# Lekh Simple, text-focussed and minimal personal portfolio theme based on https://github.com/vegarsti/vegarsti.github.io ## Screenshot ([Live Demo](https://agitated-yonath-d9c445.netlify.com/)) ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/invinciblycool/lekh/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Features * Social media links * Markdown supported * Easy to personalize * RSS feed * Dark mode (taken from https://www.gwern.net/ as it is.) * GoatCounter counts(analytics). Know more about GoatCounter [here](https://goatcounter.com) ## Installation ### Installing Hugo ```sh # For Linux sudo apt-get install hugo # For Mac brew install hugo # Detailed instructions at https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing#readout ``` ### Creating a new site ```sh hugo new site ``` ### Adding lekh as a theme ```sh cd git init git submodule add https://github.com/ba11b0y/lekh.git themes/lekh echo theme = \"lekh\" >> config.toml ``` Here's Hugo's [official guide](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/) for more details. ## Personalization Hugo looks for a `config.toml` in the root of your site. To personalize the theme, copy the default config shipped with the theme `cp themes/lekh/exampleSite/config.toml config.toml` And then customize accordingly. Or simply copy the below config and customize accordingly. ```toml baseURL = "https://example.com/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Example Lekh Site" theme = "lekh" [params] Name = "Agent Smith" About = "We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're __not__ free. There's no escaping reason. No denying purpose. Because as we both know without purpose, we would not exist.
Read more [here](https://matrix.fandom.com/wiki/Agent_Smith)" Email = "agentsmith@thematrix.com" Resume = "" # Add the filename with file extension. PostLimit = 4 # Sets the number of posts to display on the front page GoatCounterCode = "" [[params.profiles]] name = "GitHub" url = "https://github.com/ba11b0y" [[params.profiles]] name = "Twitter" url = "https://twitter.com/ba11b0y" [[params.profiles]] name = "Goodreads" url = "https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/91520565-rahul-tiwari" [[params.profiles]] name = "LinkedIn" url = "" ``` ## Creating posts ```sh # This creates a new draft post in content/posts hugo new posts/title-of-post.md ``` ## Serving it up ```sh # This will show up your draft posts as well. hugo server -D #OR #This will show up only your published posts. hugo server ``` ## Credits * Thanks to [Vegard's](https://github.com/vegarsti) personal site from which the theme was heavily inspired. * Also to https://www.gwern.net/ for the dark mode. Feel free to contribute and open issues.