# Ticky Tacky Dark - Theme for Hugo This is a multi-page theme, where the list page displays a set of image buttons linking to your sub-pages. It passes the [web accessibility evaluation tool tests](https://wave.webaim.org/). Preview at Sites based on this theme: * https://pocumtuck.org/ * https://notmet.net ## Configuration The exampleSite demonstrates the features unique to this theme. In your site config params section the following extra parameters are supported: * `favicon` - the favicon URL, relative to your site (placed in header meta tag) * `description` - the description for the header meta tag * `images` - a list of relative image URLs for the header of each page * `headername` - text to place over the header images * `msvalidate` - MS validation tag * `googlesiteverification` - Google site verification tag Additionally, `Author.name` and `Author.email` in the site config will display as the author and webmaster email. Pages you add have custom front matter options: * `buttonimage` - the relative image URL for the page's button on the front page * `images` - a list of relative image URLs for the left sidebar on the page * `imagealt` - the alternate text for the page's left sidebar image * `weight` - an integer that specifies page ordering for the front page. If you want the buttons and navbar items to show pages in a specific order, specify the ordering via weight. Ordering goes from lowest weight to highest, left to right, top to bottom. * `author.name`, `author.email` - overrides the site author name and email ## Page Construction Navigation from the main page happens via a button image. These images are, optimally, 300x300 pixels. Specify these button image URLs in a page's front matter with the `buttonimage` option. On sub-pages, images can appear on the left side. Sizing can vary there, but at full size images come out as about 277.5 pixels, and a size of about 300x500 pixels works nicely. You can specify multiple images for a sub-page, and they'll be randomly selected on load. Specify them as a list of image URLs on the page front matter, with option `images`. Header images are, optimally, 950x200 pixels. Specify these in the site configuration as a list of image URLs with option `images`. One will be randomly selected on page load. ## Custom Shortcode ### Dropdown Text To add an HTML details element that, when clicked, drops-down a section of text, use shortcode `dropdown`. **Example** ``` {{< dropdown summary="Click here to see the text that will drop down." >}} This is the text that drops down when you click the link. {{< /dropdown >}} ``` ## Usage Put this theme in your site's themes folder, then modify the site config to specify the theme `ticky_tacky_tark`, or use the `-t ticky_tacky_dark` command line switch. ## Licenses The [Ubuntu Titling font](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Titling) is used, licensed by the GNU Lesser GPL, license included.