version: 2 jobs: build: docker: # See docker/Dockerfile - image: feedreader/fedora-feedreader-devel environment: ELASTICSEARCH_URL: # Note: The Feedbin API has to run on subdomain "api" FEEDBIN_TEST_HOST: http://api.x.localhost:9292 POSTGRES_USERNAME: postgres POSTGRES_HOST: DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres@ REDIS_URL: redis:// # Feedbin uses an ancient version of ElasticSearch # - image: elasticsearch:2.3.3 environment: 'discovery.type': single-node - image: postgres:9.6.5-alpine - image: redis:3.2.11-alpine working_directory: ~/FeedReader steps: - run: name: Setup Feedbin # Wait a few seconds for postgres to startup command: sleep 5 && cd /feedbin && rake db:setup - run: name: Run Feedbin background processes command: cd /feedbin && bundle exec foreman start background: true - run: name: Run Feedbin command: cd /feedbin && rackup background: true - checkout - run: name: Configure command: meson builddir - run: name: Build command: cd builddir && ninja -j4 - run: name: Test command: cd builddir && ninja test - run: name: Generate JUnit XML command: | mkdir -p /tmp/test-results/junit/ cd builddir for f in *.gtester.log; do xsltproc -o /tmp/test-results/junit/$(basename $f .gtester.log).xml ../gtester-to-junit-4.xsl $f; done when: always - store_test_results: path: /tmp/test-results - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/test-results/junit destination: test-results