This repo is replaced by --- This is a [Hugo Components]( that packages the [Bootstrap v5]( SCSS source ready to be used in Hugo. For Bootstrap v4, see [hugo-mod-bootstrap-scss-v4]( You need the Hugo extended version and Go to use this component. ## Use Add the component to your Hugo site's config: ```toml [module] [[module.imports]] path = "" ``` The Bootstrap SCSS will be mounted in `assets/scss/bootstrap`, so you can then import either all: ```scss @import "bootstrap/bootstrap"; ``` Or only what you need: ```scss // Configuration @import "bootstrap/functions"; @import "bootstrap/variables"; @import "bootstrap/mixins"; @import "bootstrap/utilities"; // Layout & components @import "bootstrap/root"; @import "bootstrap/reboot"; @import "bootstrap/type"; @import "bootstrap/images"; @import "bootstrap/containers"; @import "bootstrap/grid"; @import "bootstrap/tables"; @import "bootstrap/forms"; @import "bootstrap/buttons"; @import "bootstrap/transitions"; @import "bootstrap/dropdown"; @import "bootstrap/button-group"; @import "bootstrap/nav"; @import "bootstrap/navbar"; @import "bootstrap/card"; @import "bootstrap/accordion"; @import "bootstrap/breadcrumb"; @import "bootstrap/pagination"; @import "bootstrap/badge"; @import "bootstrap/alert"; @import "bootstrap/progress"; @import "bootstrap/list-group"; @import "bootstrap/close"; @import "bootstrap/toasts"; @import "bootstrap/modal"; @import "bootstrap/tooltip"; @import "bootstrap/popover"; @import "bootstrap/carousel"; @import "bootstrap/spinners"; @import "bootstrap/offcanvas"; // Helpers @import "bootstrap/helpers"; // Utilities @import "bootstrap/utilities/api"; ``` ## Versions This repository will be versioned following the minor and patch versions in the v4 series of Bootstrap.