#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from copy import deepcopy from pprint import pprint import sys from weasyprint import HTML, CSS from habr.topic import HabraTopic, PostDeleted, GeektimesTopic from habr.user import HabraUser, GeektimesUser __author__ = 'icoz' def generate_comments(cmnts, id=0): html_cmnt = '''
''' out = '' for c in filter(lambda x: x['p_id'] == id, cmnts): padding = 20 if c['p_id'] == id else 0 out += html_cmnt.format(c_id=c['c_id'], p_id=id, user=c['author'], time=c['time'], cmnt_text=c['text'], padding=padding) out += generate_comments(cmnts, c['c_id']) return out def prepare_html(topic, with_comments=False): t = topic # # # worked. 01/06/2016 # # # # 09.07.2017 # # # # # 14.08.2018 # # https://dr.habracdn.net/habrcom/styles/1534243008/stylesheets.mobile.css # 26/08/2019 # https://m.habr.com/css/app.91a5df85.css # https://dr.habracdn.net/habrcom/styles/1566568656/main.bundle.css # html_head = ''' {title}
''' html_cmnts = '''
Комментарии {cmnts_count}
''' html_foot = '''
''' if with_comments: html_format = html_head + html_cmnts + html_foot html = html_format.format(title=t.title(), author=t.author(), author_url=t.author_url(), desc=t.desc(), text=t.text(), addstyle=t.styles(), keywords=t.keywords(), comments=generate_comments(t.comments(), 0), cmnts_count=t.comments_count()) else: html_format = html_head + html_foot html = html_format.format(title=t.title(), author=t.author(), author_url=t.author_url(), desc=t.desc(), text=t.text(), addstyle=t.styles(), keywords=t.keywords() ) html = str(html).replace('"//habrastorage.org', '"https://habrastorage.org') return html def save_html(topic_id, filename, with_comments=False, project='h'): dir = os.path.dirname(filename) dir_imgs = filename + '.files' if dir != '' and not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) if not os.path.exists(dir_imgs): os.mkdir(dir_imgs) with open(filename, "wt") as f: if project == 'g': ht = GeektimesTopic(topic_id) else: ht = HabraTopic(topic_id) # print('comments_cnt=', ht.comments_count()) html = prepare_html(ht, with_comments=with_comments) f.write(html) # TODO: get all images and css # we need to get all links to img, css, js # download them to dir # and replace it def save_pdf(topic_id: int, filename: str, with_comments: bool = False, project: str = 'h'): import logging logger = logging.getLogger('weasyprint') logger.handlers = [] # Remove the default stderr handler logger.addHandler(logging.FileHandler('pdf_weasyprint.log')) dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if dir != '' and not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) elif os.path.exists(filename): print("File {} is in target dir, skipping...".format(filename)) return if project == 'g': ht = GeektimesTopic(topic_id) else: ht = HabraTopic(topic_id) html = prepare_html(ht, with_comments=with_comments) css = CSS(string='@page { size: A4; margin: 1cm; !important;} img { width: 100%; height: auto; !important; }') #css = CSS(string='@page { size: A4 landscape; margin: 1cm !important}') HTML(string=html).write_pdf(filename, stylesheets=[css]) def save_all_favs_for_user(username, out_dir, save_in_html=True, with_comments=False, save_by_name=False, limit=None, project='h'): filetype = 'pdf' if save_in_html: filetype = 'html' if project == 'g': hu = GeektimesUser(username, need_favorites=True) else: hu = HabraUser(username, need_favorites=True) favs_id = hu.favorites() deleted = list() if limit is not None: limit_cnt = int(limit) else: limit_cnt = -1 for topic_name in favs_id: if limit_cnt == 0: break elif limit_cnt > 0: limit_cnt -= 1 topic_id = favs_id[topic_name] print('Downloading "{}" ({})...'.format(topic_name, topic_id)) if save_by_name: t_name = topic_name.replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_').replace('!', '.').replace(':', '.').replace(';', '.') if len(t_name) > 250: t_name = t_name[:250] filename = '{dir}/{name}.{filetype}'.format(dir=out_dir, name=t_name, filetype=filetype) else: filename = '{dir}/{id}.{filetype}'.format(dir=out_dir, id=topic_id, filetype=filetype) print('Saving it in "{}"'.format(filename)) try: if save_in_html: save_html(topic_id, filename, with_comments=with_comments, project=project) else: save_pdf(topic_id, filename, with_comments=with_comments, project=project) except PostDeleted: print('Post {} is deleted!'.format(topic_id)) deleted.append(topic_id) if len(deleted): print('All deleted posts: \n{}'.format('\n'.join(deleted))) pass def save_all_user_posts(username, out_dir, save_in_pdf=False): raise NotImplemented # if save_in_pdf: # raise NotImplemented # hu = HabraUser(username, need_user_posts=True) # pass def create_url_list(username, filename, project='h'): ''' Generates url list for favorites :param username: :param filename: :param project: one of 'h', 'g' :return: ''' hu = GeektimesUser(username) if project == 'g' else HabraUser(username) T = GeektimesTopic if project == 'g' else HabraTopic urls = list() favs_id = hu.favorites() if favs_id: for topic_name in favs_id: try: urls.append(T(favs_id[topic_name]).getTopicUrl()) except PostDeleted: print('Post {} is deleted!'.format(favs_id[topic_name])) urls.sort() with open(filename, 'wt') as f: f.write('\n'.join(urls)) else: print("Something went wrong. Maybe user is banned or deleted.") import docopt def main(): # {prog} save_posts [--gt|--mm] [-c --save-html --limit=N] params = """Usage: {prog} save_favs_list [--gt] {prog} save_favs [--gt] [-cn --save-html --limit=N] {prog} save_post [--gt] [-c --save-html] {prog} --help Arguments: username Имя пользовтеля Habrahabr.ru | Geektimes.ru | Megamozg.ru out_file Имя файла для сохранения списка избранного пользователя username out_dir Путь для сохранения избранного Options: --gt Работать с Geektimes -c, --with-comments Сохранить вместе с коментариями --save-html Сохранить в HTML (по умолчанию, в PDF) -n, --save-by-name Сохранять с именем, полученным из названия статьи (по умолчанию - по ID статьи) --limit=N Ограничить количество в N статей """.format(prog=sys.argv[0]) try: args = docopt.docopt(params) project = 'g' if args.get('--gt') else 'h' if args['save_favs_list']: create_url_list(args[''], args[''], project=project) return if args['save_favs']: save_all_favs_for_user(args[''], args[''], save_in_html=args['--save-html'], with_comments=args.get('--with-comments', False), save_by_name=args['--save-by-name'], limit=args['--limit'], project=project) return if args['save_post']: t_id = args[''] fname = args[''] if args['--save-html']: save_html(t_id, filename=fname, with_comments=args.get('--with-comments', False), project=project) else: save_pdf(t_id, filename=fname, with_comments=args.get('--with-comments', False), project=project) except docopt.DocoptExit as e: print(e) if __name__ == '__main__': main()