# Onepress Onepress is a simple, clean, and responsive "Hugo - Static Site Generator" theme for bloggers. ## Features - Simple, clean, and responsive - Tags - Sidebar widgets (optional) - [Disqus](https://disqus.com/) comments - Syntax highlighting with [Highlight.js](https://highlightjs.org/) - [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.io) Icons - SEO-friendly construction - [Google Analytics](https://analytics.google.com/) - [OpenGraph](http://ogp.me/) and [Twitter Cards](https://dev.twitter.com/cards/overview) integration - Custom CSS option - Twitter and Facebook share button - Author box (optional) ## Screenshot ![Onepress screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ijsucceed/onepress/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Installation ### Option 1: Clone Repository In the root of your Hugo site directory run: ``` $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/ijsucceed/onepress.git ``` ### Option 2: Create Submodule Create a submodule linked directly to the theme's GitHub repository in order to receive updates: ``` $ git submodule add https://github.com/ijsucceed/onepress.git themes/onepress ``` Then run: ``` $ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote ``` ## Configuration Onepress comes with several configuration options to aid in site customization. This is an example `config.toml` file: ``` baseURL = "https://ijsucceed.com/" languageCode = "en-UK" title = "Onepress Example Site" description = "a Blog by Jeremiah Succeed" config = "config.toml" tags = ["blog", "sidebar", "SEO"] theme = "onepress" # Enter your tracking code to enable Google Analytics googleAnalytics = " " # Disable comments by leaving disqusShortname empty disqusShortname = "your disqus shortname" copyright = "Copyright © 2019, Jeremiah Succeed; all rights reserved." canonifyURLS = true paginate = 12 [params] author = "Jeremiah Succeed" bio = "Fullstack web developer and Templates designer." logo = "/images/onepress-logo.png" avatar = "/images/onepress-author.png" opengraphImage = "/images/onepress-logo.jpg" enableRSS = true customCSS = false readMore = "Read Up" # Social twitter = "https://twitter.com/ijsucceed" github = "https://github.com/ijsucceed" facebook = "" linkedin = "" # Widget widgets = true # Author box and Share button authorCard = false shareButton = true # Code highlighting with highlight.js highlightJS = true # Taxonomies [taxonomies] tag = "tags" ``` ## Using Onepress The two main content types are blog posts and sidebar widgets. ## Widgets To create a widget section that renders on the sidebar, go to your `layouts/partials/` folder and locate `widgets.html`. ```


``` The themes has a default widget which is used to display social icons. You can simply add widget like this below. ```

Widget Title

// widget body
``` Whatever content you put inside the widget should fit properly to the widget space. This can be ad, affliate banner or call to action. You can also reorder the widgets simply by placing anyone section above the other. Removing a widget is simply by commenting(with html comment) that particular widget *section* or remove the *section* code entirely. ### No sidebar If you don't want a sidebar you can set the `widgets` to *false* in the `config.toml`. This will remove the sidebar and center your site content. ``` # Widget widgets = false ``` ## Blog Posts To create a new blog post, run: ``` $ hugo new post/post-title.md ``` ## Custom CSS To implement custom CSS sitewide, change the config.toml parameter customCSS from false to true and then go to `css.html` file in your `layouts/partials/` folder and add a css code like the example below: ``` ``` This will render inline CSS in the head of your site and without adding an extra HTTP request. ## Show Author box If you want to show author box beneath post. ``` authorCard = true ``` ## Subscribe link Use the parameter `subscribeLink` to create a link to a page (internal or external) that contains your email subscription form. ## Contributions If you'd like to help with the continous improvement of this theme, I encourage you to submit a pull request or create an issue if you find a bug. All help is celebrated. ## License This theme is released under the Apache 2.0 license. For more information read the [license](https://github.com/ijsucceed/onepress/blob/master/LICENSE).