import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as sinon from 'sinon'; import 'mocha'; import IStorage from '@src/Storage.interface' import Options from '@src/Options' import * as defaultOptions from '@src/OptionsDefault' describe('Options', function() { let options: Options; let storage = { }; before(function() { options = new Options(storage); }); after(function() { }); it('should return the storage name as id', function() { const NAME = 'myName'; storage.getName = sinon.stub().returns(NAME); expect(options.getId()).equals(NAME); }); it('should return "client" as id for anonym storage', function() { storage.getName = sinon.stub().returns(undefined); expect(options.getId()).equals('client'); }); it('should return default options', function() { storage.getItem = sinon.stub().returns({}); for (let name in defaultOptions) { expect(options.get(name)).equals(defaultOptions[name]); } }); it('should return stored options', function() { const STORED_VALUE = new Date(); let store = {}; for (let name in defaultOptions) { store[name] = STORED_VALUE; } storage.getItem = sinon.stub().returns(store); for (let name in defaultOptions) { expect(options.get(name), `Option name: ${name}`).equals(STORED_VALUE); } }); it('should return merged objects, if only single values were changed', function() { storage.getItem = sinon.stub().returns({ notification: { mute: 'foobar' } }); let notificationOptions = options.get('notification'); for (let name in defaultOptions.notification) { if (name === 'mute') { expect(notificationOptions[name]).equals('foobar'); } else { expect(notificationOptions[name]).equals(defaultOptions.notification[name]); } } }) it('should return correct values for chained keys', function() { const STORED_VALUE = 'foo'; let store = { a: { b: { c: STORED_VALUE } } }; storage.getItem = sinon.stub().returns(store); expect(options.get('a.b.c')).equals(STORED_VALUE); }); it('should return "undefined" if the option is unknown', function() { storage.getItem = sinon.stub().returns({}); expect(options.get('foobar')).equals(undefined); }); it('should return overwritten defaults', function() { storage.getItem = sinon.stub().returns({}); const KEY = 'rosterAppend'; const VALUE = 'foo'; Options.overwriteDefaults({ [KEY]: VALUE }); expect(options.get(KEY)).equals(VALUE); }); it('should ignore unknown options if overwritten', function() { storage.getItem = sinon.stub().returns({}); Options.overwriteDefaults({ foo: 'bar' }); expect(options.get('foo')).equals(undefined); }); it('should add new defaults and ignore existing', function() { storage.getItem = sinon.stub().returns({}); Options.overwriteDefaults({ newOption: 'new', rosterAppend: 'div', }); expect(options.get('newOption')).equals(undefined); expect(options.get('rosterAppend')).equals(defaultOptions.rosterAppend); }); it('should update the value in the store', function() { const KEY = 'foo'; const VALUE = 'bar'; storage.setItem = sinon.stub(); options.set(KEY, VALUE); expect(( storage.setItem).args[0][1][KEY]).equals(VALUE); }); it('should store key chains', function() { const KEY = ''; const VALUE = 'bar'; storage.setItem = sinon.stub(); options.set(KEY, VALUE); expect(( storage.setItem).args[0][1]; }); it('should trigger onOptionChange', function() { const KEY = 'foo'; const VALUE = 'bar'; storage.updateItem = sinon.stub(); let newOptions = { onOptionChange: sinon.stub(), }; Options.overwriteDefaults(newOptions); options.set(KEY, VALUE); expect(( newOptions.onOptionChange).args[0][1]).equals(KEY); expect(( newOptions.onOptionChange).args[0][2]).equals(VALUE); }) it('should trigger registered hooks', function() { const KEY = 'rosterAppend'; const VALUE = 'foobar'; const OLD_VALUE = 'old_foobar'; storage.registerHook = sinon.stub(); let handler = sinon.stub(); options.registerHook(KEY, handler); options.set(KEY, VALUE); ( storage.registerHook).args[0][1]({[KEY]: VALUE}, {[KEY]: OLD_VALUE}); expect(( handler).args[0][0]).equals(VALUE); expect(( handler).args[0][1]).equals(OLD_VALUE); }); it('should export only stored options', function() { storage.getItem = sinon.stub().returns({ foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo', }); let data = options.export(); expect('bar'); expect('foo'); }) });