#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use strict; use warnings; use Encode qw/from_to decode/; use Encode::Guess; use File::Basename; use POSIX qw/strftime/; use constant IS_WIN => $^O eq 'MSWin32'; use constant { NL => IS_WIN ? "\015\012" : "\012", TIMEOUT => 10, AGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36', MOBILE_AGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; Pixel 7 Pro) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36', YANDEX_BASE => 'https://music.yandex.ru', MOBILE_YANDEX_BASE => 'https://api.music.yandex.net', MD5_SALT => 'XGRlBW9FXlekgbPrRHuSiA', DOWNLOAD_INFO_MASK => '/api/v2.1/handlers/track/%d:%d/web-album_track-track-track-main/download/m?external-domain=music.yandex.ru&overembed=no&__t=%d&hq=%d', MOBILE_DOWNLOAD_INFO_MASK => '/tracks/%d/download-info', DOWNLOAD_PATH_MASK => 'https://%s/get-mp3/%s/%s?track-id=%s&from=service-10-track&similarities-experiment=default', PLAYLIST_INFO_MASK => '/handlers/playlist.jsx?owner=%s&kinds=%d&light=true&madeFor=&withLikesCount=true&lang=ru&external-domain=music.yandex.ru&overembed=false&ncrnd=', MOBILE_PLAYLIST_INFO_MASK => '/users/%s/playlists/%d', PLAYLIST_REQ_PART => '{"userFeed":"old","similarities":"default","genreRadio":"new-ichwill-matrixnet6","recommendedArtists":"ichwill_similar_artists","recommendedTracks":"recommended_tracks_by_artist_from_history","recommendedAlbumsOfFavoriteGenre":"recent","recommendedSimilarArtists":"default","recommendedArtistsWithArtistsFromHistory":"force_recent","adv":"a","loserArtistsWithArtists":"off","ny2015":"no"}', PLAYLIST_FULL_INFO => '/handlers/track-entries.jsx', ALBUM_INFO_MASK => '/api/v2.1/handlers/album/%d?external-domain=music.yandex.ru&overembed=no&__t=%d', MOBILE_ALBUM_INFO_MASK => '/albums/%d/with-tracks', LYRICS_MASK => '/handlers/track.jsx?track=%d:%d&lang=ru&external-domain=music.yandex.ru&overembed=false&ncrnd=%d', FILE_NAME_PATTERN => '#artist - #title', DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS => 755, # For more details refer to 'create_track_entry' function PATTERN_MP3TAGS_RELS => { 'number' => 'TRCK', 'artist' => 'TPE1', 'title' => 'TIT2', 'album' => 'TALB', 'year' => 'TYER', }, FILE_SAVE_EXT => '.mp3', COVER_RESOLUTION => '400x400', GENERIC_COLLECTION => "\x{441}\x{431}\x{43e}\x{440}\x{43d}\x{438}\x{43a}", GENERIC_TITLE => 'Various Artists', URL_ALBUM_REGEX => qr{music\.yandex\.\w+/album/(\d+)}is, URL_TRACK_REGEX => qr{music\.yandex\.\w+/album/(\d+)/track/(\d+)}is, URL_PLAYLIST_REGEX => qr{music\.yandex\.\w+/users/(.+?)/playlists/(\d+)}is, RESPONSE_LOG_PREFIX => 'log_', TEST_URL => 'https://api.music.yandex.net/users/ya.playlist/playlists/1', RENAME_ERRORS_MAX => 5, AUTH_TOKEN_PREFIX => 'OAuth ', COOKIE_PREFIX => 'Session_id=', HQ_BITRATE => '320', DEFAULT_CODEC => 'mp3', PODCAST_TYPE => 'podcast', VERSION => '1.5', COPYRIGHT => '© 2013-2022 by Kaimi (https://kaimi.io)', }; use constant { PLAYLIST_LIKE => 3, PLAYLIST_LIKE_TITLE => 'Мне нравится' }; use constant { DEBUG => 'DEBUG', ERROR => 'ERROR', INFO => 'INFO', OK => 'OK' }; use constant { WIN_UTF8_CODEPAGE => 65001, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE => 0xFFFFFFF5, FG_BLUE => 1, FG_GREEN => 2, FG_RED => 4, BG_WHITE => 112, SZ_CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX => 84, FF_DONTCARE => 0 << 4, FW_NORMAL => 400, COORD => 0x000c0000, FONT_NAME => 'Lucida Console' }; my %log_colors = ( &DEBUG => { nix => 'red on_white', win => FG_RED | BG_WHITE }, &ERROR => { nix => 'red', win => FG_RED }, &INFO => { nix => 'blue on_white', win => FG_BLUE | BG_WHITE }, &OK => { nix => 'green on_white', win => FG_GREEN | BG_WHITE } ); my %req_modules = ( NIX => [], WIN => [ qw/Win32::API Win32API::File Win32::Console/ ], ALL => [ qw/Mozilla::CA Digest::MD5 File::Copy File::Spec File::Temp File::Util MP3::Tag JSON::PP Getopt::Long::Descriptive Term::ANSIColor LWP::UserAgent LWP::Protocol::https HTTP::Cookies HTML::Entities/ ] ); $\ = NL; my @missing_modules; for my $module(@{$req_modules{ALL}}, IS_WIN ? @{$req_modules{WIN}} : @{$req_modules{NIX}}) { # Suppress MP3::Tag deprecated regex and other warnings eval "local \$SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub {}; require $module"; if($@) { push @missing_modules, $module; } } if(@missing_modules) { print 'Please, install this modules: ' . join ', ', @missing_modules; exit(1); } # PAR issue workaround && different win* approach for Unicode output if(IS_WIN) { binmode STDOUT, ':unix:utf8'; # Unicode (UTF-8) codepage Win32::Console::OutputCP(WIN_UTF8_CODEPAGE); $main::console = Win32::Console->new(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); # Set console font with Unicode support (only for Vista+ OS) if((Win32::GetOSVersion())[1] eq 6) { # FaceName size = LF_FACESIZE Win32::API::Struct->typedef ( CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX => qw { ULONG cbSize; DWORD nFont; DWORD dwFontSize; UINT FontFamily; UINT FontWeight; WCHAR FaceName[32]; } ); Win32::API->Import ( 'kernel32', 'HANDLE WINAPI GetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle)' ); Win32::API->Import ( 'kernel32', 'BOOL WINAPI SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(HANDLE hConsoleOutput, BOOL bMaximumWindow, LPCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX lpConsoleCurrentFontEx)' ); my $font = Win32::API::Struct->new('CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX'); $font->{cbSize} = SZ_CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX; $font->{nFont} = 0; $font->{dwFontSize} = COORD; # COORD struct wrap $font->{FontFamily} = FF_DONTCARE; $font->{FontWeight} = FW_NORMAL; $font->{FaceName} = Encode::encode('UTF-16LE', FONT_NAME); SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0, $font); } } else { binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(utf8)'; } my ($opt, $usage) = Getopt::Long::Descriptive::describe_options ( 'Yandex Music Downloader v' . VERSION . NL . NL . basename(__FILE__).' %o', ['playlist|p:i', 'playlist id to download'], ['kind|k:s', 'playlist kind (eg. ya-playlist, music-blog, music-partners, etc.)'], ['album|a:i', 'album to download'], ['track|t:i', 'track to download (album id must be specified)'], ['url|u:s', 'download by URL'], ['dir|d:s', 'download path (current direcotry will be used by default)', {default => '.'}], ['skip-existing', 'skip downloading tracks that already exist on the specified path'], ['proxy=s', 'HTTP-proxy (format:'], ['exclude=s', 'skip tracks specified in file'], ['include=s', 'download only tracks specified in file'], ['delay=i', 'delay between downloads (in seconds)', {default => 5}], ['mobile=i', 'use mobile API', {default => 0}], ['auth=s', 'authorization header for mobile version (OAuth...)'], ['cookie=s', 'authorization cookie for web version (Session_id=...)'], ['bitrate=i', 'bitrate (eg. 64, 128, 192, 320)'], ['pattern=s', 'track naming pattern', {default => FILE_NAME_PATTERN}], ['path=s', 'path saving pattern', {default => ''}], [], ['Available placeholders: #number, #artist, #title, #album, #year'], [], ['Path pattern will be used in addition to the download path directory'], [], ['Example path pattern: #artist/#album-#year'], [], ['link|l', 'do not fetch, only print links to the tracks'], ['silent|s', 'do not print informational