// Flying extruder suspender. // This works with Shane's extruder (which works quite well) and many others. // // Requires: // Qty: Description // 2: M3x16 SHCS for pinching motor. // 2: M3 nuts for pinching motor. // 1: M3x10 SHCS for suspending motor. // 1: M3 nylock nut for suspending motor. // 3: 190mm long pieces of 1/4" (6mm) inside diameter 3/8" (9mm) outside // diameter rubber tubing for suspending from carriages. If you're using // this on a different sized printer, then the rubber tubing should be a // little bit more than half the length of the horizontal extrusions. // 3: M3 nylock nuts for attaching to the M3x35 SHCS on the carriages. // 6: small zip ties for securing rubber tubing. // 1: Key-Bak "Super48" heavy duty retractable key holder, 48" Kevlar cord, // 8-10 oz retraction force (which seems to be plenty). Here is the Amazon // link: https://www.amazon.com/KEY-BAK-Retractable-Stainless-Polycarbonate-Oversized/dp/B0088MQ9JS // 4: small zip ties, two to attach the Key-Bak to the frame, one to act as a // as a filament guide near the top, and one to attach the Key-Bak to // motorWyeSuspender (with a little bit of string). // // // This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 // International License. // Visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ // // Haydn Huntley // haydn.huntley@gmail.com $fn = 360/8; include ; include ; include ; zMotorRing = 10.0; motorRingThickness = 3.0; rubberTubingID = 0.25*mmPerInch + 5*smidge; module motorRing() { xyScale = (nema17Width+2*motorRingThickness) / nema17Width; motorWingSize = 10.7-m3NutRadius+1; motorWingThickness = 4*motorRingThickness; difference() { union() { // The basic shape of the ring, motorRingThickness thick. scale([xyScale, xyScale, 1]) motorRingHelper(); // Add the wings for the M3 bolts to secure it. hull() { translate([0, 0, zMotorRing/2]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) roundedBox([nema17Width*xyScale+2*motorWingSize, zMotorRing, motorWingThickness], zMotorRing/2, true); scale([xyScale, xyScale, 1]) motorRingHelper(); } // Add extra material to thicken the top where the // M3 bolt to suspend it will be. translate([0, nema17Width*xyScale/2, zMotorRing/2]) rotate([-90, 0, 0]) cylinder(d1=zMotorRing, d2=2*m3LooseRadius, h=motorRingThickness, $fn=24); } // Remove a hole in the middle for the NEMA17 motor. translate([0, 0, -smidge/2]) scale([1, 1, 1.01]) motorRingHelper(); // Cut it into two pieces. translate([0, 0, zMotorRing/2]) cube([nema17Width*xyScale+2*motorWingSize+smidge, motorRingThickness, zMotorRing+smidge], true); // Holes for two M3x16 bolts with nuts to tighten it. for (x = [1, -1]) translate([x*(nema17Width*xyScale+motorWingSize-1)/2, 0, zMotorRing/2]) rotate([90, 0, 0]) { // M3 SHCS head. translate([0, 0, -6]) rotate([0, 0, 30]) rotate([0, 180, 0]) cylinder(r1=m3LooseHeadRadius, r2=m3LooseHeadRadius+4*smidge, h=motorWingThickness*0.75, center=false, $fn=24); // M3 shaft. cylinder(r=m3LooseRadius, h=2*motorWingThickness, center=true, $fn=24); // Make room for an M3 nut trap. translate([0, 0, 6]) rotate([0, 0, 30]) cylinder(r1=m3TightNutRadius, r2=m3LooseNutRadius+4*smidge, h=motorWingThickness*0.75, center=false, $fn=6); } // A hole for an M3x10 bolt and nut to suspend it from. translate([0, nema17Width/2, zMotorRing/2]) rotate([-90, 0, 0]) translate([0, 0, -smidge/2]) { cylinder(r=m3LooseRadius, h=2*motorRingThickness+smidge, $fn=24); cylinder(r=m3LooseHeadRadius, h=m3HeadHeight+2*smidge, $fn=24); } } } module motorWyeSuspender() { difference() { union() { // The common body of the "wye". cylinder(d=zMotorRing, h=rubberTubingID); // The three arms to attach it to the 0.25" ID rubber tubing. for (a = [1:3]) rotate([0, 0, a*120]) translate([0, 0, rubberTubingID/2]) rotate([-90, 0, 0]) cylinder(d=rubberTubingID, h=15); } // Hole for the M3 bolt to attach it to the motorRing. translate([0, 0, -smidge/2]) cylinder(r=m3LooseRadius, h=rubberTubingID+smidge, $fn=24); // Pocket for the M3 nut to secure it to the motor. translate([0, 0, rubberTubingID-m3NutHeight]) cylinder(r1=m3TightNutRadius, r2=m3LooseNutRadius, h=m3NutHeight+smidge, $fn=6); } } module motorRingHelper() { intersection() { rotate([0, -90, 0]) nema17Motor(); translate([0, 0, zMotorRing/2]) cube([nema17Width, nema17Width, zMotorRing], true); } } module tubingAdapter() { h = 14.0 - m3NylockNutHeight; difference() { cylinder(d=rubberTubingID, h=h); translate([0, 0, -smidge/2]) cylinder(r=m3LooseRadius, h=h+smidge); } } motorRing(); // Flip the wye upside down for printing. motorWyeSuspender(); // Include 3 adaptors for mating the M3x35 SHCS on the carriages to the // 0.25" ID rubber tubing. for (a = [0:2]) rotate([0, 0, a*120]) translate([0, -15, 0]) tubingAdapter();