# YinYang [YinYang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yin_and_yang) is a black-white theme for [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/). [**Demo**](https://blog.joway.io) ## Feature - minimalist - multi-language support - [disqus](https://disqus.com) support - [SEO Optimization](https://github.com/joway/hugo-theme-yinyang/blob/master/layouts/partials/seo.html) ## Screenshot ![](./images/screenshot.png) ## Installation From the root of your site: ```shell git clone git@github.com:joway/hugo-theme-yinyang.git themes/yinyang ``` Change `config.toml`: ```toml theme = "yinyang" ``` ## Configuration ### Head Title ``` [params] headTitle = "Joway Wang" ``` If there is no `headTitle` in params, use `.Site.Author.name`. ### Main section Set your main section: ``` [params] mainSections = ["posts"] ``` ### Multi-Language ``` [languages] [languages.en] contentDir = "content/en" languageName = "English" weight = 1 [languages.cn] contentDir = "content/cn" languageName = "Chinese" weight = 2 ``` Then your posts files should be put into `content/en` or `content/cn`. ### Footer ``` [[params.socials]] name = "About Me" link = "https://joway.io" [[params.socials]] name = "Github" link = "https://github.com/joway" ``` ### Extra Head ``` [params] extraHead = '' ``` ### Extra CSS files ``` [params] extraCSSFiles = ["css/foo.css", "css/bar.css"] ``` ### Twitter Cards Add the following setting: ``` [params] twitterCards = true ``` In a post's front matter, include a keyword `images` with a value of a list of URLs of images that will be used for Twitter Cards. ### Insert content on every post ``` [params] postHeaderContent = "" postFooterContent = "

Subscribe:Joway's Blog

" ``` ### Example ``` baseURL = "https://blog.joway.io/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Joway's Blog" theme = "yinyang" DefaultContentLanguage = "cn" [markup] [markup.goldmark] [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe = true [markup.highlight] guessSyntax = true noClasses = true style = "bw" tabWidth = 2 [author] name = "Joway" homepage = "https://joway.io/" [languages] [languages.en] contentDir = "content/en" languageName = "English" weight = 1 [languages.cn] contentDir = "content/cn" languageName = "Chinese" weight = 2 [params] mainSections = ["posts"] headTitle = "Joway Wang" disqus = "joway" # disqus account name extraHead = '' [[params.socials]] name = "About Me" link = "https://joway.io" [[params.socials]] name = "Github" link = "https://github.com/joway" postHeaderContent = "" postFooterContent = "

Subscribe to:Joway's Blog

" # extraCSSFiles = ["css/foo.css", "css/bar.css"] extraCSSFiles = [] ```