# Niello Niello is a simple and clean dark mode Theme for "Hugo - Static Site Generator" # Features Simple, Clean Syntax Highlight with highlight.js Google Adsense Google Analytics HTML5 Boilerplate Dark Mode # Screenshot ![Theme Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guangmean/Niello/master/images/theme_sc_home.png) # Installation In the root of your Hugo site directory run: ```shell git clone https://github.com/guangmean/Niello.git themes/Niello ``` # Configuration This is an example of site config.toml: ```toml baseURL = "https://www.angularcorp.com/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Application Deveopment" disqusShortname = "yourDisqusShortname" // Add third-party comments system staticDir = ["static", "themes/Niello/static"] [params] keywords = "" //SEO keywords description = "" //Site description copyright = "© 2019 - 2022 by guangmean. All Rights Reserved." google_ad_client = "ca-pub-******" //Optional, replace ca-pub-****** with your content ga = "UA-******" //Optional, replace UA-****** with your content sharethis = "" //Optional, Add hou ShareThis appid here [menu] [[menu.niello]] name = "Home" url = "/" weight = 1 [[menu.niello]] name = "About" url = "/about/" weight = 2 ``` # Google Adsense & Google Analytics Niello support Google Adsnese code by configure the google_ad_client param in [params] block and Google Analytics code by the ga param in the site config.toml as abover. # ShareThis Niello support share your content to other platforms by [ShareThis](https://sharethis.com). # Demo A fully demo is available here: [https://www.angularcorp.com](https://www.angularcorp.com)