import ContactProvider from './ContactProvider'; import { IJID } from './JID.interface'; import { IContact } from './Contact.interface'; import Contact from './Contact'; import Account from './Account'; import Utils from '@util/Utils'; import HookRepository from '@util/HookRepository'; import Log from '@util/Log'; import Roster from '@ui/Roster'; const EVENT_NEW = 'new'; const EVENT_REMOVED = 'removed'; const KEY_CONTACTS = 'contacts'; export default class ContactManager { private providers: ContactProvider[] = []; private contacts: { [key: string]: IContact } = {}; private hookRepository = new HookRepository(); constructor(private account: Account) { this.registerNewContactHook(contact => { Roster.get().add(contact); contact.getChatWindowController(); }); this.registerRemovedContactHook(contact => { Roster.get().remove(contact); contact.getChatWindowController().close(); }); } public restoreCache() { let session = this.account.getSessionStorage(); let cachedIds: string[] = session.getItem(KEY_CONTACTS) || []; cachedIds.forEach(id => this.added(id)); cachedIds.forEach(id => this.triggerAddedHook(id)); session.registerHook(KEY_CONTACTS, (newValue, oldValue, key) => { if (key !== KEY_CONTACTS) { return; } let diff = Utils.diffArray(newValue, oldValue); let newContactIds = diff.newValues; let deletedContactIds = diff.deletedValues; newContactIds.forEach(id => this.added(id)); newContactIds.forEach(id => this.triggerAddedHook(id)); deletedContactIds.forEach(id => this.deleted(id)); }); } public registerContactProvider(source: ContactProvider) { this.providers.push(source); } public registerNewContactHook(func: (contact: IContact) => void) { this.hookRepository.registerHook(EVENT_NEW, func); } public registerRemovedContactHook(func: (contact: IContact) => void) { this.hookRepository.registerHook(EVENT_REMOVED, func); } public async loadContacts() { let storage = this.account.getSessionStorage(); if (storage.getItem('contacts', 'loaded')) { return; } let allContacts: IContact[][] = await Promise.all( => provider.load())); allContacts.forEach(contacts => { contacts.forEach(contact => { this.contacts[contact.getId()] = contact; }); }); let contactIds = Object.keys(this.contacts).sort((a, b) => (a < b ? 1 : -1)); this.account.getSessionStorage().setItem(KEY_CONTACTS, contactIds); storage.setItem('contacts', 'loaded', true); } public async add(contact: IContact): Promise { this.contacts[contact.getId()] = contact; let results = await Promise.all( => provider.add(contact))); if (results.indexOf(true) < 0) { delete this.contacts[contact.getId()]; throw new Error('Could not add contact, because all contact providers failed.'); } if (!contact.getProviderId()) { Log.error('Provider id was not set'); } } public addToCache(contact: IContact) { let id = contact.getId(); let storage = this.account.getSessionStorage(); let cache = storage.getItem(KEY_CONTACTS) || []; if (!this.contacts[id]) { this.contacts[id] = contact; } if (cache.indexOf(id) < 0) { let contactIds = Object.keys(this.contacts).sort((a, b) => (a < b ? 1 : -1)); storage.setItem(KEY_CONTACTS, contactIds); } } private added(id: string) { let contact = this.contacts[id]; if (!contact) { let providerId = Contact.getProviderId(this.account, id); let provider = this.getProviderById(providerId); if (!provider) { Log.error(`Can not find contact provider with id ${providerId}.`); return; } contact = provider.createContact(id); } this.contacts[contact.getId()] = contact; } /** * This function should always be called after a contact was added (this.added). * It can't be part of the added function, because if multiple contacts are restored, * it could result into failing dependencies. E.g. in a muc room you need the contact * object of every member. * * @param id contact id */ private triggerAddedHook(id: string) { let contact = this.contacts[id]; if (contact) { this.hookRepository.trigger(EVENT_NEW, contact); } } private getProviderById(id: string): ContactProvider { let ids = => provider.getUid()); return this.providers[ids.indexOf(id)]; } public getContact(jid: IJID): IContact { return this.contacts[jid.bare]; } public delete(contact: IContact): Promise { let provider = this.getProviderById(contact.getProviderId()); return provider.deleteContact(contact.getJid()); } //@REVIEW id could also be jid public deleteFromCache(id: string) { let contactIds = Object.keys(this.contacts); if (contactIds.indexOf(id) < 0) { throw new Error(`Can not delete ${id} from cache, because it does not exist.`); } this.account.getSessionStorage().setItem( KEY_CONTACTS, contactIds.filter(contactId => contactId !== id) ); } private deleted(id: string) { let contact = this.contacts[id]; if (!contact) { return; } delete this.contacts[id]; this.hookRepository.trigger(EVENT_REMOVED, contact); } public removeAllContactsFromCache() { this.account.getSessionStorage().setItem(KEY_CONTACTS, []); } }