# Contributing First off, thank you for your time and effort! This project is not very large and easy to jump into. ## Getting started 1. Fork and clone the repository 2. Install dependencies: ```bash cd hugo-theme-codex yarn install ``` ## Scripts ```bash yarn develop ``` Triggers a one-time build of the static directory. ```bash yarn format ``` Runs prettier on the entire project directory. ## Assets The `assets/` directory is where you can write JS and SCSS, which get processed into CSS files before being placed in the `static/` directory. ### Making `scss` changes If you make a change to a source `scss` file in `assets/scss`, you will need to make sure that you rebuild the `exampleSite/resources/_gen/assets/` directory to reflect the change in the demo site, else the demo's styles will become stale. If you are running `yarn develop`, `hugo` will pick up these changes by default. You can also run `yarn build:example`, which will trigger a one-time rebuild of the example site. From there, commit the updated `resources/_gen` directory to version control. ## Questions If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me directly. Best ways to contact me: - Twitter: https://twitter.com/jakewies - Email: jakewiesler@gmail.com