# theme.toml template for a Hugo theme # See https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoThemes#themetoml for an example name = "W3.CSS Basic" license = "MIT" licenselink = "https://github.com/it-gro/hugo-theme-w3css-basic/blob/master/LICENSE.md" description = "This theme is built with W3.CSS and is highly configurable. More than 100 monochromatic color themes and 25 shortcodes. It has support for Cookie consent, image processing, image galleries, page bundles and resources (attachments)." homepage = "https://it-gro.github.io/hugo-theme-w3css-basic.github.io" tags = [ "blog" , "company" , "contact form" , "custom themes" , "disqus" , "font awesome" , "gallery" , "google analytics" , "landing page" , "mobile" , "monochromatic" , "pages" , "personal" , "portfolio" , "products" , "projects" , "responsive" , "search" , "syntax highlighting" , "w3css" ] features = [ "animate" , "attachments" , "blog" , "branch bundle" , "carousel" , "clients" , "color themes" , "configuration" , "contact form" , "cookie consent" , "custom themes" , "data" , "debug" , "disqus" , "emoji" , "features" , "figure" , "font awesome" , "formspree.io" , "gallery" , "google analytics" , "google custom search" , "google fonts" , "google map" , "google translate" , "headless bundle" , "hugo-easy-gallery" , "i18n" , "image processing" , "jumbotron" , "landing page" , "leaf bundle" , "marquee" , "menu" , "menutopbar" , "mobile" , "monochromatic colors" , "navigation" , "page bundles" , "page resources" , "pages" , "pagination" , "photocards" , "privacy" , "responsive" , "search" , "see more" , "submenu" , "taxonomy bar" , "taxonomy list" , "teaser pictures" , "teasers" , "term list" , "testimonials" , "tracing" , "w3css" ] min_version = "0.57.1" [author] name = "it-gro" homepage = "https://github.com/it-gro/" # If porting an existing theme [original] name = "Universal" homepage = "https://github.com/devcows/hugo-universal-theme" repo = "https://github.com/devcows/hugo-universal-theme.git"