/*global mspHelper,BF_CONFIG*/ 'use strict'; var helper = helper || {}; /* Helper to work with FEATURES via MSP Usage: 1. Reset everything helper.features.reset(); 2. Push feature bits you want to set helper.features.set(5); 3. Push feature bits you want to unset helper.features.set(8); 4. Execute and provide a callback that will be executed after MSP is done helper.features.execute(function () { //Do things crap over here }); */ helper.features = (function() { let publicScope = {}, privateScope = {}; let toSet = [], toUnset = [], exitPoint; publicScope.reset = function () { toSet = []; toUnset = []; }; publicScope.set = function (bit) { toSet.push(bit); }; publicScope.unset = function (bit) { toUnset.push(bit); }; publicScope.updateUI = function ($container, values) { $container.find('[data-bit].feature').each(function () { let $this = $(this); $this.prop('checked', bit_check(values, $this.attr("data-bit"))); }); }; publicScope.fromUI = function ($container) { $container.find('[data-bit].feature').each(function () { let $this = $(this); if ($this.is(":checked")) { publicScope.set($this.attr("data-bit")); } else { publicScope.unset($this.attr("data-bit")); } }); }; publicScope.execute = function(callback) { exitPoint = callback; mspHelper.loadBfConfig(privateScope.setBits); }; privateScope.setBits = function () { for (const bit of toSet) { BF_CONFIG.features = bit_set(BF_CONFIG.features, bit); } for (const bit of toUnset) { BF_CONFIG.features = bit_clear(BF_CONFIG.features, bit); } mspHelper.saveBfConfig(exitPoint); } return publicScope; })();