messages'], ['debug', 'print debug info during work'], ['help|h', 'print usage'], [], ['--include and --exclude options use weak match i.e. ~/$term/'], [], ['Example: '], [basename(__FILE__) . ' -p 123 -k ya-playlist'], [basename(__FILE__) . ' -a 123'], [basename(__FILE__) . ' -a 123 -t 321'], [basename(__FILE__) . ' -u https://music.yandex.ru/album/215690 --cookie ...'], [basename(__FILE__) . ' -u https://music.yandex.ru/album/215688/track/1710808 --auth ...'], [basename(__FILE__) . ' -u https://music.yandex.ru/users/ya.playlist/playlists/1257 --cookie ...'], [], [COPYRIGHT] ); # Get a modifiable options copy my %opt = %{$opt}; if( $opt{help} || ( !$opt{url} && !($opt{track} && $opt{album}) && !$opt{album} && !($opt{playlist} && $opt{kind}) ) ) { print $usage->text; exit(0); } if(!$opt{auth} && !$opt{cookie}) { info(ERROR, 'Please, specify either mobile app auth header value (--auth) or web version auth cookie (--cookie)'); info(ERROR, 'It is no longer possible to download full version of tracks without authentication'); exit(1); } if($opt{mobile} && !$opt{auth} && $opt{cookie}) { info(ERROR, 'Please, provide --auth instead of --cookie for Mobile API'); exit(1); } if(!$opt{mobile} && $opt{auth} && !$opt{cookie}) { info(ERROR, 'Please, provide --cookie instead of --auth for Web API'); exit(1); } if($opt{dir} && !-d $opt{dir}) { info(ERROR, 'Please, specify an existing directory'); exit(1); } # Fix for "Writing of ID3v2.4 is not fully supported (prohibited now via `write_v24')" MP3::Tag->config ( id3v23_unsync => 0, write_v24 => 1, decode_encoding_v2 => 'UTF-8' ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new ( agent => $opt{mobile} ? MOBILE_AGENT : AGENT, default_headers => HTTP::Headers->new ( X_Retpath_Y => 1 ), cookie_jar => HTTP::Cookies->new ( hide_cookie2 => 1 ), timeout => TIMEOUT, ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => $opt{debug} ? 0 : 1, SSL_verify_mode => $opt{debug} ? IO::Socket::SSL->SSL_VERIFY_NONE : IO::Socket::SSL->SSL_VERIFY_PEER, }, send_te => 0 ); # Fix auth token and cookie format if required my $auth_token = ''; if($opt{mobile} && $opt{auth}) { if($opt{auth} !~ /${\(AUTH_TOKEN_PREFIX)}/i) { $auth_token = AUTH_TOKEN_PREFIX; } $auth_token .= $opt{auth}; $ua->default_header(Authorization => $auth_token); } my $cookie = ''; if(!$opt{mobile} && $opt{cookie}) { if($opt{cookie} !~ /${\(COOKIE_PREFIX)}/i) { $cookie = COOKIE_PREFIX; } $cookie .= $opt{cookie}; $ua->default_header(Cookie => $cookie); } my ($whole_file, $total_size); my $json_decoder = JSON::PP->new->utf8->pretty->allow_nonref->allow_singlequote; my @exclude = (); my @include = (); if($opt{debug}) { print_debug_info(); } if($opt{proxy}) { $ua->proxy(['http', 'https'], 'http://' . $opt{proxy} . '/'); } if($opt{exclude}) { @exclude = read_file($opt{exclude}); } if($opt{include}) { @include = read_file($opt{include}); } if($opt{url}) { if($opt{url} =~ URL_TRACK_REGEX) { $opt{album} = $1; $opt{track} = $2; } elsif($opt{url} =~ URL_ALBUM_REGEX) { $opt{album} = $1; } elsif($opt{url} =~ URL_PLAYLIST_REGEX) { $opt{kind} = $1; $opt{playlist} = $2; } else { info(ERROR, 'Invalid URL format'); } } if($opt{album} || ($opt{playlist} && $opt{kind})) { my @track_list_info; =pod info(INFO, 'Checking Yandex.Music availability'); my $request = $ua->get(TEST_URL); if($request->code != 404) { info(ERROR, 'Yandex.Music is not available'); exit(1); } else { info(OK, 'Yandex.Music is available') } =cut if($opt{album}) { info(INFO, 'Fetching album info: ' . $opt{album}); @track_list_info = get_album_tracks_info($opt{album}); if(scalar @track_list_info > 0 && $opt{track}) { info(INFO, 'Filtering single track: ' . $opt{track} . ' [' . $opt{album} . ']'); @track_list_info = grep ( $_->{track_id} eq $opt{track} , @track_list_info ); } } else { info(INFO, 'Fetching playlist info: ' . $opt{playlist} . ' [' . $opt{kind} . ']'); @track_list_info = get_playlist_tracks_info($opt{playlist}); } if(!