# hugo-lamp A light responsive [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) [⚡ AMP](https://www.ampproject.org/) theme for blogger. ![hugo-lamp](/images/screenshot.png) ## Installation Go to the directory where you have your Hugo site and run: ```bash $ mkdir themes $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/huyb1991/hugo-lamp $ rm -rf hugo-lamp/.git ``` *For more information read the official [setup guide](https://gohugo.io/overview/installing/) of Hugo.* ## Guides #### Content Editing - [Add image to article](/docs/guide.md#add-image-to-article-content) - [Content config for SEO](/docs/guide.md#content-config-for-seo) - [Add icon](/docs/guide.md#add-icon) - [Customize Theme](/docs/guide.md#customize-theme) #### Site Configuration - [Site Info](/docs/guide.md#site-info) - [Main Menu](/docs/guide.md#main-menu) - [Taxonomies](/docs/guide.md#taxonomies) - [SEO](/docs/guide.md#seo) - [Publisher](/docs/guide.md#publisher) - [Social Networks & Connections](/docs/guide.md#social-networks--connections) ## Contributing If you found a bug or got an idea for a new feature feel free to add a new [issues](https://github.com/huyb1991/hugo-lamp/issues). ## Thanks - [gohugo-amp](https://gohugo-amp.gohugohq.com/styling/) for the build tool - [hugo-nuo](https://themes.gohugo.io/hugo-nuo/) for the template Thanks to [Steve Francia](https://github.com/spf13) for creating [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) and the awesome community around the project.