# UI strings. Buttons and similar. [ui_pager_prev] other = "前へ" [ui_pager_next] other = "次へ" [ui_read_more] other = "続きを読む" [ui_search] other = "サイトを検索..." # Used in sentences such as "Posted in News" [ui_in] other = "in" # Footer text [footer_all_rights_reserved] other = "All Rights Reserved" [footer_privacy_policy] other = "プライバシーポリシー" # Post (blog, articles etc.) [post_byline_by] other = "By" [post_created] other = "作成" [post_last_mod] other = "最終更新" [post_edit_this] other = "ページの編集" [post_create_child_page] other = "Create child page" [post_create_issue] other = "ドキュメントのissueを作成" [post_create_project_issue] other = "プロジェクトのissueを作成" [post_posts_in] other = "記事一覧" # Print support [print_printable_section] other = "This the multi-page printable view of this section." [print_click_to_print] other = "Click here to print" [print_show_regular] other = "Return to the regular view of this page" [print_entire_section] other = "Print entire section"