@track_list_info) { info(ERROR, 'Can\'t get track list info'); exit(1); } for my $track_info_ref(@track_list_info) { my $skip = 0; for my $title(@exclude) { if($track_info_ref->{title} =~ /\Q$title\E/) { $skip = 1; last; } } if($opt{skip_existing} && track_file_exists($track_info_ref)) { $skip = 1; } if($skip) { info(INFO, 'Skipping: ' . $track_info_ref->{title}); next; } $skip = 1; for my $title(@include) { if($track_info_ref->{title} =~ /\Q$title\E/) { $skip = 0; last; } } if($skip && $opt{include}) { info(INFO, 'Skipping: ' . $track_info_ref->{title}); next; } if(!$track_info_ref->{title}) { info(ERROR, 'Track with non-existent title. Skipping...'); next; } if($opt{link}) { print(get_track_url($track_info_ref)); } else { fetch_track($track_info_ref); if($opt{delay} && $track_info_ref != $track_list_info[-1]) { info(INFO, 'Waiting for ' . $opt{delay} . ' seconds'); sleep $opt{delay}; } } } info(OK, 'Done!'); } if(IS_WIN) { $main::console->Free(); } sub fetch_track { my $track_info_ref = shift; $track_info_ref->{title} =~ s/\s+$//; $track_info_ref->{title} =~ s/[\\\/:"*?<>|]+/-/g; info(INFO, 'Trying to fetch track: '.$track_info_ref->{title}); my $track_url = get_track_url($track_info_ref); if(!$track_url) { info(ERROR, 'Can\'t get track url'); return; } my $file_path = download_track($track_url); if(!$file_path) { info(ERROR, 'Failed to download track'); return; } info(OK, 'Temporary saved track at '.$file_path); fetch_album_cover($track_info_ref->{mp3tags}); fetch_track_lyrics($track_info_ref); if(write_mp3_tags($file_path, $track_info_ref->{mp3tags})) { info(INFO, 'MP3 tags added for ' . $file_path); } else { info(ERROR, 'Failed to add MP3 tags for ' . $file_path); } my $target_path = create_storage_path($track_info_ref); if(!$target_path) { info(ERROR, 'Failed to create: ' . $target_path); return; } $target_path = File::Spec->catfile($target_path, $track_info_ref->{title} . FILE_SAVE_EXT); if(rename_track($file_path, $target_path)) { info(INFO, $file_path . ' -> ' . $target_path); } else { info(ERROR, $file_path . ' -> ' . $target_path); } } sub create_storage_path { my $track_info_ref = shift; my $target_path = get_storage_path($track_info_ref); my $file_util = File::Util->new(); if(!-d $file_util->make_dir($target_path => oct DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS => {if_not_exists => 1})) { return; } return $target_path; } sub track_file_exists { my $track_info_ref = shift; my $target_path = get_storage_path($track_info_ref); $target_path = File::Spec->catfile($target_path, $track_info_ref->{title} . FILE_SAVE_EXT); return -e $target_path; } sub get_storage_path { my $track_info_ref = shift; my $target_path = $opt{dir}; if($opt{path}) { $target_path = File::Spec->catdir($target_path, $track_info_ref->{storage_path}); } return $target_path; } sub download_track { my ($url) = @_; my $request = $ua->head($url); if(!$request->is_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Request failed'); log_response($request); return; } $whole_file = ''; $total_size = $request->headers->content_length; info(DEBUG, 'File size from header: ' . $total_size); $request = $ua->get($url, ':content_cb' => \&progress); if(!