_deps_port "${dep_port}" "${dep_pkgname}" :> "${pkg_pooldir}/${dep_pkgname}" echo "${pkgname} ${dep_pkgname}" >> \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps.unsorted" echo "${port} ${dep_port}" >> \ ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/port_deps.unsorted done } listed_ports() { local tell_moved="${1}" if [ ${ALL} -eq 1 ]; then PORTSDIR=$(pget ${PTNAME} mnt) [ -d "${PORTSDIR}/ports" ] && PORTSDIR="${PORTSDIR}/ports" for cat in $(awk '$1 == "SUBDIR" { print $3}' ${PORTSDIR}/Makefile); do awk -v cat=${cat} '$1 == "SUBDIR" { print cat"/"$3}' ${PORTSDIR}/${cat}/Makefile done return 0 fi { # -f specified if [ -z "${LISTPORTS}" ]; then [ -n "${LISTPKGS}" ] && grep -h -v -E \ '(^[[:space:]]*#|^[[:space:]]*$)' ${LISTPKGS} | sed 's,/*$,,' else # Ports specified on cmdline echo ${LISTPORTS} | tr ' ' '\n' | sed 's,/*$,,' fi } | while read origin; do if check_moved new_origin ${origin}; then [ -n "${tell_moved}" ] && msg \ "MOVED: ${origin} renamed to ${new_origin}" >&2 origin=${new_origin} fi echo "${origin}" done } # Port was requested to be built port_is_listed() { [ $# -eq 1 ] || eargs port_is_listed origin local origin="$1" if [ ${ALL} -eq 1 -o ${PORTTESTING_RECURSIVE} -eq 1 ]; then return 0 fi listed_ports | grep -q "^${origin}\$" && return 0 return 1 } # Port was requested to be built, or is needed by a port requested to be built port_is_needed() { [ $# -eq 1 ] || eargs port_is_needed origin local origin="$1" [ ${ALL} -eq 1 ] && return 0 awk -vorigin="${origin}" ' $1 == origin || $2 == origin { found=1; exit 0 } END { if (found != 1) exit 1 }' "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/port_deps" } get_porttesting() { [ $# -eq 1 ] || eargs get_porttesting pkgname local pkgname="$1" local porttesting local origin if [ -n "${PORTTESTING}" ]; then cache_get_origin origin "${pkgname}" if port_is_listed "${origin}"; then porttesting=1 fi fi echo $porttesting } find_all_pool_references() { [ $# -ne 1 ] && eargs find_all_pool_references pkgname local pkgname="$1" local rpn dep_pkgname # Cleanup rdeps/*/${pkgname} for rpn in ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps/${pkgname}/*; do case "${rpn}" in "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps/${pkgname}/*") break ;; esac dep_pkgname=${rpn##*/} echo "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/rdeps/${dep_pkgname}/${pkgname}" done echo "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps/${pkgname}" # Cleanup deps/*/${pkgname} for rpn in ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/rdeps/${pkgname}/*; do case "${rpn}" in "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/rdeps/${pkgname}/*") break ;; esac dep_pkgname=${rpn##*/} echo "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps/${dep_pkgname}/${pkgname}" done echo "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/rdeps/${pkgname}" } delete_stale_symlinks_and_empty_dirs() { msg "Deleting stale symlinks" find -L ${PACKAGES} -type l \ -exec rm -f {} + msg "Deleting empty directories" find ${PACKAGES} -type d -mindepth 1 \ -empty -delete } load_moved() { msg "Loading MOVED" bset status "loading_moved:" mkdir ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/MOVED grep -v '^#' ${MASTERMNT}/usr/ports/MOVED | awk \ -F\| ' $2 != "" { sub("/", "_", $1); print $1,$2; }' | while read old_origin new_origin; do echo ${new_origin} > \ ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/MOVED/${old_origin} done } check_moved() { [ $# -lt 2 ] && eargs check_moved var_return origin local var_return="$1" local origin="$2" local _new_origin _gsub ${origin} "/" "_" [ -f "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/MOVED/${_gsub}" ] && read _new_origin < "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/MOVED/${_gsub}" setvar "${var_return}" "${_new_origin}" # Return 0 if blank [ -n "${_new_origin}" ] } prepare_ports() { local pkg local log=$(log_path) local n pn nbq resuming_build local cache_dir mkdir -p "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere" [ ${TMPFS_DATA} -eq 1 -o ${TMPFS_ALL} -eq 1 ] && mnt_tmpfs data "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere" rm -rf "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/cache/origin-pkgname" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/cache/pkgname-origin" 2>/dev/null || : mkdir -p "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/building" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool/unbalanced" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/rdeps" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/cleaning/deps" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/cleaning/rdeps" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/run" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/cache" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/cache/origin-pkgname" \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/var/cache/pkgname-origin" if was_a_bulk_run; then get_cache_dir cache_dir mkdir -p ${log}/../../latest-per-pkg ${log}/../latest-per-pkg mkdir -p ${log}/logs ${log}/logs/errors ${log}/assets mkdir -p ${cache_dir} ln -sfh ${BUILDNAME} ${log%/*}/latest cp ${HTMLPREFIX}/index.html ${log} cp -R ${HTMLPREFIX}/assets/ ${log}/assets/ # Record the SVN URL@REV in the build [ -d ${MASTERMNT}/usr/ports/.svn ] && bset svn_url $( ${SVN_CMD} info ${MASTERMNT}/usr/ports | awk ' /^URL: / {URL=substr($0, 6)} /Revision: / {REVISION=substr($0, 11)} END { print URL "@" REVISION } ') bset mastername "${MASTERNAME}" bset jailname "${JAILNAME}" bset setname "${SETNAME}" bset ptname "${PTNAME}" bset buildname "${BUILDNAME}" fi load_moved compute_deps bset status "sanity:" if [ -f ${PACKAGES}/.jailversion ]; then if [ "$(cat ${PACKAGES}/.jailversion)" != \ "$(jget ${JAILNAME} version)" ]; then JAIL_NEEDS_CLEAN=1 fi fi if was_a_bulk_run; then [ ${JAIL_NEEDS_CLEAN} -eq 1 ] && msg_n "Cleaning all packages due to newer version of the jail..." [ ${CLEAN} -eq 1 ] && msg_n "(-c): Cleaning all packages..." if [ ${JAIL_NEEDS_CLEAN} -eq 1 ] || [ ${CLEAN} -eq 1 ]; then rm -rf ${PACKAGES}/* rm -rf ${POUDRIERE_DATA}/cache/${MASTERNAME} echo " done" fi if [ ${CLEAN_LISTED} -eq 1 ]; then msg "(-C) Cleaning specified ports to build" listed_ports | while read port; do cache_get_pkgname pkgname "${port}" pkg="${PACKAGES}/All/${pkgname}.${PKG_EXT}" if [ -f "${pkg}" ]; then msg "(-C) Deleting existing package: ${pkg##*/}" delete_pkg "${pkg}" fi done fi # If the build dir already exists, it is being resumed and any # packages already built/failed/skipped/ignored should not # be rebuilt if [ -e ${log}/.poudriere.ports.built ]; then resuming_build=1 awk '{print $2}' \ ${log}/.poudriere.ports.built \ ${log}/.poudriere.ports.failed \ ${log}/.poudriere.ports.ignored \ ${log}/.poudriere.ports.skipped | \ while read pn; do find_all_pool_references "${pn}" done | xargs rm -rf else # New build