$tag-added: #32b643; $tag-changed:#ffb700; $tag-deprecated: #acb3c2; $tag-removed: #2176ff; $tag-fixed: #a1548b; $tag-security: #e85600; $tag-performance: deeppink; // $primary-color: #e54747; // Variables and mixins @import "spectre/src/variables"; @import "spectre/src/mixins"; /*! Spectre.css v#{$version} | MIT License | github.com/picturepan2/spectre */ // Reset and dependencies @import "spectre/src/normalize"; @import "spectre/src/base"; // Elements @import "spectre/src/typography"; // @import "spectre/src/asian"; // @import "spectre/src/tables"; // @import "spectre/src/buttons"; // @import "spectre/src/forms"; @import "spectre/src/labels"; // @import "spectre/src/codes"; // @import "spectre/src/media"; // Icons @import "spectre/src/icons/icons-core"; @import "spectre/src/icons/icons-navigation"; // Layout @import "spectre/src/layout"; // @import "spectre/src/navbar"; // Components @import "spectre/src/accordions"; // @import "spectre/src/avatars"; // @import "spectre/src/badges"; // @import "spectre/src/breadcrumbs"; // @import "spectre/src/bars"; // @import "spectre/src/cards"; // @import "spectre/src/chips"; // @import "spectre/src/dropdowns"; // @import "spectre/src/empty"; // @import "spectre/src/menus"; // @import "spectre/src/modals"; // @import "spectre/src/navs"; @import "spectre/src/pagination"; // @import "spectre/src/panels"; // @import "spectre/src/popovers"; // @import "spectre/src/steps"; // @import "spectre/src/tabs"; // @import "spectre/src/tiles"; // @import "spectre/src/toasts"; // @import "spectre/src/tooltips"; // Utility classes // @import "spectre/src/animations"; @import "spectre/src/utilities"; @import "spectre/src/timelines"; .tag-added { background: $tag-added; } .tag-performance { background: $tag-performance; } .tag-changed { background: $tag-changed; } .tag-deprecated { background: $tag-deprecated; } .tag-removed { background: $tag-removed; } .tag-fixed { background: $tag-fixed; } .tag-security { background: $tag-security; } .changes > li, .changes-entry > ul > li { // hide top-level list bullets list-style: none; } .changes h4 { margin-bottom: 0; } .full-screen-message { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; text-align: center; min-height: 100vh; font-size: 200%; text-decoration: none; color: #363636; } .full-screen-message a { display: inline-block; } .deprecated { border-radius: 10px; label { cursor: pointer; } .accordion-body { margin-top: 1rem; .timeline-item::before { background-color: #ffb700; } p { margin: 0 0 .2rem; } } } .experimental ul { margin: 0.4em; } li code { padding: 0.2em 0.4em; margin: 0; font-size: 85%; background-color: rgba(27,31,35,0.05); border-radius: 3px; vertical-align: middle; } // https://github.com/jsnjack/hugo-changelog-theme/issues/18 .accordion input:checked ~ .accordion-body, .accordion[open] .accordion-body { max-height: 100rem; margin-bottom: 1rem; }