$request->is_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Request failed'); log_response($request); return; } my ($file_handle, $file_path) = File::Temp::tempfile(DIR => $opt{dir}); return unless $file_handle; binmode $file_handle; # Autoflush file contents select((select($file_handle),$|=1)[0]); { local $\ = undef; print $file_handle $whole_file; } my $disk_data_size = (stat($file_handle))[7]; close $file_handle; if($total_size && $disk_data_size != $total_size) { info(DEBUG, 'Actual file size differs from expected ('.$disk_data_size.'/'.$total_size.')'); } return $file_path; } sub get_track_url { my $track_info_ref = shift; my $album_id = $track_info_ref->{album_id}; my $track_id = $track_info_ref->{track_id}; my $is_hq = ($opt{bitrate} && ($opt{bitrate} eq HQ_BITRATE)) ? 1 : 0; # Get track path information my $request = $ua->get ( $opt{mobile} ? MOBILE_YANDEX_BASE.sprintf(MOBILE_DOWNLOAD_INFO_MASK, $track_id) : YANDEX_BASE.sprintf(DOWNLOAD_INFO_MASK, $track_id, $album_id, time, $is_hq) ); if(!$request->is_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Request failed'); log_response($request); return; } my ($json_data) = $request->content; if(!$json_data) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t parse JSON blob'); log_response($request); return; } my $json = create_json($json_data); if(!$json) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t create json from data'); log_response($request); return; } # Pick specified bitrate or highest available my $url; if($opt{mobile}) { # Sort by available bitrate (highest first) @{$json->{result}} = sort { $b->{bitrateInKbps} <=> $a->{bitrateInKbps} } @{$json->{result}}; my ($idx, $target_idx) = (0, -1); for my $track_info(@{$json->{result}}) { if($track_info->{codec} eq DEFAULT_CODEC) { if($opt{bitrate} && $track_info->{bitrateInKbps} == $opt{bitrate}) { $target_idx = $idx; last; } elsif(!$opt{bitrate}) { $target_idx = $idx; last; } } $idx++; } if($target_idx < 0) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t find track with proper format & bitrate'); log_response($request); return; } $url = @{$json->{result}}[$target_idx]->{downloadInfoUrl}; } else { $url = $json->{src}; } $url = 'https:' . $url unless $url =~ /^https:/; $request = $ua->get($url); if(!$request->is_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Request failed'); log_response($request); return; } # No proper XML parsing cause it will break soon my %fields = ($request->content =~ /<(\w+)>([^<]+?)<\/\w+>/g); my $hash = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(MD5_SALT . substr($fields{path}, 1) . $fields{s}); $url = sprintf(DOWNLOAD_PATH_MASK, $fields{host}, $hash, $fields{ts}.$fields{path}, $track_id); info(DEBUG, 'Track url: ' . $url); return $url; } sub get_album_tracks_info { my $album_id = shift; my $request = $ua->get ( $opt{mobile} ? MOBILE_YANDEX_BASE.sprintf(MOBILE_ALBUM_INFO_MASK, $album_id) : YANDEX_BASE.sprintf(ALBUM_INFO_MASK, $album_id, time) ); if(!$request->is_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Request failed'); log_response($request); return; } my ($json_data) = $request->content; if(!$json_data) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t parse JSON blob'); log_response($request); return; } my $json = create_json($json_data); if(!$json) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t create json from data: ' . $@); log_response($request); return; } # "Rebase" JSON $json = $opt{mobile} ? $json->{'result'} : $json; my $title = $json->{title}; if(!$title) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t get album title'); return; } info(INFO, 'Album title: ' . $title); info(INFO, 'Tracks total: ' . $json->{trackCount}); if($opt{mobile} && !