# Alpha-Church TODO ## Soon - [x] Fix the landing page which breaks when using Adblock Plus in Safari. The problem is somehow related to the OpenStreetMap being loaded through leafletjs. - Possible solution - create option to use Google Maps or OSM. - [x] Look at [BLB Plugin](https://www.blueletterbible.org/webtools/BLB_ScriptTagger.cfm) for bible popups since reftagger is blocked by [adblock plus](https://community.logos.com/forums/p/139517/890932.aspx) which causes strange behaviour of index.html. - [x] Bible Verse popups using [bib.ly](//bib.ly) or [reftagger](//reftagger.com). - Went with reftagger because it worked straight away. Bib.ly was causing some CSS issues. - [x] Setting in config.toml - [x] Javascript ## Dreams - [ ] Break up home page (index.html) into widgets - [x] Look at [audio.js](https://kolber.github.io/audiojs/) or [Plyr](https://plyr.io/) for sermon podcast player. - [ ] Allow the map shortcode to display other locations by passing lat/long parameters