1.3.2 (11-01-2019) ========================= - Fix KeePassXC version check [#376] - Fix race condition when web page has multiple frames [#371] - Remove check for aria-hidden [#365] - Reduce CPU usage [#349] 1.3.1 (11-01-2019) ========================= - Fix database unlocking [#309] - Add new key icon [#333] - Add keyboard shortcut configuration page for Firefox [#326] - Fix reconnect bug with older KeePassXC version [#354] - Improve input field detection [#314] - Remove unnecessary white space from translation files [#325] - URL change detection [#340] - HTTP auth credential requests are now handled separately (requires KeePassXC 2.4.0) [#343] - Site preferences fixes [#338] 1.3.0 (07-10-2018) ========================= - Add support for translations [#37] - Add quick-filter bar to credentials selection popup [#252] - Disable automatic filling and submission of HTTP basic-auth fields by default [#260] - Do not fill password fields if a manually entered username does not match retrieved credentials [#289] - Fix handling of websites with separate pages for username and password [#291] - Improve detection and handling of hidden input fields [#263, #293] - Fix updating credentials from the context menu [#256] - Improve shortcuts and add button to open shortcut settings [#304] - Do not mix pairing IDs across multiple databases within a session [#258] - Ignore certain elements on a page, such as SVGs [#246] - Do not show the full pairing key on the settings page [#242] - Default to checking for updates every 3 days [#239] - Hide update message when updates are turned off [#285] - Fix discard button not being shown when selection custom login fields [#307] - Update webextension polyfill to a newer version, which fixes various errors [#296] 1.2.0 (29-07-2018) ========================= - Replace "Ignored Sites" with new "Site Preferences" settings page [#208] - Fix checks throwing errors [#207, #222] - Ignore more non-input elements [#212, 210] - Fix URL matching when there is a trailing slash [#231] - Allow infiting waiting on "Remember Credentials" popup [#232] - Minor user interface adjustments [#233, #230, #213] - Improve search field detection [#195] 1.1.7 (13-06-2018) ========================= - Fix credential field detection regression [#199] 1.1.6 (12-06-2018) ========================= - Disable single username field detection [#194] - Fix ignored sites [#196] - Detect credential fields without type [#198] 1.1.5 (11-06-2018) ========================= - Fix search fields being detected as username fields [#189] 1.1.4 (10-06-2018) ========================= - Improve performance of field detection and limit it to 100 fields [#166,#157,185] - Improve option to ignore fields [#170] - Automatically retrieve credentials after unlocking the database [#153] - Fix option to only save the domain name not working as intended [#151] - Fix credentials popup not being shown on some websites [#154] - Improve detection of username fields [#164] - Allow filling of TOTP fields when they are on a separate page [#162] - Ignore invisible input fields more strictly [#176] 1.1.3 (11-05-2018) ========================= - Remove autoreconnect to prevent proxy process leakage on Windows [#147] - Fix browser becoming unresponsive due to constant field polling [#148] 1.1.2 (10-05-2018) ========================= - Fix credentials being requested for non-login fields [#144] 1.1.1 (10-05-2018) ========================= - Improve dynamic input field detection [#117] - Fix HTTP Basic Auth dialog [#121] - Fix incorrect update notification [#141] - Do not try to detect database changes on page load [#142] 1.1.0 (09-05-2018) ========================= - Allow specifying ignored sites - Add new notification options - Improve detection of username fields - Change conflicting shortcuts - Redetect credential fields after reload - Don't show popup when database is closed - Various password generator fixes - Fix various resource leaks - Fix searching in all databases 1.0.1 (04-03-2018) ========================= - Don't fill password fields if they already have data - Fix custom placeholders - Fix input type checks - Fix custom input fields with multiple tabs 1.0.0 (27-02-2018) ========================= - First stable release 0.5.2 (02-02-2018) ========================= - Choose own credential fields saves the full URL instead of host - HTTP Auth no longer gets stuck when there are no credentials available - Added option to show notifications (enabled by default) - Added notifications for HTTP Auth and saving new credentialsList (new permission needed) 0.5.1 (23-01-2018) ========================= - Fixed unnecessary credential retrieving when input fields are not available 0.5.0 (22-01-2018) ========================= - Fixed an error when filling only a password - Credential retrieval is allowed when only one input field is visible (TOTP) - Asynchronous receiveCredentialsIfNecessary() - Send triggerUnlock with request that need to popup KeePassXC to front - Added verifyDatabaseResponse to get_databasehash - Renamed keepassxc-browser to KeePassXC-Browser - Removed duplicate retrieve_credentials requests - Fixed identation - Added support for credential filling through user interaction when database is closed 0.4.8 (06-01-2018) ========================= - Changed native messaging host name to org.keepassxc.keepassxc_browser - Exclude XSD files from content scripts - Switched default keyboard shortcuts to Alt+Shift+U and Alt+Shift+P 0.4.5 (28-12-2017) ========================= - Added support for aria-hidden attribute when checking input field visibility - Fixed a bug in redetecting credentials - Small CSS fixes 0.4.4 (17-12-2017) ========================= - Added support for OTP codes via context menu - Fixed HTTP auth - General content script code cleaning 0.4.3 (9-12-2017) ========================= - Create password generator dialog only when clicking the icon - Some adjustments to jQuery CSS scope 0.4.2 (27-11-2017) ========================= - Fixed HTTP authentication with multiple credentials (credits to smorks) - Fixed error handling when decrypt fails - Fixed database-locked response handling - Fixed nonce increment