# Avicenna Theme A minimal academic page for academics! **FOR THE DEMO, PLEASE SEE THE LINK BELOW** [![Screenshot](https://github.com/hadisinaee/avicenna/blob/master/images/youtube.png "Avicenna")](https://youtu.be/rw29ZJJGFIM) # Features * Minimal, Responsive, and Clean * :new: Supports Blog Posts * :new: Supports News Feed * Supports Google Analytics * Supports Social Links * Supports Publications Listing * Supports Projects Listing # How to use `Avicenna`? To use `Avicenna`, you need to follow three steps: 1. Setup a site with `Avicenna` 2. Customize the site to your needs 3. Build your site and deploy it to your host The following sections are based on the mentioned steps. # 1. How to setup a site with `Avicenna`? There are 2 ways to install `Avicenna`: 1. The first one is just an automated script based on the second approach(recommended). 2. The sedond one is a step-by-step approach. ## 1. Automated Script In this approach, all you need is to replace the `my_cool_page` with your desired name in the following script: ```bash wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hadisinaee/avicenna/master/setup_avicenna.sh && sh setup_avicenna.sh my_cool_page ``` Run the site: ```bash hugo serve ``` Now, you should be able to see the site at http://localhost:1313 ## 2. Step-by-Step Installation
Click to see! 1. You need to install [Hugo][1] first! 2. Create a new site and go to the directory: ```bash # replace the `my_cool_page` with whatever you want! hugo new site my_cool_page # move to your project folder cd my_cool_page ``` 3. Add the stable release of `Avicenna` (the `master` branch) to your `themes` folder: ```bash git clone -b master git@github.com:hadisinaee/avicenna.git ./themes/avicenna ``` 4. Copy the sample site to your project: ```bash cp -R themes/avicenna/exampleSite/* ./ ``` 5. Run the site: ```bash hugo serve ``` Now, you should be able to see the site at [http://localhost:1313](http://localhost:1313/)
# 2. How to Customize `Avicenna`? ## Start With the `config.toml` You can start the customization with the `config.toml` file. It's located a the root of your project. In this file, you can set your name, your website URL, googleAnalytics id, etc. ## Adding Your Profile Picture, CV, and Favicon There is a folder named `static` under the root of your site's folder. Its structure is as follows: ![static_folder](https://github.com/hadisinaee/avicenna/blob/master/static_folder.png) - **Profile Picture**: Simply replace `profile.png` with your profile file. Please use the same name and extenstion, e.g. `profile.png`. It doesn't work if you use another *name* or *extension*. - **CV**: You need to put your CV directly under `static` folder. I recommend you to use the name `cv.pdf` for your CV file. Also, if you wanted to use another file name, you would need to change it in your introduction. See Introduction Section. - **Favicon**: It has the same procedure as your profile picture. ## Content All files and folders that you need to modify lies in the `content` folder. The folder should look like this ![the content folder structure](https://github.com/hadisinaee/avicenna/blob/master/avicenna_folder.png) Avicenna theme has three different sections: `Introduction`, `Publications`, and `Projects`. Based on the previous figure, you might have an intuition where you should modify. However, there are some details that I have to provide. ## `Introduction` Section `Introduction` section is where you put details about yourself, such as your name, profile, interests, etc. To modify the introduction section, you need to edit the `content/about/_index.md` file. ## `Publications` Section All your publications are stored in `content/publications`. To create a new publication: ``` hugo new publications/your-pub-name.md ``` If was successful, you would see a message similar to the following: ``` YOUR_PROJECT_PATH/content/publications/your-pub-name.md ``` To edit the file, go to `content/publications` and then find your `your-pub-name.md` file and change it. ## Project Section All your projects are stored in `content/projects`. To create a new project: ``` hugo new projects/your-project-name.md ``` If was successful, you would see a message similar to the following: ``` YOUR_PROJECT_PATH/content/projects/your-project-name.md ``` To edit the file, go to `content/projects` and then find your `your-project-name.md` file and change it. # 3. How to Deploy `Avicenna`? 1. Make sure you have changed your `baseURL` in the `config.toml` file. It should be the address you want to deploy `Avicenna` on. 2. Run `hugo` in the root of your project. The result will be in the `public` folder in the root of your project. 3. Copy `public` folder and move it your host server. # Credits * [Feather Icons](https://feathericons.com/) * [Academic Icons](https://jpswalsh.github.io/academicons/) * [Academic Hugo](https://wowchemy.com/templates/) [1]: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/