// These power supply holders work with 2020 extrusions and typical // rectangular 300-360 watt power supplies. // // This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 // International License. // Visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ // // Haydn Huntley // haydn.huntley@gmail.com $fn = 360/12; include ; include ; // All measurements in mm. psHoleOffset = extrusionWidth/4; xBody = extrusionWidth; zBody = 3.5; module powerSupplyHolder(yBody) { translate([0, 0, zBody/2]) difference() { // Make the body. translate([0, yBody/2, 0]) roundedBox([xBody, yBody, zBody], 5, true); // Remove a hole for mounting m5x8Hole(0, extrusionWidth/2); // Remove a slot for mounting. hull() { m3x6Hole(0, yBody-extrusionWidth/2); m3x6Hole(0, extrusionWidth+psHoleOffset); } } } module m5x8Hole(x, y) { translate([x, y, 0]) cylinder(r=m5LooseRadius, h=zBody+smidge, center=true); } module m3x6Hole(x, y) { translate([x, y, 0]) cylinder(r=m3LooseRadius, h=zBody+smidge, center=true); } // The short ones for the front. translate([-2.2*extrusionWidth, 1.5 * extrusionWidth, 0]) powerSupplyHolder(2.5 * extrusionWidth); translate([-1.1 * extrusionWidth, 0, 0]) powerSupplyHolder(2.5 * extrusionWidth); // The long one for the back. powerSupplyHolder(110); translate([-1.1 * extrusionWidth, 3 * extrusionWidth, 0]) powerSupplyHolder(2.5 * extrusionWidth);