baseURL: "" languageCode: "en-us" title: "Hugo-profile" theme: "hugo-profile" Paginate: 3 taxonomies: tag: "tags" category: "categories" params: favicon: "/images/hugo.png" description: "Portfolio and personal blog" googleanalytics: "" disqus: "" copyright: "2020" # Background custombackground: false background: "" backimg: "" # Contact contact: true action: "" emailname: "" messagename: "" # Navbar Menus customMenus: - name: "Blog" Url: "/blog" # Home name: "Gurusabarish" profile: "/images/avatar-370-456322.webp" github: "" linkedin: "" twitter: "" instagram: "" # Do things usedothings: true usedefaultlogos: true thing1: "Python" thing2: "Machine learning" thing3: "Things for web" thing1_des: "I build something beautiful using Python." thing2_des: "I train robust models for various tasks." thing3_des: "I love to build things for web." # About profile_image: "/images/gurusabarish.jpg" descripe_l1_person: "Hi, I'm Gurusabarish, a passionate web developer and ML engineer. I tend to make use of modern web technologies to build websites that looks great, feels fantastic, and functions correctly." descripe_l2_person: "This is just a example for about section. You can easily change with the help of cofig file." job: "your role" resume: "" #projects projects: - title: "Project name" image: "" description: "This is your description" secoundarylink: true secoundaryurlname: "Secoundary link" secoundaryurl: "" sourceurl: "" - title: "Project name" image: "" description: "This is your description" secoundarylink: true secoundaryurlname: "Secoundary link" secoundaryurl: "" sourceurl: "" - title: "Project name" image: "" description: "This is your description" secoundarylink: true secoundaryurlname: "Secoundary link" secoundaryurl: "" sourceurl: "" - title: "Project name" image: "" description: "This is your description" secoundarylink: true secoundaryurlname: "Secoundary link" secoundaryurl: "" sourceurl: "" - title: "Project name" image: "" description: "This is your description" secoundarylink: true secoundaryurlname: "Secoundary link" secoundaryurl: "" sourceurl: "" - title: "Project name" image: "" description: "This is your description" secoundarylink: true secoundaryurlname: "Secoundary link" secoundaryurl: "" sourceurl: "" Author: name: "Gurusabarish" website: ""