baseurl = "" languageCode = "en_US" title = "Hugo Tikva Theme" theme = "hugo-tikva" # Language setting of the site, for language configuration see # # There are only a few strings which need to be translated, feel free to add more # languages. DefaultContentLanguage = "en" # current values: "en" or "de" # To enable a demo of pagination, this value is set to 2 instead of the default. See # for all site variables. The paginate default is 10 paginate = 2 # Google Analytics setting, see Hugo internal templates #googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45" # For all color settings, please use the format "#rrggbb". # Generic parameters [params] appendSiteTitle = true # Append site title to title tag on every page. Default false #favicon = 'img/favicon.ico' # Add favicon, default empty subtitle = "Example of Subtitle" dateFormat = "02.01.2006" # Format dates with Go's time formatting showDate = true # true|false: Show date on summaries. This is a global setting. If the date should be shown, you have to add a "date" parameter to the content files, otherwise the default value will be used, which is something you don't want. showNumberOfWords = false # true|false: Show number of word on article header of single content page hideMeta = false # Hide meta information on single pages # Navigation bar settings [params.navbar] style = "header" # Navigation bar style, values "fixed-top" or "header", default is fixed-top colorScheme = "navbar-dark" # navbar-light, navbar-dark bgScheme = "bg-primary" # see Bootstrap docs, bg.* utilities backgroundColor = '' # custom background color parameters, e.g. #e3f2fd !important, If color is set, it will be used for background. Set empty for above selection. adjustHeader = 20 # Adjust header by adding a distance between navigation and content. Some of the styles need more space, so you can use this option to adjust. Use an integer value of pixels. textAlignment = '' # don't set or leave empty for default (left), or justify-content-end, justify-content-center #brandImage = 'img/rg_mod_20.png' # The "brand image" will be set in "fixed-top" style as icon beside the site title. # Meta header parameter settings # You can add as many rows as you want, every row defines a meta tag with its key and value. # The content will be included in the head of the site as: . [params.meta] description = "This is only an example value for the meta description" keywords = "example, site, theme, tikva" author = "John Doe" "DC.Copyright" = "Karl Mustermann" # Theme configuration [params.theme] bootstrapTheme = 'solar' # Use empty value for default Bootstrap color scheme or one of the following values: # bolt, bstrap, btcn, calabaza, cerulean, cosmo, cyborg, darkly, flatly, hoff, journal, # kdo_flatly, kdo2, kunsch, lumen, lux, malibu, materia, minim, minty, pulse, sandstone, # signa, simplex, sketchy, slate_accessibility_ready, slate, solar, sonic, spacelab, united, yeti backgroundColor = '' # If color is set, it will be used for background. Set empty for default. backgroundImage = '' # Set background image, use file name with path in static folder, e.g. 'img/background.jpg' backgroundImageRepeat = '' # Set background image repeat option, see # Header configuration [params.theme.header] # The following options are mostly used when the navbar is in "header" mode, i.e. not fixed-top fontColor = '' # header font color, leave empty for default linkColor = '' # header link color, leave empty for default backgroundColor = '' # header background color, leave empty for default image = 'img/header_bg_example.jpg' # Use header image. This option is only valid if the theme is configured to the "header" style. # width and height settings are not used anymore #width = 2512 # Width of header image. Please set this value to the correct size, because it will be used for size calculation. #height = 673 # Height of header image. Please set this value to the correct size, because it will be used for size calculation. altText = 'alt text for header image' # Set alt text for header image, default empty displayHeaderText = true # display the title and subtitle - yes or no? titleOnImage = true # true|false, default false. Display title and subtitle as overlay in the foreground of the image. It is only possible to set the title as image overlay if an image is available. If no image is configured, the theme will do a fallback to non-overlay, i.e. title and subtitle will be displayed above the main navigation. fontColorTitle = '#073642' # For all colors, please use #rrggbb format with # and 6 characters fontColorSubtitle = '#333333' overlayAlignment = 'lt' # lt = left/top, mt = middle/top, rt = right/top, lb = left/bottom, mb = middle/bottom, rb = right/bottom overlayDistanceVertical = '20' # Dependent on the overlayAlignment option, this option is used to modify the vertical distance between the margin and the title/subtitle. This allows to place the title and subtitle on nearly any place related to the header image. overlayDistanceHorizontal = '20' # The same as above, but for horizontal distance. overlayDistanceBetween = '0' # Distance between title and subtitle overlayBackgroundColor = '#000000' overlayTransparency = '0' # default 70%, allowed values from 0 - 100 (without % sign!). This option enables a transparent background of title and subtitle. This is useful if the "titleOnImage" option is true, so the title is placed as overlay above the image. If this option is set to 0 or an empty value, the transparency color setting will be disabled. moveTitle = false # If title is placed as overlay: Move title above the header image on small smartphone displays, default false # Footer configuration # To create a footer, create a directory "sections/footer" into your project’s content directory. # Then add some content files (.md or .html) to the footer folder AND create an file with the Front Matter setting # headless: true # Without the "headless" setting the sidebar will not be displayed! # See # You can modify the style with a partial "footer_column.html", see example in "layouts/partials/". # If you don't have content files in the footer area, the demo texts from below will be shown. If you don't want this, please delete # the [[params.theme.footer.demoColumn]] entries or just disable the footer by setting enabled = false. [params.theme.footer] enabled = true # Show the footer part #numberColumns = 3 # Set number of columns available in footer of a page. Use the "footer" folder in the