# Kiera Theme for Hugo Kiera is the theme specialized in presenting writing layout like long essay or technical writing. It was originally developed by [b. avianto](https://github.com/avianto/hugo-kiera) and now maintained by [funkydan2](//github.com/funkydan2/) ![Screenshot](https://github.com/funkydan2/hugo-kiera/raw/master/images/screenshot.png) - [Kiera Theme for Hugo](#kiera-theme-for-hugo) - [Main Features](#main-features) - [Demo](#demo) - [Installation](#installation) - [Update the theme](#update-the-theme) - [git submodule method](#git-submodule-method) - [independent directory method](#independent-directory-method) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Menus](#menus) - [Categories & Tags](#categories--tags) - [Images](#images) - [Code highlight](#code-highlight) - [Font Awesome icons](#font-awesome-icons) - [Mathematics](#mathematics) - [Commenting](#static-commenting) - [Support and Pull Requests](#support-and-pull-requests) ## Main Features - Simple, 'no-nonsense' styling. - 4 image placements with `figure` support using shortcodes. - (Optional) Feature images for posts and twiter cards. - Excellent code highlight support thanks to Hugo Chroma. - Use Font Awesome for icons. - Utilize normalize.css for consistent styling (Cloudflare CDN). - Use Google Fonts: Ruda (serif) and Roboto Slab (sans-serif). - [Disqus](https://disqus.com) or [Utterances](https://utteranc.es) comments loaded on demand. - Supports downloading extra [Google Fonts](https://fonts.google.com/). ## Demo Live demo: [https://themes.gohugo.io/themes/hugo-kiera/](https://themes.gohugo.io/themes/hugo-kiera/) ## Installation Change into Hugo directory then: ```console $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/funkydan2/hugo-kiera.git hugo-kiera ``` More detailed instruction at [Hugo Docs](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/). Using `git submodule` is recommended instead of `git clone` as per recommendation from [Netlify](https://gohugo.io/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-netlify/#use-hugo-themes-with-netlify). ```console $ cd /path/to/the/root/of/your/project/themes $ git submodule add https://github.com/funkydan2/hugo-kiera.git ``` ## Update the theme ### git submodule method Use `git` to merge latest commits into your project by running: ```bash $ cd /path/to/the/root/of/your/project/ $ git submodule update --rebase --remote ``` ### independent directory method Delete the directory corresponding to the theme and download the latest version of the theme by cloning the repo: ```bash $ cd /path/to/the/root/of/your/project/ $ rm -rf themes/hugo-kiera/ $ git clone https://github.com/funkydan2/hugo-kiera.git themes/hugo-kiera/ ``` ## Configuration For reference look inside folder `exampleSite` for content example and `config.toml`. *Important*: don't delete or move `archetypes` folder from root unless it is necessary. Current Hugo priority lookup will look into this folder first before any other `archetypes` folder and could cause problem. Recommended optional `config.toml`: ```toml pygmentsCodeFences = true disqusShortname = "" #Disqus shortname googleAnalytics = "" #Google Analytics ID [author] name = "" #Author name github = "" #Github username gitlab = "" #Gitlab username linkedin = "" #LinkedIn username facebook = "" #Facebook username twitter = "" #Twitter username instagram = "" #Instagram username stackoverflow = "" #StackOverflow username devto = "" #Dev.to username [params] tagline = "the tagline for this website" customCSS = [] #Optional Customised CSS disableDarkModeCSS = false # disables css style for users using dark-mode ``` ### Menus To add non-posts related page (eq. About page) to the main menu, adding these lines to the page [front matter](https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/): TOML: ```toml menu = "main" meta = "false" ``` YAML: ```yml menu: "main" meta: "false" ``` `meta` refers to time, categories, tags and reading time which are not necessary for this kind of page. For posts listing page, add `_index.md` file inside `content\posts` folder with these front matter: TOML: ```toml title = "Posts" menu = "main" weight = "10" ``` YAML: ```yml title : "Posts" menu : "main" weight : "10" ``` Following menus are available: * `main`, displayed in the navigation bar at the top of the page * `footer`, displayed on the lower right, in the footer ### Categories & Tags Pages can include both, either, or neither *Categories* or *Tags*. To link to tags use the url `/tags/` (e.g. `https://example.com/tags/`) and `/categories/` for categories. ### Images #### Site header A side header can be added in `config.toml`. ``` site_logo = "/link/to/image" ``` It is possible to use full width image as well, using either `/link/to/image#full` (which will affect only this image and not the featured images for posts which may override the site header image) or `site_logo_classes = "full-image"` in `config.toml` (which will affect all header images, even if a featured image of a post overrides the site logo). #### Featured images for posts A featured image for a post which will be shown in list overviews and at the top of the post page can be added in the frontmatter. ``` images: ["/link/to/image"] ``` Here, too, it is possible to display the image in full width appending `#full` or `#float` to the URL (see below). Featured images can override the site logo on the post page, using `replace_site_logo: false` in the frontmatter. #### Images in text Kiera supports adding image as `img` tag with standard Markdown: `![Image Title](link/to/image)` to wrap it with `figure` use: `{{< figure src="/link/to/image" >}}` The basic placement is 100% width within content and scaled accordingly in smaller screen. Recommended width for image is 600 pixels minimum. Kiera supports different placement by adding: - For `img`, use `![Image Title](link/to/image#placement)` - For `figure`, use `{{< figure src="/link/to/image" class="placement" >}}` There are 4 configured placements - `#full` or `class="full"` for full width. ![full](images/screenshots/full-image.png) - `#mid` or `class="mid"` for middle: ![float-mid](images/screenshots/mid.png) - `#float` or `class="float"` for float left: ![float-left](images/screenshots/float-left.png) - `#float-right` or `class="float-right"` for float right: ![float-right](images/screenshots/float-right.png) ### Code highlight Using fenced code with Chroma support. ### Font Awesome icons For usage, refer to [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/). ### Mathematics Set `Params.mathjax` to true to enable support of mathematics display using [MathJax](https://mathjax.org/). Math should be, by default, surrounded by dollar signs and produced using LaTeX syntax. Options may be overriden using `static/js/mathjax-config.js`. ### Static Commenting [Disqus](https://disqus.com/) comments are loaded on demand, by clicking the View Comments button. Disqus comments can be automatically loaded and displayed by setting `CommentAutoload = true` in `config.toml`. [Utterances](https://utteranc.es), a Git based comment system, is also available. Utterance comments are loaded and displayed by default. Comments can be disabled for a single page by setting `disableComments = true` in the page frontmatter. ### Last Modified Date If the `lastmod` option is set on a page/post, either manually or because `enableGitInfo` is set to true, a line including the page's last modification will be shown after the post date. ## Support and Pull Requests Please use GitHub issues to file bugs. If you can help fixing bugs, optimize the theme or adding features, please do pull requests, I really love to see what others can come up with.