$json->{availableForMobile}) { info(ERROR, 'Album is not available via Mobile API'); return; } my @tracks = (); for my $vol(@{$json->{volumes}}) { for my $track(@{$vol}) { if(!$track->{error}) { push @tracks, create_track_entry($track, 0); } } } return @tracks; } sub get_playlist_tracks_info { my $playlist_id = shift; my $request = $ua->get ( $opt{mobile} ? MOBILE_YANDEX_BASE.sprintf(MOBILE_PLAYLIST_INFO_MASK, $opt{kind}, $playlist_id) : YANDEX_BASE.sprintf(PLAYLIST_INFO_MASK, $opt{kind}, $playlist_id) ); if(!$request->is_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Request failed'); log_response($request); return; } my ($json_data) = $request->content; if(!$json_data) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t parse JSON blob'); log_response($request); return; } my $json = create_json($json_data); if(!$json) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t create json from data: ' . $@); log_response($request); return; } my $title = $opt{mobile} ? ( $opt{playlist} == PLAYLIST_LIKE ? PLAYLIST_LIKE_TITLE : $json->{result}->{title} ) : $json->{playlist}->{title}; if(!$title) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t get playlist title'); return; } info(INFO, 'Playlist title: ' . $title); info ( INFO, 'Tracks total: ' . ( $opt{mobile} ? $json->{result}->{trackCount} : $json->{playlist}->{trackCount} ) ); my @tracks_info; my $track_number = 1; if(!$opt{mobile} && $json->{playlist}->{trackIds}) { my @playlist_chunks; my $tracks_ref = $json->{playlist}->{trackIds}; my $sign = $json->{authData}->{user}->{sign}; push @playlist_chunks, [splice @{$tracks_ref}, 0, 150] while @{$tracks_ref}; for my $chunk(@playlist_chunks) { $request = $ua->post ( YANDEX_BASE.PLAYLIST_FULL_INFO, { strict => 'true', sign => $sign, lang => 'ru', experiments => PLAYLIST_REQ_PART, entries => join ',', @{$chunk} } ); if(!$request->is_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Request failed'); log_response($request); return; } $json = create_json($request->content); if(!$json) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t create json from data'); log_response($request); return; } push @tracks_info, map { create_track_entry($_, $track_number++) } grep { !$_->{error} } @{ $json }; } } else { @tracks_info = map { create_track_entry ( $opt{mobile} ? $_->{track} : $_ , $track_number++ ) } grep { !$_->{error} } @ { $opt{mobile} ? $json->{result}->{tracks} : $json->{playlist}->{tracks} }; } return @tracks_info; } sub create_track_entry { my ($track_info, $track_number) = @_; # Better detection algo? my $is_part_of_album = scalar @{$track_info->{albums}} != 0; my $is_various; if ( exists $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{metaType} && $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{metaType} ne PODCAST_TYPE ) { $is_various = scalar @{$track_info->{artists}} > 1 || ($is_part_of_album && $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{artists}->[0]->{name} eq GENERIC_COLLECTION) ; } # TALB - album title; TPE2 - album artist; # APIC - album picture; TYER - year; # TIT2 - song title; TPE1 - song artist; # TCON - track genre; TRCK - track number # USLT - unsychronised lyrics my %mp3_tags = (); # Special case for podcasts if($track_info->{albums}->[0]->{metaType} eq PODCAST_TYPE) { $mp3_tags{TPE1} = $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{title}; } else { $mp3_tags{TPE1} = join ', ', map { $_->{name} } @{$track_info->{artists}}; } $mp3_tags{TIT2} = $track_info->{title}; # No track number info in JSON if fetching from anything but album if($track_number) { $mp3_tags{TRCK} = $track_number; } else { $mp3_tags{TRCK} = $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{trackPosition}->{index}; } # Append track postfix (like remix) if present if(exists $track_info->{version}) { $mp3_tags{TIT2} .