// This file is part of FeedReader. // // FeedReader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // FeedReader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General public License // along with FeedReader. If not, see . namespace FeedReader { public class TagID : GLib.Object { public const string NEW = "blubb"; } public class AboutInfo : GLib.Object { public const string programmName = "FeedReader"; public const string copyright = "Copyright © 2014-2018 Jan Lukas Gernert"; public const string version = "@VERSION@"; public const string comments = N_("Desktop Client for various RSS Services"); public const string[] authors = { "Jan Lukas Gernert", "Bilal Elmoussaoui", "Brendan Long", "Anwesh Reddy" , "Jason Scurtu", null }; public const string[] documenters = { "nobody", null }; public const string[] artists = {"Jan Lukas Gernert", "Harvey Cabaguio", "Jorge Marques", "Andrew Joyce", null}; public const string iconName = "org.gnome.FeedReader"; public const string translators = N_("translator-credits"); public const string website = "http://jangernert.github.io/FeedReader/"; } public class Menu : GLib.Object { public const string about = _("About FeedReader"); public const string settings = _("Settings"); public const string reset = _("Change Account"); public const string bugs = _("Report a Bug"); public const string bounty = _("Bounties"); public const string shortcuts = _("Keyboard Shortcuts"); } public class MediaButton : GLib.Object { public const string PLAY = "Play"; public const string PAUSE = "Pause"; public const string MUTE = "Mute"; public const string UNMUTE = "Unmute"; public const string CLOSE = "Close"; } public class Constants : GLib.Object { public const string INSTALL_PREFIX = "@PREFIX@"; public const string INSTALL_LIBDIR = "@PKGLIBDIR@"; public const string LOCALE_DIR = "@LOCALE_DIR@"; public const string GETTEXT_PACKAGE = "@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@"; public const string GIT_SHA1 = "#GIT_SHA1#"; public const string USER_AGENT = "FeedReader @VERSION@"; public const int DB_SCHEMA_VERSION = 7; public const int REDOWNLOAD_FAVICONS_AFTER_DAYS = 7; // tango colors public const string[] COLORS = { "#edd400", // butter medium "#f57900", // orange medium "#c17d11", // chocolate medium "#73d216", // chameleon medium "#3465a4", // sky blue medium "#75507b", // plum medium "#cc0000", // scarlet red medium "#d3d7cf", // aluminium medium "#fce94f", // butter light "#fcaf3e", // orange light "#e9b96e", // chocolate light "#8ae234", // chameleon light "#729fcf", // sky blue light "#ad7fa8", // plum light "#ef2929", // scarlet red light "#eeeeec", // aluminium light "#c4a000", // butter dark "#ce5c00", // orange dark "#8f5902", // chocolate dark "#4e9a06", // chameleon dark "#204a87", // sky blue dark "#5c3566", // plum dark "#a40000", // scarlet red dark "#babdb6" // aluminium dark }; } }