# hugo-profile A simple hugo theme for personal portfolio ![Thumpnail](https://github.com/gurusabarish/hugo-profile/blob/master/static/images/tn.png) ### Demo Site: [Hugo-profile](https://hugo-profile.netlify.com) ## Features - Minimalist Design - Fully Responsive - Google Analytics Support - Disqus Comment Support - Contact form using [Formpree](https://formspree.io/) ## Requirements - Hugo Version 0.68.0 or higher ## Installation - [Install Hugo]{https://gohugo.io/overview/installing) - Create your site if you haven't already ```console hugo new site my-site -f=yaml cd my-site git init ``` - Add the theme as git sub-module ```console git submodule add https://github.com/gurusabarish/hugo-profile.git themes/hugo-profile ``` >Don't use SSH URL of the theme during adding as git sub-module. Also, don't clone the theme in your `themes` directory using `git clone`. They don't work well with Github Action or Netlify. ## Configuration Configure your `config.yaml` file of your site as below: ```yaml baseURL: "https://example.com" languageCode: "en-us" title: "Hugo-profile" theme: "hugo-profile" Paginate: 3 taxonomies: tag: "tags" category: "categories" params: favicon: "/images/hugo.png" description: "Portfolio and personal blog of gurusabarish" googleanalytics: "UA-167646412-8" disqus: "" contact: "true" # Navbar Menus customMenus: - name: "Blog" url: "blog" # Home name: "Gurusabarish" profile: "/images/avatar-370-456322.webp" github: "https://github.com/gurusabarish" linkedin: "https://linkedin.com/in/gurusabarish" twitter: "https://twitter.com/gurusabarishh" instagram: "https://instagram.com/gurusabarishh" # Do things { Please change the svg icons width="3em" height="3em" } thing1: "Python" thing2: "Machine learning" thing3: "Build things for web" thing1_des: "I build something beautiful using python." thing2_des: "I train robust models for various tasks." thing3_des: "I love to build things for web." # About profile_image: "/images/gurusabarish.jpg" jop: "Web developer" jops_about: "web developer and ML engineer" resume: "" projects: - title: "Project name" image: "/images/project.png" description: "This is your description" url: "https://github.com" Author: name: "Gurusabarish" website: "https://github.com/gurusabarish" ``` Use Yaml as config file You can just copy the content for `config.yaml` files from `theme/toha/exampleSite/config.yaml`. ## Contributing > Contributers are always welcome :heart: