# Notrack An original, minimal theme with a focus on self-sufficiency and decentralization. By default, Notrack does not rely on any third parties to serve your website. The only exception is Disqus comments, which are not used by default (see [Adding comments](#user-content-adding-comments) below). # Table of contents * [Notrack](#user-content-notrack) * [Table of contents](#user-content-table-of-contents) * [Screenshot](#user-content-screenshot) * [Example site `config`](#user-content-example-site-config) * [Shortcodes](#user-content-shortcodes) * [User CSS](#user-content-user-css) * [Navigation bar](#user-content-navigation-bar) * [How to add a page to the navigation bar](#user-content-how-to-add-a-page-to-the-navigation-bar) * [How to add a page to drop down menu](#user-content-how-to-add-a-page-to-drop-down-menu) * [How tos](#user-content-how-tos) * [How to create a home page](#user-content-how-to-create-a-home-page) * [How to create a blog](#user-content-how-to-create-a-blog) * [Adding comments](#user-content-adding-comments) * [How to create a gallery](#user-content-how-to-create-a-gallery) * [How to create a resume](#user-content-how-to-create-a-resume) * [How to display social links](#user-content-how-to-display-social-links) * [Other projects used in this theme](#user-content-other-projects-used-in-this-theme) * [Contribution](#user-content-contribution) # Screenshot ![Screenshot of the theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gevhaz/hugo-theme-notrack/master/images/screenshot.png) # Example site `config` Here is a working `config.yaml`: ```yaml baseURL = "http://example.org/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Lawyer Hugo Grotius" theme = "notrack" newContentEditor = "nvim" mainSections = ["blog"] # disqusShortname = "example" paginate = 4 [params] author = "Hugo de Groot" siteHeading = "Hugo Grotius" # defaults to author favicon = "hugo_grotius.png" # Adds a small icon next to the page title in a tab showBlogLatest = true mainSections = ["blog"] showTaxonomyLinks = false nBlogLatest = 4 # number of blog post om the home page blogLatestHeading = "My writing" footer = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License." [params.social] github = "example" linkedin = "example" email = "example@example.com" mastodon = "example" medium = "example" keybase = "example" [taxonomies] year = "year" month = "month" tags = "tags" categories = "categories" [permalinks] blog = "/blog/:year/:month/:slug" ``` # Shortcodes | Category | Shortcode | Description | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | **Contact info** | contact-box | Displays contact info set in params.social | | | social | Displays contact info set in params.social | | **Photo Gallery** | gallery-category | Container for gallery-photo shortcodes | | | gallery-modal | HTML to allow for full page view of gallery photos | | | gallery-photo | Include a photo in a gallery | | | gallery-script | Script to allow for full page view of gallery photos | | **General** | image | Image for use in any page. See example in [How to create a blog](#user-content-how-to-create-a-blog) | | | video | Similar to an ordinary