page structure to add content. If nothing is set, the default number is 3. Currently.i.e. since v0.2 not used, the number of columns is identical to the number of files in footer directory. fontColor = '#f9fcf9' # set #rgb code, leave empty for default linkColor = '' # Set color of links as #rrggbb code, leave empty for default backgroundColor = '#29281f' # Set color of background as #rrggbb code, leave empty for default [[params.theme.footer.demoColumn]] text = 'This is a placeholder for a content file of the footer. You can use Markdown or HTML here. Just place your content files into a folder "sections/footer" in your content directory, make the page bundle "headless" and enable the footer in the site config file.' [[params.theme.footer.demoColumn]] text = 'More footer content.' [[params.theme.footer.demoColumn]] text = 'To change this, please have a look at the and the comments of the footer section in the config.toml file.' # Subfooter configuration # To create a subfooter, create a directory "sections/subfooter" into your project’s content directory. # Then add some content files (.md or .html) to the subfooter folder AND create an file with the Front Matter setting # headless: true # Without the "headless" setting the sidebar will not be displayed! # See # You can modify the style with a partial "subfooter_item.html", see example in "layouts/partials/". [params.theme.subfooter] enabled = true # Show the content below the footer fontColor = '' # Text color in subfooter. Leave empty to use the theme default. linkColor = '' # Link color in subfooter. Leave empty to use the theme default. backgroundColor = '' # Background color of subfooter. Leave empty to use the theme default. demoContent = 'Powered by Hugo. Theme Tikva by Ralf Geschke. As you can see, this text is only an example of the area below the footer. To change this, please have a look at the included example site and the section "Subfooter configuration" in the config.toml file. ' # Font configuration # In this section it is possible to modify the font settings of title, subtitle, navigation bar, body (i.e. the default text used in the content areas) and headlines h1 - h6. You can use Google Fonts as well as any font string the browser supports. [params.fonts] headerTitle = 'Exo' # set font, use string, e.g. "Lucida, Verdana, sans-serif". You can use any font value. Please activate Google Font option if you want to include Google Fonts, see their names on headerTitleGoogleFont = true # If the font in the above variable is a Google font, set this option to true. headerTitleVariant = '800' # font variant, if available, e.g. "regular", "bold" etc. Not every font is available in multiple variants. headerTitleSize = '50px' # set font size, empty for default settings. Valid values are '20px', '1.2em' and so on headerSubtitle = 'Exo' # Font settings for subtitle headerSubtitleGoogleFont = true # If the font in the above variable is a Google font, set this option to true. headerSubtitleVariant = '600' # See above headerSubtitleSize = '30px' # See above #navbar = 'Lucida, Verdana' # font settings for navigation bar navbarGoogleFont = false # If the font in the above variable is a Google font, set this option to true. navbarVariant = '' # See above navbarSize = '20px' # See above body = '' # font settings for body content bodyGoogleFont = false # If the font in the above variable is a Google font, set this option to true. bodyVariant = '' # See above bodySize = '' # See above headline = 'Open Sans' # font settings for body content headlineGoogleFont = true # If the font in the above variable is a Google font, set this option to true. headlineVariant = '' # See above headlineBaseSize = '' # Set base font of headlines. The real size of H1 - H6 will be calculated based on this size with the same resize factors as in the CSS framework. Choose a size of 0 (zero) to use the default font size of the theme. Please use only integer values without "px", "em" or something else. # Web analytics configuration # For Google Analytics, set the googleAnalytics config option to use internal Google Analytics template as described on # # The config option has to be in the first level above the [params] section! # This theme includes the standard embed codes for Matomo and Yandex Metrica. If you have configured some special options, you can simply overwrite the analytics partials. Just place the snippet code in the file "layouts/partials/analytics/matomo.html" or "layouts/partials/analytics/yandexmetrica.html" in your site folder. Or copy the theme partials from their path and change their options. If you have added custom snippet files, Hugo's lookup order will use your partial file at first. [] enabled = false # Enable Matomo web analytics url = '' # URL of Matomo application siteId = 0 # Matomo site id. Provided by Matomo when a site is added. [] enabled = false # Enable Yandex Metrica tagNumber = '012345678' # Tag ID / number as seen on Yandex Metrica settings page # Sidebar section # To create a sidebar, create a directory "sections/sidebar" into your project’s content directory. # Then add some content files (.md or .html) to the sidebar folder AND create an file with the Front Matter setting # headless: true # Without the "headless" setting the sidebar will not be displayed! # See # You can modify the style with a partial "sidebar_item.html", see example in "layouts/partials/". [params.sidebar] enabled = true # default false; set to true to enable sidebar style = 'right' # options: 'left', 'right'. Left means sidebar on the left side, right displays the sidebar on the right side [[params.sidebar.demoColumn]] title = 'About' text = '

Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.

' [[params.sidebar.demoColumn]] title = 'Example Content' text = 'You can place everything you want in this area. Just add HTML or Markdown files into a folder named "sections/sidebar" in your content folder and declare the folder as "headless". This is an example of modifying the style with an individual "sidebar_item.html" partial. ' # Menu section # This is an example of the main menu. You can also use the in-file setting in the header of the content files. [menu] [[menu.main]] identifier = "home" name = "Home" url = "/" weight = 10 [[menu.main]] identifier = "posts" name = "Blog" url = "/posts/" weight = 20 [[menu.main]] identifier = "about" name = "About" url = "/about/" weight = 30 [taxonomies] category = "categories" tag = "tags" series = "series"