// E3D Wedge for any printer. // This helps lock in place the E3D's push-to-fit connector, which is // supposed to secures the PTFE tubing. // // Haydn Huntley // haydn.huntley@gmail.com // Note: assumes a layer height of 0.1mm, or better yet 0.05mm. $fn = 360/4; smidge = 0.1; radius = 4.85/2; actualHeight = 1.4; height = 2.2; xSize = 10; ySize = 12; intersection() { color("blue") translate([0, ySize/8, 0]) cylinder(r=5, h=actualHeight); difference() { // The wedge shape. hull() { translate([-xSize/2, ySize*0.55, 0]) cube([xSize, smidge, height]); translate([-xSize/2, -ySize*0.6, 0]) cube([xSize, smidge, height/4]); } // The hole in the center. translate([0, ySize/8, -smidge/2]) cylinder(r=radius+smidge, h=height+smidge); // The slot. hull() { translate([0, ySize/8, -smidge/2]) cylinder(r=radius-2*smidge, h=height+smidge); translate([0, -ySize/2, -smidge/2]) cylinder(r=radius-2*smidge, h=height+smidge); } } }