= "\x20" . '(' . $track_info->{version} . ')'; } # For deleted tracks if($is_part_of_album) { $mp3_tags{TALB} = $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{title}; if($track_info->{albums}->[0]->{metaType} eq PODCAST_TYPE) { $mp3_tags{TPE2} = $mp3_tags{TALB}; } else { $mp3_tags{TPE2} = $is_various ? GENERIC_TITLE : $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{artists}->[0]->{name}; } # 'Dummy' cover for post-process $mp3_tags{APIC} = $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{coverUri}; $mp3_tags{TYER} = $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{year}; $mp3_tags{TCON} = $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{genre}; } # Substitute placeholders within a track name and a path name my $track_filename = $opt{pattern}; my $storage_path = $opt{path}; while (my ($pattern, $tag_id) = each %{&PATTERN_MP3TAGS_RELS}) { $track_filename =~ s/\#$pattern/$mp3_tags{$tag_id}/gi; $storage_path =~ s/\#$pattern/$mp3_tags{$tag_id}/gi; } return { # Album id album_id => $track_info->{albums}->[0]->{id}, # Track id track_id => $track_info->{id}, # MP3 tags mp3tags => \%mp3_tags, # 'Save As' file name title => $track_filename, # 'Save As' directory storage_path => $storage_path, }; } sub write_mp3_tags { my ($file_path, $mp3tags) = @_; my $mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($file_path); if(!$mp3) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t create MP3::Tag object: ' . $@); return; } $mp3->new_tag('ID3v2'); while(my ($frame, $data) = each %{$mp3tags}) { # Skip empty if($data) { info(DEBUG, 'add_frame: ' . $frame . '=' . substr $data, 0, 16); $mp3->{ID3v2}->add_frame ( $frame, ref $data eq ref [] ? @{$data} : $data ); } } $mp3->{ID3v2}->write_tag; $mp3->close(); return 1; } sub fetch_album_cover { my $mp3tags = shift; my $cover_url = $mp3tags->{APIC}; if(!$cover_url) { info(DEBUG, 'Empty cover URL'); return; } # Normalize url $cover_url =~ s/%%/${\(COVER_RESOLUTION)}/; $cover_url = 'https://' . $cover_url; info(DEBUG, 'Cover URL: ' . $cover_url); my $request = $ua->get($cover_url); if(!$request->is_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Request failed'); log_response($request); undef $mp3tags->{APIC}; return; } $mp3tags->{APIC} = [chr(0x0), 'image/jpg', chr(0x0), 'Cover (front)', $request->content]; } sub fetch_track_lyrics { my $track_info_ref = shift; my $mp3tags = $track_info_ref->{mp3tags}; my $lyrics_url = YANDEX_BASE.sprintf(LYRICS_MASK, $track_info_ref->{track_id}, $track_info_ref->{album_id}, time); info(DEBUG, 'Lyrics URL: ' . $lyrics_url); my $request = $ua->get($lyrics_url); if(!$request->is_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Request failed'); log_response($request); return; } my ($json_data) = $request->content; if(!$json_data) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t parse JSON blob'); log_response($request); return; } my $json = create_json($json_data); if(!$json) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t create json from data'); log_response($request); return; } if($json->{lyricsAvailable}) { my $lyrics = $json->{lyric}->[0]->{fullLyrics}; # Encoding flag explanation: $03 UTF-8 [UTF-8] $mp3tags->{USLT} = [3, 'eng', undef, $lyrics]; } } sub rename_track { my ($src_path, $dst_path) = @_; my ($src_fh, $dst_fh, $is_open_success, $errors) = (undef, undef, 1, 0); if(IS_WIN) { # Extend path limit to 32767 $dst_path = '\\\\?\\' . File::Spec->rel2abs($dst_path); } for(;;) { if($errors >= RENAME_ERRORS_MAX) { info(DEBUG, 'File manipulations failed'); last; } if(!