// This works with a piece of 1/2" copper pipe, to provide nearly friction free // bearings for the spool. // // Uses 2 flanged 623ZZ bearings. // // This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 // International License. // Visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ // // Haydn Huntley // haydn.huntley@gmail.com $fn = 360; include ; // All measurements in mm. ringXY = 6; ringZ = 10; realBearingDiameter = 11.5; bearingRadius = (realBearingDiameter+1)/2; bearingZ = 4.0+0.5; radialOffset = -0.5; // To simulate an Octave spool's 32mm inside diameter hole. //#color("blue") //translate([0, 6.0, 0]) //cylinder(r=32/2, h=0.1); module flangedBearing623zz() { // Hole for the 623zz bearing. translate([0, copperPipeRadius+bearingRadius+radialOffset, ringZ-bearingZ]) { // To show where the bearing will go. %cylinder(d=realBearingDiameter, h=bearingZ); difference() { cylinder(r=bearingRadius, h=bearingZ+smidge); cylinder(r=m3Radius+1, h=0.4); } } // Hole for the M3x10 screw to hold the bearing. translate([0, copperPipeRadius+bearingRadius+radialOffset, -smidge/2]) cylinder(r=m3Radius, h=ringZ+bearingZ+smidge); } angle = 35; // Draw a ring. difference() { union() { intersection() { cylinder(r=copperPipeRadius+ringXY, h=ringZ); // Trim the bottom off, so that a 32mm diameter spool hole will // barely fit over it. translate([0, 9.5, 0]) cylinder(r=(32-0)/2, h=ringZ); } for (i = [1, -1]) rotate([0, 0, i*angle]) translate([0, copperPipeRadius+bearingRadius+radialOffset, 0]) cylinder(r=4, h=ringZ); } // Remove the center of the ring for the copper pipe tube. translate([0, 0, -smidge/2]) cylinder(r=copperPipeRadius, h=ringZ+smidge); // Two 623zz flanged bearings to support the spool. for (i = [1, -1]) rotate([0, 0, i*angle]) flangedBearing623zz(); // Make a gap in the bottom of the ring. translate([0, -copperPipeRadius-ringXY/2, ringZ/2]) cube([8, ringXY+2+smidge, ringZ+smidge], center=true); }