syntax: glob # Temporary, cache, swap files \#\#* *.swp *.bkp # Files which "ask" to be hidden *~ .* unused/ # Build artifacts *.a *.o *.so *.ptx bin/* lib/* build/ build-*/ bazel-* # Core dumps core core.* core-* # CMake & CTest-generated files CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles/ cmake_install.cmake CMakeScripts/* CMakeTmp/* Makefile CTestTestfile.cmake Testing/ # Eclise IDE-related files .project .cproject .settings # CLion IDE-related files .idea/ cmake-build-*/ # Patching *.diff *.rej *.orig # Files/folders downloaded from other repositories as part of the build external/* third-party/* # Miscellaneous tags log *.log *.v3breakpoints gmon.out .DS_Store # Doxygen doxygen.log Doxyfile docs/ # Archives *.zip *.gz *.bz2 *.tgz *.tar *.xz