resuming_build=0 bset stats_queued 0 bset stats_built 0 bset stats_failed 0 bset stats_ignored 0 bset stats_skipped 0 :> ${log}/.data.json :> ${log}/.data.mini.json :> ${log}/.poudriere.ports.built :> ${log}/.poudriere.ports.failed :> ${log}/.poudriere.ports.ignored :> ${log}/.poudriere.ports.skipped fi fi if ! ensure_pkg_installed && [ ${SKIPSANITY} -eq 0 ]; then msg "pkg package missing, skipping sanity" SKIPSANITY=1 fi if [ $SKIPSANITY -eq 0 ]; then msg "Sanity checking the repository" for n in repo.txz digests.txz packagesite.txz; do pkg="${PACKAGES}/All/${n}" if [ -f "${pkg}" ]; then msg "Removing invalid pkg repo file: ${pkg}" rm -f "${pkg}" fi done delete_stale_pkg_cache # Skip incremental build for pkgclean if was_a_bulk_run; then delete_old_pkgs msg_verbose "Checking packages for missing dependencies" while :; do sanity_check_pkgs && break done delete_stale_symlinks_and_empty_dirs fi fi bset status "cleaning:" msg "Cleaning the build queue" export LOCALBASE=${LOCALBASE:-/usr/local} for pn in $(ls ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps/); do if [ -f "${MASTERMNT}/packages/All/${pn}.${PKG_EXT}" ]; then find_all_pool_references "${pn}" fi done | xargs rm -rf # Call the deadlock code as non-fatal which will check for cycles deadlock_detected 0 if was_a_bulk_run && [ $resuming_build -eq 0 ]; then nbq=0 nbq=$(find ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps -type d -depth 1 | wc -l) # Add 1 for the main port to test [ "${0##*/}" = "testport.sh" ] && nbq=$((${nbq} + 1)) bset stats_queued ${nbq##* } fi # Create a pool of ready-to-build from the deps pool find "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/deps" -type d -empty -depth 1 | \ xargs -J % mv % "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool/unbalanced" load_priorities balance_pool [ -n "${ALLOW_MAKE_JOBS}" ] || echo "DISABLE_MAKE_JOBS=poudriere" \ >> ${MASTERMNT}/etc/make.conf jget ${JAILNAME} version > ${PACKAGES}/.jailversion return 0 } load_priorities() { local priority pkgname pkg_boost boosted origin local - # Keep set -f local POOL_BUCKET_DIRS="" if [ ${POOL_BUCKETS} -gt 0 ]; then tsort -D "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps" > \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps.depth" # Create buckets to satisfy the dependency chains, in reverse # order. Not counting here as there may be boosted priorities # at 99 or other high values. POOL_BUCKET_DIRS=$(awk '{print $1}' \ "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps.depth"|sort -run) # If there are no buckets then everything to build will fall # into 0 as they depend on nothing and nothing depends on them. # I.e., pkg-devel in -ac or testport on something with no deps # needed. [ -z "${POOL_BUCKET_DIRS}" ] && POOL_BUCKET_DIRS="0" else POOL_BUCKET_DIRS="unbalanced" fi set -f # for PRIORITY_BOOST boosted=0 while read priority pkgname; do # Does this pkg have an override? for pkg_boost in ${PRIORITY_BOOST}; do case ${pkgname%-*} in ${pkg_boost}) cache_get_origin origin "${pkgname}" msg "Boosting priority: ${origin}" priority=99 boosted=1 break ;; esac done hash_set "priority" "${pkgname}" ${priority} done < "${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg_deps.depth" # Add 99 into the pool if needed. [ ${boosted} -eq 1 ] && POOL_BUCKET_DIRS="99 ${POOL_BUCKET_DIRS}" # Create buckets after loading priorities in case of boosts. ( cd ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool && mkdir ${POOL_BUCKET_DIRS} ) return 0 } balance_pool() { # Don't bother if disabled [ ${POOL_BUCKETS} -gt 0 ] || return 0 local pkgname pkg_dir dep_count lock # Avoid running this in parallel, no need lock=${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/.lock-balance_pool mkdir ${lock} 2>/dev/null || return 0 if dirempty ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool/unbalanced; then rmdir ${lock} return 0 fi if [ -n "${MY_JOBID}" ]; then bset ${MY_JOBID} status "balancing_pool:" else bset status "balancing_pool:" fi # For everything ready-to-build... for pkg_dir in ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool/unbalanced/*; do pkgname=${pkg_dir##*/} hash_get dep_count "priority" "${pkgname}" || dep_count=0 mv ${pkg_dir} ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pool/${dep_count}/ done rmdir ${lock} } append_make() { [ $# -ne 2 ] && eargs append_make src_makeconf dst_makeconf local src_makeconf=$1 local dst_makeconf=$2 if [ "${src_makeconf}" = "-" ]; then src_makeconf="${POUDRIERED}/make.conf" else src_makeconf="${POUDRIERED}/${src_makeconf}-make.conf" fi [ -f "${src_makeconf}" ] || return 0 src_makeconf="$(realpath ${src_makeconf} 2>/dev/null)" msg "Appending to make.conf: ${src_makeconf}" echo "#### ${src_makeconf} ####" >> ${dst_makeconf} cat "${src_makeconf}" >> ${dst_makeconf} } read_packages_from_params() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then [ -n "${LISTPKGS}" -o ${ALL} -eq 1 ] || err 1 "No packages specified" if [ ${ALL} -eq 0 ]; then for listpkg_name in ${LISTPKGS}; do [ -f "${listpkg_name}" ] || err 1 "No such list of packages: ${listpkg_name}" done fi else [ ${ALL} -eq 0 ] || err 1 "command line arguments and -a cannot be used at the same time" [ -z "${LISTPKGS}" ] || err 1 "command line arguments and list of ports cannot be used at the same time" LISTPORTS="$@" fi } clean_restricted() { msg "Cleaning restricted packages" bset status "clean_restricted:" # Remount rw # mount_nullfs does not support mount -u umount -f ${MASTERMNT}/packages mount_packages injail make -C /usr/ports -j ${PARALLEL_JOBS} clean-restricted >/dev/null # For pkg_install remove packages that have lost one of their dependency if [ ${PKGNG} -eq 0 ]; then msg_verbose "Checking packages for missing dependencies" while :; do sanity_check_pkgs && break done delete_stale_symlinks_and_empty_dirs fi # Remount ro umount -f ${MASTERMNT}/packages mount_packages -o ro } build_repo() { local origin if [ $PKGNG -eq 1 ]; then msg "Creating pkgng repository" bset status "pkgrepo:" ensure_pkg_installed mkdir -p ${MASTERMNT}/tmp/packages if [ -f "${PKG_REPO_SIGNING_KEY:-/nonexistent}" ]; then install -m 0400 ${PKG_REPO_SIGNING_KEY} \ ${MASTERMNT}/tmp/repo.key injail /poudriere/pkg-static repo -o /tmp/packages \ /packages /tmp/repo.key rm -f ${MASTERMNT}/tmp/repo.key elif [ "${PKG_REPO_FROM_HOST:-no}" = "yes" ]; then # Sometimes building repo from host is needed if # using SSH with DNSSEC as older hosts don't support # it. ${MASTERMNT}/poudriere/pkg-static repo \ -o ${MASTERMNT}/tmp/packages ${MASTERMNT}/packages \ ${SIGNING_COMMAND:+signing_command: ${SIGNING_COMMAND}} else JNETNAME="n" injail /poudriere/pkg-static repo -o /tmp/packages \ /packages \ ${SIGNING_COMMAND:+signing_command: ${SIGNING_COMMAND}} fi cp ${MASTERMNT}/tmp/packages/* ${PACKAGES}/ else msg "Preparing INDEX" bset status "index:" OSMAJ=`injail uname -r | awk -F. '{ print $1 }'` INDEXF=${PACKAGES}/INDEX-${OSMAJ} rm -f ${INDEXF}.1 2>/dev/null || : injail env INDEX_JOBS=${PARALLEL_JOBS} INDEXDIR=/ make -C /usr/ports index awk -F\| -v pkgdir=${PACKAGES} \ '{ if (system( "[ -f ${PACKAGES}/All/"$1".tbz ] " ) == 0) { print $0 } }' \ ${MASTERMNT}/INDEX-${OSMAJ} > ${INDEXF} [ -f ${INDEXF}.bz2 ] && rm ${INDEXF}.bz2 msg_n "Compressing INDEX-${OSMAJ}..." bzip2 -9 ${INDEXF} echo " done" fi } RESOLV_CONF="" STATUS=0 # out of jail # [ -z "${POUDRIERE_ETC}" ] && POUDRIERE_ETC=$(realpath ${SCRIPTPREFIX}/../../etc) [ -f ${POUDRIERE_ETC}/poudriere.conf ] || err 1 "Unable to find ${POUDRIERE_ETC}/poudriere.conf" . ${POUDRIERE_ETC}/poudriere.conf POUDRIERED=${POUDRIERE_ETC}/poudriere.d LIBEXECPREFIX=$(realpath ${SCRIPTPREFIX}/../../libexec/poudriere) AWKPREFIX=${SCRIPTPREFIX}/awk HTMLPREFIX=${SCRIPTPREFIX}/html HOOKDIR=${POUDRIERED}/hooks PATH="${LIBEXECPREFIX}:${PATH}:/sbin:/usr/sbin" # If the zfs module is not loaded it means we can't have zfs [ -z "${NO_ZFS}" ] && lsvfs zfs >/dev/null 2>&1 || NO_ZFS=yes # Short circuit to prevent running zpool(1) and loading zfs.ko [ -z "${NO_ZFS}" ] && [ -z "$(zpool list -H -o name 2>/dev/null)" ] && NO_ZFS=yes [ -z "${NO_ZFS}" -a -z ${ZPOOL} ] && err 1 "ZPOOL variable is not set" [ -z ${BASEFS} ] && err 1 "Please provide a BASEFS variable in your poudriere.conf" trap sigint_handler SIGINT trap sigterm_handler SIGTERM trap sig_handler SIGKILL trap exit_handler EXIT trap siginfo_handler SIGINFO # Test if zpool exists if [ -z "${NO_ZFS}" ]; then zpool list ${ZPOOL} >/dev/null 2>&1 || err 1 "No such zpool: ${ZPOOL}" fi : ${SVN_HOST="svn0.us-west.freebsd.org"} : ${GIT_URL="git://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports.git"} : ${FREEBSD_HOST="http://ftp.FreeBSD.org"} if [ -z "${NO_ZFS}" ]; then : ${ZROOTFS="/poudriere"} case ${ZROOTFS} in [!/]*) err 1 "ZROOTFS shoud start with a /" ;; esac fi HOST_OSVERSION="$(sysctl -n kern.osreldate)" if [ -z "${NO_ZFS}" -a -z "${ZFS_DEADLOCK_IGNORED}" ]; then [ ${HOST_OSVERSION} -gt 900000 -a \ ${HOST_OSVERSION} -le 901502 ] && err 1 \ "FreeBSD 9.1 ZFS is not safe. It is known to deadlock and cause system hang. Either upgrade the host or set ZFS_DEADLOCK_IGNORED=yes in poudriere.conf" fi [ -n "${MFSSIZE}" -a -n "${USE_TMPFS}" ] && err 1 "You can't use both tmpfs and mdmfs" for val in ${USE_TMPFS}; do case ${val} in wrkdir|yes) TMPFS_WRKDIR=1 ;; data) TMPFS_DATA=1 ;; all) TMPFS_ALL=1 ;; localbase) TMPFS_LOCALBASE=1 ;; *) err 1 "Unknown value for USE_TMPFS can be a combination of wrkdir,data,all,yes,localbase" ;; esac done case ${TMPFS_WRKDIR}${TMPFS_DATA}${TMPFS_LOCALBASE}${TMPFS_ALL} in 1**1|*1*1|**11) TMPFS_WRKDIR=0 TMPFS_DATA=0 TMPFS_LOCALBASE=0 ;; esac POUDRIERE_DATA=`get_data_dir` : ${WRKDIR_ARCHIVE_FORMAT="tbz"} case "${WRKDIR_ARCHIVE_FORMAT}" in tar|tgz|tbz|txz);; *) err 1 "invalid format for WRKDIR_ARCHIVE_FORMAT: ${WRKDIR_ARCHIVE_FORMAT}" ;; esac #Converting portstree if any if [ ! -d ${POUDRIERED}/ports ]; then mkdir -p ${POUDRIERED}/ports [ -z "${NO_ZFS}" ] && zfs list -t filesystem -H \ -o ${NS}:type,${NS}:name,${NS}:method,mountpoint,name | \ grep "^ports" | \ while read t name method mnt fs; do msg "Converting the ${name} ports tree" pset ${name} method ${method} pset ${name} mnt ${mnt} pset ${name} fs ${fs} # Delete the old properties zfs inherit -r ${NS}:type ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:name ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:method ${fs} done if [ -f ${POUDRIERED}/portstrees ]; then while read name method mnt; do [ -z "${name###*}" ] && continue # Skip comments msg "Converting the ${name} ports tree" mkdir ${POUDRIERED}/ports/${name} echo ${method} > ${POUDRIERED}/ports/${name}/method echo ${mnt} > ${POUDRIERED}/ports/${name}/mnt done < ${POUDRIERED}/portstrees rm -f ${POUDRIERED}/portstrees fi fi #Converting jails if any if [ ! -d ${POUDRIERED}/jails ]; then mkdir -p ${POUDRIERED}/jails [ -z "${NO_ZFS}" ] && zfs list -t filesystem -H \ -o ${NS}:type,${NS}:name,${NS}:version,${NS}:arch,${NS}:method,mountpoint,name | \ grep "^rootfs" | \ while read t name version arch method mnt fs; do msg "Converting the ${name} jail" jset ${name} version ${version} jset ${name} arch ${arch} jset ${name} method ${method} jset ${name} mnt ${mnt} jset ${name} fs ${fs} # Delete the old properties zfs inherit -r ${NS}:type ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:name ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:method ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:version ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:arch ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:stats_built ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:stats_failed ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:stats_skipped ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:stats_ignored ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:stats_queued ${fs} zfs inherit -r ${NS}:status ${fs} done fi : ${LOIP6:=::1} : ${LOIP4:=} case $IPS in 01) localipargs="ip6.addr=${LOIP6}" ipargs="ip6=inherit" ;; 10) localipargs="ip4.addr=${LOIP4}" ipargs="ip4=inherit" ;; 11) localipargs="ip4.addr=${LOIP4} ip6.addr=${LOIP6}" ipargs="ip4=inherit ip6=inherit" ;; esac case ${PARALLEL_JOBS} in ''|*[!0-9]*) PARALLEL_JOBS=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) ;; esac case ${POOL_BUCKETS} in ''|*[!0-9]*) # 1 will auto determine proper size, 0 disables. POOL_BUCKETS=1 ;; esac if [ "${PRESERVE_TIMESTAMP:-no}" = "yes" ]; then SVN_PRESERVE_TIMESTAMP="--config-option config:miscellany:use-commit-times=yes" fi : ${WATCHDIR:=${POUDRIERE_DATA}/queue} : ${PIDFILE:=${POUDRIERE_DATA}/daemon.pid} : ${QUEUE_SOCKET:=/var/run/poudriered.sock} : ${PORTBUILD_USER:=nobody} : ${BUILD_AS_NON_ROOT:=no} : ${SVN_CMD:=$(which svn 2>/dev/null || which svnlite 2>/dev/null)} # 24 hours for 1 command : ${MAX_EXECUTION_TIME:=86400} # 120 minutes with no log update : ${NOHANG_TIME:=7200} : ${PATCHED_FS_KERNEL:=no} : ${ALL:=0} : ${CLEAN:=0} : ${CLEAN_LISTED:=0} : ${JAIL_NEEDS_CLEAN:=0} : ${VERBOSE:=0} : ${PORTTESTING_FATAL:=yes} : ${PORTTESTING_RECURSIVE:=0} : ${RESTRICT_NETWORKING:=yes} # - must be last : ${HASH_VAR_NAME_SUB_GLOB:="[/.+,-]"} # Be sure to update poudriere.conf to document the default when changing these : ${MAX_EXECUTION_TIME:=86400} # 24 hours for 1 command : ${NOHANG_TIME:=7200} # 120 minutes with no log update : ${TIMESTAMP_LOGS:=no} : ${ATOMIC_PACKAGE_REPOSITORY:=yes} : ${KEEP_OLD_PACKAGES:=no} : ${KEEP_OLD_PACKAGES_COUNT:=5} : ${COMMIT_PACKAGES_ON_FAILURE:=yes} : ${SAVE_WRKDIR:=no} : ${TRACK_BUILDTIMES:=no} : ${CHECK_CHANGED_DEPS:=yes} : ${CHECK_CHANGED_OPTIONS:=verbose} : ${NO_RESTRICTED:=no} : ${BUILDNAME:=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss)} [ -d ${WATCHDIR} ] || mkdir -p ${WATCHDIR} . $(dirname ${0})/include/parallel.sh . $(dirname ${0})/include/hash.sh . $(dirname ${0})/include/fs.sh