{{ $author:= site.Data.author }} {{ if (index site.Data site.Language.Lang).author }} {{ $author = (index site.Data site.Language.Lang).author }} {{ end }} {{ $name:="Jane Doe" }} {{ if $author.nickname }} {{ $name = $author.nickname }} {{ else if $author.name }} {{ $name = $author.name }} {{ end }} {{ $sections:= site.Data.sections }} {{ if (index site.Data site.Language.Lang).sections }} {{ $sections = (index site.Data site.Language.Lang).sections }} {{ end }} {{ $backgroundImage:= "/images/default-background.jpg" }} {{ if site.Params.background }} {{ $backgroundImage = site.Params.background }} {{ end }} {{ $authorImage:= "/images/default-avatar.png" }} {{ if $author.image }} {{ $authorImage = $author.image }} {{ end }} {{ $authorImage := resources.Get $authorImage }} {{ $authorImage := $authorImage.Fit "148x148" }} {{/* get file that matches the filename as specified as src="" in shortcode */}} {{ $src := resources.Get $backgroundImage }} {{/* set image sizes, these are hardcoded for now, x dictates that images are resized to this width */}} {{ $tinyw := default "500x" }} {{ $smallw := default "800x" }} {{ $mediumw := default "1200x" }} {{ $largew := default "1500x" }} {{/* resize the src image to the given sizes */}} {{ $tiny := $src.Resize $tinyw }} {{ $small := $src.Resize $smallw }} {{ $medium := $src.Resize $mediumw }} {{ $large := $src.Resize $largew }} {{/* only use images smaller than or equal to the src (original) image size, as Hugo will upscale small images */}} {{/* set the sizes attribute to (min-width: 35em) 1200px, 100vw unless overridden in shortcode */}} {{ if lt $src.Width "500" }} {{ $tiny := $src}} {{ $small := $src}} {{ $medium := $src}} {{ $large := $src}} {{ end }} {{ if lt $src.Width "800" }} {{ $small := $src}} {{ $medium := $src}} {{ $large := $src}} {{ end }} {{ if lt $src.Width "1200" }} {{ $medium := $src}} {{ $large := $src}} {{ end }} {{ if lt $src.Width "1500" }} {{ $large := $src}} {{ end }}
Author Image

{{ $author.greeting }} {{ $name }}

{{ if $sections }} {{ range first 1 (where (sort $sections "section.weight") ".section.enable" true) }} {{ $sectionID := replace (lower .section.name) " " "-" }} {{ if .section.id }} {{ $sectionID = .section.id }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}