# Colordrop Customizable, monochromatic and minimalist [hugo](https://gohugo.io/) theme for personal blogs. ## Installation (with git) To install colordrop theme using git you first must ensure your blog folder is already a git repository: ``` git init ``` Then add it as submodule of your repository: ``` git submodule add git@github.com:humrochagf/colordrop.git themes/colordrop ``` OR ``` git submodule add https://github.com/humrochagf/colordrop.git themes/colordrop ``` And add this configuration to your blog config. - yaml: ```yaml theme: colordrop ``` - toml: ```toml theme = "colordrop" ``` ### Version pinning You can pin a version of the theme by checking to a version tag: ``` cd themes/colordrop git checkout v1.5.0 cd ../.. git commit -m "Pinning theme to version 1.5.0" ``` ## Installation (without git) You just need to download it at the version you want from the [release](https://github.com/humrochagf/colordrop/tags) page and extract it to the `themes` folder of your blog making sure it has the following structure: ``` . └── themes └── colordrop ``` And add this configuration to your blog config. - yaml: ```yaml theme: colordrop ``` - toml: ```toml theme = "colordrop" ``` ## Customize Colors The theme colors can be customized by changing the `themeColor` and `themeInverseColor` variables at params. - yaml: ```yaml params: themeColor: "#000000" themeInverseColor: "#ffffff" ``` - toml: ```toml [params] themeColor = "#000000" themeInverseColor = "#ffffff" ``` ![theme colors image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/humrochagf/colordrop/master/images/tn.png) ## Home page and Logo The website logo can be set with the variable `siteLogo` while the variable `description` will be the displayed at the website home page. - yaml: ```yaml params: description: Welcome to my blog... siteLogo: "logo-photo.png" ``` - toml: ```toml [params] description = "Welcome to my blog..." siteLogo = "logo-photo.png" ``` ## Custom CSS You can load your custom CSS files by adding them under the `static` folder, e.g. `static/css/custom.css` and then defining the parameters as a list. - yaml: ```yaml params: custom_css: ["css/custom.css"] ``` - toml: ```toml [params] custom_css = ["css/custom.css"] ``` ## Website Example You check [my blog](https://humberto.io) to see the theme fully running. ![theme image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/humrochagf/colordrop/master/images/post.png) **Obs:** This theme uses pipes to compile sass so you'll have to use hugo extensions.