/* Tailwind base - put variables under: tailwind.config.js */ @import "node_modules/tailwindcss/base"; /* Tailwind component classes registered by plugins*/ @import "node_modules/tailwindcss/components"; /* Tailwind's utility classes - generated based on config file */ @import "node_modules/tailwindcss/utilities"; /* # # Buttons # */ /* .button-primary { background-color: rgb(239, 130, 44); } .button-primary:hover { background-color: rgb(236, 113, 18); } .button-secondary { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95); background-color: rgb(100, 100, 100); } .button-secondary:hover { background-color: rgb(90, 90, 90); } */ /* # # Top border color of form inputs # */ /* .border-t { border-color: rgb(239, 130, 44); } */ /* # # Header Background & Text # */ /* #header-inner-wrapper { background-color: rgba(26, 38, 191, 0.9); } #brand-headline { color: rgb(239, 130, 44); } #tagline-paragraph { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95); } */ /* # # Content below the header # */ /* .prose h1 { color: rgb(239, 130, 44); } .prose p { color: white; } */