# Twenty Nineteen Hugo This is a [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) port of WordPress's [Twenty Nineteen](https://github.com/wordpress/twentynineteen) theme. ## Highlights - Accent color configurable via config.toml - Featured images via `image:` in your post or page frontmatter - Featured image filter effect works and can be disabled - Menu locations and social menu icons all work using Hugo's built-in menus - Syntax highlighting included with the Monokai Light syntax theme - Image alignment and caption styles ported to work nicely Hugo's built-in [figure shortcode](https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/#figure) ## Installation From the root of your site: `git submodule add https://github.com/jeremybise/twentynineteen-hugo.git themes/twentynineteen-hugo` In your `config.toml`, add the following: `theme = "twentynineteen-hugo"` ## Updating From the root of your site: `git submodule update --remote --merge` ## Differences from original theme - Comment stuff has been omitted - Author stuff has been omitted ## Content Notes - To set a featured image for a post or page, add `image: /path/to/image.jpg` to your post or page's frontmatter. ## Available Site Params Some theme features can be configured in `config.toml`. Here are the options: ```toml [params] accent_color = "#FF0000" # Set a custom accent color for links and image filters, if enabled. Defaults to blue. description = "This is the site tagline." # Adds tagline next to the site title. privacy_link = "/privacy/" # Relative URL to privacy page, if there is one. This enables a Privacy Policy link in the footer. The link doesn't display if this isn't specified. disable_image_filters = false # Setting to true disables the color filter feature on images. Defaults to false. ``` ## Menus The theme includes three menu locations: `main`, `social` and `footer`. You can include pages in the `main` and `footer` menus using any of Hugo's [documented methods](https://gohugo.io/content-management/menus/). Sub menus work one level deep. For example, in your frontmatter: ```yaml menu: main: parent: "About Hugo" ``` The social menu can be configured in `config.toml` following this example: ```toml [menu] [[menu.social]] identifier = "github" name = "Github" url = "https://github.com/gohugoio" [menu] [[menu.social]] identifier = "twitter" name = "Twitter" url = "https://twitter.com/gohugoio" ``` The theme uses the `identifier` to determine which icon to show. For a listing of which icons are available, check out the [social icons partial folder](https://github.com/jeremybise/twentynineteen-hugo/tree/master/layouts/partials/icons/social). ## Search Add the JSON output format to your `config.toml` to create the index: ```toml [outputs] home = ["HTML", "RSS", "JSON"] ``` Add `search.md` at the root of your `content` folder with the following frontmatter: ```yaml --- title: "Search" type: static layout: search --- ``` ## Google Analytics Add your Google Analytics Tracking Code ID to your `config.toml`: ```googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45"``` The asynchronous tracking script will be included on pages on the live server, but not the dev server. ## License Open sourced under the [GPL license](https://github.com/jeremybise/twentynineteen-hugo/blob/master/LICENSE.md) (inherited from the original theme)