# Hugo conference Hugo conference is a theme for conferences/events based on the original [conf-boilerplate theme](https://github.com/braziljs/conf-boilerplate/) by [BrazilJS Foundation](http://braziljs.org/) and his many contributors. ## Building my conference site from scratch 1. Install [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) 2. Create a new site by running: hugo new site my-conf cd my-conf git clone https://github.com/jweslley/hugo-conference themes/hugo-conference rm -f config.toml cp themes/hugo-conference/exampleSite/config.yml . 3. It's done. Just start Hugo server to see it live! hugo server --watch ## Customizing the site All the site information can be found in the `config.yml` file. Just edit it to make changes. By default, the site have the following sections: - About - to describe what's the main goal of your event. - Location - to show where it's going to happen through Google Maps. - Speakers - to list information about speakers. - Schedule - to show the agenda. - Sponsors - to show the brand of your sponsors. - Partners - to show the brand of your partners. Ps: It's important to change the `baseurl` property from `config.yml` file in order to reflect your settings. ### Google Maps Google now requires a Google Maps JavaScript API Key to show maps. You can obtain your key [here](https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key). Then set your API key in the `GoogleMapsKey` param in the `config.yml` file. ## License MIT, see [LICENSE](https://github.com/jweslley/hugo-conference/blob/master/LICENSE).