when encrypting messages 0.4.1 (18-11-2017) ========================= - Added support for the credentials dropdown menu with only password field visible - Fixed jQuery overriding with custom scoped CSS - Fixed non-necessary destroying of autocomplete on autofill 0.4.0 (13-11-2017) ========================= - Fixed showing context menu on password fields with Firefox - Ignore XML files on content scripts (Firefox shows them incorrectly) - UDP features removed as KeePassXC switched them to Unix domain sockets and named pipes 0.3.9 (04-11-2017) ========================= - Removed incorrect timeout waiting on init 0.3.8 (01-11-2017) ========================= - Use browser.storage.local instead of localStorage - Switched some functions to promise 0.3.7 (22-10-2017) ========================= - Improved credentials check (does not use protocol requests for polling) 0.3.6 (20-10-2017) ========================= - Restricted page credentials polling to active tab 0.3.5 (19-10-2017) ========================= - Removed database locked/unlocked status polling and replaced it with message handling from KeePassXC signals - Clear or change page credentials if a database is changed or locked 0.3.4 (14-10-2017) ========================= - Added support for Lock Database button - Fixed some error message handling 0.3.3 (12-10-2017) ========================= - Fixed database reloading when KeePassXC has restarted and database is opened - New buttons with glyphicons 0.3.2 (30-09-2017) ========================= - Improved timeout handling 0.3.1 (29-09-2017) ========================= - Added timeout handling for postMessage(). Allows proxy application to be reloaded. 0.3.0 (18-09-2017) ========================= - Added Mozilla's browser-polyfill for making WebExtension compatibility easier - Merged changes from the latest passifox (credits to smorks/keepasshttp-connector) - HTTP auth works with all browsers (credits to smorks/keepasshttp-connector) - Fixed showing credentials from previous logins in the popup (credits to smorks/keepasshttp-connector) - Automatic detection of div's with forms that are non-hidden by user interaction - Verified the source code via JSHint 0.2.9 (27-08-2017) ========================= - Code cleaning, global functions moved to global.js - New popup state and button when database is closed or locked - Fixed HTTP auth login with Chrome/Chromium/Vivaldi 0.2.8 (08-08-2017) ========================= - Changed Firefox's minimum version to 55.0 0.2.7 (31-07-2017) ========================= - Some Firefox related changes (credits to projectgus) - Fixed Skip button function when choosing own credential fields - Adjusted some callbacks - Fixed showing an error message on the same tab when KeePassXC is instantly closed - Added null checking for onDisconnected() - Any Chrome related stuff is now disabled on options pages when using Firefox 0.2.6 (23-07-2017) ========================= - Fixed error message variables 0.2.5 (21-07-2017) ========================= - Fixed incorrect return value in keepass.getCryptoKey - Added a better error message handling - Added an error message when Native Messaging is disabled in KeePassXC 0.2.4 (11-07-2017) ========================= - Changed comparison operators to strict ones (and some code cleaning) - Copy and Fill & copy buttons are now hidden when Password Generator has an error - Fix to a bug when reconnecting to KeePassXC (sometimes public keys are changed too quickly) - Fix for password generator (error is now shown immediately instead of a blank dialog) - Use a single password generator icon 0.2.3 (05-07-2017) ========================= - Fixed a few variables 0.2.2 (04-07-2017) ========================= - Some code cleaning and rewriting - Fixed displaying 'Database not opened' error message - Changed icon color to gray when database is not opened or connected - Added support for UDP port selector for proxy applications - Fixed strict_min_version for Firefox Nightly 0.2.1 (27-06-2017) ========================= - get-databasehash request/response is now encrypted 0.2.0 (26-06-2017) ========================= - Added JSON install files and script for Windows - New version checking function - Added error message handling - Added support for reloading KeePassXC (or proxy) with new public keys 0.1.10 (14-06-2017) ========================= - Updated manifest and json files up to date 0.1.9 (14-06-2017) ========================= - Renamed the project to keepassxc-browser 0.1.8 (13-06-2017) ========================= - Fixed showing wrong status messages - Enable relaunching and reconnecting to KeePassXC (create new keys on the fly) 0.1.7 (28-05-2017) ========================= - Removed debug logging messages - Removed unnecessary permissions from manifest 0.1.6 (27-05-2017) ========================= - Upgraded tweetnacl-js to 1.0.0 - Upgraded tweetnacl-utils-js to 0.15.0 - Some code fixes concerning encryption and decryption - Redesigned simpler password generator dialog 0.1.5 (22-05-2017) ========================= - Fixed a few deprecated functions - Added some more Firefox compatible code (Firefox now works 90%!) - Removed an unncecessary .map file 0.1.4 (21-05-2017) ========================= - Upgraded manifest options to V2 - Added some more Firefox compatible code 0.1.3 (19-05-2017) ========================= - Fixed a bug showing correct status in the popup - Added a license for a quick method to determine which browser is used in API calls 0.1.2 (18-05-2017) ========================= - Upgraded jquery from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 - Removed unnecessary images - Upgraded deprecated API calls (extension -> runtime, so from synchronous to asynchronous) - Partial Firefox support (the extension can be loaded but functionality is still limited) 0.1.1 (28-04-2017) ========================= - This version works with the KeePassXC fork - Upgraded JavaScripts to work asynchronously 0.1.0 (12-04-2017) ========================= - Replaced crypto libraries with tweetnacl-js - New application and popup icons - Upgraded bootstrap to version 3.3.7 - Upgraded jquery from 1.11 to 3.2.0 - Upgraded jquery-ui from 1.10.2 to 1.12.1