# Theme Tokiwa Theme Tokiwa is a minimalistic blog theme. Tokiwa-iro is the main color tone and the name of this theme. Built on the top of [Jim Frenette's](https://jimfrenette.com/2019/02/hugo-static-site-generator-blank-starter-theme/) [Hugo Starter Theme](https://github.com/jimfrenette/hugo-starter) and [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/). Inspired by [Tailwind Toolbox - Minimalist-Blog](https://github.com/tailwindtoolbox/Minimalist-Blog). This theme is especially optimized for Chinese characters, while works well with other languages. ## Screenshot ![1](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/heyeshuang/hugo-theme-tokiwa/master/images/screenshot.png) ![2](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/heyeshuang/hugo-theme-tokiwa/master/images/screenshot02.png) A live demo is at . ## Install Inside the folder of your Hugo site run: ```bash $ git submodule add https://github.com/heyeshuang/hugo-theme-tokiwa.git themes/hugo-theme-tokiwa ``` ## available config params ```toml disqusShortname = "YOURSHORTNAME" googleAnalytics = "UA-1234567890" [params] description = """ Tokiwa-iro is the theme color of this site. """ math = true # for introducing $KaTEX$ env = "production" # for Google Analytics and DISQUS. useChineseFonts = true # for font Noto Serif etc. bannerFont = "fonts/exampleFont" # custom your own font for the title. postDateFormat = "2006-1-2" # override custom date format posts. [menu] # Shown in the side menu. [[menu.main]] name = "Posts" weight = 1 identifier = "post" url = "/post/" [[menu.main]] name = "Tags" url = "/tags/" weight = 2 [social] instagram="http://example.com/" bilibili="http://example.com/" weibo="http://example.com/" zhihu="http://example.com/" twitter="http://twitter.com/" gitlab="http://gitlab.com/" youtube="http://youtube.com/" github="http://github.com/" ``` A complete `config.toml` example is in the `exampleSite` folder. ## Dev this theme Install node modules ``` cd blog/themes/hugo-theme-tokiwa npm i ``` Unminified development build with sourcemaps ``` cd blog/themes/hugo-theme-tokiwa npm run dev ``` Build for production with npm run build. CSS and JavaScript files will be output into the starter themes dist folder. e.g., ``` cd blog/themes/hugo-theme-tokiwa npm run build ``` ## Credit * [hugoBasicExample](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoBasicExample.git) is used to mock data. * [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/) * [Hugo Static Site Generator Blank Starter Theme](https://github.com/jimfrenette/hugo-starter) * [Tailwind Toolbox - Minimalist-Blog](https://github.com/tailwindtoolbox/Minimalist-Blog) * Fonts. `杨任东竹石体` was used for the banner in the beginning. This font is okay for commercial usage. However, I wonder if it is compatible with ~~GPL~~ MIT, so I replaced it with an `exampleFont` in the `exampleSite`. See `config.toml`. * And the open, warm-hearted [Noto Serif CN](https://www.google.com/get/noto/help/cjk/). Always a good choice for Chinese words. Under [OFL 1.1](https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-cjk/blob/master/LICENSE). * Beautiful icons made by [Remix-Design](https://github.com/Remix-Design/remixicon). Under [Apache 2.0](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Remix-Design/RemixIcon/master/License). * [fuse.js](https://fusejs.io/) for fuzzy search, and a [blog post](https://ttys3.net/post/hugo/hugo-fast-search/) (in Chinese) about how to use it. Thanks. ## LICENSE MIT