$is_open_success) { close $src_fh if $src_fh; close $dst_fh if $dst_fh; unlink $src_path if -e $src_path; last; } $is_open_success = open($src_fh, '<', $src_path); if(!$is_open_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t open src_path: ' . $src_path); $errors++; redo; } if(IS_WIN) { my $unicode_path = Encode::encode('UTF-16LE', $dst_path); Encode::_utf8_off($unicode_path); $unicode_path .= "\x00\x00"; # GENERIC_WRITE, OPEN_ALWAYS my $native_handle = Win32API::File::CreateFileW($unicode_path, 0x40000000, 0, [], 2, 0, 0); # ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS if($^E && $^E != 183) { info(DEBUG, 'CreateFileW failed with: ' . $^E); $errors++; redo; } $is_open_success = Win32API::File::OsFHandleOpen($dst_fh = IO::Handle->new(), $native_handle, 'w'); if(!$is_open_success) { info(DEBUG, 'OsFHandleOpen failed with: ' . $!); $errors++; redo; } } else { $is_open_success = open($dst_fh, '>', $dst_path); if(!$is_open_success) { info(DEBUG, 'Can\'t open dst_path: ' . $dst_path); $errors++; redo; } } if(!File::Copy::copy($src_fh, $dst_fh)) { $is_open_success = 0; info(DEBUG, 'File::Copy::copy failed with: ' . $!); $errors++; redo; } close $src_fh; close $dst_fh; unlink $src_path; return 1; } return 0; } sub create_json { my $json_data = shift; my $json; eval { $json = $json_decoder->decode($json_data); }; if($@) { info(DEBUG, 'Error decoding json ' . $@); return; } HTML::Entities::decode_entities($json_data); return $json; } sub info { my ($type, $msg) = @_; if($opt{silent} && $type ne ERROR) { return; } if($type eq DEBUG) { return if !$opt{debug}; # Func, line, msg $msg = (caller(1))[3] . "(" . (caller(0))[2] . "): " . $msg; } if(IS_WIN) { local $\ = undef; my $attr = $main::console->Attr(); $main::console->Attr($log_colors{$type}->{win}); print '['.$type.']'; $main::console->Attr($attr); $msg = ' ' . $msg; } else { $msg = Term::ANSIColor::colored('['.$type.']', $log_colors{$type}->{nix}) . ' ' . $msg; } # Actual terminal width detection? $msg = sprintf('%-80s', $msg); my $out = $type eq ERROR ? *STDERR : *STDOUT; print $out $msg; } sub progress { my ($data, undef, undef) = @_; $whole_file .= $data; print progress_bar(length($whole_file), $total_size); } sub progress_bar { my ($got, $total, $width, $char) = @_; $width ||= 25; $char ||= '='; my $num_width = length $total; sprintf "|%-${width}s| Got %${num_width}s bytes of %s (%.2f%%)\r", $char x (($width-1) * $got / $total). '>', $got, $total, 100 * $got / +$total; } sub read_file { my $filename = shift; if(open(my $fh, '<', $filename)) { binmode $fh; chomp(my @lines = <$fh>); close $fh; # Should I just drop this stuff and demand only utf8? my $blob = join '', @lines; my $decoder = Encode::Guess->guess($blob, 'utf8'); $decoder = Encode::Guess->guess($blob, 'cp1251') unless ref $decoder; if(!ref $decoder) { info(ERROR, 'Can\'t detect ' . $filename . ' internal encoding'); return; } @lines = map($decoder->decode($_), @lines); return @lines; } info(ERROR, 'Failed to open file ' . $opt{ignore}); return; } sub log_response { my $response = shift; return if !$opt{debug}; my $log_filename = RESPONSE_LOG_PREFIX . time; if(open(my $fh, '>', $log_filename)) { binmode $fh; print $fh $response->as_string; close $fh; info(DEBUG, 'Response stored at ' . $log_filename); } else { info(DEBUG, 'Failed to store response stored at ' . $log_filename); } } sub print_debug_info { info(DEBUG, 'Yandex Music Downloader v' . VERSION . NL . NL); info(DEBUG, 'OS: ' . $^O . '; Path: ' . $^X . '; Version: ' . $^V); info(DEBUG, 'Cookie: ' . $opt{cookie}) if $opt{cookie}; info(DEBUG, 'Auth: ' . $opt{auth}) if $opt{auth}; }