connect('url', '')){ print 'Error while connecting: ' . $wsql->error; exit; } /* ** The isolate_content functions works like the select function, ** but you can specify custom HTML parts, the content between ** these two strings will be used for the query process ** ** In this case we select all content between "

New snippets

" ** and "

" this returns all snippet links, and no other links ** (like header or navigation links) */ $wsql->isolate_content('

New snippets

', '

'); /* other examples: $wsql->isolate_content('', ''); $wsql->isolate_content('', ''); */ /* execute a query: This query returns all links: */ if (!$wsql->query('SELECT * FROM a')){ print "Query error: " . $wsql->error; exit; } // fetch results as array foreach($wsql->fetch_array() as $row){ print_r($row); } ?>