// Posts for 1/2" angle aluminum for stiffening a printer which uses 2020 // extrusions.. I recommend using A-bracing. // // Haydn Huntley // haydn.huntley@gmail.com $fn = 360/6; include ; include ; // All measurements in mm. debug = false; xBase = extrusionWidth; yBase = 2 * extrusionWidth; zBase = 3.0; postRadius = 11.5/2; module diagonalBracingPost() { difference() { union() { // The post. cylinder(r=postRadius, h=2*postRadius+zBase); // The base for the post. translate([0, 0, zBase/2]) roundedBox([xBase, yBase, zBase], 5, true); } // Remove a tapering hole for an M3x10 to M3x16 screw in the post. translate([0, 0, -smidge/2]) cylinder(r2=m3LooseRadius-smidge, r1=m3Radius-3*smidge, h=2*postRadius+zBase+smidge); // Remove the two M5x8 holes in the base. for (y = [1, -1]) { translate([0, y*2/3*yBase/2, -smidge/2]) { cylinder(r=m5LooseRadius, h=zBase+smidge); // Show the M5x8 screw heads. if (debug) %translate([0, 0, zBase+smidge/2]) cylinder(r=m5ButtonHeadRadius, h=m5ButtonHeadHeight); } } } } diagonalBracingPost();