import loginDialog from './ui/dialogs/loginBox'; import { SHOWN } from './CONST'; import { ICEServer } from './IceServers'; import { SettingsCallback } from './FormWatcher'; import { IJID } from './JID.interface'; /* tslint:disable:no-unnecessary-initializer */ // We need to initialize options with undefined, otherwise they will not be exported. /** name of container application (e.g. Nextcloud or SOGo) */ export let appName = 'web applications'; /** How many messages should be logged? */ export let numberOfMessages = 100; /** Language as IETF language tag (e.g. en, de, es) */ export let lang = ''; /** Auto language detection */ export let autoLang = true; /** Place for roster */ export let rosterAppend = 'body'; /** Default visibility of roster */ export let rosterVisibility = SHOWN; /** Set to true if you want to hide offline contacts */ export let hideOfflineContacts = false; /** Returns permanent saved settings. */ export let loadOptions: (jid: string, password: string) => Promise<{ [id: string]: { [key: string]: any } }> = undefined; /** This function is called after a watched form or the login box is submitted. */ export let loadConnectionOptions: SettingsCallback = undefined; /** This function is called if an option gets changed. */ export let onOptionChange: (id: string, key: string, value: any, exportId: () => any) => void = undefined; /** Returns a list of usernames and aliases */ export let getUsers: (search: string) => Promise<{ [uid: string]: string }> = undefined; /** @TODO Options for info in favicon (UNUSED) */ export let favicon = { enable: true, /** Favicon info background color */ bgColor: '#E59400', /** Favicon info text color */ textColor: '#fff', }; /** This function is called for every avatar element without a user defined avatar. */ export let avatarPlaceholder: (element: JQuery, name: string, color: string, jid?: IJID) => void = ( element: JQuery, text: string, color: string ) => { element.css({ 'background-color': color, color: '#fff', 'font-weight': 'bold', 'text-align': 'center', 'line-height': '36px', // element.height() + 'px', 'font-size': '22px', //element.height() * 0.6 + 'px' }); element.text(text.length ? text[0].toUpperCase() : ''); }; export interface IRTCPeerConfig { ttl: number; url?: string; withCredentials: boolean; iceServers: ICEServer[]; } /** RTCPeerConfiguration used for audio/video calls. */ export let RTCPeerConfig: IRTCPeerConfig = { /** Time-to-live for config from url */ ttl: 3600, /** [optional] If set, jsxc requests and uses RTCPeerConfig from this url */ url: null, /** If true, jsxc send cookies when requesting RTCPeerConfig from the url above */ withCredentials: false, /** ICE servers like defined in */ iceServers: [ { urls: '', }, ], }; /** Link to an online user manual */ export let onlineHelp = ''; /** @TODO (UNUSED) */ export let viewport = { getSize() { let w = $(window).width() - $('#jsxc_windowListSB').width(); let h = $(window).height(); // if ('roster') === 'shown') { // w -= $('#jsxc_roster').outerWidth(true); // } return { width: w, height: h, }; }, }; /** * Download urls to screen media extensions. (UNUSED) * * @type {Object} * @see example extensions {@link} */ export let screenMediaExtension = { firefox: '', chrome: '', }; /** Options for native browser notifications */ export let notification = { enable: true, /** duration for notification */ popupDuration: 6000, /** Mute notification sound? */ mute: false, }; export let storage = window.localStorage; export let disabledPlugins: string[] = ['time']; export let connectionCallback: (jid: string, status: number, condition?: string) => void = null; export let onUserRequestsToGoOnline: () => void = loginDialog; export let automaticallyRestoreAccounts = true; /** Images are automatically loaded from trusted domains. To trust all subdomains, use a asterix as wildcard. */ export let trustedDomains: string[] = []; export let includeOSInVersionResponse = false;